Do you ever feel lovesick for a place when you leave?

I just returned home from Madrid and feel like I left a girlfriend who I loved. Anyone know this feel?

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  1. 6 months ago

    Nope. I love where I'm at.

  2. 6 months ago

    yeah bro you should go back there. if you can. chase love. if you hate it think of some place you might really enjoy and pop over there.
    sometimes now i travel because of negative emotions instead of positive ones.

  3. 6 months ago

    I wouldn't know how that feels because I've never had a girlfriend

  4. 6 months ago

    Yes - Sevilla

  5. 6 months ago

    Not love sick, but I've felt a bit of "this place is amazing, and there's a better than average chance I'll never see it again" depression.
    Also, longing for Madrid? That's the one place in Spain I didn't particularly care for (although I acknowledge it's not bad, just not for me). What was actually good about it to you?

  6. 6 months ago

    I feel like this about Thailand and it ruined my life. I experienced 15 months of lifestyle that a rich retire or someone who “made it” would live, except I didn’t make it. I inherited 45k and blew almost all of it and then tucked my tail between my legs and quietly left town with barely enough to get a flight home and survive until I got a steady job.

    Now every single day of my life is a humiliation ritual where I go to a shitty overnight job, do nothing productive for 12 hours, and then go home to a shitty apartment with withering twin mattress flopped in the corner.

    I get no pussy, I have no friends, and I cope with literature from 1800-1920. My entire “life” is just distracting myself from how empty and shitty it is in America.

    In Thailand, I could fend off this crushing misery with cheap pussy, but now ruined and raped by spending almost 2 years rotting and waiting

    Im always angry when I have to leave my apartment and I just want to be left alone by the world. Any person trying to get my attention makes me immediately bristle with anger.

    • 6 months ago

      Why didn't you marry a local and kept living there?

    • 6 months ago

      With all respects for you anon, how do I avoid ending up like this ?
      Or are we, loners, doomed ?

  7. 6 months ago

    Southern California I know I know there’s a lotta fawkin problems in that area *sniff* but the weather and lifestyle are second to none if you can afford it

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