Tourists cant dress for shit

I know this is a gay subject, but why the frick can’t tourists (mostly men, mostly fellow whites, 30s) actually dress normally with some sense of style? You look like a homosexual wearing those tight graphic t-shirts and beige cargo shorts and old ass baseball caps and Levi jeans. Those Hawaiian shirts and polos and olive satchel bags and zip-up hoodies. Put a couple of decent modern looking outfits together for Christ’s sake. If you’re overweight don’t wear a close-fitting shirt. Get a haircut. Groom yourself a little. People in these countries you go to will view you as a fricking disgusting homosexual foreigner if you can’t even present yourself with some flair. It doesn’t even cost much to look good. Go to H&M or Uniqlo who sell cheap, good looking versions of designer clothes and model your fits after what the current styles are. Take those gay looking glasses off. Girls will feel you more if you look cooler. Every time I see a group of black tourists they’re always dressed cool with good style, why can’t you all do the same?

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  1. 9 months ago

    I dress like TRASH when I travel because I don't have space in my bag. Sure, I'd love have my wardrobe with me when I travel, but I am not going to travel around with 3 suitcases so I have all the fashionable clothes I need. I am not moronic.
    I travel with only my backpack. I wear clothes that are compact and functional. Yeah, and these clothes look like shit. I know. I don't care. I don't care if I dress like shit. I have my nice clothes at home.
    And before you call me poor or say I have shit taste, right now I have 10 $300 dress shirts + 2 suits in my closet. My belts cost $200 each. I do dress fashionable. Just not while I travel.

    • 9 months ago

      >bragging about how much your belt costs
      Are you gay?

  2. 9 months ago

    I dress like trash because I don't want to advertise that I have money

  3. 9 months ago

    dont care lol

    • 9 months ago

      webm or GTFO

    • 9 months ago

      Yung lean

  4. 9 months ago

    Unless I am going to a wedding or a funeral I am not really getting dressed up

    • 9 months ago

      Nice clothes weigh a load, on holiday you want light, easy wearing clothes you don't need to iron again once they're out the suitcase.

      I dress like TRASH when I travel because I don't have space in my bag. Sure, I'd love have my wardrobe with me when I travel, but I am not going to travel around with 3 suitcases so I have all the fashionable clothes I need. I am not moronic.
      I travel with only my backpack. I wear clothes that are compact and functional. Yeah, and these clothes look like shit. I know. I don't care. I don't care if I dress like shit. I have my nice clothes at home.
      And before you call me poor or say I have shit taste, right now I have 10 $300 dress shirts + 2 suits in my closet. My belts cost $200 each. I do dress fashionable. Just not while I travel.

      I’m not saying put on suits & ties or any of that shit. Just put on something that looks clean, respectable, and put together. Not some corny mismatched shit.

      • 9 months ago

        Lmao what is this shit outfit cancer mutt
        Post some pics of ys so i can laugh mystery meat homosexual

      • 9 months ago

        are you saying the guy in the pic looks like a slob or is stylish? because I really can't tell. I wear tailor made suits with $600 shoes btw.

  5. 9 months ago

    Nice clothes weigh a load, on holiday you want light, easy wearing clothes you don't need to iron again once they're out the suitcase.

    • 9 months ago

      roll your clothes and use pic rel

      • 8 months ago

        >use pic rel
        >it looks like a small amount of water in a spray bottle
        what did he mean by this?

  6. 9 months ago

    >People in these countries you go to will view you as a fricking disgusting homosexual foreigner if you can’t even present yourself with some flair
    No, I don't go to worst Korea so I don't need to worry about spending an hour doing my guy-liner

  7. 9 months ago

    Imagine being this vain
    Are you a woman?

  8. 9 months ago

    >fellow whites
    It's okay, Pablo, you can try again next time

  9. 9 months ago

    >How to tell people that you suck wiener without explicitly saying that you suck wiener.

    • 9 months ago

      Well if you're shorter than 6'0 thats easy enough

  10. 9 months ago

    Send us some examples of better clothes appropriate for Thailand's weather instead of just complaining, you homosexual.

    • 9 months ago

      Oh nice, another AznIdentity incel thread, at least this time it's somehow SighSee related.

      Ever thought of taking a look at what locals outside the sex business wear?

      • 9 months ago

        >Ever thought of taking a look at what locals outside the sex business wear?
        I need to buy clothes before going, anon.

        • 9 months ago

          Have you heard of a recent invention called "The Internet" yet?
          I think they allow videos to be posted as well, you have to get them through some kind of tube though, my favorite being "City Walk 4K" and others like that.

  11. 9 months ago

    for me at least it's because fancy clothes are harder to maintain. stuffing in white shirts in a bag that's full to the breasts with compressed clothes, cables snacks is a sure way to make them look bad when you put them on

  12. 9 months ago

    Men in general have shit fashion sense, especially in the US.

    t. Man who cares about his appearance

  13. 9 months ago

    I don't care about you.

    Your women frick me regardless of what I wear.

    "Dressing up" is poorgay peasant cope. 🙂

  14. 9 months ago

    I wear gym clothes while I travel because it's comfortable. Dressing to impress others is a teenage or female mindset.

  15. 9 months ago

    > Every time I see a group of black tourists they’re always dressed cool with good style
    I’ve had the exact opposite experience.

  16. 9 months ago

    Some guys just called me very handsome. And said I had *local city name* style. I'm in one of the most opposite cultures that you know of in the world and I'm slum doggin' it raw. You do you, bud. I'm on fleek no cap.

  17. 9 months ago

    Wear mostly
    >bellow knee pants
    >adidas shoes
    No cap ever, ive got nice hair which guards me from bad weather.
    Like others already ve said, this type of clothing weights nothing, so its good for your laguage. 2nd - its comfy, for travel, for weather (because you have layers). 3rd - its easy and fast to change and lastly, it will make you move faster when you need to, like runing to the train or smth.
    The better cloths are required if you want to socialize/get the b***hes or go to casino, opera, ect. - if thats your thing you should really invest in some, id not why to bother.
    Also theres a difference between typical american oversized tshirt/old jeans/stupid cap vs good tshirt/jeans combo. If you dont have bad physics and dont wear poorman/very old cloths, you can look very good in normal getup.

    • 9 months ago

      And i almost forgot, premium clothing will certainly make you a target in most places beside 1st world countries and even within them youre much more likely to get robbed/pickpocketed/harrased than wearing casual t and jeans.

  18. 9 months ago

    Everyone in Latin America dresses like shit, so you have to dress shit to blend in

    • 9 months ago

      >Latinos dress like shit
      The frick are you talking about? Latinos are obsessed with fashion. Poorgays love their branded apparel, which sells second-hand for absurdly high prices at Mexican markets. Richgay Latinos don't go for low-class brands like Nike or Abercrombie, but they are always dressed to the 9s every time they go out on the town. Only Latinos who have lived in the USA and picked up trashy American (USA) dress habits will be seen in public in basketball shorts and a donated T-shirt, usually in some trashy Mexican border town. American (USA) travelers who dress like shit stand out like sore thumbs in countries like Colombia.

  19. 9 months ago

    You clearly hate straight white males in their 30s.
    >tight graphic T-shirts
    Most of my graphic T-shirts were bought in Mexican discount stores, and since my laundry is integrated, the white shirts have gotten dingy. That doesn't stop randos from remarking "cool shirt" all the time. Not one person has made a positive remark when I wear a collared button-down shirt, though it definitely looks a lot sharper.
    >get a haircut
    Nope. Without my longish hair, I look like any frustrated 30 yo dork homosexual with a receding hairline, and no QTs smile at me.
    >groom yourself a little
    Debating whether to shave the goatee/stache. It makes me look more odd and menacing, but it also sets me apart from all the clean-shaven geeks and NPCs.
    >people will be disgusted by you
    Only if you don't shower twice a day and wear a lightly scented deodorant. Everybody talks shit about a smelly foreign bumpacker.
    >take those glasses off
    >Black person tourists dress well
    LOL. They dress flashy-trashy, with their stupid gold chains and other bullshit.

  20. 9 months ago

    I'm traveling to have a good time. not trying to impress the locals who I'm never going to see again.
    I WILL wear my Batman logo Tshirt
    I WILL wear my baggy cargo shorts, each pocket brimming with snacks
    and I WILL approach locals in a foreign country and speak to them in English only
    NO I will not change my ways

    • 9 months ago

      You forgot
      >I WILL fill your women with my semen

    • 9 months ago

      >t.has Down syndrome

  21. 9 months ago

    I'm sure the carry-on only meme contributes to this.

    To do all of the activities and fashion I want I need like 3 pairs of shoes alone:
    basketball shoes
    slip-on shoes
    dress shoes

    I'm going around with a large ass checked bag and an osprey backpack.
    If I really want to drop down, I'll make a friend and ask if they'll store my suitcase.

  22. 9 months ago

    travelling is the one time I would -normally- not have to worry about impressing some homosexual like you OP

    travelling with a woman she will want to dress you up etc.

    travelling solo you dont give a frick and its exceedingly liberating, only solo travel gives you this freedom, nobody gives a frick about you or wants you to impress them, you can look like shit and not care because YOURE ON FRICKING HOLIDAY

    frick morons like the OP who stack their jeans in the oven and other dumb shit

  23. 9 months ago

    >this is a gay subject
    >People in these countries you go to will view you as a fricking disgusting homosexual foreigner if you can’t even present yourself with some flair.
    Yeah, no one gives a flying frick about you.

  24. 9 months ago

    OP, I see you're getting some flack but I completely agree with you. This is sound advice not just for men travelling but for all men.

    I live in Belgium and the majority of men (all ages) dress like absolute shit. They wrap their skinny-fat or morbidly obese bodies with the most garish, ill-fitting and boring t-shirt, sweatshirt and chinosm combination imaginable and complete the look by flopping around in the ugliest shoes you will ever see.

    Specifically, it's the t-shirts I can't fathom. The worst, and sadly most common ones are those with inane rubbish written on them like NORTH EXPEDITION 8354, backed by some meaningless graphic of a compass or a boat or some shit and topped off with an array of pointless buttons or some other demented attempt at appearing trendy. Then there are the abominable short-sleeved hoodie t-shirts that are, somehow, still all the rage in Waffle Country.

    I'm genuinely convinced that the ubiquitous lack of style you see nearly everwhere causes a great amount of depression and anxiety, even among the people wearing such rubbish. It all just looks so void of any semblance of beauty or coherence, like a dystopian mix of synthetic, cultureless, mass-produced garbage masquarading as fashion.

    Societies as a whole would be much better off if people were ordered to wear a uniform. Not some synthetic shite, but something decent, classic and durable. Anyone who disagrees should be shot.

    • 9 months ago

      meh, I'll keep wearing what I want, thanks.

    • 9 months ago

      T-shirts are great and confortable, if you wear shit on a T-shirt and not just notice it as a visual image (as its not a fricking billboard and you're not wearing a meme t-shirt as you are not 12) then you have autism

      the only offensive text is dumb brand shit like Levi's on a white t-shirt to signal what brand of white t-shirt you're wearing, cheap ass t-shirts are cheap confortable summer clothes, and are superior to the homosexual shirts with collars or the polo T-shirts with collars that you sometimes see people wear in poorer countries

      most people dont give a frick about your fashion or what you wear, maybe women notice your shoes more, if a man talked to me about my shoes I would think he wants to suck my dick or something

      people like you are the reason why people are pressured by society to drive a shit black car instead of a fun yellow or green or pink car, because you start to bully and label people according to superficial shit

      you dumb sad moron you dont realize most people feel sorry for you when you get hung up on literally basic clothing items people buy out of convenient and not fashion sense

      • 8 months ago

        >the only offensive text is dumb brand shit like Levi's on a white t-shirt to signal what brand of white t-shirt you're wearing, cheap ass t-shirts are cheap confortable summer clothes, and are superior to the homosexual shirts with collars or the polo T-shirts with collars that you sometimes see people wear in poorer countries
        so true. RT-advice.

  25. 9 months ago

    because only morons or desperate coomers travel

  26. 9 months ago

    Good thing about being white is you can dress how you want, wherever you want. Imagine being a Black person in the US where if you commit a minor fashion crime you will unironically lose friends and respect, buying all these expensive matching outfits despite having little disposable money.

  27. 9 months ago

    I do a lot of physical activity when I travel. I don't sit on my ass like some fat homosexual looking for chicks in a bar in Pattaya.
    I dress for function, not to impressive homosexuals like you judging men on their fashion.

  28. 9 months ago

    OP I'm on your side, but you'll never get through to these numbskulls
    Dressing well is more important than morons would like to admit, especially if you're a coomer

    • 9 months ago

      it's really not bro. either you have game, or you pay for it. that simple.

  29. 9 months ago


  30. 9 months ago

    Thirdie browns can't speak English for shit

  31. 9 months ago

    gtfo w ur bullshit thread. Wrong board

  32. 8 months ago

    >trying to impress people that'll never see you as human anyway

  33. 8 months ago

    >beige cargo shorts
    What's wrong with those? I have nice legs and I will show them off

    • 8 months ago

      I just bought some new >beige cargo shorts yesterday, going to wear them more now i know it makes someone seethe

    • 8 months ago

      Those aren't cargo shorts.

      • 8 months ago

        Oh you're right, those are gold shorts
        Guess that means I'm well dressed
        Off to Japan I go

      • 8 months ago


  34. 8 months ago

    i like brazil. i walk around in a speedos and flip flops. kino. people are very friendly here.

  35. 8 months ago

    breasts or gtfo

  36. 8 months ago

    rate my current realtraveler wardrobe bros. I would usually bring less but it is a 6 month trip where i am living in one place.

    i find the best thing is to dress like the locals, hence the ludicrous outfit on the left. i blend perfectly. i got the blue sandals here everyone wears them they cost $3.00. the fake nike hat was $4 i lost my simple grey one.

    when traveling i wear a polo(usually unbranded but always quality) for all occasions and almost never wash it, it doesn’t stink if i lay it out in the sun once a day and im careful not to get too much cum on it. usually would only bring one pair of athletic shorts with zip pockets. a lot of the time i don’t bring a second shirt but it all depends on the climate.

    I have absolutely zero respect for any “man” that wears slim cut or god forbid skinny pants, graphic tshirts, or ultra boosts or any kind of npc Black person fashion sneaker like that. all that fashion shit is a complete cope for manlets with poor facial aesthetics.

    in Puerto Escondido i went to smoke weed do coke and drink 40s with some local lads in their cartel neighborhood. I didn’t even speak spanish for shit at the time but I was dressed exactly like them- shitty hawaiian shirt, shitty board shorts, and worn out cheap flip flops. so they believed me when i said im poor. i bought them some pizza but otherwise they treated me with aforementioned niceties. imagine if i was wearing some homosexual rich boy clothes. oh and i frick bawds everywhere i go clothes have nothing to do with it

  37. 8 months ago

    Caring this much about appearance is gay, and I'm not gay. I dress like shit and get pussy anyway, both here and at home. Seethe cope and dilate.

  38. 8 months ago

    >will view you as a fricking disgusting homosexual foreigner
    imagine valuing the opinion of others over comfort and convenience. Jeans, sneakers and a pullover especially if I am moving around a lot. H&M wearing people get fricking picked on here in the Midwest or they take dicks in their butthole

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