How to defeat fear of flights?

Im terrified and it stops me from doing what i want. In my head i already know that if i go on a plane i die. How to stop? >"but its more likely to die in a car crash/get hit by a lightning/planes are safest transportatio " jadajada
ik guys.. that doesnt help tho

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  1. 11 months ago

    go on planes more
    stop caring about death

  2. 11 months ago

    Drug yourself before a flight until you acclimate yourself to not being freaked out. Best choices, in order of best to worst options:

    >0.5 - 1.0mg Xanax (ask your doctor for 4-6 pills, not a full bottle as docs don’t like prescribing it and it’s addictive. Works like nothing else.
    >0.25 a 0.5mg hydroxyzine. Buy online from India if needed, no prescription required
    >2 Benadryl capsules if you can’t get a prescription
    >prescription Beta blocker like Atenalol or Propanolol if you have BP over 125/80 or resting pulse over 85
    >3 shots of vodka 5 minutes before boarding

  3. 11 months ago

    I don’t understand people like you, genuinely I don’t.

    I’ve taken over 100 flights in the last year. Had one flight with a bit of turbulence. Also flew in several storms and in severe icy conditions.

    If the plane does miraculously go down in flames, it was gods will. You were chosen to die in that moment and there’s nothing you can do about it. You’re just another spec of dust in this infinitely large universe.

    On the other hand, you can head to the boozer at the airport, pile on the drinks, listen to some good music and enjoy the frick out of it like a normal person

    • 11 months ago

      Sounds good ngl.
      How happens u take so manh flights?

    • 11 months ago

      I fear flying. I fear heights. Here's what I do.
      >always sit aisle
      >understand that the plane may turn a lot during take off and landing prep
      >just peep out the window occasionally and see you're still ascending, not crashing
      >landing is comfy af usually and it's just a glide in
      >turbulence is fine as long as the breather things don't come down
      >don't fly during normally bad weather seasons
      >had turbulence only on my recent flights to and from colorado
      Take off sucks the most to me. Once at cruising I can relax a bit. When I flew to Japan I couldn't sleep despite being up 30+ hours. Few flights and years later I was comfortable closing my eyes to try to sleep on a 3 hour flight. It really is doing it more and more. I still fear it, but I know I feel more comfortable than before.

      It's hard to explain. Knowing there are people who are so blasé about flying certainly makes me feel odd. I feel ok on trains and cars and buses, even though they have a higher chance of fault. Likely because they're on the ground and it puts my mind at ease. The fact a several ton metal tube can defy gravity and does so miles up is terrifying. It's the fear of being stuck in that if something went wrong as you wait for it all to go down and drags out the fear. I've been told to drink by other friends, but booze does not calm me down - it increases my anxiety.

      • 11 months ago

        Thanks a lot anon.
        Yeah i love trains and cars but plane just seems surreal. Such a crazy machine. Im aware of all the facts and indicators that things are ok but last time i flew i had a rly bad landing and since then i avoid it. Id like to go to many far places like Japan but if i dont go over this it wont happen. I barely survived 2h flight last time. Ill prob take sleeping pills otherwise i dont see it. But i need to manage to force myself to buy the tickets and ofc go to the airport hahha. But if ur brain is convinced ull die its difficult

      • 11 months ago

        >defies gravity
        You people are too fricking dramatic. Why are you not afraid of missiles and bullets ? "defeating gravity"? That fire trail is what pushes things up. If they get pushed up, they go up. Do you not understand basic physics or something?.
        That concern is as moronic as fearing the water will suddenly abandon the ocean and go uphill to flood your mountain house.
        It also is fricking moronic once you realize a plane can glide just like a bird, even if they run out of fuel.

        • 11 months ago

          > misilles and bullets
          Because i dont live in gunland

          • 11 months ago

            Neither do I. Are fireworks a better analogy or are they also black magic to you?

            • 11 months ago

              > Your fear doesnt make any sense
              > I dont get why u r so afraid
              No shit man, i know that but it doesnt do anything. Pretty sure u fear something as well, and u cant go all on "fearless" on me lol

      • 11 months ago

        what part do you dislike about it the most?

        is all good and I'll add

        when you're taking off, your brain gets messed up and makes you think you're falling when you're just reducing the climb, so anticipate that

        if you don't like the engine noise changes, ear plugs + headphones on top will make them inaudible

        watch youtube videos from pilots about the sounds and processes. there's some good and really detailed ones where you can see the procedures they follow too. also little things like what the seatbelt pings mean and that it's reassuring rather than a problem

        anticipate the massive thrust from taking off so that doesn't unsettle you. if you look out the window you can expect it because you'll see the plane turn onto the runway

        always watch the cabin crew too. if they're walking around, you're fine and once they start doing that after takeoff, you know it's all ok (thank you to the one recently who sprinted forward to do something about the meal service)

        The best thing though is to accept that you're not going to feel ok about it but you accept that it's going to be fine and routine, and just sort of deal with it. The best way to do that is to fly more

        • 11 months ago

          I honestly dont know what the issue is. I fear death, but i cant say what exactly makes me be afraid of the plane while on board. Maybe turbolence and seeing/feeling the plane tilt, it makes me think something is wrong and we are going down. I know its unlikely and a lot has to happen so it falls down, but as someone already said, with logic i cant fight it. I need to just do it but the fear stops me from buying those tickets..
          And yeah there r some real nice videos from pilots explaining stuff, that helps. Maybe i should brainwash myself 24 7 with pilot talks.

        • 11 months ago

          Picrel is beautiful

  4. 11 months ago

    Watch airline disasters and look at just how many failsafes are in place for something to actually crash the plane.

    • 11 months ago

      Thats true. Simple engine failure happens and isnt as bad as it sounds from what ive read. A lot needs to happen in order for the worst to happen. And even for 1 thing chances are super low

  5. 11 months ago

    Fear of flying is the same as any other anxiety/panic issue. You can't logic yourself out of it. Lots of exposure will help, but is unpleasant. Drugs are a last-resort solution.

    Grab hold of a book on anxiety —I liked a book called "Dare: The New Way to Stop Anxiety". Read it, practice the method, and use it on the flight.

    Once you learn how to see your fear as a natural thing that you can mindfully distance yourself from, it's easier to fly or to do anything else that scares you.

    • 11 months ago

      Its true about the logic...
      Thanks, ill look into the book, ive been thinking of finding myself an anxiety/fead book anyway.

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