Bachelor party in prague

I am going to prague in two weeks, because a friend is having a bachelor party. Just simple questions
- anything I need to know before going to clubs ?
- how to dance or makeout with girls in a club?
- anything I need to be aware of in restaurants?
- anything I need to know about wandering at night time?

and the adult questions:
- do I need to order strippers drinks for a private dance? Or does only the bachelor get a private dance
- can I touch and squeeze their breasts and ass?
- if I go to a brothel and I cum before time is over, do I need to leave or can I fool around and let her suck my balls until the time is over?

Why I don't believe we will go to a strip club or a brothel I would still ask for myself if I one day go there alone

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  1. 9 months ago

    >I am going to prague in two weeks, because a friend is having a bachelor party. Just simple questions

    >- anything I need to know before going to clubs ?

    Not really, but beware of bouncers who try to get more than one entry fee, and pocket the money.

    >- how to dance or makeout with girls in a club?

    If you can do it where you are from, you can do it there. If you can't you can't.

    >- anything I need to be aware of in restaurants?

    Not really, but avoid the worst tourist traps. Try the Nakladny Hermelin.

    >- anything I need to know about wandering at night time?

    Safer than most of W. Europe.

    >and the adult questions:
    >- do I need to order strippers drinks for a private dance? Or does only the bachelor get a private dance

    You don't have to. In a stripclub they will hassle you constantly for taking them to a private dance. For the prettier strippers you might have to tip/buy drinks in order to have them pay attention to you over other simps who gives them bags of cash.

    >- can I touch and squeeze their breasts and ass?

    If you pay for it, yes.

    >- if I go to a brothel and I cum before time is over, do I need to leave or can I fool around and let her suck my balls until the time is over?

    Depends on the brothel. If you go somewhere that operates on hourly basis, you can usually frick the full hour. If you go somewhere that operates with half hour rates or lower, its usually just one pop and you leave. To make sure what you get, then ask before paying.

    • 9 months ago

      >Not really, but beware of bouncers who try to get more than one entry fee, and pocket the money.
      should I be wary of bouncers not letting me in because of alcohol or beeing a turk?
      >If you can do it where you are from, you can do it there. If you can't you can't.
      well I guess we all know the answers for this
      >Try the Nakladny Hermelin.
      >If you pay for it, yes.
      so in general I can ask strippers and it is cash only right? What if I ask for private with bj, give the money and she doesn't bj?
      > If you go somewhere that operates on hourly basis, you can usually frick the full hour.
      so I should keep in mind that I should always take one hour. I don't think I can frick off and go alone to a brothel, but hey would be fun loosing my virginity half a year before becoming a wizard in prague.

      btw. adult shit is always cash only right?

      • 9 months ago

        >should I be wary of bouncers not letting me in because of alcohol or beeing a turk?
        In the city center, no. However, I have seen bouncers being absolute homosexuals claiming it was a private party, just because the guy I went with was a Korean.

        >>If you can do it where you are from, you can do it there. If you can't you can't.
        >well I guess we all know the answers for this
        >>Try the Nakladny Hermelin.

        >>If you pay for it, yes.
        >so in general I can ask strippers and it is cash only right?

        In general, paying strippers is with cash. They will ask you for a private dance, and you can ask if you can touch breasts and ass. Most will be ok with it. Key is to ask and get services into the deal before you go to the VIP area.

        >What if I ask for private with bj, give the money and she doesn't bj?

        That would be hellaexpensive with a stripper. Not impossible though. There were strippers who suggested something like that when i got private dances. Then you will probably have to rent like a 30 minute dance, and it will cost a lot. Also, mostly the less quality girls will offer you this, not the hotter strippers. You can find same quality women in a brothel for less.

        >> If you go somewhere that operates on hourly basis, you can usually frick the full hour.
        >so I should keep in mind that I should always take one hour. I don't think I can frick off and go alone to a brothel, but hey would be fun loosing my virginity half a year before becoming a wizard in prague.

        Good luck bro. Go to one of the more established places like AAA or Sweet Paradise. They pretend to care about customer satisfaction. Clearly they don't, but you might find greater luck than trying some of the worse places in the center.

        But if you dont care about the price I think the Sauna club is hellaexpensive and has some satisfied customers. All foreigners.

        Main rule is to always give the impression that you will return for more services, no matter where you go.

        • 9 months ago

          Thanks brother. I will keep these in mind. Let‘s see what happens.
          > Go to one of the more established places like AAA or Sweet Paradise.
          My goal would be topprivate lol, they offer some nice shit for a few bucks. But let‘s see how it will be or do you mean strip clubs? There I don‘t know, the best men will decide I guess.

          Is there a dresscode for clubbing? Like can I go in a t-shirt?

          • 9 months ago

            Oh, then absolutely go to Top Private. I seem to remember they had an ex porn star working there. Good luck.

            Strip clubs are usually different from brothels. Don't expect sex in strip clubs. And dont expect stripping in brothels.

            Oh, and to answer about cash. I always use cash in places like that. That doesn't mean they can't use credit card though, if you dare giving it to them.

            As for dresscodes, I never encountered any. However, recent years I've been wearing dress up shirts with tie etc. anyhow. So I can't tell for sure 😉

        • 9 months ago

          >just because the guy I went with was a Korean
          Strange, there are plenty of Asians in Prague, not just as tourists but living there.

  2. 9 months ago

    Take them to the puma bar without telling them what it is

    • 8 months ago

      >Take them to the puma bar without telling them what it is
      What is it?

  3. 9 months ago

    Lmao your friend is definitely going to cheat on his soon to be wife

  4. 9 months ago

    Op here, damn well prague has so many hot girls and jailbaits.

    What is a good and cheap place to drink alcohol and sit outside? Preferably praha1

    • 9 months ago

      >What is a good and cheap place to drink alcohol and sit outside? Preferably praha1
      No such place in Praha 1.
      There are beer gardens around. Both Letna and Zizkov Beer gardens are amazing places, must visit when the weather is warm.

  5. 9 months ago

    >how to dance or makeout with girls in a club?
    you put your left foot in, you put your right foot out and you shake it all about. you do the boogie woogie and thats whats it all about.

  6. 8 months ago

    hey can i come bro?

    • 8 months ago

      just go homosexual

  7. 8 months ago

    I just went to and admittedly there are some fricking hot girls on there. Is it worth it?? How much does it usually cost? Are the BDSM clubs in Prague any good? I saw there's some sex dungeon style place where you can frick sub girls but of course there was no price

    • 8 months ago

      Purge your mind of degeneration and find a nice girl to have normal sex with.

    • 8 months ago

      Used to live in Prague between 2013-2019 and occasionally used that site. Had maybe 3-4 girls from there that were great, a lot of decent and 1-2 terrible experiences. Back when I was living there average price was 1500 czk per hour which should get you 2 pops, usually. Always check beforehand.

      is show park still good in prague?

      I've been tempted to go to prague for a few days and just be a coomer non stop for those days

      Was at showpark once and would say it’s definitely not worth it.

      • 8 months ago

        >1500 czk per hour
        So around $65 usd per hour? If that's still true I'm going to be spending some money lol. What are you supposed to do between the 2 pops though, just sit and stare at each other? And what made the experiences just decent or terrible?

        • 8 months ago

          I’m talking 5-10 years ago, prices might’ve increased, I’m sure you can find it online. The good experiences were mainly based on girls fricking like they were really into it, where we had the kind of sexual chemistry that’s difficult to find even with girls you don’t pay for. The best one was a 10/10 Brazilian girl that was either really into me or an actual nympho, the fricking was some of the best I ever had and she was a real sweetheart, she was the only one I ever visited regularly over a couple of months (this was actually in Berlin, not Prague). In Prague I had some similar experiences though, the ones I remember were a Czech and an Estonian girl, that seemed to actually be into fricking me. The worst I remember was a Polish girl who was a 9/10 in terms of looks but a starfish in the sack, she was literally watching tv while we were fricking, if that had happened to me at a later stage I would’ve just pulled out and bounced but at the time I was inexperienced in visiting hookers and had only fricked like 4 girls that I didn’t pay for so I thought it would be awkward to leave and just finished.

          • 8 months ago

            lol I would have just turned off the TV and given her something else to focus on. Interesting though, I couldn't find any prices online but maybe I just don't know where to look since I've never done it before. Did you just text them through the numbers on the website?

            • 8 months ago

              > lol I would have just turned off the TV and given her something else to focus on
              Big words for a man who has admitted to being a virgin well into his 20s. Try not to overestimate yourself, these girls are realistically not going to enjoy fricking you (especially given your lack of experience) and when you try to force something like that on them, it’s probably going to turn out ugly for you, you don’t know who might be waiting next door. Btw, you mentioned you’re a Turk, why did you never visit a hooker before? From what I know all Turks visit hookers and do coke every weekend while swearing up and down how strict of a Muslim they are and could never touch pork.

              • 8 months ago

                I don't know who you're referring to but it's not me. I'm an American in his early 30s with good experience in bed, I've just never tested the offerings of the Czech Republic.

                >you don't know who might be waiting next door
                Can you not have them come to your place?

              • 8 months ago

                Ok, overall, Czech hookers are not service minded like what I’ve heard about for example Thai hookers. They’re not desperate like third worlders. Prague has the lowest unemployment in Europe, so most of the hookers are just lazy or moronic, so there’s less incentive for them to give a top performance. Expect basically the same treatment you get with any kind of service in Eastern Europe, it’s hit or miss. If they don’t like you or are indifferent to you, they’re not going to perform for you. You might luck out every once in a while and find a girl that’s into you or is just a nympho and gonna have a good time but most of it is going to be underwhelming pump and dumping. Hookers were a last resort for me in Prague. I never ordered escorts in Prague as they’re a lot more expensive and usually demand extra for taxis. All my experiences have been in “privát”, apartments rented and shared by 3-4 hookers, usually they have some kind of security sitting in the kitchen (you’re never going to see these guys or the other customers as the girls escort you to the bathroom and back to the room etc.)If you are as experienced, good looking and American as you say, I would advise you to try hooking up with girls that you meet in the nightlife or from apps, this is way better. Czech women are not necessarily easy, but they’re far from difficult and unlike in Western Europe, most of them love Americans. They also love to frick when they’re doing it for fun, from my experience.

              • 8 months ago

                >girls that you meet in the nightlife or from apps
                Are there better parts of town for nightlife stuff? I went to Vzorkowna which had a few student types hanging out but I'm unfamiliar with the zones of the city. And is Tinder the best app or is there some Czech equivalent?

              • 8 months ago

                You can go around the Dlouha area, there’s many trashy American-style clubs there like Roxy. Also you can go to Chapeau Rouge at Old Town Square, it’s a club full of tourists and Czech girls looking for foreign wiener, that’s the place where I probably picked up the most. There’s two upscale trashy places called Sasazu and Radost FX, I hate them but they’re frequented by the more upper class yet trashy Czech crowd, that’s where you can find them. There’s way better clubs around the city but those are more European style clubs that are more about the music and dancing instead of showing off and hooking up etc. so I doubt that’s what you’re looking for.

              • 8 months ago

                Interesting, I've seen Chapeau Rouge recommended here a couple times, maybe it's time to actually try it. I kind of hate clubs though, isn't there somewhere to pick up the girl-next-door types who desperately want to frick but hate going to clubs? I'm guessing they're on dating apps or something. Interpals?

              • 8 months ago

                >Chapeau Rouge
                hope you're 18 cause you're a pedo otherwise, not sure even the weed selling bouncers will like that
                for real it's a club for European high school graduation trips

              • 8 months ago

                Unless something has changed since 2019, that’s bs. When I used to go it was a place for international students and tourists. But now that I think about it, the crowd is young, I used to go between the ages of 21-27. Don’t know how older guys would be seen there.

              • 8 months ago

                >Chapeau Rouge
                hope you're 18 cause you're a pedo otherwise, not sure even the weed selling bouncers will like that
                for real it's a club for European high school graduation trips

                lol in that case I'll probably avoid it and stick to dating apps or the occasional cold approach

              • 8 months ago

                Just approach random girls in the streets and offer them 2000 czk for “fricky sucky” (that’s what they call it over there). They love that and will rarely refuse. Let us know how it went.

              • 8 months ago

                Wow it totally worked! Thanks anon, just got my knob slobbed by an enthusiastic model-tier Czech college student, great stuff

  8. 8 months ago

    is show park still good in prague?

    I've been tempted to go to prague for a few days and just be a coomer non stop for those days

  9. 8 months ago

    >how do i dance or makeout with a girl at a club
    If you have to ask, its over for you.
    >does only the bachelor get a private dance?
    its a party for him, all of you should be pitching in cash to buy one for him and if you're still willing to spend cash after that then spend one on yourself but if you leave the bachelor out to dry just so you can get yours you're going to come off as a dick

  10. 8 months ago

    enjoy the hearty meals

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