Currently teaching English in Cambodia. Tired of southeast Asia though.

Currently teaching English in Cambodia. Tired of southeast Asia though. Want something a bit more comfy and central Asia seems like the perfect part of the world that fits the bill. How is Kazakhstan as a country? I'm not expecting anything too exciting, just comfy moods. Also why do the women look so elite?

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  1. 10 months ago

    I lived there for years (and Cambodia). Be more specific and I'll answer

    • 10 months ago

      What is the cost of living like as opposed to Cambodia? How much is rent? How much is food? What is the best city to live in Kazakhstan? How is the nightlife?

      • 10 months ago

        >What is the cost of living like as opposed to Cambodia?
        If you are not in Almaty or Astana (Astana being the most expensive), then the costs are around the same. In fact, you will get higher quality restaurant meals for cheaper in KZ
        >How much is rent?
        Depends where you are ofc. If you want to frick 10/10 model looking women, you need to go to Petropavl, Semey, Kokshetau. Cities up near the Russian border. The rent there will be about $250 - $300pm for 2 bedroom apartment
        >How much is food?
        There's a really nice franchise restaurant across KZ called Coffee Boom. Can get all sorts of well-made European and American dishes. About $3 - 4
        What is the best city to live in Kazakhstan?
        Almaty is like a European city, very cheap and beautiful hot women. However, if you go to some of the Northern cities, as mentioned above, the women will throw themselves at you. There will likely be only 10 foreigners in the cities at any one time, including expats. I was one of only 5 expats in my city.
        How is the nightlife?
        Like a fever dream, unironically. The KZ guys like to sit in Ladas with other men and drink vodka all night. The women like to dress up glamorously and go to bars and clubs to dance. But there are no men in there. Often, I would enter a club and see over 20 skinny beautiful women, all 8,9s and 10s. And maybe 2 men. A couple of times I have been in clubs full of women and not a single man. They will flirt aggressively with you, touch your hand on the dance floor, loooong eye contact. Accosting you as you go to the toilets etc.
        I used to work with a couple of old Kenyans, painfully shy, late 50s, ugly. I saw him giving his number to a 10/10 cute little 19yo in a mall once. I worked with a half Pakistani English guy. Absolutely painful to look at. Hunch back, white heads, hook nose. Saw him with a 10/10 pale white Korean girl (Koreans came during the 50s, you'll see some). You will be fiended over for just be foreign. If you are white, then +++

        • 10 months ago

          To be able to live that dream you need to speak Russian don't you?

          • 10 months ago

            None of the guys mentioned spoke any Russian

        • 10 months ago

          Isn't KZ already like 30% Russian especially up north?
          Why would they care if you're white? Makes no sense.

          • 10 months ago

            Guy is larping. Kazakh does not care nor worship you if you are white. They have Russian immigrants running into their country daily, and they fricking hate them. I've seen women giving cold looks to a handsome Russian guy. Like wtf, I'd frick his ass if I were gay. Also, the more northern you go, the more conservative people are. If you're not Muslim, women would not be interested in you.

            • 10 months ago

              >Guy is larping. Kazakh does not care nor worship you if you are white
              Do you have reading problems moron? I gave two examples, a Kenyan guy and a Pakistani. Do they sound white to you? Being foreign gets you fricked in small cities.
              Also, sorry to break it to you, pajeet but Russians prefer white people over brown people, as do most women on earth. Sorry.

              • 10 months ago

                >Do you have reading problems moron?
                Do you? How about you read my post again, moron.

                >Kenyan guy and a Pakistani
                >not white
                Gee, I wondered why.

            • 10 months ago

              >Kazakh does not care nor worship you if you are white.
              Show hand

            • 10 months ago


              >Isn't KZ already like 30% Russian especially up north?
              >Why would they care if you're white? Makes no sense
              Idk. Because we're the most prestigious race on earth? We create the most popular culture and music in the world. We have the richest countries... Do you think they'd prefer an Arican or a Chinese guy?
              Do I really have to explain why white people are attractive to people in developing countries?

              Of course they'd prefer a human over a dysgenic manlet pinklet sunburnt rat.

              • 10 months ago

                >Do you have reading problems moron?
                Do you? How about you read my post again, moron.

                >Kenyan guy and a Pakistani
                >not white
                Gee, I wondered why.

                You need to show you hand

              • 10 months ago

                You should try skin whitening creams snd rename yourself Steve.

            • 10 months ago

              >I've seen women giving cold looks to a handsome Russian guy

              t.Temirzhan Bolat

            • 10 months ago

              >Also, the more northern you go, the more conservative people are
              You have never been to Kazakhstan. The more North you go, the more Russians there are (what a surprise!), and the more liberal the cities are - more nightclubs, more bars etc. The further south you go, the more ethnic Kazaks there are and the more Islamic the cities are - Shymkent and Tazraz come to mind. Fricking mind-numbingly boring and hardly anyone on Tinder.

          • 10 months ago

            >Isn't KZ already like 30% Russian especially up north?
            >Why would they care if you're white? Makes no sense
            Idk. Because we're the most prestigious race on earth? We create the most popular culture and music in the world. We have the richest countries... Do you think they'd prefer an Arican or a Chinese guy?
            Do I really have to explain why white people are attractive to people in developing countries?

        • 10 months ago

          What sort of coomer wet fantasies is that?

    • 10 months ago

      not op

      What's the salary and requirements like for a starter TEFL job in KZ? Where are TEFL jobs advertised there? I've googled and nothing really comes up

  2. 10 months ago

    I don't understand people who choose to be esl teachers. "

    >Hey make sure you have a degree, doesn't even need to be related to education, it's just for legal purposes. Oh you have residence here already? Still need that degree, go pay and get it certified too. You don't need any experience, just pay for a certificate to teach English, it's that easy. You will teach all ages and all levels, schedule will change randomly, you are also just an assistant and a native teacher will help you. Your pay is also really low.We promised you a city job but welcome to the outskirts two hours out from the center. And we can provide an apartment but it will be really shitty and it's own by us so once we deicide we don't like you or can't take advantage of you anymore, you lose your housing and your visa right away. The students don't respect you, the teachers don't respect you, the boss doesn't respect you. You will never learn the language and just leave anyway. Now say words in English monkey!!!

    It's funny people think this is a good deal and take it. If you already live in that country you can find private students or start your own school if education is your thing. If you really like teaching you are better off in your home country. If you like kids so much you can be a private teacher or nanny and get paid more working for richer kids. But still people get their irrelevant degrees certified, take tesol courses, get health tests that only foreigners have to take, and rely entirely on local people to sponsor everything for you.

    • 10 months ago

      I worked for Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools. Free accomodation and utilities, $5k per month, plus 4 free flights per year (2 round trips), anywhere in the world up to $2.5k each. Same deal of you work for NU in Astana. Need to be a licenced teacher.

      • 10 months ago

        I am guessing that's an international school or a university and you have a masters degree in related field and some experience, and as you mentioned that teaching license, because that's the only way you would get that, and it's also not an esl job.

        • 10 months ago

          Go do Teach for America or something and be real teacher.

          • 10 months ago

            >teaching poor kids in USA
            >teaching rich kids in Asia with only a 1 year commitment
            I was a teacher in Korea for 2 years and would never teach in USA.
            What separated me from a "real teacher" is not the teaching, but the lack of education certification (which are bullshit anyways since you learn far more from experience and my degree was in a related field to what I was teaching) and the fact that I didn't have to do the administrative work that teachers have to (which is the worst part of the job).
            I wasn't an assistant, in Korea only the ones teaching Kindergarten are, I taught different subjects entirely in English to high level kids. My pay was the same as the Korean teachers and I got a free apartment on top of it in a good location.
            I was able to teach far more interesting material and could hold more interesting discussions (since the kids I was teaching were intelligent and curious) than the vast majority of teachers in the USA can. I had middle schoolers writing better essays than many American college kids. I got to teach middle schoolers about Marxism.
            My job was way better than teaching at an American school with absolutely no commitment to continue being a teacher (I'm not anymore, I've moved on to a tech job)

            • 10 months ago

              I mean Teach for America is a quick, cheap way to get a teaching licence. Once you have that, you can go abroad and make a step up in terms of salary

              • 10 months ago

                TFA alum here, it may be cheap but it is definitely not quick (2 years minimum) and absolutely not easy. Almost half my corps quit before their second year. Not to mention getting into TFA is hard af, there are much easier teacher licensing programs you can do in the states.

                also shame on you for talking about something you clearly don't know much about.

            • 10 months ago

              How easy was it to get korean pussy?

              • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      You're generalizing all esl teaching jobs when every job is very different. You basically just described an experience that 95% of esl teachers can't relate it.

      • 10 months ago

        Honey this is all esl jobs i less you are an actual qualified teacher and get a cushy job in an international ib school or become a private teacher for an affluent family, both require actual skills beyond just speaking English as a native language. Like education about many other subjects. Esl monkeys can't admit this to themselves

        • 10 months ago

          >a cushy job in an international ib school
          IB schools are not cushy. You need to write the syllabi from scratch and they are competitive places, in general, where people put in a lot of extra hours
          >require actual skills beyond just speaking English as a native language. Like education about many other subjects.
          No. Why would you need to know about many subjects? You're a subject teacher, not a subjects teacher.
          also shame on you for talking about something you clearly don't know much about.

        • 10 months ago

          This is probably true for school jobs where you're just an assistant who plays games, but that is it. It is absolutely not true for cram school jobs where you're pretty much forced to learn how to be an actual teacher with no training.

  3. 10 months ago

    I hate women so much it’s unreal

  4. 10 months ago

    Does the hitchhiking/Uber system work the same in Almaty as in Astana?
    I've only been to Astana, and I recall it being extremely easy there to get a ride.

    Also I'm freaking lazy so if anyone has Almaty general tips, let me know. I got as far as that I should probably stay somewhere near Abay/Almaly and that I absolutely must eat Uyghur smoked noodles somewhere.
    Is there any hiking that's doable from Almaty in one day or maybe 2 days, or should I just a city trip if I'm only there for a few dats?

    • 10 months ago

      Yandex Taxi works the same as in Astana, but remember that Almaty has a functioning metro.
      You should check out if the Big Almaty Lake interests you, same for the Charyn Valley, although that's less of a one day trip.

  5. 10 months ago

    Cambodia is the armpit of SEA. I lived in Vietnam for 4 years and it was the best period of my life. Couldn't pay me to go to Cambodia though. It's like a shittier version of Vietnam honestly.

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