Places that surprised you while you were there

In a good way or a bad way

>in a good way
St. Petersburg Russia
the city planners in the 18th century tried and succeeded to outdo every other capital in Europe in monumentality

>in a bad way
Sweden and Finland (granted, only been to cities)
boring and grey even in the summer, maybe they're a nice places to live idk

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  1. 7 months ago

    In a bad way, Europe in general. Blacks and fast food everywhere, except with baroque architecture. Give me a fricking break.

    • 7 months ago

      Thank the US for making each and every refugee crisis.

      I have no desire to see Russia. They have terrible weather. It's gloomy and run down. The government is insanely corrupt. The big cities all have serious crime problems. The food is notoriously bad. And the cities are super isolated. Crossing the border is a nightmare. Ask Brittany Griner about it. I'd much rather go to Tallin Estonia than St Petersburg.

      >Ask Brittany Griner about it.
      the one who willingly crossed borders with drugs? wow she had a hard time? you don't say.

      Let's be real. She was an international athlete who got caught with residue from a CBD vape pen. Russia gave her 9 years in jail. It was all a stunt so that Russia could negotiate the release of an international arms dealer who sold weapons to Islamic terrorists. So if we're talking about morals and standards, we're really talking about Russia kidnapping an athlete for leverage to have an international terrorist released from jail. I'm not sure Russia can claim the high ground on that one. lol

      let's be real, Americans love their black people. Remember those shop lifters "teens" in China? yeah they got released too. For socioeconomic reasons I'm sure.

      • 7 months ago

        Racism is not ok.

      • 6 months ago

        There wasn't even any real "crisis", whole boatloads of men just shipped themselves over cause they heard you'd just let them in and you did

      • 6 months ago

        Sports are a business worth billions in America, (college sports are more popular than pro in some states) that's like a china holding billions of dollars for ransom

  2. 7 months ago

    Looks like a total ugly third world shithole in the pic you posted, almost Indian tier

  3. 7 months ago

    I have no desire to see Russia. They have terrible weather. It's gloomy and run down. The government is insanely corrupt. The big cities all have serious crime problems. The food is notoriously bad. And the cities are super isolated. Crossing the border is a nightmare. Ask Brittany Griner about it. I'd much rather go to Tallin Estonia than St Petersburg.

    • 7 months ago

      Are you talking about the Black person who attempted to smuggle illegal drugs into the country and then acted like she shouldn't be responsible for her own behavior because the west has no standards anymore so no one should?

      • 7 months ago

        Let's be real. She was an international athlete who got caught with residue from a CBD vape pen. Russia gave her 9 years in jail. It was all a stunt so that Russia could negotiate the release of an international arms dealer who sold weapons to Islamic terrorists. So if we're talking about morals and standards, we're really talking about Russia kidnapping an athlete for leverage to have an international terrorist released from jail. I'm not sure Russia can claim the high ground on that one. lol

        • 7 months ago

          So did she or didn't she possess illegal substances when crossing an international border?

          • 7 months ago

            That's why you don't go to a backwards third world country like Russia. The science on marijuana for treating pain is irrefutable. It's reasonable for a pro athlete to have a small amount of CBD oil on them. The Russians even admitted she only had residue. Griner lives in a state where weed is legal for recreational use. The fact that Russia would send an international professional and Olympic athlete to jail for 9 years is outrageous. Everyone on earth knew it was a ploy to get that terrorist arms dealer released in a prison swap. It's not an isolated incident. That's why no one should visit Russia.

            • 7 months ago

              So did she or didn't she cross borders knowingly with illegal drugs in her possession?

              • 7 months ago

                I would argue that she didn't. I don't think residue in a vape pen constitutes possession of drugs. A 9 year sentence for residue is outrageous and inhumane. Russia held 2 US marines in chains on a floor with rats and forced him to piss and shit in a bucket for a year for getting drunk in a bar. You live in a a third world hellhole. It's not safe for foreign tourists in Russia, especially Americans.

            • 7 months ago

              Frick that ogre b***h. Refusing to stand for the anthem.

              And even if it is "residue" fricking stupid do you have to be careful not to bring any drugs or drug paraphenelia acrosd international borders.

    • 7 months ago

      You forgot to add that we also don't like homosexuals (like you) here.

    • 7 months ago

      >I'd much rather go to Tallin Estonia than St Petersburg.

      • 7 months ago

        Petersburg looks like a total ugly third world shithole in the pic you posted, almost Indian tier

    • 6 months ago

      You also have to deal with russians, which is guaranteed to be a horrible experience with the biggest subhumans in the world outside of africa. Unless you flatter and kissass them into showing hospitality as they get drunk on their farts you're in for a very miserable experience dealing with universally dishonest, neurotic, thin skinned and underhanded people you can imagine.

      • 6 months ago

        Russia is apparently starting to require an "oath of faithfulness" as a visa requirement. No visa for you unless you promise to worship Pootin and will not say anything about the war.

      • 6 months ago

        >dealing with universally dishonest, neurotic, thin skinned and underhanded people you can imagine.
        Those were the people that survive under the Czar, Commies, and the fall of the nineties, and now under Putin. Although I met nice Russians those tended to be emigrés

        • 6 months ago

          Maybe its the other way around. Maybe Russians are inherently incapable of good government because they can't help but be corrupt, backstabbing buttholes when in any position of power.

          • 6 months ago

            That's rich coming from a w*stoid

  4. 7 months ago

    Most of SEA minus the Philippines. Actually quite modern and developed with nice people
    Most of Europe. Shittier version off-brand discount version of the USA. Take away the city centres filled with muslims and LGBT flags, all you have are wannabe US suburbs and US chain stores but everything is worse

    • 7 months ago

      Once again, the American who has never left his home state posts /misc/ memes.

      • 7 months ago

        Cry all you want can't refute it because it is true. There's a reason why all Euros use US English websites instead of their own.

        And this is what Madrid looks like outside of the historic centre.
        No grass, no trees, ugly housing, car dependent, only US stores.
        Difference between Spain and the USA is that Americans have big houses, nice cars and much more nature and living space.

      • 6 months ago

        Why do you always do this every single time someone says something negative about europe?

        • 6 months ago

          Cry all you want can't refute it because it is true. There's a reason why all Euros use US English websites instead of their own.

          And this is what Madrid looks like outside of the historic centre.
          No grass, no trees, ugly housing, car dependent, only US stores.
          Difference between Spain and the USA is that Americans have big houses, nice cars and much more nature and living space.

          What kind of fed is writing this tripe? European suburbs are pretty different from american ones. They’re much more urban, they have greater interspersion of stores and such, and in northwestern europe have access to piblic transport

          Spain is historically a balkan tier shithole country that got huge EU development subsidies and still couldnt catch up. It has public transport in Madrid and BCN but it really sucks there too even. Everywhere else you need a car like in the balkans.

          Even so, in any suburb you have access to more amenities than you would in an american suburb. In america, the zoning laws stop any stores from appearing.

          Furthermore, you’re lying about the city centers being filled with immigrants. The US is filled eith immogrants, suburbs included, but europe is much micer and safer.

          T. Lived in europe for 6 years

      • 6 months ago

        He's right. You shouldn't be bringing up /misc/ out of the blue like that if you're gonna just advertise it to people with such efficacy.

  5. 7 months ago

    How is Europe even considered developed?
    If someone told me this was Brazil I'd believe them.

    • 7 months ago

      Can play that game too muttdog

      • 7 months ago

        If you said that was Brazil no one would believe you. That looks like the US for sure.
        But the other anon's picture looks far less cherry-picked. Yours looks like a professional urban poverty porn picture.

        • 7 months ago

          Every single house in the UK looks like that too, albeit with better maintained sidewalks I guess.

          • 7 months ago

            No they don't

        • 6 months ago

          You wouldnt believe it because you’ve never left your hometown. You’re untraveled.

      • 6 months ago

        Want to see something crazy. That picture was taken in 1997. Here is the same exact spot today. 1000 Half St SE
        Washington, DC

        They tore down that entire area and built The Nationals Baseball Stadium. It's all luxury condos, hospitals, restaurants, luxury hotels a huge casino, and high end shopping.

        • 6 months ago

          Lying israelite. The car in the pic is not from 1997. Brazen lying little yid.

          Why are you trying to discourage anons from traveling to Europe?

          • 6 months ago

            That photo was probably taken sometime between 2005-2008. Tineye says it's been online since 2009 at least. I lived right outside DC at the time they tore it all down. They finished the stadium in about 2008, so it can't be later than 2008.
            Here is the exact spot. You can drop a pin on google maps at 51 I St SE Washington, District of Columbia. On Street view, you can zoom right in on the capitol and the 2 smokestacks. It's insane how that neighborhood changed.

            I'm not the same guy that was badmouthing Europe btw. I like traveling in Europe. I'm headed to Chamonix to snowboard in February.

    • 6 months ago

      >can't even afford travel there
      >gets google streetview of comfy neighborhood
      >calls it "shithole"
      >again too poor to even travel there
      lmao, I'd take Spain over your shithole any day.

  6. 7 months ago

    Philadelphia in a good way
    Philadelphia in a bad way too

    • 6 months ago

      I get it. There are individual streets in Philadelphia that line up with what you're saying.

  7. 7 months ago

    Griner played for the same team in Russia for 8 years, making more money than she made in the WNBA. She should have been smarter about the geo politics, but I doubt she was doing anything she hadn't done in the previous decade.

    The question is: where was her long time Russian team? Look at it how you want, but it was clearly political.

  8. 7 months ago

    >in a good way
    I went in expecting the worst because everyone says its a shithole. Was instead blown away by the grandeur and beauty of the city. People say "it's dirty and gross" as if a city that's over a thousand years old and has a well documented history of being a shithole is meant to be clean and beautiful.
    >in a bad way
    just to stir the pot i'll say the U.S. It's completely jarring to be in a place full of homeless people and literal gangbangers. I remember being in Anchorage and seeing a bunch of Black folk in durags arguing and I thought I was about to get caught in a shootout. Never felt like that before or since.

    • 7 months ago

      Paris surpassed my expectations too; I really had the perfect experience there in spite of what I’d been told to expect. Everything was magical. I only interacted with one immigrant, a Senegalese guy selling voided tickets to the Louvre, and ironically he was the only friendly and interesting person I met in Paris; we still chat on WhatsApp.

    • 6 months ago

      The only people who hate paris are literal sheltered morons who go there with thwir wife for the disney experience. Only to get mugged by groids. Lol. Serves them right.

      The other people who think paris is supposed to be romance magic are dumb roastie travelers.

      If you want a fun asf city with literally endless things to do for young people, paris is where it’s at. You never run out of history either if you’re a nerd. And the people can be really interesting. Tons of hot young college bawds as well from all over the world, you can take yer pick if you’re chad.

      • 6 months ago

        I agree. Do a masters degree in Paris and go live in Cité universitaire and your life quality can improve significantly. But again, life is what you make it so if you stay in your room it won't be better anyway.

    • 6 months ago

      The US is an absolute hellhole third world country. I’ve never seen a place with so many Black folk and insane demonically posessed meth heads running around. Yet the only people who get thrown in jail are like, joe mclaughlin father of 3 for forgetting to pay a parking fine or for owning means of self defense. Trash tier hellscape.

  9. 7 months ago

    Croatia in the best way. I've never seen more beautiful coastline. The people are friendly. The cities are super clean and gorgeous. The food is fricking delicious. It's also cheaper than Italy. It was hard to find anything to complain about, maybe the tourists in Dubrovnik in the afternoon made it a too little crowded? But they all cleared out when the cruise ships left at 4pm. I'm already planning a trip back to do the northern part of Croatia.

  10. 7 months ago

    In a good way:
    LA. I was expecting it to be a bland boring overly corporatized zogland. But i enjoyed the mexican presence there. The mexicsnd were very cool/nice and warm/welcoming. The food was the bomb too.

    In a bad way:
    Croatia..soulless. very "Eu'd". People were milquetoast with no real fire or personality unlike other european countries. Gibs me dat type of culture. Arrogant. Rude. Boring. Coast looked nice sure but it was packed to shit and expensive.

    • 7 months ago

      Mexicans unironically ethnic cleanse black people in LA and got away with it.

    • 6 months ago

      Most of the Croatian Coast is empty coastline and small little towns with 1 or 2 restaurants. You can't go to Dubrovnik for a weekend with no money and get a feel for the whole country.

      If you're poor and moronic, yes, the Mexicans are definitely your people. I'm not suprised you enjoyed them.

      • 6 months ago

        My parents are from there and i been many times. Croatia is dull. Seethe more.

    • 6 months ago

      I’ve heard that croatia cops are buttholes about sailers and try to fine you for gay reasons on purpose

      • 6 months ago

        Dont know about this i know the cops used to be very corrupt but now theyre clean and basically like any other EU cops. I dont drink but i could see them fricking with/robbing drunk people

  11. 7 months ago

    >In a bad way.
    Athens. Such an ugly, dirty city. Nothing but the same grey apartment building copied and pasted for miles. The Acropolis was cool, but that's about it.

    >In a good way
    Rome. Went on the same trip as Athens, and expected it to be a shithole too, but found it to be incredible. Went back this year worried that maybe I was viewing it with rose-tinted glasses, but no, it's still easily the best city I've been to.

    Howth, Ireland. Took a day trip from Dublin here because my gf wanted to see Ireland's Eye. Didn't think much of it, but it ended up being the best place we visited on that trip. If I ever go back to Ireland, it's the only place I feel the need to revisit.

    • 7 months ago

      Howth is fricking awesome, even if it's pretty fricking empty. Wish I had a full day out there to do the cliff trails.

      • 7 months ago

        >even if it's pretty fricking empty.
        That was one of the best parts. Having Ireland's Eye entirely to ourselves for two hours was dope. The cliff trails were great too, and finding the dolmen back in the gardens felt like an actual discovery.

  12. 7 months ago

    >in a good way
    Taiwan. I went with no knowledge of anything other than that they made electronics. Thought it would be factories and pollution. It was awesome.

    >in a bad way
    Sweden. Some germans warned me too. They said living there I'd become an alcoholic and I had no idea why but now I understand. It's the most dire miserable society I've ever seen. Worse vibes than when I visited concentration camps in Poland in the winter.

    • 6 months ago

      The only thing to do in sweden during winter is to go skiing or get drunk with your friends, and ski season is shit until spring anyways. Effectively you’re just gonna be drinking.

      • 6 months ago

        there's nothing to do anytime but yes, especially in winter. skiing is non-existant. swedes dont know what skiing is. they dont have mountains and think the fake shit at romme alpin is skiing. I cant imagine going back to that miserable country.

  13. 7 months ago

    >in a good way
    Lyon and the southeastern French region. If you can avoid the street thugs Marseille is the nicest city on earth and the calanqies are really beautiful.

    >in a bad way
    Sedan. Very depressing.

  14. 6 months ago

    Winnipeg actually surprised me quite a bit. For a city with such a... reputation... I was rather surprised at the things to do, the people I met and by golly the food! The food quality and quantity there is incomparable. Almost every day there I tried a new place, from breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and so many restaurants were shockingly good.
    Otherwise, yea it's kinda ugly and poor but not too awful of a city, just has a crime problem.

  15. 6 months ago

    Sweden and finland both have more of a continental influenced climate than nroway or the west euro countries iirc could be wrong

    Maybe thats why they’re grey. I know finland gets unreasonably cold compared to norwY

  16. 6 months ago

    I'm traveling in Georgia (the country) right now and it's been a real positive surprise so far. It's surprisingly functional and safe and non-scammy. It actually feels more European than some eastern euro shitholes. Add on top genuinely hospitable people, tasty food, and everything being relatively cheap. It makes me wonder why this place is not more well known.

    • 6 months ago

      It's difficult and far to get to from Germany otherwise I'd go there more often. Check pic related. Almost every flight is like that. It filters the normies, including myself.

      • 6 months ago

        I stopped in Istanbul for a full day and got a flight from there in the morning. That was the only non-moronic flying time available.

        • 6 months ago

          Not a bad idea, I might try that if I ever go again.
          I thought about once the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, ends traveling to Georgia through Russia.

          That photo was probably taken sometime between 2005-2008. Tineye says it's been online since 2009 at least. I lived right outside DC at the time they tore it all down. They finished the stadium in about 2008, so it can't be later than 2008.
          Here is the exact spot. You can drop a pin on google maps at 51 I St SE Washington, District of Columbia. On Street view, you can zoom right in on the capitol and the 2 smokestacks. It's insane how that neighborhood changed.

          I'm not the same guy that was badmouthing Europe btw. I like traveling in Europe. I'm headed to Chamonix to snowboard in February.

          >insane how that neighborhood changed
          my urge to say something racist rises,so I'll simply say "no shit"

      • 6 months ago

        Look up flights from Georgian Airways directly, they might not show up on skyscanner. They should have a few flights to/from BER per week.

        • 6 months ago

          Looks like Georgia is back on the menu! Thank you anon.

    • 6 months ago

      Georgia absolutely rules. Unique culture unique food. Beautiful architecture and nature. Great people. Tough motherfrickers.

    • 6 months ago

      Land of wine and chacha. Good for you anon.

  17. 6 months ago

    >bad way
    Tokyo. Full of fat weebs and tourists who went because japan is the new cool spot. tons of lefties and nigs too. what a shit hole

    • 6 months ago

      oh man, SighSee won't like this

      • 6 months ago

        yeah every time I speak the truth about tokyo I always get a bunch of butthurt weebs sperging.
        They never realize they are the equivalent of a japanese dude jacking off to johnny bravo and having a courage the cowardly dog body pillow (ok kinda based)

        • 6 months ago

          >They never realize they are the equivalent of a japanese dude jacking off to johnny bravo and having a courage the cowardly dog body pillow (ok kinda based)
          Sounds based AF thoever.

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