Looking for an out of the box destination

Basically what I want to do is blow all my savings (25k euros) while working on my memoirs then off myself. My budget will mainly go to accommodation, food, coke, possibly hookers if the place will require a lot of effort to pull women otherwise. What I'm looking for is either a mid-sized city or rural area where I could stretch my budget as long as possible, live relatively comfortably and be able to do my work in peace as well. I'm open to suggestions in Latam or Africa, SEA just doesn't seem like my thing. I was thinking of Mexico or the coast of Colombia, possibly Peru, but I'm struggling to find the right city/town.

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  1. 8 months ago

    >where I could stretch my budget as long as possible
    You don't seem keen to die why pretend like a homosexual?

    • 8 months ago

      The reason is obviously because I want to complete my memoirs and I don't know how long it would take. Maybe I didn't stress enough how integral that is to the whole undertaking or maybe you're just a homosexual. Anyway, if you have a destination in mind, let me know, if not, inb4 more of your homosexualry.

      • 8 months ago

        >posts on SighSee
        >is writing a memoir
        >calls other people homosexuals

  2. 8 months ago

    I would go to Thailand, buy a small motorcycle or scooter and wander around at my own pace

    • 8 months ago

      >wander around at my own pace
      That's not necessarily a lifestyle that is conducive to writing. Also Thailand just doesn't seem like a very inspiring environment to me personally, Latam and Africa speak to my imagination more, that's why I chose those places. Basically I picture myself having a daily routine something like this: Wake up, eat breakfast, write for 5-8 hours, eat dinner, go to some bar where I can chill and maybe pick up some girls, if not pick one from a brothel, go home frick, rinse repeat. If it's close to a beach of some kind would be great but is not absolutely necessary.

      • 8 months ago

        How are you going to be inspired to write anything if you're in the same place doing the same shit everyday? You might as well stay home.

        • 8 months ago

          The reason I can't stay home is because I would burn through my savings way too quickly and I live in a metropolis that is driving me insane with non-stop noise of all kinds. The inspiration to write is my own memories and imagination, the reason I think Thailand is uninspiring is because in my mind it just feels kitschy and too overtly touristy in a vulgar way. I'm basically looking for a sleepy fishing/beach town where the locals will leave me alone. Don't worry about my plan or my writing process, I have thought this through. I was just hoping someone here could point my attention towards some town or area I'm not aware of or haven't considered because I'm not an experienced traveler in that area of the world.

          • 8 months ago

            Go to some Chilean coastal town then

            • 8 months ago

              Any towns/area you would recommend specifically? And isn't Chile quite expensive for Latam? I hadn't previously considered Chile but I'll look into it more

          • 8 months ago

            You aren’t going to get laid in the sleepy towns and will have to deal with angry Pedros and Jamals if you do. prostitutes congregate in big cities and cities outside of Southeast Asia and the West are LOUD.
            >I’m not an experienced traveler in that area of the world
            It doesn’t sound like you’re an experienced traveler in any part of the world.

      • 8 months ago

        Only in large cities there'll be reasonable amounts of hookers and the in your case presumably only theoretical possibility of continuously having one night stands. You seem like a pretty pretentious homosexual btw.

  3. 8 months ago


    Just fricking don't man, nobody's going to read that.

    • 8 months ago

      A mf just won the Nobel prize for essentially just continuously writing his memoirs, clearly you aren't in the know. Even if you were right, I already stated that I'm going to off myself after I finish anyway. It's about the creative pursuit and artistic achievement, to do what I always told myself I was going to do but never did before I leave this wretched earth. Please no more soulless bug-men comments, if anyone knows a place that fits my description, please let me know, if not stop shitting up my thread with bullshit concerns about my intentions or methods

      • 8 months ago

        Don't waste it, take out some politicians with you.

  4. 8 months ago

    >SEA just doesn't seem like my thing.
    Tsk tsk my guy, pattaya is exactly what you’re looking for

    • 8 months ago

      I'm also checking out places in Africa though all the safe spots seem too busy for my liking. Also potentially open to India or the Middle-East

      It just seems too gaudy and busy for my purposes. Like the emphasis is too much on the sex tourism aspect when I want it to be more on the writing, the easy/cheap sex part is more just an added bonus to me, something to enjoy myself with after 'working hours'

      Don't waste it, take out some politicians with you.

      I think I'll just hang or shoot myself at whatever place I'm at.

      • 8 months ago

        Literally just live on the dark side where all the boomer retires live away from the action. It’s quieter.

        Basically stop coping, and every other traveler with hedonistic goals I invite you to stop coping, and head straight to pattaya.

        • 8 months ago

          I'm not going to go to Pattaya, I don't give a shit if some random anon thinks whether I'm coping or not. A soulless bug-man wouldn't understand my purposes. Basically, reread

          A mf just won the Nobel prize for essentially just continuously writing his memoirs, clearly you aren't in the know. Even if you were right, I already stated that I'm going to off myself after I finish anyway. It's about the creative pursuit and artistic achievement, to do what I always told myself I was going to do but never did before I leave this wretched earth. Please no more soulless bug-men comments, if anyone knows a place that fits my description, please let me know, if not stop shitting up my thread with bullshit concerns about my intentions or methods

          • 8 months ago

            Suicide is as souless and bug-manned as it gets you weak willed homosexual. Please expedite the process and end it now so I dont need to read any more of your dribble.

  5. 8 months ago

    the andes
    day dream your movie soundtrack as you walk around

    • 8 months ago

      Kon Evropa maar terug naar deze tijd

  6. 8 months ago

    Papua New Guinea
    Faroe Islands

    Some really out of the box places

  7. 8 months ago

    Awesome spot. Tons to do, great hostels, super fun atmoshpere, cheap as frick and not overtouristed except in Uyuni.

    Sucre is the city to go to. Its better than anywhere in Peru. This would be by far my first choice for what you're asking.
    Friendly, fun and vibrant. Lots of 10/10 beaches and you just really get the place to itself. Also you get a lot of social cachet for visiting it because of >muh AK47 flag
    Blantyre is like the North Suburbs of Harare, but the whole city is like it. The lake is pretty cool. Not very thrilling, but comfortable and easy.

  8. 8 months ago

    I sincerely hope you won't end your life my brother. A life worth telling is definetely one worth living. Maybe forget about the drugs and hookups, instead do all you need to do to leave this chapter of your life behind. Go to Norway, stay there through the darkness of the polar nights, witness the aurora, this world is beautiful and full of wonders we are blind to. Jesus loves you and will save you my friend. Please don't sin, if you want me to read or buy your memoir I will.

  9. 8 months ago

    Quit trying to be the zoomer Hemingway. He had actual life experience while you need to be spoonfed. If you were capable of writing a memoir worth reading you wouldn't need to ask

  10. 8 months ago

    If you frick a bunch of hookers I think that would make you want to live rather then just killing your self. I would also like to advise you to not take your own life…

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