For those who regret travelling and wasting money

What did you wish you could've done instead?

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  1. 9 months ago

    I should have just gone to the massage parlors in my own city instead of traveling all the way to thailand

    • 9 months ago

      Jokes on you it costs me $20 to fly to Thailand.

  2. 9 months ago

    I don't regret traveling. I have regretted my choices for destinations & activities, but I don't regret traveling itself.

    What I wish I could have done differently:
    >start younger/sooner
    >don't go to India
    >waste less money on video games
    >choose a more realistic career sooner
    >pick up a language that isn't French
    J'avais étudié la langue français pour au moins onze ans et je peux seulement articuler comme un morone.

    • 9 months ago

      Why no India? I've regretted going to cities like Bangkok and Tokyo where I can be comfortable instead of going out of my comfort zone more. I was thinking about India because there will be nowhere that I can be comfortable lol Though, it also may be too gross to handle. What about Sri Lanka, Paki, or Nepal? Was thinking about doing the Middle East instead.

    • 9 months ago

      Bah avec le français tu peux aller en France et au Québec, c'est déjà bien non ?

      • 9 months ago

        Il peut aussi aller dans la chatte à ta mère, c'est déjà pas mal comme on dit.

        • 9 months ago

          Pourquoi tant de haine ? Ta vie doit être sacrément triste

      • 9 months ago

        Been there, done that.

        I wouldn't even need to use French, because they would be so offended by my butchering of the language they will deign to speak English to me.

      • 9 months ago

        and I live a mere few hundred miles from Q****c and study frogspeak

  3. 9 months ago

    I save much more money living in Thailand than living in america wtf

  4. 9 months ago

    I inherited ~60k and blew it all on two trips to Thailand. One was 6 months and the other was 15. If I had gone all in on bitcoin when it was 3000 instead, I could’ve had a million dollars.

    • 9 months ago

      What's some memorable stuff that you did in Thailand? 60k is a lot, but surely some of the degeneracy was worthwhile.

      • 9 months ago

        >60k for 6months is crazy
        I only used 8k for 4 months in HK+Japan and did a shit ton of stuff and that was only back in 2018.

        >6 months
        No the total time was 21 months 15+6
        >memorable cooming
        Of course, I creampied hundreds of qts,
        Smoking hot gogo girls, had threesomes etc.

        I don’t regret it. Half the battle to being comfortable is simply not fricking up
        >no debt
        >no unplanned pregnancies
        >don’t major in worthless shit (I did this but paid off my student loans)

        • 9 months ago

          Any STDs?

          • 9 months ago

            Yea I got chlamydia 4 times, but you can just go to a clinic and they give you a shot of this goo that looks like snot into your buttcheek muscle and it clears up in about a week. I have a picture of clam juice leaking out of my dick as a souvenir. I’d go to take a piss and 20 minutes later it resumed oozing out of my dick. I got the worst case from the most qt girl. Figures

    • 9 months ago

      >60k for 6months is crazy
      I only used 8k for 4 months in HK+Japan and did a shit ton of stuff and that was only back in 2018.

    • 9 months ago

      Thats pretty funny, I put all my money into bitcoin until retiring in 2017 during that bull run. Only then did I start traveling all over the US and doing Japan 3 months at a time and having fun in a ton of countrys, fav were Japan and Singapore. The traveling was a good distraction from the bear market, then when the bull market returned I got back to trading but covid started so I got a wife/kids and been chilling the past couple years. Started to travel again now but have been retired since. I really dont think theres a right or wrong thing to do in life, just a bunch of different paths but it all ends in the end so I wouldnt worry much about it.

      • 9 months ago

        My biggest regret was falling in love with a Mexican qt the second week of my long term South American trip. I ended up blowing what was supposed to be a 2 year budget in 6 months and missed out on tons and tons of top tier pussy and sight seeing. I paid for her flight from Mexico City where we met to Medellin Colombia and she turned into a mega prostitute almost as soon as we got there. I should have left her but I liked her personality and steady pus so I stayed with her another 3 months. I was no angel to her either I fricked her every which way and then was out in the streets flirting whenever I got the chance. I just thought she was gonna be my loyal little princess. Now I'm back rebuilding my savings at a desk job in my bullshit NJ town. Oh well. I'm only 25 so I guess it was just a lesson to be learned. I am still 6'4 white and decently attractive and when I check in on her Instagram I can see the party hostel lifestyle I introduced her to has turned her from a hot skinny b***h into a fat prostitute past her prime. Still I had a great time eating tacos and ripping a moto around.

        Nice anecdotes

        Rip for living in NJ. I wanna Larp as the sopranos and go live in metuchen someday and just hangout outside a deli and eat sopresotta and capicola and wear bowler shirts n shit. It’s too godamn expensive to live there tho

        • 9 months ago

          It's not too bad down south. I'm right directly between Atlantic City and Philadelphia with a train station in town that runs to both cities including PHL airport. food here is great. small town politics and corrupt police is not so great. I spent this summer catching blue claw crabs and drinking with good friends I've known most of my life. Italian Delis with crazy cheese selection and prosciutto are awesome. My town is bordered by the pine barrens and Dirtbike riding trails that weave through suburban streets and back into the woods. Open invite bonfires are a regular occurrence at local known spots in the woods. There is a ton of work to be had here if you know how to find it. my biggest qualms would be corrupt police, and being overrun by migrants who destroy wages and the rental market.

          • 9 months ago

            Based, sounds comfy. What about living in ocean city all year round? Is that feasible or impossible?

            • 9 months ago

              My grandparents live there year round. I was actually just down with them for labor day weekend. They love it. I only saw like 2 Black folk all weekend. It is clean and safe and quiet. Its an old white persons utopia. Even in the summer it is nice and safe because of the ban on alcohol. the housing prices are moronic but I do see quite a bit of cheap off season rentals. Job market would be something like working remote, working in the fishing industry or working for a contractor in the trades on houses on the island. I have considered living there myself. The food on the island is not the best though. mostly israelite ran pizza places and restraunts larping as gourmet selling third rate food for first rate prices. 7/10 would live there.

  5. 9 months ago

    You can't escape from your personal issues by traveling to another country. Your problems will just follow you because you are carrying them with you wherever you go.

    • 9 months ago

      my problems stemmed entirely from tfw no pussy and i escaped it all quite easily in Brazil, so idk what you're talkinbout.

  6. 9 months ago

    Lol. I regret lots of things in my life. Travelling is not one of them. Actually if I could I would travel more. You just have to keep your expectations realistic. People are shallow and travel to take instagram pics and get social gratification, what they expect? Actually worse, some travel to get new perspectives and blablabla. Like spending a week somewhere would change you deeply. Better to read a book for that.
    The only thing I regret is going to a certain city. But a saw it is shit with my own eyes so it was worth it anyway. It was not like I was expecting it to be the best place on earth.

  7. 9 months ago

    Me and my woman spent over 10k last year living out of my van for 2 months and traveling around. 32 US states. Before that I had never left the west coast. It felt like an adventure that I had to do before I could even consider settling down. The US is so big you could never leave the country and you'd still never understand the scope.

  8. 9 months ago

    My biggest regret was falling in love with a Mexican qt the second week of my long term South American trip. I ended up blowing what was supposed to be a 2 year budget in 6 months and missed out on tons and tons of top tier pussy and sight seeing. I paid for her flight from Mexico City where we met to Medellin Colombia and she turned into a mega prostitute almost as soon as we got there. I should have left her but I liked her personality and steady pus so I stayed with her another 3 months. I was no angel to her either I fricked her every which way and then was out in the streets flirting whenever I got the chance. I just thought she was gonna be my loyal little princess. Now I'm back rebuilding my savings at a desk job in my bullshit NJ town. Oh well. I'm only 25 so I guess it was just a lesson to be learned. I am still 6'4 white and decently attractive and when I check in on her Instagram I can see the party hostel lifestyle I introduced her to has turned her from a hot skinny b***h into a fat prostitute past her prime. Still I had a great time eating tacos and ripping a moto around.

  9. 9 months ago

    I worked for a very small company as an intern. I was on of their first six employees, go in through a family connection. they offered me pretty meager pay for 2.5% of the company vested after 18 months.

    i bailed on it, some friends were going on a basic b***h western european vacation and I wanted to join. winds up being a great trip actually.

    6 years later that company sells for $140m. ouch.

    still don't regret making travel such a big part of my life, but I do regret that particular decision.

    • 9 months ago

      Don't fuss too much about it. Your stock would likely have been diluted to way less than 2.5% before the company sold.

  10. 9 months ago

    Am I the only one who saved money by traveling?

    • 9 months ago

      burger confirmed. But no, I broke even though because I didn't have a good online job during my third world country of choice. still struggling to motivate to study all the tech i need to figure something out.

  11. 9 months ago

    My biggest regret is traveling in Europe as a European, I should've saved the money and spent it on hookers and food in Asia instead.
    Besides museums Europe is just lame.

    • 9 months ago

      And Europe is where many Americans aspire to go. Seems so cultured and sophisticated over there, at least to us. I've been there many times, obviously every country is different, but to be honest, very few places have that sophistication and style. Most of Europe is actually quite poor, bleak, and boring. Sure, the major cities have some nice areas, full of culture and history. But they also come with all kinds of problems. Most people live in tiny spaces, drive tiny cars, are heavily taxed, and generally kind of poor.

      People may shit on America as a cultureless, homogeneous place, but in reality it is as varied as Europe and much larger geographically. It is obviously a wealthier place in general - people drive better cars, live in bigger and much nicer houses, have more recreational opportunities - that is reflected in the average salary and how much we actually take home after taxes. Life is just more comfortable here.

      What we don't have is the laid-back, cafe/pub culture, where you can spend an afternoon outside watching beautiful and stylish people walk by while sipping coffee or beer. And the women are less prudish - you can still approach people on the street, unlike in America.

      • 9 months ago

        >you can still approach people on the street, unlike in America.
        Probably not in western Europe anymore, American brand feminism is being imported into Europe and women are on their guard because of the extra-european immigration (but will blame locals not to seem racist).

        Extremely based. Europe, especially Western Europe can be enjoyed when you're older. Its actually a terrible place for baby's first multi-month backpacking trip because its expensive and easy. I dont necessarily regret going to Europe my first four (!!!) times going abroad, because I had a good time, but now I wish I'd gone other places earlier than I did.

        Still I guess all's well that ends well.

        Personally I've had my share of debauchery in Asia since so all is fine yeah, I'm looking into ways to permanently leave Europe now.

    • 9 months ago

      Extremely based. Europe, especially Western Europe can be enjoyed when you're older. Its actually a terrible place for baby's first multi-month backpacking trip because its expensive and easy. I dont necessarily regret going to Europe my first four (!!!) times going abroad, because I had a good time, but now I wish I'd gone other places earlier than I did.

      Still I guess all's well that ends well.

  12. 9 months ago

    I don't regret traveling per se, but I wish I had more money left over to quit working and go back to university or follow other courses.

  13. 9 months ago

    I've never met a single person in my life who regretted traveling to different places and spending a bunch of money on dumb shit.

  14. 9 months ago

    What future?

    Also why the frick would you wait until you can't wipe your own ass before travelling?

  15. 9 months ago

    I don't regret travelling, i kind of regret going with the wrong person for half of the travels.

    But overall i don't regret travelling, especially pre-COVID.

  16. 9 months ago

    Not booking with certain airlines/hotels to earn miles/points

  17. 9 months ago

    Traveling is quite possibly the best possible use of your money, nothing contributes more to an interested, well-rounded, and cultured person.

    Nobody should be surprised the fat disgusting American obeast woman is disillusioned with travel. after struggling to stuff her rolls in her economy class seat (no seat selection), her vapid nature leaves her no capacity to enjoy or appreciate local culture in any meaningful way. I can tell you right now that this creature traveled exclusively to impress her 512 followers on Instagram, most of whom are also fat. Her future is marrying some washed out alcoholic at 32 and watching Netflix during all her free time.

  18. 9 months ago

    OP's pic looks like an ugly woman cope.
    >be fat ugly American woman
    >travel to "see the world" and "find herself," or so she claims
    >she just wants to get dicked down
    >she probably didn't get any dick at all (look at her)
    >now she's ready to settle
    >even if she isn't a bawd physically, she is a bawd in spirit
    >also fat & ugly to boot, so she really has nothing to offer
    >can't even birth normal children; she looks at least 30, so she's probably at higher risk of birthing children with autism or down syndrome

  19. 9 months ago

    I don't regret traveling at all, but I do regret the way I've traveled. I used to try to do as much as possible within a few weeks instead of just enjoying my time and taking it slow. I've learned that if I like the place I'm in, I'll be back to do more in the next trip.

  20. 9 months ago

    Imagine being so poor you bother "regretting" spending a few thousand dollars lmao...

  21. 9 months ago

    >400 wiener stare
    That's the "I got run through and regret it" look

    • 9 months ago

      She doesn't look attractive enough for that. I could believe it's the "I tried to get run through but failed miserably, had a terrible time, and now I'm making this TikTok to cope" look.

      • 9 months ago

        Probably right

      • 9 months ago

        nailed it
        this walled up tubby roastoid tried to go somewhere with a bunch of young people and wasn't able to find a chad to fill her holes for a single night, so now "its over"
        I've seen it before in person, it's very sad
        usually these types just drink themselves into a stupor or find some local brownoid to cum inside of them

  22. 9 months ago

    I spent years working my arse off while everybody else was travelling and having fun, now I'm a millionaire and I'm starting to travel to make up for it

  23. 9 months ago

    I don't regret anything because there is nothing else I could have done to change what happened. A normal bout of good and bad luck, adventure, sometimes misery, a lived out youth, understanding. All I wish now is to live more stable and fulfilling life now with what I have learned and keep on going.

  24. 9 months ago

    I wish I would’ve moved to the right cities, invested my time and effort in the right career, and traveled only for business. Think about how moronic it is to travel for leisure. Not even the kids of aristocrats did that. They traveled for diplomatic missions and military adventurism and artistic pursuits. Travel to just kind of eat and drink is fricking stupid.

  25. 9 months ago

    I regret Oahu. It was a botched trip that also ended up costing double because of my stupidity.

    I loved The Big Island and just thought totry the other islands so I did waikiki and then kauai on the second half.
    Kauai was fine, but biking as my means of traveling waikiki and limiting myself to that general area hurt me in the long run. my hostel was so shit that I HAD to check out and go to a minor hotel which was the key budget inflator. I did one in BI but had a car, so I only slept there and moved on. Totally didn't figure that when I went no car. The roving bands of drunks in the streets didn't help. But I did it, Oahu is checked off.

  26. 9 months ago

    I wish i could have skipped Sao Paulo, but it's a necessity for Brazilian flights to enter/exit from. The place is overpriced and the women are lackluster. Rio was even worse. Vitoria was decent but small and boring. I am so glad i had the time to make it to Salvador and Florianopolis/Curitiba. I would have left completely hating Brazil.
    But I wasted almost a whole month and easily 3k in SP/Rio/Vitoria. Anyone else have Brazil horror stories? we also got trapped in a room after my homeboy followed a prostitute into her mugging den trying to wait for her to "get ready and show us a cool dance club". I went in too expecting doors to open from inside... eventually screamed enough for passerbys to open it. ALso he got his uber abducted by military police for being a dumb drunk darkskin gringo and was dropped at a random hospital without a phone. didnt see him for 24hrs

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