I want to know something, why do you travel?

I want to know something, why do you travel? What have you gained by traveling, that you couldn't gain watching a 4k drone shot of the Grand canyon?

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  1. 7 months ago

    I like the idea of traveling a lot more than actually getting on a plane and going to a country shittier than mine while spending $2500

    • 7 months ago

      Work is the only reason I live in my "home" town in Colorado. My seven-month season ended a week ago. This year, I saved 56.7% of my net pay. So why in the world would I choose to hang around that overpriced, freezing cold, unfriendly, boring, socially isolated mountain town all winter long?

      In the past two days I've seen filth and squalor along the train tracks in California that was more shocking in its misery and hopelessness than anything I will see in the Philippines. I've been screamed at by crazed Black folk, taunted by black children, stuck in a seat next to a moaning moron, and threatened out of the blue by a psychotic drug addict. Yet I've also had amazing hours-long conversations with fellow Amtrak passengers, and experienced more genuine warmth and friendliness from random California strangers than I experienced in six months back "home".
      Then tomorrow, I leave the Americas for the first time in my life. I have no imagination as to what will await me there, but it will be nothing whatsoever like the miserable life of solitude and drudgery I left behind in Colorado.
      Why the hell wouldn't I travel?

    • 7 months ago

      >What have you gained by traveling,
      > that you couldn't gain watching a 4k drone shot of the Grand canyon?
      And if you traveled I wouldnt have to tell you this, youd intuitively know. Thats the first thing youll gain.

      >lives in worst country in the world
      >thinks its best
      >never travels

      • 7 months ago

        >lives in worst country in the world
        Anon, please. You very well know that India exists.

  2. 7 months ago

    I have an easier time talking to people and making connections despite a substantial language barrier. People in Asia are less brainwashed and my autism and lack of social skills can be passed off as cultural differences. Also, I'm in a foreign country so it's easy for me to not give as much of a shit as I do back home.

    • 7 months ago

      I didn’t grow up with the internet.
      It’s just not the same, it’s not just about seeing something. I like to learn and experience, interact, talk to people.

      >People in Asia are less brainwashed
      Lol, lmao even.

  3. 7 months ago

    watching drone shots of various locations does take you places in a sense, but you never actually leave your home and surroundings. I think part of the importance of travel is in the act of leaving your home behind for a while. That's why I tend to abandon messaging or calling the usual people, packing lightly, and avoiding pandering tourist spots that provide me with familiar ameneties. All of that stuff hinders the effort of allowing my life to disappear and my body and mind to recenter itself. I can accomplish this without ever leaving my state or spending any real money but its something that i consider to be in common with more 'serious' travel.

    • 7 months ago

      I travel so I can take cool pics of myself in places in hopes of one day securing a smoking hot gf.

      Unfortunately I live in America and the bare minimum for securing a gf who is not fat or covered in tats is a pic of yourself in Mykonos/Santorini, Lake Como/Amalfi Coast, Tulum, Ibiza, and whatever island in the Caribbean is trending. Just to show that you can orchestrate these kind of things.

      >traveling allows my life to disappear and my body and mind to recenter itself

      Occasionally I get this feeling, but it goes away the moment I remember that I'm only staying for a little bit. I would like get a golden visa and leave America one day so I could get this feeling 24/7.

      • 7 months ago

        >I travel so I can take cool pics of myself in places in hopes of one day securing a smoking hot gf.
        For the price of 1 plane ticket you could just pay some dork to photoshop you into 100+ cool places all over the world

  4. 7 months ago

    just recently I've starting making enough money to actually travel, before that it was just a dream. But now that it's getting more real by the day I find myself talking me out of traveling, I tell to myself that it's gonna be a chore and not worth it. I think so many years on this website has destroyed my brain and made me a cynic.

  5. 7 months ago

    I don't really travel as much as I live abroad. 400 dollar rent for a nice apartment? dinner is 3 dollars? Women who aren't moronic fat feminists with tats? Yes plz. Frick the West and all its israeli elites made it into the shithole it is now

  6. 7 months ago

    >What have you gained by traveling
    My body count went from 50 to 220 lmao

    You don’t realize how horrible American society is until you leave for an extended period of time. In other parts of the world the cost of living is vastly cheaper and much more enjoyable.

    • 7 months ago

      Same. Not only that but ive been with a much higher variety of girls than had I stayed in America. I've been with blacks, euros, asians, pajeetas (seethe all you want jeets, your country is easy for whites) and Arabs.

    • 7 months ago

      Same. Not only that but ive been with a much higher variety of girls than had I stayed in America. I've been with blacks, euros, asians, pajeetas (seethe all you want jeets, your country is easy for whites) and Arabs.


  7. 7 months ago

    Internet has diminished a lot of motivation for purely travelling/sightseeing that's for sure.

    I mostly make up some "excuse" for me to travel somewhere, like going to a specific concert I can't see experience here or to a certain football match etc, any singular event as an excuse to build an entire week of travelling around. That way it doesn't feel like I just went aimlessly to "travel", I went because I want to go to XYZ and everything else is just a cool bonus I get to experience

    • 7 months ago

      >that you couldn't gain watching a 4k drone shot of the Grand canyon?

      >Internet has diminished a lot of motivation for purely travelling/sightseeing

      you people should not travel
      you would get nothing out if it
      just stay home

  8. 7 months ago

    I just like experiencing new things firsthand. That's it. I don't travel to escape my life, find the meaning of life, or find pussy overseas because I can't pull at home. It's literally just a hobby.

  9. 7 months ago

    i feel a magical resonance being in the presence of awe inspiring places - natural or man made
    yes i know its a homosexual thing to say

  10. 7 months ago

    Digital nomading is cheaper than living in my home country
    Get to practice languages
    Meeting people is easier (hostels, interest in other cultures)
    I generally like and fit in with foreign cultures better than my hometown's
    Don't own a car and home country doesn't support public transit outside of very expensive cities
    Allows me to shop around more for business ideas and places to live in the future
    Purer dating (shared interests mean nothing to me, just personality and values)
    When I move, my lifestyle changes with it, so I get to cut habits and add new ones more frequently, maintaining the illusion that I am still young (of course, this is a con in many ways as well as a pro)
    As with above, prevents me from getting trapped in a routine or mindset that I can never escape for the rest of my life (though psychedelics do more for this)
    Widens perspective in many, many ways
    Interesting stories to tell friends and future grandchildren
    With no home base that I pay rent/mortgage for (as in, no apartment/house in home country) I get to visit good friends who have moved away more often
    Check stuff off bucket list
    Why not?

    • 7 months ago

      Do you work a U.S. job remotely? Virtually every employer doesn't allow W2 workers to go overseas because it can entangle them in tax issues, and even most that do "allow" it are just because the managers and IT don't know about the tax problem it presents and didn't bother asking.

      • 7 months ago

        Nah I'm honestly half larping about digital nomading, in process of starting a company right now with just myself - as far as I know, as long as I don't stay in any one country for too long the tax implications won't exist (ie: catch up to me for a long time)

      • 7 months ago

        Nah I'm honestly half larping about digital nomading, in process of starting a company right now with just myself - as far as I know, as long as I don't stay in any one country for too long the tax implications won't exist (ie: catch up to me for a long time)

        • 7 months ago

          Moving every <3 months seems like it would get annoying quickly. I feel like I'd rather stay for a couple weeks or for 5-6 months. Maybe it's because I'm interested in lifestyle more than the travel in itself.

  11. 7 months ago

    Unironically you wouldn't understand unless you travelled. There's something completely fulfilling and quintessentially human in immersing yourself in an entirely different culture and stepping out of your comfort zone to challenge yourself.

  12. 7 months ago

    Made me realise every western capital is a copy paste mutt medley of immigrants and bad food so makes me feel comfier to stay home

    • 7 months ago

      Your post reeks of obesity.

  13. 7 months ago

    Seeing pics/videos of a place can't even replicate 1% the sensation of physically being somewhere

  14. 7 months ago

    I've actually gotten a lot out of traveling.

    I took my first overseas trip in 2013, about two years after I'd finished high school. I was 19, and--at the time--very much a stereotypical SighSeener. I'd never been in a relationship or kissed a girl, and I had no social confidence whatsoever. My only hobbies were playing video games, reading books, and shitposting.

    However, I made friends with a handful of refugees--I'm not even kidding--one of whom encouraged me to go to Turkey, since tickets to Istanbul were unusually cheap. So I worked a lot, saved about $6,000, and spent my entire summer traveling. This trip certainly didn't solve all of my problems, but it helped re-orient my life. I stopped caring so much about what other people though of me, built my self-confidence, and discovered many new interests. I took another long trip the summer after, and have since visited about 70 countries. I've learned to ride a motorcycle, speak two different languages, and did graduate-level research on topics I'd never have been exposed to had I never gone abroad. I even married somebody I met in another country.

    Arguably, I didn't really need to leave the U.S. to accomplish any of this. But I do think that, if you're reasonably open-minded and not completely moronic, overseas travel can have the effect of taking you far enough outside your comfort zone to start breaking down certain mental barriers.

  15. 7 months ago

    because i get paid to do it

    • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago


  16. 7 months ago

    It's not why I travel, but you learn how truly fricked up the world really is along the way. Provides perspective. The world is not some travelogue or It's a Small World ride, it's gritty and most people will frick you over given the opportunity. And there are some nice things, like everyone taking pictures of themselves like they're having fun. Oh my GOD - a fountain! OMG a church! Take my picture because no one will believe how amazing this shit is that we found. Like water coming out of a lion's mouth? How the frick is that even possible?

    • 7 months ago

      >Provides perspective
      This. I can’t tell you how much it changed my outlook on life to go to China at 14 having grown up in bumblefrick Nebraska. You can watch all the videos you like, but watching a video compared to actually living the experience is the same difference as having somebody describe an event to you vs watching a video of it.

      You can’t edit or censor travel, you watch travel documentaries on youtube about China you’ll either get something like the old Laowhy86 who does nothing but sing the praises of China, or you get somebody like Laowhy86 nowadays who does nothing but b***h about China. When you travel you get to see the good and the bad at the same time and form your own opinion based on what you see on the ground, no camera tricks to wash either one away unless you yourself decide to.

  17. 7 months ago
  18. 7 months ago

    Sunburn, sex, debt.

  19. 7 months ago

    If you derive no pleasure from new experiences, new people, new food and unique scenery, you should be on 25mg of Lexapro 1 time a day. It'll really help you with that.

  20. 7 months ago

    I literally travel for one reason and that's sunshine. I live in one of the cloudiest countries on earth and can go weeks without getting decent sun even in the middle of summer. So that's why OP. Watching drone footage of sunny weather unfortunately doesn't synthesise Vitamin D.

  21. 7 months ago

    experiencing it

  22. 7 months ago

    Why do you think one could possibly be the same as the other? Why don't you try both and then ask the question again?

  23. 7 months ago

    I like being in a new city and think about my life there, like what it's like if I moved there instead of living with my sister in a shitty studio apartment. for me it's escapism

  24. 7 months ago

    "Why buy a sports car when you can just watch play need for speed underground 2"
    Whats next OP? Are you going to insist im wrong for liking chocolate ice cream and should be liking moose tracks like you?

  25. 7 months ago

    My dad sold our little family home when I was 6 years old and moved us to a sterile subdivision. Since then, I have had zero attachment to any place. Ever since moving out on my own, I only stop traveling to work and save money for travel.

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