There is a massive bedbug outbreak in Paris right now, does this have potential to spread across Europe?

There is a massive bedbug outbreak in Paris right now, does this have potential to spread across Europe? I have a trip to Germany and Hungary in December and if it gets ruined because of this I will be so pissed

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  1. 8 months ago

    I fricked two australian chicks n in a paris hostel and was itchy the next day this explains it

  2. 8 months ago

    >be in Asian backpacking town full of French tourists
    >met an Aussie who complained about his hotel having bed bugs
    >see news of French bed bug infestation
    >put two and two together
    I left my hostel and am now overpaying for a hotel. I literally asked the front desk to put me in a room that previously had NO French tourists. I think I may leave for a less touristy town. Amazing how this French bed bug problem is now affecting a town a continent away.

    • 8 months ago

      >I literally asked the front desk to put me in a room that previously had NO French tourists.
      What would it take for you to be adequately convinced that a room is French-free?

      A hotel employee could very easily lie about a room having had no French nationals staying in a room. This is a fully plausible outcome.

      You could demand to see a list of guest records, but that comes with privacy concerns. Even if they redacted just enough information to only show guest nationalities, it would take some time to process, and even then, there's no guarantee that such a list would be accurate or truthful. I also doubt many people are asking the same questions as you. You're probably the only person who's asking.

      Worst of all, French tourists does not necessarily mean French passports. Thanks to EU's open border policies, it's not unusual for Europeans to possess multiple nationalities. The person may be a long-time resident of France, but they could travel on a different country's passport. The hotels only know nationalities based on their guests' passports.

      • 8 months ago

        Even worse canadians that speak french

      • 8 months ago

        I'm not asking for a room that literally never had any French tourists before. I just ask for a room that before me had no French tourists. This minimizes the risk.
        >the hotel employee could easily lie
        It's a hotel with 20-50 rooms. Of course one would previously have had no French tourists. Not a hard thing to do so why lie about it?
        Also both hotels (yes I did this twice) I went to literally would show me a paper/computer screen with my room and the name/nationality of the previous guest.
        >but that comes with privacy concerns
        I'm in Asia and the front desk worker is making three dollars an hour. They don't give a shit.
        >it would take some time to process
        What shithole are you living in? Literally took them 30 seconds. I saw them do it with my own eyes.
        >You're probably the only person who's asking.
        Then they can risk bed bites. I don't. I'm sure during COVID people were doing the same about Chinese and American tourists. I don't care. I want to minimize my risk and having literally met someone here who experienced bed bugs (likely from French tourists) I don't think you can blame me. Frick you, Frick the French, frick your reddit spacing, frick the poojeet mod and frick bed bugs. I want to sleep in peace.

        • 8 months ago

          >Not a hard thing to do so why lie about it?
          Because they're making three dollars an hour and they don't give a shit.

          >I'm in Asia and the front desk worker is making three dollars an hour. They don't give a shit.
          They don't, but you should. You won't do anything, which is cool, but the next guest could be a real piece of shit who could try and cause some damage with your name & nationality.

          >I'm sure during COVID people were doing the same about Chinese and American tourists.
          People who were actually terrified of "COVID" just didn't travel at all.

          >Frick you
          I asked a perfectly reasonable question, it's too bad you turned it into a personal grudge. Now I'm obligated to say I hope you die and your children are born with Down Syndrome.

          >frick your reddit spacing
          No such thing. I saw this style of spacing all the time in 90s message boards and office emails, long before Reddit even existed. Stop fearing a website, you pathetic weakling.

          • 8 months ago

            Oh no. Not my name and nationality! Whatever would he do?!
            Peak boomer mentality.

            • 8 months ago

              I guess nothing would happen, because no one would benefit from stealing your identity.

          • 8 months ago

            >Stop fearing a website, you pathetic weakling.
            Please don't snap my spine

          • 8 months ago

            >fear mongering over someone having your nationality and name
            May as well just never travel. Never try getting famous. Never sending out your CV to an online job. Never making a Facebook account. Never making a linkedin. It's over bros.

            • 8 months ago

              Don't want or need any of these.

              >job applications
              Ideally, you would want to work for an employer that cares more about privacy & security than an Asian hotel worker making $3/hr.

              • 8 months ago

                His meaning is that if you apply to any online job you are going to be giving your name and nationality to a complete stranger you moron.

              • 8 months ago

                As a job-seeker, it is YOUR responsibility to vet these employers. Don't give your personal information to no-names and startups, you moron. I hope you never breed, but if you do, I hope your children have Down Syndrome, that you die of cancer, and your children get adopted into an abusive family.

          • 8 months ago

            Don't want or need any of these.

            >job applications
            Ideally, you would want to work for an employer that cares more about privacy & security than an Asian hotel worker making $3/hr.

            As a job-seeker, it is YOUR responsibility to vet these employers. Don't give your personal information to no-names and startups, you moron. I hope you never breed, but if you do, I hope your children have Down Syndrome, that you die of cancer, and your children get adopted into an abusive family.

            Seriously, how old are you?

            • 8 months ago

              More than 18, which you aren't. Sit down and shut the frick up, your dad was clearly absent or didn't own any belts.

              • 8 months ago

                You're just confirming to me that you're a boomer.

              • 8 months ago

                Better than being a senseless brat such as yourself. You're lucky I'm not your father, otherwise I'd put my foot up your ass.

              • 8 months ago

                Seems like you have daddy issues

          • 8 months ago

            More than 18, which you aren't. Sit down and shut the frick up, your dad was clearly absent or didn't own any belts.

            >Everyone calls him out for his moronic take
            >It must be everyone else who is wrong!

            • 8 months ago

              I don't find it hard to believe that I'm better than a handful of losers, not that I particularly relish it. I have no interest in being King to a bunch of dumpster rats.
              I assume you're single, but if you're ever lucky enough to find the love of your life, I hope she gets snatched up by human traffickers, and by the time you rescue her, she's already given birth to a child that's not yours, and you can't look her in the eye anymore.

            • 8 months ago

              >muh herd mentality
              wrong site

  3. 8 months ago

    I had bed bugs once, for reasons unrelated to travel.
    Avoid them at all fricking costs, they are a fricking nightmare.

    • 8 months ago

      I once had them but they didn't bother me. I noticed them walking around but they never bit me. I was there for two days until I changes hotels cause I didn't want to risk it. I had no problem sleeping too.
      Another time I couldn't sleep in a hotel bed because I was so itchy but every time I turned on the lights I couldn't find them. My only guess is that I had an extreme reaction to what ever soap the hotel was using. Was very odd.

      • 8 months ago

        The issue is if they come with you.
        They're extremely difficult to get rid of - their eggs are immune to the insecticides so you need several rounds of fumigation to get rid of them - and all it takes is one female ready to lay to survive and it was for nothing.

        • 8 months ago

          I find it interesting that mankind has come up with all sorts of solutions to all sorts of problems, but they still haven't found an effective way to get rid of bedbugs.

          • 8 months ago

            That's actually the problem, we did.
            We had a very effective insecticide that worked a treat, but it also gave people cancer so it was banned. The bedbugs that survived that period have evolved much stronger immunity to weaker pesticides, which is why there is a huge resurgence which has been growing over the past 20 years. Its only going to get worse.

            • 8 months ago

              >That's actually the problem, we did.
              >We had a very effective insecticide that worked a treat, but it also gave people cancer so it was banned.
              Maybe "we" should invent an effective pesticide that doesn't give people cancer. Damn it, Michael!

          • 8 months ago

            That's actually the problem, we did.
            We had a very effective insecticide that worked a treat, but it also gave people cancer so it was banned. The bedbugs that survived that period have evolved much stronger immunity to weaker pesticides, which is why there is a huge resurgence which has been growing over the past 20 years. Its only going to get worse.

            >That's actually the problem, we did.
            >We had a very effective insecticide that worked a treat, but it also gave people cancer so it was banned.
            Maybe "we" should invent an effective pesticide that doesn't give people cancer. Damn it, Michael!

            Sort or related but a recent useful invention is Japanese anti-mosquito paint which is commonly used in Africa and Asia but America still refuses to import it, even though Kansai Paint managed to get the EPA to approve its anti mosquito paint back in 2018. Meanwhile, Singapore and Uganda imports in tons of anti-mosquito paint from both Kansai Paint and Nippon Paint Japan. Perhaps, Japan can someday invent anti bed bug paint, too?


            Say Goodbye to Mosquitoes with Nippon Paint MozzieGuard:



            Plascon Anti Mosquito Paint Application:

      • 8 months ago

        when I lived in a student dorm I woke up itchy with tiny bites for a few weeks. other people in the house had it too
        but there was no blood or bug feces or physically bugs themselves. so must have been mites or something tiny.
        Glad to not have had the experience with these frickers yet

      • 8 months ago

        50% of people don't have a reaction
        They can get bit and you would literally have no idea

        • 8 months ago

          50% of people sleep loose

  4. 8 months ago

    so tolerant and diverse! enjoy your "cultural enrichment"

  5. 8 months ago

    My parents went to Normandy and had to come and go from Paris. The day after they came home this shit was made public, meaning it has happened for months and they were in the middle of it for two days. They didn't notice anything, but said the hotel beds were very new.

  6. 8 months ago

    I heard that some dude from the french equivalent to this site orchestrated the whole fricking thing.
    Dude was breeding bedbugs, and then released them all over the damn place.

    • 8 months ago

      Source: your ass

  7. 8 months ago

    >potential to spread across Europe?

    Bedbugs have always been all over the world. Who knows why Paris has a particularly bad problem with them now, but bed bugs were always a risk in traveling.

    I encountered them once in Chile, and another time in some place one the American East Coast (think it was Martha's Vineyard).

    It's just a luck of the draw kind of thing. Always take precautions when traveling not to bring any home with you or else you're truly fricked.

    Bring a plastic trash bag and keep your suitcase in it and elevated off the floor. Avoid places with old furniture, places with too much upholstered shit, avoid places with too much wood or carpet.

    • 8 months ago

      >Who knows why Paris has a particularly bad problem with them now
      oh I think we all know very well.

      > luck of the draw
      that's one diplomatic way to put it

    • 8 months ago

      I saw a French anon on SighSee saying that it's not that France has more bed bugs than anywhere else; it's just that the government has said they've decided to actually do something about it and so the media has ran with the story that bed bugs are everywhere in France.

  8. 8 months ago

    Blacks and arabs will intentionally bring and release bedbugs in hotels owned by white people (all of them). Diversity is a race to the bottom

    • 8 months ago

      >hotels owned by white people (all of them).
      lol, lmao even.

  9. 8 months ago

    Apparently some guy on a french forum posted in 2021 how he was purposely spreading bedbugs in public transport, hotels and mailing them in envelopes because he hates France. Idk I just saw this on twitter this morning. He even took videos of it apparently. Really hope he is found and locked in a bedbug infested prison for eternity.

  10. 8 months ago

    I've had bedbugs now and then at home. An exterminator suggested using 91% rubbing alcohol as bug spray. It seems to work and it's cheaper than actual bedbug spray.

  11. 8 months ago

    Some tips:

    1. Bedbugs are usually hidden unless the infestation is really bad. If you actually see some, you should throw away anything that was in that room.

    2. Check for blood spots and black specks (feces) underneath the mattress; they are parasitic so they usually hang out where they can regularly feed on blood, so places like beds, chairs etc where living beings usually stay long enough to bite.

    3. Don't sleep on beds with dark sheets because some owners will try to hide the infestation by obscuring the blood spots. Sleep on white bed sheets so you can easily spot some. Same goes with any fabric covered chairs.

    4. Just stand on the metro. Don't sit down. Save yourself some anxiety.

    5. Try to pack lightly and bring like a backpack or duffel bag instead of a suitcase so you could hang it on a coat rack while in the hotel room. Even better if it's something machine washable. It lessens the chance of hitchhiking bedbugs. Don't put your suitcase on the bed or the sofas. Also hang your shoes up too if you can. Tie them on the shower curtain pole.


    • 8 months ago

      6. Upon returning home, seal your clothes in bags and try to isolate them as much as possible. Go straight to the laundromat and wash and dry everything on high heat for 30+ mins.

      7. Look at the most recent reviews of hotels on Google to see if anyone mentions bedbugs or pests of any kind.

      8. While a bedbug bites you, it will be numb so you won't feel the itchiness until afterwards. The bites usually go in a row like 3 bites in a row. They also bite at night time. They are very small until after they feed when they fill with blood. But you usually won't see them until it's bad.

      9. Try being a minimalist. You will be much happier. Stop buying useless things that will just pile up. It will be easier to throw things away if you don't have attachment to them. Vacuum and wash your sheets regularly.

      10. The bedbugs in France are becoming immune to the poisons. Diatomaceous Earth is a white powder that you can sprinkle around areas that look like where bedbugs would hide. This powder is used for many types of pests, particularly those with exoskeletons because as they walk through the powder, it dehydrates and cuts their organs then kills them in 30 mins. They also carry the powder to the nest on their backs and spreads it to other bedbugs. It doesn't affect eggs but when they hatch onto the powder they will die. So it's good to find the best spots.

      11. Also you can get mattress and pillowcase protectors specifically designed for bedbugs on Amazon. There are also traps you can put under your bed legs that look like cups because the bedbugs can't climb up the slippery surface.

  12. 8 months ago

    Hack: Biofreeze or Athlete's foot sprays will kill them instantly. Spray the shit out of them wherever you see them.

  13. 8 months ago

    paris is a shithole full of disgusting browns from God knows where.

  14. 8 months ago

    My airbnb in Barcelona had bedbugs and they fricked me up since I didn’t realize till the second day. Messed up my whole trip and two weeks after since I got paranoid. Bought some heating device off Amazon that cooked all my clothes so they didnt shrink

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