Ranking travel youtubers. 1. Bald and Bankrupt. 2. Kurt Caz. 3. Gabriel the traveler. 4. Harald Baldr. 5. Vagabrothers. 6.

Ranking travel youtubers

1. Bald and Bankrupt
2. Kurt Caz
3. Gabriel the traveler
4. Harald Baldr
5. Vagabrothers
6. Best Ever Food Reviews
7. SerpentZA
8. Psychotraveller
9. PPPeter
10. Shiey

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Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

  1. 9 months ago

    SighSee and SighSee automitacally gives bans for making e celeb threads. I hope it will happen here too soon.

    • 9 months ago

      I certainly hope they will not, I get a lot of good advice on who to watch in here.

    • 9 months ago

      SighSee mods are delusional morons who only ban people who openly complain about them. The only time they ever give an inkling of a shit about their job is when they delete posts mentioning prostitution out of envy or fear of law enforcement probes. SighSee is basically SighSee-lite at this point with the endless country war bait threads and e-celeb shill theads that the mods do nothing about. Also, bald and bankrupt is a sociopath PUA degenerate, go shill your trash somewhere else.

      • 9 months ago

        Most of those people suck. Here's some decent ones.

        1. Sabbatical
        2. Small Brained American

        Also anything disparaging Indians or talking about fricking Indian women. Jannies are a bunch of incel pajeets.

        • 9 months ago

          I dont really know anything other than the first four. Gabriel is probably the best for finding cool spots in a country, seeing how they'd actually be to travel to, and getting good budget travel tips. Bald is by far the most entertaining, while Kurt is a close second. Harald is just okay.

          I liked the video where small brained was shitting on India, but couldn't tell if he was a gay or not. Sabbatical's contrived relaxed personality I dont love

      • 9 months ago

        Don't forget about pajeeta coom posting

      • 9 months ago

        >bald and bankrupt is a sociopath PUA degenerate
        oh no a White man has sex! What a scandal!
        I was on board with you up until then.

        • 9 months ago

          Don't care about sex, that's not the issue. How do you expect me to take someone's commentary seriously if they consider the locals as nothing more than "props". Every single one of his interatctions is hollow and fake. If I want to see a narcissist who sees no value in human life, then I would just watch one of the many free true crime documentaries on YouTube.

          • 9 months ago

            This. I remember him going into this poor village. The people were respectful and nice to him and all he did was talk about "THIS IS THE POOREST REGION IN SLAVASVILLE!" He was literally a broken record about it and incredibly unlikable. No idea how anyone likes this moron. He doesn't even edit his videos so half the time you're watching him doing nothing

        • 9 months ago

          > White
          bald is a israelite

    • 9 months ago

      You only get banned here for insulting India or Indians.

      • 9 months ago

        And Germany and Germans. Last two bans have been for that for me.

      • 8 months ago

        Yes because India superpower 2030 and you India phobic bigots need to be banned.

      • 8 months ago

        I never wanted to visit India but after experiencing this homosexual poojeet mod I now want to go and coom in as many brahmin women as possible. My trip is planned for winter.

    • 9 months ago

      And yet they still refuse to make an eceleb board...

    • 8 months ago

      Tell that to SighSee as well. We need all the Doug DeMuro and Hoovie threads to frick off.

  2. 9 months ago

    >be gabriel traveler
    >travel for 30 years
    >still fall for tourist traps

    this guy is something else

    • 9 months ago

      gabe is based and I don't care what you say

      • 9 months ago

        I just said you he is not good
        Now you must hate him as well

    • 9 months ago

      he also goes really out of the way. if he actually speaks hindi well, then that also gets my respect. also there's the fact that he obviously doesn't have (or spend) a lot of money, because he literally just wants to travel for decades on end

      he's the only youtuber who I would buy a beer. I think I would throw the rest into a shark tank

  3. 9 months ago

    >top 10 travel youtubers
    >list the worst or most boring travel youtubers
    This is a troll post right?

  4. 9 months ago

    Ryan Boundless

    • 9 months ago

      holy shit this guy is hilarious

  5. 9 months ago

    shiey should be 1 otherwise seems fair.

  6. 9 months ago

    Great Tier:
    Small Brained American - underrated travlog with a humble dude who gets into insane situations

    Kino Yves - crazy frenchman cycling the world in a recumbent bike & constantly getting robbed. pretty entertaining.

    Itchy Boots - solo dutch female with balls of steel who goes on long overland motorbike trips solo. i'm just shocked how far she has been able to go. she has great filming skills & is useful to see what places actually look like overland, not just the highlights.

    Mariè B (p8stie) - weird zoomer girl infamous for her twitter thread on how to steal someone's bf. constantly shills her special toothpaste that must sell well because she travels constantly + reviews cigarattes she found off the ground

    Bald and Bankrupt - goofy middle aged british sexpat with incredible charisma

    Rick Steves - comfy old school travel docs that help me sleep when i have insomnia

    Sabbatical - a gentle giant who seems classy & mysterious. just very relaxing but interesting travlogs.

    Harald Baldr - norwegian guy who used to have a fash sexpat vibe to him but it seems he left that life and is happy & humble now. his vlogs are a decent mix of informative & entertaining

    Johnny FD - american sexpat living in ukraine. my brother & I love hatewatching this guy because no matter how successful & fit he is, the autism will always remain. it was hilarious when he shoved past ukrainians fleeing the country & took the food meant for the refugees only to come back to milk attention for living in a warzone.

    Kurt Caz - white south african guy who kinda has a douchey boring personality but seems like a badass

    • 9 months ago

      Good Tier:
      Kara and Nate - traveling couple with pretty 'safe' well-made travlogs; i only watch them out of seethe & cope because they have what i want. they seem annoyingly happy but then there are moments where they forget to edit & it looks like they just had a huge fight & hate each other so it's kinda entertaining for me.

      Dale Philip - his accent gets annoying after a while but his travlogs have been quite helpful for me

      Indigo Traveller - another arrogant kiwi who goes to horrible places to drive the point home how horrible they are to remind us white privilege. can't stop watching though.

      Shiey - lithuanian edgelord who does parkour, stealth camping & trainsurfing. his rap music is cringe but is a cool guy.

      Vagrant Holiday - tryhard autist who stealth camps in the middle of cities acting like he's ezio from assassin's creed or some shit. apparently he got killed in mexico.

      Gabriel Traveler - normal guy who is like a pallette cleanser from all the autism

      Peter Santenello - american guy who does more doc-style travlogs & focuses more on people & their stories

      • 9 months ago

        Meh Tier:
        Vic Stefanu - boring but great for a quick look. he seems to have gone everywhere.

        Wolters World - good for basic info

        Karl Rock - kiwi expat in india. obnoxious self-important personality & tries way too hard to integrate and be 'cultured' but videos are informative about indian scammers.
        Shit Tier:
        Drew Binsky - can't stand this guy. he is like the epitome of travel vlog slop. he went to every country out of vanity but barely saw anything & the constant fake positivity is exhausting. his newer stuff is better now.

        Serpentza - at first he was giving real good insight into being an english teacher in china but then became just a machine of constant cope and seethe for having a 'white monkey job' in his words, but likes to pretend that he was doing more than just teaching english & now is just a sad sack who reminisces about how great apartheid was in south africa. also his colleague laowhy86 seems normal but then was poking a dead body he found on the beach and makes his chinese wife sit on the floor. fricking weirdos.

        Maryjane - black female solo traveler who scams her fans constantly & it's quite entertaining watching her wander around being delusional and self-loathing.

        gus1thego - absolutely annoying dane who is way too happy

        Lord Miles Routledge - annoying c**t from SighSee who goes to dangerous places just to brag. now he is being held hostage in afghanistan and apparently wants to write a book. hardly shows any footage.

        • 9 months ago

          >israelite Binsky
          The absolute worst

          frick Nas Daily

          >frick Nas Daily
          Ah shit. Which one is worst?

          • 9 months ago

            Drew Binsky is a werido. There's this other guy who reminds me of him, Doug Barnard. I can't place what it is exactly, I just dont like him

        • 9 months ago

          >reminisces about how great apartheid was in south africa
          Apatheid made South Africa a first world nuclear power. Now it's a violent poor shithole with Jurassic Park style electric fence around every home and can't even have a constant supply of power.

        • 9 months ago

          >reminisces about how great apartheid was in south africa. also his colleague laowhy86 seems normal but then was poking a dead body he found on the beach and makes his chinese wife sit on the floor.

          What the frick

        • 8 months ago

          God tier:
          Bald bankrupt
          Vagrant holiday
          David choes old hitchhiking series on Vice

          Great tier:
          Rick steves
          Peter Santenello

          Good tier:
          Harald baldr
          Kurt caz

          Normie but watchable tier:
          Kara nate

          Rip tier:
          Lord miles

          Kind of boring to me tbh tier:
          Gabriel traveller

          Up and coming tier:

          So do we have any confirmed info on Lord Miles? Because I keep hearing different things. Is he dead, taken hostage, or what? I hope not, he's one of the few remaining britbongs with that expeditionary anglo spirit.

        • 8 months ago

          >makes his chinese wife sit on the floor
          wtf are you talking about

      • 9 months ago

        I wouldn't really consider santenello in the same genre as the others. He makes way better videos that really get into the lives of interesting people at this point.

        Meh Tier:
        Vic Stefanu - boring but great for a quick look. he seems to have gone everywhere.

        Wolters World - good for basic info

        Karl Rock - kiwi expat in india. obnoxious self-important personality & tries way too hard to integrate and be 'cultured' but videos are informative about indian scammers.
        Shit Tier:
        Drew Binsky - can't stand this guy. he is like the epitome of travel vlog slop. he went to every country out of vanity but barely saw anything & the constant fake positivity is exhausting. his newer stuff is better now.

        Serpentza - at first he was giving real good insight into being an english teacher in china but then became just a machine of constant cope and seethe for having a 'white monkey job' in his words, but likes to pretend that he was doing more than just teaching english & now is just a sad sack who reminisces about how great apartheid was in south africa. also his colleague laowhy86 seems normal but then was poking a dead body he found on the beach and makes his chinese wife sit on the floor. fricking weirdos.

        Maryjane - black female solo traveler who scams her fans constantly & it's quite entertaining watching her wander around being delusional and self-loathing.

        gus1thego - absolutely annoying dane who is way too happy

        Lord Miles Routledge - annoying c**t from SighSee who goes to dangerous places just to brag. now he is being held hostage in afghanistan and apparently wants to write a book. hardly shows any footage.

        There was this one guy who I was watching in Kathmandu who was such a fricking douche. I have to find his name. By far the worst travel vlogger ive ever come across. He reminds me of my dad in that he doesn't realize that he's being a complete unlikable butthole all the time. It's embarrassing

        • 9 months ago

          He actually has a lot of views on some of his videos, but this one and his responses to the comments were so unlikable I couldn't believe it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srF6uNKfCNg

          • 9 months ago

            Oh yes Chris Must List I've watched his videos. Couldn't get through because he dresses like a hypebeast from 2012 and has the Bourdainesque pretentiousness that I can't explain but it's obnoxious.

      • 8 months ago

        What's the proof that the Vagrant Holiday guy died?
        And lmao at not putting him in top tier travel blogs.
        The fact that he thinks he's Ezio AC3 combined with the cinematic editing makes it entertaining.
        You are clearly a boring moron.

      • 8 months ago

        What's the proof that the Vagrant Holiday guy died?
        And lmao at not putting him in top tier travel blogs.
        The fact that he thinks he's Ezio AC3 combined with the cinematic editing makes it entertaining.
        You are clearly a boring moron.

        >apparently he got killed in mexico
        He literally posted the footage of that trip, how fricking moronic can you be.

        • 8 months ago

          How can Vagrant Holiday have died in Mexico if he videoed himself living there and then uploaded it to YouTube.

          • 8 months ago

            this argument is too sound, anon. makes too much sense, knock it down a peg

        • 8 months ago

          How can Vagrant Holiday have died in Mexico if he videoed himself living there and then uploaded it to YouTube.

          They stole his camera and SD card so half the mexico trip was lost

      • 8 months ago

        >Peter Santenello - american guy who does more doc-style travlogs & focuses more on people & their stories
        totally disagree. this guy is an amazing youtuber, his videos are so high quality. he really tries to find interesting people shaped by their environments in the places he goes, and he always succeeds. the worst indictment you can say about the guy is that his videos are a bit too long

    • 9 months ago

      >he shoved past ukrainians fleeing the country
      I saw that video. That train station was entirly Roma.

      • 9 months ago

        that made it even funnier

    • 9 months ago

      >Small Brained American

      How does he know japanese ?

    • 9 months ago

      >female travel vloggers

    • 8 months ago

      Good Tier:
      Kara and Nate - traveling couple with pretty 'safe' well-made travlogs; i only watch them out of seethe & cope because they have what i want. they seem annoyingly happy but then there are moments where they forget to edit & it looks like they just had a huge fight & hate each other so it's kinda entertaining for me.

      Dale Philip - his accent gets annoying after a while but his travlogs have been quite helpful for me

      Indigo Traveller - another arrogant kiwi who goes to horrible places to drive the point home how horrible they are to remind us white privilege. can't stop watching though.

      Shiey - lithuanian edgelord who does parkour, stealth camping & trainsurfing. his rap music is cringe but is a cool guy.

      Vagrant Holiday - tryhard autist who stealth camps in the middle of cities acting like he's ezio from assassin's creed or some shit. apparently he got killed in mexico.

      Gabriel Traveler - normal guy who is like a pallette cleanser from all the autism

      Peter Santenello - american guy who does more doc-style travlogs & focuses more on people & their stories

      Meh Tier:
      Vic Stefanu - boring but great for a quick look. he seems to have gone everywhere.

      Wolters World - good for basic info

      Karl Rock - kiwi expat in india. obnoxious self-important personality & tries way too hard to integrate and be 'cultured' but videos are informative about indian scammers.
      Shit Tier:
      Drew Binsky - can't stand this guy. he is like the epitome of travel vlog slop. he went to every country out of vanity but barely saw anything & the constant fake positivity is exhausting. his newer stuff is better now.

      Serpentza - at first he was giving real good insight into being an english teacher in china but then became just a machine of constant cope and seethe for having a 'white monkey job' in his words, but likes to pretend that he was doing more than just teaching english & now is just a sad sack who reminisces about how great apartheid was in south africa. also his colleague laowhy86 seems normal but then was poking a dead body he found on the beach and makes his chinese wife sit on the floor. fricking weirdos.

      Maryjane - black female solo traveler who scams her fans constantly & it's quite entertaining watching her wander around being delusional and self-loathing.

      gus1thego - absolutely annoying dane who is way too happy

      Lord Miles Routledge - annoying c**t from SighSee who goes to dangerous places just to brag. now he is being held hostage in afghanistan and apparently wants to write a book. hardly shows any footage.

      You are so progressive. Updooted!!!

    • 8 months ago

      >Mariè B (p8stie)
      huh. I follow her on twitter. surprising to see someone talking about her on here.

      her youtube channel sucks ass anon, really poorly produced and boring videos. but some of her takes on travel are HILARIOUS and sometimes really spot on. She's 100% right on her opinions of Europe, a good chunk of tourism experiences there are literally just as manufactured as disneyland, it's really a worse place to live in most ways than the USA, which is evident from seeing how poor they are

  7. 9 months ago

    frick Nas Daily

  8. 9 months ago

    1. Rick Steves - the G.O.A.T of comfy travel videos.
    2. Bald and Bankrupt - you know him
    3. Peter Santenello - doesn't seem to travel outside the U.S anymore unfortunately but is a cool guy who makes mini documentaries about people's lives
    4. Trek Trendy - does airline reviews (does that count?). I would give my left nut to travel with the luxury that he does.
    5. The History Squad - moreso a history channel but he travels to different English castles and cathedrals sometimes and talks about them
    6. Steve Marsh - travels to random islands around the UK and Norway
    7. Yes Theory - they're a bit Reddit but I can't lie; their positivity infects me and seems more genuine than other "look how happy and positive I am" travel channels (like israelite Binsky).

  9. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      >screencapping your own posts

      • 9 months ago

        I didn't make those posts anon, but I did make the screencap.

      • 9 months ago

        I was the one who wrote that and didn't screencap it

        I didn't make those posts anon, but I did make the screencap.

        thanks anon <3

  10. 9 months ago

    >watching youtube travel vlogs

    • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        >being this new
        Real Traveler™

        • 9 months ago

          This board should be more welcoming to foreigners 😉

          • 9 months ago

            I spoon fed you, I've already been too nice

            • 9 months ago

              Damn sounds like you've won, congrats anon

  11. 9 months ago

    >Bald and Bankrupt
    > Kurt Caz
    >Gabriel the traveler
    >Harald Baldr
    All good.
    Tiresome normie homosexuals. You might as well watch CNN.
    >Best Ever Food Reviews
    Slightly less punchable than Mark Wiens, but still overly contrived.
    Not even a travel channel.
    All female travel vloggers are shit.
    He's ok but not nearly as good as the first 4 on your list.
    He's more likeable and has a decent channel. I haven't watched a lot of his content yet but so far he seems good.

  12. 9 months ago

    vagrant holiday and that white guy who goes into crazy slums

    • 9 months ago

      Vagrant Holiday is the best travel youtuber
      all rest disregarded

      Vagrant was kino wtf happened to him tho?
      Did he really got KIA in some shithole?

      • 9 months ago

        Got his spine snapped after someone put drugs in his luggage

        • 9 months ago

          mods still cant get rid of this low effort spammer apparently

          • 9 months ago

            just add it to your filter and move on, whiner.

  13. 9 months ago

    Nobody has mentioned travel with chris

  14. 9 months ago

    The only watch travel youtubers of people going to places I will never visit so I watch Karl Rock cause I never plan to visit Pakistan or rural India. I'd like to go to New Delhi or Mumbai just for the cooming opportunities I read about here but the rural villages? Absolutely fricking not.

  15. 9 months ago

    Rank 1:

    >does it live
    >is cute

  16. 9 months ago

    you forgot laowhy86 and prozzies. their trio was the best in 2013, damn I love 2013

    • 9 months ago

      prozzie is the only one of those three still worth watching, his taiwan vlogs are pretty alright
      laowai and serpentza just sit around talking about how shit everything in china is now, like that falun gong channel china uncensored or whatever it's called

  17. 9 months ago

    For me, it's Timmy Karter. Super chill guy, good vibes all around. Weirdly enough he's also friends with Giannis Antetokounmpo or something.

    • 9 months ago

      Came here looking for this comment. Yeah he's definitely got the best vibes. Very social, charming and authentic. Wish I was as extroverted as him when traveling.

  18. 9 months ago

    The wonton don

    Your welcome

    • 8 months ago


  19. 9 months ago

    Why people would ever shill on one of the smallest niche travel forums on the internet is beyond me.

  20. 9 months ago

    Lesser known/tangentially related

    Carl Runefelt Vlogs - more about spending money on camera but he travels a lot
    Jon Olsson - retired pro skier who became a daily vlogger used to travel more in his earlier videos
    Japan Explorer - a mixture of a travel channel and a walking channel
    Rolf Potts - author of Vagabonding and now a podcaster where he frequently talks about travel
    Tropical MBA and Tropical MBA podcast - moreso a business podcast but with the focus of running location independent businesses, vital info for any long term traveler
    Abroad In Japan - kind of a homosexual and japan exclusive but youtube shills him anytime you look up anything remotely japan surprised I haven't seen him listed yet

  21. 9 months ago

    >watch travel vlogger
    >just some homosexual walking
    No idea how anyone can watch such boring shit. Personally for me I like watching people on bikes or train hopping as its more of a unique experience. If I want to see some random homosexual walk through a village and give me his thoughts on the locals I could do that myself.

  22. 9 months ago

    >No sabbatical

    Shit list

  23. 9 months ago

    Vagrant Holiday is the best travel youtuber
    all rest disregarded

  24. 9 months ago

    Surprised with all the people watching Sabbatical, but not having caught up with (his gf) Miss Josey.
    She's a cute negress who goes all around Africa. Pretty good resource for places where even the wikipedia articles have no pictures and there's no streetview.

    • 9 months ago

      I don't know why but I find female travelers more interesting, Josey included. Practically all the males vloggers are boring as frick.

  25. 9 months ago

    Kurt Kaz has been kinda getting too smug lately, like unbearably smug. I dig his politics and most of his content up until recent. The "yo check me out balling and fricking mestizas from brazil in my room in dubai" content he's been putting out lately is meh.

    • 9 months ago

      I never liked him, its funny seeing redditors shill him after deeming bald le problematic sex pest when Caz is so much more unashamed and egotistic about it. Bald has never tried to coom on camera besides his slavic prostitute of a gf

  26. 9 months ago

    Does anyone know what camera Bald uses?
    It's like a tiny gopro attached to a selfie stick. I wouldn't mind one of those.

    • 9 months ago

      I think it's an insta360 but I'm not entirely sure what model

  27. 9 months ago


    Yeah whatever homosexual. I suggest you Google the symptoms of a broken spine, because you're about to tick all those boxes

  28. 9 months ago

    Haraldo the gongo hunting goat whisperer is #1

  29. 9 months ago


    Thanks smugbuttholeanon. What's the gimble that he uses? Wouldn't mind one of those too.

  30. 9 months ago

    You gotta be a secret gay to even know 3

  31. 9 months ago

    The first white man to ever visit the village oh my God he's a god

    • 9 months ago

      He almost certainly wasn't the first white man to visit that village. PNG was an Australian administered colony from the 1890s until 1975.

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah this was weird. The youtube comments on it are moronic too

    • 8 months ago

      Diversity is a strength. He should live and retire there.

  32. 9 months ago

    God tier:
    Bald bankrupt
    Vagrant holiday
    David choes old hitchhiking series on Vice

    Great tier:
    Rick steves
    Peter Santenello

    Good tier:
    Harald baldr
    Kurt caz

    Normie but watchable tier:
    Kara nate

    Rip tier:
    Lord miles

    Kind of boring to me tbh tier:
    Gabriel traveller

    Up and coming tier:

    • 8 months ago

      +1 on Spanian, enjoying his content, pretty big turn around considering he was a crim

      • 8 months ago

        I grew up where he hung out when I was a kid, he was a total c**t back then, but he's changed himself around. Insane to see him in some swiss mountains hanging around, mad stuff

    • 8 months ago

      >David choes old hitchhiking series on Vice

      FRICK YES! Thumbs up was and still is the shit. Everyone ITT go watch it now. Im pretty sure it's still up on youtube.

    • 8 months ago

      What’s the appeal of Rick?

  33. 9 months ago

    Regular guy in the Philippines

    Based Sienfeldesque leaf who travels around PI staying in the shitiest of shitholes to let you know exactly what a third world shithole the PI really is. Even called out a israelite in one of vids which made the pc crowd seethe.

    He’s taking a one month rest in cebu city before going back to leaffland for a while.

    • 8 months ago

      Still has more SOVL than Canacucks.

      High prices everywhere in Canada, rent is astronomical, disparity in living expenses, and non existent soft power. Canada is universally hated in SighSee. Flips may be a poor shithole but they have ironic softpower. With the most powerful race memes and Josh Luna stuff kek. What has Canada made that makes good banter except Internationally hated Leaf Autism?

      • 8 months ago

        Oh yeah, well he hates leafland and is only going back because his old man is about to kick the bucket. He’s a poorgay that taught English in korea for the last 20 years, but he loves fricking lbfm’s so he moved to flipland.

  34. 8 months ago

    I only watch Bald and Harald. Their Soviet and Nepal series respectively are actual kino.

  35. 8 months ago

    Does mostly trainhopping count as travel blogging? I found this weird Russian guy vaga vagabond who shows himself trainhopping across Russia and Africa mostly, most of the vids have some exploration of small towns and abandoned Soviet villages/industrial parks.

    • 8 months ago

      great channel, one of my favorites
      i like that he seems to be a bit of a train autist in general

  36. 8 months ago

    timmy karter is cringy as frick

  37. 8 months ago

    >No Brittania
    >No GifGas (Poison)
    >No Vagrant Holiday
    >No Sabbatical
    >Lists Bald and Kurt as top

  38. 8 months ago

    bald and bankrupt clearly the best

  39. 8 months ago

    i recently found this guy

    he seems pretty based

    • 8 months ago

      How is he so charming? How do I become more charming? This makes me never want to leave my bedroom bc I will never be as charming.

      • 8 months ago

        He's a Chad. You gotta be born as one.

  40. 8 months ago

    There's a guy called "Don't look east" who does weird Soviet border countries and is currently doing a Myanmar Thai border series.

  41. 8 months ago


  42. 8 months ago

    I'll start a channel soon, I'm thinking whether I wanna focus it on being a degen or not. Going full degen means I'll talk about prostitution, frick prostitutes, show tips for getting one, frick tinder girls and film the dates, etc. And hopefully I should be able to show the complete adventure on an only fans or something for those who want to see the rest of the story.

  43. 8 months ago

    Guy's whats the secret to being a travel youtuber??????????
    What's a niche you don't think is covered?

  44. 8 months ago

    >3. Gabriel the traveler

    he's kind of a weirdo. He gets off the plane, spends 5 mins walking thru the central downtown, and that is his "tour" of the country. I find the surface level exploration strangely depressing, it's like a stopover visit dressed up as something else.

  45. 8 months ago

    1. Cris Travels aka Cris14
    2. Johnny Somali
    3. Cheap Charlie
    4. Ryan Boundless
    5. Sabbatical
    6. Fat n Broke
    7. Turan Spidey
    8. Bald

    You guys all watch the same travel channels as everyone else. So lame.

  46. 8 months ago

    Surprised no one has mentioned yet, but I personally love "rare earth"
    Does in depth culture & history travel videos

  47. 8 months ago

    >0 results for Nomad TV

  48. 8 months ago

    shiey #1

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