How do you cure severe post travel depression?

How do you cure severe post travel depression?

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  1. 8 months ago

    By not being a gay, at least you can afford to travel

    • 8 months ago

      Have you tried getting a job?

  2. 8 months ago

    Try not being a loser back home.

  3. 8 months ago

    stop taking MDMA

    • 7 months ago

      LOL but true, every high has its corresponding low.

  4. 8 months ago

    It doesn’t. Since I first went in 2017, my entire life (outside of the time I’ve spent in Thailand) has been “waiting to go back to Thailand. I haven’t had friends or any kind of “life” in America except for solitary walks since 2018

    • 8 months ago

      you're in every thai thread my thai bro, whats your story? why are you so depressed outside of your travels?

      • 8 months ago

        How can you not be depressed in the west.

        Entitled women, drugs addicts everywhere, fat slobs everywhere, annoying zoomers that worship nwords.

        • 8 months ago

          Nailed it.

          you're in every thai thread my thai bro, whats your story? why are you so depressed outside of your travels?

          Honestly man I should cool it. I just say the exact same thing over and over and over again Lmaooooo

        • 8 months ago

          Nailed it.
          Honestly man I should cool it. I just say the exact same thing over and over and over again Lmaooooo

          Buckshot mouthwash is the cure

        • 8 months ago

          Where do you live, anon?

          • 8 months ago

            I use to live in Seattle, got sick of the high cost of living, drug addict schizos and libtards so I moved to the midwest.

            Now it's having to deal with antivax trump tards and meth heads, also bored out of my mind because i didn't grow up here so i don't have my high school friend group that everyone sticks to here.

            Feels like everywhere in america, its shit

            • 8 months ago

              You sound like a miserable person, keep that shit to yourself.

              • 8 months ago

                It's not miserable, it's true. Big cities are just too expensive, making $130k a year but having to live in some crappy apartment still. However it's a lot easier to make friends because people are always looking for friends in a big city.

                Living in a small city sucks because it's hard to make friends, small cities are cliquey as frick and everyone already has all the friends that they need.
                Like people will be nice to you on a surface level and invite you but it's hard to break into a friend group that's been together since high school/college.

              • 8 months ago

                It's true for you my guy. Don't confuse our experiences. Keep your blogposts to yourself.

              • 7 months ago

                You’re the problem.
                America is not the problem.
                You’re the problem.

              • 7 months ago

                Hit the nail on the head. Big city: expensive, Black folk. Small town: cliqueishness, wiggers, every social activity is a retirement home or daycare

                Anyone telling you to touch grass doesn't actually go outside much and see how gross and trashy things are.

            • 8 months ago

              sounds like the problem is you

              • 8 months ago


                >BOO HOO POOR ME THE POST
                Get boosted gay.

                You deserve to be bullied.

                The midwest sucks. Let's not cope, the only reason people live here because all their friends/relatives live there. Midwest homosexuals always love to complain about how boring their city is and how there's nothing to do.

                It's either living here and actually accumulating a savings or living a funner life in the big city and not having any savings.

            • 8 months ago

              >BOO HOO POOR ME THE POST
              Get boosted gay.

            • 8 months ago

              You deserve to be bullied.

            • 8 months ago

              >moved to the Midwest
              as someone from Chicago what the frick is wrong with you. theres nothing to see or do here. theres no scenery and the wildest weather in the nation. cost of living might be less because its ao undesirable. i want to move so bad.

            • 8 months ago

              Seattlebro, should I give Seattle a shot or stay in Denver? I don’t take any “‘muh high COL” seriously anymore. I’m a thuggish whiteboi who can pull off black air forces. I’ll slay any PNW monkeys that stand in my way. I just wanna be able to chill by the water and smoke my American spirit piriques and only contend with snarky white techies instead of illegals and apes

              • 8 months ago

                What are you not liking in Denver?

                >moved to the Midwest
                as someone from Chicago what the frick is wrong with you. theres nothing to see or do here. theres no scenery and the wildest weather in the nation. cost of living might be less because its ao undesirable. i want to move so bad.

                I like not living in crammed living conditions, plus way less people here. Overcrowded places are just not it for me but you're right, it fricking sucks. I should of moved to Arizona

              • 7 months ago

                Everywhere kinda sucks, you just find the positives. Even before covid is was meh, now it's worse. It's better to work on your self, good career and mental/physical fitness. Then you can find any place at least ok/good. Till you find what you dislike/get tired of, and move.

                I'm from the Midwest, tried Denver. Arizona has opportunity, awesome nature. But yeah things are to expensive. Midwest you can survive and freeze.

            • 8 months ago

              Honestly, that's your mistake of moving to the midwest. It's an incredibly dull place.

              The midwest sucks. Let's not cope, the only reason people live here because all their friends/relatives live there. Midwest homosexuals always love to complain about how boring their city is and how there's nothing to do.

              It's either living here and actually accumulating a savings or living a funner life in the big city and not having any savings.

              Group activities also revolve around watching team sports which is just completely maddening to me. I couldn't live somewhere like that where that's the main recreational activity.

              What are you not liking in Denver?

              I like not living in crammed living conditions, plus way less people here. Overcrowded places are just not it for me but you're right, it fricking sucks. I should of moved to Arizona

              Arizona is starting to get crowded and expensive for the quality of life. A decade ago it was a cheap place you could easily make it and have leftover money to do fun stuff but it doesn't feel like that anymore. Now it costs the same as Denver but you get living in a hot desert with a lot of sprawl and traffic and a shit ton of mexicans now that vote for free gibs.
              I was honestly going to suggest
              move to somewhere like Denver or SLC where the population is less dysgenic and a lot of people make friends through activities that are individual things like skiing but often done with others.

        • 7 months ago

          the reason you are such a fricking loser is exactly this post. take a good hard look at yourself and improve, instead of blaming everything else.

          • 7 months ago

            shut up b***h boy, you sound like you enjoy living around Black folk and immigrants

            • 7 months ago

              you sound like i could beat the shit out of you and three other incels like you at the same time

            • 7 months ago

              t. enjoys having some schizo Black person screaming on the subway at 8am

              have a nice day terminally online troony, you don't experience the real world

              On my recent stay in downtown LA, Black folk were about 1% of the people I met on the street, surprisingly low. However, the majority of the disruptive, trash-throwing, yelling, arm-swinging, insolent human filth were of the black race.
              Yet I enjoyed my time in LA, and would like to spend more time there in the future. Little Tokyo, Chinatown, and the Mexican pueblo were all fascinating and had great positive energy (Chinatown was a little rough around the edges.) Someone who is racially aware should be able to compartmentalize their Black person hatred and not let it morph into hatred of an entire city "because Black folk".
              You can go anywhere in the world and be miserable if you are unable to appreciate the good things even through the shit. Get screamed at by a psychotic Black person? Get jostled by a rude person? Let the negativity flow through you, then resume your enjoyment of whatever life is offering you.


              Most people would’ve roped by now. My life has been “waiting to go back to Thailand” since March 6th 2022. All I’ve done is worked 60 hours a week and then drank myself to sleep on the weekends. I am so fricking tired of living in America

              Bad mindset, bro. This coming from someone who escaped the grind last week and flew out to SEA yesterday. The more you hate your current situation in America, the more that countdown is going to feel endless and hopeless. If you have no choice but to spend the next 262 days in America, you might as well do your best to focus on positivity in the present. It will help the days pass by so much more quickly. The day of departure will get there when it gets there. Believe me, it is so much more enjoyable when it sneaks up on you.

          • 7 months ago

            You can't self-improve your way out of any of the things he listed.

    • 8 months ago

      this, every time I return from Japan I get an even stronger desire to live there. Frankly I need to just man up and learn the language so I can move there for good.

      • 7 months ago

        anime homosexual

    • 7 months ago

      lol you don't like travel. you like fricking cheap prostitutes and being treated better for being white.

      • 7 months ago

        the reason you are such a fricking loser is exactly this post. take a good hard look at yourself and improve, instead of blaming everything else.

        My boy woke up and chose to bully nerds, love you :3

  5. 8 months ago

    by starting to look ahead and maybe having another trip in the works down the road to have something to look forward to.

    • 8 months ago

      This. Start planning your next trip the moment you get home.

  6. 8 months ago

    I have post travel depression because wherever i was was more interesting than where i live, so coming back feels like regression. im suffering from it now. so logically ill probably move. i hate the Midwest so much so going anywhere else is amazing.
    the depression isn't nonsense, its coming from something, maybe listen to it. it should feel good coming home, if it doesn't something is wrong. thats how i see it anyways.

  7. 7 months ago

    travel again

  8. 7 months ago

    If you're only happy when on holiday then you've fricked up. Improve your life instead of living for the few weeks of escapism a year.

    • 7 months ago

      >a few weeks
      Try a few months you frickin dorker. If I’m sitting on a plane for an entire day I’m going for at least 3-6 months.
      >just impROOve bro
      Nope, you either come from a good, whole family, were disciplined and guided to the correct major

      or you grew up in a broken, fricked up family where you weren’t nurtured or received any guidance and you focused on escaping your pathologies with drugs, partying, and tight teen pussy, and so you weren’t prepared for the future or even thought about it

      So shut the frick up normodorkus

    • 7 months ago

      yea ive fricked up by being born in a nature barren suburban shit hole.

  9. 7 months ago

    Bro you sound like such a whiny homosexual. Just man up bro. Why would living in a society that actively antagonizes you, bullies you, poisons you, lies to you, tortures and emasculates you, and ultimately wants you dead, make you depressed? Just focus on the only important thing, money, and lull yourself back to sleep. Fricking loser.

    • 7 months ago

      You've never actually struggled a day in your life. Post hands.

      • 7 months ago

        And you've never actually felt a woman's touch in your life. Post wiener (you won't, it's small, sad!)

        • 7 months ago

          You genuinely have never struggled in your entire life. You think the world owes you everything, when you've personally never even lifted a finger for yourself, much less others. I know your type. I hope our paths never cross.

  10. 7 months ago

    maybe this is crazy talking, but I want a life where I do not need to take vacations from my life to... be happy

    If that's my only choice then I'd rather become a domestic terrorist

  11. 7 months ago

    I haven't really traveled much but I use film cameras and I figure one thing I can look forward to after a trip is having them developed and then narrowing down the good photos and printing them. I like to share prints with people and I also go around giving my friends gifts that I brought back.

    I guess if your life just sucks then it's reasonable to be depressed coming home, but doesn't that just mean you need to fix your shit at home or something? You could also always just hit the bottle to cope

  12. 7 months ago

    This site is the Reddit. People lecturing on the state of society when they don't understand human behavior. I have a very misanthropic view of humanity and when I interact with people I realize it is optimistic. People are much nicer in Asia or Europe than they are in Canada where everyone is a passive-aggressive weirdo with a fake personality that hides a mentally unstable nutcase in 95% of the cases. I am a loner and it's better that way honestly, too much walking on eggshells with potential time bombs. It is better not to engage with this shit society. Depression is just a natural reaction to coming back to this hellhole.

    • 7 months ago

      Anon you're a loner because no one actually likes your attitude lol, you have no choice.

      • 7 months ago

        Project all you want. I have trained myself to be personable like a switch particularly because I've needed to for work, most people like me. Unlike you, who spends your time trolling people on some fricking cartoon porn website.

        • 7 months ago

          Everyone can see through your insincerity lol, it's the perk of being a normie 🙂

    • 7 months ago

      >People are much nicer in Asia or Europe than they are in Canada where everyone is a passive-aggressive weirdo with a fake personality that hides a mentally unstable nutcase in 95% of the cases.

      People in Western Europe are just as big of weirdos as in NA, central and eastern europe is much much better

      >where everyone is a passive-aggressive weirdo with a fake personality that hides a mentally unstable nutcase in 95% of the cases.

      is so true, even people who seem to have it all are never happy, always bitter / shittalking others

    • 7 months ago

      >This site is the Reddit

      Actually it's the SighSee

  13. 7 months ago

    Most people would’ve roped by now. My life has been “waiting to go back to Thailand” since March 6th 2022. All I’ve done is worked 60 hours a week and then drank myself to sleep on the weekends. I am so fricking tired of living in America

    • 7 months ago

      Plus janny is now shutting down your coomer anecdotes/wisdom, how will you cope?

      • 7 months ago

        We have a telegram now, but I just like to come and blow off some foam

  14. 7 months ago

    Living in Seattle is good enough.
    Weather's nice. Nature's nice. No income tax is nice. Most people are weak homosexuals so not much is really intimidating. Can walk around like a ghost if you don't put effort in to meeting people.
    I haven't really socialized in two years. Starting to feel like I'm making a mistake, but I also increased my networth more than 200k and more than doubled my pay.
    Based tech city.

  15. 7 months ago

    Didn't know TTT is from seattle

    • 7 months ago

      I’m from Denver but I do wanna check out Seattle, simply for the novelty and

      Living in Seattle is good enough.
      Weather's nice. Nature's nice. No income tax is nice. Most people are weak homosexuals so not much is really intimidating. Can walk around like a ghost if you don't put effort in to meeting people.
      I haven't really socialized in two years. Starting to feel like I'm making a mistake, but I also increased my networth more than 200k and more than doubled my pay.
      Based tech city.

      this description seems comfy. I also feel like most people there are b***hmade, even the chimps, so I could relax a little more. Denver is being flooded with illegals immigrants no cap. It’s getting disgusting

  16. 7 months ago

    ITT: everything bad happening to me is someone else's fault

  17. 7 months ago

    This board is so unbelievably soft lol

    Seriously a girl won't hold your hand or a black person looks at you weirdly and you think the world is collapsing. Grow up.

    • 7 months ago

      t. enjoys having some schizo Black person screaming on the subway at 8am

      have a nice day terminally online troony, you don't experience the real world

      • 7 months ago

        The only world you know is behind a monitor. Seek professional mental help.

  18. 7 months ago

    B T F O

    • 7 months ago

      We got rid of the coomers, now we have to get rid of the doomers.

      /trv/bros, we're almost free of this cancer.

  19. 7 months ago

    Plan your next trip.

  20. 7 months ago

    >tfw can't escape yourself

  21. 7 months ago

    will traveling delete the sadness I feel 24/7? no? how about traveling on a motorcycle?

    • 7 months ago

      No and no, but you can look cool while being depressed.

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