Coworking spaces

Are they worth it? For digital nomads, expats, travellers, etc.

WeWork is an overpriced meme but they have some really cool locations in many countries. I was wondering if the facilities are nice though.

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  1. 8 months ago

    They're for people to pay to sit in public on their laptops so they can feel like an important person and have others that lack self-awareness think they're an important rather than use the WiFi for free at the hotel they're already staying at. It's the same as the people that sit at Starbucks for hours on their laptop. They could do it at home for free, but no, they have to pay for an overpriced mediocre coffee and do it in public.

    • 8 months ago

      When I digital nomad I usually find a "base" cafe but that's just because I'm a coffee addict. Even when I'm at home and not working I'll go to a coffee shop for hours and just read and drink. Co working spaces seem pointless to me unless you have to do a meeting and are afraid your wifi in your accommodation will suck. If you are bored of your apartment/hotel/air b n b just go to a coffee shop

    • 7 months ago

      ive never used one, but maybe paying for it makes them more focused on working than slacking off

    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      hi i believe i found this picture of you??

      • 7 months ago

        No, reddit cucks are types of people who pay money for the privilege of working.

        • 7 months ago

          I'm not sure how autistic you have to be to be unable to comprehend that some people may enjoy getting out of the place where they live and spending time in an environment where they can interact with others

          • 7 months ago

            You can do that for free, why pay for it? Sure, you can pay for sex, but if you have to pay for it it's not a good sign.

    • 7 months ago


      You can do that for free, why pay for it? Sure, you can pay for sex, but if you have to pay for it it's not a good sign.

      This may be difficult to understand for an autist like yourself, but some people actually enjoy environments where they're in the proximity of other people and can have face to face interactions, rather than staying holed up in their room all day looking at their bedroom walls and monitor.

      It also probably has something to do with productivity. Same rational why some people in college choose to work in the library instead of their dorms. Less distractions.

      >but you can get all these things for free why pay
      human quality control. Same reason why I shop at bourgeois grocery stores and not walmart. Are things cheaper in the latter? Sure. But I'd rather pay markup instead of having to walk past people wearing shart stained sweat pants riding scooters.

  2. 8 months ago

    I enjoy working in them and sometimes you can meet cool people too. Yes they're expensive but I'm not poor so I don't give a shit.
    I also enjoy working from cafes and honestly some co-working spaces are a negligible upgrade from a cafe. But I like knowing that I'll always have a comfy space to work and won't have to fight for a seat.

  3. 8 months ago

    it's really nice if your work is fully remote and your company pays for it. beats working alone from home every day by a fricking mile.
    not sure if I'd pay for it out of my own pocket though

  4. 7 months ago

    Is there something like wework for a place to sleep? Like a shared house/apartment building?

    • 7 months ago

      What are hostels?

      • 7 months ago

        Hostels can be a pain to live in, let alone work. And the constant coming and going of people gets tiring. I guess what I'm looking for is a quiet clean hostel with people generally staying for longer.

  5. 7 months ago

    My old office was in a WeWork, and I've been to a few coworking spaces they have. Facilities are very nice there typically, and often in pretty cool locations too. I've seen some nicer ones attached to good coffee spots or restaurants. Not sure how much longer they'll be around though, it looks like they're going to be bankrupt pretty soon.

  6. 7 months ago

    Literally just walk in and nobody will bother you. I went to 3 co-working spaces in Amsterdam and nobody said shit. Doors are wide open and if not just tailgate someone in.

  7. 7 months ago

    As a DN these never make sense.

    OP what you should do is simply invest the money you would spend for a wework place into a place of stay for a hostel private room or hotel. Unless you're screaming or have a shitty mic with no gain control, you should be able to work fine. I've done migrations for customers, done tons of conference calls, and so on from a hostel and hotel.

    WW is a scam for the most part because that 10-50 dollars a day for a desk, you could put into your airbnb/hotel/hostel or whatever and just work fine.

    • 7 months ago

      I have very loud phone calls with customers and I can't have people interfere while working.
      Are there hostels where I could do this, preferably in the middle of the night.

  8. 7 months ago

    I literally go to WeWork for the women.

    My workplace is 99% autistic males, but at WeWork the majority of people are young office Stacies. Fricking love it there.

    • 7 months ago

      do people actually socialize at these places?

      • 7 months ago

        Dunno, I'm also autistic so I don't talk to the women there, I just observe them.

    • 7 months ago

      unironically this. my dick gets hard for office ladies. frick working alone in a hotel like some of the autists here are talking about, how fricking sociopathic do you have to be to want to do that every day of your life

  9. 7 months ago

    I teach English online so for me to do that I need to be in a quiet environment. Sometimes I'm lucky and find a quiet relaxing coffee shop in Vietnam or Korea. In Thailand this kind of shop is impossible to find due to the entire country being a shithole. The problem is that
    A) does WeWork give me a private quiet little cubicle to work in? I dont want to disturb others nor others to disturb me.
    B) what are their hours of operation?
    The other problem is that I only ever see WeWork in the bougiest of neighbourhoods where all the overpriced expat restaurants and luxury brand stores are. Not where I typically like to stay.

  10. 7 months ago

    it's not wework but i rent an office in a local business centre when i am working in another country
    yes it's worth it
    my current office costs me about half a day's pay a month. i work here alone but it is actually big enough for about 3 people
    it's got superfast internet (no shitty coffee shop wifi), comfortable furniture, an open area with office stuff (drinks, copier, microwave etc), nice clean toilets and so on
    i've set up my battlestation (laptop + 2 monitors) and i've got loads of my other stuff in the office
    i'm in asia but i mainly work euro hours so a lot of the time i'm the only one here
    there are a couple of restaurants/bars and a supermarket nearby
    it suits me. your mileage etc etc

  11. 7 months ago

    >Coworking spaces
    >digital nomad
    >coffee addict

    • 7 months ago

      yeah it's so much more based & redpilled to just sit in your room alone

  12. 7 months ago

    It's actually pretty nice if you have a business or startup and don't want to pay for a full office.

    You get to meet tons of startup folks and entrepreneurs but be careful sharing too much about your projects as 99% of these homosexuals will steal your ideas gladly if it means they can make money from it, i've seen it happen. Some dude talked too much about the tech he was working on, fast forward 2-3 months later, the geeks he was sharing his ideas with came up with the same fricking tech and raised a few millions in seed funding and the guy got royally fricked over. This shit is rare but it's a possibility in this day and age, especially in the middle of a down market where everyone is desperate.

    Besides that the interactions and networking are nice and you can meet a lot of people who can further your interests as well.

    The wework in my city has beer on tap, unlimited snacks, fruits and coffee for everyone working there. It makes working a bit comfier and i definitely see the benefit of not having to go to starcucks and buy coffee and snacks every morning.

    But yeah people pay for these places for the interactions/networking/environment mostly, sure it's expensive but if you can justify the cost then why not. Still much cheaper than renting an office space or going to a library with total spergs around you and zero perks.

    • 7 months ago

      I spent a month working in WeWork and never even talked to anyone. I'm probably too autistic for it but I don't really understand how networking there is supposed to happen so freely.

      • 7 months ago

        networking at WW just means you start conversations with random people and talk about yourself and how great you are. if they respond about how great they are and what great things they are doing then you have made a wework friend. it is 99% surface level transactional relationships.

      • 7 months ago

        People tend to be outgoing, you can strike convos easily while grabbing a snack or at the door when people go out to smoke.

        There's also MANY VC/Startup events in the evening and you should definitely go because that's where all these geeks hang out and there's quite a few money guys too that want to meet guys with nice ideas and projects.

  13. 7 months ago

    Just fricking lol at "working". You dweebs still haven't realised that food grows on trees for free?

  14. 7 months ago

    I pay for one since working from home every day gets boring.

  15. 7 months ago

    One of my favorite things about Korea was that on literally every corner there was a huge coffee shop where many people just work or study all day. So you just get a coffee for a couple of bucks and you can work in a spacious, comfortable environment. You can leave your shit on the table and go grab lunch, nobody cares. The coffee is also great in many places.

    If you just want a place to work, I don't see how WeWork is any better than that. The price for a co-working space is like $15+ a day and you can't even work late or on weekends in most locations.

    I guess that the networking aspect is the only benefit. But I'm a socially awkward moron so I don't benefit from that.

  16. 7 months ago

    >paying money to work
    >paying money to overpriced bullshit israeli companies in order to work

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