Oh no no no no, passport bros

Oh no no no no, passport bros…

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Ape Out Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 months ago

    I didn't have to import a wife I just worked at a place with a lot of J1 visa workers and married once of them

  2. 4 months ago

    Lol this cope. I wouldn’t do it, but pretending like these situations don’t favour the men is delusional

  3. 4 months ago

    you can taste the salt

  4. 4 months ago

    >nooooo pls settle down with my noncommital relationship having totally gonna metoo you for not doing the dishes and having a verbal argument about me paying my share of the expenses ass you area being a racist incel!!!!

  5. 4 months ago

    >Joanna Henderson
    no comment

  6. 4 months ago

    Importing anyone into France is evil, I want to export myself and get out of this sinking ship.

    In fact I have the opposite problem.

    I want to expat myself and stay there even if i get a ''lower'' wage (wages in China are actually like 30% higher than in France in my domain, even in fricking Thailand it's barely like 40% lower, and that is without counting remote work) on paper even when counting ''benefits'' of France (free healthcare is irrelevant when the quality is terrible, free education is 3rd world tier, etc).
    The problem I have when i go abroad is that women tell me ''Bling me to your countly! Please! I want to see Flance beautifur countly yes' give me passpolt'' so i tell them no you will be disappointed, i want to stay in your Asian country, marry you and get visa. Then they don't understand and get mad at me for some reason, they think i am making fun of them when i say France is a shithole country, but I am not. What can i do about this, SighSee?

    • 4 months ago

      Thirdies just have a really hard time understanding the concept of purchasing power i think. Not even getting into housing prices, Paris centered job market, or the prices and reality of cheap housing in the Paris area, their brain melts when you try to explain.
      When you tell them you are much better off with 1k a month in their country than 1k8 over here, or they are better with their 600/m than they would be here with a 1k2/m min wage. Then they start breaking down and calling you names, thinking you're trolling. But in reality they have no idea how lucky they are. I have seen this many times on SighSee.

      • 4 months ago

        What's worse is older generations are even more clueless. A lot of the time when thirdies move to first-world countries not only are they hit by the reality of first-world prices but also their parents will pressure them into sending back a big chunk of their remaining income. The parents assume their kids must be living a life of luxury and if the kid tells them otherwise they'll accuse them of lying to keep the money for themselves.

        What I don't get is that why when thirdies end up in that situation they don't go back home. It's not uncommon for thirdies to continue living in squalor, bunking up together with a ton of other thirdies like this:

        • 4 months ago

          I assume it's the ''honor'' culture of not disappointing your parents, doing everything they say, obeying your family, not bringing them shame, etc. They'd rather pretend they're rich and live like shit just so their parents back home look good. One good thing I can say about France for once is that we don't have to deal with that and are allowed to be pretty independent at least.

        • 4 months ago

          Many Serbs stay in west because they dont want to be mocked on. My father for example mocks people for moving out of country

    • 4 months ago

      >What can i do about this, SighSee?
      Tell them Paris is filled with blacks and smells like piss and it's not at all romantic like the TV shows. Thirdies, especially Asians, have an incredibly naive view of the West. Imagine explaining things to a child.

      • 4 months ago

        Yeah true you'd think they'd be aware of it by now with Paris syndrome but I guess it didn't spread that much

  7. 4 months ago
  8. 4 months ago

    I'm importing a wife and frick you

  9. 4 months ago

    I will import a cute Vietnamese or Thai girlfriend and I will be happy.

  10. 4 months ago

    >coalburners are idiots, they will get beaten or murdered, i’ve seen it happen many times

  11. 4 months ago

    It’s right though it goes to shit like 80% of the time. I dated like 10 or so Japanese girls in what I’d consider a real relationship. How many of them would I marry? Fricking zero. Too much incompatibility. You’re telling me some dude’s gonna marry some chick from a different culture he met for two weeks on vacation and actually expect it to work out long term? Nah man you’re playing Russian roulette with 5 rounds loaded. I hear it all the time too.
    >waah, she never told me she’s a former prostitute
    >waah, she never told me that she thinks sleeping in the same bed is weird.
    >waah, she never told me that she expects me to be at work all day instead of spending time with my own kids
    Yeah because you never asked her what she thought these things before you got married, dipshit.

  12. 4 months ago

    Why are normies talking about SighSee users all of a sudden

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