>tfw you leave the US for the first time time and learn how shit the USs food is, not in taste but in quality of ingredients.

>tfw you leave the US for the first time time and learn how shit the US’s food is, not in taste but in quality of ingredients.

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago

    i am convinced this is why butt cancer, crohns disease, etc. are all so much more common in usa + other western/developed countries.

    i mean, the map for crohns disease and the map for western/advanced/industrial countries is the EXACT same

    • 8 months ago

      Higher rate of ulcers are in Asia. Do you have a point?

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah I have an illness similar to IBS, in Canada eating homecooked foods almost everday, breads, whole grain breakfast and always have constipation or have painful shits weekly.
      Went to Malaysia for a month and my symptoms cleared, ate out most of the time like carb rich foods, never watched my diet outside of very spicy. Went home and the symptoms rapidly came back. Food here is genuinely killing us faster.

      • 8 months ago

        Raw ingredients in Canada and pre-packaged foods are generally of higher quality because they have tighter regulations on food production and processing than in the USA.

        It's the seed oils my dudes.

      • 8 months ago

        I have the same exact symptoms, (Living in the U.S.) Our food is like poison even though I try to eat healthy here. However even American "healthy" foods aren't helpful.

    • 8 months ago

      This could just as easily be a map of places that have basic food hygiene standards vs places that serve you street slop on the sidewalk.

    • 8 months ago

      it's glyphosate

      • 7 months ago

        Pretty much. Eat organic. Eat local.

  2. 8 months ago

    what kills me is how nearly ALL exported commercial American things(not just food) is better overseas, even fast food
    i remember a driver in saudi arabia raving about kfc of all things, i found it hilarious because back in the states i get to watch people fight over chicken sandwiches as i drive past

    • 8 months ago

      imagine how good kfc would be if people could RELAX in the restaurant tho

    • 8 months ago
      • 8 months ago

        oh anon, SEA has all the spicy variants

    • 8 months ago

      My first trip abroad was Spain and their food was so fricking bad. I hardly ate for 10 days, walked 10-15km a day and lost 12lbs lol

      I had BK in Europe and it tasted the same to me. Didn’t try McDonald’s or kfc

      You have no idea how much better foreign grown fruit is than in the US in many places. Has like 10° Brix higher and way less cytotoxic herbi/pesti/fungicides. Pretty much all locally produced food for that matter, it's just most obvious in fruit. Also ends up being cheaper to buy non processed shit too, on top of higher quality. If you actually understand how the US produces plant/animal produce (even lots of organic shit) you'll realize how much worse we are than other areas just to make it scale better in the economy.

      Fully agree. Produce in Europe for the most part is amazing. Favorite part of the day was getting fresh, ripe fruits and veggies from street vendors

  3. 8 months ago

    >not in taste but in quality of ingredients.
    how can you tell something is different quality ingredient if the taste is not better

    • 8 months ago

      There is absolutely a difference in quality that is beyond just taste. Texture, sedation, and vitamin consistency

    • 8 months ago

      An example would be they use fresh ingredients instead of frozen and canned slop so even if the dish itself is overcooked its still doesn't taste like US fast food.

    • 8 months ago

      you dont shit yourself after every meal.

    • 7 months ago

      the taste is better, OP pallet is adapted to goyslop and needs copious amounts of corn syrup to be satiated

      • 7 months ago

        Can confirm. He won't realize until he comes home and goes to his local favorite restaurant. He'll realize either 1. The food is overpowering as shit to make up for the lack of taste. Or it just lacks taste.

        • 7 months ago

          Not really. If you're getting food from a shop ran by people who used to live in said country, the food tastes the same. Only exception is Chinese food because who knows what kind of gutter oil fried rat they sell all over the world.

  4. 8 months ago

    Don't get me wrong, I love curry, but it's certainly shit in terms of ingredients - basically a bunch of hydrogenated oils, flour, and msg.

    • 8 months ago

      It's ironic because I guarantee you OP seethes about goyslop, but Japanese-style curry and takoyaki are just goyslop, Japan. It's a dish that was imported by British sailors and fried food you get at a festival as a treat

      • 8 months ago

        >t. only eats at chain curry restaurants

        • 8 months ago

          I wish I had a chain curry restaurant near me! I'm not British nor am I Japanese, only American

      • 8 months ago

        >seethes about goyslop
        Word has never came out of my mouth or typed with my fingers.

        • 8 months ago

          Fair enough, I'll believe you and revoke my guarantee

        • 8 months ago

          uhhh I don’t think chashu should be that color anon

      • 8 months ago

        Goyslop in Japan is lightyears ahead of goyslop in the US.


        >tfw you leave the US for the first time time and learn how shit the US’s food is, not in taste but in quality of ingredients.

        I'm American living in Germany. The difference in food quality could not be more clear. When we are in Germany, my son drinks liters of Milk a week, he's 5. He won't touch American Milk, he says it's disgusting. I agree.
        Literally every ingredient is much better and more available in Europe than in the US. When I left America they were complaining about putting country of origin on food as it "may cause racism". I deserve to know where my food comes from. I only buy from Germany or Europe if a German produce isn't available. Meanwhile you have no clue in the US. Your chicken could be from China!
        Organic options in Germany are much more available too. I should have " go out of my way" to find quality. Even Aldi has better quality than American food.
        And the hilarious part is American food cost way more, and you get far less quality.

        • 8 months ago

          There's a LIDL that opened up across the street where I used to live but sadly most of their fresh food is sourced in America

        • 8 months ago

          in europe you will find pic rel on meat and dairy . the german one is especially accurate you can back track it to the company .


        • 8 months ago

          milk in germany is much sweeter tasting, 5 year olds love that shit

        • 8 months ago

          Milk is different in different countries because of pasteurization differences, not quality.
          He won't drink American milk because it tastes odd to him since he's used to drinking German milk

          • 7 months ago

            cows can be raised different, different or more chems or different feed

        • 7 months ago

          The german milk is more pasteurized than american milk which sweetens the milk, it is actually less “fresh” in europe

      • 8 months ago

        Nah you're just a fricking moron seething because some of us can actually travel to Japan.

        The food out here is fresh daily if not hourly, I constantly see people at konbini's refreshing dishes and food. In boston? pfft you're lucky if Jamal has changed the hotdogs this year. Japanese food is simply healthier, I'm probably down to a 46 or maybe a 45 waist once I get done with my month here.

        The proof is there, average breakfast of a small pastery+healthy japanese energy drink? Maybe 3 dollars. THREE DOLLARS. That's at least 4 times cheaper than any deli back home. Do you know how much the average person eats if it was that cheap? Back home my average uber is almost 50 times that per week because I WFH and need to eat. My food bill per year is easy 12-15% my salary. Here it would be practically nothing and I'd be healthy for it. It's insane I eat near daily down at this small shop called CoCo's which reminds me like was the order rabbit and the curry is still cheap, sometimes I go to another place called Sakyia or something both I can eat big for about 10 dollars.

        The quality and subsequently the health is there as everything is made fresh lacks the stuff like MSG(even though banned I know places still use it in america), preservatives, and artificial stuff like corn syrup. Perfect example, bread is so yummy here and doesn't spoil. Back home unless it's toasted and has some seasoning like cheese, cinnamon, or brown sugar; it's inedible garbage.

        Cope all you want but I have never seen a obese japanese person here, they all have healthy food to thank. Anyone knows it's 100% diet that makes you fat and goyslop is the worst stuff, look at Europe too. Shits so fricked back in the USA

        • 8 months ago

          >The food out here is fresh daily if not hourly, I constantly see people at konbini's refreshing dishes and food.
          Comparing konbini to a fricking gas station in the US..lmao
          >46 or maybe 45 waist
          Jesus christ fatty, stop eating McDonalds.
          >The proof is there, average breakfast of a small pastery+healthy japanese energy drink? Maybe 3 dollars. THREE DOLLARS.
          Portion sizes. Also, Japanese people, on average, make less money compared to Americans so of course it's going to be cheaper. Also their economy has been stagnant for decades.
          >fresh fresh fresh
          Just because something is made fresh doesn't mean it's healthy weeb-san. If I go get freshly made donuts, or freshly made hotdogs, I'm not eating healthily. I agree that they probably use less HFCS and such, but doesn't mean they don't use it.
          >Cope all you want but I have never seen a obese japanese person here, they all have healthy food to thank
          Just because you're not fat as frick doesn't mean you're necessarily healthy. Check Japan's diabetes rate. Obviously, on average, the Japanese people are more healthy than Americans, and live longer. But equating that all to "they're not fat and have healthy food" is moronic. Towards the end of your life, it's almost all about whether you have good genes or not. I really enjoy Japanese food, but it's extremely boring compared to others. Also, learn to cook yourself fatass. Then you can actually control what you eat instead of eating out at "le healthy" restaurant.
          >b..but the ingredients are worse in the US
          You're just moronic; look and try harder.

      • 8 months ago

        >It's a dish that was imported by British sailors
        Specifically as a means of improving diet quality in the military.

  5. 8 months ago

    We told you bro
    You didn't believe us, but we fricking told you

  6. 8 months ago

    Two countries that really stand out to me for having higher quality food would be Japan and Italy. The US is pretty mid, I'd even say Canada might be worse because food is more expensive. You can buy cheap, unhealthy goyslop or spend more at a higher-end grocery store, but this is true anywhere. In terms of lower quality of food, Brazil was really disappointing with the exception of beef and coconut water, which does go a long way.

    • 8 months ago

      Raw ingredients in Canada and pre-packaged foods are generally of higher quality because they have tighter regulations on food production and processing than in the USA.

      • 8 months ago

        >regulations are higher
        I agree. I feel like the cost/ratio just isn't favorable to Canada, though. There are a number of things I like about Canada over the US, but food isn't one of them
        >t. dual US/Canadian citizen

  7. 8 months ago

    Japanese cuisine is bland though

  8. 8 months ago

    that food looks like shit. Ill take a beef burger + fires or chicken fry any day over that slop

  9. 8 months ago

    >Anon grew up poor and only ate McDonald’s as a kid

    • 8 months ago

      Correction, anon grew up poor and only ate frozen shit as a kid. My parents couldn’t afford McDonalds.

  10. 8 months ago

    >Anon just exposed his parents were wagies and they probably went to Golden corral on special occasions

    No US food isn’t shit, people who have this idea mainly grew up eating processed junk like bologna sandwiches.

    • 8 months ago

      You have no idea how much better foreign grown fruit is than in the US in many places. Has like 10° Brix higher and way less cytotoxic herbi/pesti/fungicides. Pretty much all locally produced food for that matter, it's just most obvious in fruit. Also ends up being cheaper to buy non processed shit too, on top of higher quality. If you actually understand how the US produces plant/animal produce (even lots of organic shit) you'll realize how much worse we are than other areas just to make it scale better in the economy.

      • 8 months ago

        Anon, has never been to a farmers market.

        • 8 months ago

          >believing farmers market is actually grown differently
          kek, you can't honestly be this moronic. Every farmers market I went to were just shit clearly bought from distribution centers. The most hilarious example I saw was an Asian family not even repackaging fruit from Chile in Des Moines, Iowa.

        • 8 months ago

          Those "local" farms feed their penned chickens the same dogshit corn, spray their shitty orchards of bad strains of fruit with the same combination of sprays and deplete the soil in exactly the same pattern. You can get good stuff, but it's the exception here instead of the norm like it is in many other places.

          • 8 months ago

            This was not my experience with farmer's markets in Virginia and Washington

      • 8 months ago

        >You have no idea how much better foreign grown fruit is than in the US in many places.
        This is just grocery stores sourcing cheap mass produce to make available consistently year-round.

        When I was a kid I'd go apple-picking in the fall. The apples were delicious. Every cultivar was far superior to the generic Macintosh or Granny Smith you could get at the supermarket. During the winter, we'd order crates of oranges and grapefruits to be shipped from Florida for Christmas. They were delicious, far better than the standard grocery store produce and we'd eat them all winter. But again, Florida oranges were only in-season during the winter. Midsummer was blueberries. We'd go into the fields at my grandmother's house and come back with buckets of wild blueberries, what we couldn't eat immediately was made into the best pies I've ever had. Wild blackberries came out later in the summer along with sweet Corn. We'd get fresh green beans and tomatoes from local farmstands. Pecans. Huge baskets of them freshly picked from Georgia. Roasted with a little butter and salt. The best.

        But everything is seasonal, doing it that way. If you want strawberry shortcake in February, you are SOL. You just can't have it unless you froze your own (and they won't taste as good as they did when you picked them)

      • 8 months ago

        foreign fruit is shit bro

    • 8 months ago

      I’m just comparing like food you get out to be clear, because I grew up poor my parents had a garden and I grew up eating fresh veggies and know what good quality ingredients are like, that’s how I could tell the difference so easily.

      Pathetic fricking weebs creaming themselves at the sight of the shittiest fricking slop in Japan. There is good food in the US and there is shitty food in Japan, and the average Japanese meal is not more healthy than standard American food.
      Japs eat a lot of shitty carbs smothered in carb-heavy sweet sauces, deep fried crap is a staple, and good quality protein is hard to find.

      Didn’t have any issues finding protein and consumed way less fried food than I do here in the US.

      That’s Indonesian palm oil for the curry, factory farmed pork from Mexico, wheat in the takoyaki from Russia, and octopus trawled from Cambodia. Nothing there is particularly good. It’s just new. After a month of it you start to get sick of it and realize it’s just grease and salt.

      I don’t understand how someone could be so joyless in life to have this take.

      • 8 months ago

        Japanese food is enormously overrated.

        t. Chef's son who lived in Seattle for 5 years

        >b-b-but the ingredients
        Japan is corporate as frick and good ingredients are very easy to find in the US if you give the slightest hoot.

        • 8 months ago

          >Chef's son
          Who cares?

          • 8 months ago

            I grew up with food and restaurants. I probably know it more intimately than you do. Japanese cuisine is massively overrated.

            • 8 months ago

              >Japanese food overrated
              Maybe they aren't making the right kind?

              Yeah I have an illness similar to IBS, in Canada eating homecooked foods almost everday, breads, whole grain breakfast and always have constipation or have painful shits weekly.
              Went to Malaysia for a month and my symptoms cleared, ate out most of the time like carb rich foods, never watched my diet outside of very spicy. Went home and the symptoms rapidly came back. Food here is genuinely killing us faster.

              My nephew can't eat bread in the US. It makes him puke and shit himself when there's any gluten in a product. In Germany he eats bread, pasta, pizza just fine.

              • 8 months ago

                The Japanese get like 3 things right: knife skills, dry condiments, and plating. Other than that, they're pretty unremarkable food wise
                > 46 or maybe a 45 waist
                This better be in centimeters

              • 8 months ago


                Nah you're just a fricking moron seething because some of us can actually travel to Japan.

                The food out here is fresh daily if not hourly, I constantly see people at konbini's refreshing dishes and food. In boston? pfft you're lucky if Jamal has changed the hotdogs this year. Japanese food is simply healthier, I'm probably down to a 46 or maybe a 45 waist once I get done with my month here.

                The proof is there, average breakfast of a small pastery+healthy japanese energy drink? Maybe 3 dollars. THREE DOLLARS. That's at least 4 times cheaper than any deli back home. Do you know how much the average person eats if it was that cheap? Back home my average uber is almost 50 times that per week because I WFH and need to eat. My food bill per year is easy 12-15% my salary. Here it would be practically nothing and I'd be healthy for it. It's insane I eat near daily down at this small shop called CoCo's which reminds me like was the order rabbit and the curry is still cheap, sometimes I go to another place called Sakyia or something both I can eat big for about 10 dollars.

                The quality and subsequently the health is there as everything is made fresh lacks the stuff like MSG(even though banned I know places still use it in america), preservatives, and artificial stuff like corn syrup. Perfect example, bread is so yummy here and doesn't spoil. Back home unless it's toasted and has some seasoning like cheese, cinnamon, or brown sugar; it's inedible garbage.

                Cope all you want but I have never seen a obese japanese person here, they all have healthy food to thank. Anyone knows it's 100% diet that makes you fat and goyslop is the worst stuff, look at Europe too. Shits so fricked back in the USA

              • 8 months ago


                I don't think so I just know in the US I normally am a 48. The weight loss is real and not a meme, I don't have a scale in my hotel but interested to see what I weigh when I get back.

                100% going to switch to buying from the asian markets from now on and make the switch. Hopefully getting the higher quality imports they sell is worth it.

              • 8 months ago

                homie you fat AF

              • 8 months ago

                That's pretty average for the US and main cities, most mens clothing stores here in New England at least are 40+. It really can't be helped due to the goyslop shoved in our mouths.

                >The food out here is fresh daily if not hourly, I constantly see people at konbini's refreshing dishes and food.
                Comparing konbini to a fricking gas station in the US..lmao
                >46 or maybe 45 waist
                Jesus christ fatty, stop eating McDonalds.
                >The proof is there, average breakfast of a small pastery+healthy japanese energy drink? Maybe 3 dollars. THREE DOLLARS.
                Portion sizes. Also, Japanese people, on average, make less money compared to Americans so of course it's going to be cheaper. Also their economy has been stagnant for decades.
                >fresh fresh fresh
                Just because something is made fresh doesn't mean it's healthy weeb-san. If I go get freshly made donuts, or freshly made hotdogs, I'm not eating healthily. I agree that they probably use less HFCS and such, but doesn't mean they don't use it.
                >Cope all you want but I have never seen a obese japanese person here, they all have healthy food to thank
                Just because you're not fat as frick doesn't mean you're necessarily healthy. Check Japan's diabetes rate. Obviously, on average, the Japanese people are more healthy than Americans, and live longer. But equating that all to "they're not fat and have healthy food" is moronic. Towards the end of your life, it's almost all about whether you have good genes or not. I really enjoy Japanese food, but it's extremely boring compared to others. Also, learn to cook yourself fatass. Then you can actually control what you eat instead of eating out at "le healthy" restaurant.
                >b..but the ingredients are worse in the US
                You're just moronic; look and try harder.

                >all this mad
                Yeah not reading all that, look at the thread and look at your average american. Japanese are doing something right and it's the food.

                >Check Japan's diabetes rate
                japan has some of the longest life spans so going to just call bullshit on you being mad because of how you can't travel like I can. I bet the maids on the streets don't even ask you for a moment of your time if you even came here.

              • 8 months ago

                >Yeah not reading all that
                >japan has some of the longest life spans so going to just call bullshit on you being mad because of how you can't travel like I can
                Didn't even read that I mentioned genes, but I can't expected a fat fricking weeb to do the bare minimum.
                >being mad because of how you can't travel like I can
                Just confirming fat people are incredibly insecure.
                >I bet the maids on the streets don't even ask you for a moment of your time if you even came here.
                Projecting this hard. kek. If you want to get slimmer, learn to cook fat frick.

              • 8 months ago

                The problem here is that you're a fat, lazy moron, not America. It's just you're complete inability to competently feed yourself

              • 8 months ago

                Okay where do you eat in america to "be healthy" like you can here?
                Uber eats
                >25 dollars per meal so double up when ordering to eat one meal later
                >tip+ go down and grab
                >still goyslop
                Cooking at home
                >have to take uber out of boston down to grocery store
                >10lbs of frozen chicken for a week easily 50 dollars meat probably like another 80
                >vegetables that might last a 2 days at most and taste like your fridge leftovers 30 dollars
                >rice and noodles 15 or 20
                >sauces and flavoring 20 dollars
                >now need to cook all this
                >electricity bill now normally 200 dollars goes to 300+
                >and water costs
                >and time spent washing up after rather than throwing away quick and easy to get back to work or vidya
                or japan
                >walk to elevator
                >go down to corner
                >4-5 healthy and happy places ready to service you
                >spend 1000 yen on a "heavy meal" or like 6 usd
                >20 dollars a day at most
                >not only far healthier, but time efficient and tastier

                Yeah you are so smart and not lazy by wasting your own time and eating far less healthy

              • 8 months ago

                >Uber eats
                I'm not even going to read the rest.

              • 8 months ago

                What other delivery service is there in Boston

                >>have to take uber
                Continue staying fat, lazy, and moronic. You're beyond saving.

                And how else are you suppose to get to a store for something lol? The closest place in Boston to actually go shopping for groceries is like mega far and dangerous on trains. Let me take a wild, but accurate guess, you're some flyover moron who will never see 6 figure pay and never see Japan or a passport.LOL

                In japan you can just walk down the street and see people selling things or buy ingredients at 711/lawsons. There isn't a single thing like this back home

              • 8 months ago

                >dangerous on trains
                You just keep making this funnier

              • 8 months ago

                >And how else are you suppose to get to a store for something lol
                You don't know how to drive a car? Truly, sad.
                >you're some flyover moron who will never see 6 figure pay and never see Japan or a passport.LOL
                >you must make 6 figures, or you would have never seen japan
                Again fat ass, you're incredibly insecure. Try harder or use a different insult.
                >There isn't a single thing like this back home
                I know this may sound crazy, but Boston is just one city in the US. You can find a place more suited for your fat ass needs, in the US, if you tried harder. And dare I say, might even be better than Japan. Though I doubt anything being better than Japan could get through your weeb brain.

              • 8 months ago

                >You don't know how to drive a car? Truly, sad.
                ask me how I know you've never lived in a city or anywhere with a population over 500. Isn't it time for you to be asleep? too much NFL or something for you Hank Hill?

                Anyways I am going to a little known anime club in Akihabara tonight, so it's time for some nice classy and not slop alcohol.

              • 8 months ago

                I get you can barely even fit through a car door, but you're actually just moronic. But have fun weeb-kun.

              • 8 months ago

                At least he's not scared shitless of the subway

              • 8 months ago

                Nta but I've been to Europe and now I'm in Japan and in both regions even the low tier food is light years ahead of the goyslop in America.
                Like take for example bread or fruit it just tastes better.. even non japanese foods like Indian nann is so much more tasty and doesn't feel like chewing rubber.

                This isn't a new phenomenon, people not how food outside the US is miles better. I'm sorry that gets you flustered as frick, but it also funny to hear about food deserts in the Midwest because they got is corn for goyslop.

              • 8 months ago

                I never once said the food in America is better than Japan or Europe. I said I enjoy Japanese food, but don't find it exciting compared to others.
                >Like take for example bread or fruit it just tastes better.. even non japanese foods like Indian nann is so much more tasty and doesn't feel like chewing rubber
                There are places in Japan where it did taste better than places in the US. But there are places in Japan where it was mediocre.
                >people not how food outside the US is miles better.
                Entirely subjective, but I sorta agree with you. I honestly don't think the food in the US is amazing, but it's not that bad. There's a lot of different cuisine styles in the US depending on where you live. Sure the franchise fast food chains are garbage, I don't deny that, but the arguments weeb-kun uses are moronic. But if it's as bad as these anons say, they can just cook themselves to completely avoid it. I get that a lot of anons on trv and SighSee in general hate the US, and I can't blame them. I also think the US is going in the wrong direction, but the idea that Japan is just some utopian place is hilarious. I've gone to Japan and really enjoyed it, but it's not a place I would want to live. The food is nice, but not exciting to me. If you want to, more power to you.

              • 8 months ago

                I live just outside boston (I bike or take train in regularly) and you're fat. Plenty of shitty quality food ingredients here but there is only ever 1 thing at fault for being fat, and that is you overeating. Don't get why fat people are like women in being so defensive about it and refusing to face accountability, the only person who made you fat is you, and if you chose to it is entirely and easily in your power not to be fat. Also cheaper so whining about food prices is counterintuitive, the more expensive food is the more you save by eating less.

                Don't care about the rest of the argument, nip food is better on average than the shit here even if we have really good stuff when you look for it. Either way you should be growing half of your own stuff, it's free and easy.

              • 8 months ago

                Fricking weebs and their animu fantasies. God fricking damn you're even more delusional than Pajeets.

              • 8 months ago

                can you get rice and beans in boston? how about lentils? you can meal prep for the week and store meals in containers in the fridge. it's so easy now there are youtube vids on how to meal prep healthy stuff for a week. if you get a chest freezer and a lot of containers you could probably make food for a few months in one weekend.

              • 8 months ago

                >>have to take uber
                Continue staying fat, lazy, and moronic. You're beyond saving.

              • 8 months ago

                I lived in Boston and Cambridge for 10 years and always walked to the grocery store. Almost always had Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, and Shaw's in walking distance. I was in Allston for awhile and the Super88/Hong Kong supermarket was also walking distance. That's a huge Asian grocery store full of imports and stinky fish. You could even get durian there iirc. Plus smaller specialty markets everywhere. When I lived there, there was a small Japanese grocery store in Porter Square (Kotobukiya), not sure if it's still open.

                Also there were a lot of good restaurants, not all goyslop, only ordered delivery when I was feeling particularly lazy or socializing with friends. I don't remember good places being that hard to find. But expensive, yes. Boston is a fairly expensive place to live.

              • 7 months ago

                >be american so this means i have to uber eats
                LMFAO and you wonder why youre a fat virgin
                >muh uber eats so expensive!
                take out in general is expensive, its why you buy groceries and cook your own food
                >i have to uber out of boston
                take the T moron, its much cheaper than an uber at under $3 a ride
                >10 lbs of frozen chicken for a week
                bro are you insane, thats 10 days worth of dinners right there if you eat a massive portion of chicken nightly, and you can easily stretch that to two weeks if you make rice and beans on the side.
                >rice and noodles are $15 or $20
                You can buy a 20lb bag of rice for $20 and it will last you several months
                >sauces and flavorings are $20
                So you buy stuff in bulk and make your own. It costs me $30 to make around 10 lbs of my original gochujang based curry that i portion and freeze, and it takes a long time to go through 10 lbs of fricking sauce
                >i have to actually cook things and it ramps up electric bill and my water costs!
                >i have to clean up after myself instead of play video games!
                Holy frick you are a disgusting manchild

                >You don't know how to drive a car? Truly, sad.
                ask me how I know you've never lived in a city or anywhere with a population over 500. Isn't it time for you to be asleep? too much NFL or something for you Hank Hill?

                Anyways I am going to a little known anime club in Akihabara tonight, so it's time for some nice classy and not slop alcohol.

                >bragging about japanese alcohol
                Most sake is garbage, you can even legally classify watered down shit as premium grade (a 20% daiginjo sake can be labeled daiginjo even if it's actually 70% ginjo +10% table sake futsushu) and a majority of japanese whiskey is one note, light garbage lacking depth. The US has one of the biggest markets for mezcal, tequila, gin and rum, while having the best market for rye and bourbon. Competitively, it is also a world class wine producer. You'd be hard pressed to find a better place to go drink than the United States.

              • 7 months ago

                Don't fricking listen to this fat piece of shit, a 48 is fricking massive even in the US. He's probably losing water weight + some actual fat from walking around everywhere, and doesn't realize losing weight is a lot easier when you're huge.

              • 7 months ago

                I was fat as frick when I lived in the US and I reached a 36. A 48 is just colossal.

              • 7 months ago

                Seriously, how do people get this fat. I am a 34 and put the bare minimum of effort into health and don't gain weight. I'd probably be ripped I gave a shit.

              • 8 months ago

                You could easily narrow that allergy down. Bake some bread with imported flour and use US yeast. If he pukes, it's the yeast, if not, it's the flour.

            • 8 months ago

              >I probably know it more intimately than you do
              jizzing in the salad doesn't make you a food expert anon.

      • 8 months ago

        It’s not joylessness. You’re just taking baby’s first trip if that food blows you away with “freshness”. It’s all cheap imported slop. You can get great quality food in Japan, but that picture isn’t it.

        But one thing virtually anyone notices upon going outside the US is American food is low quality and over processed. That much is true. The food in the first picture is as well.

        • 8 months ago

          >t. Guy who has never left his parents basement

          • 8 months ago

            The OP is, yes. He’s posting 5 dollar slop meals that lazy salarymen eat. People like me who live in Japan recognize that it’s just slop. If you eat this shit too often, your wife/girlfriend will tell you you’re going to have a nice day because it’s so unhealthy.

        • 8 months ago

          >But one thing virtually anyone notices upon going outside the US is American food is low quality and over processed. That much is true.
          I'd say this is true comparing average or median restaurant food. That is, if you consider the average American's idea of going out to be Applebee's, Red Lobster, or low-effort local restaurants sourcing cheapest shit from large distributors.
          In most places I've gone in the US, though, there are better options.

          • 8 months ago

            I used to work at a pretend Applebee's called O'Charlys. It's all just frozen reheated, preportioned garbage. Sad

      • 8 months ago

        >the random baby tomato
        >the omnipresent thyme branch that serves no purpose, that should have been in the soup so that the heat carries the aroma upward
        >no freshly ground peppers on the soup
        kill all japs, behead all japs, curbstomp japs, throw japs into the rising sun

      • 8 months ago

        what have you been eating to avoid fried food
        I live in kyushu and half the restaurants near me are fried shit and ramen

  11. 8 months ago

    I had green onion congee in Vietnam, and even that simple dish blew my mind. Something about the green onions was 100x better and kinda sweet. Fried pork belly at a random stand in the country was phenomenal. Absolutely beat out restaurants in the states. I wish produce didn't suck ass here.

  12. 8 months ago

    Pathetic fricking weebs creaming themselves at the sight of the shittiest fricking slop in Japan. There is good food in the US and there is shitty food in Japan, and the average Japanese meal is not more healthy than standard American food.
    Japs eat a lot of shitty carbs smothered in carb-heavy sweet sauces, deep fried crap is a staple, and good quality protein is hard to find.

  13. 8 months ago

    If you're traveling in the US, the trick is to find the regional specialties. I'll take a Maryland crab feast, Texas BBQ, a New York Pizza, a Chicago Steakhouse, Maine Lobster. or Florida Gulf Shrimp over any meal I've ever eaten in Europe. With that said, the bakeries in France are god-tier and without equal. And the Czechs make the best beer in the world.

    A lot of restaurants in the US order shit produce from these giant distribution companies. The tomatoes they ship are modified so they won't spoil, but they have no flavor. It all ends up in McDonald's and Taco Bell. But that doesn't mean that all tomatoes in the US are bad. Go to the eastern shore in Delaware and buy some white corn and tomatoes from a farm stand on the side of the road. It'll be the best fricking produce you ever eat in your life.

    • 8 months ago

      >Texas bbq

      Texas born TN raised anon here, Texas bbq is like the lowest ranking of all the bbq in America and only the Brisket is worth getting excited for.

  14. 8 months ago

    That’s Indonesian palm oil for the curry, factory farmed pork from Mexico, wheat in the takoyaki from Russia, and octopus trawled from Cambodia. Nothing there is particularly good. It’s just new. After a month of it you start to get sick of it and realize it’s just grease and salt.

  15. 8 months ago

    I'll parrot what others said in that it is really our produce that makes it stink. When in Italy the dishes had simple ingredients, but the ingredients they did use were very flavorful and filling. You couldn't make the same dish where I'm at unless you made your own produce or went out of your way to find fresh produce from a local farmers market.

  16. 8 months ago

    >the map for crohns disease and the map for western/advanced/industrial countries is the EXACT same
    Japan and Korea are quite low, whereas the other first world countries are either European or have European ancestry, so the correlation between crohns and genetics is much higher than the correlation between crohns and quality of food.

    • 8 months ago

      What moron thinks Korean and Japanese food is even close to being like American food. Koreans eat a lb of cabbage a day. Some Americans have never touched a green veggie in their life.

  17. 8 months ago

    I think it's just the way Westerners eat. Usually it's
    >Small side of veg
    >Cake for dessert

    Asian food usually is like:
    >Meat & veg
    >More veg
    >Fruit for dessert

    I used to have stomach problems in the US but changed when I moved to Asia.

    Also Americans can't cook.

  18. 8 months ago

    ITT: morons who can't cook or only eat goyslop by choice then travel once and have to try something new and figure out their tastes suck.
    Japanese food is often heavily processed and artificially flavored from bulk sellers. MSG is also a hell of a thing to trick you. Japan has a terrible balance in their daily intake and it's one reason why so many can't deal with simple colds. Most need to chug vitamins daily just to not have terrible energy dips or take probiotics that's pumped into many drinks sold just so they don't shit themselves accidently.
    Japanese also are notorious for never going to a real doctor for health issues as they are worried about their employer finding out or it costs too much. Bone density loss, teeth literally falling out or needing heavy work is common which is a HUGE issue as they age.

    >it's so cheap here!
    When you compare what it takes to buy a properly balanced diet with the Japan salary+Cost of living; it really isn't

    • 8 months ago

      >MUH msg
      Bro this isn't the 50s anymore. The amount of shit you see added into something as benign as American Bread makes MSG (which is basically meat salt when you think about it) look like prune juice.

      • 7 months ago

        >The amount of shit you see added into something as benign as American Bread makes MSG (which is basically meat salt when you think about it) look like prune juice.
        This bread looks pretty straightforward to me. I get the multigrain variety. The plain white bread is the same list without the millet, flax, rye, and barley.

        • 7 months ago

          What is unbleached and why is it highest % ingredient?

          • 7 months ago

            see, some of you really can't understand reading a label

            • 7 months ago

              Yourself included, apparently

              • 7 months ago

                You're the one who can't figure out comma usage from context. Learn to read.


                still healthier than most bread here in malaysia. pic related is the typical ingredients of a gardenia loaf (popular brand in most supermarkets)
                there is a brand here that advertises their bread as "healthy" because it includes brown sugar rather than white sugar
                it is possible to buy nice bread from specialist bakeries but it is too pricy for many people

                interesting that there's fat in the bread

        • 7 months ago

          still healthier than most bread here in malaysia. pic related is the typical ingredients of a gardenia loaf (popular brand in most supermarkets)
          there is a brand here that advertises their bread as "healthy" because it includes brown sugar rather than white sugar
          it is possible to buy nice bread from specialist bakeries but it is too pricy for many people

    • 8 months ago

      MSG is just salt.

  19. 8 months ago

    According to foreigners, American chocolate tastes like pee or vomit

    • 8 months ago

      It tastes like Play-Doh imo. I'm american but even shit tier confections in Mexico from Gamesa are better quality chocolate than Hersheys and the only good chocolate I've found in the US is Ghiradellis and strangely, Tollhouse chocolate chips.

      • 8 months ago

        go clean up after the dog he shit everywhere and stop eating all the play-do!

  20. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      post best food/travel country so we can laugh at you
      >inb4 china numba waaannnnn

      • 8 months ago

        you know the weeb tranime lover is hurt when the only rebuttal is CNN buzzwords like "LE CHINA DOOD"
        kys japan fetishizer

  21. 8 months ago

    >not in taste but in quality of ingredients
    Literally buy anything that isn't Monsanto cheap produce you swine

  22. 8 months ago

    This thread reminds me of when people go camping and say a can of beans tastes better than at home. Le burger king was so much tastier in hong kong..

    • 8 months ago

      My first trip abroad was Spain and their food was so fricking bad. I hardly ate for 10 days, walked 10-15km a day and lost 12lbs lol

      I had BK in Europe and it tasted the same to me. Didn’t try McDonald’s or kfc
      Fully agree. Produce in Europe for the most part is amazing. Favorite part of the day was getting fresh, ripe fruits and veggies from street vendors

      The main difference is that US doesn't have street vendors selling produce. You have farmstands and farmer's markets selling great fruits and veggies but you need to to be aware of them. An amerilard might live 5 miles from a weekly saturday farmer's market but has no idea its even there because he spends all weekend playing videogames and eating frozen microwave pizza.

      • 8 months ago

        Farmers markets in US bigger cities aren’t about healthy local produce, they’re ridiculous cash grabs that yuppies go to and spend $4/lb for apples because it makes them feel good

        • 8 months ago

          Believe what makes you feel good.

    • 8 months ago
      • 8 months ago

        you really eat and drink that shit? lmao

        • 8 months ago

          Continue to believe there's no difference in food from the US and the rest of the world, moron. It's literally poison in the US.

          • 8 months ago

            That's the rub, isn't it. People in the US who care about their diet don't eat any of that shit, and wouldn't even if it adhered to bong standards (except maybe the doritos and creme egg). In most cases where the item is even worth consuming in the first place (sugar soda is something I may drink 3-4 times a year hcfs or not), there are obvious alternatives. Maybe 30 years ago it was difficult but these days plenty of companies know smart consumers read labels and avoid buying garbage, so shelves are stocked with cleaner brands. The only exception might be the cadbury egg which was successfully marketed as an easter tradition and people only want the name brand even if it has gone to complete shit.

            People whose diet consists entirely of goyslop are arguing with people who avoid shitty foods as a matter of routine.

            • 8 months ago

              >cadbury egg
              I haven't eaten one of those since I was like 6 or 7.
              I'd say its more difficult to source non-goyslop food in the US but that is cultural, euros are much more conscious about this stuff but most Americans look at you funny if you say you try to avoid sodas and sweets. But yeah none of the items in


              are things I'd ever purchase and I don't even consider myself particularly health conscious (I still eat tons of red meat and potatoes).
              There is something to be said for the fact that there is a difference though, a jar of alfredo sauce in the US is just emulsified basedbean oil but the original recipe is based on butter and cream. The US does have "health food stores" though and they're found in any city over like 50k people, I'm not sure the concept exists in Europe.

              • 8 months ago

                nice diet little cuck no wonder you guys all have fricked up teeth and faces

                That's the rub, isn't it. People in the US who care about their diet don't eat any of that shit, and wouldn't even if it adhered to bong standards (except maybe the doritos and creme egg). In most cases where the item is even worth consuming in the first place (sugar soda is something I may drink 3-4 times a year hcfs or not), there are obvious alternatives. Maybe 30 years ago it was difficult but these days plenty of companies know smart consumers read labels and avoid buying garbage, so shelves are stocked with cleaner brands. The only exception might be the cadbury egg which was successfully marketed as an easter tradition and people only want the name brand even if it has gone to complete shit.

                People whose diet consists entirely of goyslop are arguing with people who avoid shitty foods as a matter of routine.

                I never said this was my diet fricking morons. It's simply a sample of how different food products are between the US and another country. Certain pesticides are also banned in the EU that the US soaks their vegetables in. Also they do shit with the feed they give their animals in the US.

              • 8 months ago

                >I never said this was my diet fricking morons.
                Yeah but it's mostly a strawman. Apart from the handful claiming "OMG Burger King is so much better overseas" posts, nobody is arguing over the difference in a bag of fricking doritos. People are gushing over non-american restaurants and produce not Mountain Dew.

                >Certain pesticides are also banned in the EU that the US soaks their vegetables in. Also they do shit with the feed they give their animals in the US.
                Yeah but nobody who shitposts about this is ever familiar with the relevant science and its implications. Most haven't even read propaganda and are just parroting "common knowledge" from social media.

              • 8 months ago

                >"you just don't fully understand it so you can't bring it up!"
                go back to re.ddit.

              • 8 months ago

                bring up anything you want. Being a whiny b***h when you get reasonable criticism doesn't help your look.

              • 8 months ago

                >reasonable criticism
                What was reasonable about what you said? You're appealing to an expert, which isn't an argument. Chemicals that cause cancer are far more banned in T-shirt EU than the US.
                >"b... but you don't know which ones and why and how?!?!?"

              • 8 months ago

                >The US does have "health food stores" though and they're found in any city over like 50k people
                In my experience, many if not most of these have been swallowed up by regular supermarkets which offer many of the same options either alongside the traditional brands or in a "heath food" section. (Higher-quality supermarkets often even have gluten-free sections and vegan sections and so on).

      • 8 months ago

        nice diet little cuck no wonder you guys all have fricked up teeth and faces

  23. 8 months ago

    Skill Issue.

  24. 8 months ago

    Aside from Wagyu beef and fish Japan's quality of ingredients isn't that good.
    Especially since they're having to import a tonne of food.

    • 8 months ago

      >Especially since they're having to import a tonne of food.
      watch it anon, a certain idiot might bring up how great and self-sufficient jap is while denying all food export/import reports

  25. 8 months ago

    Try Mos Burger OP

    • 8 months ago

      mos burger is shit, moronic engrish teacher weeb queer

  26. 8 months ago

    Ah, I see you haven't been to China yet.

    • 8 months ago

      God the food quality in China is so fricking bad. You can definitely spend more for better stuff, but I feel really bad for the people that have to eat that slop every day

      • 8 months ago

        It depends I've seen some good markets and good produce. That being said it is China and shady shit happens and still happens like tainted food. I do notice Chinese do care about where said food is sourced obviously because of what has happened. Also alot of Chinese I know do not like to eat at restaurants because of the slop you mention they serve. It's also why fast food chains from America are popular because while the food is unhealthy at least it won't be poisoned

  27. 8 months ago

    takoyaki is probably the most nutritionally nothing food that exists
    same for a lot of japanese food which sucks if you have a required amount of protein to have in a day

  28. 8 months ago

    Takoyaki is just fried batter and some octopus

    That curry is just a powder they buy off the shelf and mix with water

  29. 8 months ago

    I said this in a previous USA vs the world food wank thread as well, but I'll say it again. Adding fricking sugar to kefir that is marketed as "natural kefir" is not normal. It just isn't. In my opinion it illustrates the difference between the USA and the rest of the world. You guys just love your diabetes so much that you allow that shit.
    Does it happen elsewhere in the world as well? Yes it does.
    Do those companies to try to get away with that shit get fined so bad elsewhere for false advertising and misleading the consumers that they won't pull shit like that for a like a good decade? Yes, they immediately get hit with fines. And then they try it again, but then they get hit with fines again, and so they stop trying to sell diabetes.
    Yes, we still manage to get diabetes all over the planet, but at least we have to bathe in honey and eat baklava daily to get diabetes. We don't simply eat fricking bread and drink "natural" kefir elsewhere on the planet to get diabetes.
    It's just... A minefield walking in a US supermarket. Doesn't matter if it's Whole Foods or a farmer's market either. It's just... So, so hard to buy actual food without that corn syrup or invert sugar or added sugar. Maybe if I lived there longer I would eventually find a farmer's market that's alright, but it seems like a challenge.
    Also the giant vegetables... Bullshit. Bull. Shit. Inflated crap.

    • 8 months ago

      Just sounds like you have trouble reading nutrition label.

      • 8 months ago

        I have no problems reading labels, that's how I recognize false advertising, unlike you.

        >Dad asks Aunt to pick up a bottle of maple syrup. The real stuff, not the high-fructose corn syrup slop
        >Aunt comes, big fat letters on the front of the bottle "NO HIGH-FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP"
        >investigate the ingredients
        >first fricking ingredient - corn syrup
        I hate israelites

        lol Exactly. I now had a look at my local supermarket to see how things stand, but all we have in my small Euro town is 100% organic Canadian maple syrup, 100% organic maple syrup of unspecified origin, and 100% cheap Canadian maple syrup.

        • 8 months ago

          >I have no problems reading labels, that's how I recognize false advertising, unlike you
          What false advertising do you think you're exposing lol. The ingredients and amounts are clearly posted on the label.

    • 8 months ago

      >Dad asks Aunt to pick up a bottle of maple syrup. The real stuff, not the high-fructose corn syrup slop
      >Aunt comes, big fat letters on the front of the bottle "NO HIGH-FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP"
      >investigate the ingredients
      >first fricking ingredient - corn syrup
      I hate israelites

      • 8 months ago

        Corn syrup and High fructose corn syrup are two different things.

    • 8 months ago

      read the fricking label is it that hard, or did you forget your glasses or something? I don't get it.

    • 8 months ago

      >Adding fricking sugar to kefir that is marketed as "natural kefir" is not normal.
      Sugar is natural. And in my experience sugar is only ever added to "flavored" kefirs not plain kefir, so that means you're not even asking for pure kefir in the first place.

      I have no problems reading labels, that's how I recognize false advertising, unlike you.
      lol Exactly. I now had a look at my local supermarket to see how things stand, but all we have in my small Euro town is 100% organic Canadian maple syrup, 100% organic maple syrup of unspecified origin, and 100% cheap Canadian maple syrup.

      >I have no problems reading labels,
      You clearly do and wind up mad as a consequence.

      >Dad asks Aunt to pick up a bottle of maple syrup. The real stuff, not the high-fructose corn syrup slop
      >Aunt comes, big fat letters on the front of the bottle "NO HIGH-FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP"
      >investigate the ingredients
      >first fricking ingredient - corn syrup
      I hate israelites

      That's just your Aunt being moronic. It must run in the family. If you want pure Maple Syrup, you don't look for a "NO HCFS" label on Mrs. Butterworth's *Syrup you look for fricking Maple Syrup. Even Wal Mart sells pure maple syrup. It's a single ingredient item and trivial to find. It's also usually sold in very different-looking containers emphasizing maple. Often they are glass with the tiny handle (pic related) sometimes they are in light beige with black lettering. Meanwhile non-maple alternatives usually advertise breakfast and pancakes and things like that and come in different (usually cheap-o plastic) bottes.

      Also, Corn Syrup is very different from High-Fructose Corn Syrup. Corn Syrup is a common ingredient that many bakers have in their kitchens for use in recipes like Pecan Pie and isn't something you should be afraid of. HCFS is the shitty additive.

      • 8 months ago

        >defending blatant israelitery

        • 8 months ago

          It sucks but it's one of those weird things euros harp on (like tipping) when there's far shittier things about the US. It's not actually a problem unless you suck at shopping and have poor impulse control.

  30. 8 months ago

    I guess I’m just showing my bourgeois privilege, but in my upbringing as a middle-class and later pretty wealthy person in reasonably wealthy communities in Massachusetts, New York, and California, I had lifelong access to high-quality ingredients and food. A good US farmer’s market, or a well-stocked local grocery, absolutely has produce as good as any European market, and it’s not necessarily expensive. Big chain supermarkets in the middle of nowhere are obviously going to get mass-market scraps. But big chain supermarkets in Europe get a lot of shit, too.

    Same is true of restaurants—there are thousands of excellent cooks in America if you can find them (and in some cases, if you can afford them, but anybody who thinks an expensive restaurant is inherently synonymous with a good restaurant, anywhere in the world, is pretty stupid).

  31. 8 months ago

    honestly i thought the takoyaki were better in the US than japan... the japanese squid balls were always very bland, and some places would only give out tiny mayo and sauce packets, when they really needed to be doused in the stuff

    overall takoyaki are a pretty mediocre food item

  32. 8 months ago

    Most of the time when people b***h about US food quality its because they only buy the lowest quality things in the US
    Like people b***hing that packaged bread is bad in the USA rather than just buying the fresh bread

    • 8 months ago

      Even among the packaged bread there's the good all natural one for a couple bucks or there's the Great Value for 99 cents. Guess which one is loaded with hfcs and chemicals

      • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        >all natural
        means nothing, like


        >Adding fricking sugar to kefir that is marketed as "natural kefir" is not normal.
        Sugar is natural. And in my experience sugar is only ever added to "flavored" kefirs not plain kefir, so that means you're not even asking for pure kefir in the first place.

        >I have no problems reading labels,
        You clearly do and wind up mad as a consequence.

        That's just your Aunt being moronic. It must run in the family. If you want pure Maple Syrup, you don't look for a "NO HCFS" label on Mrs. Butterworth's *Syrup you look for fricking Maple Syrup. Even Wal Mart sells pure maple syrup. It's a single ingredient item and trivial to find. It's also usually sold in very different-looking containers emphasizing maple. Often they are glass with the tiny handle (pic related) sometimes they are in light beige with black lettering. Meanwhile non-maple alternatives usually advertise breakfast and pancakes and things like that and come in different (usually cheap-o plastic) bottes.

        Also, Corn Syrup is very different from High-Fructose Corn Syrup. Corn Syrup is a common ingredient that many bakers have in their kitchens for use in recipes like Pecan Pie and isn't something you should be afraid of. HCFS is the shitty additive.

        they can put a shitton of extra sugar in there because hey it's natural! Literally everything on earth is natural. It's the very definition since it's from earth.

        • 8 months ago

          Hire a nutritionalist if you're so worried about it. If not for you then your family.

          • 8 months ago
            Clear Lake Enjoyer

            I don't need to, I'm not a moron.

      • 8 months ago

        >all natural
        means nothing, like [...] they can put a shitton of extra sugar in there because hey it's natural! Literally everything on earth is natural. It's the very definition since it's from earth.

        >>all natural
        >means nothing
        Well, in his case it means he has assessed the product and applies the label himself, he's not just reading the front of the packaging.
        Here's another hint, if a product says "0g trans fats" it means it has trace amounts of partially-hydrogenated oils, enough that they are required to list in the ingredients. But it's less than whatever amount is required to list 1g, so they can put '0g' on the nutrition label and advertise it on the front of the package.
        >they can put a shitton of extra sugar in there because hey it's natural!
        It's very common for products to advertise "no added sugar." Usually this means there are naturally occurring sugars (eg fruit juice or dried fruit).
        >Literally everything on earth is natural.
        "Natural" in food marketing is usually interpreted to mean a chemical that exists in nature without being synthesized by humans. Tartrazine, Aspartame, Sucralose-- these are all synthetic compounds that do not exist in nature except when humans make it via chemical manipulation. It's highly unlikely you will ever find a product being advertised as "all natural" if it has synthetic flavors, sweetners or food coloring. Sometimes "natural" ingredients may be heavily processed (maple syrup starts out as a clear liquid sap from a maple tree), but so long as the chemistry isn't changed it usually counts. So rattlesnake venom is "all natural" but diet coke isn't. This really highlights the fallacy of emphasizing a "natural" diet vs healthy.

        • 8 months ago

          >This really highlights the fallacy of emphasizing a "natural" diet vs healthy.
          It doesn't. Rattlesnake venom isn't a common food ingredient but nitrate preservatives are and mess with your gut biome. If you were to cook and ingest rattlesnake venom it would also denature the protein that is the venom and wouldn't harm you. Rattlesnakes meat at least is also perfectly edible.

          • 7 months ago

            There are natural substances more harmful to ingest than synthetic food additives.

  33. 8 months ago

    Maybe don't buy shit ingredients and you won't get shit food.

  34. 7 months ago

    And yet you post a picture of rice, rice being the absolute bottom of the barrel cheap as frick thing to grow and cultivate and prepare.

  35. 7 months ago

    If I am living minimum wage TEFL in Japan will the food be better than in Europe?

  36. 7 months ago

    He's just a Chinese fifty cent propagandist who hates the nation who fed his men for centuries.

  37. 7 months ago

    i would frick this shit up,. what food is this? japanese?

    • 7 months ago

      yeah looks like curry rice with a side of takoyaki

  38. 7 months ago

    Even Coca-Cola is fricked up here in the US. High fructose garbage. I had Mexican coke in a glass bottle and it has actual cane sugar. I didn't realize that was the real....uh... That was how it is everywhere else in the world.

  39. 7 months ago

    Is this a joke? I went to thailand and the nutrition and macros on all the food was trash.
    The only good thing was somtam and tom yum soup.
    All the zoomers are gonna be skinnyfat prediabetics with how much processed carbs and sugary shit they consume.

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