Americans and Antisocial Personality Disorder.

Every time I interact with American tourists or travel to the US, 90% of the interactions I have with these people end in an argument is some other unpleasant experience. They seem to get really upset if you say something either a.) they don't agree with or b.) they don't understand. While other cultures have people that just brush these things off and turn the other cheek, Americans seem to be extremely vengeful and emotional, wishing bad things on people that they, again, either don't agree with or don't understand. Most of the time it's annoying but sometimes it gets scary (during my last trip, some black guy started mumbling profanities at me because I was speaking another language to someone).

I do not notice this behavior with other cultures. Americans are the only ones who do this.

Has anyone else here had a similar experience with Americans? Is it something to do with their notoriously bad parenting/schooling or is it more of a medical illness? Is it safe to safe that most Americans have ASPD?

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  1. 2 years ago

    >Visits a dying empire
    >People are weird
    What did you expect?

  2. 2 years ago

    General culture questions


    Politics discussion


    See also


  3. 2 years ago

    If anything, Americans come across as far friendlier to strangers than other people. Europeans, particularly Meds, are always complete fricking weirdos with as much bottled aggression as the average Alb*nian. Anglos are as rude and impersonal as the Japanese, until they get drunk. Germoids are too passive-aggressive, and it is even worse for scandinavians, and slavs are the missing link.

    • 2 years ago

      What the frick? How high are you? Literal opposite my guy. I hear it often from portuguese people who emigrate to the US, that it's very hard to make friends and people are cold af. Meds are usually very welcoming and warm, we have tons of tourists around.

      • 2 years ago

        Since when were the Portuguese considered Mediterranean people? Here is a list of Mediterranean countries

        >Albania, Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Lebanon, Libya, Malta, Monaco, MonteBlack, Morocco, Slovenia, Spain, Syria, Tunisia, and Turkey

        Of those, I have interacted with people from Turkey, Croatia, Bosnia, Albania, Egypt, Greece, Israel, and Italy. They all were very strange in one form or another and some showed anger management problems due to extremely minor issues. For instance, I was smoking hookah with a couple of dudes from Egypt and one of them flipped out at the hostess because the AC was a little too low, resulting in all of us getting kicked out of the place. One common problem all of these people had was that they only made eye contact when they were engaging in interactions with nefarious intent. That ranged from a rigged bar game to shady "business practices". Ever met an honest Turkish drug dealer? I sure haven't, but they all have this look in their eyes when they try to scam me that I now know right off the bat.

        • 2 years ago

          >While not having a coastline in the Mediterranean, Portugal, Andorra, San Marino, Vatican City, Kosovo, Serbia, Bulgaria, North Macedonia and Jordan are often included on the list of Mediterranean countries.[2][3] Such classification is mostly based on their geographical, economic, geopolitical, historical, ethnic and cultural (language, art, music, cuisine) ties to the region as a whole. Other factors include climate and flora.
          Just use google. We're right next to Spain and we're not meds? We share huge amounts of culture, language and cuisine with Italy and Spain and we're not meds?

          The US can be called many things but in no universe does someone come from Europe to the US and believe that WE are the cold ones. Get a grip.

          Not 1 or 2 people, but many have said that. Your country is massive, full of imigrants, you kick your kids out of the house at 18, you have less vacation time and are known to have a very "I got mine" mentality. You get a grip.
          I have a pub just down the street where I'm from, I can walk there and chat. In the US you'd have to drive to find anything close to that.
          I'm not talking about your tourist experience here, I'm talking about staying here and making friends.

          • 2 years ago

            >We're right next to Spain and we're not meds? We share huge amounts of culture, language and cuisine with Italy and Spain and we're not meds?


          • 2 years ago

            Lmfao so you’re just using this thread as a “shit on America” thread? Nothing you said has anything to do with the fact that Euros are cold and hostile and most Americans are warm and welcoming.

            • 2 years ago

              The crime rates beg to differ and numbers don't lie. London, one of the most dangerous cities in all Europe woukd be the second safest state in the USA. Your lack of self awareness does not make you right. Euros as a whole are friendly while half of Americans are outspoken and aggressive.

              • 2 years ago

                >moves the goalpost this hard
                Well at least Yuropeons are capable of doing something

              • 2 years ago

                Warm and welcoming implies a friendly and safe place. Which America is not. Please learn to read burgerbug.

              • 2 years ago

                These threads always suck because euro's only go to like 2-3 mega cities that hollywood told them was super great and cool, find a dumpster fire, and then proceed to flip shit about that being all the US. Euro's generally have no way to hire a car to go explore and have to rely on the reasons we don't use public transportation a lot and own a car so they see the shit.

                Guam is perfectly safe what are you talking about? Also pretty hard to get robbed in Wyoming. Felt safe last time I was in the mountains of Utah as well.

                >poisoning the well

                No. Americans barely leave their own country and as this thread shows, literally believe at times they are the most modern country in the world. Despite having cities in a state of borderline third world level. But I guess most anons wouldn't know with Hollywood and the internet being their only source of international culture.

                Just banter m8, no need to be mad.

              • 2 years ago

                No mad. Just used to other burgers acting airheaded but good bants non the less.

              • 2 years ago

                >anecdote vs stats

                Sorry friend but the USA is ranked 56th highest in violent crime rates.

              • 2 years ago

                Okay that really doesn't mean much, all places have crime if I went to east paris I'd get had. Don't go to shit places, playing stupid games wins stupid prizes.

              • 2 years ago

                >stats don't mean much

                Ok. But doesn't change the US is as safe as a third world country. You have low standards of safety but the truth is, America is dangerous. Then again I am talking with someone who is normalised to monthly mass shootings, so the bar is fairly low.

              • 2 years ago

                >doesn't matter if America has a high crime rate..everywhere has crime


              • 2 years ago

                Only is really like that if you live in the big cities. You live anywhere else and it's pretty safe. People tend to forget the US is fricking giant and that there is more to it than big city shitholes

              • 2 years ago

                here we go again...

            • 2 years ago

              >Nothing you said has anything to do with the fact that Euros are cold and hostile and most Americans are warm and welcoming.
              Can't even deduce simple conclusions. [Insert america hating comment here]

          • 2 years ago

            >We're right next to Spain and we're not meds?

            Heh, these arrogant anglos online will always tell you about your country and culture won't they, kek.

        • 2 years ago

          How fricking moronic are you.

        • 2 years ago

          >Ever met an honest Turkish drug dealer?
          Ever met an honest American drug dealer? moronic gay

        • 2 years ago

          you are describing egyptians, bosnians, turkroaches and you're lumping them with french and italians. Black person, these are arabs and africans and slavs. their cultures are based on fragile, toxic, violent men. they're are uncivilized and aggressive. lumping a syrian with a spaniard, a maroccan with a Monegasque is moronic as frick.

      • 2 years ago

        The US can be called many things but in no universe does someone come from Europe to the US and believe that WE are the cold ones. Get a grip.

        • 2 years ago

          Americans are cold af. They are unfunny and graceless compared to people from Europe, Africa. And half the people in the US are brainwashed and autistic

          • 2 years ago


            Okay, now we KNOW you just have an axe to grind against Americans.

          • 2 years ago

            Get a grip dude. Travel more.

          • 2 years ago

            Umm, eurogay here and you're dead wrong.
            Every amerigay i've met, be it abroad or in the US, was extremely friendly and talkative. Sure, I can conceed that they hold very strong opinions on shit they have no clue about, but I litterally never have been rejected from a spontaneous conversation in the streets or in public transports.

            If you think people in NYC are cold, go to fricking Paris or London and see what happens there.

            Meds are definitely warmer though, that I can agree with. But anything non mediterranean sucks hard on throbbing dongs

      • 2 years ago

        Portuguese people are buttholes Americans are much nicer

      • 2 years ago

        >my guy

    • 2 years ago

      Friendliness is the wrong word. Americans are shallow and fake on the surface which every other culture sees straight through. They are mature enough not to bother and understand people appreciate being genuine more.
      To truly be “friendly” one must be genuine. The american cannot.

      • 2 years ago

        >Americans are shallow and fake on the surface which every other culture sees straight through.
        >To truly be “friendly” one must be genuine. The american cannot.

      • 2 years ago

        I think it goes back to how Europeans are sheltered and spoiled- things couldn't go too wrong here, they can't imagine a poor outcome of an interaction or conflict, so what's a little insolence or rudeness between strangers?
        Meanwhile in the states there's an ever present threat of a negative situation spiraling out of control and ruining your life.

        I've been doing the digital nomad thing in europe for about six months, and my main takeaway is that europeans have a childlike mindset to life, they have no idea how little they understand about the world and life outside of their little subsidized haven. The difficult thing is it's paired with a bizarre smugness, as if they were somehow more worldly for their sense of superiority and lack of life experience. That misplaced confidence is a little irritating, but whatever- the chicks are eager, the beer is cheap, and the food is decent.

        • 2 years ago

          Valid point about europeans in general, but that doesnt have to do with burgers being shallow dumbfricks. Other countries are more dangerous than the states yet much more hearty and open.

        • 2 years ago

          wtf are you on about europeans living sheltered subsidized lives? what not having to calculate your taxes as a worker and instead vaing the employer paying directly to the state or what are you talking about? most people are poor asf and live hard lives. maybe the brats you met a party in a tourist trap are like that but the majority of people live normal lives. i guess it helps that theres not schizoid gun nut around the corner who will shoot you for no reason

          • 2 years ago

            excellent example of what that guy was saying

      • 2 years ago

        I noticed this when on exchange in the North-East. The students were incredibly friendly the first day which set up an expectation of going away from there with some really good friends. Turns out it was all fake and shallow.

        • 2 years ago

          Maybe you just suck, I also studied in the northeast and made plenty of friends.

          It’s interesting, I’ve heard Spanish/Portuguese apply the same fake friendly label to Latin Americans

    • 2 years ago

      >as much bottled aggression as the average Alb*nian

      Albanians are some of the friendliest people I've ever met. The men may all look like humans spliced with rotweilers and pitbulls but they have the hearts of golden retrievers.

  4. 2 years ago

    >I talked to 110 people and they all got mad at me, it must be their fault!
    Americans may be ignorant, but the normal ones aren't really hostile.

    • 2 years ago

      >Americans are the only ones who do this.

  5. 2 years ago

    It is an aggressive culture of extremes. But they are indoctrinated to

    1. Think very black and white and need labels to understand something ala right/left or good/bad

    2. Not think critically

    It is not that they can't, it is that they are not taught to. Like trying to ride a bike having never rode one. Look at here to see it to its extreme.



    Its a culture built on alienation, racism, selfishness abd ignorance. There are nice, educated americans but they are outnumbered by the brainwashed. Again look here.

  6. 2 years ago

    Also the american family unit is arguably the worst in the first world with divorce rates of 50% since the 60s. This creates a lot of broken, dysfunctional people. But again extremes. Those with good families are amazing, the nicest americans would make the japanese look like pitbulls and the sexiest americans are raw.

    Sadly the same with the opposite.

  7. 2 years ago

    >some black guy started mumbling profanities at me because I was speaking another language to someone).
    what exactly did he say?
    it depends on the people, but some people will assume youre talking about them when you speak another language with someone else infront of them.
    its not your fault tho that people are insecure.

  8. 2 years ago

    Didn't read lol

  9. 2 years ago

    They’re very outspoken. It’s annoying sometimes.
    But if it’s a common ocurrence around you, maybe you’re the problem.

    Except on the example of the black guy. Black americans are scum.

  10. 2 years ago

    As soon as I got back to the states I was overwhelmed by a sense of passive aggressiveness and extremely judgemental eyes. After a few weeks I acclimated and now get a sense of relaxed, easygoing people. So Idk but I've felt it.

  11. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      >Everyone shitting on the US
      >No praise of the US whatsoever
      >Still jealous of the US

      • 2 years ago

        How do you think jealous people talk?
        "Oh wow I'm jealous of that guy, he's just so great and I'm not bitter at all"?
        On the contrary, it looks a lot like this thread.

        It's okay if you're jealous, just be honest about it.

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah I'm so jealous of having gangbanging Black folk everywhere, trillions worth of debt, massive widespread ignorance and a nearly illiterate population, and extremely high incidence of violent crime in spite of being a "first world" country. Damn, it sure sounds nice to be American! as long as you can ignore the Americans, I guess.

          • 2 years ago

            Very true, what can be done?

            • 2 years ago

              Nothing. Flee the country and never come back. The Decline is already here and has been for decade

              • 2 years ago

                Where would you suggest to go?
                I take it you do not believe it can be fixed?

  12. 2 years ago

    >90% of the interactions I have with these people end in an argument is some other unpleasant experience
    Most Americans mind their own business unless provoked. What did you do to provoke them?
    >some black guy
    Enough said.

  13. 2 years ago

    As an american, I can safely say that there is something mental wrong with us. we get bitter over pretty mild shit and in general distrust anything seeming like authority. From government, to a store manager, and to a fricking school teacher. On top of that we live by prison rules of 'join a gang or die'. Seriously, if you are not part of a group you really are considered dead, and entering a new group can be very hard unless you completely move. I can say that we are a lost cause unless we get some dramatic changes to our culture. that being said, you get used to it and find some positives here and there.

    • 2 years ago

      you talk like such a homosexual im not reading the rest of that

  14. 2 years ago

    Black people that you encounter on the streets of American cities are very xenophobic and scared of the unknown, hence the all of the anti-Asian hate crimes American cities have been facing lately. Anecdotal, but I had an autistic coworker who got punched in the face walking down the street by a black guy because he happened to be wearing one of those silly animal hats on the night a furry convention was happening in the neighborhood. The black guy called him a "fricking furry" and just nailed him. Now, I have legit black friends who are cool and normal people, but as a whole, they really don't like deviation from their own cultural norms.

    • 2 years ago

      Was this supposed to be a sob story? The Black person did a good thing punching that autistic furry moron. Should have flattened him like a pancake.

  15. 2 years ago

    yeah it gets really bad when you live here, I recommend never leaving the house

  16. 2 years ago

    The best Americans unfortunately never leave the country bc they are fricking happy right where they are to the point they sometimes never leave their hometown they were born and raised in.

    The Americans who do travel are 99 out 100 the worst fricking disgusting humans in the world. They come in all shapes, sizes, religions, colors, and class level.

    As an American, I can literally identify these NPCs at the airport just by looking at them. Like oh this is a sheboon prostitute going to new city to sell her pussy, this is a fat israelite family who complains about everything including the locals in the countries they visit, oh here's a christcuck family with 3 kids who are totally fricking embarassed of their moron parents who b***h about the vaxx and masks out loud, oh here's a dirty hippy scumbag who is planning to go to a new shithole to score drugs and sell his butthole so he doesn't freeze to death outside, oh look it's a coomer trying to strike up a convo with me about all the prostitutes he denies paying for and shows pics of as gfs

    shall i go on?

    • 2 years ago

      so is that to say no one who leaves the US is good?

      • 2 years ago

        The small percentage of "good" Americans who travel internationally come in two flavors:

        the ones on business who literally mind their own fricking business (as opposed to the loud mouth morons on business trips LARPing that they are more important than they actually are via cellphone conversations)
        >odds of encountering this type of "good" American appx. 2-3 per international flight

        Real travellers who visit foreign countries and escape all measures of tourist traps, interact with locals, try to learn or at least communicate in the native language, don't cause problems, and are basically respectful of the culture (dirty hippy gays in all varieties at hostels are LARPers don't be fooled they are not RTs)
        >odds of encountering this type of "good American appx 1 per international flight

        • 2 years ago

          Good lord you seem like a miserable count

          • 2 years ago

            Count chocula

    • 2 years ago

      >oh look it's a coomer trying to strike up a convo with me about all the prostitutes he denies paying for and shows pics of as gfs
      How tf have I had so many strangers striking up this convo with me? Except not just Americans but Germans, Pakis, Swedes, Canadians, etc.

  17. 2 years ago

    American libs are snvivelling and overly friendly
    American conservatives are rude and overly aggressive
    Unlike people from most other countries can you always tell an Americans politics from their behaviour.

  18. 2 years ago

    Then leave? lmao

  19. 2 years ago

    The culture there (be it "left" or "right") is an experiment in hyper-consumerism.

    You're a TV to them, but they can't change the channel. It must be frustrating. They want to speak to the manager; there's a tip in it for him if he can kiss their ass better. What do you mean you don't have the patented chocolate fruit gusher loop Tenga machine that is right for me? Give it to me right now, or I'll sue!

  20. 2 years ago

    >90% of my interactions are bad
    >i'm not the common denominator
    ok moron

    • 2 years ago


      >it smells like crap everywhere I step, surely it can't be the bottom of my own shoe

  21. 2 years ago

    it's the country of Karens. enough said. i'm from norwsy and i have never seen a karen episode in person, except for one time when i was going out with an american boomer (don't ask) and he complained to staff that there was no towel to dry his hands after he had cleaned them with that soap every place now has, and for some reason he thought he already had paid when we went to a sandwich place, and loudly exclaimed "i am NEVER going here again" it was so bizarre to me, in norway you alwayd act nice towards workers but shit talk them later behind their back and only for good reasons

  22. 2 years ago

    I don't know. I'm American but I live overseas and have spent much of my adult life abroad.

    For years, I hated my own country. Now that I'm older, I miss a lot of things about it. I will admit that I think Americans can be more aggressive than other people. People are quick to escalate arguments, and even many middle-aged men are willing to have fist fights--or worse--over trivial miscommunications and disagreements. This is especially apparent on the road. People will become borderline homicidal if:
    >someone tries to pass them
    >someone initiates an improper lane change but corrects him or herself
    >someone goes too fast or too slow
    >someone violates a traffic law or unwritten rule in a very minor way

    Oh well. I'm almost 30, and I can't remember the last time I had any sort of "confrontation" in my own country. I think a middle-aged White guy in Chicago wanted to fight me because he was drunk; I have
    no idea why. I just asked how old he was, and if he woke up in the morning and thought, "I'm a 52-year-old man, and today I'm going to get piss-drunk and try to start a fight with someone half my age." Surprisingly, he shut up and backed down quickly.

    People are otherwise usually cordial or friendly. I stayed "Down South" for a while, and rednecks would always strike up conversations about my out-of-state motorcycle plates. I didn't always understand what the frick they were saying, but it was usually friendly patter or banter ("yee-haw, look at dem clouds! the devil's beatin' his wife, a-yup! har-har-har, y'all be careful on that bike... I used to have me a Harley 20 years back, but my goddamn prostitute meth-head ex-wife done got pregnant with her third child and made me sell it, now I'm on my fifth testicular surgery and...")

    • 2 years ago

      This is spot on, some Americans seem to have trouble handling disagreements and trivial conflicts can escalate in ways you rarely see in other cultural contexts, simply because getting upset in such a situation means losing face, and getting aggressive is taboo as frick.

    • 2 years ago

      "The devil's beatin' his wife" is such a specific thing for you to mention, and yes I have heard this exact phrase in this exact same kind of situation.

      • 2 years ago

        >"The devil's beatin' his wife" is such a specific thing for you to mention
        I only mentioned it because someone said it to me when I was riding my motorcycle from Arkansas up to Chicago. I ran into a pretty big rain storm over the Missouri border and had to shelter under a gas station awning for a half-hour.

        I wouldn't have had any idea what he was saying if I hadn't read the Wikipedia article on Southern American English, kek.

  23. 2 years ago

    Romans 15:13 (NIV)

    May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

  24. 2 years ago

    Annoying people

  25. 2 years ago

    Thread conclusion: Americans are moronic. The US is a scam. Americans are high fructose corn syrup-fueled demons.

    • 2 years ago

      Confirmed that girl is actually from Florida.

  26. 2 years ago

    Depends where in America they're from. Most Americans you run into overseas are from the cities, ones from small towns or states you've probably never heard of are pretty based. Practically all American women are scum though. Still not as bad as mainland chinks and Israelis though.

  27. 2 years ago

    I am not enamored with the USA by any means but I will take Americans over Southern Europeans and Australians who daftly try to make out with my girlfriend at hostels with their unbelievably moronic, cheesy pick up tactics from a twenty year old Neil Strauss book. My countrymen are not above this type of behavior entirely either, in fact the USA is kind of the progenitor of this crap, but at least its a little more quixotic and less aggressively stupid from Americans. I cannot believe the shit I have had to endure and listen to in common rooms around the world from some overdressed loser from Queensland or Northern Italy who has consumed a little too much propaganda about the value of an accent.

    Everyone I can generally get along with; its just this one behavior that really poisons a social situation since its just uncomfortable for all parties involved to witness hyper aggressive yet hyper incompetent romantic advances on a clearly taken woman. It has invariably been Australians and Southern Europeans who attempt it.

      • 2 years ago

        What do you mean guns aside? You need to stop talking to Toronto communists. Most of us love guns just as much as the next guy and I'd have to say that the majority of Canadian firearms owners don't follow the cucked laws. Especially in my town, it's always just somebody asking a friend with a license to get them whatever.

      • 2 years ago

        Canada is in the top ten for fun ownership out of what, 175 countries

  28. 2 years ago

    America is a bunch of Jackasses for sure.

  29. 2 years ago

    personally I think it's because I am from a suburb
    I never learned to socialize or even do much shopping on my own until I left for college
    I get extremely anxious in public and I don't like teasing or confusing comments
    hard to understand people with accents

    idk how much this explains, but americopers hiding from cities (because black people mostly) has an effect on the shart psyche

  30. 2 years ago

    I don't know for sure but as a Canadian from northern central onterrible, whenever I try to strike up a conversation with American tourists they never wanna talk. It's weird. I have difficulty having a 5 minute conversation with one, whereas any other Canuck I can talk to for a long time so long as they aren't a citiot.

    Is this just because life is faster paced in America and they feel they don't have the time to chat?

    • 2 years ago

      I can literally say the same thing about Canadians. Doesn't matter how cordial or polite you are, no one wants to talk in Canada.

  31. 2 years ago

    Why is it always contradictory. "Americans are cold." "Americans are friendly but fake." You're just projecting things you don't like.

    • 2 years ago

      "Americans are cold" is a moronic outlier take though, no one who's met a northern European would think this.

  32. 2 years ago

    I'm an American and I'll tell you first hand I think we're the "best" Anglo country for women, but ONLY if you're also an American.

    I've generally found Canadian/Irish women to be extremely literal and humorless and cold generally. Same with Aus/NZ women - they tend to be bitingly sarcastic and shallow. UK is slightly better in general (and no exp. with South Africans) but...

    With American women there's just a lot more warmth. Say what you want about lower IQs in general (true) or more consumerism (true) or more political (true) but there's often a genuine commitment to warmth and humor, and that extends to even immigrant populations which grow up here, especially Hispanic. There's also a certain brand of American "realism" which is not bitingly cynical like the British - it remains hopeful. That all sounds vague but people forget the USA is still the culture with the highest white birthrate and marriage rate out of all the other Anglo countries - if you're looking to find a long-term partner the USA is probably the best place. There's something to be said about the American melting pot culture too. Yes every city is (to an extent) culturally homogenous but that can really be oddly comforting. It creates a common set of experiences.

    All in all I like being American. Do I like the government and the media? No. But the people of the country, in general (and I'm excluding primarily violent inner-city ghettos of blacks) are pretty genuine people who are easy to get along with.

    • 2 years ago

      A lovely post anon and its nice to see a positive post about life outlooks but

      >That all sounds vague but people forget the USA is still the culture with the highest white birthrate and marriage rate out of all the other Anglo countries - if you're looking to find a long-term partner the USA is probably the best place.

      Sorry friend but the US divorce rate is stuck at around 50%. 50! That is a lot higher than other anglos. Even stats withstanding, look how bitter and angry anons are towards women. 50% of anons are American out of a few million users. Speaks volumes.

      What do you mean guns aside? You need to stop talking to Toronto communists. Most of us love guns just as much as the next guy and I'd have to say that the majority of Canadian firearms owners don't follow the cucked laws. Especially in my town, it's always just somebody asking a friend with a license to get them whatever.

      Canada is in the top ten for fun ownership out of what, 175 countries

      I meant the attitude towards guns. Canadians won't have a meltdown and scream about their ammendment rights. Also far, far safer than the US. People outside the American continent describe Canada as "America without the crap parts".

      • 2 years ago

        Actually most of Europe has not only a lower marriage rate but a higher divorce rate than the USA. Is ~53% divorce good? hell no. but that has more to do with how alimony laws in the West incentivize divorce. France/Spain for example have even worse marriage laws and a higher divorce rate than the USA

        • 2 years ago

          I appreciate your attempt to have a genuine discussion and I acknowledge that yes some countries in Europe have a higher divorce rate than in the US. However the statement that the majority of Europe does is strictly not true as shown in pic related.

          But to throw the US a bone, and a fairly large one at that: the divorce rate is far, far lower for more professional level citizens like doctors (sub 10% roughly), its just the middle/lower middle and below kind of crator.

          • 2 years ago

            Not him, but I wonder if the high divorce rates in the US has to do with the rampant consumerism. That sort of "i want it i need it and ill have it now," attitude. I have no clue, just a thought.

            • 2 years ago

              Most divorces are initiated by women. It's pure hypergamy. Thank God the concept of "the wall" at age 30 exists.

            • 2 years ago

              One of many factors yes. While the internet isn't representative of all members of the pop, the general attitude men and women have of each other in the US, as seen here, is borderline sociopathic and I mean that using the actual term.

              Look no further than the "best" of America in their celebrities. Also who originated MeToo? Oh ya, American women. It is a poisonous culture which breeds mentally unwell and cruel people.

          • 2 years ago

            a large majority of social problems in the US stem from black people, specifically crime and drugs. not universally, but keep in mind if there were zero black people in America today the murder rate would drop below Switzerland (actual statistic). Additionally you're right about the marriage disparity, but, again, that's because America unfortunately has some of the most anti-male marriage, alimony, child support, and paternity laws in the whole world. Many American women make MORE money from a divorce per month than from a job, once alimony and child support and all the support programs for "single mothers" and women are factored in.

            It's a pretty bad state of affairs, legally, to be married as a man in the USA. Again though, that's not as much a comment on the *women* of the USA as much as it is of our government and legal system.

  33. 2 years ago

    >be american
    >staying in hostel in hawaii last week
    >lot of foreigners
    >good times and good conversations going all around
    >get to THAT POINT where the euros have to point out the differences between cultures
    >literally everyone being an arm chair physiologist
    >start piping down because no reason to try and explain to some people who've been in america a whole 2.5 week and only the major cities about the US

    It's mostly because our cultures are different, foreigners tend to clam up or complain the same shit when an american has something to impose on them. It's the same shit all the time with euros specifically

    No I don't care to explain to you that people won't flock to europe because a 10 hour 1 way plane flight and people don't care that much
    No I don't give a frick that our wageslave jobs have 2 weeks starting vacation/PTO
    No I don't want to discuss healthcare or the differences of our free health care vs yours
    No I don't want to care to explain why most people don't have passports here
    No I don't give a shit that things in your country which is the size and lower pop than one of our states has things oddly better
    No I don't care that you 'know how to fix america' because you saw hollywood movies and went to NYC

    I find it funny that if an american goes and voices their opinions and shit in a country they are 'dumb burger rude mutt' but if someone from any other country does it in the US people are 'suppose' to just listen and agree.

    • 2 years ago

      >I find it funny that if an american goes and voices their opinions and shit in a country they are 'dumb burger rude mutt' but if someone from any other country does it in the US people are 'suppose' to just listen and agree.

      Because Americans are extremely ignorant of other cultures to the point of parody, at times. Are there educated and grounded ones? Yes. But does that make up the majority? No.

      Their opinion means less because as here and other parts of the internet show, Americans hate being "challenged" despite not actually being able to articulate a point without either demonizing the other person (Black person, israelite, commue, chink) or having a meltdown.

      • 2 years ago

        >Because Anglo's are extremely ignorant of other cultures to the point of parody, at times. Are there educated and grounded ones? Yes. But does that make up the majority? No.

        • 2 years ago

          >poisoning the well

          No. Americans barely leave their own country and as this thread shows, literally believe at times they are the most modern country in the world. Despite having cities in a state of borderline third world level. But I guess most anons wouldn't know with Hollywood and the internet being their only source of international culture.

    • 2 years ago

      I'm with you. But I definitely talk shit to locals about their country when I'm visiting. I typically throw a few compliments about the country/culture, followed by a barrage of "what the frick is this all about?"

  34. 2 years ago




    Can any American explain this?

  35. 2 years ago

    >Meet Americans in hostel
    >They start seething about China or Russia
    >Ask if they ever been there
    >They haven't
    >Most of the information they get on these places is from YouTube or American media (CNN).
    >Tell them that they can't and shouldn't judge these places without going there and that as I actually have been to these places I can refute them
    >They change topic
    Seriously what is up with Americans being so insecure about these two countries?

    • 2 years ago

      Decades of propaganda and a culture based around "the other". Saw a thread on SighSee and a burger calling another anon a "Chinese Sociopath". The memes they spout are projections of themselves. Obsessed.

  36. 2 years ago

    Every time I run into a black American they seem to be just happy to be away from that country.

  37. 2 years ago

    >be american
    >travel a bunch
    >just keep my mouth shut and voice not like I am yelling
    >everyone has a hard time believing I am not canadian
    Anyone know this feel?

  38. 2 years ago

    To sum this up as burgers can't do anything that isn't a picture here you go.

  39. 2 years ago

    why are you spergs like this

  40. 2 years ago

    Because Americans are the only ones you have an obsessive fixation on like a stalker ex girlfriend and you always create arguments with them. It's your own fault.

  41. 2 years ago

    >Doesn't specify the cities they encountered them in
    >Doesn't specify the arguments that took place


    • 2 years ago

      It's all the same shit, america isn't that big and no one is county the bullshit farms. Outside of the coasts you basically have nothing besides texas.

      • 2 years ago

        >Histrionic rebuttal
        Oh. You're totally not jealous

      • 2 years ago

        >outside of the coasts
        you mean the thing 24 out of 50 states have?
        >no I just mean the East Coast where 80% of your history and culture happened besides the East Coast you have nothing

      • 2 years ago

        this is ironic considering we always have to hear about how we are all so georgraphically illiterate. have you heard of the Rocky Mountains? Did you also know that Texas has a coastline?

      • 2 years ago

        >Outside of the coasts you basically have nothing besides texas.
        Texas has a 360 mile long coastline, moron.

  42. 2 years ago

    >Has anyone else here had a similar experience with Americans?
    There are 300 million people or so in the US. Myself has same experience than anywhere else. Nice people, calm people courious ones and lot smile at your money box in tourist areas. Some invite you, some ignore you. But I travel alone, with bus a car and the only thing I can complain is my security because that can change total driving half a mile or walking two house blocks.

    • 2 years ago

      And europe has double that but we know all how to act without our heads jammed up our ass and be respectful decent people. Rich culture, rich history, best food (Japan might be tied), and best all round people especially the women.

      US? Uhh do you want fries with your 'culture'? Don't forget the tip!

      • 2 years ago

        >US? Uhh do you want fries with your 'culture'? Don't forget the tip!
        Can't confirm, food was very good in US, in California exceptional. Fast food is nearly everywhere the same. I cooked myself or gone to Chinese restaurant, no fries but Chinese Steak. People were overwhelming friendly to me, sure it's fassde, but I was fine wit that.

        It was sometimes a little boring because in this culture of extremes NPCs were NPCish beyond believe.

        In Malaysia I discussed several hours with students about Europe the living over here politics on a bus station, they know a lot of and are highly interested. That never happened in the US, but OK, I was a guest and it is not up to me how people are.

  43. 2 years ago

    >dae americans

  44. 2 years ago

    I've always found the right leaning Americans to be friendly, hospitable, funny and kind. I really liked the Texans when I visited.
    The left wing Americans are almost always on edge, prickly and looking for some excuse to start an argument. It's ironic that the left seem to consider themselves the tolerant, international ones because they're always buttholes to anyone outside of their very specifically left wing American view.

  45. 2 years ago

    My main issue with Americans is they are so fricking loud. I’ve seen many a comfy bar abroad getting cleared out by a table of loud Americans. What’s weirder is they seem completely ignorant towards how loud they are

    • 2 years ago

      Have you ever met Australians or a groups of lads from the UK?? Then you’ll really see loud.

  46. 2 years ago

    I've not been to America since 2004. I can't imagine how much its changed now. I always found the OTT "Have a nice day" corporate hospitality quite endearing.

    I've only ever encountered Americans since whilst travelling and they have been usually obnoxious and insufferable and I agree, very touchy if you state opinions they don't like. Only based American I ever met was from Alaska.

  47. 2 years ago

    I did postgrad in the US for a year and never had issues with Americans. If anything they were too friendly and welcoming to foreigners and it came off as disingenuous

  48. 2 years ago

    OP is a self-righteous hyperliberal European who gets confrontational with everyone and insults local culture and practices then blames Americans for his autism lol

  49. 2 years ago

    Stop antagonizing people. Just leave them alone dude.

  50. 2 years ago


  51. 2 years ago

    >90% of the time
    >they’re the problem, not me
    What do you mean by this?

  52. 2 years ago

    We don't like brown foreigners invading our lands. Go back to your favela, you monkey.

  53. 2 years ago

    >They seem to get really upset if you say something either a.) they don't agree with or b.) they don't understand
    Do you try to talk politics with Americans? Why would you do such a thing?

  54. 2 years ago

    When I was in Germany they always wanted to talk politics with me and told me I was a racist for not supporting Obama.

    Yeah you're gonna get told to go frick yourself if you take that approach.

    • 2 years ago

      LOL this is the most fake shit ever, every time I hear you mutts blast off about being persecuted for american politics and stuff it never happens. Seriously no one ever cares about american politics or anything american until you fat lipped morons open your mouths. NO ONE cares about america it's not even that important.

      • 2 years ago

        This is massive load of horsehockey. Europeans have been telling us how to run our own country longer than we have been independent.

      • 2 years ago

        You underestimate european, ESPECIALLY german political autism. Am a Kraut and can 100% see this happen

    • 2 years ago

      You underestimate european, ESPECIALLY german political autism. Am a Kraut and can 100% see this happen

      Can confirm. Had Germans telling me that Trump is the leader of the Republican party and that he will install his daughter as the next Republican nominee for president.

      And I was just like "No, the next Republican president will probably be DeSantis." And they were just like "That is a nobody, Trump is the leader of the party and he will elect his daughter to continue his dynasty." They were just confidently telling me I'm wrong and that they've done their research on it, even though this is something nobody has ever spoken about before in America. They had never heard of DeSantis so clearly he is not even in the picture.

      • 2 years ago

        French people are also terrible at US politics. Not getting into details, but there are very basic clichés, still stuck with 80s-90s GOP à la gringrich and yet at the same time people kinda hate Macron.
        I guess people no matter where are generally clueless about everything outside of their country.

        • 2 years ago

          I learned from a French that the American family called the Rothschilds were the cause for all of France’s problems and everything bad that happened was Americas fault. This was a right wing monarchist french woman escaping covid tyranny in mexico. Even they are moronicly obsessed about america and project that the perverse french philosophers and judaic French oligarchs are somehow America and the “anglo saxon’s” fault.
          Germans like to autistically call americans and Trump racist like you should agree with them by default, that it is received knowledge. I had one explain to me that “populists are stupid people” and then I said i’m populist.

          • 2 years ago

            to be fair they're not allowed to name the israelite there. calling them americans is actually kind of clever

            • 2 years ago

              Another example of censorship

  55. 2 years ago

    As an American in Europe right now, Europeans are buttholes and do not interact with you despite all of the things I have been told.
    If you have not traveled since precovid your experience of the world is no longer valid.
    People are fearful and closed off now. America is actually the one place that doesn't feel this way (depending on the state you're in)

    • 2 years ago

      Gonna disagree, and explain to OP, whatever “nobody nation” he’s from, that america sucks ass and anyone who isn’t a six figure coding homosexual is miserable, myself included.

      You’re surrounded by mongrel people that you have nothing in common with, no similar value/belief system/cultural values, and everyone is obsessed with monkey culture which is appalling and horrid.

      As stated before, unless you’re a six figure white collar homosexual downtown, you can only afford to exist and maybe get a six pack and sit at home and drink it (if you’re not moronic). You can’t get any pussy, there’s nothing fun to do because every social space is dominated by yuppie homosexuals or violent and dangers animals (ni-…).

      The ONLY reason I am here is because I can’t make more money anywhere else doing anywhere else, because I decided to waste college partying and getting a worthless degree instead of being a code homosexual.

      I cannot emphasize how bitter it makes me and im too lazy, old, and stupid to learn to code

      • 2 years ago

        Oh here we go again, another "woe is me" homosexual shitting on America..
        If you have time to be on fricking SighSee you have time to improve your circumstances. Maybe lay off the piss juice, go to the gym, and trying moving out of moms basement before making ridiculous statements about a world you clearly know where little about.
        Leave America before you say it sucks ass, larping homosexual

        • 2 years ago

          >moving out
          I did you fricking moron. It sucks ass.
          >leave america
          I spent a year in Thailand you fricking ferret. I just came back March 6th to this NIGHTMARE of mongrel people SHOUTING when they talk and being bitter and antagonistic because even their pea brains KNOW this is an open air prison.

          • 2 years ago

            American is a legit shithole, the people are obese and rude. Thailand people are nice, civilized and the food is healthy. American mutts are the most moronic fricks on this planet and I do hope that they stay contained in their country.

        • 2 years ago

          >homosexual shitting on America.
          Your country is a shithole. Accept it, mutt.

      • 2 years ago

        >America bad because I'm the lowest rung of it
        You are dealing with goyium problems stop being a goyium and realize the USA is the single greatest place to be of all time.
        >inb4 europoor cope
        all you lot post is cherry picked example of goy problems(unsurprising considering how poor the entirety of the world is compared to America)

  56. 2 years ago

    As an American I have only ever got in one argument abroad. It was with a guy from Australia who insisted Americans need to do more about gun control. He argued that Americans just need to give up their guns like they did in Australia.

    I could not get it through his thick head that guns were an everyday part of american culture and simply asking americans to give them up would be entirely fruitless and pointless. It is literally in our constitution. He threatened to have me kicked out of the hostel for being racists because I didn't support radical gun reform in America. He stated "you support the killing of black Americans if you dont support gun control"

    homie was on some shit. He wore those stupid diaper crotch yoga pants that everyone was wearing in 2012. Only real argument I ever was involved in.

  57. 2 years ago

    Ameritards are terrible

  58. 2 years ago

    Americans are confrontational and arent afraid to bully autistic weirdos in public. I have noticed socially moronic Europeans who skate by in their reserved shithole origin nation suddenly get rude wake up call when they try being creepy autismos in public in the USA.

    Americans simply dont have the time or inclination to tolerate your dumbass behavior.

  59. 2 years ago

    Subhuman third world monkey trash simply hate being held accountable for their behavior or their performance of they are being paid.

    They are so young up on 'face' that direct criticism is unheard of and an ego shattering event that happens only a couple of times in their life....until they encounter an American who casually dresses them down in public in front of their peers for some slight, real or imagined it does not matter.

    All of Asia except Philippines is like this (where they enjoy being publically humiliated due to catholic religion).

    Americans complaining about not what getting what they think they paid for or deserve is this massive faux pas that asians cannot comprehend, since they learn to just put up with it and nod along and pretend it's all wonderful.

    In the USA Americans are incredibly blunt to each other and also divided on many issues. It's a huge country and eurogays cannot comprehend the idea that being a weird gay in Texas earns a different reaction than being a weird gay in New York.

    Thing is Americans don't need you. You need them. That dynamic taints all interactions with them forever since you begin from a position of weakness.

    If you are eurogay your defense and economy relies on Americans you hate. If you are asian your economy relies on Americans. If you are south American who is going to consume your drug economy and take your poor migrants if not America?

    America is the most important country in the world. They know it. You know it. So you always start out with this chip on your shoulder when you interact with them, like you have something to prove.

    They can tell, and that's why they are shitty to you.

    • 2 years ago

      Notice how your post gets zero (you) because it's so fricking delusional, I don't know where to begin. America mutts are these poorly dressed, fat disgusting globina looking mutt lumbering around, poor AND delusional.

      Your mutt has no real accomplishment, so he leans on and self identities as being amurrrican, that's like an Americna N-WORD being a proud black because he was born into it.

      • 2 years ago

        His whole post his moronic nationalistic my nonsense. Just ignore him next time.

  60. 2 years ago

    Americans are just terrible.

  61. 2 years ago

    The absolute fricking state of SighSee.
    Jannies are useless.

  62. 2 years ago

    Yes Americans are evil

  63. 2 years ago

    >Speaking in a language one person doesn't understand when you could easily speak in a language that everyone understands
    Ok, so you're just a rude homosexual. I would just tell you straight to your face to speak English around me because it's rude and if you didn't, I'd tell you to go frick yourself too. I'm a Chad though so maybe this guy wasn't as assertive. Doesn't change the fact that you're a homosexual who's too scared to say something to that guy's face

  64. 2 years ago

    Are Americans even human?

    • 2 years ago

      It's doubtful.

  65. 2 years ago

    Even by SighSee standards, this is an exceptionally cursed thread. Nothing of value has been said in 160 posts.

  66. 2 years ago

    I work at an airport car rental, so I get all types, and I can easily say that I just find most foreigners a little annoying.
    From overly bubbly Germs and Nords, stuck up French and Anglos, or Hispanics that refuse to even try to learn the de facto native language of the place they're visiting, and don't even get me started on Pajeets.
    Unironically the only foreigners that I've actually enjoyed conversing with both occupationally and cordially are Slavs/Eastern Euros; even dated a Romanian woman met through work. The Asian tourists mostly just stick to themselves and don't talk at all until necessary.

  67. 2 years ago

    >They seem to get really upset if you say something either a.) they don't agree with or b.) they don't understand.
    About half my interactions on SighSee are like that. What's funny is that they often make up arguments where there is none. The cognitive dissonance is crazy.

  68. 2 years ago

    it's funny how the posts made here basically confirm the OP, what a fricking shithole.

  69. 2 years ago

    This will end up being just another thread in the archive that tells the truth about the USA, but no one ever tries to fix things.

  70. 2 years ago

    Idk im american and a polyglot master race had decent number of gfs currently in longterm relationship, have friends from all over world traveled to a dozen coutnries. Idk what OP's deal is? Maybe an american soldier fricked his gf?

    Also if any moron is insulting u for speaking in ur language u insult them back, sounds like ur just a pussy OP

  71. 2 years ago

    How many times is this thread going to get necrobumped?
    Do your job mods

  72. 2 years ago

    Any time there is someone acting loud and obnoxious anywhere I have travelled, 90% of the time it is an american.

    Was out last night and this dude dressed like your typical american tourist was walking around stumbling drunk with an obvious prostitute screaming about how everyone else sucks because he gets to have sex with this girl and nobody else gets to. He stumbles out in to the street, gets hassled by the police, ends up getting away with it because he just throws money at the cops. He stumbles home with the prostitute and that was all I saw.

    There's a local lady here who walks around with one foot (other foot is a flat stub but she manages to walk around on it). The dude was basically making fun of her and asking her "how the frick do u walk around on one leg??? that's so fricking weird bro!!" I wanted to knock him out.

  73. 2 years ago

    It's not Americans who argue, it's the Dutch who always seem to bring up US politics to argue about.

  74. 2 years ago

    OP's not kidding, watch out for bullets flying at you

  75. 2 years ago

    >black guy
    that isn't an American

  76. 2 years ago

    bruh being a dick doesn't automatically mean you have ASPD, it's constant maladaptive behavior that is often pretty extreme and usually ends up with some kind of distress for the sufferer and the people around them, in some cases even jail.

  77. 2 years ago

    Are you black?
    aI have been to CA, NV and AZ, as a white Hispanic I only noticed Arizonians are more rude, californians and nevadans are super cool, I got asked if I was Spanish

  78. 2 years ago

    >yet another conversation at a hostel with a European where they shit on America for racism against black people but insist their racism against gypsies is different because “they steal!” “You would hate them too if you lived near them”

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