I HATE SNORERS SO MUCH. So happy to save so much money sleeping in a 6 person room only to have 1 person to snore.

I HATE SNORERS SO MUCH. So happy to save so much money sleeping in a 6 person room only to have 1 person to snore. If you snore you should not be allowed to book hostels. If any tech comes out that can screen this, PLEASE ACCELERATE

I had a guy in my room who had enough of the guy snoring he would yell every time he started to snore to waking him up. I got so fed up I just slept in the lobby. Staff didn't even care thankfully

Post your Hostel stories I guess

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  1. 11 months ago

    >If any tech comes out that can screen this, PLEASE ACCELERATE
    ear plugs

    Like for real I never understand why people will book a cheap place then go "WHAT IT HAS SHORTCOMINGS?!??!" like no shit. You're booking a hostel it's not going to be as quiet as a luxury hotel where you could hear a mouse fart.

    • 11 months ago

      earplugs don't work you can still hear the bass of the snoring

      • 11 months ago

        Dunno if you're traveling why not use your noise cancelling headphones then? Not sure what to tell you anon, this is the risk of staying in a hostel. Book a private room in them or realize these are the risks you run.

        This is like going to McDonalds and wondering why there are kids being loud for a happy meal

        • 11 months ago

          Taking away your ability to hear while sleeping is dangerous.

          • 11 months ago

            Sleep in your trenchcoat with your katana and wakizashi at your side then

          • 11 months ago

            Paranoids don't belong in hostels.

      • 11 months ago

        True that, some snorers are fricking loud, and the ones with sleep apnea are the absolute worst. One time I had a snorer as a roommate and finally decided to flash my flashlight at his face every time he started snoring. Unfortunately, the respite only lasted a few seconds before the noise began again.

    • 11 months ago

      Hostel shortcomings are a thin mattress, only one pillow, mediocre sheets, creaky bunk, etc. Hostel shortcomings are a lack of toiletries or a mediocre bathroom.
      Hostel shortcomings are NOT some SELFISH SNORING PRICK who has no human decency RUINING the sleep of everyone else in the dorm. You should not be allowed to book a cheap hostel bunk if you snore, period. It SHOULD be screened for and you should be forced to pay more for a private room/hotel. The other people, who are perfectly capable of sleeping like normal humans, should not all be forced to pay more to get away from you. If you had your way the whole room would be empty aside from the snorer and the hostel would go out of business.

      • 11 months ago
  2. 11 months ago

    Getting a cheap single room is pretty much always better than getting a hostel. The price hike for me is worth it. Maybe not for everyone.

    • 11 months ago

      Downside to a cheap room is it is a cheap room. It might not even have a decent window or a comfy chair, let alone a communal space to hang out, cook something and meet other travelers. It can be really depressing to stay for multiple days in a cheap hotel and lay awake listening to the late night laughter, moans, creaking beds and blaring TVs of nearby guests.

  3. 11 months ago

    I snore badly and I sometimes book hostels. Frick you all, get better at sleeping.

    • 11 months ago

      We’re not the ones who are slowly choking to death while sleeping, moron. Stop being a fatty and maybe your sleep apnea will clear up, and you can actually get some oxygen to your shriveled brain.

      • 11 months ago

        snoring has nothing to do with being fat
        my girl is skinny like a rake and she snores sometimes like a helicopter taking off

        • 11 months ago

          obesity is absolutely a cause of snoring, but it isn't the only cause

  4. 11 months ago

    You want privacy? Book a private room dipshit

  5. 11 months ago

    >hostel baby screeching
    imagine being a hosteltard but also being too stupid to buy wax sleeping earplugs

  6. 11 months ago

    its normal in eastern europe to simply beat up somebody who snores loudly
    nobody gets to disrupt the sleep of multiple other people
    I recommend a sock with a bar of soap in it, as you will not hurt your hand, and it also doesn't leave bruises easily
    when they wake you up with their snoring, get out of bed and swiftly beat them till they begin screaming, and then explain that you will kill them unless they stop snoring
    they will lay there awake and terrified (but silent) for the rest of the night, and if they do sleep they will naturally be more quiet out of fear for their survival

    • 11 months ago

      I snore pretty badly but if you tried that on me I'm pretty sure I'd break you over my leg like a twig

      • 11 months ago

        Can confirm this would not fly in America. You get maybe one of these before someone sticks a gun in your face.

        >Nobody gets to disrupt the sleep of multiple people
        Then get the frick out of the hostel and leave the room to the snorer and the people who can deal with it, you mongoloid.

        imagine threatening to kill a stranger then falling asleep as if they won't use that opportunity to end you first lmao

        Eastern Europeans are some of the fakest tough guys on the internet. They're almost as fake as your classmate Kyle, from back in sixth grade.

    • 11 months ago

      Can confirm this would not fly in America. You get maybe one of these before someone sticks a gun in your face.

      >Nobody gets to disrupt the sleep of multiple people
      Then get the frick out of the hostel and leave the room to the snorer and the people who can deal with it, you mongoloid.

    • 11 months ago

      imagine threatening to kill a stranger then falling asleep as if they won't use that opportunity to end you first lmao

  7. 11 months ago

    I understand booking a hostel in an expensive city like Venice if you had no other option, but If I were broke, I would just travel to cheaper areas so I wouldn't have to sleep in a room full of strangers snoring and stealing shit while you sleep. You can get a nice Airbnb in MonteBlack for $50/night. Travel with a buddy and split the price and that's what you're spending on a shitty hostel anyway. You can find an Airbnb for 50 or less anywhere in Czech, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary, France, Spain, Portugal etc etc. Do you guys not have friends?

    • 11 months ago

      >do you guys not have frens?

  8. 11 months ago

    Private rooms arent even that much more expensive than hostel beds normally, likr what exactly is the problem that a cheaper service is worse? Fricking imbecile.

  9. 11 months ago

    You deserve it for choosing to sleep in a communal dorm on vacation like an Indian migrant (slave) worker

  10. 11 months ago

    Strong agree. You should need a doctors note that you are healthy and not a snorer to even travel and book rooms, better if they were killed off. No person who snores is worth living

  11. 11 months ago

    Only thing worse than snorers are farters. Not only is it louder than snoring, it smells, too.

    • 11 months ago

      This is one of the reasons I broke up with a gf, there's nothing more infuriating

  12. 11 months ago

    Snorers are why i avoid capsule hotels

  13. 11 months ago

    KILL ALL SNORERS, the number of nights I've had ruined by these fricks because they dont have the decency to wear a peg on their nose is insane

  14. 11 months ago

    Wait. How do you guys know that YOU don't snore in your sleep? It's not like you're conscious while you're asleep.

    • 11 months ago

      Most people who snore generally wake up constantly with a dry throat. Others tell them. etc

    • 11 months ago

      Wait you don't have a girlfriend you've slept with who can tell you if you snore or not? え?!まじかよ?!ださい!

  15. 11 months ago

    I snore because my tonsils are enormous (to the point that they can touch each other). I actually want to remove them, but my GP is a catholic prick who won't sign off on elective surgeries, so I need to find a new doctor who will. On that note, is there a country that's actually known for this kind of thing?

    My general understanding is:
    Hair transplant = Turkey
    Cosmetic surgery = South Korea
    Limb lengthening = Russia
    Dental implants = Turkey, Thailand, and India
    Tonsillectomy = ????

    • 11 months ago

      Don't go to Turkey for dental shit lmao.

      You're probably not gonna get actual veneers if you go there, just the toothcaps that are way shittier

    • 11 months ago

      You save half of your money if you do your hair transplant in Thailand. Plus, you get to coom too

  16. 11 months ago

    I did dorms a few time but its garbage for light sleepers. Private rooms in hostels means I can sleep well and still have the social benefits of hostels in common rooms. Frankly though as I've gotten older I've realized 95% of the conversations I have with travelers are dull and repetitive. Now I just stay at hotels and order escorts when I want company.

  17. 11 months ago

    >I will snore whereever I want, whenever I want. Frick you.
    >I will snack in my bed or even have a 5 course meal. The cleaning service is there for a reason.
    >I will burp and fart loudly in my bed. I'm not a timid little frick that is ashamed of my bodily functions.
    >I will browse my phone on full brightness at 3AM. Why the frick are your eyes open anyway?
    >I will take a piss multiple times a night if needed. It's probably all that beer.

    See you poorgays at the next hostel in Europe, Japan, S-America or whatever.

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