Too late to make up for wasted youth?

What age is the absolute cutoff for being able to run away to a new part of the world and reinvent myself?
I want to leave my soulless overly sanitised anglosphere city/country forever, and move to a new place where I can live the stereotypical early 20s subculture lifestyle/date cute girls/not worry about adult responsibilities etc. but it's gonna take at least a year for me to make enough money to leave
I'm already 23 now and might not have enough money to escape before I'm 25, is it over? I thought that I'd be able to extend this shit until 28/29 so long as I looked young and didn't take on adult responsibilities but I am a bit worried

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  1. 10 months ago

    Instead of destroying your probably pretty good life through the cope that is being an international vagabond, focus on growing relationships with God, friends, family, and women. Use travel to see things and experience things not escapism. Grow locally explore globally else you become the male equivalent of a cat lady who has nothing to show for being 30 besides traveling

    • 10 months ago

      I agree and disagree with this, I don't think that travel/relocating is inherently escapist but I will admit that I am trying to escape so it's best that I attain some inner peace/security in order to be satisfied
      But you're right that I have lots to be grateful for and that I should grow mindfully, thanks for sharing your perspective anon

      Once you develop a passive income stream, there is no cut off, so whenever that occurs, I’m thinking of jumping ship soon too.

      Best of luck brah, where you thinking of relocating to?

      • 10 months ago

        A better scenario I believe then the religious anon above (see nothing wrong with his view), it would be great to move somewhere else, meet a beautiful woman (no hate on western women, but there is for sure a decline in quality thanks fattening foods and lack of exercise by many), and start/raise a of family on your accumulated western passive income. You can send your kids to the best private schools too because you currency is strong and services are cheap.

        Now for where I’m considering anon, that’s a secret but let’s just say mixing there wouldn’t cause any form of discrimination towards kids if I decide/it works out to have some.

        Where are you thinking of heading?

  2. 10 months ago

    Once you develop a passive income stream, there is no cut off, so whenever that occurs, I’m thinking of jumping ship soon too.

  3. 10 months ago

    >What age is the absolute cutoff for being able to run away to a new part of the world and reinvent myself?

    There is no cutoff. Don't let doomerthink dictate you what you can achieve.

  4. 10 months ago

    Think a bit more about the long game.

    Are you just going to go somewhere on a tourist visa and burn through cash, or are you actually going to move somewhere and work?

    Depending on your nationality, you're easily young enough for a lot of working holiday visas. Do one of them and lots of people you meet along the way will be doing the same.

  5. 10 months ago

    Some ages are worse than others but there are no truly bad ages. A friend of mine relocated from Appalachia to New York at 33 and is now highly successful. He’s over New York obviously, but he’s happy he moved afaik.

  6. 10 months ago

    >tfw 25
    Feel the same way anon. I do have money saved but I am high inhib and scared of what my parents would think and too scared to quit my job. My norwood reaper keeps kicking and the nasallaboil folds are starting to show, the plandemic took two years of my life that I cant get back. Please give me some whitepills

    • 10 months ago

      get on fin and min bro

    • 10 months ago

      get on fin and start lifting homosexual, need to stack money so you can avoid the pitfalls that even chads fall into in middle age, the age pill is real, if you think you have it bad now it can be so much worse in middle age and beyond, that's why you gotta start working hard now
      t. old gay

  7. 10 months ago

    I traveled a lot in my 20s and met very cool middle aged and even senior citizens overseas. There's no age cutoff for growth. I 100% support the advice you recieved to make something of yourself at home though, travel is like a desert- if you try to make it the main course of your life you'll feel awful.

  8. 10 months ago

    go for it anon, there is no such thing as an age cutoff for travel, plenty of people at all ages make big changes in life, just your willingness and ability to travel and explore.

  9. 10 months ago

    i never travelled at all in my 20s, i started this year and i'm 31. It's definitely too late for me but I'm not working again and I can't claim neetbux while I still have savings from several years of working so i have to drain it some how

    • 10 months ago

      based, im waiting to hear back from ssi for my bux

      im 32, its not that serious people in your 20s

      its really not that serious

  10. 10 months ago

    Whatever is a wasted youth?
    I hit the road at 20, found long stretches of emptiness punctuated by mind-opening social experiences often encountered randomly along the way. I spent four years traveling and many missed chances - a few fumbled ones, too - before losing my virginity. As time went on, I turned to marijuana and became more withdrawn, spending much of my time in desolate places where camping was free. My first overseas backpacking trip at 26 saw me extremely low-energy and often anti-social in a highly gregarious country.

  11. 10 months ago

    >live the stereotypical early 20s subculture lifestyle/date cute girls/not worry about adult responsibilities etc
    What, exactly, do you mean by this?

    • 10 months ago

      Sounds like op got psyoped by travel blog roasties into thinking you don't have to work for a living

  12. 10 months ago

    It's better to do it when you're older and gained more life experience, but most importantly have a passive income source.

    Sad to say, you got to put in the work and effort while you're young to develop a strong base before jumping ship. If you chose to jump ship while young, you risk developing bad habits abroad with no way to gain employment once the money runs out.

    • 10 months ago

      Not OP but my fear is that things will get worse by the time this happens and I turn into an agecel

      • 10 months ago

        everyone turns into an agecel, regardless of their circumstances. Why'd you think shit like Viagra is so popular or cooming in SE Asia?

        You find ways to cope and thrive, but don't worry about age, it's a soft landing, meaning you ease into it and develop good mechanisms to survive, this is how you grow as a person and everyone goes through it.

    • 10 months ago

      >you'll have passive income in the future bro trust me.

  13. 10 months ago

    >Too old
    Lmao you moron. I'm in the middle of doing what you described at 26.
    Started my own business and work completely remote. Come to Japan and I'll buy you a beer. Or come to Thailand and I'll get you a hooker so you can stop being such a gay

  14. 10 months ago

    I'm 28 and about to take my first multi-week vacation, spent most of my time working a corpo environment until burning out and doing tradecuck work now. I've got about $100k in cash saved that was supposed to be for a house down payment (still live with parents) but given current prices and rates, I'm not willing to be a debt slave for the rest of my life. Probably going to try for being a merchant mariner since the pay is good and you at least have room and board at work.

  15. 10 months ago

    oldgay here
    you're still a baby anon. just do what you want, stop worrying what other people say or do
    i grew up dirt poor and never travelled anywhere until i got a job in my late 20s which involved a lot of travel. eventually i set up a business half way across the world when i was a lot older than you are now. now i have two homes, one in europe and one in asia and i'm not stopping until they carry me off the plane in a box
    you have endless opportunities, the world is your oyster, carpe diem and all those cliches. just fricking do it.
    pic unrelated

  16. 10 months ago

    No cutoff moron. As long as you’re setting money aside for retirement you can do whatever you want. As long as I max my Roth IRA every year Idgaf

    I’m not gonna just have no life, get no pussy, and have no joy while work continuously for 20 years to come home to an empty, furniture-less apartment. I need something to look forward to and cooming overseas is exactly that. That’s why I work 60 hours a week and live like a pauper.

  17. 10 months ago

    Wasted youth is a matter of perspective. What would give your life meaning and purpose? For me in my twenties it was partying and slumming around Asia on meager savings and using whatever money I could beg for from my parents. Normies were idiots, a degree was a useless paper, a job was boring and marriage was for beta losers. So I spent my 20s living that exact lifestyle you're talking about.

    Now in my 30s? I'm fixated on staying in Asia still while compensating for the terrible financial and education decisions I made. For me now it's all about making bank, staying in shape and having personal freedom to read books and play vidya whenever I want. In light of these new objectives I could argue that my 20s were wasted youth. All those normie wageslaves with degrees that I looked down on? A decade later they all have good jobs and a second kid on the way. They're jealous of my stories about riding motorcycles through Laos mountains, getting shitfaced with rice farmers on moonshine and eating grilled rats on sticks in the boonies. I'm jealous of the fact that after we swap our stories they get to go back to a 5 star hotel, wake up to gourmet breakfast and fly business class back home to the family and friends network they've worked on building. Meanwhile I crawl into some hostel shithole because that's all I can afford. Yeah I've had a pretty wild and interesting youth, but I pay for that now with the fear that an unplanned pregnancy or medical emergency will essentially bankrupt me instantly. The one thing in my favor is my looks - staying active, maintaining flexibility and mobility (both physical and mental), eating right and genetic lottery means I constantly pass for a mid 20s guy.

    Health and wealth, son. Prioritize those two things above all else at all stages in your life and you'll be alright.

  18. 10 months ago

    Only limit is your state of mind, ignore zoomers.

  19. 10 months ago

    I dumped my girlfriend of 3 years a few days after I turned 21. She wouldn't stop smoking and the doctor wouldn't prescribe her birth control unless she stopped (you can get blood clots). She had 9 brothers and sisters and a few of her sisters had also gotten knocked up accidentally very young. I knew it was a matter of time. I dumped her, moved to Vegas, and got a job at a casino. Her next boyfriend knocked her up within a month. I went back to college and got my degree while she sat in her parent's basement babysitting through her 20's. I dated dozens of girls and got to explore the world. Her very sad facebook posts through the years were my ultimate motivation not to waste my life. Don't get tied down. Take risks. Go do fun shit. And don't have kids.

    • 10 months ago

      Based GAMBLER

    • 10 months ago

      Based GAMBLER

      Anon knew when to fold em
      Knew when to hold em

      • 10 months ago

        so true!!

  20. 10 months ago

    what even is this nonsense
    you can travel and relocate even at 70 unless you are literally physically incapable
    yes you won't be able to pick random girls but the rest is just mental block

  21. 10 months ago

    Some people wait until they're old and retired to do this. Get your head out your ass. There's no "cutoff" for anything in life moron

  22. 10 months ago

    If you haven’t started your SighSee dream by 35 it’s too late and just won’t be the same.

  23. 10 months ago

    If you want to have cliche cooker cutter 20-something backpacker hostel experience? Then the cut off is 29.
    If you want to have geniuine authentic travel experiences, there is no cutoff.

    Some advice;

    1. You can't change your past. It's pointless to dwell on it.
    2. You only control two things; your own actions and your own perceptions. You don't control other people perceptions or actions- realise this and keep it in mind. It's irrelevant what other people think of you. It doesn't matter to you unless you choose to have it matter to you. You only control your own perceptions, not other people's.

  24. 10 months ago

    You're a gay b***h. Want to know how I know that shit? Because you're asking others what's acceptable. If you were my prison cellmate and you spoke that b***h shit like

    >waaah I need to reinvent myself am I young enough am I good enough do you like me do I still look young do you approve of my decisions daddy

    I'd turn you the frick out and rent your booty out for chocolate bars and decks of cards. b***h made homie get your dumb ass some damn confidence or your ass gonna bleed when you with a hard homie like me

    • 10 months ago

      Your approach might be right, unironically think about George Floyd, an ungovernable troglodite drugged himself to death at 46. Have he been thinking about cut offs?

      • 10 months ago

        homie I'm a let you in on a secret. Ain't NO real homie, in hood, lockup, streets, nowhere, think George Floyd ain't done it to his damn self with his dumb ass behavior. I promise you, we looting because we like free shit, dont none of us care about some damn crackhead crying for his mama like a damn b***h. A knee on the neck? homie I got worse ass whuppings from the police when I was twelve! Don't nobody give a damn about a knee on a damn neck... ole head should have stayed silent and lawyered up and he wouldn't have gotten his ass kneeled on

  25. 10 months ago

    OP here, thanks for all the well thought out replies
    I think I should clarify that by 'wasted youth' I mean the zoomer/university/under 25 experience, not just carefree living and social life in general.
    Millennials and boomers are cool too (and I'm actively interested in making friends that age as well) but there's definitely a specific experience that I want to live fully, ironically I'm living it now (have a handful of good frens, lost my virginity recently and have a pretty good thing going with the girl I lost it to) but I only started living this life around 3 months ago and my city is still really shit, I feel like I'm wasting my time here
    My best mate is like 4-5 years older than me and he still does all this stuff so I'm sure I'm just overthinking it, I should just stop giving a frick and try to live the best life I can. I remember when I was 20 and having existential crisis shit over ageing that I thought 23 was old man tier, I'm 23 now and feel exactly the same lol
    Replies in next thingy

  26. 10 months ago

    If you weren't sipping wine on the beach at your parents' villa in the Med with your two girlfriends by the age of 14 you were never meant to make it

    >seriously though, relax and just take the plunge

  27. 10 months ago

    I made good money as a dev and travelled the world around 23, then got depressed until 28, now I am travelling again in bangkok, if old white boomers can swim in a rooftop pool with young chicks you can do it too

  28. 10 months ago

    As old and clichè as it is, it still holds true: wherever you go, there you are. You won't just magically be able to do those things because you move half way across the world. You have to improve before and during.

    • 10 months ago

      Already improved myself and am continuing to do so king, moving away to the other side of the world is just the next step

      You are experiencing something that almost everyone your age experiences, which is comparing yourself to others and generating FOMO for yourself. It's an aspect of being young and is exacerbated by consuming social media. Nobody is living some sitcom lifestyle of hanging out with 3-4 friends every day and going on le silly wacky adventures and meeting interesting characters and dating cute girls constantly developing crushes. Life is way more down to earth than that and the thing you won't believe is true as I say it but you'll learn in 10 years is that you don't even need all that. Just having a few friends, a girlfriend, some respect for what you do, alone time, and a kid is enough. The guy posting about having an "interesting" life in Thailand is a great example of what does not matter. Do you care about the way your life looks on the outside or do you care about the way your life feels on the inside? Many zoomers drive themselves crazy because they focus so much on the former and neglect the latter and think that if it just looks EVEN better then they will actually feel the way they want to feel. Doesn't work that way. You're a simple organism with simple rules. No offense to the Thailand guy, he seems to have wizened up and is humble.

      Thanks anon, tbf I'm already starting to experience this realisation myself. I don't have the sprawling friends circle and notches on my bedpost but I have a few good friends and am dating a great girl, and I don't feel like I'm lacking anything

  29. 10 months ago

    You are experiencing something that almost everyone your age experiences, which is comparing yourself to others and generating FOMO for yourself. It's an aspect of being young and is exacerbated by consuming social media. Nobody is living some sitcom lifestyle of hanging out with 3-4 friends every day and going on le silly wacky adventures and meeting interesting characters and dating cute girls constantly developing crushes. Life is way more down to earth than that and the thing you won't believe is true as I say it but you'll learn in 10 years is that you don't even need all that. Just having a few friends, a girlfriend, some respect for what you do, alone time, and a kid is enough. The guy posting about having an "interesting" life in Thailand is a great example of what does not matter. Do you care about the way your life looks on the outside or do you care about the way your life feels on the inside? Many zoomers drive themselves crazy because they focus so much on the former and neglect the latter and think that if it just looks EVEN better then they will actually feel the way they want to feel. Doesn't work that way. You're a simple organism with simple rules. No offense to the Thailand guy, he seems to have wizened up and is humble.

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