>arrive at the hostel you booked. >everyone there is French or Israeli

>arrive at the hostel you booked
>everyone there is French or Israeli

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Yakub: World's Greatest Dad Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 months ago

    >steal stuff from both of them
    >watch them blow up at each other
    basic divide&conquer

    • 2 months ago

      You should say take something from someone's bag and place it into another :^)

  2. 2 months ago

    Hon hon mon ami, do you like the fromage du penis?

  3. 2 months ago

    What's wrong with French roommates? I've only met one French person (a Parisian even) at a hostel but she was friendly.

    • 2 months ago

      That is the key, there was only one.
      If you have more than one french person, they will immediately form a zygote, forget every other language they speak as they begin to merge DNA and chain smoke for 16 hours without actually going anywhere
      I mean, germans and dutch can be boring but to their credit they switch to english if you so much as walk by the building.
      Israelis are the worst people on the planet in every conceivable way and if you see a flag of theirs on hostelworld cancel immediately

      • 2 months ago

        >If you have more than one french person, they will immediately form a zygote, forget every other language they speak as they begin to merge DNA and chain smoke for 16 hours without actually going anywhere
        Fricking kek I didn't realize this until you mentioned it
        >Israelis are the worst people on the planet in every conceivable way and if you see a flag of theirs on hostelworld cancel immediately

      • 2 months ago

        lmao anon i'm french, the one time I was in a hostel there was this other french girl that would not stfu and kept talking to me in french, despite me trying to talk to other in english. as soon as she saw me she would dropped the english, ask me a question in french and id reply in english and she still wouldn't switch in front of other. so annoying and dick move

        • 2 months ago

          Oui pom eau baguette

        • 2 months ago

          That's why when i know that there are other french i just don't say what i am, as i would not mix with them in France either.
          Especially if their name is Kevin, Dylan, Théo, you just know that they are low class and there's nothing good talking to them...

          The worst is when you go to Tokyo or whatever and see a pack of 2 or 3 of these low-class scum speaking loudly in french thinking no one understand what they say because "cé l'otre bou du monde".
          Also french couples, with the typical mid skinny-fat b***h talking shit in french about everyone around.

      • 2 months ago

        This is the realest hostel experience. Especially the cigarettes and Israelis being a problem. That being said, I've made really good friends with some Frenchies at hostels over the years.

        • 2 months ago

          The French are alright under their veneer of arrogance.

        • 2 months ago

          Yeah, I've never had an issue with french people in hostels. Israelis out of maybe 100 I have been around in hostels only 1 was kind of cool, the rest have been the fricking worst.

          Stayed at a couple hostels which had explicitly had signs saying "NO ISRAELIS ALLOWED" in them, which was based. I don't really leave reviews, but those two I left 10/10 immediately before even staying a night.

      • 2 months ago

        are the worst people on the planet in every conceivable way and if you see a flag of theirs on hostelworld cancel immediately
        This made me kek

        Used to work at a very large Hostel in northern Australia.

        The Fr*nch would always have the worst reputation.
        Would be the only nationality group that steals beds (sneaks people in), uses our showers without paying, just being general arrogant grubby c**ts.
        No problem with the older French though.

        Coles supermarket suddenly had manned security about 2016. Why? Because the Fr*nch kept on stealing trolley-loads of goods.

        The stereotype is very true.

        • 2 months ago

          >oi c**t where do you think you're going with all that
          >hon hon hon wi mon ami
          >yeah right mate

      • 1 month ago

        words to live by

    • 2 months ago

      My experience is that most French in hostels are loud and completely inconsiderate. The guy in the shared room who turns on the lights in the middle of the night and rummages through his belongings and pulls out his laptop to make a Skype call home? French.

    • 2 months ago

      very loud, refuse to speak english so that others can take part in the conversation, smelly, steal from others
      i lived in hostels for over a year and they were always everyone's least favourite nationality

      • 2 months ago

        Why are they so smelly anyway
        No other european country has such a hard time with basic hygiene, but then you have an island of stinkers in the middle of the continent, especially the women

      • 2 months ago

        Who in their right mind would bag a smelly, diseased French animal?

        Based on this thread
        >there may not be more than one (1) fr*nch guest at the hostel at any given time
        >all guests MUST shower daily and use deodorant, staff will check

        As a french too, i have to challenge the claim about the French being dirty.
        Everyone i know and meet (excluding homeless people and gypsies) do shower daily. Not washing yourself daily is not ok in France.
        BUT i'm pretty sure most French only shower once in the morning and don't take a second shower in the evening. In the evening they only take a "portuguese shower" (or as you might call it a "french shower), meaning they only wash their face.
        They do bathe their kids twice a day tho, but not themselves as adults. Are we the only one do to this? I know even Japs only take their eveing bath but don't shower in the morning.
        I do shower twice on trips. At home it depends, and unless you are one of those homosexual scandinavians or a woman, you probably do the same.

        are the worst people on the planet in every conceivable way and if you see a flag of theirs on hostelworld cancel immediately
        This made me kek

        Used to work at a very large Hostel in northern Australia.

        The Fr*nch would always have the worst reputation.
        Would be the only nationality group that steals beds (sneaks people in), uses our showers without paying, just being general arrogant grubby c**ts.
        No problem with the older French though.

        Coles supermarket suddenly had manned security about 2016. Why? Because the Fr*nch kept on stealing trolley-loads of goods.

        The stereotype is very true.

        >The Fr*nch would always have the worst reputation.
        >Would be the only nationality group that steals beds
        Meaning the only group that would have sex with locals. What are we supposed to do? Stop having sex for the whole week we are here? This is insane.

        • 2 months ago

          No, what you described is normal. I don't think showering twice a day (or even more) is common anywhere outside of SEA.

          • 2 months ago

            Ok thanks, tho i do suspect some french youth go around hiking or whatever then go to bed without taking a shower.
            For these frickers and on the behalf of France, i want to issue a national apology.

        • 1 month ago

          >this post
          Mega basé.

          That is the key, there was only one.
          If you have more than one french person, they will immediately form a zygote, forget every other language they speak as they begin to merge DNA and chain smoke for 16 hours without actually going anywhere
          I mean, germans and dutch can be boring but to their credit they switch to english if you so much as walk by the building.
          Israelis are the worst people on the planet in every conceivable way and if you see a flag of theirs on hostelworld cancel immediately

          >If you have more than one french person, they will immediately form a zygote, forget every other language they speak as they begin to merge DNA and chain smoke for 16 hours without actually going anywhere
          Weirdly enough it seems very accurate, as a frenchie I don't spend much time with other compatriotes.

          That is the key, there was only one.
          If you have more than one french person, they will immediately form a zygote, forget every other language they speak as they begin to merge DNA and chain smoke for 16 hours without actually going anywhere
          I mean, germans and dutch can be boring but to their credit they switch to english if you so much as walk by the building.
          Israelis are the worst people on the planet in every conceivable way and if you see a flag of theirs on hostelworld cancel immediately

          >Israelis are the worst people on the planet in every conceivable way
          This, despite being less than 1% of the customers, they represent 90% of troubles/incivilities happening.

          That's why when i know that there are other french i just don't say what i am, as i would not mix with them in France either.
          Especially if their name is Kevin, Dylan, Théo, you just know that they are low class and there's nothing good talking to them...

          The worst is when you go to Tokyo or whatever and see a pack of 2 or 3 of these low-class scum speaking loudly in french thinking no one understand what they say because "cé l'otre bou du monde".
          Also french couples, with the typical mid skinny-fat b***h talking shit in french about everyone around.

          >That's why when i know that there are other french i just don't say what i am
          This tbh, but tbf frencharabs are worse.
          It's like they fused the worst behavior of both frenchs and arabs.

          • 1 month ago

            French Canadians. They manage to fuse canuckistani culture, with the French, while being a bunch of Arab hood rats

    • 2 months ago

      you got your baguette eaten?

      • 2 months ago

        Hon hooooonnn. Hon hon hon hooon.

      • 2 months ago

        Who in their right mind would bag a smelly, diseased French animal?

  4. 2 months ago

    I'm going to japan next week and booked hostels. I have a recent knee injury and figure I'd be safer if I fell in the shower and hit my head or something and someone would be close by.

    • 2 months ago

      I'll shower with you bro

    • 2 months ago

      Stay in home and let your knee heal, moron.

  5. 2 months ago

    >don't arrive at the hostel you booked
    >because you weren't a cheapass and paid $5 more for a private room

    feels good

    • 2 months ago

      staying in a cramped windowless bugbox is more miserable than staying in a hostel with comfy living area for a similar price

      • 2 months ago

        >cramped windowless bugbox
        Hmm I could've sworn my studio hotel room was overlooking Bangkok but I guess you're right bro. Don't forget in a few months you'll be working at the grocery store again 🙂

        • 2 months ago

          TH is better for having thoughtfully designed hotels with windows in every room. Malaysian cheap rooms are almost always windowless.
          lol no, five months in SEA has only depleted $5K-6K of my $15K travel fund, saved from my 2023 paychex. And there's a decent reserve fund as well, $13K or so. AND I have a campervan sitting in my old boss' parking lot. Gonna fly back to USA 4/25, drive around the country, then fly out to wherever if & when I get sick of America.

          Private rooms in hostels gives you the best of both worlds. You get the privacy and silence of hotels with the friendly atmosphere of a hostel. You can also bring girls back there that you meet at the hostel.

          Private rooms are for couples, but if you're Chad enough to rent the room before snagging the girl, go for it.

          • 2 months ago

            >Private rooms are for couples, but if you're Chad enough to rent the room before snagging the girl, go for it.
            This is the gayest shit I have ever read

    • 2 months ago

      Private rooms in hostels gives you the best of both worlds. You get the privacy and silence of hotels with the friendly atmosphere of a hostel. You can also bring girls back there that you meet at the hostel.

      • 2 months ago

        >You can also bring girls back there
        I don't indulge in fornication.

  6. 2 months ago

    Both are typically pretty cool. Almost every hostel I've been in is Brits, Aussies and Leafs. Change can be good.

  7. 2 months ago

    Do germans, french etc even enjoy traveling? From my experience they just stay in their hostel literally all day and try to chat each other (and the hostel workers) up

    • 2 months ago

      French women (like all women) pretend to like travelling, but they just want to take pictures and show it to their friends.
      French guys, there's usually a leader of the pack who really decided to travel, and the betas following him who would as well just stay at a cheap resort in France.

  8. 2 months ago

    I stayed at a hostel in Japan for two weeks. Randomly some fr*nchies showed up and as I was walking thru the common area, they'd stare at me and punch their fist into their hand. They left the next day. The only other fr*nch interaction I had while living in Japan was some fr*nch guy would go around the foreigner bars like a wienerroach at closing and try to take drunk girls home.

  9. 2 months ago

    this is St Christophers Inn Paris Canal, i know because i pissed the bed in that very same top bunk!

  10. 2 months ago

    French here. You guys must be the homosexuals who don't talk to anybody in the hostel, lol. The French actually know what a hostel is, and are generally the life of the party. That's why you all use the French word. Traveling like this has been in our culture for centuries.

    Imagine a French person here making a thread speaking trash about fish and chips. This is exactly what you're doing.

    >muh girl who speaks about me in French
    no she doesn't. apart from warning other girls about you

    >muh lights on at midnight
    buy eye patches, homosexual

    >muh guy wanted to fistbump and i stuck my hand out
    again, le homosexual.

    >muh loud
    homie plz, it's a hostel. you're meant to socialise

    >muh people speaking their own language
    are you fricking traveling or what, homosexual?

    >muh smoking
    sounds like you're too poor to have a healthy spa weekend, so yo treat shared showers as your pamper day

    >muh chatting up hostel workers and other tourists
    Jealous homosexual.

    In short, you're all THAT homosexual bringing the vibe down. Maybe a sleeper train, caravan, or sleeping bag in a bibliotech is more your cup of tea.

    • 2 months ago

      Le bon gros connard qui aime faire chier les gens, fils de pute va.

    • 2 months ago

      >Insecure seething disguised as chauvanism

      This guy is French alright.

    • 2 months ago

      vast majority of French only ever talk to other French people

    • 2 months ago

      I just started hearing this in a mildly arrogant, mildly insecure French accent and glazed

    • 2 months ago

      life of the party are ausies and brits. they drink so much you have to help them home

    • 2 months ago

      based French Chad. put a baby in my American ass please

  11. 2 months ago

    Why is it a rule that every hostel room has to have a snorer, or a cougher, or a smelly fricker stinking the place up?

  12. 2 months ago

    I love being the only American
    for some reason euros think I'm rich because I can afford a basic economy seat across the atlantic, I shared a shower with a few women for this misconception alone

    • 2 months ago

      >for some reason euros think I'm rich because I can afford a basic economy seat across the atlantic
      Kek. I will take "things that did not happen" for $500.

    • 2 months ago

      >t. went to Moldova and showered with elderly babushkas to save water

  13. 2 months ago

    French dudes are sneaky as frick when it comes to any kind of woman. Not to be trusted

    Israelis. Yeah everything bad you heard ahout them is true and much much worse...gonna have a bad time

    • 2 months ago

      How do French and Israeli interact with each other tho?

  14. 2 months ago

    not sure why everyone beefs with israelis so hard. they always have weed no matter where you are. befriend them and theyll usually offer you to smoke with them

    • 2 months ago

      >dude weed
      >Israelis make the hostel smell like weed.
      This makes me like Israelis less.

    • 2 months ago

      Because the first thing they do when their plane lands is scour the city for drugs

    • 2 months ago

      Their treatment of the local population tends to be abhorrent and you can't quite shake the feeling that you're talking to someone who killed a baby.

    • 2 months ago

      I think it's just a natural reaction against filth and evil.

  15. 2 months ago

    > at a hostel in Seattle
    > sharing room with a greman, two polish girls and a canadian
    > me canuk and the kraut get along great
    > polish girls are quite and keep to themselves
    > usually ask the german for directions around the hostel
    > still join us for a drinks and have breakfast together
    > two french guys move in
    > they decided to be the loud ones of the room
    > always speaking french at all hours
    > wake up at noon, go out, drink, come back to hostel, eat something, usually someone else's food, chain smoke cigarettes until dawn then crash, repeat next day
    > in kitchen with canuk and polish girl
    > french bros stumble in
    > say hello
    > one of the polish girls is making tea and a cup for her friend
    > french bros are all over the poles like the krauts grandpa probably was back in 1939
    > watch as canadian bro marches up to french bros pushes them aside
    > takes the cups of tea then dumps them down the sink
    > the canadian in perfect french start cussing the frogs out
    > frenches run out of the kitchen
    > start packing quickly then check out early
    > polish girls change rooms
    > me and the german faces when later that night canuk tells us that the frogs were obsessed with the poles
    > all that talking was them talking about fricking those girls and what bawds they are
    > they bought some date rape drug off the streets and were waiting for an opportunity to drug one or them both

    Canadian bro did end up banging one of the girls, I assume the one who brewed the tea he saved.

    • 2 months ago

      >openly talking about having drugged the tea with a date rape drug and how they want to rape them, in one of the most widely spoken languages in the world
      Cool story bro but it just doesn't add up.

      • 2 months ago

        French people simultaneously expect people to know their language and think they have privacy while speaking it

      • 2 months ago

        No one speaks French but French people and Canadians get over yourself pierre

    • 2 months ago

      >checked out early
      >somehow knew the conclusion to shit that never happened

      • 2 months ago

        The Frenchoids checked out early, not anon, moron

    • 2 months ago

      > french bros are all over the poles like the krauts grandpa probably was back in 1939
      holy shit lol

  16. 2 months ago

    >not checking the flags on hostelworld
    rookie mistake

  17. 2 months ago

    Unpopular opinion
    I’m a brown dude, not Indian, but the Indians I met are usually pretty bro tier when it’s just dudes. However when girls get involved they literally stop giving a frick about western social mores lol.

    • 1 month ago

      i hate brown guys for this exact reason, they behave like catty women when girls are around.

  18. 2 months ago

    Are there no locks on the bed storage? How does one secure their belongings?

    • 2 months ago

      there are probably holes for you to clip a lock

  19. 2 months ago

    >be amerilard
    >meet scandinavian girls
    >t minus 10 minutes till they give their unsolicited uninformed opinion on american politics and why isn't america like enlightened cultured europe

    • 2 months ago

      And they will be right.
      If you were a little smart, it would make you understant that's how the US act with other countries, meddling in foreign countries' politics, assassinating, corrupting, forcing multiculturalism and so on.

      • 2 months ago

        >Scandi hostel bawds
        >complaining about forced multiculturalism.

      • 2 months ago

        Usually they're opinions on US domestic policy or Drumpf, though.
        Hostel bawds don't even possess the brain capacity to think of foreign policy in any way other than "omg why doesnt everyone just get along!! :'("

      • 2 months ago

        >haha stupid america meddling in other countries affairs!!! now pls save us from russia 🙁

        • 2 months ago

          >now pls save us from russia
          Said no one ever, you fricking moron.

          Russia is part of Europe and are our brothers, you fricking cancers just funded the war in Ukraine in order to create an artificial conflict within Europe.
          ((Victoria Nulland)) has been funding armed groups in Ukraine since 2014. That's the ((Brzezinski)) doctrine of destroying any Eurasian power that could emerge.
          ((You)) are an enemy of Europe, an enemy of white people; and an enemy of humanity overall.

          • 2 months ago


          • 2 months ago

            Go back to your containment board.

          • 1 month ago

            they're not sending their best over here baka

      • 2 months ago

        >get lectured by euroturds for not traveling enough
        >get lectured by euroturds when you finally go on a trip about geopolitics

        I just want to see some museums homosexual.

    • 2 months ago

      Scandi and russian girls are the worst about this
      >haha I'm sure you have so many stereotypes about me, from watching too much of your Hollywood mass media, all those dumb Marvel movies, they are all about fighting and stupid dialogue, not like our european films which are deep and meaningful, you should try them sometime*~~
      shut the frick up

      • 1 month ago

        I have never had a scandi go that route, it's always the Dutch or English

  20. 2 months ago

    I cannot begin to tell you how much I despise Israeli travellers. So rude. Any space they enter they act like they own and come with a shitty attitude against anyone else. Bring the whole energy down. Their disgusting putrid language at full volume. Their ugly fricking faces stuck in everything. Then the complaining starts. I feel bad for any service staff member on duty. Or any salesman who they rudely insult to save any money.
    They are vile

    Although tbf between the big noses and disgusting accent I often do mix them up with French who are almost as arrogant

  21. 2 months ago

    I'm glad I packed a Kefiyah then

  22. 2 months ago

    I didn't think muslims and israelites cohabitated very well?

    • 2 months ago


  23. 2 months ago

    If I ran a hostel
    >no Israelis
    >If you snore, you MUST book a private room. If someone narcs on you and staff catches you snoring, we wake you up and you either have to pay for a private room or check out in the morning regardless of your remaining stay (if there are no private rooms available)
    >lights out at midnight. Lights are on a timer and not controllable from inside of the room. If you come back at like 3AM from getting shitfaced, use your phone torch like a normal fricking human
    >no loud noises past midnight. You get two strikes and third you're out. You can come back once or twice and stumble into your bed in a drunken stupor, making more noise than you should. If this is an every day occurrence you're not crashing here for the next month.
    >if you steal someone else's food/drink and we catch you, that person is entitled to cane you. One lash for each $1 USD (converted from whatever local currency) the item was worth.
    Thoughts? Other ground rules that hostels should adopt?

    • 2 months ago

      Based on this thread
      >there may not be more than one (1) fr*nch guest at the hostel at any given time
      >all guests MUST shower daily and use deodorant, staff will check

      • 2 months ago

        I shower daily and use deodorant, but sometimes i just smell like yogurt.
        It is what it bes.

    • 2 months ago

      >do not under any circumstances turn off the fan in the shared room. circulating air is necessary to drown our your nasty fart smell and provide white noise so people aren't acutely aware of your annoying tossing and turning all night.

    • 2 months ago

      >do not under any circumstances turn off the fan in the shared room. circulating air is necessary to drown our your nasty fart smell and provide white noise so people aren't acutely aware of your annoying tossing and turning all night.

      Agree with all of these. No hostels do it though so I've fricking stopped staying in dorms now because of those reasons.

  24. 2 months ago

    >arrive at the hostel you booked
    >one of your roommates is Indian
    >know you're in for a night of the worst snoring you've ever heard

  25. 2 months ago

    Checked in at a hostel in Tokyo. Realise my room mates are french. Frick.
    >consider just cancelling
    >decide I am not going to stay there much so its fine
    >biggest mistake
    >wake up at night from wierd sounds
    >the french are shitting on the floor in the middle of the room
    >they are eating the shit and screaming and gurgling
    >they start advancing towards me on all fours
    >I just grab my bag and skedoodle

    Its so fricked up that countries allow these people in

    • 2 months ago

      Classic French. They always do this during mating season.

  26. 1 month ago

    >arrive at hotel
    >get drunk and belligerent on my rooftop balcony
    >my fellow Aussies can hear me from far and wide
    >they join me in jovial celebrations

    i love meeting my countrymen abroad

    • 1 month ago

      to be fair any English speaking people do this, it's fun, a lot more common at hostels since the younger people who travel for long periods strive for experiences like these and are too poor to hotel hop or just dislike the lack of social opportunity you get at hotels.
      Fun all round

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