Is 10k enough to quit my job, travel to Europe and still have enough left over to float on until I find another job when I return?

Is 10k enough to quit my job, travel to Europe and still have enough left over to float on until I find another job when I return?

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  1. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      Damn. Tips on dealing with career burnout then?

      • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        take your 1 month of annual paid leave
        take your 6 months of long service leave you get every 10 years
        take unpaid time off
        go home earlier

        • 11 months ago

          >1 month of paid leave

    • 11 months ago

      How much money should I have saved?

      • 11 months ago

        6 months living expenses minimum.

  2. 11 months ago

    Yes. Why do you want to see Europe? This question will help us direct you
    Assuming your a burnt out burger.
    1k for flight and 2k a month of food and bus and drinks and bullshit
    Stay more in east Europe and it will stay cheaper...
    You could also just go camping for a few weeks or not work for a month and volunteer doing something
    Retuen and Get a new job that isnt totally gay

    • 11 months ago

      I'm 25 and I work in tech sales. Things have gotten tough because of the economy. Nobody wants to buy right now and my company has raised quotas. I haven't made commission for the last 4 months because even though I performed I didn't make certain extra tacked on quota requirements. I'm actively looking for a new job but feel like this is the best opportunity to travel before I'm on the 2nd half of my 20s. I don't have a degree though so I am anxious about leaving my first job in this field even though I have 18 months of experience under my belt at this point.

      I definitely want to visit Germany because it's my heritage but I don't have much else in my mind I'm itching to see. I just want to be alone out on the road for a minute again because I've been through so much shit working shit wage jobs and burning bridges with friends up until this point in my life I just want to decompress and be somewhere I don't know anybody and haven't made any mistakes for a minute before getting back on the sales grind at a better company.

      • 11 months ago

        >because it's my heritage
        which region? One month in germany is like 1.5-2.5k a month for basic food and hotel, no flight included. And you just travel by train and walking.

        • 11 months ago

          My grandfather was from Frankfurt. He moved to the United States when he was 15 after Germany lost WW2. I remember this one story he told me about how when the city was getting raided they were hiding in their basement praying that they would be found by Americans and not Russians. And a soldier came down with a machine gun and they didn't know if they were going to be shot.

          • 11 months ago

            never been there but basically a joke because there are no go areas next to the biggest banking district of germany. Your grandfather prolly wouldn't recognise it anymore (since most got destroyed anyway during ww2) I'm not german, but been in germany sometimes. It really pretty but sometimes you step suddenly into turkistan if you don't pay attention. But it's really nice if you avoid turks and arabs.

            • 11 months ago

              >there are no go areas next to the biggest banking district of german
              No there aren't. Which /misc/ thread did you read this from?

              • 11 months ago

                NTA but Taunusanlage and the whole Station Area are not the best. Hasn’t been no-go since the early 2000s though and the heroin users won’t get up anyways.

          • 11 months ago

            anon you're literally a german citizen if your grandfather actually left post-wwii
            insanely jealous
            take two minutes to do the paperwork and you can literally just work in germany

      • 11 months ago

        Well shit brother if you like sellin shit you could go sell cars, houses, home improvement , and probabaly more and make 70-120k
        And you also gotta realize theres a lotta bummers to traveling, the long planes, the buses, the homeless guy that sits next to you that shit his pants,getting your pants pulled down by "refugees"

        Germany is pretty easy because of the nice infranstructure and most everyone can english.

        Do some researxh and make a plan for like 3-6 weeks, hit some small towns too, bang some locals, drink some beer, eat some weenies, maybe hit austria or switerland or italy too, budapest whatever
        After weeks abroad you will probabaly be ready to go home and get back to work

        Maybe someone can post that german peak aestetics map i always forget to save but need it because im going there after i leave Poland

        • 11 months ago
      • 11 months ago

        >because its my heritage.
        Frick off amerifat you will never be a real european.

        • 11 months ago

          Yes let's just ignore our ancestral background altogether because some tenement dweller on SighSee says we can never be "real Europeans"

          • 11 months ago

            No, I am being serious. You are at best 1/4 German and don't speak a lick of German and understand 0% of the modern culture. You will always be at best an American immigrant to Germany. If you are lucky maybe you can find a German wife and become somewhat German.
            This disparity exists everywhere anon. Only in a hole like America can you become truly American, because American culture is defined by being a smoothie of all cultures involved.
            >T. Britbong

            • 11 months ago

              Yes let's just ignore our ancestral background altogether because some tenement dweller on SighSee says we can never be "real Europeans"

              It's okay to be an immigrant, perfectly fine and nobody will give you a hard time over it. However, please don't be one of the Americans who pretend their 1/4, 1/8, or whatever small genealogical link is equivalent to having being born and raised there.

  3. 11 months ago

    travel is more than you expect
    I had about 10k in december, flew to mexico and traveled for 2 months, came back home and only had 2k left

    • 11 months ago

      Must of been a lotta hookers and blow if you did 4k a month in mex?? I always thought it was cheaper

    • 11 months ago

      >travel is more than you expect
      >8K for two months in Mexico
      You must've stayed in the gringo tourist parts of Mexico.
      I imported my van and spent 3.5 months traveling around eastern Mexico in the winter of 2021-2022. Total spend was about $2700 USD in pesos. This included $650 USD equivalent in gas for 4050 miles of traveling and 71 nights of lodging for about $680 USD equivalent. I did not track food expenses, but most meals in eastern Mexico cost around $3 USD equivalent.
      In winter 2022-2023 I was denied an import permit and spent three months living in the Permit Free Zone of Sonora; this trip cost me about $3400 USD in pesos. Lodging and food were significantly more expensive in Sonora than in eastern Mexico.

  4. 11 months ago

    What a stupid question - 10k American tolars is not enough to quit my job and float until I am not lazy anymore even without travelling right here in Prague..

    • 11 months ago

      Yeah, I probably deserve the criticism. It's hard not to fantasize about escapism when your bored kicking rocks at work though.

  5. 11 months ago

    10k is enough for about 3 month plane tickets included so you see.

  6. 11 months ago

    It can be stressful to travel and watch your funds decline without knowing where your next dollar will be coming from. It also makes one less willing to do the fun activities that will make your trip memorable.
    That being said, a lot depends on your situation back home, specifically your housing situation. Would you be able to return home flat broke and have a place to stay and food to eat until you get your first paycheck at your new job? If so, ignore the naysayers and go have fun in Europe.
    If you are on your own, you should put aside at least $3000 of your savings for when you return. It may be comforting to have a temp job lined up for when you return - say, beet harvesting in North Dakota.

  7. 11 months ago

    It's not reasonable and it will delay by a few years the point where you're comfortable financially.
    That said, travel experiences when you're young are also valuable. Maybe you can find a middle ground and instead of spending everything drifting in Europe for 3 month you can do a one month road trip or interrail/eurail, with a spending limit at 3k or something like that.

  8. 11 months ago

    You can live in some parts of Europe for 12 months on 10k - you just have to live cheaply. I have a feeling you don't since you haven't looked at airbnb/hostel prices before posting this, so now would be a good time to learn frugality.
    I'm planning on quitting my job after ~8 months and living off half what I saved (10k) for a year in Japan/SEA/Central Asia/Latin Americ/Eastern Europe, since that budget actually can fit two or three of those in a year (flights would be the biggest detrminant, though, since prices have changed drastically)

  9. 11 months ago

    Yes most of europe is cheaper than the US I did 3 months in Spain last year and spent less than 8k including airfare. You can get a long term air bnb for under $1000 a month (I paid 700 for one near the city center in Madrid and 930 for one nearish the beach in Barcelona). Food and especially drinks are also cheaper even at restaurants. If you plan to move around a lot rather than stay in one city long term then yes you will spend quite a bit more but there are still fairly inexpensive hotels or even hostels.

    • 11 months ago

      everyone on SighSee accepts they are getting scammed by hookers and they won't be able to give it up so their estimated budgets are way overinflated

      • 11 months ago

        If you have an american salary everywhere in the world has pleb rates for hookers compared to the options in the US

  10. 11 months ago

    Hitchhike. Travel with camping equipment and sleep at gas stations. Accept food offered. If you know what you're doing you'll spend years in the road with this kind of money. Google Tom Perko.

  11. 11 months ago

    If you get a cheap flight why not? Stay in hostels, cook some of your meals it should be plenty.

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