I live in Los Angeles.

I live in Los Angeles. I like seeing weird architecture and old cultural things I can't find in the US, preferably where I can spend the day walking and not driving from place to place. What's the best city to visit in Canada for me?

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  1. 2 years ago

    canada doesnt have any old culture just like america doesnt. america is too deep into greed ( must tear down stuff and build new overpriced plastic stuff) its too cold and too expensive to have culture in north america.

  2. 2 years ago

    Canada is a country that is only 150 years old. It is practically devoid of "old" cultural things (or any culture tbh). You may as well drive to Mexico. The only place in Canada with a culture, sense of Identity, old architecture and weird things is Quebec. Everything else is boring as frick.

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah not Atlantic Canada despite being settled for longer than Quebec. fricking idiot

      • 1 year ago

        lol, with the exception of halifax and st Johns, there is nothing pulling americans there that will entertain them and even those cities are a stretch. Virtually all of the old cultural centres in the east coast were destroyed by the anglo menace to build parking lots and strip malls

  3. 2 years ago

    Canada is the equivalent of the midwest but filled to the brim with chinks and pajeets. Go to Mexico. Canada sucks

  4. 2 years ago

    montreal and quebec city, but quebec city is difficult without french
    st john's and saint john/fredericton for anglo canada
    ottawa, easy to get to from montreal
    but everything west of there is pretty comparable to america

  5. 2 years ago

    Tips for tourists visiting Canada:

    1. Prepare to get diarrhea. The poojeet workers scrub their anus with their bare hands when taking a shit. Then they'll prepare your food with fece coated hands.

    2. Tip 20-30% when dining out. White Canadians are Black folk of the service industry. They will spit in your food, give you the stink eye or shame you on society media if you don't tip.

    3. When browsing the internet, you'll be spied on by the government. Canada is part of the 5 eyes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five_Eyes

    4. Watch your back in the night club. Blacks and Anglo whites are prone to violence in the club. They can aggressively bump into you and throw hands. Night life in Canada is dangerous.

    5. Be aware of native Indians that will slit your throat for $20.

    • 2 years ago

      Absurd post

      • 2 years ago

        every single point is accurate ought

        ur tipping 20-30% anon.

      • 2 years ago

        canada part of the core 5 eyes spying on its citizens


      • 2 years ago

        Arriving in Toronto airport, I thought I had landed in India. The security guard is a poojeeta that greeted me. The immigration officer is a poojeet. The taxi driver who solicited a ride is a ... poojeet. I went to Tim Hortons, a coffee store, and the cashier is a poojeeta. Her brown feces coated hands made my coffee and brought my donuts. This country is so brown. If you want the Indian experience without visiting Mumbai, just visit Toronto.

        The poojeets have over taken white people working at the airport. The baggage handlers are blacks and poojeets.

        • 2 years ago

          A thing you should know about Canadians is that they're polite but not friendly. They would bump into you and say "sorry" but they would never invite you over to dinner.

          They're also paranoid and skittish. Anglo Karens, would call the police for anything and everything because they're scared. Strange man walking down the street? Call the cops. Utility van parked in front of their house? Call the cops. They don't let their kids play in the front yard anymore.

      • 2 years ago

        White Canadians are entitled and lazy, that's their downfall. Poojeets are working hard, buying up houses and businesses. They're willing to live 4 or 5 familes in a house and work multiple jobs. They're good at accumulating wealth.

        You're starting to see white people begging the poojeet for jobs. The majority of the homeless population is white. It won't be long before poojeets account for 50% of the population. Poojeets creampie white women just like in Indian pornos.

      • 2 years ago

        White Canadian women are insufferable, HIGHLY ENTITLED and indolent. They're also fat and lazy. Have you worked with white women at the work place? Highly annoying. They also do stupid shit like posting pictures of their gay fricking baby. No Karen, STOP POSTING PICTURES OF YOUR GAY FRICKING BABY ON SLACK. I don't want to "like" your photo.

        Don't forget, these Anglo women also get into position of power. They gate keep when they're in HR. If they're a politician, they pass stupid laws. The decline of Canada can be attributed to stupid sheltered white women, the dumbest race on Earth.

    • 2 years ago

      Aside from number 3 most of this is bullshit. 2 can be avoided. Just don't tip and never return there.

    • 2 years ago

      Chinese/Asian men are feminine and have small penises, and their women covet white men

    • 1 year ago

      wtf is this true?

      • 1 year ago


        Anglo Canadians are paying for their sins, call it reparation for slaughtering millions of native Indians and stealing their land. White people are inviting in poojeets, chinks, spics, some Black folk. Canada will become a brown horde, white Canadians will become mutt like Americans. And this is a good thing.

      • 1 year ago

        Yes. It's worth repeating that Canadian White waiters and waitresses are the biggest piece of shit you'll encounter.

        They want to make $300 every night in tips by carrying your food whilst giving you a fake smile -- call it white entitlement. If you don't tip them, they'll SPIT in your food or shame you on social media.

        The other day I had an aggressive poojeet waiter asking me for tips, I told him to frick off.

      • 1 year ago

        White Canadians are problematic cuz they teach the most inane and unethical materials to kids in school, such as gender fluid, proper pronouns, micro aggression, critical race theor. These "white people" won't stop harassing kids. Noticed how most trannies are WHITE people? Shit is CRINGE.

  6. 2 years ago

    Canadian White waiters and waitresses are the biggest piece of shit you'll encounter.

    They want to make $300 every night in tips by carrying your food whilst giving you a fake smile -- call it white entitlement. If you don't tip them, they'll SPIT in your food or shame you on social media.

    • 2 years ago

      how can they spit in your food AFTER you've eatn it?
      the bill comes AFTER the meal

  7. 2 years ago

    The only place with culture here is Quebec, and that's because they all speak French so unless you do too you can't go past Montreal, and speaking as someone who lives there, Montreal kinda sucks and Quebecois are a bunch of hillbillies.

    • 1 year ago

      Do you go outside your neighboorhood? If you don't like Montreal, outside of Vancouver and BC, name me any interesting town better than Montreal.

  8. 2 years ago

    like others said go to Montreal and Quebec City

  9. 2 years ago

    As other anons have mentioned, your best bet for walkable cities is definitely Montreal. But just to give you another idea, maybe consider the tricities of Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo? Combined, they have about 600k people, so there are definitely less things to do and see, but it's a university city, so public transport is pretty good, with a tram running between Kitchener and Waterloo (and a tram to Cambridge coming soon), and the bus system is relatively good (for Canadian standards). Kitchener and Waterloo actually have their downtown areas merge together, so you can just walk down King St to see the best of those two cities.

    But if you're really interested in Canadian history (that isn't french) then your best bet is to just go to Niagara. Buses aren't great down here, and there aren't any trams or trains, but there is the newly released NRT onDemand, which is 3$ within a city, or 6$ outside (with cheaper per-fare rides available if you buy a 10 ride pass). It's basically a government run Uber, but you may have to share with others. There's lots of history, especially at Fort George in NOTL, nice cycling along the Niagara Parkway, and I also recommend coming out my way in Lincoln to check out some wineries! There's a lot of nice hiking trails around here too! Lots of people around here do cycling winery tours, so you won't need a car for that.

    • 2 years ago


      Port Dalhousieanon here. Lincoln is just a shitty desolate swamp full of sociopathic wops running tourist trap vineyards for live laugh love karens. And poojeets are quietly buying up all the McMansions

      • 2 years ago

        Some of the vinyards in Lincon has the best view of Toronto in the country. Also, theres lots of really cool older homes, which if OP is interested in architecture, he may want to check out.

      • 2 years ago

        Those wops also run the wineries in Prince Edward county. Tourist trap vineyards that make them rich. Why can't you be more like the wops, anon?

      • 2 years ago

        >tips fedora
        >but a cool mafioso fedora not a neckbeard fedora

  10. 2 years ago

    >coming to canada in search of culture or tradition

  11. 2 years ago

    Quebec city is alright, but you need french

  12. 2 years ago

    Canada's pretty nice. I don't really like the women, but maybe that's just me.

    It has a high standard of living, low crime and Canadian passports are widely accepted around the world.

    Yes the cops are piece of shit buttholes, but that's common for police everywhere. The politicians are scum wasting taxpayer money on assfrickery and pushing homosexual regulations (especially with that homosexual covid bullshit).

    • 2 years ago

      >I don't really like the women
      They’re horrendous. Every immigrant woman (not shitskins) is better than Canadian women.

  13. 2 years ago

    I have a question for the poojeet who posts in these threads.

    How do you deal with knowing you will never EVER have relations, even so much as a kiss, with white women? I mean, the average white guy starts having sex with white women when he is 12 or 13. By the time we are 25-30 and get married, we have had sex with ~30 women. An attractive white guy might have more, an ugly beta will at least have sex with 5-10.

    Indians on the other, go their whole life having sex with ONE woman, and it is their poojeeta arranged wife. 95% of Indians will never have the chance to so much as kiss a white woman. The tiny amount who do, have names like Doug or Steve, are third generation Canadian, only know English which they speak with unbroken accents, and grew up around entirely White people.

    How does that feel? Can you describe the feeling?

    • 2 years ago

      >I mean, the average white guy starts having sex with white women when he is 12 or 13. By the time we are 25-30 and get married, we have had sex with ~30 women

      r u sure sir ... many incels online r white sir ... many white man no sex they buy onlyfans ....

    • 2 years ago

      Your average Anglo Canadian is unpleasant to be around. They're passive aggressive yet uppity. They're highly entitled and DEMAND something goes their way. Think of your average fat entitled Anglo Canadian women that DEMAND you eat her pussy and that you MUST own a home and a cottage. White men don't frick white women anymore; they frick Asians and poojeetas.

      • 2 years ago

        White Canadians are entitled, snotty little shits. They're taught they're special since childhood by boomers. Since white kids don't have pressure in their lives, they don't form the work ethic to get ahead. Poojeets and Changs work hard, that's why the majority of the students in University of Toronto, Mcgill, Waterloo, York Universities are Changs and Pooojeets. Where are the white kids at? Western London, a small college town to escape the colored

        Haha you are better at dodging questions than trudeau! All you do is complain that the grapes you cannot eat are sour. You will never know what sex with a white woman is like! It must eat you up inside knowing that you will have sex with less women than a 13 year old white boy!

        • 2 years ago

          Wite women r gross... Wite man no want wite woman, wite man sexy Indian and Chinese

    • 2 years ago

      hai sir ... white canadian woman r fat ... i want no sex ... i have virgin win sir ....

    • 2 years ago

      White Canadians are entitled, snotty little shits. They're taught they're special since childhood by boomers. Since white kids don't have pressure in their lives, they don't form the work ethic to get ahead. Poojeets and Changs work hard, that's why the majority of the students in University of Toronto, Mcgill, Waterloo, York Universities are Changs and Pooojeets. Where are the white kids at? Western London, a small college town to escape the colored

  14. 2 years ago

    If you ONLY you knew how bad life in Canada is. Most morons don't know, since they don't travel.

    Canadian whites are snarky little shits. Poojeets are nice. Poojeets serve white people coffee every day with feces coated hands.

    A poojeeta that looks straight outta Mumbai recently served me french fries with her feces coated hands.

    White Canadian women are fat and ugly. This country has gone to shit.

    Freedom? That's just a marketing slogan. Canadian government FROZE bank accounts of people who donated money to the trucking convey. You expect this shit to happen in China, not Canada.

    • 2 years ago

      t. American who gets all his knowledge of the world outside his basement from /misc/

      • 2 years ago

        not him but that is in fact what they did

        captcha: P00AAT

      • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      t. indian creampie poster

  15. 2 years ago


    nice coypasta

    • 2 years ago

      Anyone find it hilarious when poojeets and changs adopt legal Anglo names?

      Ranjeet and Chang become Ryan and Matthew. You are NOT a "Ryan" and "Matthew", you poojeet. They are so desperate to assimilate into an Anglo society.

      2nd generation poojeets and Changs are SO DESPERATE to become "white", they can't speak their Poojabi or China-nese. Whenever a Chang does something slightly "Asian" like drinking bubble tea, they'll self consciously blurb out "Oh that is so ASIAN bro!". Changs and poojeets mimicry whites and whites mimicry blacks.

      • 2 years ago

        I have respect for international Chinese students but no respect for 2nd generation Changs and Poojeet Canadians. Chinese international students are quiet, they study, they drive around in their expensive cars.

        2nd generation Changs and Poojeet Canadians mimicry white people.

        Changs and Poojeets think they can banter like white (but fail miserably) Some Chang and Poojeetas will try to desperately fit in a white society by only having white friends, adopt anglo names, have white hobbies such as camping, wearing ugly sweaters, and activism (BLM, animal rights, women rights)

        • 2 years ago

          I have no respect for redditors (you)

  16. 2 years ago


    What causes whites to become this mindbroken? Why do whites invite chinks and poojeets to take their women, land, jobs and biz?

  17. 2 years ago


    The next prime minister will be the poojeet with the pink turban .... it's over bros, Indian majority in Canada by 2050. it's over for the white boys. Indian men will creampie all the white women

  18. 2 years ago


    Anyone gonna talk about white people? Where are they in Toronto? Do they still exist? How come I don't barely see them anymore when I visit the malls? How come the homeless people are white but you don't see poojeet and Chang homeless camping underneath the bridge? And why are white people so uppity and entitled? A Karen is the personification of a white Canadian. I have so many questions ... people. White Canadians are dumb, they don't even get a degree, they go into trades and fix people's roofs like Mexicans.

    • 2 years ago

      > where are they in toronto
      Yorkville, Academix Annex
      > don't see them in malls
      Malls are for Black folk, Toronto whites go to very expensive single-box stores or shop online
      > no pajeet homeless
      Canada only lets in decently capable pajeets and they also have large extended families, don't mind living 15 in an apartment, etc etc. + due to how immigration works the more ambitious and industrious choose to come.
      Also many of those 'white' homeless are squaws

      > don't get degrees
      Almost every suburban or urban white has a university degree.
      And now I recognise it's the poojeet poster and he's just baited me into replying again.

      • 2 years ago

        you will be replaced you fricking homosexual

      • 2 years ago

        >Yorkville, Academix Annex
        Dose be israelites mate.
        Most Anglo whites are around Etobicoke south of Dixon Road and some along Lakeshore stretch and Port Credit. Although a lot of them are sprinkled with slavs who are utterly moronic.


        Anyone here fear white Canadian cops? They're aggressive, psychopathic and adopt a "higher than thou" attitude. White cops are authoritarian and don't hesitate to use violence on people. There is a large number of neo nazi and alt right wing cops in Canada.

        I feel safe around poojeet and chang cops. They're friendly and passive. I can't wait until 80% of cops in Canada are poojeets and Changs.

        Uh no? Most cops in Canada don't give a frick outside of making their speeding ticket quotas. The only really universal trashcops are RCMP or OPP.

  19. 2 years ago


    Cant blame the guy seeing as how the country is literally like 80% fob poojeets and chinks and other weird shit nowadays. Even the whites are all losers.

  20. 2 years ago

    Don't you listen to these moose-jockies.
    These syrup-slurping, maple-munching puckheads can't even accept that Kaft Dinner is AMERICAN.

    So you do the morally RIGHT thing and visit every grocery in every city you can and knock those boxes off the shelves, and you tell them... you tell them KRAFT DINNER IS AMERICAN!

  21. 2 years ago

    White Canadian women are the dumbest morons.

    • 2 years ago

      White Anglo Canadians are annoying, entitled little shits. White waitresses threaten to spit and shit in your food if you don't tip them 20%. They whine and complain about low tip. For the cash tip money, they don't pay tax on it. They use the money for drugs and booze. The biggest degenerates you'll find are Anglo waiters and waitresses.

  22. 2 years ago

    This thread is weirdly filled with bullshit.

    Just go to Québec city, it's the oldest city in north america.

  23. 2 years ago

    If you really wanna visit Canada you have 4 options. For the multicultural epicenter with food from many Asian continents, you would want to visit Vancouver. It has a mild climate (rain instead of snow) and is full of chinatown type areas for every major ethnicity. If you enjoy classic french architexture then you want to go to the east coast and visit Quebec or Ontario. The chateau frontinac is an interesting place and everything around it is very interesting and 'old'. If you want to experience a white city that has interesting culture, then you should visit Winnipeg/Manitoba and maybe go see the Polar Bears or one of the many museums (please go during Summer or Spring). If you want the most touristy type visit then you need to go up north to the Yukon and see the Northern Lights. They are fricking fantastic. You will be shoulder to shoulder with many people from around the world that want to see the glimmering lights but it is well worth it. Many Canadians don't even get the chance to go up here because they don't give a shit and think it's lame to spend the same amount of money they could spend on going to Mexico.

    • 2 years ago

      >for Asian food definitely visit North America
      >Vancouver has a European Chinatown and an African Chinatown
      >for classic French architecture visit Ontario
      >Go see the polar bears in Winnipeg during summer or spring
      >Yukon is a shoulder to shoulder packed tourist trap and the line to see the northern lights is like 2 hours
      >Plane tickets and lodging in the arctic cost the same as Mexico

      please be trolling

      • 2 years ago

        >Asian food in Vancouver is fricking amazing and you can get authentic Japanese, Korean and Chinese food within 20 minutes of each other
        >Authentic Indian food 30 minutes from Vancouver
        >Ontario and Quebec are within 1 hour of each other and pretty much the same, so I lumped them together as far as "old" architecture goes
        >Fair enough. Polar bears can be seen close to fall/winter but if you want to visit Manitoba without seeing polar bears then please go during the summer (mosquito season) because it's impossible to go anywhere when the snow starts to fall
        >Yukon is full of Chinese people for some reason. I mean, it's a big place but the airport is fricking packed with rich Asians during the peak time to see the Northern Lights
        >plane ticket within Canada to visit the north is close to 2,000$ Canada bucks
        >decide to go to mexico all inclusive resort instead

        I really want to go to Northern Canada but I can't justify the price to take my family there when it's cheaper to go to Mexico. I might go by myself instead one year. Quebec was also fun without my family but I was only there for 3 days.

        • 2 years ago

          Bro please don't give people incorrect information... MAYBE you can get to Quebec from Ontario within 1 hour (if you speed) but it usually takes me two hours or more to get from Ottawa to Gatineau. I will agree that as soon as October rolls around the polar bears start to show up in Winnipeg but unless you give them some food they usually don't let you pat them. Also if you want to visit the Northern Lights you can actually buy a Fast Pass that cuts the wait time to like 30 minutes, but I hear they're going to start limiting visits to 2 hours maximum because of all the crowds of Chinese. Last time I was in the Yukon I nearly got crushed in a stampede in Dawson City, the crowds are just out of control. Thanks for the insightful advice friendo :^)

          • 2 years ago

            >Fast pass for Northern Lights
            Holy frick, really? That's insane. I live in Canada but never bothered to go up there because I figured it was just a typical tourist type area but not that interesting. I thought it would see a few thousand people each year maybe. That sounds insane though and I don't think I want to deal with a fast pass type scenario when I live in the country.
            >Ontario to Quebec
            I'll be honest. I used a bus service and fell asleep when visiting Quebec city. It felt like an hour and I don't remember much traffic. I ate spaghetti at some place near an historic battle ground that had a canon ball stuck in a tree near the sidewalk. I spent a night at the Chateau Frontenac and it was pretty cool. Quebec City is a fun walking around city but the East Coast seems like the best part of Canada to explore (in the Summer).

  24. 2 years ago

    If you want unique, intriguing culture Vancouver is the place to be. Start from Granville early morning (you want to be here before lunch time essentially), up through Waterfront and then east along Hastings until you hit Oppenheimer Park and Sunshine.
    There is a lot of history to these parts, especially around Waterfront, but on Hastings you can find many local solutions to sustainable housing that lends to the neighborhood's colorful personality, along with abundance of contemporary art projects going on at any single time around that area.
    You can easily walk this route in less than a day but trust me, you will want to come back. The people there are some of the kindest and most generous folks you will ever meet, and the sense of community is simply unmatched. You can easily spend an entire week there just hanging with the locals, and it's extremely affordable compared to the rest of the city.

    • 2 years ago

      >walking through Hastings
      Holy shit dude, do you want him to get stabbed?

      Hastings is the poorest area in all of Canada and that is because of the mild weather (Sunny/Rainy all year round instead of crippling low temperatures and snow) and you can't even walk on the sidewalks because it's a fricking tent city. I was there to visit the Steam Clock and had to take the bus out of that shitty area. You walk down main street and it's full of homeless people (millions of them) and then turn down some alley and end up in GasTown which is pretty cool for about 20 minutes and then you end up in the financial district (?) . It's a weird area. Just go to the suspension bridge or the aquarium instead.

      • 2 years ago

        Nah bro not him but you don't know what you're talking about. Maybe it was like that in the 60s but it's more of a hippie commune these days for adventure backpackers and free spirits. It's a really nice friendly area that has a lot of nice hotels and bars to visit. It's really vibrant and has a nice bohemian vibe its perfect for backpackers or just young people looking for a chill time with some friendly open minded people. I also like that they have this wierd honor code where you can just leave your backpack anywhere and it will be there when you get back, sometimes with $20 in it or a bag of weed or something cool like that. Once my friend left his backpack on a park bench in Oppenheimer park and when he got back there was a girl's phone number in it and a bottle of champagne. Just bring an open mind and a kind, trusting heart and you will have a great time in Vancouver's downtown east side.

      • 2 years ago

        yh seconding this

        Nah bro not him but you don't know what you're talking about. Maybe it was like that in the 60s but it's more of a hippie commune these days for adventure backpackers and free spirits. It's a really nice friendly area that has a lot of nice hotels and bars to visit. It's really vibrant and has a nice bohemian vibe its perfect for backpackers or just young people looking for a chill time with some friendly open minded people. I also like that they have this wierd honor code where you can just leave your backpack anywhere and it will be there when you get back, sometimes with $20 in it or a bag of weed or something cool like that. Once my friend left his backpack on a park bench in Oppenheimer park and when he got back there was a girl's phone number in it and a bottle of champagne. Just bring an open mind and a kind, trusting heart and you will have a great time in Vancouver's downtown east side.

        its a chill as all hell place as long as ur not a narc or a capitalist...... just be a decent fricking person and u will fit right in, best place on fricking earth

  25. 2 years ago

    Anyone here fear white Canadian cops? They're aggressive, psychopathic and adopt a "higher than thou" attitude. White cops are authoritarian and don't hesitate to use violence on people. There is a large number of neo nazi and alt right wing cops in Canada.

    I feel safe around poojeet and chang cops. They're friendly and passive. I can't wait until 80% of cops in Canada are poojeets and Changs.

    • 2 years ago

      Canadian police is the last bastion for whites. Average and dumb whites can get a high paying job with the Canadian police force. There is a large neo Nazi and alt right wing groups inside the police that keep the Changs and poojeets out. Riddle me this: why is Toronto full of white cops? Where is the poojeet and Chang cops?

    • 2 years ago

      it’s “houlier than thou” you obvious ESL

    • 2 years ago

      Shut up pahjeet

  26. 2 years ago

    Probably Quebec City or St. John's, Newfoundland should be up your alley. Both are very European but in two different ways. Both are also decently walkable cities and have good food and pub culture.

  27. 2 years ago

    Gonna head to Toronto after visiting Niagra, what do you guys recommend?
    Also should it be safe driving not sure when it snows over there but gonna head there for thanks giving

    • 2 years ago

      Watch out for poojeet drivers unironically. Not even creampieanon - they're legit awful drivers, drive 2x the speed limit, never signal, drive unsafe cars, and are always pulling insurance scams

    • 2 years ago

      > not sure when it snows over there
      usually in January and early February
      > recommend
      i have to admit i am a suburb-cuck so I don't know too much to see in toronto. CN tower of course, Queen's Park/UofT campus/ROM, view from Casa Loma at night is kind of kino. if you want to see how rich torontonians live drive through the castle frank road area or Inglewood Drive (St. Clair Mt Pleasant area). Fort York National Historic Site if you're into that, trannies cut some of their funding recently but it might still be worth your while.
      And of course Toronto Islands - but they might not be fun in late November. People make TikToks about skating on Lake Ontario when it starts to freeze over in December/January

    • 2 years ago

      novembers we might get a few dustings of snow but the traffic usually makes quick work of all the snow on the road. if you are staying downtown its probably better to keep the car parked and use transit to get around.
      as far as things to see and do in Toronto...
      >distillery district
      >toronto island
      >kensington market
      >mt pleasant cemetary
      >union station

      > not sure when it snows over there
      usually in January and early February
      > recommend
      i have to admit i am a suburb-cuck so I don't know too much to see in toronto. CN tower of course, Queen's Park/UofT campus/ROM, view from Casa Loma at night is kind of kino. if you want to see how rich torontonians live drive through the castle frank road area or Inglewood Drive (St. Clair Mt Pleasant area). Fort York National Historic Site if you're into that, trannies cut some of their funding recently but it might still be worth your while.
      And of course Toronto Islands - but they might not be fun in late November. People make TikToks about skating on Lake Ontario when it starts to freeze over in December/January

      im in thornhill
      >oy vey!

      • 2 years ago

        Are the parkings around the area free or should I worry about my car being towed by some moronic tow truck driver?

        • 2 years ago

          most of the good or convenient parking usually comes with a price. but in the non downtown areas (etobicoke, scarborough, northyork) you will usually find free or cheap parking anywhere you go.

    • 2 years ago

      The 1st heavy snowfall is usually around the Christmas holidays, so late December. That's when temperatures tend to really start dropping as well.

  28. 2 years ago

    i got a dwi when i was 26. i had an alcohol problem, i've been sober since (32 now.) is it true that canada wont let me into their country with a dwi?

    • 2 years ago

      I drive drunk all the time, so you should be fine

      • 2 years ago

        that really didn't help me at all.

        • 2 years ago

          Generally you should be fine. Canadians are more lax than Americans who have black dildos up their asses and would ban you for life for trying to drive over the border with a joint
          What stays in the system is if you cause trouble at the border. e.g. if they find cocaine in your car at the border crossing they'll have you flagged for life

  29. 2 years ago


    He posts half the posts you're seeing in this thread in absolutely any tangentially Canada-related thread. I can't even imagine what sort of creatura he is IRL.

    • 2 years ago

      half poojeet, half white?

    • 2 years ago

      how come everyone reporting the news is a poojeet?

      • 2 years ago

        does he smell like poo?

        • 2 years ago


    • 1 year ago

      I'd guess full fledged poojeet. Poojeets have a wierd inferiority complex where they simultaneously hate their own race, yet think their own race is the most intelligent and clever on the planet... almost like they hate the rest of the world for allowing the poojeets, which they also hate, to become so successful.

      • 1 year ago


        • 1 year ago

          Poojeet and chinks taking over white jobs.

          • 1 year ago

            No more white reporter in canada.

            • 1 year ago

              OG poojeeta taking over karen's job

          • 1 year ago

            a poo with a "white" first name. why? too shame to have poo name?

        • 1 year ago

          I'm not the guy you are responding to but this confirms to me that youre an insecure currycel. Those videos are fake as frick. Next you'll be telling me how all the porn step-sibling videos are real too. Frick are you dumb.

  30. 2 years ago


    He posts half the posts you're seeing in this thread in absolutely any tangentially Canada-related thread. I can't even imagine what sort of creatura he is IRL.

    The thing is, he's not just on SighSee. This guy is almost approaching UTV level of obsession: https://www.dailydot.com/unclick/most-obsessive-user-SighSee-history/

  31. 2 years ago

    Quebec City, or the old part of Montreal.

  32. 2 years ago

    Montreal and Toronto for variety
    Vancouver for best scenery and nature stuff and its got the best all around climate
    Ottawa or Niagara are good places to make a daytrip/overnight if you are already visiting MTL or TO.
    Niagara is right by the border so its actually a great place to meet other Americans and you can do some gambling.
    Halifax/St Johns to get a taste of Eastern Canada and cheap lobster

  33. 2 years ago

    nowhere unless you took a death jab

    • 2 years ago

      Is this true?
      Heard restrictions were gone apperently and you don't need the jab?

      • 1 year ago

        no, they finally waived it
        it's weird how we went full circle
        initially we just asked flights from china if they've been in wuhan
        then it was ban any non-citizen who isn't vaccinated, and make unvaxxed citizens quarantine
        now it's just ignored

        • 1 year ago

          Because it's just a stupid fricking flu. Humanity will always be fricking stupid. They require the covid vax shot but what about the requirement for seasonal flu shot? People got fired from their jobs cause they didn't take the vax...

          • 1 year ago

            There should be consistency in logic. If covid shot is required for having a job, then they should enforce seasonal flu shots also. Governments make moronic rules based on mass hysteria. They grounded unvaxxed people from leaving the country for 2 years. Never trust the gov they are evil

          • 1 year ago

            liberal party has admitted that they do things because their base loves the policy even if it doesn't improve anything, like their gun restrictions

    • 1 year ago

      >still being an antivax virgin on SighSee

  34. 1 year ago

    Well I already left the Canada last year after having lived for 5 years. I am in my early 30s , south asian immigrant. I had a good paying job. I left because more so because of the social isolation and the pandemic measures. Plus I feel most Canadians may seem polite , but not friendly as in - extremely hard to make friends. Ethnic groups stick to themselves and don't mix. I found dating to be extremely hard and toxic. People have high individualistic mentality and don't open up.

    I am now in working in Mexico / Latin America and my mental health has greatly improved. I am able to socialize and women here aren't as stuck up as in Canada. Real world interactions are valued here unlike in Canada where it's all about the apps and social media. Also who doesn't like some good consistent sunshine. Overall , I am happy to have left Canada and am not coming back.

    • 1 year ago

      Lived 32 years in Canada and paid taxes from the day I arrived but the cost of living is killing us. No bright future and the money I get all goes to rent, insurance, and food and if I stop working I will end up in street due to low money unemployment or Ontario Work pays. I have a disability and I have to work to survive in this horrible economy. I am thinking every day to leave Canada permanently.

      ... I am Indian.

      > even the poos are turning against this government and the horrible standard of life in Canada
      and like warm sunshine Trudeau announces a doubling of immigration from Harper levels to 500,000/year

    • 1 year ago

      Yes planning to go somewhere not so fricking autistic. Esp compared to Vancouver. Not worth fighting over uppity 2/10 b***hy fat oinkers and putting up with all the cliquey "our group is so much better than everyone" bullshit.

  35. 1 year ago

    In 2004 I wrote a somewhat famous article called 'Top 8 reasons not to immigrate to Canada'. In short, the Canadian authorities tried to destroy my life. They made it so that I could not be employable in Canada. So I moved to the U.S. in 2005 and then some years later I moved permanently to the Philippines. I am happy that so many years later videos like yours are saying essentially the same things that I did. I was ahead of my time. I will never go back to Canada. Not to live, not to visit, not even a connecting flight. Too cold, too expensive, taxes are astronomical, no freedom, no jobs, no opportunities, xenophobic people, too depressing. It has become the North Korea of the western world.

  36. 1 year ago

    Lived 32 years in Canada and paid taxes from the day I arrived but the cost of living is killing us. No bright future and the money I get all goes to rent, insurance, and food and if I stop working I will end up in street due to low money unemployment or Ontario Work pays. I have a disability and I have to work to survive in this horrible economy. I am thinking every day to leave Canada permanently.

    ... I am Indian.

    • 1 year ago

      Good, shoo shoo mr pooo

  37. 1 year ago

    Check out Toronto. It's the best city and home to acclaimed Canadian actress Sarah Gadon.

    • 1 year ago

      >Check out Toronto. It's the best city and home to acclaimed Canadian actress Sarah Gadon.

    • 1 year ago

      moron detected

  38. 1 year ago

    Quebec city would be right up your alley then. Mostly walkable, filled with old style French architecture and old forts. Honestly feels like being in Europe. French isn't as necessary as gatekeepers would have you believe.

    • 1 year ago

      >French isn't as necessary as gatekeepers would have you believe.

      It definitely is, you absolute homosexual.

      • 1 year ago

        You can defenitely find you way around in english. Most people speak english pretty well and they wont be c**ts if you tell them youre a tourist

    • 1 year ago

      >French isn't as necessary as gatekeepers would have you believe.
      Sure, if you're a tourist.

      You can defenitely find you way around in english. Most people speak english pretty well and they wont be c**ts if you tell them youre a tourist

      The problem is people all speak French among themselves, so if you plan on remaining any longer than a short stay, it's a good idea to learn. If people think Anglo-Canadians are closed off imagine how it would be if you couldn't even speak their native language.

      Guys, just how bad is Canada really?
      I’m an Euro (Spaniard) and I’m going there in a few months for a job in the tourism industry, the application process for IEC is ass and hey already took my biometrics, I’m starting to like the prospect less and less the more I read about Canada.
      Are things really that bad there?

      You are going to be hit hard by seasonal depression when summer ends. I can't even imagine how it must feel trading the Spanish climate for that one. If only there were jobs in Spain lol

  39. 1 year ago

    Guys, just how bad is Canada really?
    I’m an Euro (Spaniard) and I’m going there in a few months for a job in the tourism industry, the application process for IEC is ass and hey already took my biometrics, I’m starting to like the prospect less and less the more I read about Canada.
    Are things really that bad there?

  40. 1 year ago

    Also I get that most of the people complaining are Indians but how come so few Europeans are applying for immigration to Canada?
    I’ll be earning 18.86 CAD an hour as a receptionist and my employer provides housing but I’m afraid that I’ll be fricked by taxes since I’m staying for 12 months.
    The Canadian authorities give zero shit about privacy and ask for so many papers, it’s like they’re paranoid and treat anyone that tries to enter the country as a criminal.
    I read an article that says 2/3rds of native Canadian children think Canada is an authoritarian state

    • 1 year ago


      Canadian borns are desperately trying to ESCAPE Canada. Ony the poojeets are desperate enough to move here. Chinks move to Canada to park their illegal monies into the real estate market and get a second passport. They stay for 3-4 months (summer time) and frick off somewhere else during the cold season.


      White Canadian women are fat and disgusting.

      Come do paperwork with the government and you realize they're paranoid morons. They will ask for your social media and snoop on you. They ask bank statements and tax records. Do not trust the Canadian gov.

    • 1 year ago

      Living and working in a resort town will be a fun experience and you should do it if you're young and single. You won't be able to do much with $18.86/hr but that shouldn't matter too much, if you are good at poorgayging and can score the occasional free meal you might be able to get a cheap little motorcycle or something and scoot around the province. Just realize that you won't be able to settle down unless you make significantly more, this country is expensive as balls and people ain't lying when they say our real estate is a hyperinflated ponzi scheme targeted towards poo in loos. It's expensive as balls here, I make $30/hr and I'm just getting by paycheck to paycheck in the suburbs. If I didn't have lots of overtime Id probably have to take the bus or rent a room in a house. I don't know what the frick I'd do if I had kids or lived in a major city, and I make more than half of the country.

  41. 1 year ago

    Spanish guy, they rejected my Young Professionals application.
    On a fricking technicality.
    I’m pretty sure you guys are right, I followed all the steps and have them every document they wanted and they still refused on a very minor detail.
    Maybe it’s for the best, something is definitely very fishy about their immigration policies, they let in Indians and Chinese by the bucketload but apparently don’t want European professionals working there.
    I probably saved myself the unpleasantness of sharing a room with 5 pajeets while working for a pittance lmao

    • 1 year ago

      Whatever, Manolo.

    • 1 year ago

      maybe because you look like a creepy serial killer and probably message 11 year old girls asking for nudes

  42. 1 year ago

    Kingston the old capital. Place is haunted. Tonnes of great micro brew spots.... reasonable cost wise

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