Solo Travel

Besides prostitutes/hooking up with random b***hes, what is the best thing to do while traveling solo? What is the funnest place to travel solo? What do you do to stay occupied? (M, 6'4", White)

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  1. 9 months ago

    >daily autism thread
    just b urself

  2. 9 months ago

    Meet other travellers was the funniest thing for me. But it works if you're in you're early 20s, after that it gets weird to start talking with random people out of the blue.
    Also, you really can do this in hostels only.

    • 9 months ago

      >But it works if you're in you're early 20s, after that it gets weird to start talking with random people out of the blue.
      Is there a team of chinks writing subtle demotivational israelitey posts all throguhout SighSee? lol.
      Remember folks, if you're 24 or above, do NOT talk to strangers or it'll be weird! Feel bad about yourself for wanting to socialize.

      • 9 months ago

        >early 20s
        More like early 30s. What kind of shallow b***hes are you talking to that considers you off-limits before you're old enough to even hold a job?

        I'm simply stating my opinion. Too many times in this board I see anons saying things like "yes, go solo traveling, you will meet new people every day, coom in foreign girls non stop, everything will be amazing!!" to people who have never step foot outside their house, raising their expectations too much, so they think solo traveling is easy. But it's not. It's hard, you're all alone, there will be dead boring moments most of the time, if something bad happens you're on your own, and most importantly there's tree risk of it being a depressing experience if the person is very introverted and can't make friends or even talk to anyone during the trip. Again, I'm not saying this to prevent people from solo traveling, but I think people should know it's not easy and that if they do it, they'll have to put some effort into it to make it good, it just won't magically be a great experience all by itself.

        This is true. I’ve gone out with other older men and they basically just hold a mirror up to you and make you question yourself. It’s easy to be a drifting 30 something coomer when you’re alone, but when you see another guy your age next to you, it bothers you. This guy struck up a conversation with me at hooters and we both went to butterflies at nana plaza and he just didn’t seem comfortable or as into it as he initially did. Seeing his discomfort evokes discomfort in myself
        >why am I (as an early 30s man) flying across the world to coom in the American equivalent of truck stop hookers in their own society?
        >why am I still job hopping?
        >aren’t people my age supposed to have gotten over this?
        >am I supposed to have a family?

        To be completely honest, the novelty of existence kind of just wears off once you turn 30. Everything feels like you’re “raging against the dying of the light.” The thoughts of mortality and the finiteness of life are more present in your mind, and you have to periodically wave away this pervasive sadness that the sun in your life is at high noon and will begin setting soon. you can see all this reflected on the tiresome face of your 30 something companion.

        Getting older just sucks in general, therefore I tend to avoid other men. Their company doesn’t mitigate this inner turmoil. It doesn’t make me more present. However, when you’re surrounded by chaotic, giggling Thai teens, you tend to forget your age.

        Pic related is funny because these are supposed Onlyfans all stars but they don’t have makeup on and it’s appalling how gruesome their faces look jfl

        Those were very well written words anon, thank you.

      • 9 months ago

        Obsessed ameritard.

    • 9 months ago

      >early 20s
      More like early 30s. What kind of shallow b***hes are you talking to that considers you off-limits before you're old enough to even hold a job?

    • 9 months ago

      This is true. I’ve gone out with other older men and they basically just hold a mirror up to you and make you question yourself. It’s easy to be a drifting 30 something coomer when you’re alone, but when you see another guy your age next to you, it bothers you. This guy struck up a conversation with me at hooters and we both went to butterflies at nana plaza and he just didn’t seem comfortable or as into it as he initially did. Seeing his discomfort evokes discomfort in myself
      >why am I (as an early 30s man) flying across the world to coom in the American equivalent of truck stop hookers in their own society?
      >why am I still job hopping?
      >aren’t people my age supposed to have gotten over this?
      >am I supposed to have a family?

      To be completely honest, the novelty of existence kind of just wears off once you turn 30. Everything feels like you’re “raging against the dying of the light.” The thoughts of mortality and the finiteness of life are more present in your mind, and you have to periodically wave away this pervasive sadness that the sun in your life is at high noon and will begin setting soon. you can see all this reflected on the tiresome face of your 30 something companion.

      Getting older just sucks in general, therefore I tend to avoid other men. Their company doesn’t mitigate this inner turmoil. It doesn’t make me more present. However, when you’re surrounded by chaotic, giggling Thai teens, you tend to forget your age.

      Pic related is funny because these are supposed Onlyfans all stars but they don’t have makeup on and it’s appalling how gruesome their faces look jfl

      • 9 months ago

        These girls clearly have makeup on, it's just not caked on.

      • 9 months ago

        As a 30 something coomer with enough disposable income to coom until eternity, your views struck a chord anon. Years back the excitement was great, but the years in this lifestyle made me rethink. I used to contemplate how jaded the working girls are to subsist through a life denying line of work and I can never be them. But now I know they are are a projection of my life down the line. I'm gonna give it a few more years, but eventually I know I cannot solo travel like this for too long. I've stared at the abyss and it's beginning to stare into me.

        • 9 months ago


          I'm simply stating my opinion. Too many times in this board I see anons saying things like "yes, go solo traveling, you will meet new people every day, coom in foreign girls non stop, everything will be amazing!!" to people who have never step foot outside their house, raising their expectations too much, so they think solo traveling is easy. But it's not. It's hard, you're all alone, there will be dead boring moments most of the time, if something bad happens you're on your own, and most importantly there's tree risk of it being a depressing experience if the person is very introverted and can't make friends or even talk to anyone during the trip. Again, I'm not saying this to prevent people from solo traveling, but I think people should know it's not easy and that if they do it, they'll have to put some effort into it to make it good, it just won't magically be a great experience all by itself.


          Those were very well written words anon, thank you.

          Gentlemen, *wais politely*

      • 9 months ago

        As a 30 something coomer with enough disposable income to coom until eternity, your views struck a chord anon. Years back the excitement was great, but the years in this lifestyle made me rethink. I used to contemplate how jaded the working girls are to subsist through a life denying line of work and I can never be them. But now I know they are are a projection of my life down the line. I'm gonna give it a few more years, but eventually I know I cannot solo travel like this for too long. I've stared at the abyss and it's beginning to stare into me.

        >Everything feels like you’re “raging against the dying of the light
        > I've stared at the abyss and it's beginning to stare into me.
        This is called 'mortality salience' anons. You're experiencing it because you're living a lifestyle that's diametrically opposed to how humans lived from earlier times. Historically speaking, religiosity (belief in the afterlife), strong sense of community, and children - were how ancestral humans coped with the inevitability of death. They're the closest things in this world that'll provide feelings of immortality. And without them everything is just nihilism. You're biology is screaming at you to alter course.

        I'll probably take a coom trip eventually just for the experience, because I feel like I missed out a lot on the 'college life' but I'm also well aware it's nothing you should make into the end all be all of your life - lest you want to be a part of the Pattaya Flying Club.

        • 9 months ago

          This is an excellent and moving post. I see you and I hear you and it hurts because it's true. I'm in my late 30s and single once again and coming to terms with the possibility that I may never meet the right girl to start a family with. My travels began in my mid 20s when my relationship with the girl I intended to marry blew up. I spend six years on the road then finally came back with the intent to find someone new and put down roots. I never did find one as right as the first, and now that I'm recently single again I feel that urge to hit the road and travel into my escapism fantasies once again- fantasies that can't be lived up to. I'm SighSee and financially well off and none of it seems to matter when it comes to finding the right woman to settle down with. I'll keep looking forever, but I acknowledge the odds are not in my favor at this point. Tribe and family and faith, that would be the dream. I'll keep aiming for it.

        • 9 months ago

          >This is called 'mortality salience' anons. You're experiencing it because you're living a lifestyle that's diametrically opposed to how humans lived from earlier times. Historically speaking, religiosity (belief in the afterlife), strong sense of community, and children - were how ancestral humans coped with the inevitability of death. They're the closest things in this world that'll provide feelings of immortality. And without them everything is just nihilism. You're biology is screaming at you to alter course.
          Good post anon. I've been moving towards kids, faith and community lately and this is why

        • 9 months ago

          >mortality salience
          Interesting phrase.
          >your biology is screaming at you to change course
          I won’t be lol. Having kids is too expensive and I’m not entrusting my financial and emotional welfare to the arbitrary and ephemeral whims of a woman in a legal arrangement

        • 9 months ago

          >You're biology is screaming at you to alter course.
          my biology also gave me a bad spine and a peanut allergy so i'm very much telling le epic biology god to frick all the way off back to israel

        • 9 months ago

          I’ve have the same thoughts and have taken the same journey except I have gone and had my coomer bender spree. It’s not all that. I wanted to experience the degen coomer experience and frequently scheduled two or more attractive girls a day for a week, sometimes both at once. I figured, its possible to jerk off multiple times a day, I should probably be able to frick all these girls especially since they’re attractive.

          I realise there comes a point where a man will meet his physical limit to having sex. I realise even if the girls were attractive, even if they were invested in getting me off, even if they would insist on blowing me to my time limit, I would still be exhausted, my dick would go limp, and I won’t be able to cum. To closest thing to explaining this feeling is lifting in the gym to the point of exhaustion. My dick just said no more, and will not get hard.

          A girl I was seeing a second time - upon seeing my physical state - just sneakily commented to me, “you’ve been seeing other girls”. Even a working girl had an idea of what was too much for a guy.

          Anyway I felt the same way you do, I missed out on high school and college life and in a way my lust now is anger manifest at lost time and opportunity. I feel lust is not a productive use of time and energy though, especially because there is a limit to what the body can consume.

          I don’t think I’ll have another bender again, maybe just something to indulge in now and then. Ultimately I am committed to this just being a phase in my life. Like you, I believe family, community and religiosity are more worthwhile pursuits. Like Augustine I pray the terrible prayer, “Lord grant me chasity, but maybe not yet.”

          • 9 months ago

            Holy shit do you know what the frick viagra is moron?

            With merely a small crumb chopped off a 25mg pill I was pushing my dick into the very soul of these qts. I was fricking this girl doggy on my couch with her wrists behind my back and she kept looking back at me with her face contoured into that lust and awe with eyebrows furrowed and mouth agape. She kept saying omg omg and then I’m cumming and then I came immediately afterwards.

            With mere crumbs of sidegra, you can gives these girls a stroke of death, an impalement of their tight little vegana they won’t soon forget

            I haven’t fricked pic related since April 2022 and she STILL texts me or tries to video calls me when she gets drunk. Why? Because I gave her the Diamond Sidegrs Dick of Perpetual Rigidity. Im 32 btw

            I was ripping girls apart and making older women tap out. Take the pill

            • 9 months ago

              Cool dude. I’m just curious, any other effects one should expect other than a hard on? Tbh I might have also been tired from work hence my weaker performance. I’m close to your age.

              • 9 months ago

                Don’t take too much. You won’t die but you will get an uncomfortably hard penis. If you don’t have legit blood flow problems, a quarter of a 25mg pill is probably enough

              • 9 months ago

                >any other effects one should expect other than a hard on?
                I get a mild headache sometimes, especially if I take too much too frequently. I still take it, but I realized I enjoy sex more if I just space the prostitutes out to every other day or less frequently anyways

                Had sex yesterday. Don’t think its a blood flow thing because I got hard ordinarily and came naturally after a reasonably long session. I think what happened when I was last at Bangkok was really that I had too many girls too frequently.

                I agree with the other anon that sex is probably best every other day. I was screwing a frick buddy yesterday and I was cognisant of the emotional connection one establishes when having sex. That takes a toll and if screwing prostitutes imagine having to emotionally connect and reconnect with a new girl non stop. That might be why overindulging is tiring too

              • 9 months ago

                >any other effects one should expect other than a hard on?
                I get a mild headache sometimes, especially if I take too much too frequently. I still take it, but I realized I enjoy sex more if I just space the prostitutes out to every other day or less frequently anyways

            • 9 months ago

              were you using a condom? I can stay hard for 24hrs straight laying pipe if I'm not. am 30. But the moment i put a helmet on it's up n down like a rollercoaster.

              • 9 months ago

                Lady married a 50yo pajeet. Many such cases!

              • 9 months ago

                wtf how much older is he and whats account

              • 9 months ago

                Reverse image search the images my coomer friend. I memed but she’s definitely hot

              • 9 months ago

                image search gives nothing

        • 9 months ago

          This is an excellent and moving post. I see you and I hear you and it hurts because it's true. I'm in my late 30s and single once again and coming to terms with the possibility that I may never meet the right girl to start a family with. My travels began in my mid 20s when my relationship with the girl I intended to marry blew up. I spend six years on the road then finally came back with the intent to find someone new and put down roots. I never did find one as right as the first, and now that I'm recently single again I feel that urge to hit the road and travel into my escapism fantasies once again- fantasies that can't be lived up to. I'm SighSee and financially well off and none of it seems to matter when it comes to finding the right woman to settle down with. I'll keep looking forever, but I acknowledge the odds are not in my favor at this point. Tribe and family and faith, that would be the dream. I'll keep aiming for it.

          Good posts.
          I hit 30 a few months ago and I'd be lying if I said I didn't immediately experience this. Feels like the party is starting to wrap up. I did pretty good though, but so much more travel to experience. Need a travel wifey bad to really take advantage of it.

      • 9 months ago

        >why am i fricking truck stop prostitutes in the third world?
        No idea, coomers value pussy too much and really pretend like its super valuable when it just isn't. If you p4p you fricked up, and if you're chasing bottom of the barrel trash in clubs/bars then you're still fricking up.
        >why am i still job hopping?
        because leaving every two years pays more than staying loyal to a company whose raises will not match your market rate salary or even inflation. You're a moron pissing away tens of thousands if you're not actively job hopping.
        >aren't people my age supposed to be over this?
        most people your age haven't left the country they were born in period (assuming you're a burger)
        Nothing stopping you from having one but you. I've always held that travel with a gf > travel solo > friends/family, especially if the gf lets you handle all the planning. There is nothing stopping you from doing what you want in life but you, so if you're not happy with what you're up to then go fix it.


        I'm simply stating my opinion. Too many times in this board I see anons saying things like "yes, go solo traveling, you will meet new people every day, coom in foreign girls non stop, everything will be amazing!!" to people who have never step foot outside their house, raising their expectations too much, so they think solo traveling is easy. But it's not. It's hard, you're all alone, there will be dead boring moments most of the time, if something bad happens you're on your own, and most importantly there's tree risk of it being a depressing experience if the person is very introverted and can't make friends or even talk to anyone during the trip. Again, I'm not saying this to prevent people from solo traveling, but I think people should know it's not easy and that if they do it, they'll have to put some effort into it to make it good, it just won't magically be a great experience all by itself.


        Those were very well written words anon, thank you.

        >anons who do tell anons that never leave the house that it will be great
        >the fault lies with the anons that can, not with the morons who overestimate their abilities
        Fault lies where it lies. It's easy to go abroad and get laid, but if you can't do it at home then you probably can't do it abroad. Even then, pussy or no pussy, it's good for that neet to travel solo and have to plan things out like an adult.
        >it can be bad though!
        Then grow the frick up and deal with it. If you're such a spineless, useless manchild moron that you cannot handle a negative situation on your own then being put into these scenarios is the best thing for you because you're forced to deal with them and grow as a result. There is nothing better for a useless neet than being put in situations where self reliance, responsibility and just being a normal adult are the skills that they will foster as a result. It is effectively, life changing experiences that work out for the better.

        • 9 months ago

          The real blackpill tradgays don’t understand is that children these days are over expensive pets and call me a redditor but it really is selfish to bring children into the world with a future so bleak. It’s not like popping a few kids out is automatically going to give your life meaning, it did in the past because it was incentivized. Now? At best it is a liability and that’s not even mentioning the partner that has the power to divorce rape you at a moments notice
          >I-I’ll just get a foreign trad waifu
          You will be an alien in a foreign culture and land with no way to defend yourself legally. Her brothers and family will view you as a walking ATM

          • 9 months ago

            Not even mentioning increased globalization and powers that be encouraging more and more women to forego family making in favor of careerism

          • 9 months ago

            >muh tradgays
            you're already showing brainrot from being online too often and not traveling enough with this culture war shit. Not considering prostitutemongering a fulfilling lifestyle doesn't make you a tradgay, neither does telling someone to go chase what they want out of life.
            >kids are expensive pets!
            This is peak reddit tier moronation. You were a kid, you were not an expensive pet.
            >the future is bleak!
            Yet you haven't killed youself. Its nothing but pain and suffering yet you seem just fine living with it. It's really just a nonsensical argument. Oh the future sucks, guess we should all be in favor of nuking humans out of existence to stop the misery.
            >having kids does not give your life meaning
            For a lot of people it does, if you think that's you then what's the problem with chasing after that?
            >the past gave you meaning in kids because it was incentivized
            "My personal life's meaning comes from whether or not other people approve of my life choices!" Absolutely moronic and pathetic.
            >kids are a liability and you can get divorced!
            Yet some people find that the meaning derived from marriage and kids outweighs the risk, or that the meaning from kids outweighs the cost of marriage. For others it doesn't. Make up your own mind for your own life, if you keep blaming muh politics muh economics muh bleak future, you will never enjoy life as you focus solely on the negatives.
            >the foreign wife will see u as a walking atm
            This is just moronic doomerism. Oh I cant get a wife at home cause risk of divorce, I cant get a wife abroad either cause I'm just an atm, there's no way to win its all rigged against meeeee! No one cares about your woe is me bullshit, it actively repels good people away from you. Everyone has their shit to deal with, now go fricking deal with yours and make the best out of your only shot at life. If you don't want to, fine, but stop crying about the choice YOU made to just wallow in misery.

            • 9 months ago

              >bang for buck
              No, you really are just banging a truck stop prostitute even if she looks good. You're the thousand customer, she's nothing special, even if she's cheap. Even so, you know what's cheaper than flying internationally, paying for accomodations and then paying for each sexual encounter? Just going to a dive bar and picking up a bawd for free.
              >its worth paying to not deal with female bullshit
              This really just tells you how far gone you really are. Half of all human interaction is just ridiculous bullshit to you. A misanthrope with nothing to look forward to besides the next coom.
              >burgers dont travel
              According to business insider we're not even top 10, we're beaten by euro countries that are much smaller and would have us beat per capita. 64% of americans dont even have a valid passport right now.
              >children are who you raise them to be
              Right, so as I said, they're not expensive pets.
              >they don't care what you think
              yet coomers are always here ready to tell you exactly how little they care, every single time like clockwork.
              >hooking up in a foreign country
              but you're not hooking up, you're paying for a prostitute. its the back and forth of cooming that just never makes sense to me, if you can get laid for free you're a chad larper but cooming is great because you can larp like james bond. don't wanna deal with female bullshit, but suddenly love dealing with female bullshit trying to get a hook up. People tell you they feel negatively impacted by prostitutemongering, you gotta set the record straight on why its so fricking amazing but at the same time you don't care what people think of it. Your lot twist yourselves in knots to rationalize being a loser.

              Didn’t read. Have you ever considered maybe there’s some people who don’t meet the looks threshold to hook up with a random stranger in a bar? Or maybe I just need to learn some cool new pick up lines and game? Why do you care where I put my penis?

              • 9 months ago

                >didnt read
                >yet somehow knows what the post is talking about
                Outed yourself there bud
                >and if I'm not a chad?
                You can still get laid. Tons of disgusting obeasts get laid every day. People so disgustingly ugly and fat that they need family members to physically hold the stomach fat up with a stick just so that the male of the fat couple can get her pregnant are shacking up and fricking. Compared to people so repulsive they could be on "my 600 lb life", how do you fare? Compared to literal down syndrome mongoloids, how do you fare? You expect us to believe you're even uglier than them? You can absolutely get laid in a bar, but if you're a 3 dont expect to bag a 9.
                >maybe i just need some new lines?
                You could start with trying to not be a misanthropic loser with a trash personality.
                >why do you care where I put my penis?
                I literally dont, the whole point has been go do what makes you happy. Telling it to you like it is, is simply me describing reality. Telling you the the "model" you're fricking is a truck stop hoe isnt a sign of me giving a shit, its just a statement of facts. She has no luxury pussy worth hundreds, shes literally a truck stop hoe whose fricked thousands for the same fare. Thats not an insult, its reality. The one who seems to give a shit about this is you. Coomers are the only one who seems to be offended at the statement "luxury hoe pussy isnt actually luxurious".

              • 9 months ago

                "doing what makes you happy" is exactly what makes asians think hwites are all prostitutemongers deprived of care for the greater good of humanity. you should just kermit soupinside. bang enough prostitutes and you'll get there eventually and bring the dumb women down with you too.

        • 9 months ago

          you clearly do not realize that certain countries offer coomers much higher bang for their buck (no pun intended) than other countries do, which incentivizes travel to certain countries.
          >if you p4p you fricked up
          unless you don't want to deal with female bullshit, then you are golden
          >burgers don't travel
          are you moronic? we probably travel overseas more per capita than any other nation on earth

          The real blackpill tradgays don’t understand is that children these days are over expensive pets and call me a redditor but it really is selfish to bring children into the world with a future so bleak. It’s not like popping a few kids out is automatically going to give your life meaning, it did in the past because it was incentivized. Now? At best it is a liability and that’s not even mentioning the partner that has the power to divorce rape you at a moments notice
          >I-I’ll just get a foreign trad waifu
          You will be an alien in a foreign culture and land with no way to defend yourself legally. Her brothers and family will view you as a walking ATM

          >children are expensive pets
          children are who you raise them to be

          People who travel in attempt to hook up is one of the most pathetic things

          >one of the most pathetic things
          luckily, your pathos is wasted on them, as they don't give a shit what you think of their adventures - and hooking up in a foreign country is always an adventure

          What kind of question is that? It depends on what you like.

          Go see museums, go shopping in antique stores or used books libraries, go do outdoors stuff like hiking/kayaking/climbing, go try out the local cuisine, go check out the local flea market...

          The world is full of possibilities

          As a mid 20s coomer, jesus christ shit like this scares me. If I can't settle down with a girl soon I'll just fly to the philippines and get me a qt ladyboy.

          Wrong country anon, you may be thinking of Thailand.


          imagine spending money to fly somewhere to have sexual encounters with a complete stranger.

          >sexual encounters with a complete stranger
          what other kind of strangers are there?

          • 9 months ago

            >bang for buck
            No, you really are just banging a truck stop prostitute even if she looks good. You're the thousand customer, she's nothing special, even if she's cheap. Even so, you know what's cheaper than flying internationally, paying for accomodations and then paying for each sexual encounter? Just going to a dive bar and picking up a bawd for free.
            >its worth paying to not deal with female bullshit
            This really just tells you how far gone you really are. Half of all human interaction is just ridiculous bullshit to you. A misanthrope with nothing to look forward to besides the next coom.
            >burgers dont travel
            According to business insider we're not even top 10, we're beaten by euro countries that are much smaller and would have us beat per capita. 64% of americans dont even have a valid passport right now.
            >children are who you raise them to be
            Right, so as I said, they're not expensive pets.
            >they don't care what you think
            yet coomers are always here ready to tell you exactly how little they care, every single time like clockwork.
            >hooking up in a foreign country
            but you're not hooking up, you're paying for a prostitute. its the back and forth of cooming that just never makes sense to me, if you can get laid for free you're a chad larper but cooming is great because you can larp like james bond. don't wanna deal with female bullshit, but suddenly love dealing with female bullshit trying to get a hook up. People tell you they feel negatively impacted by prostitutemongering, you gotta set the record straight on why its so fricking amazing but at the same time you don't care what people think of it. Your lot twist yourselves in knots to rationalize being a loser.

          • 9 months ago

            >Wrong country anon, you may be thinking of Thailand.

            Actually anon, the philippines have a very strong prevalence of lbs. There's actually interesting differences: while the overwhelming majority of thai lbs are sex workers, most phil ones are just regular people, often just looking to settle down with a white (hopefully rich) dude.

            Thai ones tend to look "better" because of extensive makeup/surgery, while phil ones are more "natural" in general.

            T. I dated a philippine lb, coomed endless times on lb porn, studied the "culture" surrounding lbs etc

          • 9 months ago

            if you p4p then you are skipping the golden years of being with a woman and jumping straight to the inevitable STDs for a woman who robs you of your financial future and won't even look you in the eyes when she fricks you for it.

            • 9 months ago

              >a woman who robs you of your financial future
              I know $100 is your life savings anon, but for some of us it's just pocket change

              "doing what makes you happy" is exactly what makes asians think hwites are all prostitutemongers deprived of care for the greater good of humanity. you should just kermit soupinside. bang enough prostitutes and you'll get there eventually and bring the dumb women down with you too.

              >deprived of care for the greater good of humanity
              The absolute last thing Asians give a shit about

              • 9 months ago

                you know your prostitute addict ass isn't just buying 1 prostitute a month and then wooptedootliedooo meditating until the next one, shut the frick up. That shit adds up and you're probably spending most of your dispensable income on b***hes who hate you and it's the same for all of you prostitutemongers. You're like crackheads. Whatever you have becomes whatever you'll spend.

        • 9 months ago

          >If you p4p you fricked up, and if you're chasing bottom of the barrel trash in clubs/bars then you're still fricking up.
          I'm not even a permavirgin and I still find it baffling that some people are so extremely normalized that they can't even imagine a person that consistently fails to attract friends and build any form of social life, let alone female attention, for reasons that they are helpless to understand. I'm not saying that the person is totally faultless, I'm just saying that despite their best efforts (being gainfully employed, average looks, above average disposable income, polite, educated, cultured, fit) social life completely eludes them and will continue to do so without some deep therapy almost to the point of lobotomy. Perhaps the clichéd "just bee yourself" should really be "just be someone else bro".

          • 9 months ago

            These people live in a different planet and then gas light you when you find workarounds, trying to shame you when you have found something that works. Like great prostitutemaxxing isn’t for you, have you considered for one second that maybe there are some people that don’t have the same hang ups about it as you do? Or don’t want to spend hours in a night club jestermaxxing for some club thot for an ounce of female validation?

            • 9 months ago

              >he lives in a different planet and gaslights you
              It speaks to the delusion that you've got going when you're literally considering a normal take on life as "a different planet" and "gaslighting". I said it before, you guys really are just unable to keep it consistent in your statements. On the one hand I'm incorrect, but on the other I'm actually on another planet in a different dimension and reality altogether. My description of your luxury hoe as truck stop trash is wrong, because you were suckered into paying a thousand for 2 hours so clearly she's actually a victorias secret model with only a handful of other dicks in her... You literally pay for fantasy to the point that you are offended at an accurate description of reality.
              >have you considered this works for some people?
              Have you tried reading the thread again? People got extremely upset at me saying you fricked up if you p4p or chase garbage non-working girls but forget i'm responding to a guy whose post is literally "I hate my whoring life and the only solace from it is the delusion created by new giggling thai teens" My entire point this whole time has been go chase what makes you happy, ensure the pros outweigh the cons, and don't blame others/whine about your decisions. The fact that to you, that message is too much to get and deal with, is a you problem.
              Yeah, god forbid that people seek out others who make them laugh and have a good time. If they don't have your niche interests and enjoy what most people call a boring and extremely specific and exclusive conversation, then your only option is clearly just faking being a clown. It can't be that normal people simply want to enjoy themselves, its that you need to put yourself down for their amusement instead, no in between exists and your view is absolutely grounded in reality there bud. Give me a fricking break.

          • 9 months ago

            >they failed for reasons they are helpless to understand
            >theyre not totally faultless
            But just mostly faultless, right? Its a nice little cop out to assign .1% blame over your life and then assign the rest to some mystical helplessness. Frankly, I simply dont buy it. You have a lot more control over your life than you think, go exercise some of it.
            >their best effort is avg looks from genes (no effort), being employed, educated, fit and polite, and having cash to spend
            Literally almost none of this is an effort. Looks are genetic, being employed is not special its the bare minimum to live, being polite is the bare minimum expectation, education up to high school is legally obligated so not really an "effort" to be made... the only real effort here is the savings (which is a result of a good job, not necessarily effort in a job) and fitness which you should be doing anyway. Practically everything you described does not describe a legitimate effort, it describes the minimum.
            >just bee yourself
            The problem isnt you, its that you think the bare minimum is all it takes. Your sales pitch is "ladies look at me, ive done the bare minimum to feed and house myself and have disposable income, flock to me"

            • 9 months ago

              You sound like a turbo homosexual normie getting angry at blackpill posts. But I am curious what would you actually consider as legitimet effort. Please be specific

              • 9 months ago

                >you sound angry at the blackpill posts
                What am I supposed to be angry about exactly? I'm just calling it like I see it. You can't seriously tell me a human adult without some severe medical impairment is both helpless and faultless over how their life has turned out and expect practically anyone to believe it. Only people that have refused to become an adult and take responsibility over their lives can believe such utter nonsense. I used to buy heavily into the blackpill, but ultimately my biggest turn around in life was me deciding for myself to do whatever the frick I wanted to do rather than put the blame on anything else. No friends? My fault for not going out and socializing enough. No gf? My fault for not actively looking in better places to improve my odds. No social skills? My fault for not actively developing them, even if its late in the game. Not happy? Go try something new and see if I'm into it. Suddenly, the world shifted a lot. My phone went from no texts to invites to go out, late night parties, long bar crawls, new hobbies, good amount of girls to frick. Nothing fricked me more in my entire life than believing for years that my lot in life was out of my hands.
                >what do you consider a legitimate effort?
                You can start with cessation of the belief that a friendless, antisocial, woman repelling failure is helpless to understand why he is that way. Step 1 is to go figure out what you don't understand. If socializing is your base, then go figure it out. Mannerisms, facial expressions, tone of voice, sarcasm, body language, local slang, posture is the start. Began conversations and fricked it up somewhere? What were you doing, change one thing and try again with someone else. Process of elimination your nonexistent social skills piece by piece until you've figured out how to socialize. No friends? Time to take all that and approach people, try new hobbies to find more people and enjoy new things, get numbers, maintain contact, make plans...

        • 9 months ago

          >>why am i still job hopping?
          >because leaving every two years pays more than staying loyal to a company whose raises will not match your market rate salary or even inflation. You're a moron pissing away tens of thousands if you're not actively job hopping.
          its the exact opposite. by job hopping you lose your seniority bonuses every time you quit. youre pissing away tens of thousands of euros by job hopping.

          • 9 months ago

            >seniority bonuses
            The what now
            I have seen this at exactly one company where I worked before, they gave an iPad to people with 10 years at the company, and have worked at both enterprises and startups
            Only thing worth staying for is share options vesting but that's it.

            • 9 months ago

              its a thing in some european countries. your wage increases every 3 years or so, just cause. for example after 7 years of employment at my company im at step 3 right now of the seniority ladder and thats about 100eur more wage per month. the boomers that are close to retirement are really killing it wagewise, they earn far more than the newbies even though the work is the same.

              if i switched to another company i would have to start at level 1 again.

              • 9 months ago

                I have worked in 3 EU countries and have never encountered this. I guess it's not very common.
                But when I job hop my salary increases way more than 100 eur per month, though last time I moved to CH and went from 78k to 130k, so that's a bit of an outlier

          • 9 months ago

            >its the opposite
            A survey of 18 million worker salaries from Yahoo! Money discovered that individuals who stayed at the same companies for longer periods earned lower salaries than those who [moved]. Professionals in certain fields who moved jobs earned up to 12 percent more than those who stayed. Part of the reason for this was simple inertia, as companies weren’t increasing current employees’ salaries as much as they would if they were hiring a new employee. In other words, new positions were typically paid competitively, while pay raises for existing roles didn’t always match market rates."
            You immediately gain those tens of thousands by job hopping, and continued hops tend to result in increasing pay, so your take home after multiple years of job hopping will be more money and delivered faster/more consistently than a shitty bonus.
            >my seniority bonus is an extra 100 euros a month
            so if your job hop gives you more than $1200 extra annual (highly likely), the seniority bonus is worth nothing.
            >if i swapped i'd have to start at level 1 again
            If level 3 at company A pays $50k annual and $1200 bonus, but level 1 at company B pays $60k annual and $0 bonus. That's usually what the actual offer tends to look like and why so many people are job hopping these days.

        • 9 months ago

          its a thing in some european countries. your wage increases every 3 years or so, just cause. for example after 7 years of employment at my company im at step 3 right now of the seniority ladder and thats about 100eur more wage per month. the boomers that are close to retirement are really killing it wagewise, they earn far more than the newbies even though the work is the same.

          if i switched to another company i would have to start at level 1 again.

          >its the opposite
          A survey of 18 million worker salaries from Yahoo! Money discovered that individuals who stayed at the same companies for longer periods earned lower salaries than those who [moved]. Professionals in certain fields who moved jobs earned up to 12 percent more than those who stayed. Part of the reason for this was simple inertia, as companies weren’t increasing current employees’ salaries as much as they would if they were hiring a new employee. In other words, new positions were typically paid competitively, while pay raises for existing roles didn’t always match market rates."

          You immediately gain those tens of thousands by job hopping, and continued hops tend to result in increasing pay, so your take home after multiple years of job hopping will be more money and delivered faster/more consistently than a shitty bonus.
          >my seniority bonus is an extra 100 euros a month
          so if your job hop gives you more than $1200 extra annual (highly likely), the seniority bonus is worth nothing.
          >if i swapped i'd have to start at level 1 again
          If level 3 at company A pays $50k annual and $1200 bonus, but level 1 at company B pays $60k annual and $0 bonus. That's usually what the actual offer tends to look like and why so many people are job hopping these days.

          I like how when I said “job hopping” I meant quitting shitty, forgettable, and low paying jobs to a lot tile for traveling and cooming. Meanwhile, all the FRICKING DORKS have to come out of the woodwork to let everyone know that their version of job hopping is a strategic maneuver to leverage their skills to get a higher salary in their dork homosexual fields of employment.

      • 9 months ago

        What kind of question is that? It depends on what you like.

        Go see museums, go shopping in antique stores or used books libraries, go do outdoors stuff like hiking/kayaking/climbing, go try out the local cuisine, go check out the local flea market...

        The world is full of possibilities

        As a mid 20s coomer, jesus christ shit like this scares me. If I can't settle down with a girl soon I'll just fly to the philippines and get me a qt ladyboy.

        • 9 months ago

          Well, there are numerous travel destinations to choose from, depending on personal preferences. As someone who enjoys hiking and nature trips, I always carry my Tap card just in case I run short on cash.


          imagine spending money to fly somewhere to have sexual encounters with a complete stranger.

          I can't imagine doing this. It feels like I'm betraying my wife while I travel, and that's a grave sin.

          • 9 months ago

            Monzo and wise are better. Used globally

            • 9 months ago

              Yeah, they're both good, but I prefer Tap and Revolut as it meets my daily needs. It comes with advantages and benefits.

            • 9 months ago

              Maybe, but those don't pay me for every thread I shill in

      • 9 months ago

        You're a closet homosexual that's why

        • 9 months ago

          That swift code isn’t gonna write itself, dorker. Chop chop

      • 9 months ago

        As a 30 something coomer with enough disposable income to coom until eternity, your views struck a chord anon. Years back the excitement was great, but the years in this lifestyle made me rethink. I used to contemplate how jaded the working girls are to subsist through a life denying line of work and I can never be them. But now I know they are are a projection of my life down the line. I'm gonna give it a few more years, but eventually I know I cannot solo travel like this for too long. I've stared at the abyss and it's beginning to stare into me.

        News flash, morons:
        Traveling isn't a permanent thing. You have to come down from the mountain eventually

      • 9 months ago

        >people pay to frick those things
        i want to vomit

        • 9 months ago

          welcome to reality. she's a cruel beast, ain't she?

        • 9 months ago

          This. I have absolutely zero attraction to SEA women. Could never do it.

    • 9 months ago

      But I hate other travelers

    • 9 months ago

      Huh?! Is...this real? I've travelled all over the world and never once saw or heard anyone in hostels even mention this. WTF?

      • 9 months ago

        What he means is that a 35 year old solo male can't go out partying and living it up with a bunch of 18-21 year old Euro backpackers without him feeling weird and out of place. Traveling Euro kids are generally cool, but they have social boundaries, and they rarely let oldgays into their friend circle.

  3. 9 months ago

    do you own a passport?

    • 9 months ago

      Passports are the property of the issuing government and may be revoked at any time, moron

      • 9 months ago

        Wow look at you. So smart and perceptive.

  4. 9 months ago

    What makes you curious, you fricking moron: food, architecture, history, [cultural thing].

  5. 9 months ago

    I guess it depends whether you're an introvert or extroverted person. I, as the former, like to go either to places that nature is the attraction (hiking, for instance) or to big cities where you're just another person and no one cares.
    I find villages and small cities to be a bit much as a solo traveller unless you have everything planned and a tight schedule to keep you busy. But I guess an extroverted person would have an easy time socializing with locals in small cities.
    Besides that, I just do what I pretty much do in the place I live. Wander, take public transportation, visit museums and sights, drink coffee/alcohol at a cafe/bar with a good view, visit parks, dine out... If I'm not tired enough to sleep when back at the hotel I just hit the gym or shitpost. Oh, sometimes I do try to hook up.
    I don't see why people struggle with solo travelling. The only differences is that you do not have guaranteed sex (if travelling with gf) or someone to talk to (gf or friends). You could find both though if you make some effort.
    So just do what you do at home or whatever experience you can't get at home but feel like trying. The good thing is that it's all up to you. You can have a good time and whatever you want at the pace you want. No complaining, no compromising.

  6. 9 months ago

    >what is the best thing to do while traveling solo?
    Whatever you want to do. You don't have to compromise your plans with other people so make it the trip you want it to be.

  7. 9 months ago

    Getting way from my own countrymen and immersing myself in a completly new culture is the ultimate form of escapism, sorta like playing a real life video game. Eating new sorts of food is probably my favorite part besides learning cultural quirks

  8. 9 months ago

    if you're in europe go onto ucpa or action outdoors dot uk, you'll be placed in a hostel with great food,young people, and usually a big sport that unites you all (skiing /sboarding is their main one but they do all sports in existence)

    you can join surfing hostels aswell with group lessons.

    in Italy there's hostels called yellow square which do non sporting activities together (walks tours bar crawls language exchange)

    this is from my experience as a solo traveller. I loved all of them,have to say ucpa was the best one though. One off cheap price especially if you're under 30 (even cheaper deals under 25) with everything included except drinks

    • 9 months ago

      Were there people in their 30s/40s as well or is this strictly a 20s thing?

      • 9 months ago

        ucpa has holidays for everyone. There's open age one says anyone from 18-45 is welcome but the price is 2X ( £980-1070 for 7 days vs £450-550 for under 30s)

        If you take under 30 you will be with only under 30s for the week. There were two groups, French and foreigners (Mostly brits Chinese and swedes). Everyone got along well

        My next solo trip will be with g adventures. They have 18 to 30 something deals aswell but they're not as sporty from what I see. I like their Nepal treks, 14 days for £670 to everest base camp or annapurna

        • 9 months ago

          I'm 39 and very SighSee. Since most people my age let themselves go a long time ago I tend to end up doing activities with younger people but of course certain things are age-gated. Thanks for the info, seems like a cool program. I'd much rather do a physical group activity than go slumming in bars or something like a lot of travelers do.

          • 9 months ago

            I'm the same @26 I don't drink. Like travelling and sports. As you are sporty you will find like minded people regardless of age,you would probably enjoy surf camps or hostels. There's plenty of those , try to go for all inclusive options

            Theres one I went to in Morocco in taghazout , the guide was very cool,would drive us around, we'd have surf sessions/lessons at least twice weather permitting with homemade breakfast lunch dinner and sites seeing. At night you chill play games and can go out to if you're into that . Price was very good. Local surf camp maroc i think it was called. I'd like to find more authentic packages like that

            i met current gf whilst travelling and met cool people that invited me to go other countries with them. We were all solo travellers,but at home work on your personality skills. Do people want to be around you, have a laugh and invite you where you are? One man's home is another's dream vacation

            • 9 months ago

              That's a nice story. Still hoping to meet that gf on one of these trips someday, we'll see. I'm taking sailing lessons right now, I've had this idea to incorporate sailing into my travels but am still trying to figure out how to make it social. Maybe stay in hostels and gather enough people to chip in and rent a boat for day trips overseas. I'm also interested in SCUBA vacations, I'm sure there are groups for those as well. I'm also a surfer, never thought of something like your Morocco idea, sounds rad.

        • 9 months ago

          >dorky hand-holding guided trips for the fearful

          • 9 months ago

            moron ,you book one big tour,then branch out and do your own thing. The idea is you meet someone interesting in the group and explore some other places together.

            For example,the trek to everest base camp, why the frick would you want to do it alone? No cellular,shitty plane to take you God knows where, and a trek that takes around 5-7 days depending on your acclimation.

    • 9 months ago

      Were there people in their 30s/40s as well or is this strictly a 20s thing?

      Never mind, answered my question
      >The UCPA was originally set up to make adventure holidays, top resorts and quality coaching more accessible and affordable for young people aged 18 to 39. In recent years UCPA have become more flexible with the age restrictions, increasing the upper age to 45 and introducing special courses and weeks to allow families and people over 45.

  9. 9 months ago

    Didn't think my post is worthy of its own thread. I'm solo in Greece right now. It's been pretty awesome for the most part, but that's because I enjoy visiting museums and the historical sites, which you can easily enjoy on your own. Socially, I've been quite lonely. I did manage one hookup on my first night in Athens, but since then I've barely interacted with another human, aside from restaurant/cafe staff. I had trouble finding a bar that has stools around it so I could just sit there with a drink and try to strike up a conversation, but no luck (I have not been into every bar in Athens, only about 5 before I gave up). Idk if any of you anons are in Athens, but could definitely use the company right now.

    I feel like, from a social point of view, solo travel is way easier for girls, as every one will want to talk to you.

  10. 9 months ago

    People who travel in attempt to hook up is one of the most pathetic things

    • 9 months ago


      imagine spending money to fly somewhere to have sexual encounters with a complete stranger.

    • 9 months ago

      I travelled to another city two hours away to meet two Tinder prospects. Spent the whole weekend in the hotel fricking.

  11. 9 months ago

    Getting your own transport makes a big difference. I like getting a scooter or motorbike and just expiring, way better than on foot.

  12. 9 months ago

    >what is the best thing to do while traveling solo
    eat, drink, sleep, repeat
    >what is the funnest place to travel solo
    Southeast Asia, they say. Not sure if I buy the hype

  13. 9 months ago

    Imagine traveling alone. Tell me your insta account and I'll tell you how loser you are

  14. 9 months ago

    >How do you stay occupied
    If you are bored go home and get a normie job you moronic homosexual

  15. 9 months ago

    Depends a lot on the place, but two things that I always enjoy when traveling alone are hiking and reading.
    Hiking is great solo because I can go when I want, where I want, for as long as I want.
    Reading is nice because I otherwise have too many distractions - just finding a nice spot and reading for hours without a care is an extremely simple thing that I always look forwards to on solo travels.

  16. 9 months ago

    Get a dependable debit card for your bills, especially one that offers discounts and is accessible in Europe. With options like Revolut, Tap card, and Venmo, you'll always have solutions at your fingertips

    • 9 months ago

      Have you ever encountered payment issues while traveling in Europe? It was my worst experience. My card got blocked, leaving me unable to make payments in the local currency. That's when I turned to Google and discovered Revolut and Tap's multicurrency accounts, which helped me resolve the issue.

      Two shill posts for your moron cards - that even offer "discounts", LMAO. My bank card charges me the mid-market rate for all foreign currency transactions and ATM withdrawals, with no fees charged and refunds for all foreign ATM fees. But I won't name the bank, because I am not a shill.

  17. 9 months ago

    >what is the best thing to do while traveling solo?
    Solo is the only thing me regards as travelling, with others it's just scenery shift. I take the risk, booke a cheap flight to somewhere and let things flow. That can become a fantastic time when you open to it. Usually a hard opening before you adapt. There comes flow, a flow that do something with you,lot of things happens . Womans? Are aside, they always come for adventure, they know you are just one and leave.

    • 9 months ago

      Are you Indian

  18. 9 months ago

    I can't wait to solo travel to some asian country just to have sex. I'm sure it will be worth the money.

  19. 9 months ago

    Just walk around and ponder bro

  20. 9 months ago

    Have you ever encountered payment issues while traveling in Europe? It was my worst experience. My card got blocked, leaving me unable to make payments in the local currency. That's when I turned to Google and discovered Revolut and Tap's multicurrency accounts, which helped me resolve the issue.

  21. 9 months ago

    will be solo travelling from aus to germany soon to live, what a decent non-serious job to work without knowing deutch?

    also will be doing Iceland in a van any do's or dont's??

  22. 9 months ago

    >(M, 6'4", White)
    I don't remember asking?

  23. 9 months ago

    I've only solo traveled in Japan, for about 5 weeks altogether. Would highly recommend Japan as a solo traveler (super safe, super easy to get around on transportation/railways, most signage is in English, lots of great cities and nice nature to see). Main drawback for Japan is that it's on the more expensive side. I enjoyed the flexibility of just being able to hop on a train and get to a new city within a couple of hours. I usually picked a couple sites I wanted to see while on the train to the next destination, but wouldn't plan any kind of complex itinerary. I liked the freedom of being able to go wherever I wanted, walking around town, going on hikes, going to local restaurants, meeting different people.

  24. 9 months ago

    >hooking up with random b***hes
    as if you're hooking up with anyone besides cheap prostitutes

  25. 9 months ago

    Moralgays can shut the frick up. Speak for yourselves and go cry to your wife, wageslave.

  26. 9 months ago

    People who only travel to frick prostitutes are degenerates. Their heads should belong on top of a pike for all to see.

    Just go sightseeing, do jogging around, discover hidden gems, try to talk to ppl, go in hostels if you are lonely and want to be social, go hiking, take a stroll and visit the areas around, discover cool restaurants, go party in a club, etc.

  27. 9 months ago

    if you can't figure out what to do with yourself besides chase prostitutes then you belong in a cave for at least 2 months until you starve enough to finally maybe figure it out... or at least re-up on your fat storage to give it another go.

  28. 9 months ago

    Did you know that you can contract multiple strains of genital herpes at the same time, and they'll flare at different times? That shit alongside the antibiotic resistant syphilis is coming for you monger scum.

  29. 9 months ago

    I vastly prefer traveling alone. Do whatever I want all the time. Just be careful in sketchy areas because you’re a target if you’re the drunk foreigner by himself

  30. 9 months ago

    Best part of solo travel is doing whatever you want. No stress, easy to completely change what you are doing at anytime, go with the flow. The ultimate freedom. Also having local women show you around.

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