Remote Job and living outside the west but making western standard salary

How the frick do I get one? I'm sick of living in the west with drug addicts in our city centers and high cost of living. Just want to feel like a king on my average salary.

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  1. 8 months ago

    I’m gonna let this thread rock.

    Floor is yours, dorkers

  2. 8 months ago

    >get online job
    Literally that easy you moron

    • 8 months ago

      If it were "literally that easy" you would see a lot more people doing it because America gives you a terrible bang for your buck anymore.

      • 8 months ago

        I did it. I'm freelancing as a remote video editor living in an EU nation making between $26-$32 an hour with my clients and I even teach English on the side too. It's very easy to afford rent, food, travel, and with making good crypto trades here and there I occasionally buy a prostitute for an hour. Pretty nice living tbh.

        • 8 months ago

          man $32/hr really is poor.

          I'm self-employed, making about 60k a year. Just left the U.S. Here's how I got to this point:

          After graduating college I got a job in my field. Worked at that company for two years. Left for a better paying job. I hated this new job, so I started pursuing freelance projects on the side through websites like Upwork. After several months of persistence I finally landed a couple small freelance projects. They didn't pay more than a few hundred bucks but it was enough motivation for me to quit my job and try to pursue self employment. It took another year or so of hard work, long hours, and no breaks to finally get to a point where I was averaging about 2k per month. And after several more years of steadily working, not taking any vacations, pulling all nighters, and working through the weekends, I finally got to where I am now.

          It's absolutely achievable if you're willing to sacrifice 3-5 years of your life to an absolutely relentless grind. You're not going to just 'get' a job like this. You have to carve it into existence on your own.

          60k in usa is same as $32hr, thats really poor.

          God damn people on SighSee really are poor. Good on you for travelling but wow.

          • 8 months ago

            Bro, I make 36k and I've never really had to worry about money...

          • 8 months ago

            I work less than 40 hours a week 😉

          • 8 months ago

            Shut the frick up you wienersucking dork homosexual b***h. That’s plenty of money if you’re not shopping at whole foods and buying the latest dork homosexual gadgets and computer upgrades as soon as they come out, you fricking dork homosexual b***h.

            No amount of material wealth will EVER change the fact that you’re a meek little weasel homosexual who can only act smug and supercilious ONLINE while they HUNCH over their MacBook Pro at some shithole cafe in a 3rd world country sipping the same choice coffee, while the rest of the world rips and roars by, full of life, virility, and vitality while you stand aside in some digital doghouse.

            Shut the FRICK. UP.

            • 8 months ago

              lol u mad
              the idea is you get paid high for your time
              the fact that you have this made up image just means you're not even making $30/hr and that's just sad anon. go live some life, like you said, the rest of the wrold rips and roars while you're posting angry comments on an image board.

              No, $60k/year is pretty good. Stop consooming so damn much.

              60k/yr is not good at all by any standard. the joke is how cheap you are and how you tell other wagies how cheap you are and say *life is good*

              but the fact of the matter is that all of you will always be at your employers whims and to sell your time for 60k/yr and say it's good is fricking hilarious. it's good time to be a employer - cause all you homosexuals are cheap as frick.

          • 8 months ago

            No, $60k/year is pretty good. Stop consooming so damn much.

            • 8 months ago

              I have never made $60k/year. Even starting out it was $72k/year. Now it's $250k.

              • 8 months ago

                Nice you made it to middle class, congrats

          • 8 months ago

            b***h I have made anywhere from 8 dollhairs an hour to 22 and no matter what, I have spent the majority of my year leisure traveling, paying my way all the way. Being a homosexual who throws money around like it has no value, and who in return is forced to HUNCH over his laptop while on vacation in order to collect goybux is nothing to brag about.

        • 8 months ago

          How’d you get residence/visa as a freelancer? Do you make enough to qualify for the Estonian nomad visa? If so, what’s your plan for navigating the 584/730 rule?

    • 8 months ago

      I dont understand how you stay in a country without a work visa

      • 8 months ago

        some countries are stupidly easy to residency in (paraguey) and others give you generous tourist visas (3 months a year) that you can just rotate countries when it starts to run out

        • 8 months ago

          >others give you generous tourist visas (3 months a year) that you can just rotate countries when it starts to run out
          >just rotate countries every 3 months bro
          living like a literal nomad/gypsy sounds like a huge pain in the ass

          • 8 months ago

            Anything beats dating American women anon.

          • 8 months ago

            no its quite free
            3 months a good amount of time and you'll learn that you don't really need all that shit you hoard at home to be happy

            • 8 months ago

              That hippie saying "you don't own your possessions, they own you" is true. Having furniture, a big TV, pots, pans, a closet full of clothes you never use, etc, is all a burden that you need to worry about. You can move it into storage when you travel long term but chances are, you'll just want to replace it if/when you eventually go back to your home country.
              It's a liberating feeling to give up your apartment, rent out your house, and get rid of all that shit. A suitcase of sentimental or important stuff to store with friends or family. Now you own just what you carry, whether a backpack or a suitcase. The clothes and equipment you use day-to-day is like 1% of the shit you accumulated in your previous life. Your bank accounts grow faster and you could replace everything you now own in a weekend shopping spree if necessary.
              Minimalism is an amazing feeling.

            • 8 months ago

              >you'll learn that you don't really need all that shit you hoard at home to be happy
              >"You'll own nothing and be happy"
              out wef shill

  3. 8 months ago

    spend a few years in a full time job. become reasonably experienced in something useful. build network of contacts
    become self employed contractor
    get contracts that are well paid in your home country but which are largely remote based and/or get contracts in other countries
    go where you want, do what you want
    that's what i did anyway. your mileage, etc
    pic unrelated

    • 8 months ago

      cool photo anon

  4. 8 months ago

    Get a job on an American military base

    • 8 months ago


  5. 8 months ago

    -management positions at international tech firms
    -scrum master
    -data analyst
    -software engineer
    -graphic designer
    -writing: copyeditor, technical writing etc.
    -customer service representative
    -freelancer / self-employed: social media, blogger, dropshipping, resale, selling e-books / udemy courses, day trader
    -language teacher

    • 8 months ago

      I noticed digital marketing is absent from this list. I have no degree but have about a decade of experience managing a fashion brand that I founded. Everything from production, logistics and customer facing stuff through to social media, paid ads, email marketing and all the media work that comes with it. A few website and video projects for other clients but not much. I don't know shit about coding other than setting up WordPress websites but have a good grasp on business overview in general.

      Any way I could use this to land remote marketing or consulting gigs?

      • 8 months ago

        >and who in return is forced to HUNCH over his laptop
        Holy based. My sermons have reached the multitude.

        3 Dorkonomy 1-7
        >behold, the dork huncheth upon his laptop, curled in the sickly way.
        >the technology hath consumed him, and his body contorts in unnatural ways
        >traverse this earth unencumbered, and thus sample the sweet flower of maidens far off
        >the dork may mocketh your earthly way, but know that that no riches will make his back straight again
        >the righteous will parade the soi, the multitude of exotic maidens compasseth theron
        >the dork will cower at the cafe and sneer, worshipping his square god
        >he dealeth with a strange god, and thus will he come to ruin

        • 8 months ago

          >3 Dorkonomy 1-7
          , the dork huncheth upon his laptop, curled in the sickly way.

    • 8 months ago

      >scrum master

    • 8 months ago

      All of these seem like they require a degree, what's the option for 99% of the board who are NEETS and still living off the last of our crypto. I have enough to never work again but if I want to travel I am going to need additional income and employer paid insurance

      • 8 months ago

        I did it. I dreamed of becoming a digital nomad like you buttholes and then I became one. No degrees required, bonus points for being white but if you put in some effort ONCE in your life you can make it too so listen up:
        All you have to do is an online web development bootcamp. There's some that cost thousands, some cost hundreds, just make sure they actually teach you shit and also help you to set up a portfolio, linkedin, xing etc.. Make sure to have enough savings to survive for a few months in case they are fulltime or choose a halftime one. I did microverse but there's better ones. In microverse you only pay after getting a job tho which might be appealing to poorgays. Will take you 4-12 months depending on how lazy you are and if you wanna become fullstack or specialize in frontend or backend - all work just fine. Apply for jobs like crazy, took me a month to get a remote one and I fricked off to valencia and thailand afterwards after my first month in the job. I'm white and middle european, but my buddies from microverse were from nigeria, turkey, etc.. zero degrees but they all found remote jobs. That fat turkish bastard is making more money than me even. Got my first job two years ago, changed my life, it's not a meme so go for it if you really want it

        • 8 months ago

          > All you have to do is an online web development bootcamp. There's some that cost thousands, some cost hundreds, just make sure they actually teach you shit and also help you to set up a portfolio, linkedin, xing etc.. Make sure to have enough savings to survive for a few months in case they are fulltime or choose a halftime one. I did microverse but there's better ones. In microverse you only pay after getting a job tho which might be appealing to poorgays. Will take you 4-12 months depending on how lazy you are and if you wanna become fullstack or specialize in frontend or backend - all work just fine. Apply for jobs like crazy,
          *yawns loudly and obnoxiously like a petulant child*
          Yea no thanks. What would happen in my case is I would go to the boot camp, let the instructors handhold me through the modules, and then as soon as the rubber hits the road where I actually had to maintain competency, be responsible, and perform, I will tuck my tail between my legs.
          >just make sure they actually teach you shit and also help you to set up a portfolio, linkedin, xing
          I would just not do anything and expect to be handed a job.

          I did the same thing with college. Once the guardrails of writing sophistry papers in worthless classes ended, and I was supposed to go compete for a real job, I was afraid and threatened of being challenged, held accountable, and made to perform in an environment with well to do white people (I’m white), so I tucked my tail between my legs and applied to shitty jobs that I knew wouldn’t challenge me or stress me out where I could slack off, find ways to steal time, and sit on my ass with immigrants and minorities. 10 years later and I’m still doing the exact same thing. I’ve never worked with with white people except the kind of absolute fricking losers with baby mamas and child support who have that shitty blue collar demeanor that abhors intellectualism or any kind of higher culture

          • 8 months ago

            Same dude. I went to a good college and got a business administration degree and worked at a big medical company for a year and hated it, I hated the people I worked with, quit, went back to work at the store I was working at in college and eventually got a job supervising the morons you describe just making sure they do the janitorial tasks they're assigned. It's easy AF and pays ok but I feel like I wasted 10 years not doing anything anything to better my career. Now I'm old and want to do something else but I don't have any certs or things they're looking for and I wish I either got into a trade from the beginning or into something like web development.

            • 8 months ago

              Read the Bible. I’m at the book of Jeremiah. Gods full fledged wrath is laid upon Babylon towards the end. The way it’s written literally scared me. I fear god now.

              So far, the Bible doesn’t say anything about prostitutes, only adulterers that frick other peoples wives. I think we’re in the clear. He just says be careful of harlots they are “a narrow pit”

              Just max your Roth and open a brokerage at M1 finance and google ginger ale portfolio and just add to that after. we will prosper. Frick the dorkers

              • 8 months ago

                Mathew 15:24

        • 8 months ago

          what languages did you learn and what do you actually do? did you go from nothing to being able to program... what? do you have to be really high iq? I tried learning swift years ago and became totally lost.

        • 8 months ago

          When was this? Pre tech layoffs? Entry level bootcamps web developers aren't getting hired, let alone remote jobs like it's 2021 or even 19.

  6. 8 months ago

    You can't if your job is from the US. Due to tax laws you will be heavily fined or jailed if your company is US based and you live outside the US for more than half the year

    • 8 months ago

      America is so horrible. An entire nation of natural born slaves & prisoners, all imbued with the sole purpose of serving Israel. I hate living here so fricking much.

    • 8 months ago

      as long as you file and pay tax to America why would they give af

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      Nearly every country has this tax system. It's a part of the model tax convention.

      America is so horrible. An entire nation of natural born slaves & prisoners, all imbued with the sole purpose of serving Israel. I hate living here so fricking much.

      You can pay America all the taxes you want, but the other country that you're living in will also fully tax you so you'll be double taxed. Based on the tax treaty America loses its right to tax you.

      Some wagies in my country that are allowed to work from abroad half a year, like my brother who works at a bank, still have to be within the EU so that's useless.

      • 8 months ago

        >You can pay America all the taxes you want, but the other country that you're living in will also fully tax you so you'll be double taxed. Based on the tax treaty America loses its right to tax you.
        That's not actually how tax treaties work. America never "loses its right to tax you," if you're an American citizen, even in countries with which we share a tax treaty. What the tax treaties do is force the two taxing governments to share, resulting in total taxation that doesn't exceed the amount you would be taxed by just one of them.

        The US has very generous exemptions for income earned abroad, though--the first $120,000 is tax-exempt.

        >t. US citizen filing there and in the tax-treatied country where I have actually lived for the last five years.

        • 8 months ago

          Wondering. As the first 120k is tax exempt regardless of whether or not the foreign country is taxing you - do you know if >120k you can claim further exemption if paying foreign tax?

          • 8 months ago

            You can iirc offset the tax you would owe to the foreign country but since you'd be hitting the highest tax bracket at that point unless you're working in Sweden or something you'd still owe. And if your compensation is really over $120k you'd be well served by looking into some tax avoidance strategies like taking some pay as stocks or options that can be traded after a year which would qualify as
            long term capital gains at the lower rate.

          • 8 months ago

            >Wondering. As the first 120k is tax exempt regardless of whether or not the foreign country is taxing you - do you know if >120k you can claim further exemption if paying foreign tax?
            There are a lot of viable deductions; at least where I am, there are highly qualified expat-specific tax firms that can save you a lot of money. I’m paying slightly less in Switzerland than I used to in California.

            That said, I just realized that the $120K exemption probably doesn’t apply to income earned remotely from US sources, just to income paid by non-US employers. Not sure, though, so perhaps other Anons can correct me. And anybody who’s working remotely for multiple employers should already be good at finding legitimate deductions if they’re smart.

            • 8 months ago

              It can be an American company but it has to be a non-US source, like the company is incorporated in that country, has offices there and you're paid under local their bookkeeping. Fricking off while doing remote work doesn't afaik count.

            • 8 months ago

              It can be an American company but it has to be a non-US source, like the company is incorporated in that country, has offices there and you're paid under local their bookkeeping. Fricking off while doing remote work doesn't afaik count.

              I am not certain but pretty sure you can claim FEIE when getting paid by US company in USD so long as you're a 1099 and otherwise qualify for FEIE via physical presence or bona fide resident. Meaning 'fricking off while doing remote work' is sufficient *so long as* you're not an EMPLOYEE of the US company

        • 8 months ago

          if you work in a country without tax like Dubai, does it result in USA taxing you 0 and Dubai taxing you 0?

          • 8 months ago

            >if you work in a country without tax like Dubai, does it result in USA taxing you 0 and Dubai taxing you 0?
            Only if you make under US$120,000.

  7. 8 months ago

    I do it in compliance, mostly underrated and under represented because they require certain certifications or past experiences if you want to even be considered for the job so that reduces the candidate pool a lot.

    Six figs remote job for a crypto exchange based in Cyprus, i have to be there physically 5-6 times a year for the periodic reviews/management updates but besides that they don't care where i work from.

    There's remote work in just about any major corporate branch, the problem isn't the lack of jobs but the fact that 1 remote job that pays relatively well gets 1000 applicants minimum from all over the world.

    Learn to sell yourself, have a convincing CV and story and apply for jobs tied to your CV and the story you're ready to sell. You have no idea how many morons i see with unrelated degrees apply for coding jobs or some jobs that require a specific background.l

    If you don't have the background, get an online certification or anything that can help make your CV look more attractive to the area of work you want to work in.

    Above all be patient, it took me 6 months of constant fricking rejections to even land 1 interview.

  8. 8 months ago

    remote /bros/ what laptop are you using?perhaps mac is the best than some gaming laptop

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah, I do use apple laptops. I find they're lighter and more reliable than most, and they run Linux well. But I always use MacBook airs that are several years old because they're cheap.

      • 8 months ago

        how do you travel around with laptop or do you just keep it at the hotel?i am feeling like its a burden if it gets stolen with my documents

        • 8 months ago

          if you are travelling with a laptop in a poor country don't keep anything important on it
          keep everything personal or important in the cloud using onedrive/icloud/box/dropbox or something like that
          of course if you lose the laptop itself it can be a pain but if you keep everything online you only lose the time it takes to get a new laptop

        • 8 months ago

          You should have your laptop encrypted regardless with a strong password or keyfile. Also, always shutdown your laptop when you're done using it.

          Now for SighSee Loonix schizo posting, my password is a 1 million bit randomly generated keyfile stored on a flash drive that I always keep with me. The header file is also on the flash drive with no partition table on the SSD itself so it just looks like a bunch of random data.

          I haven't used Windows in a long time, but BitLocker is supposed to be good. Just make sure you have a backup of your recovery key, lol. Idk how Macs handle encryption.

          • 8 months ago

            people in poor countries aren't going to steal your laptop because they want your files, they're going to steal your laptop because they want your laptop. they will probably just factory-reset it anyway
            all of your precautions are just a false sense of security. carrying something around with you that you depend on like a flash drive is introducing an additional problem. what happens if you lose it when you go swimming or something?
            anyway you might think you're a l33t haxx0r but if someone really wanted your password they would just get a couple of their mates to punch you in the face until you told them

          • 8 months ago

            kek you're more paranoid than me i was just gonna encrypt my whole drive with veracrypt and be done it

          • 8 months ago

            my laptop password is literally "wads" because I want to be able to type it with one hand when I'm lazy

  9. 8 months ago

    I'm self-employed, making about 60k a year. Just left the U.S. Here's how I got to this point:

    After graduating college I got a job in my field. Worked at that company for two years. Left for a better paying job. I hated this new job, so I started pursuing freelance projects on the side through websites like Upwork. After several months of persistence I finally landed a couple small freelance projects. They didn't pay more than a few hundred bucks but it was enough motivation for me to quit my job and try to pursue self employment. It took another year or so of hard work, long hours, and no breaks to finally get to a point where I was averaging about 2k per month. And after several more years of steadily working, not taking any vacations, pulling all nighters, and working through the weekends, I finally got to where I am now.

    It's absolutely achievable if you're willing to sacrifice 3-5 years of your life to an absolutely relentless grind. You're not going to just 'get' a job like this. You have to carve it into existence on your own.

  10. 8 months ago

    You just have to look at job sites in your country, filter remote work.

    Mostly it's IT related. But like others have said prior experience is always good, if you don't have any currently start thinking long term.

  11. 8 months ago

    This is impossible and it's a lie posted online. No one does this.

    T. FAANG

    • 8 months ago

      why are you ANgay

  12. 8 months ago

    I have made 3000 dollars and spent 400 dollars on living expenses in the USA. If you can't outwit the israelites and manage your finances, you won't be living like a kang anywhere, kang

  13. 8 months ago

    Just learn google adwords or facebook ads and you're good to go. Business need you to bring customers to them via ads.

    • 8 months ago

      Please, anyone throw me a bone.
      There are so many courses and such out there, where is the best place to start?

      • 8 months ago

        >where is the best place to start?
        a job search site
        just go to linkedin jobs or monster or totaljobs or whatever is popular in your country
        search for "remote"
        do this a few times and note the keywords that the jobs mention
        there's your starting point

      • 8 months ago

        digitalmarketer dot com to learn traffic facebook/adwords (learn how to bring people to your site/offers)
        awai dot com to learn copywriting (learn how to make people click and take action towards your offers)

        • 8 months ago

          Fricking thank you
          Will sus

  14. 8 months ago

    >How the frick do I get one?

    You don't. You start a niched, location independent business and then move out of the collapsing West.

    Look up Caleb Jones and watch his Sovereign CEO channel - deals with everything you talk about.

    • 8 months ago

      >You start a niched, location independent business and then move out of the collapsing West.
      Hang literally every single drop ship dorker
      Oh boy another chink produced bauble selling dork homosexual
      >oh but my shitty chink trickets target THIS NICHE customer base

      Hang them all from tall trees

      • 8 months ago

        IT gays and developers are more respectable than dropshippers (whose real job is taking people's money to teach them how to dropship).

        • 8 months ago

          >IT gays and developers are more respectable than dropshippers (whose real job is taking people's money to teach them how to dropship).
          There are different types of dropshipping. I used to live in a developing country and I would visit antique and art stores and offer to find them clients in exchange for a percentage (usually 10%). I'd take photos and post them on different sales sites charging about 25% more than the store listed them. I made a profit from both ends and the store owners were happy to make sales they wouldn't otherwise get.

  15. 8 months ago

    I’m glad I found god so I can be patient. I can’t imagine being some little dropshipper homosexual scrambling to sell his gay little chink trinkets so he can scrape together 2k usd a month to stick his little pencil girthed pecker in some reluctant SEA prostitutes.

    Only an extremely desperate homosexual would become an e-scrambler to claw away 2k just for an indefinite and meek existence elsewhere. I simply turn inward and stack my cash

    • 8 months ago

      Wrong board, anon.

    • 8 months ago

      You're fricking moronic.
      The west is literally collapsing as I type this post, you don't have all the time in the world to keep stacking.
      Cope all you want, you know I'm right and all you can do is seethe while the quality of life in your country gets worse every year

  16. 8 months ago

    >Remote Job
    >bullshit Job
    Daily reminder when you cant show up in-person, you're competing with the lowest common denominator online. In the case of incel IT jobs, that means some streetshitter is probably a better value for your employer if it was truly all-remote. If you actually go live in some 3rd world shithole, why would your employer keep you on and not just hire someone from a shithole for next to nothing in the first place?

    Cope, seethe, and dilate

    • 8 months ago

      >Daily reminder when you cant show up in-person, you're competing with the lowest common denominator online.
      Not so, anon. You are thinking how capitalism wants to work, and maybe how you think capitalism should work. The reality is that your passport not only dictates where you can live and your travel privileges, it also affects what online jobs you can have.
      This isn't news to anyone except mcwagies who look for excuses not to change their own lives.

  17. 8 months ago

    >in a discord with digital nomads
    >all day they just talk about what kind of businesses they’re trying to set up
    >talk about having 3 remote jobs, making 250k and, buying whatever they want, blowing money on whatever they want

    I just lurk because I feel like I can’t even enter the conversation. It’s so fricking depressing. These fricking dorks are literally living like modern day aristocrats in foreign lands while I live the life of a pathetic stray dog. I will never be able to have that life and even though it makes me sick with envy and depression I can’t stop reading about it

    I can’t imagine how high my self esteem would be if I was making multiple six figures and lording over a 3rd world population and it’s women.

  18. 8 months ago


  19. 8 months ago

    Useless bureaucrats kys. Can't wait till all you tech gaya to be replaced with AI

  20. 8 months ago

    I was working a Business/Data Analyst job with a weird schedule (2 weeks in office, then 2 weeks completely remote, M-Th) and got into the habit of traveling a lot and just staying 12 days a month with my parents near a major int'l airport, while spending the rest of the time working in EE/Caucasus.

    Eventually that job ended because the contract wasn't renewed with the gov't agency my company was working with, but I didn't want to go back to either living full-time with my parents or paying $3000/month for a shitty apartment in the city (never mind all the other expenses of living alone). I immediately started looking for fully remote work.

    It took a few months, but eventually, after getting a few meme certificates (Tableau, PowerBI, etc), I got another dumbass job making about 80k that I can do fully remotely. According to the contract, I have to be in the US, but I just use a VPN and so far no one has noticed, or at least no one cares.

    So for the last few months I've been living in the Caucasus/Eastern Europe with my monolingual Russian gf. I occasionally reflect on how great it feels to have 1. decided to do something hard (learn Russian), and 2. actually done it and used it to find a nice girl who loves me. Life is really amazing 🙂

    • 8 months ago

      damn nice. how to get russian gf

      • 8 months ago

        Learn Russian. None of the truly desirable Russian women that you're likely to encounter speak English to any real degree. I am also very charming and handsome so that all worked pretty strongly in my favor.

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