
I got a new job with a company, and they just told me that I'll need to travel to Colombia every other month for a project, which will probably take two years to complete.

I don't speak Spanish, I've never been to S. America, and I'm white. I look like a Morman missionary.

What do I need to expect?

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 11 months ago

    Learn Spanish, it’s not hard.

    • 11 months ago

      But then youll sound like a dirty mexican.

      • 11 months ago

        More like an illiterate gringo, motherfrickers can't learn Spanish to save their lives.

  2. 11 months ago

    Don't keep valuables easily on-hand or easy to access. There are a lot of open pickpockets out there. Also expect a culture of tryhards why desperately try to pretend they're more rich than they actually are, and potentially a lot more Black personing than you're used to in Spanish countries.

    • 11 months ago

      >Also expect a culture of tryhards why desperately try to pretend they're more rich than they actually are
      This. There's no one more arrogant than a Colombian who's come into a bit of money. Even if it's just a normal middle class American standard of living.

      Stay off Tinder, it attracts the worst fricking people. Be suspicious of women at "language exchanges" too. Basically, if she's hunting foreigners, she's a gold digger at best and and a thief and a murderer in the worst case scenario.

      Medellin, Colombia is likely the world's most dangerous place to go on a Tinder date as a man.

      • 11 months ago

        Yea, do not think its any sort of exaggeration OP. There are stores out there that have freedom to kick you out if you "look too poor". You need to look like you're in a business suit of some kind in some places and its drenched in everything about how Col9mbians view the world. You seriously have to tread carefully.

        • 11 months ago

          Can confirm, if you are sweaty and dressed in ragged clothes in Colombia, people will move to bar your entry. You need to have a command of Spanish to travel Colombia, depending on how much you want to talk to people beyond ordering the basic necessities. Give nothing away to strangers, and beware of provoking the locals. Get a nice room, you will spend a lot of time indoors. The south is rainy and overcast virtually all year, with pockets of cacti and drought in the rain shadow of the Pacific coast mountains. The north has wet/dry seasons, hot tropical sunshine in the dry season and more tourism. The Caribbean coast is breezy, hot and sunny; the Pacific coast is overcast, warm and sopping wet. Both coasts are muggy. Pick the elevation you are most comfortable at, and get a rain coat; there is a city for you in Colombia. Marijuana is cheap, of decent quality, and widely consumed.

        • 11 months ago

          You’re exaggerating. I stayed in El Centro for 3 months and there weren’t many people even there that wore a full suit. A collared shirt and slacks will do fine. The point is that people will treat you better if you look good, and you will also stand out less as a tourist. Colombians are generally friendly to tourists and gringo pricing is a popular myth, but predators look for people who seem like they don’t know what’s going on.

          Dating Colombians is for morons

          Latinas are literally perfect, get over it.

          • 11 months ago

            >gringo pricing is a popular myth
            You're wrong, it's not a myth. Yes, it's definitely not as common as in other places. But I've personally been subjected to it more than once, and I'm not the kind of guy to walk around looking clueless (like the youtuber Harald Baldr).

            I was on a date with this Chilean girl I met who was on vacation in Medellin. Sat down at a bar in Parque Lleras and had maybe six beers in total, and sucked on a hookah for a bit. The bill came in at over COP$400,000, which is outrageous. For reference, one beer costs like COP$16,000, and that's for an expensive foreign one. The local piss is like COP$6,000, and that's the retail price. It was definitely not an upscale place, and we were sitting there for maybe an hour. I know they would never have the sack to charge locals that much: if they did the place would be empty, and it was full of Colombians that night.

            I also read about a group of Americans who were charged an even more outrageous amount for a night of drinks, over COP$1,000,000 even though they weren't popping bottles or anything. They refused to pay, and a security guard stood at the door to prevent them from leaving. It was only when one of them called a local cop they were friends with that they let them go.

            I had a similar experience myself. I was in Provenza with a group of Americans and Euros that I met at my hostel. There wasn't much going on that night, Medellin's nightlife is actually way overrated compared to a place like Bangkok. Anyway, a chiva was parked next to a bar we were leaving promising to take stragglers to a club that was lit. We got on and turns out the place was dead. Once we had entered, a security guard walked up to our table and said we couldn't leave until we paid a ridiculous amount as a "cover charge." They never mentioned a cover charge at the door. We decided to call it a night and just sort of snuck out one by one while the guy trying to shake us down was distracted (it was a big place).

            • 11 months ago

              > I also read about a group of Americans who were charged an even more outrageous amount for a night of drinks, over COP$1,000,000 even though they weren't popping bottles or anything. They refused to pay, and a security guard stood at the door to prevent them from leaving. It was only when one of them called a local cop they were friends with that they let them go.
              This is a common scam around the world. Again, possible I didn’t experience it because I didn’t interface with the bar scene, but every cab driver treated me honestly (even off the apps), and I only had one instance where a woman returned less than exact change at a restaurant - amounting to around 40 cents, which I didn’t care enough about to even calculate until my date pointed it out. The waitress got let go later, I never saw her there again. In 3 months that was literally the only instance I ever had of that occurring. I was in Bogotá though. I would imagine Medellín has a more advanced criminal ecosystem since there is a higher proportion of expats and the police department is probably not as well-funded.

              • 11 months ago

                >I would imagine Medellín has a more advanced criminal ecosystem since there is a higher proportion of expats and the police department is probably not as well-funded.
                This is definitely the case. Medellin is like Colombia on steroids. The women are more attractive, but they are also the most slimy and dishonest bunch in the country. Even many Colombians tend to dislike paisas for this reason. If you get close to one, male or female, they'll always cook up some sob story, a pretext to beg you for money. But when they marry into wealth, which they often do, they become unbearably smug and arrogant. Even if the "rich man" they marry is some random fat American from the suburbs who isn't particularly rich. I have never seen a well-dressed woman in Colombia, but many of them like to put on airs and dress up in cheap white blazers and other such tacky outfits, always taking instagram pics at restaurants and budget hotels.

                Their accent is annoying too. If you've ever heard it, you'd know what I'm talking about. They speak more clearly than most Spanish accents, and the pace is slow compared to European or Caribbean dialects. I think the affectedness of it is what bothers me. There's this exaggerated musicality to it–– cooo-MOOO asiiii moooorrrrrrrr? It's like a Valley girl accent in English, or if you've ever heard the girls from the Red Scare podcast speak. They drag out words unnecessarily and speak with an exaggerated rhythm to sound quirky but it just annoys me.

                And they have this weird complex where they're jealous of foreign men, but can't help treating them with condescension. For example, if you ask an Uber driver why they have no seatbelts in the back, they'll smirk at you and say nothing will happen. As if you're some naive fool who's unreasonable for even suggesting a road accident may happen. But it's like every time I visit, another acquaintance has died in a road accident, often on a motorcycle.

              • 11 months ago

                >if you ask an Uber driver why they have no seatbelts in the back, they'll smirk at you and say nothing will happen.
                lmao this is true. please never come back

              • 11 months ago

                Severa lámpara que se cree invencible a los acciddente, como si no hubieran la de buseteros que se la pasaran estrellándose con todo lo que encuentran por detrás.
                Ojalá se muera aplastado en un zapatico por dárselas de malote, maricota.

              • 11 months ago

                >asustado por todo
                everything's on track...

              • 11 months ago

                >nooo parce no pasa nada *dies*
                See you on Liveleak.

              • 10 months ago

                póngase el cinturón papi que lo chuza el uber veneco

              • 10 months ago

                >"put on the seatbelt bro so the venezuelan uber driver can stab you"
                And you wonder why we say Colombia is a shithole!!

              • 10 months ago

                did I somehow imply it wasn't?
                if you plan on coming here but are afraid of backseat belts you're beyond clueless

              • 10 months ago

                deje sus cacorradas en la peluquería

              • 10 months ago

                isshhh mi chino cree que en la provincia hablamos tan dañao como él? lo veo ree paila ñerito
                por cierto, "cacorro" es jerga paisa 🙂

              • 11 months ago

                > And they have this weird complex where they're jealous of foreign men, but can't help treating them with condescension. For example, if you ask an Uber driver why they have no seatbelts in the back, they'll smirk at you and say nothing will happen
                This is common in every underdeveloped country. In armenia taxi drivers say the same thing

          • 11 months ago

            Visited with a friend a while ago. Dude looked like the typical pasty white tourist, but still thought he'd "get a sense of the place" and went to explore Bogota, got drugged, and robbed. Didn't get killed or kidnapped, so pretty good outcome.

            Heard that Medellin is much worse, which is funny to imagine. Cartagena was safe enough, but too many sexpats and landwhale Americans.

            Try salchipapas btw.

            Gringo pricing was very much real in my experience

            This straight up happened to my dad. TL;DR, left my mum before I was born - has been loose contact with my mum and I over the last 30 years.

            He met a woman online from Colombia, she came to Australia for a few months and managed to get him to move to Medellin for her. Lasted 3 months before she dumped him and got her brothers to rob him at gunpoint and destroyed his passport. Leaving him stranded.

            Managed to get his shit together and is still living there a year later but Medellin is apparently a complete fricking whole and if you're a passport bro/sex tourist you're gonna have a bad time.

            How the frick did she get an Australia visa and enough cash for plane tickets.

          • 11 months ago

            >You’re exaggerating. I stayed in El Centro for 3 months and there weren’t many people even there that wore a full suit. A collared shirt and slacks will do fine. The point is that people will treat you better if you look good, and you will also stand out less as a tourist. Colombians are generally friendly to tourists and gringo pricing is a popular myth, but predators look for people who seem like they don’t know what’s going on.

            1 you can't read. He didn't say people wear suits all the time but that in some situations you MUST look like that, which is 100% true.

            2 Gringo prices are very much a real thing. I am white and Colombian and the last time I went to the coast with my then polish girlfriend they tried upcharging everything until I opened my mouth and they realized I am a local. A tent on the beach went from 30 dollars to 4 with me calling them out. Now with my current american girlfriend I get the same treatment and she even speaks spanish.

            You can even see it on youtube. A pair of chinese made plastic glasses on the street should be around 3 bucks, they are sold to foreigners for around 20. Granted, for a brit 20 bucks might not be much, but you're certainly being scammed.

            Not to mention the common stories of overcharged meals and cab rides. You say you didn't experience it and that's good I guess, but I'd be willing to bet you were scammed and just didn't notice. Doesn't only happen in bars.

            • 11 months ago

              >overcharged meals and cab rides.

              With the cabs they will sometimes switch bills on you and say you gave them a fake bill or give you a fake bill in return. If you look like a gringo you're a good target for the switcheroo scam.

            • 11 months ago

              overcharging is a wide problem in Carib coast. It's not related to Gringos.

      • 11 months ago

        Dating Colombians is for morons

      • 11 months ago

        look up scopolamine and the Vice doc about it if it is still online. don't kiss a woman without seeing her wash her face first, don't accept drinks.

        Don't keep valuables easily on-hand or easy to access. There are a lot of open pickpockets out there. Also expect a culture of tryhards why desperately try to pretend they're more rich than they actually are, and potentially a lot more Black personing than you're used to in Spanish countries.

        Ok, so essentially avoid women and don't dress flashy. This will be easier than I thought.

        • 11 months ago

          There's a US State Dept advisory out right now that says you shouldn't go at all.

        • 11 months ago

          People on here exaggerate how dangerous Colombia is. Just stay polite, don't show wealth, learn some basic Spanish and avoid going out alone during the night, then you'll be fine. People are very friendly and easy to talk to. I always was under the impression that people did look out for me there, wether it was the old man guiding me to the right bus or some school children trying to say hello to a foreigner and giving me advice on which desserts to eat.

          • 11 months ago

            >People on here exaggerate how dangerous Colombia is.
            It's not that we exaggerate how dangerous it is. For better or worse, this is the only place you can speak about a travel destination with any candor. If you look on facebook groups or reddit or whatever, you will hear the same old "just don't give papaya bro, colombia is perfectly safe" bullshit from backpacker hippies and locals who are obviously going to be emotionally invested in not seeing their country as a shithole.

            And for the record, locals will be the first ones to warn you about the dangers of using Tinder in Colombia. Our warnings are not "exaggerated," we get them straight from the horse's mouth. But they are obviously not going to tell you their women are gold digging bawds (generally speaking). That's where we come in.

            • 11 months ago

              I don't travel for cooming so I don't care about Tinder or hooking up with girls. I am not a moron and don't go out alone during the night and why should I visit some shit hole Medellin ghetto.

            • 11 months ago

              Most information is severely outdated on Colombia. Covid 19 ruined the country.

              • 11 months ago

                Bogotá was covered in graffiti and had constant protests. The pavement was also poorly maintained even in the downtown area. Cali by contrast had substantially worse riots but looked even cleaner than a lot of places in the Canadian city I am from.

              • 11 months ago

                there are holes in the pavement and piles of rubbish all over Cali
                did you just stay in Granada?

              • 11 months ago

                I stayed with my girlfriend and basically only went downtown. I’m sure in the rougher areas it was worse, all I’m saying is that the downtown area seemed way nicer than Bogotá even though Calí is obviously poorer.

          • 11 months ago

            I am Colombian and I think all the warnings here are pretty fair. The country is getting a little more violent every day, and everyone's desperate. If you present yourself as a target you bet your ass you will be targeted.
            I mean, if it happens to us who already live in the country and kinda know what to avoid, why wouldn't it happen to some clueless whitoid asking "donday pericow putas"?

            1. if you can't learn conversational Spanish within six months of study/practice, you're a literal moron; the Columbian accent (at least in the cities) is very neutral and not excessively fast; you have nothing to worry about with communicating
            2. be well-groomed and sharply but not flashily dressed; American business casual is the baseline expectation for going out in public and not being treated like a dog turd
            3. don't even try to date locals, period; only frick *vetted* prostitutes (a fellow expat you know and trust vouches for them), never do incalls or meet at a place she controls, don't bring anything valuable to appointments beyond agreed-upon cash
            4. in general, never do drugs and don't get drunk with locals
            5. if you're pale white you need to know that tropical high-elevation sun will blister you through your clothing; wear UPF-rated shirts and pants if you're going to be out midday for more than a half hour
            6. don't display wealth or brag, never wear israeliteelry or take your mobile out in public, and don't disrespect locals because their culture encourages holding grudges and most of them have very little to lose
            7. stay in wealthy zones unless absolutely necessary and don't go out at night unless it's with a large group

            >the Columbian accent (at least in the cities) is very neutral

            Colombianon here, every city is different, from weather to culture, so I will give you only general basic tips that apply for all the country
            >stay in wealthy neighborhoods
            >don't be a coomer
            >if you want to date a girl, please, for your own good, don't use tinder, don't date obvious golddiggers and have as a prerequisite for her to have a college degree and a stable job
            >don't be an obvious target
            >learn about the expected cost of everything (taxicabs, average lunch and so on)
            >as in every country, race and fashion indicates likelihood of crime, beware of darker people in more whiteish meztizo areas

            >stay in wealthy neighborhoods
            This is not relevant anymore, you people speak as if criminals were not allowed to walk into rich neighborhoods. A very active neighborhood is a much better choice regardless of wealth. As soon as the streets get quiet, you'd better be home.

      • 11 months ago

        >There's no one more arrogant than a Colombian who's come into a bit of money.
        >Stay off Tinder
        True. There is a non-zero chance of getting murdered over the contents of your bank account doing this. It really isn’t worth it, there’s nothing there.
        >Be suspicious of women at "language exchanges" too.
        You should actually be fine here since the bars themselves host these exchanges and while the foreigners will be transients, the locals are generally regulars. You generally won’t find the submissive, feminine woman you’re looking for at a place like this - they’re all girls who like Netflix. I wouldn’t say gold digger - most are looking for an Americanized boyfriend, rather than just going for money. The sort of women who make serious efforts to learn English generally have access to a strata of men domestically that could allow them to live comfortably - they just fetishize foreigners (can also work if you’re Asian, lots of girls like Koreans down there). I recommend meeting people online before you go. Add them on socials (I use Instagram) and observe. Vet them - you will have a higher conversion rate talking to Colombian women, but if they’re too eager to meet up and you don’t know much about them, don’t meet with them. Again, avoid dating apps, people are routinely killed in robberies on these platforms.
        >Medellin, Colombia is likely the world's most dangerous place to go on a Tinder date as a man.
        He isn’t exaggerating at all. The country is safer than Narcos would have led you to believe, but this is a real problem. Some kid was murdered in Medellín in October or November last year while I was down in Bogotá. They killed him over a bank account that probably had less than 30K USD in it.

        • 11 months ago

          >You should actually be fine here since the bars themselves host these exchanges and while the foreigners will be transients, the locals are generally regulars.
          Yeah, the regulars you meet at language exchanges aren't always gonna be desirable women. I posted about this in another Colombia thread, but I ran into this really ugly b***h going to Gringo Tuesdays at Vintrash (iykyk) two consecutive weeks. She was wearing the same outfit both times, and didn't speak a word of English.

          The first week, she showed up with this sketchy looking guy and tried to cajole my group into buying her drinks. Saw her making out with some fat American the second week. I don't think it was a love match. She probably realized I was sketched out by the guy she was with and decided to go alone. He was probably waiting for a phone call from her to show up to her mark's Airbnb after she drugged him.

          >He isn’t exaggerating at all. The country is safer than Narcos would have led you to believe, but this is a real problem.
          Yeah, some people are taken in by the fact that the country is more "developed" feeling than most third world shitholes, and the apparent friendliness of the locals. It's a fun place but it definitely has a dark side. The shiftiness of the locals, complete disregard for the rule of law, a culture that is inured to violence and even justifies it ("he was giving papaya, he was a degenerate sexpat, he/she was just doing what she needed to survive").

          • 11 months ago

            >Yeah, the regulars you meet at language exchanges aren't always gonna be desirable women.
            You told this story already and while I don’t have trouble believing it I think you’re missing my point, which is that you’re better off there than a bar. From what I’ve seen of expat videos on Youtube it is always shocking to me how ugly the women involved in these things are - not all of them, but most of them. I personally stayed in an apartment building that took IDs and never had a problem, but I was only really meeting with women I had met online first.

          • 11 months ago

            Would also add that the culture you mention at the bottom there is definitely real. You are insulated from it somewhat if you speak with young professionals, but you’ll find that attitude on /r/Colombia, and it’s very common even among the young and well-educated. I never thought that “victim blaming” would be useful as a phrase, but it describes the mentality of a lot of Colombians quite well.

            The caveat to that is that people there really hate thieves, so if you make a ruckus and don’t have a gun or knife pulled on you, people will probably help - or so I’ve been told. Being associated with criminality of any kind is only desirable to the trash there (and it’s a large country, so there’s a lot of it). Normal people will take strong offence to being called bandits or criminals, even jokingly.

            • 11 months ago

              >The caveat to that is that people there really hate thieves, so if you make a ruckus and don’t have a gun or knife pulled on you, people will probably help - or so I’ve been told.
              Wouldn't recommend this. I saw a video of a foreigner who was lynched because a Colombian robbed him, and when witnesses showed up the Colombian accused the foreigner of being the thief. For some reason the moronic locals actually believed this, and I think the man was beaten to death (or within an inch of his life anyway).

              Colombians are always ready to believe the worst about foreigners, which is why you should always avoid confrontation with them. If a woman wants to start drama, just disengage and then remove her from your life. These people are very touchy and, like someone already mentioned, they often have nothing to lose.

              Bit of armchair psychology from me, but nursing hatreds and indulging them in a fit of cathartic violence is to be expected from people who are as frustrated with their daily lives as Colombians. And it seems that gringos are the villains of every story these days. All you hear about us is how we're driving up rents and how we're degenerates. They're always getting on their high horse. But Colombians are bigger womanizers, druggies, and alcoholics that Americans ever will be. There's a reason cheap drugs and easy women are so readily available in the country, and it's not because of us. I think it comes down to jealousy, in the end.

              • 11 months ago

                >Wouldn't recommend this. I saw a video of a foreigner who was lynched because a Colombian robbed him
                I can only imagine this happening in the worst neighborhoods where the whoring is done. The general public is very cognizant of Colombia's historical reputation for violence. They can smell foreigners a mile away, and they don't like thieves.
                >people who are as frustrated with their daily lives as Colombians.
                I've experienced greater levels of resentment from servers in Canada than I ever did in Colombia.
                >Colombians are bigger womanizers, druggies, and alcoholics that Americans ever will be. There's a reason cheap drugs and easy women are so readily available in the country, and it's not because of us
                This is true - though I will say the drug problem is significantly worse in Canada. Junkies get run out of town after dark if they make any trouble, at least in Bogota. /r/Colombia loves to blame foreigners for the whoring issue, but it's like you said - there aren't enough tourists to be the driving factor there.

                >I would imagine Medellín has a more advanced criminal ecosystem since there is a higher proportion of expats and the police department is probably not as well-funded.
                This is definitely the case. Medellin is like Colombia on steroids. The women are more attractive, but they are also the most slimy and dishonest bunch in the country. Even many Colombians tend to dislike paisas for this reason. If you get close to one, male or female, they'll always cook up some sob story, a pretext to beg you for money. But when they marry into wealth, which they often do, they become unbearably smug and arrogant. Even if the "rich man" they marry is some random fat American from the suburbs who isn't particularly rich. I have never seen a well-dressed woman in Colombia, but many of them like to put on airs and dress up in cheap white blazers and other such tacky outfits, always taking instagram pics at restaurants and budget hotels.

                Their accent is annoying too. If you've ever heard it, you'd know what I'm talking about. They speak more clearly than most Spanish accents, and the pace is slow compared to European or Caribbean dialects. I think the affectedness of it is what bothers me. There's this exaggerated musicality to it–– cooo-MOOO asiiii moooorrrrrrrr? It's like a Valley girl accent in English, or if you've ever heard the girls from the Red Scare podcast speak. They drag out words unnecessarily and speak with an exaggerated rhythm to sound quirky but it just annoys me.

                And they have this weird complex where they're jealous of foreign men, but can't help treating them with condescension. For example, if you ask an Uber driver why they have no seatbelts in the back, they'll smirk at you and say nothing will happen. As if you're some naive fool who's unreasonable for even suggesting a road accident may happen. But it's like every time I visit, another acquaintance has died in a road accident, often on a motorcycle.

                Most of this is true. The regionalism there is less pronounced than California vs. the midwest, but I don't really understand where the resentment stems from - wealth inequality is more urban vs. rural than city vs. city. I've heard Medellin exports a lot of male order grooms - supposedly the people there are very good looking, though I've never been.
                This is the whole country, though. Even reasonably well-educated people looked at me like I was crazy for putting a seat belt on. I think I've seen you post here before saying the same thing about losing an acquaintance every time you visit. The way Colombians drive makes me amazed that none of them bother taking precautions. I've heard India can be like that - people don't use PPE because life is cheap.

              • 11 months ago

                every second post on that subreddit is some colombian guy asking about prostitutes or a colombian girl asking if she she should do onlyfans
                I wish they would just admit they are a country of degenerates instead of trying to act conservative

              • 11 months ago

                I think you are talking about Venecos (Venezuelans). They are treated completely different way from other foreigners.

                Unitedstatesians and others are treated well.

                Visited with a friend a while ago. Dude looked like the typical pasty white tourist, but still thought he'd "get a sense of the place" and went to explore Bogota, got drugged, and robbed. Didn't get killed or kidnapped, so pretty good outcome.

                Heard that Medellin is much worse, which is funny to imagine. Cartagena was safe enough, but too many sexpats and landwhale Americans.

                Try salchipapas btw.

                Gringo pricing was very much real in my experience

                How the frick did she get an Australia visa and enough cash for plane tickets.

                > landwhale Americans.


              • 11 months ago

                >talking about Venecos

                No I think he's talking about gringos, like the simp who came from Texas just to kill that poor girl Trespalacios and stuff her body in a suitcase. She might have been a prostitute but she didn't deserve to end up like that.

                Nobody likes gringos because they dont' know how to behave like civilized people

              • 11 months ago

                simps don't murder women they defend their honour online lol

              • 11 months ago

                But only a simp would be sending her money for a year before coming to his senses

      • 11 months ago

        This straight up happened to my dad. TL;DR, left my mum before I was born - has been loose contact with my mum and I over the last 30 years.

        He met a woman online from Colombia, she came to Australia for a few months and managed to get him to move to Medellin for her. Lasted 3 months before she dumped him and got her brothers to rob him at gunpoint and destroyed his passport. Leaving him stranded.

        Managed to get his shit together and is still living there a year later but Medellin is apparently a complete fricking whole and if you're a passport bro/sex tourist you're gonna have a bad time.

        • 11 months ago

          Sounds like a made up story t.b.h., and I'm not naive to the things that go on there. A girl who can afford to visit Australia isn't going to be marking dudes to rob them for maybe a few thousand dollars. The economics just don't pen out. There are some girls who will play the long con the way you're describing (which is why you have to be careful of anyone you meet online), but most of them have never left the country.

          • 11 months ago

            Should also add that the majority of these robberies occur via Tinder or at bars. If she is eager to meet up immediately and wants to go drinking on the first or second date, stay far away. Most of them are low IQ so they dress provocatively which you can use as a signal, but I've seen videos of some guys getting ripped off and one of the women looked completely normal, so always make sure you're listening to your gut. I bailed on more than a few meetups for this reason.

  3. 11 months ago

    >What do I need to expect?
    A lot of pussy

  4. 11 months ago

    look up scopolamine and the Vice doc about it if it is still online. don't kiss a woman without seeing her wash her face first, don't accept drinks.

    • 11 months ago

      That doc is a complete meme but scolp is very real. But its not going to turn you into a zombie or whatever its literally just a roofie

  5. 11 months ago

    1. if you can't learn conversational Spanish within six months of study/practice, you're a literal moron; the Columbian accent (at least in the cities) is very neutral and not excessively fast; you have nothing to worry about with communicating
    2. be well-groomed and sharply but not flashily dressed; American business casual is the baseline expectation for going out in public and not being treated like a dog turd
    3. don't even try to date locals, period; only frick *vetted* prostitutes (a fellow expat you know and trust vouches for them), never do incalls or meet at a place she controls, don't bring anything valuable to appointments beyond agreed-upon cash
    4. in general, never do drugs and don't get drunk with locals
    5. if you're pale white you need to know that tropical high-elevation sun will blister you through your clothing; wear UPF-rated shirts and pants if you're going to be out midday for more than a half hour
    6. don't display wealth or brag, never wear israeliteelry or take your mobile out in public, and don't disrespect locals because their culture encourages holding grudges and most of them have very little to lose
    7. stay in wealthy zones unless absolutely necessary and don't go out at night unless it's with a large group

    • 11 months ago

      >t tropical high-elevation sun

      What part of Colombia are you talking about? Never saw anybody having that problem.

      In Ecuador yes or Peru or Chile (for other reasons--ozone).

      • 11 months ago

        >What part of Colombia are you talking about?
        Literally all cities that aren't on the Atlantic Coast are probably higher in altitude than your native town lmao wtf are you talking about moron

    • 11 months ago

      Spent two months traveling around Colombia half a year ago, this anon gives really good advice
      Colombia is very nice but can be dangerous. Locals range from the nicest people you meet to potentially the last people you meet.
      And yeah, if you don't know Spanish and don't know much there's no other way than paying for cooming.
      All that said, I'm jealous, I wish I had an excuse to visit that often.

      • 11 months ago


        Yeah, I guess I didn't make it totally explicit, but I am just going there for work. I'm an engineer, and quite literally two weeks after my hire date they attached me to this engagement. After my ramp-up is complete, it's off I go to Colombia.

        I am not going there for coomer stuff, or to go after women in any way, or do drugs or drink a lot. It's just not my thing. I would maybe like to do some sightseeing if I have extra days, maybe go look at jungle stuff, or anything nature related. I'll just find a tour guide for that.

        1. if you can't learn conversational Spanish within six months of study/practice, you're a literal moron; the Columbian accent (at least in the cities) is very neutral and not excessively fast; you have nothing to worry about with communicating
        2. be well-groomed and sharply but not flashily dressed; American business casual is the baseline expectation for going out in public and not being treated like a dog turd
        3. don't even try to date locals, period; only frick *vetted* prostitutes (a fellow expat you know and trust vouches for them), never do incalls or meet at a place she controls, don't bring anything valuable to appointments beyond agreed-upon cash
        4. in general, never do drugs and don't get drunk with locals
        5. if you're pale white you need to know that tropical high-elevation sun will blister you through your clothing; wear UPF-rated shirts and pants if you're going to be out midday for more than a half hour
        6. don't display wealth or brag, never wear israeliteelry or take your mobile out in public, and don't disrespect locals because their culture encourages holding grudges and most of them have very little to lose
        7. stay in wealthy zones unless absolutely necessary and don't go out at night unless it's with a large group

        >wear UPF-rated shirts and pants if you're going to be out midday for more than a half hour

        This is great advice, thank you. I look and dress like Ned Flanders, and I am pale as shit, so Ill keep the UPF thing in mind.

    • 11 months ago

      don't follow the tips of this moron.

      do take your mobile out in public, everyone has an smartphone and of course they carry it with them and take it out, just be aware of your surrondings if you're in a sketchy place.

      crime occurs in wealthy zones too, so, another moronic tip. many places are safe enough.

      of course you can do drugs and get drunk with locals, in most situations/contexts.

      • 11 months ago

        People on here exaggerate how dangerous Colombia is. Just stay polite, don't show wealth, learn some basic Spanish and avoid going out alone during the night, then you'll be fine. People are very friendly and easy to talk to. I always was under the impression that people did look out for me there, wether it was the old man guiding me to the right bus or some school children trying to say hello to a foreigner and giving me advice on which desserts to eat.

        also you can go out alone in many places, like small towns or if you're in some residential hood and you have to walk a few streets for groceries or whatever. And in many other situations.

  6. 11 months ago

    Colombianon here, every city is different, from weather to culture, so I will give you only general basic tips that apply for all the country
    >stay in wealthy neighborhoods
    >don't be a coomer
    >if you want to date a girl, please, for your own good, don't use tinder, don't date obvious golddiggers and have as a prerequisite for her to have a college degree and a stable job
    >don't be an obvious target
    >learn about the expected cost of everything (taxicabs, average lunch and so on)
    >as in every country, race and fashion indicates likelihood of crime, beware of darker people in more whiteish meztizo areas

    • 11 months ago

      >have as a prerequisite for her to have a college degree and a stable job
      As a handy filter, Colombians are generally well-educated but the ones who want to learn English will fall into one of two categories: 1) Girls who fetishize western media and foreigners in general (these girls weren’t actually gold diggers in my experience, but YMMV) and 2) working professionals.

      It’s really not hard to rack up a laundry list of a hundred well-educated girls to meet up with if you know where to look. But again: Vet their socials before even getting near them.

      • 11 months ago

        >But again: Vet their socials before even getting near them.
        Definitely a good idea. 80% of the time when a girl is a prepago, you'll be able to tell by looking at her Facebook. Colombia is a permissive society, but they still pay lip service to a conservative culture: girls want to seem respectable, even if they're as loose as American ones. So if they're dressed like prostitutes, covered in tattoos, with hundreds of likes on their pictures, they're probably prostitutes.

        That being said, there are definitely girls that are more subtle. I dated an 18 year old who I never would have realized was a camprostitute until she told me (I told her about another camprostitute I messed around with in the past). She lived in Bello, and we met on Tinder; those two things should have been enough of a red flag. I also dated a 19 year old who I realized was dating multiple men as a sugar baby.

    • 11 months ago

      Race thing is kind of a red herring - you’ll have to judge more based on clothing in Colombia. You’re unlikely to have trouble with people who are well-dressed. Even in El Centro in Bogotá there wasn’t an appreciable level of segregation (suburbs might have been different).

  7. 11 months ago


    >Honestly man if you want to monger or have a short term gf or whatever there’s better countries to do for latinas
    Go on....

    • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        I’ve never been but it has literally the worst reputation for passporting and all the Argentinians I tried talking to online were very disengaged in comparison to the Colombians.

    • 11 months ago

      Spain, Argentina, Mexico, Costa Rica, Brazil to an extent, and more Latin countries whose scenes I am unaware of. Even Germany and UK have a good amount of latinas working there for decent rates

      • 11 months ago

        it's really insane how hot latinas are cheaper in germany than in colombia now

        • 11 months ago

          Medellin's a three hour flight from Miami. Nothing insane about it. A fool and his money are easily parted.

        • 11 months ago

          It’s easier for fried chicken Americans to go to Colombia than it’s to go to Germany. The fired chicken Americans go crazy for the big booty latina and give them whatever price they want

          • 11 months ago

            Bigger problem is that the BBC is stretching out all the local hoes and they are now so loose that poor white boy can't feel a thing anymore

            • 11 months ago

              prostitutes will confirm that BBC is a myth if you ask them
              germanic dudes have the biggest dicks

            • 11 months ago

              It funny how fired chicken Americans have to go overseas to get pussy when their women have zero standards

              • 11 months ago

                >their women

                The problem is that the white women in America have already all been stretched out by BBC and even though they try hard, really working on trying to pump up their flat asses for that BBC they can't enough of, it doesn't come natural to them, getting that ass nice and plump. It's an uphill struggle. No reason for a brother to bother with that shit when he have a big latina booty ready to wrap around him.

                White boys be hating because they don't have the $$ to keep up with the passport bros. It's kind of pathetic if you think about it. All Americans should support each other whether you're a jeeter or a fried chickin eater.

              • 11 months ago

                imagine the asian guy taking 20 minutes to think up this post while jerking off

              • 11 months ago

                Projecting much?

                What takes an Asian two minutes to write takes a jeeter twenty.

  8. 11 months ago

    Planning to go to Colombia next year, how is Tulua? Will I get deaded?

    • 11 months ago

      It's worth noting that Caleños have a reputation for violence, even among Colombians. Which is saying something..

      You'll probably be fine as long as you're not a dummy, and avoid coomer activities.

      • 11 months ago

        I'm going to meet someone unrelated to coomerism. It's probably a trap, but she knows I don't have money. Maybe just wants to kill a foreigner.

        stay out, we're dangerous

        why would you go specifically there wtf
        big nope if you're fully white

        I'm half white and half first nation.

        Again if this isn't a trap, I would be with her and her family out in the town.

    • 11 months ago

      stay out, we're dangerous

      why would you go specifically there wtf
      big nope if you're fully white

      • 11 months ago

        That second video is amusing. The gringo is so easy to pick out as soon as the video starts, but you can see why they attacked him. The idiot was going around recording in the Centro, holding his phone in front of his stomach pretending to be discrete. He's lucky there wasn't a pimp around to bash his head in.

  9. 11 months ago

    Make sure your will is drawn up and properly filed. If you have life insurance, make sure it's paid up.

  10. 11 months ago


    there is an endless supply of 6/10 girls for $10

    the more attractive women have either left the country, exclusively do onlyfans or they try to charge dumb americans $200+

  11. 11 months ago

    God knows we have no shortage of fools in America

  12. 11 months ago

    I went to colombia just before covid. It was alright. I dated 2 nice girls, got lucky. But kinda got scammed the third time.

    It is a dangerous shithole so be careful.

    Most colombians are scammers and hustlers. Very fake and shallow people. Their food is garbage. Not much to see except for el penol and maybe the nature parks in santa marta. If colombia wasnt so cheap and had so many hot women, no one would go.

    The best and safest places in colombia are armenia, manizales and maybe bucaramunga.

    The worst part of colombia is that it has too many low to middle class americans, ths worst being arrogant black yankies who think they are ballers because they just got a passport

    • 11 months ago

      >The worst part of colombia is that it has too many low to middle class americans, ths worst being arrogant black yankies who think they are ballers because they just got a passport
      Even in La Candelaria the locals outnumber the foreigners. Would also disagree on Colombians being hustlers. Women weren’t nearly as mercenary with me as I was expecting, but then I didn’t go to bars or use dating apps, so that probably helped.

  13. 11 months ago

    You dont need to lie, just say you wanna coom in Colombia, no need to make up a story about a job

  14. 11 months ago


    If you’re white, Asian, or black but American, and even remotely average-looking or tall this isn’t true at all. I had more women than I knew what to do with (most of whom I would have considered out of my league at home) and eventually settled down with the one who treated me the best. Younger girls were a lot harder to get dates with for obvious reasons, but if you’re willing to look between the ages of 24+ you don’t need to pay for it. The language barrier acts in your favor as you can pass off autism as a misunderstanding.

    • 11 months ago

      homie that’s not my point. The route to date “normally” is just not the worth the squeeze and too risky. Have an ego and refuse to pay I don’t care but don’t post on forums and Facebook pages about how the girl you thought you hit it off with has two of her brothers rob you at gun point

  15. 11 months ago

    Also wanted to jump in and mention that food being bad isn’t true at all. Colombia has no real culinary tradition (at least that I’m aware of), but you can get food from all over the world there, and most of it is good quality even considering the low price. Even in Cali I never had any problem finding places to eat. I would avoid eating street food, it gave me diarrhea the only time I tried it, and the food carts have pigeons flying around them all day.

    • 11 months ago

      I enjoyed the food in Cali the most out of all the cities I visited in Colombia.

      My suggestion is to try bakeries. The bread there was much better than I expected, at least the savory breads. My favorite is a bread called pan de abuela/pan crema.

      • 11 months ago

        They had great vegan food in Calí. The selection wasn’t bad in Bogotá for that since there are tons of universities, but I was surprised at how good the food was because everyone trashes it online.

  16. 11 months ago

    most people in tourism there speak enough english. Brush up on your Spanish. You will be glad you did. Don't be flashy. Don't fall into club promoter's traps because it's usually sex trade. Stay in mainstream nightlife. Cocaine is everywhere. Be careful with that because they still cut it with fillers and fentanyl. Not much to see in Bogota. Medellin is a cool place to live. Cartagena is very chill and beachy. Visit various small towns in the rainforest if you can. It's beautiful.

  17. 11 months ago

    if you're familiar with identifying and avoiding shady shit anywhere else you'll be alright, it looks the same everywhere on earth

  18. 11 months ago

    I seriously have no idea why anyone who is not a double digit iq moron is still going to Medellin. Completely over saturated dangerous shithole that has no attraction other than cooming that is overpriced and too risky to engage in now

  19. 11 months ago

    Jesus Christ, some of the responses here are dooming and if I'd never traveled to Colombia I would be scared as frick.

    For reference: I've been to Colombia several times the past 2 years, usually for 1-2 weeks at a time. I've spent the majority of my time in Medellin, a few days in Cartagena, and a few days in Bogota.

    It's only as unsafe as you make it out to be. Are you going to be cooming? Stay within the tourist areas (Poblado, Laureles, Envigado) and NEVER meet a girl at her place or a place of her choosing. Medellin is a coomer's paradise but you MUST follow basic rules. Never show wealth if you're walking around, buy a cheap burner phone to use on the ground in Medellin. I personally bought a cheap unlocked iPhone SE for $130 off Amazon, mainly since I'm so entrenched in the Apple ecosystem and can use various apps without a problem between burner and main phone. Will I cry if it gets robbed? No. And don't get me wrong, there is a high likelihood that you will be robbed.

    I can't stress this next point enough, never, and I mean NEVER book an unguarded Airbnb in Colombia. You WANT a building with a lobby, with some sort of security. You WANT them to take a girl's ID and scan it in their system. Why? Because it gives you protection, no underage, a record of who they are if for some reason you need that info, etc. It also deters the women from trying shit with you, such as drugging and/or stealing from you. Another great positive about this is you can tell the lobby to take the women's ID and only give it back when they leave, and to not let them leave without your presence or have the lobby call you for permission.

    Most "horror" stories you hear are from idiots who rent some cheap ass Airbnb without security, picking up some street prostitute and boom, they get drugged and/or killed with nothing to show for it. They also run the (very real) risk of underage working girls who will extort them or call (likely paid) cops who will extort you even more.

    • 11 months ago

      >Columbia is fine
      >just prepare to be robbed of your belongings at any time and make sure the place you sleep at has a security detail
      No thanks

      • 11 months ago

        Your response is more dooming than anyone else's ngl. Jesus, man. Even in pajeetland I didn't have to do any of that shit.

        Yeah it’s pretty life denying to have to be in constant worry. Would rather just frick latinas somewhere else

        I dunno, I don't find it a problem. I have a stable of girls from past trips who are almost always available to me once I tell them I'm in town, they know me, I know them. Doesn't mean I trust them completely but there is a few who I have either taken on trips or out to fine dining, and they know what they're in for when they spend time with me.

        I stay in an apartment where the owner knows me, the receptionists know me, and I usually take care of the receptionists by buying them lunch or dinner here and there (maybe $8 total through Rappi).

        I have only been robbed once in my time in Colombia, it was a pair of AirPods, though I was able to get them back the next night (and fricked the hell out of the girl for free as her "punishment" lol).

        You have to remember, this country was plagued by drug wars not two decades ago, and there is a LOT of poverty along with people who have next to nothing to lose. Don't be stupid and you'll have a good time.

    • 11 months ago

      Your response is more dooming than anyone else's ngl. Jesus, man. Even in pajeetland I didn't have to do any of that shit.

      • 11 months ago

        Yeah it’s pretty life denying to have to be in constant worry. Would rather just frick latinas somewhere else

    • 11 months ago

      Anyone have a quick start guide for cooming in colombia?

      Credit to you this is good thanks

  20. 11 months ago

    >What do I need to expect?
    Frick off, we are full

  21. 11 months ago

    Going back to Colombia in the fall and will be on the Caribbean coast for the most part. Already been to Caratgena (just the city, no islands), Tayrona, Minca, and Palomino so am wondering if I should just revisit those places or if there are any other good smaller destinations worth checking out. Will also be flying into Bogota and might add Barichara because it's possible I'll get free accommodations. Already seen plenty of quaint small towns throughout Colombia and South America in general though so not sure if it's worth it.

    • 11 months ago

      If you're looking to spend your time on the coast, that's really all there is. Colombia may not be small geographically, but it's small in terms of what there is to do. People spend their lives going to the same old fincas culeando a revolving door of other locals. Their lives are very circumscribed. Maybe the reason for the licentiousness of the population is the fact that there's not much else to do. You can't put your head down and grind like you could in America, because there are no opportunities.

      If you are intent on remaining on the coast there's not much I can say. The Pacific coast is a dangerous shithole with nothing to recommend it. It's undeveloped because the local blacks have indigenous status and have been vetoing all development projects until recently. It's also a major hub for the drug trade; you don't want to go sticking your nose in those port towns. But if you're willing to venture out, the Eje Cafetero may be worth seeing. Hiking in Salento is always nice, and you may get lucky with a Euro backpacker girl. The place is off the beaten path for most sexpats which reduces the problems that are endemic to a place like Medellin. The vibe is a lot better compared to urban Colombia, even in local hubs like Manizales and Pereira, and the landscapes are beautiful.

      • 10 months ago

        If that's all there is that's not bad still. Happy to go back to these places but figure it's worth asking around. Already been to through the coffee region. Would like to go back and hike in Los Nevados but that's not the plan this time around. Also been to the Pacific twice and absolutely loved it but we're going outside of whale season so don't see the point in dealing with another flight.

        Is San Andreas on it's own worth it? I did see cheap flights with Wingo but not sure that it's worth it without adding on Providencia.

        On a very different note, have you spent time in Guainia or Guaviare? I loved Casanare and would love to see that ecosystem that straddles the llanos and rainforest. I doubt I can convince my wife but it's worth trying.

        Also, if you are really intent on seeing Colombian beach towns you haven't visited, it may be worth taking a cheap local flight to San Andres. It's closer to Nicaragua, but still feels very much Colombian due to the accessibility of flights for the locals.

        It's part of Colombia due to an administrative quirk dating from the Spanish colonial era, when it was assigned to New Granada rather than New Spain. Just 100 bucks and an hour and a half from Cartagena.

        Not really interested in Guajira or Mompox but would love to hear more about Capurgana. Is the attraction just chilling out on the beach or is there more than that?

    • 11 months ago

      Many places. Santa Cruz de Mompox, several places all over Guajira like Punta Gallinas, Macuira or Los Flamencos, Corales del Rosario and San Bernardo, Sapzurro and Capurganá (yes, even with all the Haitian and Bangladesi)... and there are many towns that became known for some particular dish, festivity, tradition etc, or a combination of all of these like San Basilio de Palenque.

      That being said standard gringo precautions do apply in a place like Manizales, or anywhere in Colombia really. Just because you aren't in Medellin doesn't mean there isn't local scum looking to take advantage.

      >or anywhere in Colombia really.

      lol, obviously not at all, fricking moron. Yo cannot compare Medellin to any other place in Colombia in terms of everything (amount of trannies, drug cartel influence, etc) It has to do with what

      >I would imagine Medellín has a more advanced criminal ecosystem since there is a higher proportion of expats and the police department is probably not as well-funded.
      This is definitely the case. Medellin is like Colombia on steroids. The women are more attractive, but they are also the most slimy and dishonest bunch in the country. Even many Colombians tend to dislike paisas for this reason. If you get close to one, male or female, they'll always cook up some sob story, a pretext to beg you for money. But when they marry into wealth, which they often do, they become unbearably smug and arrogant. Even if the "rich man" they marry is some random fat American from the suburbs who isn't particularly rich. I have never seen a well-dressed woman in Colombia, but many of them like to put on airs and dress up in cheap white blazers and other such tacky outfits, always taking instagram pics at restaurants and budget hotels.

      Their accent is annoying too. If you've ever heard it, you'd know what I'm talking about. They speak more clearly than most Spanish accents, and the pace is slow compared to European or Caribbean dialects. I think the affectedness of it is what bothers me. There's this exaggerated musicality to it–– cooo-MOOO asiiii moooorrrrrrrr? It's like a Valley girl accent in English, or if you've ever heard the girls from the Red Scare podcast speak. They drag out words unnecessarily and speak with an exaggerated rhythm to sound quirky but it just annoys me.

      And they have this weird complex where they're jealous of foreign men, but can't help treating them with condescension. For example, if you ask an Uber driver why they have no seatbelts in the back, they'll smirk at you and say nothing will happen. As if you're some naive fool who's unreasonable for even suggesting a road accident may happen. But it's like every time I visit, another acquaintance has died in a road accident, often on a motorcycle.

      says, but it's not that is "Colombia on steroids", it's a very sui generis place in many ways.

  22. 11 months ago

    That being said standard gringo precautions do apply in a place like Manizales, or anywhere in Colombia really. Just because you aren't in Medellin doesn't mean there isn't local scum looking to take advantage.

  23. 11 months ago

    Also, if you are really intent on seeing Colombian beach towns you haven't visited, it may be worth taking a cheap local flight to San Andres. It's closer to Nicaragua, but still feels very much Colombian due to the accessibility of flights for the locals.

    It's part of Colombia due to an administrative quirk dating from the Spanish colonial era, when it was assigned to New Granada rather than New Spain. Just 100 bucks and an hour and a half from Cartagena.

  24. 11 months ago

    Prepare to get favelad

  25. 11 months ago

    In case no one else mentioned this, expect a lot of fricking garbage and litter. Colombians are fricking terrible with litter and their cities most tragically their parks are filled with fricking garbage.

    • 11 months ago

      And homeless people. Tons of homeless people everywhere just laying on the sidewalk. Even in tourist areas you'll occasionally find one or smell the shit they just laid on the sidewalk.

      • 10 months ago

        It's the same as in the US. Homeless will tend to congreate in certain areas. Typically around areas where there's also a steady supply of crack, which is not the upscale areas.

    • 11 months ago

      And homeless people. Tons of homeless people everywhere just laying on the sidewalk. Even in tourist areas you'll occasionally find one or smell the shit they just laid on the sidewalk.

      Didn't see any homeless people in most places I visited on my Colombia tour. Parks were okay, too.

      • 11 months ago

        They're definitely not as common as in some American cities. Still, I've seen some in Poblado.

      • 10 months ago

        I can't walk a few blocks in Cali without seeing 10 homeless guys

  26. 10 months ago

    >What do I need to expect?
    prostitutes, ugly people, manlets, good food and landscapes, low IQ urban design and probably you'll like it.

    >t. Colombian

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