Hostel stories

Whether good or bad dump your hostel adventures. Never been in one before but plan to. Are party hostels worth it as an early 20s man looking to get his dick wet

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  1. 9 months ago

    inb4 anti-hostel shill

    Don't go for the cheapest hotel in a city, a couple dollars more will keep the scum away.

  2. 9 months ago

    From my experience pre-covid people didn't really talk to each other in hostels unless the wifi was bad.
    I avoided party hostels though cause I just wanted some sleep.

  3. 9 months ago

    >sick from something I ate
    >lying in bottom bunk, german girl on top bunk and her friends in others, all attractive
    >I was rude to one above me earlier about using a plug or something
    >at some point thinking 'will they shut the frick up??' they were talking and giggling louder and louder
    >eventually she leans over and says 'you should really go to the bathroom'
    >realize I'd been farting nonstop from my sickness
    >tell her i'm sick and to f off
    >they are dying laughing and go to the lobby to tell the good looking australians and others about it, hear her saying 'and he doesn't even care at all!'
    >get up and walk out and all noise stops and everyone looks at me
    >they're all attractive and cool normies, looks like a coke commercial
    >was going to say something clever but instead just put my head down and mumble something and go downstairs to ask for a private room
    >spend next week in bed then when finally feel good enough to go out and get food I get robbed

    • 9 months ago

      Oh frick. That reminds me of how I lost my virginity. I totally forgot it happened in hostel.
      >Korea 2019, work as ESL teacher, Aussie with strong yellow fever
      >virgin, want to lose it to some pure sideways waifu
      >out on holiday at a dodgy hostel
      >mostly empty, except these chubby American c**ts, a couple of valley girls who liked k pop
      >one of them steals my food, so I call her a fat c**t
      >come back drunk from some filthy restaurant collapse on my bed with a fever
      >get really weak
      >fat mutts start complimenting my accent, then go, "ah, he's sick."
      >one of them goes up to my bunk, sits on me, and starts farting
      >too weak to get up, she starts sitting on my face blasting ass
      >the other pulls my pants down
      >they take turns switching positions til I blast rope
      >when they get off, I was so disgusted I managed to get up and vomit in the bathroom
      >I fall asleep on the floor
      >later wake up in my bunk to them giggling about what happened
      >they dragged me back and went for round 2
      >before they leave, one farts in my face
      I literally didn't do anything about it. Never told anyone I knew.
      That was the last time I stayed at a hostel.

      • 9 months ago

        What is this story
        >fat American women were so enthralled by my accent that when I got sick they took turns farting in my face and raping/molesting me (this part wasn't clear)
        Did you make this up? It sounds made up.

  4. 9 months ago

    I never understood the appeal of hostels.
    They aren't that much of a money saver and for just a bit more you can live in a comfy private apartment.

    • 9 months ago

      The cost/value ratio of hostels versus hotels depends greatly on the destination. For example, I just booked a hostel bunk in Denver for $47, maybe five blocks from the transit station. The most economical bookable rooms in the area cost $150, and all are significantly farther from the transit station than the hostel is.
      Then I started looking around downtown Los Angeles. There, two nights in a 10-bunk dorm would cost $130, while two nights in a private room in a Little Tokyo flophouse cost $170. Clearly, the flophouse is a better deal, and it is a lot closer to the transit station than the hostel.

      From my experience pre-covid people didn't really talk to each other in hostels unless the wifi was bad.
      I avoided party hostels though cause I just wanted some sleep.

      What country did you stay in where everyone shared a room but ignored each other?

      You're gay.

      What a moronic post. I'm glad you had fun in Thailand but your thing was very gay, not even just the kissing guys part but the 'i've figured it out, sex on mdma is the purpose of living' or whatever part

      gay as hell, but whatever you zoomers are all gays so whatever. sounds like a ton of fun tbh. 20-something year old me would've probably shrugged and kissed the dude if it meant getting some hot australian girl to cling to my nuts for a week, luckily that wasn't necessary in those days.

      this thread sadly has already been hijacked by sexpat misanthropes who cant compute that a wild and uninhibited social experience with a bunch of strangers is a super good time.
      >I dont get hostels why not just have a private room with airbnb and wow you aren't even saving money btw only poor people use them

      when I was a dirtbag vanlifer (before anyone knew what vanlifing was) I would basically be forced into living my worthless existence across the USA doing seasonal work until I had enough funds to frick off and go abroad. this took to me Moab UT, home to the Lazy Lizard.
      >always travelled with my hollowbody electric guitar
      >found a few bros who also had instruments
      >we start playing gigs every other night, just covers and the hits
      >girls climbing on our nuts, guys buying us drinks
      not the wildest story but a good display how weird and impulsive hostels can be. I lived like a dollar store rockstar for a summer. great times.

      >gay, gay, gay!
      doing stupid or "oh my god" shit to impress girls while drunk or on drugs is part of living life. obviously, you gaays haven't lived much

      • 9 months ago

        Yeah. I suppose it depends on where you are and for how long.
        I usually only go place for at least a month, so slumming it in hostels doesn't cut it.

      • 9 months ago


        imagine going to LA AT ALL, let alone paying 90 dollars a night for ten bed bunk

        are you gay. do you like dicks in your ass. what in the world would compel you to do that. you could be sucking dick for free, but instead you're paying to suck a homeless Black person off. jesus fricking christ

      • 9 months ago

        when I was 15 that shit was interesting I’m not gonna “tell my grandkids” about every time I did drugs and fricked around with bawds like you. you must be repugnantly hideous

      • 9 months ago

        kek I used to work at that hostel, it could only be one

        I fricked 3 girls while working there, but the owners were homosexuals and I left after like 4 months.

        One was a brazilian chick who was all into spirituality and shit, really hot. Maybe the only girl i ever had a “natural” kiss with, every other time it was always forced. We would always smoke weed on the fire escape together. i still love you Larissa even though you’re a dumb bawd.

        Another was a crazy white girl from CA, also really hot, possibly lesbian. Ended up meeting up in Miami and fricking her there too. She became a stripper. I fricked her in the king suite when it was unoccupied more than once, she liked when i would press her up against the window and everybody on the street could see. It was like 4 stories up though.

        The last is not my proudest, she was hot but a degenerate bawd and not in a good way, we got very drunk one night and went in her bunk. turned the ac unit on blast and fricked while the other workers were there, next day all the roasties were pissed while the guys were congratulatory. I really hated that girl she was a piece of shit but 8/10 hot.

        there was a rich coke fiend b***h from Ny that got kicked out but would still come around, she always gave me a bumperino. A crazy chinese guy guest gave me a louis vuitton belt before he left because i was nice to him unlike everyone else.

        countless girls tried to have sex with me but i had firm standards of not banging anyone below a high 7 or 8.

        good times, shit times, not sure I would do it again. watch your back anon downtown can be pretty rough, lots of colorful characters if you catch my drift

    • 9 months ago

      For me it really depends where I am going however the main points for me are:

      Often the price for location is too good to pass up. A private room during my time in Asia for the next year is 20-40% less booking a hostel private room compared to a hotel around the same area.

      Not to mention hostels often have decent english speakers, information about the area that is more than "uhh sorry McDonalds(or whatever local equivelent) to left/right" or just point to a booklet with bullshots of food.

      Many have decent laundry services for you compared to most hotels for either a premium or random off in the corner machine used last on 1999.

      Common area is a nice "to do thing" if nursing a hangover, weather is too bad for anything outside, just socialize. Yeah I get hotels have bar areas/common rooms but the atmosphere is always so different compared to that of a hostel.

      Kitchen is also nice to either save money on a meal like lunch/breakfast to save for a big meal or something else that day.

  5. 9 months ago

    >book a whole month at hostel, in a private bungalow, on a thai island
    >hostel has great common area, always very social in evenings
    >make good friends and do things together every day
    >bonding hard, always laughing
    >it's full moon
    >one friend has mdma
    >we split a big bag about 7 ways and walk to the beach
    >it's quiet, bright due to moonlight, the air and water are both warm, a light breeze
    >start rolling our breasts off
    >everyone gets naked and jumps in the sea
    >get out and lay on the sand, group hug
    >good friend says 'anon, have you ever kissed a man?'
    >we kiss
    >the girls see this and go wild, grab us and start making out with us
    >everyone's rolling around in the sand making out and touching each other
    >lasts for a while, ppl go jump in the water, dance a little, come back
    >suck each others toes at one point
    >one girl and I become really close, spend most of the night together
    >spend one more week with these friends before i leave island
    >literally have no barriers about anything with any of them after this experience, no fear to be myself, no anxiety at all, just unconditional love from all

    Literally the best night of my life. Most hostels suck for various reasons, but sometimes the planets align and you wind up in a softcore orgy with friends from literally all over the world. i will tell my grandkids this story.

    • 9 months ago

      You're gay.

      • 9 months ago

        Americans are so repressed. They are still puritans. You won't even allow yourselves the most simple joys

        • 9 months ago

          You're gay.
          t. Bulgarian

      • 9 months ago


        Your defense mechanisms are working overtime. I'm sorry you were born gay, but the best thing you can do is accept it and learn to live with it

        • 9 months ago

          What a moronic post. I'm glad you had fun in Thailand but your thing was very gay, not even just the kissing guys part but the 'i've figured it out, sex on mdma is the purpose of living' or whatever part

    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      you’re a repulsive animal

    • 9 months ago

      Nice story anon, sounds like a fun time

    • 9 months ago

      gay as hell, but whatever you zoomers are all gays so whatever. sounds like a ton of fun tbh. 20-something year old me would've probably shrugged and kissed the dude if it meant getting some hot australian girl to cling to my nuts for a week, luckily that wasn't necessary in those days.

      this thread sadly has already been hijacked by sexpat misanthropes who cant compute that a wild and uninhibited social experience with a bunch of strangers is a super good time.
      >I dont get hostels why not just have a private room with airbnb and wow you aren't even saving money btw only poor people use them

      when I was a dirtbag vanlifer (before anyone knew what vanlifing was) I would basically be forced into living my worthless existence across the USA doing seasonal work until I had enough funds to frick off and go abroad. this took to me Moab UT, home to the Lazy Lizard.
      >always travelled with my hollowbody electric guitar
      >found a few bros who also had instruments
      >we start playing gigs every other night, just covers and the hits
      >girls climbing on our nuts, guys buying us drinks
      not the wildest story but a good display how weird and impulsive hostels can be. I lived like a dollar store rockstar for a summer. great times.

    • 9 months ago

      >>book a whole month at hostel, in a private bungalow, on a thai island
      how much does such a thing cost

      • 9 months ago

        Not him but Jeju was about 600 bucks,
        some places in southern Japan ~800,

        Just use hostelworld and poke around will give you a breakdown of everything from nationality of those who book, to avg age, to private room vs. shared

        • 9 months ago

          that's cheap as frick for private accommodation in korea/japan, no?
          sounds like a really cool thing to do

          • 9 months ago

            I had a private bedroom+minifridge+desk w/ window in Jeju and Japan.

            Bathroom and shower rooms were down the hall, 1 person at a time thing and never had any issues getting in/out when I needed them.

      • 9 months ago

        Was 400 baht a night, about 11 burgerbux at the time. So for a month, about $330

    • 9 months ago


      Americans are so repressed. They are still puritans. You won't even allow yourselves the most simple joys

      Your defense mechanisms are working overtime. I'm sorry you were born gay, but the best thing you can do is accept it and learn to live with it

      The cost/value ratio of hostels versus hotels depends greatly on the destination. For example, I just booked a hostel bunk in Denver for $47, maybe five blocks from the transit station. The most economical bookable rooms in the area cost $150, and all are significantly farther from the transit station than the hostel is.
      Then I started looking around downtown Los Angeles. There, two nights in a 10-bunk dorm would cost $130, while two nights in a private room in a Little Tokyo flophouse cost $170. Clearly, the flophouse is a better deal, and it is a lot closer to the transit station than the hostel.
      What country did you stay in where everyone shared a room but ignored each other?
      >gay, gay, gay!
      doing stupid or "oh my god" shit to impress girls while drunk or on drugs is part of living life. obviously, you gaays haven't lived much

      >gay cope

    • 9 months ago

      i have done all this softcore orgy shit without kissing men
      you're a gay

      • 9 months ago

        Ladyboys are still technically men so stop throwing stones.

    • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        The best part is I had already kissed tons of men

  6. 9 months ago

    >be me
    >be in thai hostel
    >weird scottish guy gives me a map to some untouched island
    >later that night he dies
    >decide to find the island.
    >find it, if I am there I have to stay
    >stay on island and experience many adventures
    >homosexuals growing marijuana dont want us on island, but tolerate us as log as we stick to our own side.

    • 9 months ago

      kek, my mates dad produced that film

      • 9 months ago

        If it's Macdonald he got some great titles under his belt.

  7. 9 months ago

    >Staying in hostal in Tokyo for holiday
    >having a good time having some beers and talking with some females and other tourists in the commons area
    >hear loud thumping from the hallway
    "oh no... please no"
    >burger squeezes in through the doorway with a bag of mcdonalds and shitty american beer in hand
    >booming voice nearly shatters our eardrums between catching his breath
    >Ask him to pipe down as we can all hear him, the girls in the room obviously annoyed and scared
    >snap back explaining we are from civilized countries where "holiday" is 1 month no matte what and no questions asked
    >this confuses him and he begins talking about freedom-ness and how we are all commies
    >Stand up and loosen my collar rolling up my sleeves telling him we can take this outside
    >Let him out the door before myself acting "nice"
    >quickly close the door and lock it
    >room thankful and even get one of the girls to take me to her room for a good shag
    >only saw stupid fat burger talking on his cell to his work each day, smiled and thought what a pitiful existance

    • 9 months ago

      nice larp johann

    • 9 months ago

      >burger staying in a hostel
      >"I get two weeks holiday"
      LOL. "holiday" = britbong.
      >staying in a hostel and talking to the boss all the time
      >shitty social skills
      Clearly a remote working dork homosexual with a shitty job. Only burgers with good jobs get vacation days, usually paid, and wouldn't even think of slumming in a hostel with 2000 dollars to blow on their vacay.

  8. 9 months ago

    Most of my hostal experiences can be summed up by just plastic bags crinkling at all hours of the night.atomic snorers that make me wanna die.

    >be in hanoi Vietnam
    >Stange hippie Vietnamese lady that is just living out of the hostel for like a month
    >she takes showers at night and returns to the room and changes.
    >can't see much since it's dark and she's very skinny
    >chubby Australian film camera guy who taught kids in some village about cameras or some shit
    >these two characters have this very strange relationship and they talk a lot during the night
    >she often gets in his bed naked but they don't have sex or do anything
    >both talk like hippies and jazz each other up on how cool and special they are

    Mfw I didn't get a naked middleaged Vietnamese women to lay naked with me and jazz me up.

  9. 9 months ago

    One more. Not sure if chunking mansion hostel/mini hotels count.

    Taking my bro to Hong Kong for first time and ask if he wants adventure. He does, book some random shithole in the chunking mansion

    >get off subway and get propositions by prostitute
    >filthy Indian and Arab scammers try selling us shit
    >weird Africans everywhere
    >make our way to the rooms. Sign on door to go to different floor and room.
    >go back to elevators
    >a massive fat guy soaked in sweat and greasy hair gets off. Don't know what the frick he was doing there was funny because he filled the entire elevator lmao
    >get to new floor enter messy ass office and get assigned a room on yet another floor
    >room is absolutely infested with wienerroachea
    >bump phone and you can hear them scurry in the electronics, under the garbage, under basically everything.
    >bro sits on bed and looks shell shocked says he wanted adventure but not this much adventure.
    >both laugh are asses off, raid the cleaning ladies cart and take large garbage bags to store our stuff in and a can of raid.
    >every night we come back we have operation roach raid and kill everything in sight and laugh about it.
    >sleep with lights on cuz we cope by saying roaches don't like light.
    >sleep with toilet paper in ears cuz that one yourube video with some brown person with a roach inside the ear canal

    Very fun trip. Once you see roaches you can see them everywhere in that building. It is crazy how unbothered the brown people are by them. We took the central stairs down because it's cool looking in the inner courtyard and we got to the floor with the Indian restaurants and holy frick I've never seen so many roaches just out and about. Hundreds were all over the walls I can only imagine how many end up in the food lmao. The fricking chunking mansion and Mirador mansion are so wild

    • 9 months ago

      Your first story sucked so I didn't read this one

      • 9 months ago

        Do you ever contribute anything on SighSee besides one-line shitposts? At least add some humor

    • 9 months ago

      >crazy how unbothered brown people are by roaches
      Roach infestations are solely due to food being prepared, eaten and stored in the rooms. I've stayed in dirt-cheap hotels throughout Mexico and rarely saw a roach. Many of them were strict about prohibiting food and drink in rooms. Guests, too. Frequently they wouldn't let me take my room key off the property, that's how afraid they were that I would sneak a hooker back.

  10. 9 months ago

    Hostels are good IF you are not an ugly manlet. if you’re an ugly manlet, people will make a lot of accusations that you are there fore crime/drugs/rape/creep etc. Actually if you’re an ugly manlet, its best for you to avoid maintaining interactions with people more than once while traveling anyway, as people start to get emotional and paranoid.

  11. 9 months ago

    goddamn everyone here is genuinly moronic

    • 9 months ago

      reminder that the majority of users on here have never left their state, make up larp stories to coom to or are from /misc/

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