I only feel non-depressed when I am travelling

Anyone else the same? There's just something in the west, with it's oversocialized culture that is extremely demoralizing.
I feel like outside of the west, you can easily get by when you have little bits of autism, it just gets chalked up as cultural difference but in the west, I get extremely self-conscious

Plus Euros/asians are usually all pretty autistic anyways

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  1. 8 months ago

    It's because you're an incel. Maybe try respecting women and bipocs for once and people will like you more??

    • 8 months ago

      Im trans btw if that matters

    • 8 months ago

      Didn't know that the israelite shills were also operating on SighSee

  2. 8 months ago

    Yeah I feel the same way. Much easier to make friends and enjoy myself while overseas

    I went out drinking/dancing more times in a week in Thailand than I did a year in Australia

  3. 8 months ago

    People will meme you but the truth is that different personalities are suited to different cultural norms. That’s all. Unlucky roll of the dice for us

  4. 8 months ago

    >I only feel non-depressed when I am travelling
    further removed from the nagging sense of responsibility

  5. 8 months ago

    I literally have no life in America. I work 60 hours a week and come home to a dirty, furniture-less (save for a wilted twin mattress in the corner of the bedroom) one bedroom apartment in a shitty neighborhood.

    5 days a week I have 40 minutes to eat one boiled egg+avocado, smoke a cigarette, brush my teeth, and then fap before going back to sleep and going to another 12 hour shift. Durning my shift I read the Bible because I can’t believe how shitty American society is. I see so many young, suburban white girls with thug ape black men. Its literally satanic.

    The only upside is that, being single and frugal, I save a frickload of money. By the time this countdown ends, I will have a 6 month emergency fund, will have maxed my Roth IRA 3 times, and will have 20k+ to blow on a 6+ month trip to Thailand

    The Bible unironically is giving me strength beyond the reservoir of strength and fortitude I’ve developed from years of trauma and crushing loneliness.

    I remember looking at this countdown when it was at 484 days. The “great return” will come soon enough. My patience and resolve is unwavering.

    No dorker, impotently gloating about how he slid his pencil pecked in some grumpy brown skinned isaan rat yesterday will cause time to turn to the left, or the right. I walk a straight path

    • 8 months ago

      >eat one boiled egg+avocado
      You should cut out avocados. Pricey

      • 8 months ago

        Lol no they’re not. It’s literally 87c per avacado and I always only say I got 3 at self-checkout instead of 5-6. Plus a dozen eggs for a whopping $2.50ish.

        On the weekends I buy a pack of 4 half-pound angus patties, get 9% Sierra Nevada big little thing, and enjoy my American spirit periques (black pack)

        >will have 20k
        Completely unironically, you should put that 20k into DOGE. It was 73 cents a few years ago, it'll go over $1.00 this bullrun. $20k will buy you about 400,000 DOGE. Sell in 12 - 18 months at ATH and take 20 years off
        >t. I'm at 300k DOGE rn, will be at 400k start of next year

        Until the fed cuts interest rates it’s all pie in the sky bullshit for risk assets. Until people are shooting their wives because they lost their Wells Fargo wealth manager job and can’t pay the mortgage on a house they just bought

        • 8 months ago

          >4 half-pound angus patties
          This combined with the avocados is outrageous. Just get super saver cereal, processed cheese slices, bread, milk and super saver hotdogs. This is literally all the foodstuff you need to live on. You'll get all your essential nutrients at half the price.

          • 8 months ago

            >essential nutrients
            have a nice day

        • 8 months ago

          >No DOGE
          Sweet babygirl. Remember I said it would go over $1 and you'd have half a mil. Deferred gratification is what made the white race great

    • 8 months ago

      >will have 20k
      Completely unironically, you should put that 20k into DOGE. It was 73 cents a few years ago, it'll go over $1.00 this bullrun. $20k will buy you about 400,000 DOGE. Sell in 12 - 18 months at ATH and take 20 years off
      >t. I'm at 300k DOGE rn, will be at 400k start of next year

      • 8 months ago

        Go browse SighSee you fricking gay

        • 8 months ago

          >Go browse SighSee you fricking gay
          K. TY. Opening window

          • 8 months ago

            moronic wannabe

            • 8 months ago

              >moronic wannabe
              What do I wannabe, honeygirl?

      • 8 months ago

        Bull runs happen totally every 4-5 years and wasn’t previously a coincidence based on federal monetary policy

        Buy my beans!

    • 8 months ago

      >in a shitty neighborhood.
      this is the greatest sin of the west
      the humble wage cuck should be able to live in a peaceful area

    • 8 months ago

      So many red lights here. Travel won't solve shit.
      >Wanking before work
      >Thinking shit you don't like is "satanic"
      >Having no furniture and living like a pig
      >Not having skills to escape 60 hour work patterns
      >Blaming years of trauma
      >Not being able to form relationships and being lonely

      Chin the frick up, c**t. Read shit like Meditations over the Bible. The Bible is making you retreat into a world where it seem you view things around you as satanic, evil, and against you. That's homosexual behaviour.
      All your lot in life is down to your actions, your weaknesses, and you attitude. It's not a dig, it's just pointing out how you come off.
      Chin the frick up, plan to better yourself. Get yourself in shape, start reading better content, stop giving a frick about the other ghetto motherufckers, and make sure your grand exit is going to be kino.
      If you approach the world with your current attitude, you'll only run into the same ills over and over and over and over again.

      My advice if you're doing Thailand:
      >Sign of for a Thai boxing course and get in shape
      >Avoid the '''coomer''' areas
      >Get out into nature and cleanse the soul
      >Pick up kayaking so you can do the whole 'me against the world' shit
      >Only drink/drug as a reward
      >Learn about the history of the place and treat people with respect
      >Avoid loser expats who'll validate your lose behaviour

      • 8 months ago

        I’ve already read meditations and countless other philosophers. The proverbs and Ecclesiastes of the Bible do it all justice in about 50 pages. Read it before you talk down on it.

        I already fricked 50 girls before graduating college and then after “the fall” I’ve boned 170 Thai hookers. When most guys were compelled to chase the carrot, I was eating it on the sidelines watching them run around the track. I can’t be motivated to pursue success when I’ve already gotten the rewards . I know I can just go creampie 100+ girls with 10k cash.
        >my advice
        All Normie bs, sorry. I’m a monger through and through.

        As long as I can periodically leave cathartic posts on this board, I’ll be ok. When I go back in 277 days, it’ll be grand

        These are my lamentations

        • 8 months ago

          > I was eating it on the sidelines watching them run around the track
          shut up homosexual you're poor so don't talk like you can just get pussy whenever. You wage 1.5 years just to feel rich for a couple of months.
          You got 60K from an inheritance and you spend it all on prostitutes like a feral Black person, that's called having a poor man's mindset and it will never change and people can see it even when you're spending 100$ on a bottle of champagne.
          stop shitting up this board unless you're gonna give us a climax with your suicide

          • 8 months ago

            >You wage 1.5 years just to feel rich for a couple of months
            That’s honestly not a bad gig. considering most people are trapped in their homosexual jobs and obligations and can only EKE out 2 tiny weeks of vacation a year. If I can do that and still manage to max my retirement account every year, I’d say there a W
            >You got 60K from an inheritance and you spend it all on prostitutes like a feral Black person
            Yea, unearned wealth is ruinous, so I did the right thing and blew it all hedonistically so I could start at zero and appreciate the value of a dollar.
            >unless you're gonna give us a climax with your suicide
            I’m not gonna kms before my hair is grey

            Seethe harder

        • 8 months ago

          Fair play. Enjoy the travels out there! Ignore the homosexuals here, a blogpost or 2 never goes amiss about people's experiences when you make it out.

    • 8 months ago

      Have you even remotely tried doing anything to fix your situation instead of blaming everything else? Everyone in this thread needs to understand they're in charge of their own happiness, it isn't just going to fall into your lap.

      • 8 months ago


  6. 8 months ago

    It does feel good to run away from your life for a while. I wish I could afford to travel more

  7. 8 months ago

    loser back home

    • 8 months ago

      100%, we need to bring back the LBH shaming. Frick the doomers on this board.

      • 8 months ago

        Once you become a loser it’s almost impossible to climb out of that hole. I’ve been a loser for like 7 years. It unironically began to go downhill when I started obsessively browsing /LULZ/ while I was dating my girlfriend. I Cucked and dumped her because LULZ told me it was cuck or be Cucked, but the fallout destroyed my social reputation

        • 8 months ago

          I hope you're trolling

          • 8 months ago

            I’m not you frickin Normie b***h. I’ve been fricking hookers since I was 26 because i kept getting rejected after the fallout with my ex and my ego couldn’t handle it so now I pay to pretend to be the chad I used to be.

            Fricking homosexual

            • 8 months ago

              Laying it on too thick bro, 0/10

              • 8 months ago

                Uhh laying it on thick has a somewhat comical, sensual connotation. I’m lamenting you dumbass. Read some literature before you spout off phrases you don’t know how to use

              • 8 months ago

                Still sitting at a firm 0/10 broski

            • 8 months ago

              I know this is bait but if people genuinely feel like this you need to step away from the computer. Go for a forest walk or some shit, spend some time in nature.

    • 8 months ago

      100%, we need to bring back the LBH shaming. Frick the doomers on this board.

      It's impossible to be happy in the west unless you're an oversocialized turbo normalgay

      • 8 months ago

        It isn't, you're just a fricking loser.

        • 8 months ago

          frick off normalgay, why are you even on this site if interacting with normies is soo much better. frick off to your normie friend group and talk to them.

          yes im suppose to be happy in the west where the only means of meeting women is online dating, where even fat slobs think they are entitled to chad just because one of them took them home drunk

          where women will choose a druggie with nothing going for him over someone with a proper career because they are more "fun" or "i can fix him"

          • 8 months ago

            There's so much poison in your mind that I'm praying you're trolling, dude. You ever done an Internet cleanse? Does wonders for the mind.

            • 8 months ago

              I know this is bait but if people genuinely feel like this you need to step away from the computer. Go for a forest walk or some shit, spend some time in nature.

              Kek he's a /Thailand/ general regular, he's not trolling dude. Unironically mental illness

              • 8 months ago

                >its just mental illness bro!! Women in the west are fine bro :^).

            • 8 months ago

              Frick off with the gas lighting.
              Do you think I am saying just because? Unless you are a normie with a wide social group, dating in the west as an average looking dude is brutal.
              Being constantly ghosted, having to carry conversations, have to offer a lot more to the table as oppose to the woman.

              Why ignore reality and pretend like this doesnt exist? It's the reality for most of us but you're probably some Chad or turbo normies who thinks just shower and be nice bro is good advice

              • 8 months ago

                I'm not gaslighting you. I'm probably just as average as you and I'm willing to bet our only difference is how we carry ourselves. No one is going to give you the time of day with that defeatist attitude no matter where you go.

                Drop the whole chad/normie garbage too. You're not an outcast you're just socially stunted and moronic. Easily fixable problems if you stopped wallowing in self-pity.

                That cherrypicked tiktok screencap is moronic btw. One dumb ass girl doesn't speak for the rest of them. Stop going out of your way to get outaged, like I said, take a break from the internet.

              • 8 months ago

                >our only difference is how we carry ourselves. No one is going to give you the time of day with that defeatist attitude no matter where you go.

                Same old reddit hivemind gaslighting, it's not a defeatist attitude. It's just refusing to pay premium prices for an inferior product.
                Why is it as an average man, you have to offer a personality, looks, finances, social life, and have myriad of hobbies when we're all asking for in return is someone who isn't a fat ugly slob?

                I'll coom to foreign women, call me a "loser" "incel" cause I dont wanna deal with oversocialized western women.

                >That cherrypicked tiktok screencap is moronic btw. One dumb ass girl doesn't speak for the rest of them. Stop going out of your way to get outaged, like I said, take a break from the internet.

                It's not cherry picked, the fact that you don't know any women that dated absolute loser guys with nothing going for them but dated them anyways cause they were le hecking "fun" makes me doubt that you are the pussy slayer that you claim to be. It happens all the time

              • 8 months ago

                You do you bro, good luck to you.

          • 8 months ago

            Turns out being normie is just code for having a few friends. My friends are far from normal. You'd probably find some too if you weren't such a defeatist, sad piece of shit to be around. Your inability to live happily in the west lies entirely in your own mind, you've become your own worst enemy so stop blaming everyone else and start looking at yourself because the moment you start actually living in another country (not just visiting) you'll fall into the same traps.

            • 8 months ago

              You sound like a condescending knob. Shut the frick up.
              Not the guy you responded to, but I have no issue making "friends" as in fake friends. People simply have no respect or loyalty and I'm too old to act like a 15 year old girl for my entire life.

              • 8 months ago

                You clearly do have problems making friends if your first thought is that they are fake and have no respect for you. That's insecure as frick, not everyone is out to get you.

              • 8 months ago

                Lack of life experience you have. When SHTF most piss off, only true friends stay. Then you learn to separate the deadweight since they are more trouble than they are worth.

          • 8 months ago

            Posts like these make 3rd worlders feel good. Stop being a loser especially on the board for travelling ffs.

  8. 8 months ago

    Same but it's not "le heckin west has fallen", I am happy on vacation anywhere I've gone.

  9. 8 months ago

    ive never been to euro land but even traveling in America i feel the same way. i love exploring and hate where i live. so exploring places I'd rather live is super fun. its almost like living a dream.

  10. 8 months ago

    Born to be nomad

  11. 8 months ago

    Yeah, kinda feel the same.
    Think it's the sense of purpose. It's easy when you're on the road to build microgoals which seem massively important, which you can base your life around
    >Must get the 23:05 train
    >Frick, need to learn these words in Bosnostinian
    >Which restaurant looks the best here?

    Also, watching the world pass you by is kino. There's something beautiful about movement; it gives you a sense of progression, no matter where you are in life. And, for those moments on a train, bus or whatever, you're as equal as everybody else, with the same limitations.

    As for the people, for those who struggle with responsibility and relationships, you get to 'be that guy' who people actually like hanging around with, for just a sweet enough amount of time, before you inevitably frick things up.

    Then there's the whole checking out of life aspect. No fricking bullshit going bla bla bla bla down your throat. You're totally immune to all the social cancers when you're a n00b.

  12. 8 months ago

    Don't listen to thr homosexuals calling you a loser OP.
    You're absolutely right, the West has nothing to offer to straight white males like us, it actively wants us to fail.
    You keep doing what makes you happy, nobody has the right to judge you especially since the alternative is soul-draining.

  13. 8 months ago

    When did this board become an extension of /LULZ/, holy fricking shit.


    • 8 months ago

      Being slightly socially awkward is not being blackpill /LULZ/cel homosexual.

      LULZ cucks don't even have the resources to get out of their parents bedroom

    • 8 months ago

      seriously, this is about travel not a fricking blog

  14. 8 months ago

    have you tried not being an ugly incel?

  15. 8 months ago

    travel mood lifter

  16. 8 months ago

    Nah. I have fun when I travel and I have fun at home. Sounds like you need therapy.

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