Best State in the Union?

I currently live in one of the most dangerous cities Georgia and want to move after graduating from college. Where should I go? So far I’ve been considering somewhere in New Hampshire or Oklahoma City

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  1. 9 months ago

    Why not leave the country?

  2. 9 months ago

    >best state in the union
    >Oklahoma City
    The answer is Alaska or Montana btw

    • 9 months ago

      Filled with meth heads and literal blacks. He's trying to escape those.
      Too expensive now that liberal rats are fleeing their Cali mothership.

      • 9 months ago

        Haha, I’m one of those liberal rats. Funny way to say colonizer. Like the Spanish in Mexico I’m so much more wealthy, educated, and better looking than the locals. Damn right I’m going to use that to buy a ton of land, frick chicks used to hicks, and bring my superior beliefs to civilize the savages. Finally got my local grocer to bring in kombucha.

    • 9 months ago

      Filled with meth heads and literal blacks. He's trying to escape those.
      Too expensive now that liberal rats are fleeing their Cali mothership.

      Tell me more about Alaska.

      • 9 months ago

        It's a cold land, where the woman are scarce, the attitudes unpleasant, and the environment deadly. If you're going alone, you'll be welcomed by most, but then told to leave shortly after, no matter who you've met. It's a land of loners, greed hungry fools, and silent shots in the forest that no one can hear. For those unprepared, know this: Alaska will never be anyone's home, only to those who haven't experienced anything better, of which there's much better experiences.

  3. 9 months ago

    It depends on what you seek. NH offers great nature and a very libertarian approach to most matters. OK has its pros like the Black Mesa State Park where it gets so dark at night that you can see entire galaxies with the naked eye.

    What makes you happy, and will being in either of these locations contribute to your happiness?

    • 9 months ago

      Black Mesa State Park is about as far as you can get from Oklahoma while still being in Oklahoma. The eastern part of the state is the prettiest, IMO. Drove through Eufaula once after getting snarled in I-40 traffic, town and area looked super cool. I wandered into an unattended dispensary with huge jars of weed on the counter, door wide open as the owner chatted outside with a customer. That's how safe the area is. Very friendly people.
      Also lived in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, working a seasonal job at a resort. Good-paying jobs are rare in northern NH; the south is more urban and developed. Winters suck. Summers are green, buggy and humid. If you hate globohomosexual and big gov, New Hampshire is the best state in the region to live. Personally, I prefer the vibe of the Maine coast. New Hampshire's towns just don't have the summertime street life that Maine's coastal villages have.

      Haha, I’m one of those liberal rats. Funny way to say colonizer. Like the Spanish in Mexico I’m so much more wealthy, educated, and better looking than the locals. Damn right I’m going to use that to buy a ton of land, frick chicks used to hicks, and bring my superior beliefs to civilize the savages. Finally got my local grocer to bring in kombucha.

      You must live in Missoula. Anyway, Montana is full of outdoor Chads. Your purty dork face and fat wallet won't get you laid in a college town, unless you can prove that you are just as physically fit and adventurous as the average Montanan.

      Tell me more about Alaska.

      Alaskans may LARP as rugged frontiersmen, but most of them live in Anchorage and Fairbanks. The rest of the country is untamed wilds with scattered cabins where the real frontiersmen live. Alaskan winters make New Hampshire winters seem mild.


      >Utah is desolate
      Yes, but nowhere in the world will you find such spectacularly beautiful desolation. Nearly all of Utah's cities are in the desert basin, but Utah also has many beautiful forested mountain ranges. Hike City Creek out of Salt Lake City and call Utah desolate again. The forests are as rich as anything back East.

      Funny enough, it's actually California. There's much more to it than the cities, and just outside of them it's very based. The weather varies across this behemoth of a state, but generally you'll find most places to be quite sunny. The economy is the best in the nation, and almost one of the best in the world. You'll notice that when you move to California, your life becomes better, and you don't want to leave. Every place else in America is either seen as too this, or too that, and also a lot colder. While living in California, you feel secured in a tremendous geographic position, at the far end of the Western world, and looking across the Pacific to the rising sun. And it's there, on those beaches of California, where a beautiful dream can begin. But don't take my word for it, California can be whatever you want it to be, it's up to you to decide.

      Only richgays from Illinois and New York move to California to escape winter. California is one of the most urbanized states in America; you can visit the wild spaces outside the cities, but living in them is not feasible.

      • 8 months ago

        >The forests are as rich as anything back East.
        No they are not.

  4. 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      Utah, a desolate land, and the heart of the worlds largest cult. In all directions, there's desolation. Do you understand that word? The major cities in the state -grown from the deluded minds of cultism - are quite simply poor. There exists a level of poverty in that state that most cannot comprehend. Their largest city, Salt Lake City, is a poor example of commerce. While living in Utah, you understand that the economy comes before religion. And if you are not Mormon, then God save your soul indeed. You'll be hounded like a chunk of fresh meat to demonically possessed dogs. Mormons are either empty and brainwashed, or empty, brainwashed and incredibly psychotic. The police, DA, judge, they'll all favor a Mormon, you can be sure of that. This level of protection gives them a greenlight to terrorize non-Mormons into submission.

      Please don't suggest Utah.

      • 8 months ago

        What you say about Utah is mostly true, especially about the Mormon weirdos and how they control the state. But the Salt Lake City area is not one of the fastest growing metros without reason - people are attracted to the booming economy and the beauty of the area. About half of the population is Mormon, and they don't mix. Things are changing, many different kinds of people are moving in, along with capital. It won't be a backwards polygamous cult haven for long.

        There is poverty in Utah, but nothing compared to other places. You don't see shit like skid row or Kensington. There is plenty of wealth here too, look at Park City (median home price $2 million). Worst you will see is poor white trash in rural areas and working class hispanics.

        I currently live in one of the most dangerous cities Georgia and want to move after graduating from college. Where should I go? So far I’ve been considering somewhere in New Hampshire or Oklahoma City

        SLC and st. george are among the fastest growing cities in the US. Definitely worth checking out.

  5. 9 months ago

    Funny enough, it's actually California. There's much more to it than the cities, and just outside of them it's very based. The weather varies across this behemoth of a state, but generally you'll find most places to be quite sunny. The economy is the best in the nation, and almost one of the best in the world. You'll notice that when you move to California, your life becomes better, and you don't want to leave. Every place else in America is either seen as too this, or too that, and also a lot colder. While living in California, you feel secured in a tremendous geographic position, at the far end of the Western world, and looking across the Pacific to the rising sun. And it's there, on those beaches of California, where a beautiful dream can begin. But don't take my word for it, California can be whatever you want it to be, it's up to you to decide.

    • 9 months ago

      My vacation earlier this year was a blast. The great thing about California is that it has something to offer everyone, whether you're into nature, culture, or adventure. Thanks to my Revolut and Tap debit cards, everything was quite easy and convenient. It's a fantastic place to visit and stay.

      • 9 months ago

        I'm so glad you had a blast, anon! Bro, there's always more to experience in California. How could one ever decide what they wanna do here? Whether it's dancing with Mickey, riding over to Universal and seeing dinosaurs, or even just catching some zzzz's on a beach in Malibu. California has something for EVERYONE.

        And if there's something for everyone...then doesn't that make us all a little Californian? Haha

        • 8 months ago

          II'm thrilled to have such an amazing time, anon. You're absolutely right; they offers an incredible array of experiences.
          maybe we're all a little Californian at heart. Kek

    • 9 months ago

      How much money will you be making? Basically cannot give a good answer without this knowledge. If you're considering fricking Oklahoma city, then that'd probably suit you best anyways.

      >and looking across the Pacific to the rising sun
      Looking... west... to the rising sun?

  6. 9 months ago

    Depends what you want.. Personally, I think college town -> real city -> live it up, make money, and find a wife -> then move to suburb or rural area is the way to go. If you're looking to escape liberals, you can't. Even the townies in NH are all woke now because it's not coming from population centers, it's coming from people's TV and the media they consume.

    With that said, NH is great for the outdoors, but unless you live downtown Dover, Portsmouth, or Manchester, expect to have to drive if you want to go to a bar. There's also virtually no nightlife outside of the towns listed above.
    The outdoors is great, but you will get bored with it eventually. You can find good food, but overall the food in NH sucks (and the yokels get really mad if you mention it). The people in NH are generally miserable and have never left the state. All their weird social quirks, they think are normal and everywhere's like that. The world outside NH doesn't exist to them, so if you're from someplace else, expect a blank stare if you mention it. People are awkward af about meeting new people because they're used to having seen the same faces since childhood. Outside of the seacoast, the state's generally very trashy. Bikers everywhere, lots of rotten teeth, the local women are meth addicts or ham planets.
    If you really want nature that bad, I'd recommend PNW, Arizona, or Vermont.

    • 9 months ago

      Being some of the most rural states in America, New Hampshire and Vermont are not states to live in if you crave the big city lifestyle, though Vermont does have great little towns. Bars are scarce in New Hampshire because alcohol is so ridiculously cheap, everyone drinks at home. No sales tax israeliteing you with every purchase in New Hampshire, one of the best things about the state.
      >NH folks are socially weird
      This is very true. Lots of autist-tier behavior, especially in the north. People speak directly and don't show much emotion toward strangers. This may be mistaken as hostility, but it is not. If you hate having to flash a fake smile and feign enthusiasm at meeting a new person, you will fit in well in New Hampshire.
      >bikers everywhere
      Only in Laconia, during bike week. Bikers guzzling cheap beer and roaring down the highway without helmets is American freedom personified.
      >NH is very trashy
      This is complete bullshit. New Hampshire is a very neat place, bordering on sterile. Trash always goes to the dump, it NEVER gets thrown on the roadside or on some forest trail. Littering on trails is amazingly rare. NH folks love their rocky, harsh land and are very proud of it.
      >local women are meth addicts or hamplanets
      Opiates are more common than meth in NH. Obesity rates are on par with the national average.

      Funny enough, it's actually California. There's much more to it than the cities, and just outside of them it's very based. The weather varies across this behemoth of a state, but generally you'll find most places to be quite sunny. The economy is the best in the nation, and almost one of the best in the world. You'll notice that when you move to California, your life becomes better, and you don't want to leave. Every place else in America is either seen as too this, or too that, and also a lot colder. While living in California, you feel secured in a tremendous geographic position, at the far end of the Western world, and looking across the Pacific to the rising sun. And it's there, on those beaches of California, where a beautiful dream can begin. But don't take my word for it, California can be whatever you want it to be, it's up to you to decide.

      California has ridiculous taxes, $5/gallon gas and legions of non-whites shitting up most cities. Entirely too many people (and fricking cars) in the metros. Traffic is obscene in the major metros. Only richgays and bums live near the beach. California seems like paradise when the warm weather returns after good winter/spring rains, but winters can get surprisingly damp and chilly, and summers away from the coast are horribly sun-blasted.

    • 9 months ago

      My experience in a college town for most of my twenties is that it’s less than ideal. Once you get older, professional opportunities can be scarce, dates and friends can be scarce, and everything being catered to undergraduates can be annoying.

  7. 9 months ago

    Virginia, Pennsylvania, or New Hampshire, but most states would be better than Georgia in my opinion.

  8. 8 months ago

    Oklahoma isn't the best state in the union, but it's underrated. It's way prettier than I expected, and very chill. COL to income is pretty good. I'd live there before I'd live anywhere else in that region of the country.

  9. 8 months ago

    The one where you can make the most money in the next 10-20 years before America embarrassingly loses a war, all those dollars coming rushing back in and cause massive inflation, and it becomes poor and broke.

    • 8 months ago

      did you dream that last night in your mud hut, turdie?

  10. 8 months ago

    blue ones up north

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