Recommend cities in Philippines?

Can any anons recommend cities in the Philippines that are cheaper than Manila? I've mostly stayed in Makati and BGC. They are too expensive, but the rest of Manila is dangerous and has bad food and entertainment options. How is Cebu? Or other recommendations for a city to stay in for a month?

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 9 months ago

    I would do terrible things to that girl if she was dumb enough to go for a walk in the woods alone with me

    • 9 months ago

      same, I would suck on her limp girlpenis until it got semi hard and the clear girlcum dripped out

    • 9 months ago

      She's hardly special. You're pathetic

    • 9 months ago

      She's hardly special. You're pathetic

      Not OP, but I think my mental state is a bit off because I just want to frick Asian b***hes like the one in OP. If there was an equivalent looking white girl I wouldn’t give a frick. You're right, she’s nothing special. But I want to ravage her. I just love having sex with Asians. Is that wrong?

      • 9 months ago

        Seems like a healthy mental state
        Also I knew a chinese girl who looked a bit like that (but pale) and she was a nympho freak, bet a trip to the woods with OP girl means nutting 4 times

        • 9 months ago

          You can tell by her posture and nervous smirk that she desperately wants to be impregnated. Her mind is racing with thoughts of wiener pumping her hard and deep. See how she's pulling her shorts out? Her Austronesian nether regions are humming with heat like an Alienware laptop and it's becoming unbearable.

          That’s exactly what I mean anons, you just know they are secret nymphos who want to get roughed up and dominated. I love somewhat plain looking cute and sweet Asian girls

    • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        Spill the beans chud, don’t leave me hanging

        Are you able to arrange my inawoods fantasy with this indigenous frickmeat?

        • 9 months ago
          MMA Brown Belt

          Ina/Nana/Nanay same name for Our Lady of Guadalupe in Filipino and Mexican Aztec. Go to Our Lady of Grace in Makati. De Oca's church. Of the Mexican War of Independence. You know what to do.

          • 9 months ago

            I'm old and would like decent emergency rooms. I can live in Davao or Cebu if I need to, but I was wondering if maybe Bacolod, Iloilo, or Dumaguete might have acceptable healthcare. I can travel for specialists I just want to make sure I have a chance to survive a heart attack or car wreck, that kind of stuff. You seem to know what you are talking about is why I'm asking you

            • 9 months ago

              I can smell your good intentions Bacolod, Iloilo, or Dumaguete are all decent. Lie low for now my kang.


              • 9 months ago

                Retirement money has to stretch until I die. I'm honestly not a prostitute monger

              • 9 months ago

                I know that I feel your grizzled humility and courtesy! SALUTE!

    • 9 months ago

      >Simping over this disgusting butter face.
      White people are complete Black folk over Asian women

      • 9 months ago

        I would only go out with her if she had a soft feminine voice,
        butterface is fine if she likes to smile

        • 9 months ago

          She has like an innocent face which I personally like. Tbh if you find OP pic face disgusting then I wouldnt go to SEA except id you just want to coom and dont care

      • 9 months ago

        You’re so dumb man she’s clearly sexually inexperienced, doesn’t know how to pose for a pic. I would love nothing more than to have her looking back at me with a mixture of fear and pleasure while I hump her like a stray dog on her hands and knees in the middle of the woods.

        You wouldn’t get it cuz you’re a dicklet sexlet b***hlet

      • 9 months ago

        Non-white cope.

        Non-whites need limitless handicaps(from white people) to take the stage of history and you’re all so ugly. Where do you get your assertiveness from? Living in America I just look out at this vast sea of ugly, repulsive sub-human “people” and soak up the schadenfreude and breathe a sigh of relief that I’m a higher life form.

        Literal fricking animals

        • 9 months ago

          I'm white living in sea you moronic cope homosexual. Currently dating a 9/10 19 year old vietnamese cutie with pocerlain skin who sucks my balls dry. I don't frick ugly 4/10 tattood man hand sea monkeys like you.

          • 9 months ago

            Shut up dorker. Debug my swift code and let the vietprostitute suck your delicate pencil dick. You can only mog 5ft Vietnamese men. Don’t care, frick off. iPhones getting glitchy thanks!

      • 9 months ago

        White people and anglos are the Black folk of the Philippines. It used to be the badjaos, but even white people have fallen below them.

    • 9 months ago

      Enjoy the Marcos family sentencing you 127 years in some of the worst prisons on planet earth.

  2. 9 months ago

    Is anyone going to answer my question?

    • 9 months ago

      You fricked up by being a “needless thread Ned.” There’s already a PH general thread with 50+ comments so you were supposed to ask there, not make a unique

    • 9 months ago

      Seriously ask a local you frickin moron

    • 9 months ago

      It’s a stupid fricking question because no one knows your likes/dislikes/interests/age but you.

      That said, everywhere is cheaper then BGc makati, and iloilo, Davao, mactan, dumaguete, bohol all have their pluses and minuses. Search YouTube, there’s a frickton of expat vloggers from all over the country

      • 9 months ago

        Which city has white loving hot girls that will let me coom in them

        • 9 months ago

          None if you're Indian.

          • 9 months ago

            I’m white
            Now which cities have the hottest white boy loving girls

  3. 9 months ago

    what do you mean by "too expensive"? Greater than $30 USD/night for a room with a quiet A/C, an odorless bathroom and natural lighting? Prospective PH traveler, I don't mind paying a good sum for a room, but I won't fly across the Pacific only to pay foreigner prices for shit-tier accomodations.
    >rest of Manila is dangerous
    what kind of danger is there for an white man? are there racially motivated attacks, or just the usual youthful delinquents

    • 9 months ago

      >rest of Manila is dangerous
      >what kind of danger is there for an white man? are there racially motivated attacks, or just the usual youthful delinquents
      Just don't go at night. During the days you can go.

  4. 9 months ago

    You can tell by her posture and nervous smirk that she desperately wants to be impregnated. Her mind is racing with thoughts of wiener pumping her hard and deep. See how she's pulling her shorts out? Her Austronesian nether regions are humming with heat like an Alienware laptop and it's becoming unbearable.

  5. 9 months ago

    Cities in the Philippines are awful. I liked Dumaguete but that's about it. Go to small towns and the countryside. Cebu City makes Manila look utopian in comparison.

    • 9 months ago

      What do you recommend

      • 9 months ago

        There’s honestly no recommendations. I went to subic bay, Angeles, and makati and it was all just appallingly third world. It felt gross. Everything felt like it was covered in grime

        • 9 months ago

          Which has the hottest women most desperate for coom

          • 9 months ago

            cebu and manila is silly billy levels of coom.


            Can any anons recommend cities in the Philippines that are cheaper than Manila? I've mostly stayed in Makati and BGC. They are too expensive, but the rest of Manila is dangerous and has bad food and entertainment options. How is Cebu? Or other recommendations for a city to stay in for a month?

            Living here has been very eye opening. Even 80 IQ village girls find it bizarre beautiful & historic countries like Austria flood the country with Sri Lankans, and Indians.

            I’m white
            Now which cities have the hottest white boy loving girls

            anywhere? my ex from Davao is dating an autistic white boy who looks like he's 12 years old.
            >she texted me before he messaged me on messenger not to tell him we met up. creampied her 8x before our relationship ended due to covid and I had to fly back.
            >literally had both of us lie to his face she never slept with white guys
            >I know for a fact shes fricked at least 6

    • 9 months ago

      So you are indirectly recommending Cebu? I need a home base to go back during my 1 month trip don't want to be always "on the run" village to village.
      I have been in Manila with my (western) ex before going to a beach resort. I think it was a shithole. But not a shithole in the classic meaning, I mean a boring shithole. Not everything is sex.
      >Los Angeles
      I knew some boomer sexpats in Thailand that told me that that place was rock bottom of red light districts. Women too old and used lol.

    • 9 months ago

      Thank god, please stay in manila. We don't want any more dumb white people here. Cebu is full.

      • 9 months ago

        cebu is a dirty hellhole. you can be king of the trashpile

        • 9 months ago

          >non white Third World city has dirty streets
          Who gives a frick? Thirdies are always messy and careless about garbage disposal. Rent a clean house and ignore the trash outside.

      • 9 months ago

        Don't forget tipping the street kids that call you their friend, americano.

  6. 9 months ago

    I want to frick Pinays like that. Is going on tinder there and asking girls to grab some food on a lil dinner date enough to get them to come with you to your place (assuming you're white) or do they generally wait some time and expect multiple dates? Specifically talking about just plain young PH girls. Unsure how the Catholicness of PH compares to a place like Thailand.

    • 9 months ago

      I just had a virgin girl come to my Airbnb. It was like 2AM and I was tired, so I slept then the annoying b***h woke me up at 5AM and we fricked. They're all way more moronic and easy than you could imagine

      • 9 months ago

        How would you rate/describe yourself? For me, that's maybe a big stumbling block. Years of experience in my home country made me less confident. Looking for honest advice/tips. (I would call me average white mid-20's but overweight. Working on reducing my weight from 100kg to 75kg)

        • 9 months ago

          Like a 6 but skinny with blonde hair and blue eyes. As long as you’re white, I wouldn’t worry about it and like I said, the girls are moronic so you really don’t have to feel socially uncomfortable or anything because it doesn’t really matter. I’m not too sure about being overweight. Is it like obese or just thick?

          • 9 months ago

            More like thick. Any more weight and I would start being classified in the Obese category. I have started working on it though as I've sort of just gotten over a big depressive slump. You've mentioned the girls are a moronic. What do you talk about with them before getting them in your bed. You just bombard them with compliments? Or do you just dont give a frick? I feel like with me if I asked someone like that to dinner it would just be me and her on our phone 60 percent of the time and the rest eating. Not necesarrily due to social anxiety, but because I am not chatty.

            Appreciate your comments

            • 9 months ago

              I didn't even really talk to the girl that much first. Just dont give a frick though. Talk about whatever you want to. Its not like with a US girl. She'll love you for being white regardless and you can't really come off as awkward because of the cultural barrier and all the guys there are kind of weird anyway. But yeah, just really trust me you dont have to worry about the conversation. Their love of whiteness is honestly uncomforting though. Like they only see you as a white person

              • 9 months ago

                It’s true but it goes both ways, we just see them as a few holes

                Do y’all use condoms with these chicks or nah?

              • 9 months ago

                nta but I read in other threads that anons just go in it raw

              • 9 months ago

                I wouldn't bang a girl unless I felt safe to go in raw

              • 9 months ago

                You know, I was like that too.

                But then you accidentally let her mount you and then you accidentally go to far and then you feel like you travelled through another dimension for a few seconds and next thing you know, Raw is Law.

                pic kinda related.

              • 9 months ago

                Luckily this thread hasnt been discovered yet by those 2 pajeets in the PH General thread

                Appreciate the writeup. Regarding unhealthy obsession with whiteness, for me, I wouldnt mind. I dont see myself being in a long term relationship with sub 80 IQ people, nor staying long term in PH. Just want to relax on holiday, have some food and drinks and then just coom in the equivalent of living sex dolls

              • 9 months ago

                No, I don't see myself in a long term relationship either, but the forwardness at times makes me feel uncomfortable. Like they'll be look "look at your white skin so white I wish I was white I can't believe im with a white guy." Its like the opposite of the cucked west. Like Jesus Christ have some love for your own people. I know they're all moronic, but cmon

              • 9 months ago

                If (big if) they ever get out of poverty in our lifetime they probably would stop with or reduce that self-loathing. Until then, might as well use, what is to them, our 'gift'.

                Another question perhaps if you don't mind answering. These low IQ people; you often read online (perhaps anecdotally) that girls from South East Asia (and PH especially) have a crazy/jealous side once the relationship has like gotten semi-serious. Did you experience this and if so how did you deal with it? The last thing I want whilst relaxing is some girl calling me 40 times a day or knocking on my door whilst sleeping with another girl

              • 9 months ago

                Yeah white people are the pajeets of the Philippines lol lmao

              • 9 months ago

                do they speak english there? that's the worst part for me on international coom tours is them trying to talk to me. I didn't fly to their 3rd world shithole for a goddamn conversation.

              • 9 months ago

                the more english they speak they more they have been exposed to western propaganda too

              • 9 months ago

                They do speak English allegedly, but they dont understand you half of the time. They all spoke english but most of the time looked at me confused when I talked and pretended to understand

              • 9 months ago

                this is beginning to be a problem for me. I work with foreign companies and any time I ask them "why" they will respond "yes" or "no." I want to bang my head against a wall.

                I don't even know how it's possible to have such a poor command of english. jfc

              • 9 months ago

                >asking Thirdies to explain the reasoning behind their decisions
                It's instinct, anon. They simply do.

              • 9 months ago

                I'm not sure what you're talking about. I have had many deep convos with Pinays here. Some aren't fluent, at all, in English - but a lot definitely are. I'm talking girls in bumblefrick nowhere too. Not just major cities.

                I can tell if someones' just agreeing for the sake of it. I speak Spanish, English & German. While in Dominican Republic, I met tons of passport bros who were just scraping by on their limited Spanish.

              • 9 months ago
                MMA Brown Belt Receleto

                I speak Spanish, Latin, English, Tagalog and learning Arabic. I have a feeling we will jive bro.

              • 9 months ago

                modern standard arabic and which dialect?

              • 9 months ago

                Modern Standard Arabic. Difficult for me as Im not used to changing letters as Im exposed mostly to Latin script. But I recongnize Arabic words written in Latin script.

          • 9 months ago

            What if you're a 5/6 white 20yo but with dark eyes and hair?

            • 9 months ago

              You're a manlet with dark hair and eyes. You're basically a light skinned slightly taller than average Filipino man so you'll do better than the men there do.

              • 9 months ago

                What if I’m pale White, 6’5”, but 300 pounds? I have been losing a lot of weight and will continue to do so.

              • 9 months ago

                Stop being fat. Still, Filipinas are moronic and some money face will fetishize your light skin and let you frick her.

              • 9 months ago

                Then my taxes shouldn't pay for your fudge rounds

              • 9 months ago

                Pay my bills slave cuck

              • 9 months ago

                Stop eating fatty.

              • 9 months ago

                On your dime, paypig

      • 9 months ago

        >Meets up with foreigner and fricks him the following morning, her being the one that instigated it
        You're an idiot for believing that she's a virgin.

        • 9 months ago

          I wouldn't believe it if I didnt have to stretch out her hymen. Her pussy smelled like shit so its nothing to brag about

          • 9 months ago

            >He thinks the hymen magically disappears during sex

            • 9 months ago

              uhhh does it not?

              > Her pussy smelled like shit
              Was it worth it , anon?

              absolutely not

          • 9 months ago

            > Her pussy smelled like shit
            Was it worth it , anon?

          • 9 months ago

            >Her pussy smelled like shit
            that was a man. you fricked a man anon.

  7. 9 months ago

    Should I be scared of Tulfo threats?

    • 9 months ago

      I used to work in the same building as Tulfo (TV5)....every morning of his show you would see several hundred poor people line the streets, go through multiple screening processes and multiple filters and wait in the heat or the muggy garage for 5+ hours to get on his show.

      Unless you're a mega mega c**t, you're just not that interesting

      If (big if) they ever get out of poverty in our lifetime they probably would stop with or reduce that self-loathing. Until then, might as well use, what is to them, our 'gift'.

      Another question perhaps if you don't mind answering. These low IQ people; you often read online (perhaps anecdotally) that girls from South East Asia (and PH especially) have a crazy/jealous side once the relationship has like gotten semi-serious. Did you experience this and if so how did you deal with it? The last thing I want whilst relaxing is some girl calling me 40 times a day or knocking on my door whilst sleeping with another girl

      Yes, been banging a girl for a year...even doing regular threesome stuff with another she spends the whole time undermining the other girl. It's exhausting.

  8. 9 months ago

    How much would it cost per month to hire a young qt maid that lives at your house/appartment in a PH city and that you can freeuse frick whenever you want

    • 9 months ago

      I'm too paranoid about theft or craziness to ever do that, but it sounds like it'd be easy to turn a gf into a bangmaid than to turn a maid into a bangmaid. A girl you're already seeing probably wouldn't have a problem spending the weekend at your place, doing chores, and frick and sucking you for some cash. Much easier way to test out the fantasy and maybe get it out of your system. Only real drawback is that she's probably not going to be happy if you bring home another girl while she's there.

  9. 9 months ago

    What the frick is wrong with these idiots?

    • 9 months ago

      What is the location? I want to frick with them.

      • 9 months ago

        pick anything in manila

        You could literally write I am vaxinated in crayon on the back of a McDonalds bag and those morons would think its a legit vaccine card

        After a 20 hour flight at 11pm i don't want to take that risk.

    • 9 months ago

      You could literally write I am vaxinated in crayon on the back of a McDonalds bag and those morons would think its a legit vaccine card

  10. 9 months ago

    How is the "rest" of Manila dangerous? I've been to every place in Metro Manila, including the slums and nobody caused me any trouble regardless of time of day. There were only a few places people said I better not go at night, and they are still much safer than any guetto in the US I'd bet.
    Are you afraid of people staring at you? Cause that's the worst I can remember.

    • 9 months ago

      I agree. It's not dangerous at all. Maybe we are prepared, anon.
      To me, in 1.5 years the most dangerous was a man asking me if I wanted a massage in the middle of Buendia going to Makati on foot (took a jeepney after)

  11. 9 months ago

    Let's say I'm staying in the PH for a few months and I quickly find a date that I'm only really interested in fricking all the time (not someone who I actually see building something with). Any reason not to let her live in mh airbnb/appartment and let her just live there and basically be a housewive cleaning and fricking? Or best to never let them live with you and just bootycall? Trying to find some opinions from you guys

  12. 9 months ago

    I'm convinced that Manila has the most delicious buttholes on the planet. The girls are super young and ripe. Experienced enough to feel safe and comfortable, but not yet jaded. You can get them one, two, three at a time, like they're scoops of ice cream or something. Stack them up, sauce them, spin them around, do whatever. By the time the first week is over, you'll wish you had a second tongue.

    • 9 months ago

      manila had the ugliest women I've seen

      • 9 months ago

        >manila had the ugliest women I've seen
        This is generally true but with an asterisk because there's many province girls who come to Manila to work. Manila girls themselves are hideous though. And basically most city girls. Because their beauty standards are "chubby and pasty white" because it denotes wealth and they will avoid the sun and use white bleaching chemicals and sit on their fat asses inside all day to maintain this standard, which not only makes them ugly but unhealthy as well. There's an extra "beauty" bonus if their grandma was impregnated by a Amerimutt dick so they have big fat floppy breasts with massive brown areolas and a pointier nose.

        Poor girls on the other hand are skinny and brown because that's what they can afford. So the more rural and poorer you go, the hotter the girls. And some of these girls will be painfully hot by our standards but still think they're ugly because they're brown and have a cute little flip nose and perky breasts with tiny nipples instead of mutt-utters. And they will think you are beautiful because you have white skin and a few extra kilos. So it's a perfect combination, you just gotta know what to look for.

        • 9 months ago

          >Poor girls on the other hand are skinny and brown because that's what they can afford. So the more rural and poorer you go, the hotter the girls. And some of these girls will be painfully hot by our standards but still think they're ugly because they're brown and have a cute little flip nose and perky breasts with tiny nipples instead of mutt-utters. And they will think you are beautiful because you have white skin and a few extra kilos. So it's a perfect combination, you just gotta know what to look for.

          Extremely insightful. You’ve just put PH back on the map

          • 9 months ago

            Yeah you got to know what to look for because there's like a beauty caste system of sorts. There's mestizas and morenas.

            Mestizas is anything with mixed heritage, traditionally Spanish, but also American and Chinese etc. This is where you find taller girls with lighter skin, bigger (but usually uglier and floppier) breasts and beef curtains pussies, and thin chinky lips, etc. This is what they think is hot. And if they have any type of wealth they will try to replicate it and also adopt a colonizer attitude where they behave like crude upper class karens and talk down to other flips.

            Morena is native, like, anything that is not "foreign". They're shorter, have the stubby nose, browner skin, smaller breasts, fuller lips, tiny asian pussies, etc.The classic filipina look. And their attitude, especially if they're a mountain girl or come from a small fishing village or whatever, is like very naive and sweet and "raw".

            So you could be walking around in Manila or Cebu or whatever and approach a lanky, pasty white girl who looks like a ok:ish 6/10 but not anything special. But she will treat you like she's a 10/10 and you're like, "Wtf? Where's my beauty points for being white? This mid tier b***h isn't even that special?" But it's because she's mestizo.

            Then on the other hand, you could be driving through a small village and run into a 145 cm petite super model hot godess with glowing olive brown skin at the sari sari store and when you talk to her she starts giggling and creaming her panties and acting like she wants to rip off your clothes and frick you on the spot. And you're like, "Wait, this isn't right? This girl shouldn't even be talking to me?" But it's because she's morena.

            Eg: randomly pulled picrel from Pinalove. 20 yo, 158 cm, 43 kg. What would you rate her at? 8? 9? Well, that's a solid 5/10 with PH standards because she's got morena nose and lips and skin and breasts. And this girl will probably tell you she's ugly or at best average.

            • 9 months ago

              >Eg: randomly pulled picrel from Pinalove. 20 yo, 158 cm, 43 kg. What would you rate her at? 8? 9? Well, that's a solid 5/10 with PH standards because she's got morena nose and lips and skin and breasts. And this girl will probably tell you she's ugly or at best average.
              Also the girl in OP's picrel is a good example. She's like what? 6/10? 7/10? Clearly frickable, right? Nope. That's a 3/10, 4/10 with PH standards. And she will likely act like it.

            • 9 months ago

              My mannnnnn coming in with actually good information!!!!!

              What else you got for us my dude?

            • 9 months ago

              That's a solid 3/10 girl right there.

  13. 9 months ago

    how is the traffic in davao? are there many western food restaurants or would i be better elsewhere like iloilo or bacolod for that?

  14. 9 months ago

    No hotels in PH require vax paperwork. I just stayed at a few different places in Manila and then Pampanga.

    Chances are the person you were talking to is just moronic. No vax/tests at airport nothing at hotels. One person asked but I said I don't need it and they nodded along.

  15. 9 months ago

    What cities have the best options for Western food as well as good Filipino food?

  16. 9 months ago

    There is only one place to stay in the phillipines and that is that 50's diner. What a horrifying place.

    • 9 months ago

      Haha, you must mean the Filling Station in Burgos. That place is such a trip man.

  17. 9 months ago

    barely anything about any cities or districts or specific hotels etc were mentioned once ITT, and it's just another coomer thread. great. Bet I'd get there and just realize I've made a huge mistake from the first moment, and wish I was in Taiwan instead for some 120iq poosi with more than herpes and an empty bank account in our future together.

  18. 9 months ago

    that girl's face is not cute. Are they all this bad or worse? I heard there's a lot of fried food fatties, and they're ungovernable brainlets, and that the only ones of you are those who live in filth back home and feel nostalgia doing it where the women look like ugly pedo bait desperate enough to lust for you until marriage.

  19. 9 months ago

    Just be white. Being clean, tall, attractive and friendly helps a lot. But really, just be white.
    My last 3 monther in PI, I fricked almost 40 girls. I only paid a handful of times for some bluemoon chicks who were still in high school. (Still 18, you frickheads. I check ID’s, and you should too).
    Nothing beats larping as a white God, colonizing brown savages.
    Pic absolutely related.

    • 9 months ago

      Where can I get the little titty ones that look like they're 14?

      • 9 months ago

        Most flip girls arn’t skinny and flat like Thai girls. They have hips and boobs. That said, you can find whatever you want if you put in the time.

        yea but then you're sharing the whitelust prostitutes with every other fetischist coomer who probably has chlamydia and herpes to give you too.

        STD risk is part of the game, dude. Wrap it up if you’re scared.

        was this one you picked up or had the option? and how rare is one like this? from what i saw, the traditionally cute ones with good teeth and bodies/noses are very few.

        Did I frick her? Yes. Met her on Facebook.
        There’s tons of cute girls all over. Some better than others. But if you have a thing for perfect teeth, you’ll be disappointed. Literally every pinay I know has braces or is saving up for braces/veneers.

    • 9 months ago

      yea but then you're sharing the whitelust prostitutes with every other fetischist coomer who probably has chlamydia and herpes to give you too.

    • 9 months ago

      was this one you picked up or had the option? and how rare is one like this? from what i saw, the traditionally cute ones with good teeth and bodies/noses are very few.

    • 9 months ago

      Most flip girls arn’t skinny and flat like Thai girls. They have hips and boobs. That said, you can find whatever you want if you put in the time.
      STD risk is part of the game, dude. Wrap it up if you’re scared.
      Did I frick her? Yes. Met her on Facebook.
      There’s tons of cute girls all over. Some better than others. But if you have a thing for perfect teeth, you’ll be disappointed. Literally every pinay I know has braces or is saving up for braces/veneers.

      Here’s another conquest.
      She could not figure out for the life of her how the barista was able to make a heart in her coffee. Like her brain just couldn’t process it. I eventually showed her some YouTube vids, and she thought it was the most impressive thing ever.
      The reputation of moronicness is well earned amongst Filipinas. Low IQ is not a meme here.
      Also she dyed her pussy hair the same colour as her regular hair, and was an absolute demon in bed.

      • 9 months ago

        how much she cost?

      • 9 months ago

        >dyed her pussy hair

      • 9 months ago

        Those boobies look lovely.

      • 9 months ago

        Difficult to tell with a 100% certainty from this angle, but this 90% looks like another ladyboy.

        Imagine larping and being so autistic the photos you pick are all of dudes, lol.

      • 9 months ago

        post a pic from the front. also was she short

    • 9 months ago

      disgusting. have a nice day.

    • 9 months ago

      >those hands
      incoming gay cope

      • 9 months ago

        I just noticed that and now I can't unnotice that

      • 9 months ago
        • 9 months ago

          HAHA MAN HANDS
          Almost as good as seeing George eat a bucket of shrimp.

        • 9 months ago

          I just noticed that and now I can't unnotice that

          >eye bleach stat!
          Now i cant unsee it!
          How tasty was the feminine benis?

          • 9 months ago

            and can you stop posting men for a second? 3 billion women and you do nothing but jerking off to troons

            How did his dick taste? That is clearly a ladyboy, you moronic larp.

            >those hands
            incoming gay cope

            Jesus you guys have wiener on the brain. Typical SighSee.
            Anyway she was definitely not a ladyboy, but believe/fantasize whatever you like.

            Pic related is a fine young legal slumrat who was more than happy to spend a few days in my bed for a some free meals and a couple thousand pesos. I personally love girls like this. Hot by western standards, average/stigmatized by flip standards. Easily impressed with a nice condo and clean bathroom. I could have gotten away with not giving her any money, but she was sweet and poor and I like to help out when I can. Had to get rid of her early since she was catching feelings.
            Oh and she didn’t have a wiener either, I checked very carefully.

            • 9 months ago

              dont mind those people. This board has way too many larpers that never set a foot out of their local province and see men everywhere that doesnt fit their porn brainrot

            • 9 months ago

              Where did ya find her. Online, randonmly on the street?

            • 9 months ago

              This is the only attractive girl posted in this thread so far. Where can I find girls like that?

              • 9 months ago

                Dime a dozen in PH. Just walk up and say hello and she will spill her spaghetti (if you are white)

    • 9 months ago

      Where would you recommend going to fish out girls like this?

      • 9 months ago

        men? you can fish them out at gay bars

    • 9 months ago

      How did his dick taste? That is clearly a ladyboy, you moronic larp.

      • 9 months ago

        Difficult to tell with a 100% certainty from this angle, but this 90% looks like another ladyboy.

        Imagine larping and being so autistic the photos you pick are all of dudes, lol.

        men? you can fish them out at gay bars

        Can you stop thinking about dicks for a second? Jesus man.

        • 9 months ago

          and can you stop posting men for a second? 3 billion women and you do nothing but jerking off to troons

    • 9 months ago

      >*be white or korean

  20. 9 months ago

    I saw the hottest girl in McDonalds, tight dress and model figure extreme ass and hips. Yet I was with some normal girl shaped like a fridge who was buying my meal. I should have just yelled at that prostitute and got her number because it was a once in a lifetime moment.

  21. 9 months ago

    more pics

  22. 9 months ago

    I want to hold a woman's hand.

  23. 9 months ago

    I'll do one more because I guess this is a PSA now.

    Girl in the picrel is what? 6/10? 7/10? WRONG. She's got the mestiza nose, thin:ish mestiza lips, big breasts, is chubby, has chemically whitened skin, poorly lightened hair... This girl thinks she's at least a 9/10. Is she worth a 9/10+ treatment? Choose wisely.

    • 9 months ago

      Forgot the pic.

  24. 9 months ago

    Gotta do one more because this is an interesting case. She's got her hair fixed up at a proper hairdresser, nice clothes, nice apartment, gold earings, naturally light skin from spending time inside, french manicure... Clearly a 9/10, 10/10, right? Pretty much unobtainable for an average guy?

    But what's that? Why is she is she covering her mouth? Wait, hold on, those are disgusting, fat morena lips. And a disgusting morena nose. And disgusting morena skin. And just look those knuckles and all that disgusting morena brown. This girl in her head is probably sitting at a 7/10. If not less. And she's only a 7/10 because she's got all those other things going for her in terms of hair and nails and earnings, etc. You could actually frick this girl as an average white guy...

    • 9 months ago

      Thank you for the info anon. God bless.

      There's just one issue, I am moronic and I need extra clarification.

      -----Mestizas flips are:
      -Generally mixed heritage (traditionally Spanish, but also American and Chinese etc)
      -Sometimes taller
      -lighter skin
      -bigger breasts but not the pretty kind.
      -thin chinky lips
      -Think highly of themselves because they are seen as high status in their society

      -----Morena flips are:
      -stubby nose
      -browner skin
      -smaller breasts
      -fuller lips
      -Think lowly of themselves because they lack the high status traits

      So for the lips, the pic in

      Forgot the pic.

      would you say she has fuller lips but because of the light skin/the non stubby nose she would consider herself higher status?

      I guess the best way I can put this is Morena flips have noses and lips closer to black girls in North America, would that be an accurate assessment?

      I mean when put like this, white coomers can gamefy this pretty well...

      • 9 months ago

        >So for the lips, the pic in

        Forgot the pic.(You) would you say she has fuller lips but because of the light skin/the non stubby nose she would consider herself higher status?
        It's difficult to explain but she doesn't have Morena lips. They're full but they're not Morena full. Like, if I showed you a pick of her and you didn't know where she was from you'd maybe be like, "Puerto Rico? Mexico? Colombia? Spain? LA..?"

        Now if you saw this girl

        Yeah you got to know what to look for because there's like a beauty caste system of sorts. There's mestizas and morenas.

        Mestizas is anything with mixed heritage, traditionally Spanish, but also American and Chinese etc. This is where you find taller girls with lighter skin, bigger (but usually uglier and floppier) breasts and beef curtains pussies, and thin chinky lips, etc. This is what they think is hot. And if they have any type of wealth they will try to replicate it and also adopt a colonizer attitude where they behave like crude upper class Karens and talk down to other flips.

        Morena is native, like, anything that is not "foreign". They're shorter, have the stubby nose, browner skin, smaller breasts, fuller lips, tiny asian pussies, etc.The classic filipina look. And their attitude, especially if they're a mountain girl or come from a small fishing village or whatever, is like very naive and sweet and "raw".

        So you could be walking around in Manila or Cebu or whatever and approach a lanky, pasty white girl who looks like a ok:ish 6/10 but not anything special. But she will treat you like she's a 10/10 and you're like, "Wtf? Where's my beauty points for being white? This mid tier b***h isn't even that special?" But it's because she's mestizo.

        Then on the other hand, you could be driving through a small village and run into a 145 cm petite super model hot godess with glowing olive brown skin at the sari sari store and when you talk to her she starts giggling and creaming her panties and acting like she wants to rip off your clothes and frick you on the spot. And you're like, "Wait, this isn't right? This girl shouldn't even be talking to me?" But it's because she's morena.

        Eg: randomly pulled picrel from Pinalove. 20 yo, 158 cm, 43 kg. What would you rate her at? 8? 9? Well, that's a solid 5/10 with PH standards because she's got morena nose and lips and skin and breasts. And this girl will probably tell you she's ugly or at best average.

        or this girl

        Gotta do one more because this is an interesting case. She's got her hair fixed up at a proper hairdresser, nice clothes, nice apartment, gold earings, naturally light skin from spending time inside, french manicure... Clearly a 9/10, 10/10, right? Pretty much unobtainable for an average guy?

        But what's that? Why is she is she covering her mouth? Wait, hold on, those are disgusting, fat morena lips. And a disgusting morena nose. And disgusting morena skin. And just look those knuckles and all that disgusting morena brown. This girl in her head is probably sitting at a 7/10. If not less. And she's only a 7/10 because she's got all those other things going for her in terms of hair and nails and earnings, etc. You could actually frick this girl as an average white guy...

        and someone asked you the same thing, then you would probably conclude she belongs on some Pacific island with a flower in her hair and a machete in her hand and coconut under one arm and a kid under the other.

        And that's the difference.

        >I guess the best way I can put this is Morena flips have noses and lips closer to black girls in North America, would that be an accurate assessment?
        Yes, pretty much. "Moreno" or "morena" is even an old-fashioned Spanish way of calling someone a Black person or a shitskin, so... yes, if they look like Pacific Black folk...

        • 9 months ago

          Dude I’m sorry to interrupt your prattling but these girls are frickin mid, totally unworthy of braggary.

          Like these are the most muttified b***hes I’ve seen. They’re just translucent brown grey chicken nugget mutts.

          Let’s settle down shall we. You’re trying to explore their unique and eccentric physiognomies but I literally just see brown translucent chicken nugget imps

          • 9 months ago

            well I like them, can't help it

          • 9 months ago

            Found the fat, entitled, passive aggressive single mother from the West.

            • 9 months ago

              >fat entitled single moms browse SighSee, call SEAprostitutes mutts, and know how to greentext

              I don’t know what to say

        • 9 months ago

          Gotcha, thank you for the clarification, it all makes sense now.

          Dude I’m sorry to interrupt your prattling but these girls are frickin mid, totally unworthy of braggary.

          Like these are the most muttified b***hes I’ve seen. They’re just translucent brown grey chicken nugget mutts.

          Let’s settle down shall we. You’re trying to explore their unique and eccentric physiognomies but I literally just see brown translucent chicken nugget imps

          Anon it's the Philippines, did you expect to find your trad blue eyed blond over there? What a silly post.

          • 9 months ago

            people seem to think that only some stuck up blue eyed blonde white supermodel is the only women worthwile to chase (even if their own chance of succes to attain that is 0 percent). A lot of people going to the PH/SEA just want to get a nice loving girl to get their nut off in peace. Some anons seethe at this notion

        • 9 months ago

          Morenas are not Black person black or dark like indios/pajeets, they are significantly lighter. Especially females, as thry usually avoid sun exposure. Moreno is the average mestizo color.

    • 9 months ago

      >at morena lips. And a disgusting morena nose.

      What does this mean? Never heard this morena thing before

      • 9 months ago

        Spanish for Black person

        • 9 months ago

          Morena means many different things depending on where in the Spanish-speaking world you are, I’m pretty sure it doesn’t mean “Black person” anywhere though. Usually it means either a women with dark hair and features like Salma Hayek or a women with dark hair and darker skin tone, but not so dark that they’re in any way black.

          • 9 months ago

            I can tell your a woman by the way you type

      • 9 months ago

        how willing are girls to flight to your location? would I sound too desperate? all the hot teens are in Manila but I don't want to go to that shithole, I'd rather stay in Cebu.

        morena means dark skin features, looked down by flips because dark equals poor and white equals rich.
        chinita are girls with Chinese features.

        Any info about El Nido? Looks like paradise and I heard it's not so touristy like Thailand, but I don't believe it.

        El Nido is on the rise (like Coron, which also is in Palawan), it's less touristy than Thailand but still touristy, pretty popular among westerners.

        • 9 months ago

          You could probably get some to go with you, but it'd be hard to get them to fly alone. I'm pretty sure Cebu is shitty too, so why not go to one of the beach areas

  25. 9 months ago

    bump for more pinay knowledge- how/where would one go about picking up cuties for a sexy time? preferably not prostitutes and preferably with me being the first white dick inside of them

    • 9 months ago

      Go to a random ass village or stalk the first year university campus

      • 9 months ago

        Is it really that easy? You just chat them up and invite them to go back to your hotel/airbnb for 'coffee'?

    • 9 months ago

      You won't be her first no matter what. Anon these girls star fricking at 13yo. (Well, nowadays it's the same in Europe). At 20, if she doesn't have 3 kids already, she is the one teaching you things no the other way around. Tourists are easy money and accomodation, they spend their free time from one to another no matter the lies she will tell you. First rule don't fricking naive
      I'm not a sexpat but I can tell you how I got mine during some short holiday. Went to a mall restaurant and I a saw a pretty cute waitress. I joked with her, praised her English. And that's it I went back to my hotel. Two days later I went again to the same restaurant (with no bad intentions) to grab some meal and she was there.
      >You here again!
      >Yes! I Wanted to see your beautiful smile!
      Cheap joke pick up line that will never work anywhere but she thought that I was serious. Told me that she was free later and that was all, a few hours later she was in my hotel.
      So my advice, be a fricking normal person, don't be physically disgusting (no matter if you are an autist the cultural barrier will hide it) and they will come by themselves doing normal things. So no, don't stalk a fricking female campus like the other anon said lol.

      • 9 months ago

        This guy actually knows what's up.
        Funny how degenerate Philippines truly is. Every fricking 20 year old is a single mom there.

  26. 9 months ago

    Yellow fever thread!!!

    Honestly, I am so into these eastern babes. I haven't been with a white woman in 5 years, let me tell you.

    What's crazy is when I'm not even paying attention to what's going on around, my subconscious spots every Asian women in my line of sight, it's fricking crazy. I never wanted things to be this way, but I can't help it. Every since my trip to China, things have been so different...

    • 9 months ago

      Are you me?

  27. 9 months ago

    I live in Cebu. You can visit Mantalongon Dalaguete Cebu. I like the nature. I like the peaceful life here. Basically the vegetable basket of Cebu. Cheap and fresh veggies.

    • 9 months ago

      Im here rn in Mandaue. How tf do you use the bus system/ songthaews??

      I just paid 6 euros to go to SM Seaside by taxi. Fricking robbery. Google Maps told me that to get there by bus, I'd have to change buses like, 3 times.

      Also, what are some good food here? Is there a good night/weekend market?

      • 9 months ago

        >Hey it's me.. Buses are inconvenient since it has its own path to ride. Expect taxi to be expensive plus the traffic lol. Anyway, I have motorbike and 4wheels so going from Mantalongon dalaguete to Cebu city is convenient with me. I live in the city before but I prefer my place now.

      • 9 months ago

        >Also, I have my friends in Mandaue and I don't like being there. It's so crowded

    • 9 months ago

      Do you notice how the men spit on the ground at you? That is very disrespectful and is like flipping you off. They like to kill whitey there.

      • 9 months ago

        >men spitting in your general direction when you are yards away from them
        Dudes do this all the time. It's basic territorial marking behavior, like dogs pissing on lamp-posts. In the less savory parts of Mexico it was almost guaranteed that when a guy would spot my gringo ass across the street, he'd suddenly notice a gnat on his tongue and "pftooey". On the rare occasion a guy would spit and it would land close to my shoes, he would say sorry in Spanish. No disrespect intended, it's just general territorial assertion.

        So I made a Tinder account after arriving in Cebu and ended up getting 45 matches in a day which is nice in itself.

        But what do I actually say when my goal is to just smash? How should I open/lead the conversation?

        Tinder in SEA is probably much more different than it is in EU.

        Side note: why is there so many fricking trannies in Cebu, holy shit

        trannies in Cebu?? WTF, they said the Philippines are full of trad virgin single moms looking for BWC.

        • 9 months ago

          Keep coping

  28. 9 months ago

    somebody post more pinay qts

  29. 9 months ago

    Please tell me that's a biological woman.

    • 9 months ago

      Go outside more and look at women outside of Porn

      • 9 months ago

        I never used to think random women were trannies until I went to SEA and was tricked twice but highly passable ladyboys
        now I often think women with masculine are trannies, but it has nothing to do with porn

        • 9 months ago

          I dont know about other countries, but I feel like ladyboys in Thailand always go over the top in their appearance making it quite obvious so I never ran into that situation. But maybe it is possible that I'm so careful I've started discounting actual women also

          • 9 months ago

            Depends on the ladyboy, there's probably millions of them here in Thailand. They range anywhere from dudes in a dress to very passable. The thing is, there's always at least one giveaway, their hands, hips, adams apple, feet, shoulders, voice, ect. After being here a year, I can spot them as well or better than locals can.

  30. 9 months ago

    why is the girl in op so cute tho??

    • 9 months ago

      It makes me want to protect her and tell her she's beautifil and ill be gentle whilst I pump her full of my seed whilst she whispers moans in my ear

    • 9 months ago

      Damn I thought black people had low standards....

      • 9 months ago

        I didn’t say she was pretty. She looks sweet and soft

  31. 9 months ago

    post here since it's the only Philippines thread general.
    would it be moronic to fly from Tokyo to Davao in order to spend a week in the Philippines going to Samal or Siargao with a cute holiday girlfriend?
    flights are pretty cheap (like 200€) and my plan would be to leave my luggage and heavy clothes (my trip would be in November) in a coin locker and fly only with my backpack.

  32. 9 months ago


    I'm sure they don't look at you either lol

  33. 9 months ago

    How is Cagayan de Oro?

    • 9 months ago

      There is a club there. They recycle old prostitutes to tourists. Scooter taxi man said he would get me young girls and I went to their house and met them then he scammed me out of 20 dollars. Found some feral teen street prostitutes downtown. Would not stop tiktoking in my room. Inhospitable environment on the border of untamed jungle. Borderline hostile populace.

      • 9 months ago

        CDO is cool. The jungle in certain directions is open pvp. They don't tell you this but you're allowed to kill any communists or Muslims you find out there. If somebody starts shooting at you first just scream that you are AMERICAN! AMERICAN! If they stop shooting it means it's the army if they shoot even more it means it's the commies. You can go out into the shit for a week and come back with scalps and give them to the army for some pesos (not much but they have open bounty). Snap a pic of the guys you offed so they can confirm their identities. The scalps are just to prove it was your kill. Body cam would be helpful if there is the VERY rare legal hassle, but not strictly necessary.

        Recommend you bring your own UAV and some batteries for an upper hand, don't forget the mosquito repellant. Not too many independents working it these days since they didn't come back after covid. You can buy some toys from the army also if you want to rig some traps, say if you find a commie camp. A claymore goes a long way to disuading them from chasing you further. Lol!

        • 9 months ago

          Don't talk about this stuff. We don't need FBI/Interpol cracking down even harder. Phils are one of the last bastions for this type of shit. Rule 1 of fight club, Black person.

          • 9 months ago

            Glowies won't do shit, they are the ones who set up the world pvp zone. You can go do it in Borneo also if you only take melee weapons and bows to clear out mining areas, the pay is better but obviously way more risky fighting fricking feral abbos with a recurve bow.

        • 9 months ago

          This is more interesting than the whole 20yo single mother prostitutes everybody is talking about

        • 9 months ago

          >shouting to give away your position to the enemy
          >thinking you will prevail against hardened guerrillas who know the jungle like the back of their hand, even with a drone
          Fricking gamers, I swear.

      • 9 months ago

        >tiktoking in my room.
        kek wtf there was this girl I was with in manila and she was doing the same thing. I was trying to fricking sleep at 5 AM and the b***h is doing tik Tok dances and blasting the musak

      • 9 months ago

        explain borderline hostile

  34. 9 months ago

    How long does it take after arriving to get someone like OP's pic in my bed and being basically a travel frickbuddy/gf/cumhole that takes care of me without b***hing

    • 9 months ago

      Basically impossible, there are so many whites now its basically as much competition as you have in the west, girls won't look twice at you unless you see 6' 5+ and 9/10 face with a ripped body

      • 9 months ago

        in manilla I saw a legit tall blonde muscular nordic chad with a 4/10 monkey. it really is over

        • 9 months ago

          At a certain point, you get so much pussy, you start dating for personality. Dude probably likes her wide hips and fat pussy, and sorta likes how shes a little ugly.

          • 9 months ago

            This guy understands. My main girl isn't that good looking but she has a godlike pussy and amazing kegal muscle control. She can milk me off with just hip movement and pussy squeezing. Shit is amazing. She also loves to play pool and can keep up with me. Few understand.

        • 9 months ago

          Yellow Fever is a sickness it’s guys who have issues with viewing women as a partner they think yellow women are submissive

          • 9 months ago

            Your definition of a "submissive" woman is a woman who does not constantly complain and make endless demands of her man once she got him on lock, but instead adapts to his customs and habits just as he adapts to her country and its customs and habits. How horrible

          • 9 months ago

            I like them because they're usually not fat

            • 9 months ago

              >I weigh 110kg and have a smaller waist than the average American woman
              Absolutely fricking grim

        • 9 months ago
          MMA Belt

          You spelled Manilla in the old Spanish Spelling... MereAnon approves. Tread and respect us though.

    • 9 months ago

      If you have been pregaming on dating websites (not tinder), you can have a little brown fricking machines waiting for you at the airport once you exit the terminal.

      • 9 months ago

        any recommendations for sites?

        • 9 months ago

          NTA but I seen several other anons suggest "pinalove" app/website and to buy the premium if you want to non stop coom.

          • 9 months ago

            For those that have experience with ThaiFriendly and Pinalove. Is Pinalove like ThaiFriendly where 90 percent are freelance prostitutes? Or if you want to find like a (holiday) gf it's better to use Tinder whilst you're there. I'm 25

            • 9 months ago

              A holiday gf IS a freelance prostitute, anon.
              What, you think she wants to hang out for a week and never see you again because you're such a cool guy?

              • 9 months ago

                You know what I mean man, don't be obtuse. One you're not having to Barfine or pay straight up a LT fee for. One that you just pay like food and whatever else for. For me also holiday means a few months. If I'm just here for a week I might as well just pay multiple people to coom in then 6 times a day. Also lying is possible

  35. 9 months ago

    Cubabro: dating profile bio
    My ideal woman is an uneducated single mother with several children from a tambay father. Preferably, she will be unemployed and lazy, but with a terrific body. She will have a large family (hopefully many sisters) who are also lazy and unemployed and waiting for some idiot from another country to come and save them so they can continue to drink redhorse, smoke shabu, and sing terrible karaoke all day without having to work.She will be extremely poor, a squatter with big dreams and expensive taste. Her Filipino boyfriend will take her on isaw dates, but she wants AFAM to take her to Paris and buy her a Gucci Ferrari .I can be that AFAM to fulfill your wildest fantasies......if your fantasy involves going to jolibee and then for a short time at Queensland, I'm that guy. If your fantasy involves going to America and being datu, I can also lie to you and make you believe that I'll do that for you right before I take you to Jolibee and then for a short time at Queensland. Kuripot ako.Theirs nothing more sexy then a poor girl with expensive tastes, I love them! Their 50 peso sandals, their shitty tattoos, their body that smells a little bit like cebollas.....LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT. Poverty + materialistic = pokpok 100% of the time! 200 hundred and counting.....I'm going for the record (I think I have HIV but whatever)I have so much money, I don't know what to do l with it (sana all me) I need to give it away to tambays in a nipa hut. Are you that squatter in a nipa hut? If so please message me your gcash details.

    • 9 months ago

      I had my pinay read that. She said "frick that guy but it's really funny".

  36. 9 months ago

    So I made a Tinder account after arriving in Cebu and ended up getting 45 matches in a day which is nice in itself.

    But what do I actually say when my goal is to just smash? How should I open/lead the conversation?

    Tinder in SEA is probably much more different than it is in EU.

    Side note: why is there so many fricking trannies in Cebu, holy shit

    • 9 months ago

      How hot are the women in Cebu?
      Post pic

      It will help me decide if I want to go to Cebu vs Manila or Davao

      Also just say, come over let’s make love
      Maybe throw in a haha at the end

      • 9 months ago

        go to cebu and tell the girls bahog ka bilat

        they will melt in your hands

        then finish it with sipsip akong oten

    • 9 months ago

      >How should I open/lead the conversation?

      bahog ko oten, gusto nga manimaho niini works good

  37. 9 months ago

    I assume Angeles is a terrible place to meet a woman of decent quality? I want access to all the restaurants but finding a good woman is much more important to me.

  38. 9 months ago

    Any recommendations for finding random mountain villages? Just drive around and hope I stumble across one? Try to rent a room with a family? Try to meet someone online and visit her village?
    I was planning to do a quick week-long trip, fly into cebu for 2-3 nights, then either try to explore the island or go to a nearby island like Blacks or something, but I don't really have a plan yet.

    • 9 months ago

      Mantalongon Dalaguete cebu

  39. 9 months ago

    Gentleman does anyone have experience with buying Viagra on the streets? how safe is this to do?

    • 9 months ago

      just go to a pharmacy and ask for one of the generic variants

  40. 9 months ago

    How is medical care in smaller cities like Iloilo and Bacolod compared to places like Davao and Cebu? How much more expensive is Cebu than the other 3 when it comes to food and rent?

    • 9 months ago

      Medical care is nearly non-existent

  41. 9 months ago

    I have an urge to go to the PH and find a shy cute girls like op related. Lock ourselves up in our hotel room naked and breed her for an entire week whilst surviving on delivery food.

    • 9 months ago

      This but with a twink or two.

      • 9 months ago

        A few girls and twinks just stuck in your hotel/condo naked all the time

  42. 9 months ago

    jewgle translate it is then

  43. 9 months ago

    I'm flying from SFO ~ Taiwan ~ Manilla this week. 2hr 30 min layover in Taipei, is this enough for a layover? I don't have any checked luggage. I travel light as frick, just my backpack and a small carry on with 3 outfits.

    • 9 months ago

      I literally had this same connection. Yes it is enough. They did not scrutinize my carryon luggage either. The Taiwan airport is smaller as well.

  44. 9 months ago

    We can make our own city of hybrid mongrel children

  45. 9 months ago

    Basically the province is cheaper than Cebu, but the girls are 10/10

    • 9 months ago

      what province?

    • 9 months ago
      MMA Brown Belt Receleto Flip

      Leyte is kino but small I suggest going to Mindoro former kingdom of Ma-i it has the Verde Island Strait among the richest marine biodiveristy spots in the world. Little Silver to Rajah Ampat in Indonesia.

  46. 9 months ago

    lust provoking image

  47. 9 months ago

    Why are all of you so obsessed with Asian women
    They’re near the bottom of the totem pole for me. Not interested.

    • 9 months ago

      >why are you all so obsessed with Asian women
      Other way around, anon. Asian women are obsessed with LWC (Long White wiener). We are simply responding to the opportunities which present themselves.

      • 9 months ago
        MMA Brown Belt Receleto Flip

        Latinos have larger wieners than Whites thank God Im part Latino. However, the the Column is now in Europe. I have served I shall serve.

        • 9 months ago


          >why are you all so obsessed with Asian women

          Other way around, anon. Asian women are obsessed with LWC (Long White wiener). We are simply responding to the opportunities which present themselves.
          >Latinos have larger wieners than Whites thank God Im part Latino. However, the the Column is now in Europe. I have served I shall serve.

          Pix or GTFO.

          • 9 months ago

            My Kvng. The BGC gang has my discord Im the real deal. Im sure some Viets have kept my 7 inch dick pics I shared to a doctor for examination.

            I dont want others to get hold of the pics as it would tempt alot to sin that a Recolecto Monk MMA enthusiast is packing a 7 incher. My pics are there you just have to find them.

            Proud of almost 3 months of no fap btw and havent had sex in years extremely difficult when your very horny all the time and women throw themselves at you because they want seduce you due to your position.

        • 9 months ago

          south america avg is brought up by amount of Black folk you moron.

          • 9 months ago

            Paraguay is deep green and theyre more fluent in Guarani than Spanish barely any Black folk there majority Mestizo and Native American. The Spanish genocided my Latin American brothers because they are jealous of (Y)[our] BLC Big Latino wiener.

  48. 9 months ago

    Island of Palawan, Southern Mindanao, Puerto Princesa. I have a good friend who lives there. He has nothing but good things to say about the city and the women. He says it's way cleaner than Manila, the food is better, and it's just generally a better place all around.

  49. 9 months ago

    Two more weeks until I am getting my wiener slurped and belly filled with cheap beer.

  50. 9 months ago

    Is the only decent healthcare in Manila and that one place in Cebu? How is the healthcare in Davao, Baguio, Iloilo, or Bacolod? I can’t find a good website to check healthcare quality by city

  51. 9 months ago


    this b***h is hideous and I remember your pic too. you are also hideous. can you please be disgusting somewhere else

  52. 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      is it that easy for whitebros?

      • 9 months ago

        It’s depressing how easy it is to get laid in the Philippines. Even Thailand doesn’t compare. Any white guy under 50 that isn’t morbidly obese or disfigured has no excuse to pay for prostitutes in PH, other than laziness/convenience. The only reason I don’t go back there is because I’m simply not attracted to south East Asian women. There will be the rare exception but a lot of them literally look subhuman to me and I’m not even a /misc/tard or anything, their faces just either look like frogs or chimps.

        • 9 months ago

          Thailand's just as easy, the language is the only thing that makes it difficult. 30 mins or so outside of any tourist area and you get girls creaming themselves if you smile at them.

          • 9 months ago

            Maybe it’s the language or I didn’t spend enough time in the country, or too much time in tourist areas, but I got the impression that Thai girls aren’t as desperate as Pinay girls. In PH I didn’t get rejected once even if the interaction was somewhat awkward and even had some girls just offer themselves to me, not even for money.

            • 9 months ago

              >ven had some girls just offer themselves to me, not even for money.


            • 9 months ago

              The girls in tourist areas don't give a frick about falangs, the ones outside those areas cream themselves instantly. Completely opposite reactions you'll get depending where you are.

              • 9 months ago

                What cities have the most difficult to pick up girls?

              • 9 months ago

                The girls in tourist areas don't give a frick about falangs, the ones outside those areas cream themselves instantly. Completely opposite reactions you'll get depending where you are.

                Nevermind you were talking about in Thailand

          • 9 months ago

            Its really not just as easy. You still have to put in some effort in Thailand

        • 9 months ago

          I was surprised as well. I just went there to visit my friend and his family until he told me to download an app lol. I was getting 18-19 year olds.

        • 9 months ago

          The main reason i haven’t gone to SEA yet is i have no attraction to Asian women either. I’d rather get shot down by European or Latin chicks than get laid with a flip or Thai girl

    • 9 months ago

      .... do they actually know what a hapa is ? Would this line work ? At least im not lying to them 🙂

  53. 9 months ago

    Dumagete, valencia, angeles, tacloban are decent

  54. 9 months ago

    Gonna do my first trip to the Flips soon. Will 3 weeks be enough to do Manila, Cebu and Davao? I know I won’t be able to do or see everything, I meant more in terms of travel time between the three. And what would be the best way to travel between those? And if I had to skip one, which would it be?

    • 9 months ago

      what the frick do you want to see anyway?

  55. 9 months ago

    bros is palawan good for cooming or is it just full of tourists? I want to go to a nice beach, not spend time in some shit city, but I also want to coom.

  56. 9 months ago

    >Hotel is in Manila
    >Heard Angeles is the spot for ladyboys

  57. 9 months ago



    What app is this?

  58. 9 months ago

    >too expensive

    please make some real money homosexual

  59. 9 months ago


    If I am decent looking white guy I should be good on tinder or is there like no matches around the usual tourist beach spots.

    • 9 months ago

      DL PinayLove and pay premium and enjoy your 200+ matches

      • 9 months ago

        Looks like a fake/bot site.

      • 9 months ago

        Looks like a fake/bot site.

        I've seen posts recommending sites like pinalove and thaifriendly in this thread and the thailand one and they look like fat/bot/scam sites and I'm still not sure if it's them just advertising their own websites here or if it's actually legit.

        • 9 months ago

          They’re legit but the majority of women on there are hideous and they’re free to message you without you having liked them so it becomes a slog to use rather quickly. I did meet a few cuties through there though so it’s worth checking out.

  60. 9 months ago

    How much better does the dating scene in the Philippines feel than in the USA? The women here are mean and entitled with a chip on their shoulder from my experience and it makes life significantly worse.

  61. 9 months ago

    Any info about El Nido? Looks like paradise and I heard it's not so touristy like Thailand, but I don't believe it.

  62. 9 months ago

    Still would.

  63. 9 months ago

    Just found out the 35 year old retirement visa was discontinued. Do you all just repeatedly stay on tourist visas? Is there a way to stay long enough to find a wife and stay permanently?

    • 9 months ago

      Need this answered as well. Wanting to gtfo out of Mexico

    • 9 months ago

      Depends on your passport but my research for my strong passport is I can extend my tourist visa out to about 18 months If I so desire. If you can't lock down and marry a decent Filipina woman in a year and a half, you probably didn't want it that badly.

  64. 9 months ago

    >bored of fricking prime teen pussy every day
    >decide to start a business
    >do all the stuff, get all the stamps, pay all the things
    >rent the place, buy the stuff, get it going along with a local llc
    >local politician shows up to talk to me, asks me to contribute to his election fund
    >tell him I don't know anything about him, and need to learn about him first
    >says something ominous to me
    >go about my business for a month or two
    >my license is suddenly revoked
    >the frick
    >investigate, stonewalled at every turn
    >wait a minute...that fat homosexual....
    >go to him
    >'lets talk about your campaign contribution'

    No wonder this country is such a fricking shithole, you cannot do business here without corrupt pieces of shit demanding a cut at every turn, LMAO. I literally just tried to employ 4 filipinos and now they won't have jobs because of local government corruption. Good luck with that you dumbfricks.

    • 9 months ago

      They act exactly like that when they make it to the west as well. If you weren't aware. They jnsider trade, fix prices, etc. Havent you ever wondered why half of the flips in america are all nurses, or why they have so many people working abroad in japan, korea, emirates? They literally all bribe their family in.

      This is why i have zero qualms about the cooming discussions. They do much worse to us

    • 9 months ago

      Philippines is a riot of families. Were like Latins and Latinos except in the Orient. Im sorry everything is personal here. We talk to (You). Its not about ideologies of astract concepts its the person. And the local politician is Politqué. Sadly we have been receiving exiled nobles from other nations lately who may have make mistakes and do penanance. So we local principalia have to gate keep them and each other to keep our flock pure and unblemished.

      • 9 months ago


        >bored of fricking prime teen pussy every day

        >decide to start a business
        >do all the stuff, get all the stamps, pay all the things
        >rent the place, buy the stuff, get it going along with a local llc
        >local politician shows up to talk to me, asks me to contribute to his election fund
        >tell him I don't know anything about him, and need to learn about him first
        >says something ominous to me
        >go about my business for a month or two
        >my license is suddenly revoked
        >the frick
        >investigate, stonewalled at every turn
        >wait a minute...that fat homosexual....
        >go to him
        >'lets talk about your campaign contribution'

        No wonder this country is such a fricking shithole, you cannot do business here without corrupt pieces of shit demanding a cut at every turn, LMAO. I literally just tried to employ 4 filipinos and now they won't have jobs because of local government corruption. Good luck with that you dumbfricks.
        >Philippines is a riot of families. Were like Latins and Latinos except in the Orient. Im sorry everything is personal here. We talk to (You). Its not about ideologies of astract concepts its the person. And the local politician is Politqué. Sadly we have been receiving exiled nobles from other nations lately who may have make mistakes and do penanance. So we local principalia have to gate keep them and each other to keep our flock pure and unblemished.


  65. 9 months ago

    I have two weeks of holidays I need to use before end of the year. Is it worth my while to fly from Berlin to Manila and spend two weeks in Makati, draining my balls into young flip pussy or is it just memes and am I better off going to Thailand? I’m trying to hookup with girls btw, not hookers. What would be the best way to find accommodation? I checked AirBnB and they look decent and cheap enough, is that the way to go for two weeks?

    • 9 months ago

      >short holiday
      >I’m trying to hookup with girls btw, not hookers

      you're gunna learn

      • 9 months ago

        Elaborate, my nig nog.

        • 9 months ago

          All seaasiatics are prostitutes. You can't get something for nothing in the region. Sex is so cheap that it's the equivalent of some drinks or snacks or dinner. So you will just be picking how you pay, either with the facade of entertainment, or directly.

          These chicks have nothing to gain by having casual sex with foreigners, so they always extract some sort of toll.

          • 9 months ago

            Ah yeah, I know that. I’ll gladly buy a b***h some noodles, I’ll even throw in a pair of Havaianas or some shit if it means I can creampie some 18-year old flip dicky. As long as there’s some pretense to it.

  66. 9 months ago

    It’s not uncommon to find high school students selling themselves on Facebook. They just see it as an easy way to make money.
    Pic related is a hs senior will allow you to use her in any manner you see fit for a few thousand pesos.
    (I always check ID’s and you dumb homosexuals should too. )
    Holy shit boys, the loads I’ve blown into 18 year olds could fill an Olympic pool by now….

    • 9 months ago

      what kind of searchterms do you need to use to find these

      • 9 months ago

        Look up terms like “Klaw” “walk” “lakad” along with whatever city you’re in. You’ll find a bunch of groups. It’s tricky because they use shorthand and abbreviations in Tagalog and English, so you’ll need google translate to get a sense of what everyone is saying.
        Start adding and chatting with the girls. JBW also works with hookers and semi-pros. They just love us whiteboys.

        • 9 months ago

          >It’s tricky because they use shorthand and abbreviations
          i found this
          >Avail po, recto/sta mesa/cubao/pasay.
          could you list a few common shorthands or abbrev. ?

    • 9 months ago

      what's your process of procuring them on FB?

    • 9 months ago

      wonder how many trips were booked because of this post?

    • 9 months ago

      Stop turning our women into prostitutes! 1:1.05 Gender ratio at birth. Any violation of one side demands a counter from the other. You frick many women? Then a woman has to frick many guys. All the while the pairbonding hormones releaaed during the sexual act would be all over the place over alot of people. Your mind will be restless and youll act like an animal. The sexual revolution was the assault against marriage and family. Now everyones having sex but no children.

    • 9 months ago

      Look up terms like “Klaw” “walk” “lakad” along with whatever city you’re in. You’ll find a bunch of groups. It’s tricky because they use shorthand and abbreviations in Tagalog and English, so you’ll need google translate to get a sense of what everyone is saying.
      Start adding and chatting with the girls. JBW also works with hookers and semi-pros. They just love us whiteboys.

      wow it's that direct and for tuition

  67. 9 months ago

    everytime i go to the Philippines, i frick young hotties bareback non stop. there is so much pussy there and it is easy to get if your not a gross ugly orc. Philippines belongs to loud and proud Caucasians

    • 9 months ago

      Yo onions latino. Nosotros te mantendremos en la puerta.

      • 9 months ago

        y que es cebolla latino, eres culero o que?

        • 9 months ago

          homie onions autocorrects to onions.

  68. 9 months ago

    Yes Filipina students are dumb enough to have bareback baby making sex with total strangers for tuition. They readily risk becoming single mothers and destroying their life plans just for a couple thousand pesos to pay for their school books.

    That's the absolute state of the country. No questions asked sperm pumped directly into teenage wombs, then a little water splashed on the slit to "clean up", and off she goes.

    >who is the father?
    >"I don't know huhuhuhuhu"

    Life over. Gg no re.

    • 9 months ago

      >then a little water splashed on the slit to "clean up", and off she goes

      lmao sounds exactly like Japan

  69. 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      yes and?

    • 9 months ago

      based mongo sexpest not bringing the average IQ up with his inferior intellect

    • 9 months ago
  70. 9 months ago

    How much pesos to have three 18 year olds be in my bed for 24 hours for non stop bareback breeding?

    • 9 months ago


      In the Philippines they'll seek YOU out

      I have a severe breeding fetish.

      I've personally bred 4 girls now and I'm planning to breed a fifth.

      It's just too easy. They don't know shit about contraceptives so it's easy to nut raw.

      I usually stick around and watch their bellies get big. It's turns me on so much bro FRICK! I stay until the child is born and watch the delivery. I record it so I can jerk off to it later. Knowing that MY BABY is being delivery from a healthy Pinay womb is so fricking hot.

      After the baby is delivered, I dip. There's nothing more for me to enjoy. I want to enjoy breeding another flip now.

      • 9 months ago

        are you aussie?

        • 9 months ago

          How the frick were you able to tell???

          • 9 months ago

            Probably the Black person-tier behavior.

            • 9 months ago

              Australians really are white Black folk

      • 9 months ago

        Give us rhe story on where you found these 4 (which site) and what you told them to come over and breed

      • 9 months ago

        You heart breaking Black person you act no different from Black person slaves your British masters claimed to enslave.

  71. 9 months ago

    My plane leaves the US on Sunday. Fuzzy pants, here I come!

  72. 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      You can just read the moronicness of the average flip in their messages. Makes it easier to be cumdumps for us

  73. 9 months ago

    I want a woman I can respect

    • 9 months ago

      Wrong thread

    • 9 months ago

      Wrong country.

    • 9 months ago

      Wrong universe

  74. 9 months ago

    It’s wonderful when you run through a whole group of friends. Like, you frick one, then another , then a threesome here and there, and before you know it, you’ve fricked an entire senior class.
    Im proud to say there are about two dozen recent high school grads in Makati who only made it through thanks to my “tuition” contributions.
    Honestly, I feel like this is a pretty good trade for everyone involved.

    • 9 months ago


      I wish I was moronic enough to be able to delude myself like this.

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