Moving to Thailand

Seriously thinking of moving to Thailand - not to coom but because it looks beautiful and affordable to live there. I live in Britain and I'm sick to death of this shitty, grey, cripplingly-expensive dump full of miserable, angry, ugly people. My company allows foreign-based staff. I'm going out to Thailand in April for the first time, I'll be looking at properties in Pattaya also checking out Bangkok and Phuket. ChatGPT tells me that a foreigner can own a condo as long as no more than 50% of the building is foreign-owned.
Anyone done this? Pros and cons? Please don't let this become yet another coomer thread, there are plenty of those already.

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago

    That will be 4000GBP per year, subject to change whenever we feel like it. Please understand, farang.

    • 8 months ago

      dumb frick zoomers think that's expensive for a golden visa

      • 8 months ago

        Yes, 4000 lbs a year is a lot of money for a fricking piece of paper. I don't mind shelling out for flights, good lodging, or great food - but I will never paypig bureaucrats for the "privilege" of not being thrown out of the country.

    • 7 months ago

      >staying in a country with brown people everywhere

  2. 8 months ago

    Have you been to Thailand? I love thirdie countries but Thailand was just an overall shithole.
    >dirty as frick. Streets infested with rats.
    >people just see you as a walking ATM and try to frick you over any chance they get
    >women are ugly as frick
    >dating culture revolves around being a sugar daddy
    >everywhere is devoid of WiFi
    >every woman has a tattoo
    The only pro to Thailand is that it's relative easy to get a visa compared to other sea nations.

    • 8 months ago

      I want a woman with tattoos covering both of her legs to wrap them around me. I'm addicted bros.

      Seriously thinking of moving to Thailand - not to coom but because it looks beautiful and affordable to live there. I live in Britain and I'm sick to death of this shitty, grey, cripplingly-expensive dump full of miserable, angry, ugly people. My company allows foreign-based staff. I'm going out to Thailand in April for the first time, I'll be looking at properties in Pattaya also checking out Bangkok and Phuket. Chatgpt tells me that a foreigner can own a condo as long as no more than 50% of the building is foreign-owned.
      Anyone done this? Pros and cons? Please don't let this become yet another coomer thread, there are plenty of those already.

      Why not a cheap place in Europe like Moldova, Greece, or Romania?

      • 8 months ago

        Tattooed girls are trashy as frick but they give me enormous boners

        • 8 months ago

          Same. I don't know why, but they do.

    • 8 months ago

      My number one advice to anyone going to Thailand. LEAVE THE COOM ZONES
      Holy frick, if you go outside of fricking Pattaya and Sukhumvit you'll suddenly see how nice of a country Thailand is. The people there are friendly and don't treat you like ATMs. The women don't have tattoos. The streets are clean. There is wifi everywhere. Thai people are incredibly warm and intelligent people. Stop spending all of your time in the sin zones that are corrupted by greasy old westerners that just want to cum in young women.

      • 8 months ago

        Sounds awesome. One question, can I date a countryside girl there?

        • 8 months ago

          Where? In the Thai countryside? Yes that's where they live.

          • 8 months ago

            Yes. Awesome. I'm not into one night stands. They seem pointless.

      • 8 months ago

        I was in Thailand for three months. I think I spent three hours total between Pattaya and whatever Khao San road where the Indians are aggressively trying to sell you suits and weed. I'm going back this winter and I will avoid them completely

    • 8 months ago

      This kinda sums it up, though I haven't been there since 2017...can't imagine it got better.
      Also, inland was better but the coastal areas were hot and humid every fuggin day; got old real quick when you cant go outside to enjoy things when its too hot to do so. Some people like that, so be it.

    • 8 months ago

      The places where the higher class Thai live in Bangkok have little to none of these problems.

      Other than that, you shouldn't run away to places with a) a different language and a different racial population b) people who are always gonna be lower class than you, a westerner. If you need to ask why for any of these then it's hopeless. But you do you

    • 8 months ago

      Currently living in Thailand. Pretty accurate. Antisocial behavior is incredibly widespread in Thailand. It's like everyone has legit autism and has no awareness or capability of even feeling empathy for others. This is most clearly seen in the way they act on the road and in public spaces. There is zero mutual respect unless money is changing hands or they are trying to save face. Don't be fooled by the temporary displays of kindness they put on.

      This is about when the delusional chuddies will chime in and say 'NOOOO ITS PERFECT HERE JUST GO OUTSIDE THE TOURIST AREAS'. Bullshit. It's baked into the society as a whole even if you go to the most remote parts of isaan or the north. There are of course, exceptions to this. Just like there are black people who don't act like Black folk. But that's just it, it's an exception.

      Anyway, OP, living in Thailand is great in some regards, mainly with how cheap it is, but I'm warning you, unless you have clinically diagnosed autism, the moronation of the Thai people will wear you down very quickly. I love my house here, I love the nature, but the second I have to interact with Thai people it sours my day. I'm already planning on going back to america.

      • 8 months ago

        >There is zero mutual respect unless money is changing hands or they are trying to save face.
        Astute and accurate observation.

        Thai people are completely unreceptive to you and any foreigner penetrating their culture. Their culture is for them, not for you. They don’t want you speaking their language or understanding their culture. They only act progressively more friendly and receptive as the anticipation of higher amounts of baht being exchanged is realized, and then once the transaction is complete, their countenance reverts right back to being grumpy and standoffish.

        It’s a pitiful, feral, and completely underdeveloped level of 3rd world childish greed that genuinely disgusts me. Whenever I experience it, I realize that all these other ratshit nations have not a chance in hell of usurping US financial dominion over the world. Imagine a bunch of feral, emotionally stunted countries being able to cobble together some shitskin currency to usurp the dollar; that they can somehow fix their subhuman greed and lack of delayed gratification and economic vision.

        Laughable. I’ll take my cooming trips and then gtfo to maintain the balance in my life and keep reality in view

        • 8 months ago

          Currently living in Thailand. Pretty accurate. Antisocial behavior is incredibly widespread in Thailand. It's like everyone has legit autism and has no awareness or capability of even feeling empathy for others. This is most clearly seen in the way they act on the road and in public spaces. There is zero mutual respect unless money is changing hands or they are trying to save face. Don't be fooled by the temporary displays of kindness they put on.

          This is about when the delusional chuddies will chime in and say 'NOOOO ITS PERFECT HERE JUST GO OUTSIDE THE TOURIST AREAS'. Bullshit. It's baked into the society as a whole even if you go to the most remote parts of isaan or the north. There are of course, exceptions to this. Just like there are black people who don't act like Black folk. But that's just it, it's an exception.

          Anyway, OP, living in Thailand is great in some regards, mainly with how cheap it is, but I'm warning you, unless you have clinically diagnosed autism, the moronation of the Thai people will wear you down very quickly. I love my house here, I love the nature, but the second I have to interact with Thai people it sours my day. I'm already planning on going back to america.

          I'm another expat here and gonna chime in by agreeing with pretty much all of this. The positive flip side is that you can count on Thai people to generally leave you the frick alone. Nobody will get up in your face about politics, dietary preferences, race stuff or anything really. If you're a purple skinned libertarian vegan homosexual who wears neon ponchos and builds boats in his front yard while blasting Frank Zappa on repeat people who see you will just shrug and go about their day. Nobody cares about you or what you do unless you're actively being a public nuisance. As a farang this being left alone to do and think as you please is probably the best thing that Thais can offer you. If you're comfortable being completely disconnected and isolated from human beings then you'll be fine with that. If all you care about is access to inexpensive pussy and warm weather this won't matter to you. Unfortunately I've learned over a decade living here that that's not me. I prefer to feel like people around me are willing to take at least a mild interest in engaging with me on some level. Does it highlight some basic b***h neediness on my part to have my existence validated by society? Maybe. Do I recognize the pettiness of that need? Yes. But when you've been living in a place for a long time, learned the language and culture, present yourself in a respectable manner and people continue to shy away, scurry or bury their face in their phones at the mere presence of you - it hurts. I know we're not supposed to talk about feelings on an international coomer board but frick man, the loneliness is real. Becoming fluent in conversational Thai never changed this for me. And don't get me started on actually relying on Thais to do something useful, important or time-critical. Just the thought of that sends me crawling up a wall. Fry up noodles or work a wiener? Sure. Wire my house or deliver a package by 5pm? Frick, I'd rather get a lobotomy than even try to arrange that.

          • 8 months ago

            This is me :

            I love Thailand, but I am clinically diagnosed schizoid, not just an internet edge lord one like most people here, so it works for me

            The being left alone, unless I choose to engage, and it being transactional is exactly why I love Thailand as a schizoid. Your posts describes all the ways Thailand is so great to me

            • 8 months ago

              >I am clinically diagnosed schizoid, not just an internet edge lord
              Cool. I've hot some very important advice for you.
              I've hidden it in every third word of websites ending in B.

              • 8 months ago

                >Third word
                >Third world
                >Thailand is third world
                >Chicken Thigh
                Colonel sanders?

            • 8 months ago

              Agreed. I'm legit autistic and the thought of being ignored totally is a joy to me.

              • 8 months ago

                >I want to be ignored
                Until it's a car turning into a road when you are crossing it, and they run your ass right over because you didn't notice them coming and GTFO out of the way

              • 8 months ago

                The trick in Thailand is to keep moving and they go around you. It's when you stop/freeze that you get hit

              • 8 months ago

                Assuming you are walking facing traffic in Thailand...
                If a vehicle is coming up from behind you and making a right turn that cuts across your path, it is always recommended to yield to the vehicle, NOT to walk out into the vehicle's path like a dumbfrick. Oncoming traffic may make it impossible for the vehicle to wait for you to cross. This is true even in America. However, if you are two or three steps from the far side of the street when you notice someone coming up behind you making a right turn, by all means keep going.
                When you are facing a vehicle making a left turn, you will learn to tell by how the driver steers whether he expects to make his turn in front of you or behind you. If cars are waiting to pull out onto the road you are walking along, always walk behind the first car in the queue.

              • 8 months ago
              • 8 months ago

                How can a car be coming from behind you when crossing the street?

              • 8 months ago

                >Until it's a car turning into a road when you are crossing it
                in a sense laissez-faire cuts both ways. its no longer the wild west and its certainly not cambodia but in the main low level corruption and apathy work to our benefit. again, if you cant handle real freedom, then GTFO.

          • 8 months ago

            >There is zero mutual respect unless money is changing hands or they are trying to save face.
            Astute and accurate observation.

            Thai people are completely unreceptive to you and any foreigner penetrating their culture. Their culture is for them, not for you. They don’t want you speaking their language or understanding their culture. They only act progressively more friendly and receptive as the anticipation of higher amounts of baht being exchanged is realized, and then once the transaction is complete, their countenance reverts right back to being grumpy and standoffish.

            It’s a pitiful, feral, and completely underdeveloped level of 3rd world childish greed that genuinely disgusts me. Whenever I experience it, I realize that all these other ratshit nations have not a chance in hell of usurping US financial dominion over the world. Imagine a bunch of feral, emotionally stunted countries being able to cobble together some shitskin currency to usurp the dollar; that they can somehow fix their subhuman greed and lack of delayed gratification and economic vision.

            Laughable. I’ll take my cooming trips and then gtfo to maintain the balance in my life and keep reality in view

            Currently living in Thailand. Pretty accurate. Antisocial behavior is incredibly widespread in Thailand. It's like everyone has legit autism and has no awareness or capability of even feeling empathy for others. This is most clearly seen in the way they act on the road and in public spaces. There is zero mutual respect unless money is changing hands or they are trying to save face. Don't be fooled by the temporary displays of kindness they put on.

            This is about when the delusional chuddies will chime in and say 'NOOOO ITS PERFECT HERE JUST GO OUTSIDE THE TOURIST AREAS'. Bullshit. It's baked into the society as a whole even if you go to the most remote parts of isaan or the north. There are of course, exceptions to this. Just like there are black people who don't act like Black folk. But that's just it, it's an exception.

            Anyway, OP, living in Thailand is great in some regards, mainly with how cheap it is, but I'm warning you, unless you have clinically diagnosed autism, the moronation of the Thai people will wear you down very quickly. I love my house here, I love the nature, but the second I have to interact with Thai people it sours my day. I'm already planning on going back to america.

            Don't listen to these anons, pissing and whining

            I've lived here on and off for years. Previously Phuket and Samui and now Bangkok for the last year. It's the 15th country I've lived in, so I don't see rainbows every day but you find anons like this everywhere - carrying around mental health baggage and always moving conversations to complaining.
            Thai people are lovely, are they quite as genuinely nice as what you perceive when first get here? Probably not. Are they generally a friendlier, smilier, happier culture than that of the UK? Certainly.
            The 'no more than 50%' rules applies to land greater than an acre and houses - you can buy condos outright. Last year tey relaxed the rules on buying land, as long as it is not used for commerce or agriculture. Pretty sure it has to be an acre or less. Regarding condos, expats rarely buy them as they are poor investments, they depreciate very quickly due to Thais believing there are spirits that inhabit old buildings. Everyone wants a new building (even expats) and you'll be left holding a condo with crumbling amenities and a value that freefalls after 10 - 15 years.

            I've currently gone from 20 days of night shift to a four-week vacation spent in my home tinkering with hobbies to another 20 days of night shifts. During these months I've only talked to 3-4 people for work purposes, for a total of maybe five to eight hours. I still have no urge to interact with others socially and have actively cut off all my friends and associates from my life. I only want to do my own thing and not be bothered by others. Thailand sounds great. Cheap food, booze and pussy, all I need.

            • 8 months ago

              Sound like another schizoid. I was the first one to mention having a diagnosis on this page. Thailand is heaven for people like us. Singapore is good, too, but much more expensive. Asia, in general, tbh.


              • 8 months ago

                Reading through those schizoid symptoms and stilted speech thing it sounds a lot like how you're expected to operate in the corporate world and much of society in general.
                Just emotionally numb bullshitting.

              • 8 months ago

                Maybe that's why I have been successful in the corporate / government world. I asked about $200K, if we're talking about total compensation package, at least $250 - $300. And I feel like Indo the absolute least, but people have been impressed and intrigued by me my whole career, and on the personal side. Though people's first impression of me is typically an butthole/jerk. There's always a moment with my relationships on both sides where, "When I first met you I didn't like you, but now I can't imagine life without you, but I still don't understand you" and I am in a career where people typically burnout, consulting, but it doesn't affect me, and I like the freedom of it.

              • 8 months ago

                i just am high-functioning autism bro

                only friends are 1 person i date

          • 8 months ago

            >The positive flip side is that you can count on Thai people to generally leave you the frick alone
            he says as communist takeoever reaches it sixty year conclusion. you're a coddled b***h boy who doesnt deserve first world priviledges. being left alone is the ultimate freedom. thais are fricking saints for putting up with farang bullshit for fifty years.

            • 8 months ago

              >communist takeover *IN USA reaches

            • 8 months ago

              >thais are fricking saints for putting up with farang bullshit for fifty years
              Based. Been saying this for months in this general

              What's Chiang Mai like during smoke season? seems like it doesn't make sense to stay there year round. Is there a better alternative other than Bangkok? Beaches distract me.

              Smokey season in Chiang Mai is exactly like Chiang Mai except its smokey. Bangkok is pretty big actually. You could try to move somewhere further out like On Nut or Nonthaburi and try living more like a local there. There is entertainment everywhere but just maybe not catered to tourists. Other than Bangkok and the North, it’s just Isaan and beaches unfortunately

        • 8 months ago

          sounds pretty based tbh
          I mean, it doesn't make me want to go live there as a farang, but it's a pretty reasonable way to be

        • 8 months ago

          >Their culture is for them, not for you.
          >this is somehow problematic
          I guess this is the angle when your entire culture revolves around sharting in the mart

        • 7 months ago

          why do you want to be one of them?

        • 7 months ago

          This is why it's so great. Nobody fricks with you, until you want them to gcuk with you, and then you can get whatever you want from them in exchange for the appropriate amount of baht. It's a dreamland

          • 7 months ago

            this sounds pretty damn good tbh
            I wonder if there's anywhere like this in LATAM

      • 8 months ago

        >the way they act on the road and in public spaces
        So you're butthurt that drivers don't "feel empathy" and yield to pedestrians and bicycles like they do in America?
        >zero ass-kissing unless money is changing hands
        Sounds like you really expected to be a White God in Thailand, with everyone calling you "sir" and wanting nothing more than to please you. But you arrived and discovered that you are just another customer, treated politely and then promptly dismissed upon completion of the transaction. Get over yourself

        >There is zero mutual respect unless money is changing hands or they are trying to save face.
        Astute and accurate observation.

        Thai people are completely unreceptive to you and any foreigner penetrating their culture. Their culture is for them, not for you. They don’t want you speaking their language or understanding their culture. They only act progressively more friendly and receptive as the anticipation of higher amounts of baht being exchanged is realized, and then once the transaction is complete, their countenance reverts right back to being grumpy and standoffish.

        It’s a pitiful, feral, and completely underdeveloped level of 3rd world childish greed that genuinely disgusts me. Whenever I experience it, I realize that all these other ratshit nations have not a chance in hell of usurping US financial dominion over the world. Imagine a bunch of feral, emotionally stunted countries being able to cobble together some shitskin currency to usurp the dollar; that they can somehow fix their subhuman greed and lack of delayed gratification and economic vision.

        Laughable. I’ll take my cooming trips and then gtfo to maintain the balance in my life and keep reality in view

        >Thais don't want foreigners botching their language
        Nobody does, really. Even Mexicans don't enjoy deciphering horrible Spanish, even though gringos like to think they do. If you can't speak the local language fluently, you will be excluded from local social circles in any country you go.
        >somehow fix their subhuman greed and become economic powerhouses
        Ah, so greed is only great in your view if it is organized greed practiced by billionaires and megacorporations, while the average person on the street trying to make some money is a horrible feral subhuman.

        • 8 months ago

          You are looking at this from a western perspective. Have you actually been to Thailand? The people have the empathetical capacity of toddlers. I truly don't get how some people just refuse to recognize this. It's probably the same people who say crime statistics are racist.

        • 8 months ago

          Ah, so greed is only great in your view if it is organized greed practiced by billionaires and megacorporations, while the average person on the street trying to make some money is a horrible feral subhuman.
          Yep, that’s my American solipsism at work and this is the last time I’m going to acknowledge it. I kind of just enjoy it now. Whenever I talk about the world I just assume everyone shares my girthy McDonald’s penis perspective and not their multi polar little homosexual euro country perspectives. Alas,

      • 8 months ago

        I love Thailand, but I am clinically diagnosed schizoid, not just an internet edge lord one like most people here, so it works for me

        • 8 months ago

          At least you are lucid enough to be realistic and truthful about your situation. I respect that.

          • 8 months ago

            Most schizoid are self aware, but rarely seek treatment because we don't feel we have an issue. We just don't need people. The psychiatrist who diagnosed made it almost eem like a super power, and very rare. The issue with schizoid is when they do find someone they wanted to connect with it's hard. Hell, the only reason I got diagnosed because I started dating someone who insisted I go to therapy and that's what came out of it. She thought I may be autistic/aspergers, but there is a lot of overlap. She within the last week told she thinks one day I am going to go to the store for milk and disappear, and the next time she'll see me is online in Thailand with a Thai wife

            • 8 months ago

              Based schizoid. We are a rare breed >:)

            • 8 months ago

              Are you sure you actually don't need people, or do you just use the internet as your social outlet instead? You are, after all, seeking us out and talking with us as friends right now. Most psychiatrists are fricking idiots and constantly misdiagnose people.

              • 8 months ago

                I imagine the online still fits the deal as I can control the amount of social interaction. My son is most likely schizoid, as well. He's a sophomore in college, when he is not in his dorm room playing video games , he just walks around his college town with his headphones on. He sent me pic related.

              • 8 months ago

                Yea I guess that makes sense. The isolation aspect can be nice, but the thing is, you can live that same lifestyle in a remote part of America too. You just can't avoid Thai people completely and they are completely subhuman. And the foreigners here are also either fellow isolationists like yourself, or delusional room temperature IQ mutts. It makes it hard to make meaningful connections here. But if you're happy here, I'm happy for you.

              • 8 months ago

                >there’s people on here with sons in college
                What the frick lol

              • 8 months ago

                Not him but SighSee has been around since early 2000s. I started visiting it occasionally starting around 2005. I was 22 then I'm 40 now.

              • 8 months ago

                I'm 41. Son is 19

            • 8 months ago

              Based schizoid. We are a rare breed >:)

              You’re both the same as trannies, homosexuals, and furries. Not only proud of a mental illness, but also heavily identifying with it.

      • 7 months ago

        the fact that you injected out some unprompted racism into this means you're probably untrustworthy and bitter so no wonder you find Thailand like this

    • 8 months ago

      Don't listen to these anons, pissing and whining

      This kinda sums it up, though I haven't been there since 2017...can't imagine it got better.
      Also, inland was better but the coastal areas were hot and humid every fuggin day; got old real quick when you cant go outside to enjoy things when its too hot to do so. Some people like that, so be it.

      Currently living in Thailand. Pretty accurate. Antisocial behavior is incredibly widespread in Thailand. It's like everyone has legit autism and has no awareness or capability of even feeling empathy for others. This is most clearly seen in the way they act on the road and in public spaces. There is zero mutual respect unless money is changing hands or they are trying to save face. Don't be fooled by the temporary displays of kindness they put on.

      This is about when the delusional chuddies will chime in and say 'NOOOO ITS PERFECT HERE JUST GO OUTSIDE THE TOURIST AREAS'. Bullshit. It's baked into the society as a whole even if you go to the most remote parts of isaan or the north. There are of course, exceptions to this. Just like there are black people who don't act like Black folk. But that's just it, it's an exception.

      Anyway, OP, living in Thailand is great in some regards, mainly with how cheap it is, but I'm warning you, unless you have clinically diagnosed autism, the moronation of the Thai people will wear you down very quickly. I love my house here, I love the nature, but the second I have to interact with Thai people it sours my day. I'm already planning on going back to america.

      >There is zero mutual respect unless money is changing hands or they are trying to save face.
      Astute and accurate observation.

      Thai people are completely unreceptive to you and any foreigner penetrating their culture. Their culture is for them, not for you. They don’t want you speaking their language or understanding their culture. They only act progressively more friendly and receptive as the anticipation of higher amounts of baht being exchanged is realized, and then once the transaction is complete, their countenance reverts right back to being grumpy and standoffish.

      It’s a pitiful, feral, and completely underdeveloped level of 3rd world childish greed that genuinely disgusts me. Whenever I experience it, I realize that all these other ratshit nations have not a chance in hell of usurping US financial dominion over the world. Imagine a bunch of feral, emotionally stunted countries being able to cobble together some shitskin currency to usurp the dollar; that they can somehow fix their subhuman greed and lack of delayed gratification and economic vision.

      Laughable. I’ll take my cooming trips and then gtfo to maintain the balance in my life and keep reality in view

      I've lived here on and off for years. Previously Phuket and Samui and now Bangkok for the last year. It's the 15th country I've lived in, so I don't see rainbows every day but you find anons like this everywhere - carrying around mental health baggage and always moving conversations to complaining.
      Thai people are lovely, are they quite as genuinely nice as what you perceive when first get here? Probably not. Are they generally a friendlier, smilier, happier culture than that of the UK? Certainly.
      The 'no more than 50%' rules applies to land greater than an acre and houses - you can buy condos outright. Last year tey relaxed the rules on buying land, as long as it is not used for commerce or agriculture. Pretty sure it has to be an acre or less. Regarding condos, expats rarely buy them as they are poor investments, they depreciate very quickly due to Thais believing there are spirits that inhabit old buildings. Everyone wants a new building (even expats) and you'll be left holding a condo with crumbling amenities and a value that freefalls after 10 - 15 years.

      • 8 months ago

        Found the Thai. This is typical Thai behavior you'll experience if you live there. If you point out the obvious, they will deny, deny, deny. If the evidence of your claims is completely irrefutable, they will become filled with blinding rage. There is nothing scarier to a Thai then a reality check. Except maybe ghosts.

        >Noooo you're wrong Thailand is hecking awesome!!!
        Lol. Lmao even.

        • 8 months ago

          Nobody, including you, is gonna believes I'm Thai.
          This is typical borderline personality disorder behaviour. I was spot on about the mental health baggage.

          • 8 months ago

            Okay chang

      • 8 months ago

        Based and accurate. Thai expat forums are famous for whining because they're full of people who were bitter frickups before moving to Thailand and remain bitter frickups who couldn't cope when the honeymoon period ended.
        Thai people are far from perfect and they've got a lot of dysfunctions preventing them from ascending as a country, but they're a joy to be around compared to any European

    • 8 months ago

      I was living in Thailand for 7 months and dating an Isaan girl until she died in a motorbike accident.

      Thailand is what you make of it. If you enjoy big cities focused on fashion, heavy traffic, public transport, and parties then Bangkok is great. If you enjoy beaches, nice cafes and views, then Phuket is great. Pattaya is mainly for coomers.

      If you are interested in the country side, you will have to learn to speak Thai/Isaan.

      Probably the stupidest thing you could do it buy a condo. Not because it is stupid to buy a condo in thailand, but because its stupid to have no understanding of what life is like there, or the places you like, or transportation, or anything like that and commit to buying. There are more condos than people, so generally it is difficult to sell. You're better off renting at the start to see if you like thailand, and where in Thailand you want to stay. It's diverse.

      As you can see from this thread, it is a controversial place. I get along with Thai people well, and I never had an issue finding pretty women while living in Bangkok or the 4 weeks I spent in Phuket. I love the food, the people, the crazy carefree lifestyle, and I had a great remote job.

      However, now that the woman I loved is dead, I'll probably leave Thailand after the 100 days ceremony. It's a great place to party, and it is a great place for romance, but I think its time for me to move on. I love the people, I love the food, and I loved the opportunities for a farang with money who was with a native who loved him.

      You will definitely have an interesting experience no matter what.

      No one ever bothered me at ATMs. Some women are ugly, welcome to reality. Dating culture really doesn't hang around sugar daddies unless you're meeting women in between Nana/Asoke/gogo bars. Thai women are pretty transparent about if they want a sugar daddy or not. There is wifi everywhere, Sims are easy to get, and AIS wifi is $10/month. I dont date women with tattoos.

      • 8 months ago

        Thanks for the positive post. Sorry to hear about you GF

        • 8 months ago

          Yeah it sucked. 80 people a day die in motorbike accidents, never thought it would happen to us. I drove motorbike in Bangkok all the time but we got hit out in the provinces.

          If you have a good remote job, definitely check Thailand out. But also, go to other places too. Bangkok is one of my favorite cities, but holy shit the traffic is the worst in the world.
          There are scammers, hookers, freelancers who might trick you into romance, but there are also students, hard workers, and trustworthy people. Most of the people who talk shit just had a bad experience, and usually its the result of their own personality, habits, and choices.

          Imagine being 50 years old, bald, fat, at a club for sex, thinking you can get one of the 18-21 year olds to fall in love with you by buying them things, and then getting angry when you find out they were just using you and never planned to actually commit to you.
          Also, some relationships just don't work out, that's how it is in the entire world, but for some reason foreigners in Thailand really seethe when things don't go exactly how they wanted it to.

          Again, bad traffic, many places are densely populated, one of the largest wealth gaps in the world, and sometimes the weather is incredibly hot and you won't want to walk at all.

          However, low cost of living for the most part, but that's up to you. I've spent 50,000 baht in one month, and I've also spent 50,000 baht in 3 days. There is a lot of fun to have, a lot of beautiful nature to see, and there are plenty of good people there. Be reminded that you are a foreigner - Thai people will be nice to you, but they've seen 10 million people just like you come and go, so they don't exactly view their relationship with you as long lasting/trustworthy unless if you prove it overtime.

          I hated Cambodia, but some people love it. I love Thailand, some people hate it. Bangkok,Pattaya,Phuket, and maybe Chiang Mai. Check them out, don't buy a condo yet.

          • 8 months ago

            >Most of the people who talk shit are balding, fat, sexpats
            Mate, there are so many farang here that think of themselves in the exact same way. There is this weird superiority complex amongst many foreigners as they live in there own little bubbles. I have a secret for you, a lot of expats aren't much different then you. You aren't special and that doesn't invalidate any of the complaints made.

            I'm assuming you have minimal life experience in general, let alone amongst Thai people. You probably just talked to your gf, and maybe a couple locals and that was it to come to your conclusion that Thai people are le awesome xD

            Your girlfriend died exactly because of the perpetual toxicity that runs through all levels of Thai society. They are all childlike in how they act. Everything is about saving face and money. They do not care about one another except in the most superficial way. The food is unclean, the traffic is unsafe, the corruption is widespread, and inequality is extreme. This will never change because a Thai can never be wrong. If you ever try to talk logically with a Thai, they won't have it. Once you get to the point of understanding, they will either quickly change the topic, insult you, or tell you to just leave the country. I have spent a lot of time here and met many thais ranging from farmers to professors to higher ranking government officials. It is impossible to have a meaningful conversation with any of them. They may be able to deceive you that they are open and friendly, but rest assured, it's all an illusion. And you've fallen for it.

            If you actually loved your girlfriend, you should be able to see through this facade.

            • 8 months ago

              I said most of the people who talk shit have that description.

              Every young, decently good person I've met in Thailand, wether they be students or people for holiday, only have good things to say.

              It's not really ever a good idea to base your post off of assumptions, and you admit that's what you're doing. I don't know how anyone could live in Thailand and
              >only talk to your gf and a couple locals
              I've met a lot of people, and I admit that some are good and some are bad. There are 13 million people in Bangkok. I don't think she died because of perpetual toxicity, she died because a truck was speeding instead of slowing down at an intersection and it killed her and not me.

              I don't know why so many people have this idea that because they're cynics and see the worst in people, that they are wise and know the truth. I've been living in the Middle east for 1 1/2 before this, and you could say the exact same thing about arabs.

              Its the same with you. I say you're wrong, and you insult me. It's not exclusive to Thai people, it's the result of how you interact with people. You probably have the need to be right all the time, and that's why you constantly get into arguments and people get tired of interacting with you. Again, it's probably your personality, since you seem to run into it everywhere.

              And yes, I'll admit again, most expacts are the same as me. And yes, I agreed that there are many complaints to me made. There are scammers, prostitutes, and people who don't give a shit about you in Thailand, just like all over the world?
              Are you just an argumentative person all the time?

              • 8 months ago

                >She was killed because a truck hit her not because of Thai culture.
                The law in Thailand is a joke because of the culture of saving face. Traffic laws don't get enforced because of saving face. Nothing will ever get done or will change because of saving face. No one will ever try to push change upwards because of saving face.

                The culture of saving face and fragile egos is rampant across the country and is the root of many of it's problems. If you could see more then 2 layers deep this would be incredibly obvious.

                >young students and tourists only have good things to say
                Kids on holiday have fun and don't care about rampant societal issues as long as it benefits them. More news at 11.

              • 8 months ago

                Yes because car accidents only occur in Thailand

                Why are there so many old expats who move there? Is it because Thailand is such a terrible palce with rampant social issues?

                Stop confusing cynicism with wisdom. There is nothing wise about not enjoying your time and having bad relationships with the people you meet.

                Saving face and fragiles egos is rampant across humanity, I did not notice it anymore than my times in other countries. Just because you saw the bad side of people and choose to focus on that does not make you special, nor more insightful.

                Hospitality and being nice to strangers, without actually caring about said strangers, should only be expected. That's why I said
                >Thai people will be nice to you, but they've seen 10 million people just like you come and go, so they don't exactly view their relationship with you as long lasting/trustworthy unless if you prove it overtime.

                This is true for most people across the world, not just Thailand. But I will agree, police in Thailand really don't do much besides collect money from foreigners and clubs. But that's not really saving face, that's more apathy.

                Anyway, enjoy walking around with shit on your shoe and thinking you're a genius because you found out everybody turns their nose upwards.

                I'll continue to enjoy my life in Thailand and traveling to other countries, making friends and lovers along the way

              • 8 months ago

                >Car accidents only happen in Thailand
                2nd highest car incident fatality rate in the world. People frequently break traffic laws. Every day you see people blindly driving into traffic without stopping. You see people driving on the wrong side of the road. You see people driving without helmets. You see people parking in the middle of the road. All of this is illegal. Nothing is ever done. The law is merely a way for the higher ups to save face. They don't care and the Thai people don't care either.

                >I didn't notice it anymore in Thailand then anywhere else
                You actually have no life experience then. Reality will hit you when you least expect it.

              • 8 months ago

                You're absolutely correct with everything you say. Thank you for reminding me

              • 8 months ago

                >2nd highest car incident fatality rate in the world
                Yes. But Thailand also has the highest rate of motorbike ownership in the world, 87% of households in Thailand own at least one motorbike.
                I wonder if the two are connected, what do you think, brainlet? Is it because they have more motorbikes than any other nation on earth and you are 27x more likely to die in a motorbike accident than in a car accident... or.. is it because of face?
                I think you are bitter and cynical because every room you have ever entered you have the lowest IQ.

              • 8 months ago

                this thing usually happen in big city like bangkok chiang mai pattaya and provinces around it but very rare everywhere else

              • 8 months ago

                Driving on the wrong side of the road is cool. Just another westerner having a freak-out who doesn't understand thai culture. Sad!

              • 8 months ago

                >Traffic laws don't get enforced because of saving face.
                This is the most reductive, moronic shit I have ever read. Glad to hear you just learned about 'face' in Asia. Now everything is caused by face. DJ Khaled-level genius.

              • 8 months ago

                >2nd highest car incident fatality rate in the world
                Yes. But Thailand also has the highest rate of motorbike ownership in the world, 87% of households in Thailand own at least one motorbike.
                I wonder if the two are connected, what do you think, brainlet? Is it because they have more motorbikes than any other nation on earth and you are 27x more likely to die in a motorbike accident than in a car accident... or.. is it because of face?
                I think you are bitter and cynical because every room you have ever entered you have the lowest IQ.

                He's not wrong though. You sound like a seething woman living in your little wonderland.

              • 8 months ago

                >He's not wrong though. You sound like a seething woman living in your little wonderland.
                Obvious samegay because zero comeback

              • 8 months ago

                >I don't think she died because of perpetual toxicity, she died because a truck was speeding instead of slowing down at an intersection
                this is his point, she died because a lack of awareness or lack of caring about others. the driver was in the right in the drivers mind. everyone everywhere is playing fast and loose with the rules because they are more important and hence 80 people are killed on the road every day. it is a broken society, or more accurately a society which has not evolved to deal with modernity

              • 8 months ago

                This is why I don’t drive. There’s no “logic” to Thai driving that you can study and apply. It is straight up anarchy, so you’re basically just driving defensively moment to moment and while you have to assume everyone else doesn’t give a shit at all, won’t stop for you, won’t obey even basic traffic laws etc. that’s just too dangerous for me.

                I’ll accept riding a hookers pillion like some prized piece of meat to have baht tenderized out of it, if it means I don’t die

              • 8 months ago

                >she died because
                Leave it alone man. Stop with your psycho-social traffic accident pseudo intellectualism. And stop telling the guy about how his gf died.
                There's nothing worse than a brainlet who doesn't know he's a brainlet

                >hence 80 people are killed on the road every day.
                You were told earlier that that is because Thailand has the highest motorcycle ownership in the world, but instead of addressing the stats, you pretended to be another anon.
                I am 100% certain you have no friends. You need to stop using the Internet today, buy some weed, sit on the roof of your guesthouse and ask yourself why people never get passed the initial phase of getting to know you. Why can you never make deep, meaningful friendships. Why is travelling always used to 'start again' and why do you always end up back in the same place

              • 8 months ago

                Lol this homie thinks everyone who disagrees with him is the same person. Massive schizo energy.

              • 8 months ago

                What did I just say about Internet, Brian?

              • 8 months ago

                What am I a samegay too? You should take some more joyrides around Bangkok, there's a nice cooling breeze if you don't wear a helmet.

              • 8 months ago

                Maybe you're using data and WiFi or maybe there's more than one brainlet replying to me.

              • 8 months ago

                Or, get this, you are a fricking moron

              • 8 months ago

                Are you attracted to me, brainlet? I'm getting weird vibes

              • 8 months ago

                I find you very sexy babe

              • 8 months ago

                Top or bottom? Please say top

              • 8 months ago

                Yea pretty much. It's sad that the guys girlfriend died, but law enforcement doesn't exist here. And until it does, this will continue to happen.

            • 8 months ago

              >Your girlfriend died exactly because of the perpetual toxicity that runs through all levels of Thai society. They are all childlike in how they act. Everything is about saving face and money. They do not care about one another except in the most superficial way. The food is unclean, the traffic is unsafe, the corruption is widespread, and inequality is extreme. This will never change because a Thai can never be wrong. If you ever try to talk logically with a Thai, they won't have it. Once you get to the point of understanding, they will either quickly change the topic, insult you, or tell you to just leave the country. I have spent a lot of time here and met many thais ranging from farmers to professors to higher ranking government officials. It is impossible to have a meaningful conversation with any of them. They may be able to deceive you that they are open and friendly, but rest assured, it's all an illusion. And you've fallen for it.
              Its called 'people dont tend respond well to unsolicited criticism of their home country, particularly from foreigners'. Your entire post could be quoted word for word about modern canada or the US and not lose a bit of relevance

          • 8 months ago

            I briefly didn’t wear a helmet in phuket and got the feeling Thailand had some of worst drivers in the world. I’m sorry about your girl bro.

            >a car me on a moped whos not wearing a helmet going into a corner in the mountains

            • 8 months ago

              A car passed me going into a corner in the mountains*

            • 8 months ago

              Honestly the worst drivers I’ve ever seen have been in the Middle East, but yeah there are some pretty bad drivers in Thailand.

              I have a lot of dreams about her. It’s been 22 days now, sucks a lot but I have no regrets, we just didn’t have enough time.

              Why the frick everyone obsesses over Thailand is beyond comprehension. You are a walking ATM to those "people".

              Yeah dude you’re right. That’s my one issue with Thailand, everywhere I go people expect me to pay for goods and services.
              A drink at the bar? I have to pay.
              A ride somewhere? I have to pay.
              Buying a girl a drink at a bar or inviting them out on a date? Unbelievably enough, im expected to pay.

              It’s so different from everywhere else in the world in this aspect. It’s like they think just because I flew half way around the world and stay in fancy hotels or luxury condominiums that I can afford this incredibly low cost of living. Life was better back in America when mom and dad payed for everything. Fricking Thai “people”

              • 8 months ago

                You sound mentally stunted from the trauma of losing your girlfriend. I wish you the best, but don't let it blind you. There are people and systems you should be blaming that could've prevented this from happening, you should recognize this.

              • 8 months ago

                >There are people and systems you should be blaming
                Jesus Christ. What a negative homosexual. Stop shitting up the thread with your mental health

              • 8 months ago

                You’re struggling to accept the fact that accidents happen all over the world.
                I don’t know what you think I don’t recognize? You think I don’t see the terrible traffic? You think I don’t see the police not doing anything?
                Like in Philadelphia where I see heroin addicts slumped over in the sidewalks and gangs riding ATV’s on the streets? Or in the Middle East where people are driving Lamborghinis in one area and the labor camps of immigrants are walled off and hidden?

                I’m not sure you understand that this is the real world, and laws and police literally do not prevent people from breaking the laws. And this is ignoring the fact that fatal car accidents literally happen all the time all over the world.

                >there are people and systems you should be blaming
                You’re sound like a liberal snowflake. I don’t blame anyone for her death, I thank her for giving her life for mine and honor her memory in my life. I’m happy and optimistic. You’re cynical. I don’t understand this idea that happy people have to be stupid - I see the same world you do. I just choose to focus on the silver lining because it’s a blessing to be alive and I make the most out of what I get.

                Please tell me, what country do you enjoy since you think Thailand is so terrible? What country do you think does not have corruption?

              • 8 months ago

                He wants you to be a depressive basketcase like him. Misery loves company.
                You've got a great attitude anon. You are experiencing life and its pain with a strong mindset. Good for you.

          • 8 months ago

            Deserved it. Mixed couples get the rope

      • 8 months ago

        >dating an Isaan girl until she died in a motorbike accident.
        Wtf? What's the story?

        • 8 months ago

          You don't want to hear it. We don't want to hear it.

        • 8 months ago

          It's been discussed in the Thailand general thread. The short story is we got hit by a truck while driving motorbike. It made national news in Thailand. She died, I survived.
          The story of her life is a lot more interesting than the story of her death.

          officers go and take pictures, say problem is solved
          they fool people like you
          you think they care because of some news article?
          you are a fool

          Yeah the police are really good at getting money from traffic stops and thats usually the extent of their effort

        • 8 months ago

          Autistic post. Learn some manners.

    • 8 months ago

      Move to Tbilisi instead.

      comapring tbilisi to thailand
      not dirty
      >walking ATM, frick you over
      never, in fact they bought me stuff/stealthily paid for me in restaurants
      >women are ugly as frick
      incredibly beautiful women
      >dating culture revolves around being a sugar daddy
      dating a georgian woman is impossible but there are plenty of tourists/foreigners

      + great weather, amazing country, amazing people.
      + logistical hub, easy flights to west/east.

      Rare case where ancient culture of hospitality coincides with tourism-oriented economy. Only thing is you gotta treat people as friends, not as service people. If your restaurant server seems slow and tired, offer to buy him a coffee and let him sit at your table, for example. Also friendly stray dogs on every corner. Locals care for them, tourists feed them = very happy, friendly and nice doggos.

      It's getting fricked with massive amount of russians running from draft now so more westerners = better, at this point.

      • 8 months ago

        Awwww are these Thai pups?

        Captcha: PTTYA

      • 8 months ago

        >Move to a country that shares a border with Russia
        Just don't. Vacation is fine, but don't move to such a place. Any property you buy there will end up looted or destroyed by a cruise missile.

      • 8 months ago

        It's too pricey for what it is. Doesn't offer much. Anything that centers around the spirit of a people or some vague idea like that isn't convincing. You had a good experience - nice. Mine was average. Wouldn't recommend.

    • 8 months ago

      >dirty as frick
      LOL, you don't love Third World countries if you complain about dirty streets. The only think missing is a complaint about traffic noise, LMAO. I bet the Thais even sweep up the trash every morning.
      >women are prostitutes
      Going to the #1 whoring destination in the world and then complaining about women being prostitutes is the pinnacle of absurdity.
      >everywhere is devoid of WiFi
      Dork homosexual detected. Yes, nobody wants your dorky self HUNCHED over your laptop all day long in their cafe or restaurant.

      • 8 months ago

        I love thirdie countries but SEA by in large is too fricking dirty for me. At least in Latin America and China people are disgusted by rats. In Thailand people just think it's normal to see a rat in a restaurant. And the government does SHIT ALL to tackle the problem. Even some thirdie countries try to tackle their rat problem. Thailand doesn't give two shits and because of that mentality will forever stay at shit he.

        • 8 months ago

          >And the government does SHIT ALL to tackle the problem
          Do you know how to use Ask Jeeves?
          >Officers from Bangkok Public Health Department, and National Housing Authority, yesterday visited the community to clean up the area and captured the rats. The officers placed rat traps, glue traps, and rat poison all over the area and put a sign up telling residents not to feed them.
          Are you the same negative turbo brainlet who thinks traffic accidents are caused by saving face?
          >Officers from Bangkok Public Health Department, and National Housing Authority, yesterday visited the community to clean up the area and captured the rats. The officers placed rat traps, glue traps, and rat poison all over the area and put a sign up telling residents not to feed them.
          I'm unironically starting to think you are so mentally disabled that you are having a terrible time abroad. People are likely taking advantage of you. There are always criminals and scumbags all over the world seeking to take advantage of vulnerable people. Everywhere you go you will encounter this. I suggest you travel with a family member (parent?) who can look out for you.

          • 8 months ago

            officers go and take pictures, say problem is solved
            they fool people like you
            you think they care because of some news article?
            you are a fool

            • 8 months ago

              OK bro.

              • 8 months ago

                you think your expensive farang area of bangkok is thailand
                it is not
                the government does not care about us
                they only care about you because you have money
                you are a fool

              • 8 months ago


              • 8 months ago

                >the government does not care about us
                Welcome to the entire world.

    • 8 months ago

      Odd. I was treated as a human in Thailand even in the rural north. In bali though i was treated as an ATM.

      • 8 months ago

        i detected a pretty dark undercurrent between balinese and tourists. not friendly at all. felt a bit predatory although never quite overt. thais seemed to take real pleasure in showing off their culture; all the better if they can sell you something.

    • 8 months ago

      >everywhere is devoid of WiFi
      as German i was stunned how good their 4G/5G is since i never had bad perception and that while paying 16€ for unlimited 5G for two weeks.

      here in this network shithole you get 5 GB for the same price. and wont have reception in my fricking house.

    • 7 months ago

      >Walking ATM
      There are only three groups of foreigners who are treated well in Thailand. Whites, Koreans, and Japanese. Visitors other than foreigners in these three groups almost always suffer. You don't know how Indian tourists or Chinese tourists are despised in SEA.

      • 7 months ago

        Indians wouldnt be despised if they werent walking rape machines that accuse their victims of their own crimes. Theyre like 70 iq israelites.

      • 7 months ago

        Even with Australians being incredibly rude and moronic, I feel like white people in general have a level of magnanimousness and politeness that makes them good tourists.

        • 7 months ago

          Its not some sort of accident that the vast majority of people can perceive that most indians and quite a few more chinese than average look down on absolutely everyone they come across

          These people are literally petty tyrant psychopaths and completely incompatible with other cultures. Thais can act like this too but at lrast have enough self awareness to realize that they themselves are not rich and or their country is irrelevant and someone is gonna glass a c**t. Chinese grnerally, and nearly all indians lack this.

        • 7 months ago

          Indians wouldnt be despised if they werent walking rape machines that accuse their victims of their own crimes. Theyre like 70 iq israelites.

          Its not some sort of accident that the vast majority of people can perceive that most indians and quite a few more chinese than average look down on absolutely everyone they come across

          These people are literally petty tyrant psychopaths and completely incompatible with other cultures. Thais can act like this too but at lrast have enough self awareness to realize that they themselves are not rich and or their country is irrelevant and someone is gonna glass a c**t. Chinese grnerally, and nearly all indians lack this.

          Most of the Chinese and Indian tourists are superficial and look shabby. For example, Look at the way they dress. And the most shocking thing is that they are the most civilised human beings in their country. Lol To be honest, tourists from Japan and South Korea are often rude to the locals as well, but South Korea and Japan offset their mistakes with their strong soft power.

          • 7 months ago

            >look shabby

            White begpackers with hawaiian shirts and elephant pants are the worst offenders of this

          • 7 months ago

            South Koreans and japanese are not rude to ALL people. Indians are nearly universally arrogant, and will criticize the people of their host country, so the point of calling themselves more british than native brits even if they dont properly speak english.

            Literally nothing compares to this. Even chinese rarely do this

            • 7 months ago

              Most of the Chinese and Indian tourists are superficial and look shabby. For example, Look at the way they dress. And the most shocking thing is that they are the most civilised human beings in their country. Lol To be honest, tourists from Japan and South Korea are often rude to the locals as well, but South Korea and Japan offset their mistakes with their strong soft power.

              Indians wouldnt be despised if they werent walking rape machines that accuse their victims of their own crimes. Theyre like 70 iq israelites.

              poojeets are hated in east asia as well. i heard indians are seen as Black folk in sk and jp.

      • 7 months ago

        Black Americans (and this extends to Caribbeans and Canadians because they can't tell us apart) get treated well, as well. Thais make a distinction, calling Western Black people "farang damm" which you can kind of translate as Balck foreigner/Black European. Versus being African/ Nigerian

        • 7 months ago

          No they don’t lmao. NOBODY likes you outside of America where small hats desperately flood you and your shitty media and art with money and force feed the American public positive propaganda so you’ll be useful idiots for them in the future and vote democrat. Just shut the frick up

          • 7 months ago

            I have actually found black guys to be more decent in Thailand than white guys as a general aggregate. Just look at this thread lol all you 1488 fricks are the among the most obnoxious while the black bros are quite chill

            • 7 months ago

              Frick you, dork Reddit homosexual. You’re a naive little turd. Those apes would watch you bleed out in the street and film it if they were the only ones who could save you.

              Naive dork homosexual ape sympathizer.
              >muh chill black bro
              You mean violent ape animal

          • 7 months ago

            Yeah I don't know what that guy is talking about, thai people don't like blacks at all. They think black skin is hideous, and it blows my mind that blacks travel here and delude themselves into thinking people like them.

            • 7 months ago

              well im from chicago, and i can tell you like the black people i see here are mostly okay

              why do you care about another group so much anyway. rent free

              • 7 months ago

                The 100 a day that get shot in chiraq?

              • 7 months ago

                *pew pew pew*
                honey we'll have to delay our walk i think

          • 7 months ago

            Yeah I don't know what that guy is talking about, thai people don't like blacks at all. They think black skin is hideous, and it blows my mind that blacks travel here and delude themselves into thinking people like them.

            I think you also have to factor in the affluence and manners of someone Black that travels, most don't.

            Also, I am speaking from my own experience. Hell, in Northern Isaan I was looked at as an omen of good luck. The village I went to, I was the first Black person they ever seen in real life. I was given a seat in a place of honor among the village matriarch on market day. Next to pic related. I messaged a Thai friend of mine to ask waht they meant. I was Ban Muang in Sakon Nakhon. Pia is one of my Thai friends. I am whole fricking good luck charm in Thailand.

            • 7 months ago

              This is Black papasan by the way, the Black guy who literally inspired the Thailand generals

            • 7 months ago

              >go to isolated remote isan village
              >first person they've seen outside their tribe
              >worshipped as good luck omen
              >some ask me if i've come from the heavens
              >i'm free to pick any girl from the village for marriage
              >the ceromony is paid for by the village and everyone is invited
              >given enormous amounts of gold on wedding day
              how will western woman compete

            • 7 months ago

              >you also have to factor in the affluence and manners of someone Black that travels, most don't.
              Black Americans I've met abroad have been alright. Traveling to faraway countries is a primarily upper middle class behavior among Americans. The exception to this is obvious coomer destinations that attract the most feral ones.

      • 7 months ago

        >CHINESE ONLY!

    • 7 months ago

      Every woman has tats? Not in my experience. Tell me you only fricked with prostitutes without telling me you only fricked with prostitutes

    • 7 months ago

      can you name a single clean third world country?

      Cleanliness is only possible in the first world because it requires paying cleaning staff

      • 7 months ago

        Agreed. The third world needs to be like New York or San Francisco - the great hallmarks of cleanliness found in American cities

        • 7 months ago

          >New York or San Francisco - the great hallmarks of cleanliness found in American cities

          >New York or San Francisco - the great hallmarks of cleanliness found in American LEFT SOCIALIST RUN cities

          Fixed it for you.

      • 7 months ago


        Have you been to Thailand? I love thirdie countries but Thailand was just an overall shithole.

        >dirty as frick. Streets infested with rats.
        >people just see you as a walking ATM and try to frick you over any chance they get
        >women are ugly as frick
        >dating culture revolves around being a sugar daddy
        >everywhere is devoid of WiFi
        >every woman has a tattoo
        The only pro to Thailand is that it's relative easy to get a visa compared to other sea nations.
        >can you name a single clean third world country?

        Rwanda and Botswana seem to be making progress.

      • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        Labor gets paid with weak currencies, and they sell commodities for strong ones. ECON 101

        america is really dirty, go to the movie theater and there will be popcorn on the floor, etc..

  3. 8 months ago

    imagine all of the unique culture and rich traditional heritage of japan but without all those oppressive laws against photographing women in public without their knowledge. that's basically what thailand is like

  4. 8 months ago

    Phuket is russian domain

    • 8 months ago

      They just have to ruin everything, don't they?

      • 8 months ago

        Phuket is Muslims, too

  5. 8 months ago

    >bitches aint cheap anymore
    >booze aint cheap anymore
    >pretty much everyone scams whites

    not worth it anymore

    • 8 months ago

      Good, that keeps the trash out. It'll still never be as good as Macau.

  6. 8 months ago

    >thinking of moving to Thailand - not to coom but because it looks beautiful and affordable to live there

    As a Thailand noob I have to ask.....because I see Thailand mentioned a lot...

    Is it not true a lot of places would fit that definition? As in, "beautiful and affordable"?

    Like even if we are talking Southeast Asia, you have Malaysia, Vietnam, Philippines, etc.

    There are various countries in that immediate area, so why do I see Thailand mentioned with like 5x the frequency as the others? (and yes I do mean reasons outside of cooming).

    Like there must be some basic facts I'm missing about it that make it a superior option to other "beautiful and affordable" places.

    • 8 months ago

      Thai food is pretty good.

    • 8 months ago

      its not even that cheap. maybe service like massage or haircuts are cheap, but price of food or booze is higher than in Germany at lidl.
      I can imagine it would suck living there with average thai income

  7. 8 months ago

    Please don't make threads 6 months in advance of your travel date, I'm not here to mental jerk off you.

  8. 8 months ago

    Thai real estate is incredibly overpriced, double for condos, and double for foreigners, Also they make you buy from developers (suckers price) and if you're a foreigner good luck reselling it. In all honesty you're probably not gonna get a great resale value on your condo (both because you're foreign and thailands demographics) so unless you specifically want to live their all your life I'd suggest just renting. Thailand is cheap enough that you can switch from the city to the beach for a few months if you just feel like it. Also don't think you need to buy a condo just to get a visa. There are plenty of cheap or even free visas.

  9. 8 months ago

    Thailand would be great if not for the Thai people

  10. 8 months ago

    >not to coom
    >I'll be looking at properties in Pattaya

    sure bro

  11. 8 months ago

    Why the frick everyone obsesses over Thailand is beyond comprehension. You are a walking ATM to those "people".

  12. 8 months ago

    I’ll take gray and cold and SAD over year round 35C with 90% humidity

  13. 8 months ago

    thai here
    price of goods has been increasing since 2018
    also you WILL have to use private hospital cuz public hospital is practically for thais only so be ready to pay up if you're injured

    • 8 months ago

      The private hospitals are great and cheap but that’s a perspective of an American.
      I went to a public hospital for my x rays and stitches following the accident and it was 2500 baht, which to me is a steal.

      A cat scan at Yahnee private hospital in bangkok was like 8000-12000 baht though. But there are plenty of options for expat health insurance.
      Also, the price of goods has been increasing all over the world since 2018

      He wants you to be a depressive basketcase like him. Misery loves company.
      You've got a great attitude anon. You are experiencing life and its pain with a strong mindset. Good for you.

      Cheers. I’m thankful for the good moments in life.

      • 8 months ago

        yes it is cheap for you. average pay here is 20k baht per month. life is only good here if you have money.

      • 8 months ago

        >2500 baht
        Recently in a motorbike accident. Xrays are 500 THB each at St Louis Hospital (private). Great value

      • 8 months ago

        >I went to a public hospital for my x rays and stitches following the accident and it was 2500 baht, which to me is a steal.
        it's actually wayyyyy lower for thais cuz they have gold card
        basically ID but for hospital

        • 8 months ago

          Thai's get it for free at government hospitals. I havea lot of experience with both private and public hospitals in Bangkok

          >2500 baht
          Recently in a motorbike accident. Xrays are 500 THB each at St Louis Hospital (private). Great value

          Nice, hopefully you're okay

          • 8 months ago

            I'm wrong and you're right. They only get it for free at their specific government hospital. The other public hospitals just offer them much lower prices. My apologies, I didn't mind spending 2500 baht. I've paid more for routine check ups in America.

  14. 8 months ago

    Thailand was good to move to 5 years ago

    Now visas are getting more expensive, real estate is getting more expensive and the government is trying to pretend like their country is more than just a watering hole for drunken expats and perverts trying to frick ladyboys so they're trying to make it harder for normal folks to move there and want richer people to move in.

    That will lead to even more gentrification and a bigger bubble for real estate where a dumpster will cost 400k usd at some point.

    For these visa prices i'd go elsewhere honestly, it's not even a tax haven and they're acting like they're doing you a favor by letting you buy an overpriced visa.

    • 8 months ago

      I cannot believe people seriously pay for an elite visa unless they’re a literal millionaire.

      There are multiple schemes, albeit with minor inconvenience, that you can utilize to save you literally tens of thousands of dollars.

      • 8 months ago

        >There are multiple schemes, albeit with minor inconvenience, that you can utilize to save you literally tens of thousands of dollars.
        like what? I don't want to make endless border runs, or be an english teacher, or marry someone, or invest in some sketchy "business".

        • 8 months ago

          Like the Thai Elite visa. Don't let broke Black folk like him tell you stupid shit. The elite visa is cheap as hell.

  15. 8 months ago

    >the uk is a dump
    >therefore i'm moving to the third world
    ok anon

    • 8 months ago

      Cool beans

  16. 8 months ago

    move to bali

  17. 8 months ago

    Think of Mexico, but safer. Except that shooting yesterday. Still don't feel unsafe and haven't a day I've been here. But I don't frick around the coom corners doing sketchy shit. Did a fair bit of traveling here and in Laos. You can get good accommodation for dirt cheap or overpriced shit accommodation. One thing that's consistent is that the repairs are always hack jobs and you could do a better job with no experience if you just put in a little effort.
    Yes in done occasions your your transactions are just that, transactional. They want your money and that's it, but I just wanted what they were selling so it's all good. Use the Meetup app to find international events. I found a smash bros meetup and tournaments.
    I found a job in one week here, but that's probably not the norm. I just went to the right meetup and networked. If your coomimg in pattaya, Nana, soi cowboy or Phuket then you will not find any opportunities outside of an sti. This country is what you make of it. If you think you're going to be a star because you have foreign cash then guess what, there's always someone with more money than you. I came here with the goal of using the fact that it's cheap America so that I could improve my life and give up old habits and I'm making good progress.
    I've considered cooming and honestly the idea of getting the sloppiest deep throat bj ever for very little money is tempting, but whey would that actually accomplish? Am I going to look back at years of anonymous coom and partying and feel like it meant anything? No probably not. Not to say that going out once and a while is bad. I met many Europeans and Aussies here. Even a Canadian or two. And I'm in contact with some of them to this day. Thailand like any country is what you make of it.

    • 8 months ago

      >Am I going to look back at years of anonymous coom and partying and feel like it meant anything?
      Dude it’s literally the driving force of my life and has been since 2017. The power of coom allowed me to pay off my student loans in 1.5 years, avoid unwanted pregnancy, work 60 hours a week, and max my retirement accounts. All of that directly or indirectly related to my capacity to go coom more

      • 8 months ago

        >The power of coom has been the driving force of my life and has been since 2017.
        This. Not everyone is spiritual or a deep-thinker. Some people just want to follow their base urges every day and not explore the higher forms to live and experience reality

        • 8 months ago

          lower reality is more satifsying. chopping wood with an axe feels better than reading a book most times

          • 8 months ago

            >lower reality is more satifsying. chopping wood with an axe feels better than reading a book most times
            Exactly. It's about what feels good in the moment, not building towards a better self and a person of value/contributor to the greater good

        • 8 months ago

          Uh buddy, I’ve read dozens of works of the greatest literature and am currently on the book of judges in the King James Bible. Let’s not jump to conclusions. I am highly intellectual

          lower reality is more satifsying. chopping wood with an axe feels better than reading a book most times

          If you’re room temperature IQ, then yes, most likely. I think a balance needs to be struck

          • 8 months ago

            >I am highly intellectual
            Me too. In fact, I am probably in the world's top ten percentile of greatest intellectuals. Just finished translating the King James Bible into Sumerian

          • 8 months ago

            >I am highly intellectual
            Me too. In fact, I am probably in the world's top ten percentile of greatest intellectuals. Just finished translating the King James Bible into Sumerian

            Sitting here in CERN drinking a morning coffee, thinking about how much more highly intellectual I am than you two. Just mapped the super position of all particles in the universe, including quarks (and a smaller particle I just discovered last night).
            Sometimes wish life was as easy being a judge or a translator of the King James Bible

          • 8 months ago

            What intellectuals are happier than a golden retriever?

            • 8 months ago

              Happiness is a homosexual/womans/toddlers pursuit.

              • 8 months ago

                Spoken like a true midwit

              • 8 months ago

                >Spoken like a true midwit
                Highly intellectual person here. Most philosophers point to meaning and purpose being a higher ideal than happiness. At best, a misreading of what's left of the works of Epicurus could point to a goal of happiness.
                Therefore, as someone with an extraordinarily high IQ, I feel it more than adequate to determine you are in fact, no more than a turbo brainlet

              • 8 months ago

                >fun is a buzzword, the post
                What a miserable homosexual

              • 8 months ago

                most reddit post i've read in a while

              • 8 months ago

                >most reddit post i've read in a while
                Aaw. Are people making fun of you honey?

              • 8 months ago

                Yaaaas, you sass on him, sister!

              • 8 months ago

                You no ah wheel!

              • 8 months ago

                >Spoken like a true midwit
                Highly intellectual person here. Most philosophers point to meaning and purpose being a higher ideal than happiness. At best, a misreading of what's left of the works of Epicurus could point to a goal of happiness.
                Therefore, as someone with an extraordinarily high IQ, I feel it more than adequate to determine you are in fact, no more than a turbo brainlet

                This is why men generally suck at happy endings in fiction. Men, especially intellectual men, have a hard time believing in happiness. Anything joyful rings untrue, or small, or naive. Though the Bible does say, to increase knowledge is to increase sorrow. The flipside, "ignorance is bliss"

              • 8 months ago

                Wise people are happy. You’re stupid if you think being smart results in misery.

                Negativity, pessimism, and cynicism are synonymous with wisdom or intellect. Evil is not more truthful than good. Evil things happen and good things happen.

                You choose to focus on evil and say since you’ve seen bad things, therefore that is the true nature of it. But that’s not the case and never will be the case. Things grow. Good people do bad things, and bad people do good things. Believing that since you focus on the bad makes you smarter than someone who
                observes the bad and the good collectively is just a pathetic excuse for you to justify your suffering and pathetic life.

                Wise people are happy. This justification that misery is from observing the truth and being an intellectual is just as bullshit as people who are “smart” but work shitty jobs and have amassed no wealth, nor created something of value and substance. Just because you read or did well in school does not make you smart.

                You’re only smart if you can take what you learn and understand, and then use it to benefit yourself and others in real situations.

                Believing the truth has to be negative and happiness is a facade is your own personal delusion. It sounds like a difficult burden to carry that is easily alleviated.

              • 8 months ago

                > just as bullshit as people who are “smart” but work shitty jobs and have amassed no wealth, nor created something of value and substance.
                9 times out of 10 those people were traumatized to the degree they just avoid people as much as possible regardless of the kinds of moneyhomosexual outcomes that could befall them.

                I’ve suffered so much because of other people that I don’t care what reward is on the other side of networking and cringingly ingratiating myself to other people to get financial rewards from it. I feel a very low level of anger whenever I’m in crowded public areas

              • 8 months ago

                It's funny cuz you're a projecting mentally ill homosexual who's entire identity revolves around the fact that they live in Thailand. That's why you get so buttblasted by anything even slightly negative said about Thailand, because you take it personally. have a nice day. Here's your (You).

              • 8 months ago

                I don’t live in Thailand wtf are you talking about you dumb animal jfl

              • 8 months ago

                >Ive suffered so much because of other people
                You're a pussy who blames other people for your shortcomings

                >Wise people are happy. You’re stupid if you think being smart results in misery.
                >Negativity, pessimism, and cynicism are synonymous with wisdom or intellect. Evil is not more truthful than good. Evil things happen and good things happen.
                >You choose to focus on evil and say since you’ve seen bad things, therefore that is the true nature of it. But that’s not the case and never will be the case. Things grow. Good people do bad things, and bad people do good things. Believing that since you focus on the bad makes you smarter than someone who
                >observes the bad and the good collectively is just a pathetic excuse for you to justify your suffering and pathetic life.
                >Wise people are happy. This justification that misery is from observing the truth and being an intellectual is just as bullshit as people who are “smart” but work shitty jobs and have amassed no wealth, nor created something of value and substance. Just because you read or did well in school does not make you smart.
                >You’re only smart if you can take what you learn and understand, and then use it to benefit yourself and others in real situations.
                >Believing the truth has to be negative and happiness is a facade is your own personal delusion. It sounds like a difficult burden to carry that is easily alleviated
                This probably sounds intelligent to stupid people

                At least I'm happy. I have everything I need, can afford the things I want, have a family that loves me, and have never had an issue finding women who fall in love with me.

                It's the kind of 'deep' thinking you would expect to hear from some 19 year olds YouTube video where they are exploring the 'real' Thailand AKA some of the most developed areas of downtown Bangkok. Some of the people on this board actually don't realize just how stupid they sound.

                >t. schizoid

                It's the opposite of deep thinking. It's basic observation that if you're not happy, it's probably your fault. And using intelligence as an excuse to be miserable, or using cynicism to feign intellect, is laughable.

                But it's cool, you live your life and I'll continue providing for my family, being able to afford gifts for my friends, and being happy while traveling the world.

                Maybe one day I'll be broke and have nothing, and when that day comes I'll just get back up and continue living happily.

                I'm gonna replying to this thread now. Good luck with your lives anons.

              • 8 months ago

                >Wise people are happy. You’re stupid if you think being smart results in misery.
                >Negativity, pessimism, and cynicism are synonymous with wisdom or intellect. Evil is not more truthful than good. Evil things happen and good things happen.
                >You choose to focus on evil and say since you’ve seen bad things, therefore that is the true nature of it. But that’s not the case and never will be the case. Things grow. Good people do bad things, and bad people do good things. Believing that since you focus on the bad makes you smarter than someone who
                >observes the bad and the good collectively is just a pathetic excuse for you to justify your suffering and pathetic life.
                >Wise people are happy. This justification that misery is from observing the truth and being an intellectual is just as bullshit as people who are “smart” but work shitty jobs and have amassed no wealth, nor created something of value and substance. Just because you read or did well in school does not make you smart.
                >You’re only smart if you can take what you learn and understand, and then use it to benefit yourself and others in real situations.
                >Believing the truth has to be negative and happiness is a facade is your own personal delusion. It sounds like a difficult burden to carry that is easily alleviated
                This probably sounds intelligent to stupid people

              • 8 months ago

                It's the kind of 'deep' thinking you would expect to hear from some 19 year olds YouTube video where they are exploring the 'real' Thailand AKA some of the most developed areas of downtown Bangkok. Some of the people on this board actually don't realize just how stupid they sound.

                >t. schizoid

        • 8 months ago

          i just want to grow and smoke some weed in a place where my yankee dollar streches a mile and then some. is there a more optimized location for this tomfoolery? good medical facilities would be nice and i have some serious ED so cooming isnt really a priorty

    • 8 months ago

      >Am I going to look back at years of anonymous coom and partying and feel like it meant anything?
      I'm not here to tell you how to live your life, but I seem to recall an interview where an elderly A. J. Ayer or Bernard Williams or someone like that was asked about his regrets and said something like "I wish I'd had more sex." This definitely helped me make up my mind when I went on my first coom trip.

      • 8 months ago

        Sex, like any other activity, gets boring the more you do it and the more jaded you get.

  18. 8 months ago

    Holy shit, you weren't kidding about the road accident death rate. Why is it so much worse in Thailand than surrounding countries?

    • 8 months ago

      It's because cars hit people. Nothing else. If you think the law or culture has anything to do with it, you're a racist brainlet!

    • 8 months ago

      >it's lighter the map, the Whiter the country.

    • 8 months ago

      notice how most of them are from big cities
      city dwellers are entitled fricks

      • 8 months ago

        ThaiBlack folk are the biggest goalpost shifters. They can never accept fault. Literally have a nice day.

        • 8 months ago

          what goalpost Black person
          I never disagree with him

    • 8 months ago

      Its a buddhist thing. Nepal is the same. They think if they die it is what it is. Namaste. Just let go.

    • 8 months ago

      >Holy shit, you weren't kidding about the road accident death rate. Why is it so much worse in Thailand than surrounding countries?
      Becuz of fayce

      • 8 months ago

        This but unironically

        • 8 months ago

          >This but unironically
          Yeh, they dun wanna luuz fayce so dey smash der bikes and dye

    • 8 months ago

      gay thread for gay people

    • 8 months ago

      Haha ploy go splat

  19. 8 months ago

    Go Vietnam instead. I know a guy who moved to Vietnam and is so happy.
    I visited Thailand, its a tourist trap. I still fricking loved it; but I hear Vietnam is better now.

  20. 8 months ago

    Honestly, I have never been religious at all, but Thailand is a godless country. I've been living here. How I wish I could come as pic related on this country.

    • 8 months ago

      You and me both brother.

      • 8 months ago

        For me, the Thailand experience most closely resembles mad max. I agree with the sentiments voiced here. For me, I've only had nice experiences here, but overall, Thailand is the definition of soulless. I've been to Indonesia, and it was a breath of fresh air really. Random people conversed with me, showed me the art they made, didn't understand a word they were saying, but they just smiled at me and kept going. It's how Thailand used to be before globalism. Sri Lanka is the same by the way, extremely friendly people, who have soul.

  21. 8 months ago

    Great place to live if you like mass shootings

  22. 8 months ago

    thread reminds me of people who go to Japan to live and complain about being an outsider. you ARE an outsider. I can't fault how I was treated in Thailand on a surface level. I didn't have many conversations beyond basic pleasantries but that's to be expected. I can say that people would stop in the street to help me; that servers at restaurants would use google translate on their phone to ask where I was from; that I was invited to watch Muay Thai in small villages as the only foreigner. I struggle to think of a single negative interaction I had over 6 months there, but being a Chiang Mai gay may give me rose coloured glasses.

    • 8 months ago

      Is the dating decent in Chiang Mai? I would like to find a wife within my 5 year Elite Visa. I can extend it but would rather find a wife.

      • 8 months ago

        I was there with my (European) wife, so I’m not sure, but there’s some big universities around, and a serous lack of working girls unless you go looking for them. If you want to find a wife in Thailand it seemed like a great middle ground- not the actual hookers in Bangkok, Pattaya etc, nor the aspirational hookers in Issan/villages. Just normal, friendly people.

        • 8 months ago

          Sounds good. I wanted my main place in Chiang Mai to have access everything and thought about visiting the big four in Isaan. Ubon Ratchatani looked kind of bad in videos so may skip there

      • 8 months ago

        I was there with my (European) wife, so I’m not sure, but there’s some big universities around, and a serous lack of working girls unless you go looking for them. If you want to find a wife in Thailand it seemed like a great middle ground- not the actual hookers in Bangkok, Pattaya etc, nor the aspirational hookers in Issan/villages. Just normal, friendly people.

        please stop feeling entitled to Thai university women

        • 8 months ago

          >a thread of genuine thai reddit cringe

        • 8 months ago

          >I hate those farangs too in farangland!!

          Sound like another schizoid. I was the first one to mention having a diagnosis on this page. Thailand is heaven for people like us. Singapore is good, too, but much more expensive. Asia, in general, tbh.

          <<From a forum topic, Are Many Thais Rude Or Lacking Developed Nation's Common Sense

          Schizoids and Schisophrenic sociopaths, a match made in heaven!

          • 8 months ago

            Interesting perspective. I actually feel this when I’m in Thailand. I feel like I’m doing a stage play when I’m in public.

          • 8 months ago

            dont you think this describes most people more generally?

            Black folk will shoot you for stepping on their basketball shoes because basketball shoes are a lynchpin of their identity

            millions of people killed with children with poisonous shots. they called you racist if you were afraid of covid, then suddenly said you're racist if you DONT care about covid 2 weeks later. they say it's so dangerous you CANNOT go to work, except if you work at mcdonalds, then... well mcdonalds is so important you HAVE to work even if the doctors and police stop working.

            millions of people. half of the entire world did this insanity. then pretended it never happened.

            we're talking about something they 'claimed' was life and death. if they cannot even act rationally about life and death, theyre clearly not sentient

            I don't think this is an asian thing, my dude. it happened to us too. most of the posters on these forums are just complaining about stupid cultural shit.

            • 8 months ago

              I've felt quite similar about that. Also keep this in mind on why it can seem like Thai are worse: vast majority of the world's information is in languages other than Thai. Thai people then don't have access to the same information outlets as the rest of us. A common tactic is to isolate people and try to brainwash them.
              If they're more isolated then they're easier to manipulate and abuse.
              Like mormons.

    • 8 months ago

      >spending 6 months in Chiang Mai have me rose colored glasses
      No shit. There's a reason why long term expats who have lived here for over a decade are so jaded. You are the kind of foreigner they see as a cashcow to be milked and you just don't realize it because you've had minimal real interactions with Thai people. Thailand and Japan are not even comparable. In fact the difference is about 15 IQ points on average.

      • 8 months ago

        yeah, a real cash cow paying 60 baht/less than 2 USD per meal; $50USD a month for a bike & 100USD per month for unlimited one on one Muay Thai. Even if you're right, I don't care- it's literal peanuts, and in return they are friendly. You also ignore all the unsolicited, unrewarded help I received, & the invites I received after money had changed hands/for no money at all. Everyone needs money to live, that's a fact of life, but when it comes to CM- the hassle vs the amount paid is better than anywhere else in the world. It's peanuts and you aren't scammed. Tell me where it's better? I've been aIl over SEA, East Asia, Central Asia, Middle East and Europe. If you're on a budget you can't beat it. Maybe some central American or African shithole has a better ease of living/friendliness to cost ratio, but I doubt it.

        • 8 months ago

          >Tell me where it's better
          Rural america, unironically

          • 8 months ago

            This is a lie. I live in rural America and it is still incredibly expensive compared to CM. People are nicer, but the city slime is oozing further and further out.

            • 8 months ago

              No it's not. You can get a house in Appalachia or other smaller towns for as little as $100-200k. You're just a midwit.

              • 8 months ago

                you can get them cheaper in CM, moron

              • 8 months ago

                You can get a substandard house for cheaper. If you want a house built up to western standards it will have a western price tag. The construction industry is so globalized there really isn't that big of a price difference anymore. Add on top of that the fact that you can't own the land and you have to live in the third world. Also, foreigners are almost always blamed in one way shape or form politically as well, so the future is highly uncertain. Learn Thai and listen to some of the shit they say. The Thai people hate foreigners that want to live here.

              • 8 months ago

                Even areas far from employment in America are seeing more second home buyers driving up prices, especially in the Appalachians.

          • 8 months ago

            >Walmart, Black folk, highways, emptiness and x10 cost of living vs CM
            Ok bud.

            • 8 months ago

              And that’s not even getting started on the women, alcohol and food.

            • 8 months ago

              Most of rural America is devoid of Black folk. There only like 13% of the population and mostly cities. Ironic since they were brought here as farm equipment

          • 8 months ago

            >Roorul Amerika
            If only you could see how moronic the people are we find ourselves debating you wouldn't even leave a reply

  23. 8 months ago

    anon if you dont coom unironically move to Nepal(Pokhara,Kathmandu) than thailand.sure we dont have the high tech infrastructures but we have picrel like enough

    • 8 months ago

      Better food and healthcare in Thailand

      • 8 months ago

        ok i cant argue on that but health care is cheap af in here

  24. 8 months ago

    I really wish the Brits, Russians, Indians, and Chinese would leave for good. These four demographics are the absolute worst and ruin what could be a nice country. None of you fricks ever learn the language and you're all sociopathic and or schizophrenic freaks.

    • 8 months ago

      Truth. And Aussie are also shitty
      As an American I'm biased but I really think Americans make the best expats.

  25. 8 months ago

    I'm 26, left the USA and it was a 200% improvement. Met my girlfriend in Philippines, and we moved to Eastern Europe. Not gonna say where, but we've been around. Give Thailand a try, maybe you'll like it.

    • 8 months ago

      How can I stay long term in the Philippines now that the 35 year old retirement visa is gone?

  26. 8 months ago


    Because it won’t be hooker pussy

    • 8 months ago

      It doesn't have to be. Swedish girls, English girls, Korean girls, Japanese girls. They all come here and they're all looking to bang because they want in because of the fomo. I don't think you're quite understanding the energy of this place. So stay the frick out!

  27. 8 months ago

    Moved here this year in March. Didn't even question it twice. Best decision of my life. So many lays and so little months. Cheap delivery food. Sauna, pool, steam room, everything under 500USD a month. That girl's here, got girls outside of Thailand as well. It's a great place because they're always willing to visit. Any single man can live well here.

    • 8 months ago

      As someone who was sensitive and "saw" a hot poly woman, idk bro i don't want to do the reverse of that to someone else.

      conversely she had trouble forming long term relationships...

    • 8 months ago

      Frick you dude.

    • 8 months ago

      >consumerism and one night stands is a life worth living

      Imagine never moving up the ladder from physiological needs

    • 8 months ago

      >Moved here this year in March. Didn't even question it twice. Best decision of my life.
      bangkok or elsewhere?

  28. 8 months ago
  29. 8 months ago

    IDK im here right now and it's like

    sure its a bit haard to adjust at first but i feel soooo goood. maybe its the sun :3

  30. 8 months ago


    yeah but they can be your prostitute baka jfc.

    did you not have a family growing up or something

  31. 8 months ago

    One night in Bangkok, and the world’s your oyster
    The bars are temples, and the blowjobs are free
    You’ll find a god in every golden cloister
    And if you’re lucky, then the god’s a he/she
    SighSee can feel a ladyboy sliding up to he

  32. 8 months ago

    >I live in Britain and I'm sick to death of this shitty, grey, cripplingly-expensive dump full of miserable, angry, ugly people.
    Just pull a lord miles and just keep the UK passport but always be adventuring.

  33. 8 months ago

    Bros my girlfriend has a real life and is busy most of the time working or at school

  34. 8 months ago

    For anyone working in IT within Thailand. How did you do it?

    I could really use some advice if I want to explore the idea of moving from Australia to Thailand. Happy to learn the language and be involved in whatever community activities are around.

    • 8 months ago

      I'd like to know also but details are scarce: I'm always a bit skeptical when guys mention that and it turns out they're freelancing on Fiveer (at best).
      US based companies will not work with an American SWE outside the US because of the tax implications, security concerns having their proprietary code base being accessed outside the US and the time zone differential of 12-15 hours and if he's working with a US team he'll basically be working from 9PM to 5AM.

      I work in cyber security with a M.Sc. and various certifications and would love to earn my USD salary while working in SEA. I recently saw a story on IG where this guy posted his typical "work day" and he basically opened his laptop at a table for an hour or so while sipping thai whiskey with other "nomads" and then spent the rest of the "workday" slacklining and playing frisbee on the beach and apparently worked in "cybersecurity" when I raised the same questions mentioned above; I got called a hater and was blocked.

      • 8 months ago

        Honestly in your case, you could just work for a local company. Cybersecurity is an internationao skill that will come with an international paycheck in Thailand. Companies like Agoda, binance, CMC, and many others have offices in Thailand hiring SWEs and security specialists. Only downside if you'd be more likely to have to live in Bangkok.

        • 8 months ago

          Can one get hired without speaking Thai? Is it hard to find companies that will sponsor you for a work visa?

          • 8 months ago

            Yep. Most international companies in Bangkok require you to speak English. Also foreigners almost always get paid way more then thais, and Thai people are very well aware of this fact. Companies prefer to hire (white) farang generally.

      • 8 months ago

        Oh I’m cyber-security too. Just a lowly analyst.

        • 7 months ago

          What certifications do you have?

  35. 8 months ago

    >I live in Britain and I'm sick to death of this shitty
    I have been back barely 12 hours (slept most of that) and man I'm fricking finished with this shithole this time already. So glad I am fricking off again in just over a week, albeit to somewhere in Europe so it's gonna be same shit but at least the weather will be nicer. This was my experience so far:

    No where to refill water at train station and it'll be £2 for a bottle frick you, train station ticket machine only wanted to sell me a £55 ticket as "the cheapest option" instead of a £15 one I could clearly see online on my phone (ofc I got the online one, which I also could not get through their official app so I had to piss around on my phone for a while to get it), fricking homeless looking chav c**t pestering for money, trash all over and no one cares, having to listen to some moron argue with everyone for ages because he missed his train, carriage full of drunk football morons the whole train back, no wifi or mobile signal for 90% of the train journey, passive aggressive black taxi driver cause I didn't tip a <5min trip

    If you live in the UK, contribute and pay taxes, you're basically a terrorist at this point because you're stopping this fricking dump from having a final collapse and putting us all out of our misery

    • 8 months ago

      Coming back to England actually gave me clinical depression.

  36. 8 months ago

    Just spent the last 18 hours sleeping more or less, 12 of those in my bed more or less with a drunk bargirl for free more or less. Really conked out. I gave her 1000 as she left but she said she didn't want it.

    Yet, outside my window on the street far below I can hear this falang crowd at a restaurant and it is the most annoying sound possible. Between the muffles bass beats of the music their indistinct rapid chatter carries up to my window along with ten's of people doing these almost forced sounding laughs "HA HA HA HA HA HA" belonging to white men or sometimes sounds like an asian woman which is especially cringe inducing. Whaf the frick do they have to be so cornily happy and extroverted about? That they are in Bangkok HAHAHAHA? It's only a Wednesday night for frick sakes, can they stop with the rapid chatter?These people need to find a better way to let off some steam.

    • 8 months ago

      You write like a shittier Edgar Allen Poe and I hope you die just like him

      • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        His wikipedia article is interesting, especially the cooper part. He was killed by some coopers, unlike you, which is just a coper. You are so angry that I am the anti-tourist and openly mock tourists and their vain ways and overpriced eateries. And that I am always on the lookout for a 1000baht deal. I channel the spirit of an american vietnam boy on military vacation, the type of man that made this country what it is today, indeed I am some sort of ethereal saint. Amazed at how quickly I turn 'native', like a boomer bum in Cambodia, you can only cope at my sly obervations and how I keenly navigate cultures like a snake. Those young annoying anglos left. Damn them.

        • 8 months ago

          Based literary SighSee, would have a beer with

          • 8 months ago

            Why are you samegayging? Your posts follow the same pattern as in the Thailand General

            >incomprehensible schizo babbling no one cares about
            >no one replies
            >”based I’d have a beer with you”

            Frick off

            • 8 months ago

              I don’t know why you samegaygint accusers even bother. A simple screen shot and I put you to the e-sword for false testimony.

  37. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      Perfect frickin skin tone. Black crop top and far right would be a delightful sensual treat

      • 8 months ago

        Very few Thais naturally look like that. Lol you fell for the ole combo of skin bleaching and high contrast photo edit trick.

        • 8 months ago

          The ones that do are often from the North though. They are basically Chinese

        • 7 months ago

          tbh i think they'd look even better with brown skin. so i win either way.

    • 8 months ago

      Sexond from left

  38. 8 months ago

    Thailand is dirty af

  39. 8 months ago

    What's good clothing to wear in hot humid tropical countries?
    I prefer long pants and shirts because they also block sun but not sure about: color, material, fit (tight vs lose).

    • 8 months ago

      I’m assuming you mean for casual wear. You can keep your pants but for tops shorter sleeves are good. An option are block coloured hawaiian shirts. They are extremely popular in SEA now. I’m reasonably built and I personally wear them a size up because its more casual that way. Avoid actual hawaiian prints unless you wanna scream to the world you’re a tourist. For material a high quality polyester is sufficient, but when meeting girls I prefer cotton because it visually looks softer and more comfy. I got the shirt in pic for like 200 baht on Shopee and I wear it to temples and to clubs

  40. 8 months ago

    What's Chiang Mai like during smoke season? seems like it doesn't make sense to stay there year round. Is there a better alternative other than Bangkok? Beaches distract me.

  41. 8 months ago
  42. 7 months ago

    Expat here;

    Thailand shmailand, move where ever you want but be prepared for all kinds of things. Like for me in the beginning the shittiest thing was the money transfers and spending without feeling like I'm scammed because of the conversion rates, Whether cash exchange or card spending. So get yourself a crypto debit card like CDC or cymi's card
    You will thank me later

    • 7 months ago

      As if they dont take a cut of the crypto value? Are you kidding me? The banks get a cut, the atms get a cut. Everything gets a cut

      You would NEED to give them a cut simply because of the counterparty tisk of holding any currency that isnt usd. They take a cut of the usd just to frick you.

    • 7 months ago

      western union to yourself from your home country bank account. i guess you are just advertising some shit crypto debit card but western union in asia is cheap on exchange cost and you can collect cash wherever you go.

    • 7 months ago

      Just get a Wise card unless you are a russian Black person, in which case just have a nice day

  43. 7 months ago

    >back in the US
    >Tinder is showing me hot girls instead of the fat wiggers it usually does, because Thailand raised my elo so much

    I don't know why I stay in this country where I'm basically worthless and invisible.

  44. 7 months ago

    Thailand is the largest tourist country in Asia, but South Korea is the country where Thais want to travel the most. The funny thing is that there are about 150,000 to 200,000 Thai immigrants in South Korea, and roughly 70% of Thai immigrants in South Korea are illegal immigrants.

    • 7 months ago

      A lot of those illegals are "massage" workers

  45. 7 months ago

    Whatever you do, do not get involved with drugs in Thailand. Thai justice system is very strict and Thai prisons are a nightmare.


  46. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      What's cringe,?

  47. 7 months ago

    had to take doxycycline and fluconazole after being here a few weeks, for bacterial and fungal acne...

    now adding in probiotics. i did a antibiotic gel first but it just exposed me to the fungal acne so...

    girlfriend still nice to me the whole time and im about cured. what a sweetheart

  48. 7 months ago

    I wanted to visit first before seriously considering moving there. I haven't been to anywhere in SEA yet. I'm highly prone to mosquito bites though and shit like malaria and dengue freak me out.

    • 7 months ago

      Malaria is not endemic in most of Thailand. As for dengue, it's a small risk but mosquito repellent is cheap enough

    • 7 months ago

      took me maybe 40 days to fully adjust to the climate, food, etc.

      like i don't wash my face usually in america was fine, perfect skin. came here and big mistake fug

      • 7 months ago

        im sitting in probably 85F with high humidity and feels cool for example

  49. 7 months ago

    Is there anywhere else in the world that does happy ending massages?

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