Dental tourisme advise

Have you gone to another country for dental tourism? Anyone had an implant procedure on Eastern Europe to Turkey? What was your experience? Is it worthy? LatAm gay living in the USofA here

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  1. 9 months ago

    Hungary is said to be one of the most popular destinations for dental tourism in Eastern Europe. I would go there instead of turkey

  2. 9 months ago

    >third day at bangkok my molar tooth is killing me
    >go to some shady burmese dentist
    >gives me shitty local anesthesia
    >bastard is fricking digging in my tooth
    >shit hurts so bad i'm starting to think about how someone is pouring a cup of hot boiling coffee on my balls
    >hey doctor please stop
    >doc this hurts real bad
    >literally crying at this point
    >a sudden PUCK sounds as my tooth cracks in half
    >doctor looks at me shocked
    >his freaked out assistant is pulling me to the second floor to see a specialist while i'm bleeding profusely from my mouth all over the floor and spitting pieces of enamel
    oh man

    • 9 months ago

      Nah, you must be kidding!!! If that's a real story, why would you go to Bangkok... it's well known subpar standards. I'm talking Europe even if Eastern

      • 9 months ago

        Just went there for vacation when it started hurt real bad, if you want to go fix your teeth cheaply I heard Turkey is the best place to do it. Hair transplants too.

        • 9 months ago

          yah, I am in talks with a clinic there and the price the price they give me is the best so far. Planning for mid November

    • 9 months ago

      and to think I was gonna get moles on my head removed there. Fricking yikes

      what happened next?

      • 9 months ago

        >what happened next?
        They had to extract it piece by piece and then stitch me up.

        yah, I am in talks with a clinic there and the price the price they give me is the best so far. Planning for mid November

        >the price they give me is the best so
        I know some guys who went through that process, overall they did a pretty good job and the price was cheaper by half, but still it sounds kinda scary to do your entire mouth in a foregin muslim country completely surrounded by turks.

        • 9 months ago

          But being in a Mexican country surrounded by Mexicans is any better?

    • 9 months ago

      >be in thailand
      >hear about how people go to Thailand to get their teeth done
      >decide to get my teeth whitened cause why not?
      >pay like 300 dollars
      >the people there seemed.... Not great
      >finished whitening
      >teeth look exactly the same
      >"everyones results is different sir"
      Just go to Mexico or Korea. Thais don't know wtf they are doing when it comes to your teeth. In Korea it's about 1/4 the price of Canada and the US and even better quality. In Mexico it's like 1/8 and they do a pretty good job but not better than the US.

      • 9 months ago

        I just checked with. clinic across the Laredo TX border and their price wasn't really that much different (like 40% cheaper tho). Plus is not like I can do any tourism in TX. At least Rumania and Turkey offer some history and great food

  3. 9 months ago

    I went to Los Algodones Mx to get work done back in 2018-9. I was a drug addict for years and after I got cleaned up, I needed work on my teeth. I went to several dentists here in the Philadelphia area and they all said I wasn't a great candidate to get all my teeth pulled and get all-on-4, but they all gave me estimates for total moth rehab at about 24k total...included 4 implants and a couple root canals and filling redo's. I went to Mexico and even with the costs of travel and time off, I figured my total outlay was about 19k...pretty big savings...had to go for three separate weeks over about 8 months for total work.
    Overall, the dentists there are just as good as American, but the big problem is if there is a problem, you may be stuck in no mans land.
    Its worth it if you get alot of mouth work done, or you live fairly close to the border....if you have to travel far and you don't need alot of work, it may be just as good to get the work at home.

    • 9 months ago

      Thanks for the tip. I was considering Mexico too but I've heard horrible stories of drug gangs and I decided not to. I was offered all-on-4 by at least two local clinics here in NC but the prices are too high. I consulted in (sent panoramic X-rays) Europe and they said all-on-6 is better. American dentists see lazy cuz the 4 option is easier although not necessarily the most recommended. Unfortunately I lost most of my upper teeth in my teens-20's due to bad care and genes. I have to remove my left 5 and put the all-on one solution. Have checked in Turkey but would like to hear other people experience. Thanks

      • 8 months ago

        >i decided not to go based on what I saw on CNN
        You're an idiot.

        • 8 months ago

          Nah, I don't even qualify as an idiot. For that I would need to be you. But hey, Meh-icans are not that good in dentistry tbqh. I did had a root canal done in 2005 when I was younger and dumber and the lady who did it really ruined my tooth which is how it all started. that's why I am not that enthusiastic about it. It may have improved tho

          • 8 months ago

            There are shit dentists and good dentists everywhere. Being in Mexico or Baltimore makes no difference to that equation. Youre just a fricking moron treating the whole of another country like a pokemon that you waited for it "level up" or some shit lmao. Fricktard.

      • 8 months ago


        What is All-on-4 ?

        • 8 months ago

          it's a technique where Black person dentist pull all your teeth out and place 4 implants to support a fake rack of teeth made out of porcelain. They make you look like a Hollywood star.. welcome to the 21st century, gay

      • 8 months ago

        go to a big city, moron. With how dumb you sound you may just actually go to cartel infested land and ask around. Mexico city, Guadalajara, Monterrey all of them will work just fine.

      • 8 months ago

        >latam Black person living in the US
        >worried about cartels being all over Mexico
        Yeah, I can see why you are that moronic, do you not go outside cuz of shootings in another state also?

      • 8 months ago

        >muh cartels
        Absolute moron take. Are you a boomer?

    • 9 months ago

      Thanks for the tip. I was considering Mexico too but I've heard horrible stories of drug gangs and I decided not to. I was offered all-on-4 by at least two local clinics here in NC but the prices are too high. I consulted in (sent panoramic X-rays) Europe and they said all-on-6 is better. American dentists see lazy cuz the 4 option is easier although not necessarily the most recommended. Unfortunately I lost most of my upper teeth in my teens-20's due to bad care and genes. I have to remove my left 5 and put the all-on one solution. Have checked in Turkey but would like to hear other people experience. Thanks

      People on the Internet have warned about scammy dentists in Los Algodones, but I have known many people IRL in the snowbird community who have gotten work done down there, and never heard anything negative. Stands to reason that any shady operations, if they did exist, would get run out of town in short order.
      Cartels are the least of your concern as a tourist, unless you are a drug-dealing Black person cruising into Matamoros or another cartel hotspot with your drug-dealing Black person friends in a tinted-window minivan to see a "doctor".

      Have you gone to another country for dental tourism? Anyone had an implant procedure on Eastern Europe to Turkey? What was your experience? Is it worthy? LatAm gay living in the USofA here

      I got a severely impacted wisdom tooth removed in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico. Was pretty happy with the procedure, it was quite the ordeal but the guy knew his shit. Paid under $300 for the procedure, $25 for the initial consultation and $25 for the X-ray (in a different town). USD equivalent in pesos. Had to go back to get the "soluble" stitching removed two weeks later, another $25. The city is safe, easy to access from the USA, and very pleasant in winter. In summer, it is a fricking furnace.

      • 9 months ago

        I'd also opt for a dentist in an interior Mexican city (or even CDMX) that has a good reputation with long term local clientele over someone in a shitty border town.
        I've no need to though. I've never even had a cavity.

        • 8 months ago

          >over someone in a shitty border town
          You act like Los Algodones is Tijuana. Algondones exists entirely, 100% for its dental tourism. That's the entire town. It has the most dentists per square mile of anywhere in the western hemisphere. If you live in America within driving distance of Yuma, AZ it's a walk right across the border.

          Thanks for the tip. I was considering Mexico too but I've heard horrible stories of drug gangs and I decided not to. I was offered all-on-4 by at least two local clinics here in NC but the prices are too high. I consulted in (sent panoramic X-rays) Europe and they said all-on-6 is better. American dentists see lazy cuz the 4 option is easier although not necessarily the most recommended. Unfortunately I lost most of my upper teeth in my teens-20's due to bad care and genes. I have to remove my left 5 and put the all-on one solution. Have checked in Turkey but would like to hear other people experience. Thanks

          >I was considering Mexico too but I've heard horrible stories of drug gangs
          Do you live in fear of going outside in your town because of what goes on in Philadelphia? What goes on in Sinaloa (Mexican State) is irrelevant to Cancun/Los Algodones. Those regions live and die on tourism and pay what it costs to keep the cartels out of their business. If you want work done your two major choices in Mexico are Algondones and Cancun that's where pretty much all of the clinics that cater to Americans/Canadians have set up shop. I got $7500 (quote in hand from an American scam artist/dentist) worth of dental work done for $1900 in MX. Travel was $1000 so I'm still waaaay the frick ahead. Very happy with the work and it's been great for years. American dental prices are so fricked these people are out of their minds with their prices. Dentistry is literally the oldest medical profession in existence, it's not THAT difficult to justify their prices.

          I went to Los Algodones Mx to get work done back in 2018-9. I was a drug addict for years and after I got cleaned up, I needed work on my teeth. I went to several dentists here in the Philadelphia area and they all said I wasn't a great candidate to get all my teeth pulled and get all-on-4, but they all gave me estimates for total moth rehab at about 24k total...included 4 implants and a couple root canals and filling redo's. I went to Mexico and even with the costs of travel and time off, I figured my total outlay was about 19k...pretty big savings...had to go for three separate weeks over about 8 months for total work.
          Overall, the dentists there are just as good as American, but the big problem is if there is a problem, you may be stuck in no mans land.
          Its worth it if you get alot of mouth work done, or you live fairly close to the border....if you have to travel far and you don't need alot of work, it may be just as good to get the work at home.

          >they all gave me estimates for total moth rehab at about 24k total
          >I figured my total outlay was about 19k
          You fly first class and bang influencer escorts the whole time or something? That's a lot for All-on-4 in MX. My clinic of choice charges $10k for an All-on-4 right now.

          • 8 months ago

            10K for an all-on-4 in Mexico is a bit too much imo. That same procedure is about 4500K in Turkey.

          • 8 months ago

            "American dental prices are so fricked these people are out of their minds with their prices"
            Absolutely true. But not only that, any medical procedure is way fricking out of reach for anyone with a mediocre job. I don't why Americans accept this shit. It's the only country where the medical profession is profit-oriented. Dental and health care patients are suppose to fund doctors' greed and luxurious life styles.

            • 8 months ago

              2nd’d im quoted $25-30k for the privilege of getting shyster’d in tranniefornia. 1st/biz class fights to Colombia are under $1k right now plus approx 10% of what i would pay here for implants plus Colombian women = winrar…
              Still going to look at mehico pricing, but whatevz, i give enough money in taxes to wetbacks here already. Bazinga!

              • 8 months ago

                Ok boomer tier googsearch brings this up:
                dentavacation (system detected spam) frick you gaybot
                >any other anons have a reliable link of info or source for Colombian dental implants?
                Figure i’ll get laser whitening while im there too
                Thanks in advance to any kind anon that can point me to the proper direction

              • 8 months ago

                laser whitening? like they zap a layer off your tooth to whiten it?

              • 8 months ago

                Update us if the whitening goes well. I did mine in Thailand and it was absolute garbage. Keep in mind that there are two forms of whitening. One form takes off a layre off your teeth which is not good long term

              • 8 months ago

                Thanks for the tip. Didnt know about laser blasting off material I dont smoke, but i drink coffee due to graveyard shift for the last 4+ Years. I guess i should start baking soda + peroxide scrubs again…

              • 8 months ago

                baking soda will always be better than any laser on your teeth. Nothing like the traditional methods grandma used

            • 8 months ago

              >It's the only country where the medical profession is profit-oriented
              Get off your soapbox. Dental care isn't free even in the "free healthcare" countries of Canada and Western Europe. They have dental tourism just the same as America does. The point being I can at least conceptualize that nurses and hospital beds and surgery equipment and rooms are expensive. Dentistry is an hour/hour and a half in a chair and he's done. There is no excuse for demanding $6000 to root canal and crown a tooth, you're just being a homosexual at that point.

              10K for an all-on-4 in Mexico is a bit too much imo. That same procedure is about 4500K in Turkey.

              Good for you but Turkey is three times as much in cost to travel from America as it is to go to Mexico. I didn't say it was the cheapest option on planet Earth. But for the western hemisphere it's a good destination. You can go much cheaper even in Mexico. I paid the premium to deal with a gringo catering clinic that provided all transportation, all spoke English, free consultations etc. If you're spicier in spirit and speak spanish well I'm very certain you can find more 'local' dentists that will do the work for less. I'm fine with what I paid, 1/4th to roughly 1/5th of my local dentist for better quality materials.

              • 8 months ago

                Yah, but most Turkish clinics offer you 5 star hotel accommodation for both trips (you need at least 2 trips for most implant procedures)

              • 8 months ago

                Turkish clinics are notorious for doing shoddy work though, especially with veneers/crowns. They’re basically McDentists in the same way they’re McHair Transplant Clinics, it’s conveyor belt quality. Inb4 anecdotes of how happy you/someone you know are with your/their Turkish veneers.

          • 8 months ago

            I should have been more specific. An all on 4 would've definitely been much cheaper than the piecemeal work I eventually got done, but the dentists said I would need to get alot of good teeth pulled as well as the bad ones, and they all recommended against my implants were bridges, not just single teeth, so that increases my price...but youre right that the all ons are getting pretty cheap and I know a couple people that got them and love it.

    • 8 months ago

      Thanks for the tip. I was considering Mexico too but I've heard horrible stories of drug gangs and I decided not to. I was offered all-on-4 by at least two local clinics here in NC but the prices are too high. I consulted in (sent panoramic X-rays) Europe and they said all-on-6 is better. American dentists see lazy cuz the 4 option is easier although not necessarily the most recommended. Unfortunately I lost most of my upper teeth in my teens-20's due to bad care and genes. I have to remove my left 5 and put the all-on one solution. Have checked in Turkey but would like to hear other people experience. Thanks

      People on the Internet have warned about scammy dentists in Los Algodones, but I have known many people IRL in the snowbird community who have gotten work done down there, and never heard anything negative. Stands to reason that any shady operations, if they did exist, would get run out of town in short order.
      Cartels are the least of your concern as a tourist, unless you are a drug-dealing Black person cruising into Matamoros or another cartel hotspot with your drug-dealing Black person friends in a tinted-window minivan to see a "doctor".
      I got a severely impacted wisdom tooth removed in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico. Was pretty happy with the procedure, it was quite the ordeal but the guy knew his shit. Paid under $300 for the procedure, $25 for the initial consultation and $25 for the X-ray (in a different town). USD equivalent in pesos. Had to go back to get the "soluble" stitching removed two weeks later, another $25. The city is safe, easy to access from the USA, and very pleasant in winter. In summer, it is a fricking furnace.

      I tried that venue but the local dental school is linked to certain dentists. Is not like you are gonna show up and ask for service. I believe they have some sorta waitlist. I've tried, man!!!!

      Depending on your state, Tzu Chi USA offers cheap or free dental care and the Buddhist charity organization has even provided free dental implants and procedures to the homeless and poor all over America.

  4. 9 months ago

    colombia is a good choice because the locals are obsessed with how their teeth look, just make sure your dentist is 100% european

    • 9 months ago

      LOL how do I find a 100% European in Colombia? I had work down down there in the past and didn't have the best of experiences tho

      • 9 months ago

        many of the doctors/dentists medellin are pure spanish descendants

      • 9 months ago

        many of the doctors/dentists medellin are pure spanish descendants

        >pure Spanish / 100% European in Colombia a LARP. Virtually everyone in Colombia is somewhere on the mestizo spectrum, apart from the Afro-Colombians, who were racially isolated for most of Colombian history. Spanish settled in the Colombian highlands in the mid 1800s, bred with the local inhabitants as Spanish do, then further floods of Spanish immigration in the late 1800s bleached out the mestizos.

        • 9 months ago

          Yah I've been to Colombia prolly more times than anywhere else abroad and can confirm Colombians are mestizos though there is a higher proportion of people in the lighter side than most Latin American countries except the South Cone

          • 9 months ago

            Colombia is a surprisingly white country. I always get mistaken for Colombian in latam. I'm actually a gringo of Mediterranean descent that prefers to dress sorta nice.

            • 8 months ago

              They’re not really white. Even the palest people will generally have some admixture that makes them identifiable to whites as “Latinos.” I’ve met several Chileans, by contrast, who were indistinguishable from Nords. Colombia supposedly has communities of rural Germans like that, but I never saw any while I was there.

        • 8 months ago

          >the 1800s
          Bogotá alone is something like 500 years old. That said, yes most of them will have mixed features. There are quite a few with Middle Eastern ancestry in Bogotá as well.

          Well-educated, white-passing Colombians, besides being overly haughty, are probably competent enough to keep civilization running. The issue is that they have to deal with the mestizos breeding out of control. They’re similar to the Mexicans in that regard. The result is that you get pockets of high-functioning society being forced to share political, economic, and civil infrastructure with violent morons. So a lot of those people leave if they have the opportunity because they get tired of being robbed.

    • 8 months ago

      Indios do a fine job.
      >t. A Mexican indio did my teeth

  5. 9 months ago

    I was going to get my wisdom tooth pulled in Taiwan (I was going anyways) but I ended up doing it in the usa. Thank god too because I ended up having 3 teeth in my one wisdom tooth hole. 2 he saw in the xray, a 3rd he didnt see. An hour of heavy yanking later and 2 rounds of numbing it was out. Face looked awful for 2 weeks. im poor so i didnt accept the pain meds he offered cause I didnt want to pay for them. big mistake

    • 9 months ago

      I can't decide whether you intended it but I can see the irony...

      • 9 months ago

        no intentions

    • 9 months ago

      No way dude, that's crazy! You don't have the xrays anywhere do you?

      • 9 months ago

        I do on my phone somewhere. Let me see if I can pull it up

      • 9 months ago

        Here's the tooth

        • 8 months ago

          That's wild! Thanks Anon

  6. 9 months ago

    Ok., here's the deal: An all on four in Antalya, Turkey costs $4.3K aprox. including bone graft if needed. Same operation in the US is 20K and no bone graft is envolved, they will place implantas at an angle to avoid it. Of course, flight and hotel costs of two visits is about 2.5k more, taking it up to about 7k. Is it worth it?

  7. 9 months ago

    I always go to the dentist for checkup and professional cleaning when I visit home (Romania). The dental work quality is amazing because its privatized. Sure, if you go to a state hospital, you're really gambling with your health, but dentists are always private practices you pay for out of pocket for whatever you need done. I used to pay 32$ for full checkup, plaque cleaning and professional brushing. After inflation its now 42$.

    My dad smoked a lot and at age 70 just got new teeth and he paid like 4000$. I'm talking top and bottom, the whole thing.

    Dental tourism is common, literally just ask your airbnb host on their favorite dentist in the city

    • 9 months ago

      Dude! do you have any contact number/clinic name?

  8. 9 months ago

    Got a crown and dental work done while in Istanbul last year, was cheap and the technology felt more advanced than the clinics I've been to while I was living in Seattle.

  9. 8 months ago

    What country is good for this in SEA? I'm thinking Thailand, but I'll go anywhere that saves me from ridiculous Australian prices and won't frick me up

    I've never travelled before either, if that comes into it

  10. 8 months ago

    croatia is big for dental tourism

  11. 8 months ago

    Dental care in America can be cheap if you are willing to let dental school students work on your teeth for their training purposes.

    • 8 months ago

      I tried that venue but the local dental school is linked to certain dentists. Is not like you are gonna show up and ask for service. I believe they have some sorta waitlist. I've tried, man!!!!

    • 8 months ago

      >Dental care in America can be cheap if you are willing to let dental school students work
      Yeah everyone learned about that "trick" 10-15 years ago and the waitlists for them are literal years long now and you obviously have to live next to a dental college of which they don't grow on trees. And as the other guy said a lot of the time you can't just go there and ask to be put on a list anymore it's by referral only. And Mexico will still be cheaper especially if you want the latest and greatest like zirconia and not porcelain fused metal they're still hocking like it's 1968 but charging you thousands for it.

  12. 8 months ago

    What are some good specific clinics in MX? Name, town etc. Thanx.

  13. 8 months ago

    Listen. Dentists are like lawyers. If you need work done and you can get insurance they will date the bill to next year. Or offer them to pay cash. I've been doing this for a decade. This dude always shows me how he bought a new racing bicycle frame for like 20k because he gets paid under the table and his wife doesn't know. And they'll know other people as well. if you get a good one he'll also know a guy who does implants or anything. I've been with my dentist my whole life, he's slimy, but still a bro with stuff like this.

  14. 8 months ago

    Live in Cambodia and just had an impacted wisdom tooth pulled.
    Cost $200 and went as smoothly as possible. Went back to get the stitches out, and the dental assistant was the only on there. She kept rubbing against me and touching my face with both hands and saying “just bit more sir”

  15. 8 months ago

    Reminder that Bourdain was a degenerate that said white people dying out was the only solution.

    His greatest accomplishment in life was ending it.

    • 8 months ago

      Shut up!!! He was just parroting the guy so the “free” didn’t feel too awkward.

    • 8 months ago

      He also killed himself because he got cucked by some slimey European prostitute. People who do heroin write good books and make good music but their personal lives are always pathetic

    • 8 months ago

      He hated wypipo so much, he forgot, until the end, that he hated himself more…
      >good riddance

  16. 8 months ago

    Thanks. Oldgay to you.

  17. 8 months ago

    Anyone done work in the Philippines? I am thinking of getting my teeth removed in BGC.

  18. 8 months ago

    I live in Italy and stopped using (incompetent and expensive) local dentists more than two decades ago, nowadays it's either Greece or Romania

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