Fruit tourism

Fruit enjoyer here. What are the best countries/regions for fresh, local, varied fruit?

Vegetable enjoyers need not reply

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  1. 8 months ago

    >Fruit enjoyer here
    Provincetown, MA
    Key West, FL
    San Francisco, CA

    Lots of fruits in those cities

    • 8 months ago

      took me a moment

    • 7 months ago

      kek, first thing that came to mind was that pretzel wiener sucker at the capitol, east coast accents always get me

  2. 8 months ago

    i had a watermelon lychee mojito in a bar in borneo a while ago and it was awesome

  3. 8 months ago

    now this is shitposting!
    jfc mods get a hold of your board

    • 8 months ago

      >Fruit enjoyer here
      Provincetown, MA
      Key West, FL
      San Francisco, CA

      Lots of fruits in those cities

      It’s a serious question tbh. Are we not allowed to talk about the food of different countries?

      • 7 months ago

        >Are we not allowed to talk about the food of different countries?
        You are allowed, in this board:
        Wrong board

  4. 8 months ago

    SEA in general is just an endless treasure trove for tropical fruits western minds cannot even conceive of. My key plan for my next Thailand trip is to hunt for new fruit.

  5. 8 months ago

    star fruit

    • 7 months ago

      the most disappointing fruit

      If youve been peeing a lot lately and have the urge to eat fruits then you might have type 1 diabetes because I made a very similar post last November, 20 days before my blood sugar reached critical levels due to undiagnosed type 1 diabetes getting me hospitalized:

      I can still enjoy fruits though. Just gotta weigh the food so I know how much insulin to painlessly inject into my belly.

      >If youve been peeing a lot lately and have the urge to eat fruits then you might have type 1 diabetes
      could also be type 2 diabetes, been there done that, same peeing but I didn't have any special urge to eat fruit

      >I can still enjoy fruits though. Just gotta weigh the food so I know how much insulin to painlessly inject into my belly.
      I guess with type 1 you don't really have a choice. With type 2, I've been on the keto diet for six years so that I don't have to deal with insulin. It's working pretty well, my A1C was until mid-2020, then I got some sort of fricked-up infection (any sort of bacterial infection causes your blood sugar to rise until it's cleared) and now it's hovering around 6.2 🙁 sucks.

      • 7 months ago

        >my A1C was until mid-2020,
        should be
        >my A1C was 5.4-5.7 until mid-2020,
        I don't know what happened to the range, I know I typed it. 🙁

      • 7 months ago

        Carambolas have an interesting texture. Ripe off the tree, they are quite appetizing. Bought one in an American supermarket and it was virtually tasteless.

  6. 8 months ago

    If youve been peeing a lot lately and have the urge to eat fruits then you might have type 1 diabetes because I made a very similar post last November, 20 days before my blood sugar reached critical levels due to undiagnosed type 1 diabetes getting me hospitalized:

    I can still enjoy fruits though. Just gotta weigh the food so I know how much insulin to painlessly inject into my belly.

    • 8 months ago

      How old are you

      • 8 months ago

        22. Many people get it as a adult

        • 8 months ago

          At 22? Dude you're fricked

        • 7 months ago

          >juvenile diabetes
          >gets it as an adult
          ummm anon?

    • 7 months ago

      kek I actually remember your thread, and for some reason I thought this one (the one we're in right now) was you again.

      To the current OP: I recommend Sri Lanka, just as I recommended to the other guy.

  7. 8 months ago

    Morocco by far, for cheap and locally grown produce. Pre covid a kilo of tangerines cost like $1.20. Nothing you can’t find in western supermarkets however, except for prickly pears and weird spongy red berries
    Otherwise, SEA and Hawaii are god for wild fruit foraging

    • 8 months ago

      I had no idea, thanks anon

    • 7 months ago

      I had no idea, thanks anon

      Seconding this. The watermelons from June to August have an intense flavour, outside those months they don't hit the same.

      If you travel to South West Turkey between mid May to late June you will get the best Apricots & white mulberries imaginable.

      Tbh you can't go wrong travelling European side of Mediterranean coast from July to September. Plums, peaches, grapes, figs...many available wild depending where you are. Rule of thumb usually is the more 'developed' a city is the worse it is for foraging as people who fancy themselves civilised can't deal with walking over rotting fruit on pavements so those types of places cut fruit trees down

  8. 8 months ago


    Any Australian anons out there, what is bush fruit like? I really want to try it, but it seems impossible to find outside Australia

    • 7 months ago

      it's always very bitter and disappointing

  9. 8 months ago

    latin america has good fruits pic unrelated

  10. 8 months ago

    I love fruit and I grow fruit in my yard and am a member of an exotic fruit growing club on Facebook. I'm easily the youngest person there by 30 years.
    Southeast Asia for sure hasva lot of fruit that's rare in the US like lychee and Brazil is definitely a good fruit destination. Lots of really cool fruit grows in Brazil. If you like stone fruit like peaches you need to go somewhere that gets cold in the winter.

  11. 7 months ago


  12. 7 months ago

    I'd warn fruit enjoyers against russia. Fruit there is scarcely available due to long winters and what is available is subpar.

    • 7 months ago

      this is fud. The best fruit comes from Russia. He's trying to keep it all to himself. Russian fruit is irresistible to me.

    • 7 months ago

      LOL. Back in the 1980s you could get all the pussy you wanted in the USSR just by bringing in some bananas. Also Levi's jeans, pantyhose, and damn near anything else of decent quality.

  13. 7 months ago

    I assumed Africa would be great was watermelon, but it was actually China!

  14. 7 months ago

    Almost all fruits are shipped at a time/temperature so that they ripen during the shipping process, so by the time they reach their destination they are perfect for consumption. Traveling somewhere to eat them while they are “fresher” is a waste of money.

    If you live near a big city, you can find different fruits from all over the world if you look into specialty stores and they taste exactly the same as they would wherever they came from

    • 7 months ago

      A fruit picked ripe on a tree will always be better tasting than fruit picked green then shipped. Also most store varieties are chosen for shelf life, how well they travel and for visual appearance, flavor is low on the list of importance to a grower or store. Farmers markets with in season fruits will be best bet but if you want tropical fruit you need to go to those destinations to get best flavor and quality. I am going to Thailand and a mission of mine will be Pomelos.

    • 7 months ago

      You have no idea how fruit ripening works and are a massive homosexual. Brix goes way up if ripened properly instead of just having ethylene convert the preexisting carbs to sugars. It keeps adding stuff to the fruit on the tree as it ripens.

      • 7 months ago

        Not only that but there's many different varieties grown of every type of fruit and vegetable. If you look at say roma tomatoes, they're not all the same. The ones sold in supermarkets will be a variety selected by the farm for consistent size and ability to withstand long transport without bruising. That's why fruit can seem wildly different at farmers markets or ethinic markets in the US compared to grocery stores, its literally a different strain. And that doesn't even get into the fact that if you go to say, central america, they don't just have bananas (in the US 99% of them are the same monoclonal strain) but many different kinds of bananas that have different tastes and textures.

      • 7 months ago

        >You have no idea how fruit ripening works and are a massive homosexual.
        Can confirm,

        Almost all fruits are shipped at a time/temperature so that they ripen during the shipping process, so by the time they reach their destination they are perfect for consumption. Traveling somewhere to eat them while they are “fresher” is a waste of money.

        If you live near a big city, you can find different fruits from all over the world if you look into specialty stores and they taste exactly the same as they would wherever they came from

        sucks wieners by choice.

    • 7 months ago

      You are not a fruit lover if you think that fruits shipped unripe and genetically modified to last weeks in storage are even remotely comparable in flavor to fruits that are harvested at the peak of natural ripeness and put out for sale immediately.

      • 7 months ago

        I grow fruit and vegetables at my house (I think I mentioned this in an earlier post) and am in a gardening club. I'm the youngest one there by 20 years and most people my age, when I have them over, if I offer them home grown froot they look at me like I just offered them a bug to eat and ask if I have any sodas. If I prepare a meal with home grown vegetables they ask if I can heat up some frozen fries or mac and cheese. Most younger people have a terrible diet and actually eating fresh fruit is foreign to them.

    • 7 months ago

      This. Just stay home and buy your fruit on amazon.

    • 7 months ago

      Boy, you actually think they're just "fresher" in other countries? Go to an equatorial country once in your life, the texture and flavor are radically different regardless of freshness.
      Soil, humidity and climate are very different over there and ithey make a huge difference

  15. 7 months ago

    Colombia has an excellent selection of fruits, due to the greatly varying elevations. Veracruz state in Mexico is the fruitbasket of Mexico.

  16. 7 months ago

    Hows Thailand and SEA in general for fruits? I live in Scandinavia and fruit selection here is fricking grim - We can grow apples and then we'll get some imported garbage thats good maybe a few weeks in the entire year

    I'd kill for ripe Peaches or Pineapple

    • 7 months ago

      >Hows Thailand and SEA in general for fruits?
      Often absolutely fantastic, although some countries and some varieties of fruit are going to be better than others. Cambodia is noticeably at least a bit worse than the regional average, with a surprising amount of locally available fruit actually being imported, both from neighbors and from China.
      >I'd kill for ripe Peaches or Pineapple
      Thai pineapple at its peak is an honest contender for the best in the world; exponentially better than anything you will ever find in northern Europe. But it’s not naturally very good peach country—can’t say for sure, but I don’t think the nights get cool enough. There are peaches for sale in Thailand but they are mostly imported. I’ve had very good peaches in both Japan and China. Apricots are also not big in SEA, but mountainous parts of South and Central Asia produce some of the world’s best.

      • 7 months ago

        I'm the fruit gardener here, you'd be correct to say that thailand can't really grow stone fruits, which require bouts of cold weather (not exactly freezing but at least close to it) in the winter or they don't bloom. I've heard northern Vietnam can grow some of this stuff though.
        Central Asia, like the stretch of land from Iran to Kazakhstan is where most stone fruits originated, peaches, plums, apricots, etc. Kazakhstan is where apples originated. Whether those countries have varieties we don't often see, I have no idea.

        • 7 months ago

          >I've heard northern Vietnam can grow some of this stuff though.
          There are a couple of what are called “Royal Projects” running experimental farms/agronomic research stations way up in tribal areas in the Northern Thai mountains that have been trying to cultivate colder-weather fruits (among other things); they’ve succeeded in producing some small harvests of some kind of fancy white peach (along with small crops of surprisingly good Arabica coffee, as opposed to the heat-tolerant, lowland-appropriate Robusta that can actually flourish in Thailand but is fit only for Nescafé), but not on any kind of commercial scale. Apples and pears have done OK, too, but not in quantity.

      • 7 months ago

        Thanks for the advice anon, I appreciate

        >Japan and China for Peaches

        Looking at some harvest schedules, it seems like Peach season in Japan is in June-August. Are they still good later in fall, say September? Been considering taking an autumn trip to Japan next year around fall; Friend of mine advised me to avoid Japan like the plague in summer due to the heat

        • 7 months ago

          BC has some lovely peaches and nectarines in the summer months. The Okanagan is filled with fresh fruit markets. There are also U Pick places where you get to wander around and pick your own then pay by weight. Just have to be mindful of the occasional forest fire.

          • 7 months ago

            Appreciate the tips anon, but could you elaborate on

            Where is this?

            >The Okanagan

            • 7 months ago

              >Where is this?
              BC = British Columbia, the westernmost province of Canada (pic related; the white part)

              Okanagan = The south-central region of BC (pic related; the red part)

  17. 7 months ago

    Taiwan is great in the summer, especially later in the summer. There are trucks that drive around selling various fruits straight from the farms.

    They also import top-quality fruits from other countries (at top-quality import prices of course). You actually get better quality U.S. and NZ grown apples in Taiwan than you can in at least the U.S., because the Taiwanese pay ridiculous amounts to get them.

    • 7 months ago

      Thanks anon, I’m planning to go there. Is it safe to eat the fruit directly from those trucks?

  18. 7 months ago

    Never been, but Borneo is meant to be fruit heaven. Some of the rarest fruits in the world can be found here.

  19. 7 months ago

    SEA aside, Costa Rica might aswell have pineapple and mango juice on the kitchen tap.

    • 7 months ago

      I found the markets there to not offer very much in terms of what you could not find in an average American or Canadian supermarket and the quality was not as great either. SEA on the other hand was otherworldly in terms of the quality, price, and flavour.

  20. 7 months ago

    When looking for fruit in SEA, where do you seek it out? Street markets? Guessing you avoid any regular grocery stores?

    • 7 months ago

      Markets 100%. They're where you'll find the old ladies selling some crazy alien fruit they harvested from their backyard jungle

    • 7 months ago

      Keep your eyes peeled when hiking. Forests have been managed over the centuries to encourage the growth of useful trees. I’ve found semi-wild mangoes in Bali and the Mekong.

  21. 7 months ago

    Bananas in the Canary Islands because that's all they have. Everything else is rotting on the shelves and 3x the price of the mainland. But those fricking mother fricking bananas, gotta get some of those.

  22. 7 months ago

    france has best fruit of places ive been

  23. 7 months ago

    South African Cape is the fruit capital of the world

  24. 7 months ago

    Thailand has amazing bananas. They dont sell cavendish here. What looks like cavendish is actually Kluay hom which is slightly less sweet, super creamy and super soft. And tons of other seasonal varieties. Too bad my thai gf is afraid of carbohydrates

  25. 7 months ago

    The areas around the Amazon are the most biodiverse in the world with Colombia and Brazil being the most biodiverse countries on the planet.

    Colombia has aggressive elevation changes (and locals) so it has produce from warm, temperate and cold climates.

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