>"Travel in your 20s man, life is short and youth is shorter.

>"Travel in your 20s man, life is short and youth is shorter. Before you know it you will be an agecel and the experience wont be as good"
>"Travel is overrated broo. Stack your bread, improve your career, and make connections. You will not have a good basis in your 30s as a vagabond and you will be behind."
What to do anons? I have a decent chunk of change saved up to travel and coom abroad but I am scared if I pull through with living abroad for a couple of months to a year or 2 I will be left behind socially, lose friends, and just be locked out of job market. Everyone suggests something different so I would like some experienced anons to shed some light, much appreciated

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  1. 11 months ago

    If you are asking this, you life is already over so just travel

    • 11 months ago

      I've heard best travel is age 14-17, where you only have the last of holiday around 18-20 before real bad laws kick in for your antics, then 20-30 is building a family so travel outside of a short holiday to spain or portugal is frowned on, after that you best be travling for business.

      I don't have others to travel with and whilst I enjoy it I don't want to look like some divorced dad or loner loser who can't have fun. All my mates are with kids on the way at my age (22) and always seem so happy, whilst I waste away here alone at the pub with a stella and no friends. Not worth it. Why don't they teach you in school these things?

      • 11 months ago

        >tfw Dad's a pilot so he could afford to let me travel but we never did because he was burnt out with it outside of work
        >tfw instead of epic summer vacations we just went to the rental lake house 2 hours away because "I need you to help me get it ready for the renters, anon"
        >tfw wanted to do vacations but my Dad would get mad and say "focus on school"
        >tfw 24 years old, directionless in life, only seen snow a handful of times, barely leave my state that I hate (Florida)
        Jokes on you Dad, I'm gonna be a manchild forever. I don't want to build a family, I don't need some woman draining my finances. If I make it with a cool job, my money will be spent on cool shit for myself and travel as much as possible.
        Yeah I know I'm trying to reclaim some lost youth, yeah I know there will always be a hole there, no I don't care if some pretentious anon says that's pathetic. The promise that I can go out and do shit without anyone nag me, that I can go disappear as long as I have vacation time in another country, that's all that keeps me going in this shit world.

        • 11 months ago

          >blames parents for all their problems in life
          >as a fully grown adult, is mad at someone else that he never leaves his own state
          Yup, manchild. You could literally just work in Alaska for summers and live in SEA/Latin America the rest of the year

          • 11 months ago

            And do what? Are they paying a living wage there that justifies me uprooting like that? Any starter jobs that pay for housing?
            Don’t say military.

            • 11 months ago

              >doesn't know the Alaska grift
              Oil fields, fisheries/fishing boats, that kinda stuff, will pay you buttloads to work in harsh conditions around the clock for the summer. Free room/board. Then the other 8 months of the year you chill in a low COL area like southern US or SEA/LatAm or do education

        • 11 months ago

          I regret not traveling in my 20s, people treat you better when you have a young face and are somewhat attractive, especially compared to your 30s. I had my job situation figured out, saved decent money, no debt, and I just took time off work to sit at home and work or play games.
          I save a fair amount as a result but in hindsight I wish I had spent a few thousand every other year to go somewhere. It's really not that much in the grand scheme of things and it would have been worth it for the experience.

          Getting high off the schadenfruede from these posts. I was partying, having sex, and traveling throughout my 20s and still gonna keep doing it in my 30s

          What the frick did people just travel solo at 16 from their mcgoyslop job, or are you just hanging around the trustfund kids who had parents that trusted them or didn't care?
          Some of us went to miserable, depressing local colleges in our early 20s, anon. Those of us who are lucky will get a job with money, and free time, and hopefully it won't stress and age us up too much. Those of us who do that want to be able to enjoy the fruits of our labor.

          99%+ of Americans need one. Simply not possible to get anywhere without one in the vast majority of the country. Regardless, travelling at 14-17 is a straight up non starter for anyone that I've ever known.

          If you're sitting there at 22 feeling like you wasted time when you should have been travelling at 14(???) and having children at 18, I don't know what the frick to tell you. Maybe you should live in the present day instead of medieval times.

          >I've heard best travel age is 14-17
          >build a family in your 20s
          >having kids at 22
          Where the hell do you live where you get advice like this? Do you live in a small town or rural area?

          This guy is a troll you morons he’s done this several times

          >blames parents for all their problems in life
          >as a fully grown adult, is mad at someone else that he never leaves his own state
          Yup, manchild. You could literally just work in Alaska for summers and live in SEA/Latin America the rest of the year

          This is one of my last options for salvation

          • 10 months ago

            >This guy is a troll you morons he’s done this several times
            Take your meds.

      • 11 months ago

        >I've heard best travel age is 14-17
        >build a family in your 20s
        >having kids at 22
        Where the hell do you live where you get advice like this? Do you live in a small town or rural area?

        • 11 months ago

          I lived in the American southeast for a while and this was the regular arc for everyone I met, except their idea of travel was going to Florida.

          In my late 20s now and still follow many of them on instagram, most of the relationships have predictably disintegrated.

          • 10 months ago

            >American southeast
            >most of the relationships have predictably disintegrated
            That's what I figured. Especially in today's economy, it's incredibly difficult to build enough financial stability for a family at that age unless you come from wealth. There isn't much going on in the South more or less, so that's probably why starting a family is one of the first things to come to mind straight out of high school there. There's a lot of growth to make in your twenties as well, making it all the more complicated.

    • 11 months ago

      Back to .is subhuman, I actually have a social life and family I enjoy spending time with in my home state.

      Go travel for a month or two and then re-evaluate. You won't be left behind by traveling for a couple of months. Do it properly though: do novel things that make you uncomfortable instead of staying in the hotel all day. Life goes by very quickly and if you're going to invest in something, invest in yourself. There's diminishing returns the more you travel, but the sense of confidence and wonder that your first solo trip will provide is absolutely worth more than the few thousands of dollars that you could have saved by staying at home.

      I know anon but I am very high inhib and have constant fear or letting down my friends and family.

      • 10 months ago

        Then don't travel, then. NEXT QUESTION!

  2. 11 months ago

    Shut up homosexual. I went travelling proper in my late 20s
    And still travelling now over a decade later.

  3. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      >ski the alps
      Lol what the frick? That needs to be in the first one.

      • 11 months ago

        You don't need to be that young to ski off alps

        • 11 months ago

          maybe if you're a boomer that skis for 2 hours then gets drunk at the lodge before passing out in the hot tub

        • 11 months ago

          I ran into a guy last winter in BC no older than 50 who reminisced to me how this might be his last ski season since his body was starting to degrade. You can only ski the alps at 40-45 if your idea of skiing the alps is hitting 3 green runs a day and 4 hours at the mountaintop bar drinking away the knee pain.

    • 11 months ago

      Learn. New lang at 55? Kek

      Im 30 and speak 6 traveling while a polygot chad is hell based brainlets just dont get it

      • 11 months ago

        Frick sake people, the idea is not to put everything in 25-30 bracket.

        • 11 months ago

          Im just saying ya chink, learning a language benefits u more the earlier u learn it

      • 10 months ago

        Do you speak zoomer moron in the other languages too? What does this even mean?

        • 10 months ago

          That isn't even zoomer talk. That's a redditor that has a fantasy of what SighSee is

    • 11 months ago

      >not accomplishing all of those things at 20-25 years old

      • 10 months ago

        If you play your cards right, you'll rake in some sweet bucks. Travel, find your hustle. Stick to solid payment methods like Revolut, Gemini, or my personal fave, TapFintech for international payments and can seriously cut down your costs.

    • 10 months ago

      >there is nothing at all between 30 and 40

    • 10 months ago

      Why the frick would you wait until you're 40 years old and your dick isn't working anymore and you look like either a divorced dad or a pedophile to do anything fun in life? Even if you were rich you're basically just bleeding money to do shit kids would have done in their mid 20's

    • 10 months ago

      >40-45 years old
      >be an SEA boomer sexpat

    • 10 months ago

      What a pathetic life. I will kill you if I find you at 46-50 years old “exploring northern Europe”.

  4. 11 months ago

    Go travel for a month or two and then re-evaluate. You won't be left behind by traveling for a couple of months. Do it properly though: do novel things that make you uncomfortable instead of staying in the hotel all day. Life goes by very quickly and if you're going to invest in something, invest in yourself. There's diminishing returns the more you travel, but the sense of confidence and wonder that your first solo trip will provide is absolutely worth more than the few thousands of dollars that you could have saved by staying at home.

    • 10 months ago

      Thank you for these words anon! I am going on my first solo trip (just a weekend lmao) and this helped calm my nerves

      • 10 months ago

        You're welcome, anon. Happy to hear. Where did you go?

  5. 11 months ago

    Bro do both. Just get a remote job, move to a cheap country you can coom in and stack almost as much cash as you would NEETing at home, this is the obvious answer. You should be open to learning the language and may need to get over you fear/comfort that you have at home. Don't listen to it, it's a false sense of security and won't serve you in the long term.

  6. 11 months ago

    Stop being a pussy and go and travel. Worst case scenario is that you'll come back to your home country and find your old job back again or something similar. Probably paid more.

    Fricking pussy

    • 11 months ago

      LOL but true, I dumped my job to travel in 2020-2021. Came back after twelve months, got rehired with a 15% raise.

  7. 11 months ago

    Yes, if you dump your friends to fly off on solo adventures, you may lose them. And friends you make while traveling will always get left behind. Stability vs adventure - that's a choice you have to make.
    If you expect to be balding, impotent, and perpetually frustrated in your 30s, best to travel while you still have a little bit of youthful energy left. However, if you were a skinny, awkward geek with no friends in your younger years, the confidence and maturity you gain by aging and improovement will make travel far more enjoyable in your 30s. Not to mention the increased spending power you will be able to enjoy in your 30s, now that you know how to manage your money and spend for maximum enjoyment.
    The USA job market is currently booming. If you are both adventurous and determined, you will be able to build a successful career even after spending your 20s goofing off around the world. But you will be best off finding a niche where you can work hard and prosper. Competing with your 30-something peers who have slaved away their youth to get where they are is a losing game. If your life has been unique, your work should be unique as well.

    • 11 months ago

      >The USA job market is currently booming.

      • 11 months ago

        Mediocre people land mediocre jobs which leave them struggling to make ends meet every month.
        For adventurous and determined people, the sky is the limit.

        • 11 months ago

          Yeah it's pretty bad I only make around 90k here, I'm just a systems administrator too. I'm mainly WFH and my boss doesn't care if I travel but I dunno traveling in your mid 20's seems really cringe especially if solo. You'll just be labeled as a sexpest.

          • 11 months ago

            >labeled as a sexpest
            You'd have to be awfully creepy/predatory for Third World parents to hide their daughters when you come by. If anything, they are perplexed when I don't flirt with the pretty senoritas like a normal single guy would. But that's because my social energy and libido is usually at rock bottom in the wintertime.

            • 10 months ago

              I mean, when I’m around they both get uoset that I don’t flirt with their women, but they also get upset when I DO flirt with their women. They are just uncomfortable with my prescence and would like it if bad weird loner go away.

              What, what, WHAT? Are you telling me that it is socially acceptable or even expected to flirt with the local beauties??

          • 11 months ago

            What the frick did people just travel solo at 16 from their mcgoyslop job, or are you just hanging around the trustfund kids who had parents that trusted them or didn't care?
            Some of us went to miserable, depressing local colleges in our early 20s, anon. Those of us who are lucky will get a job with money, and free time, and hopefully it won't stress and age us up too much. Those of us who do that want to be able to enjoy the fruits of our labor.

            • 11 months ago


              Anyways, yeah I don't understand how these frickers were supposedly solo traveling that young. I can't really see how you can afford that before about 22, unless you skip college. Even then, you'd be hard pressed to afford it when you're just starting out on your own. I mean, most people's first vehicle purchase would eat up 95% of all the money they made at mcwagies during school. You'd really have to have lots of help.

              Just seems like another one of those LULZ incel demoralization things.

              • 11 months ago

                Not everyone needs a fricking car. Voila! There's thousands of dollars available for travel.
                Barring that, buy the damn car and sleep in it while traveling your continent. Very cheap to travel that way.

              • 11 months ago

                99%+ of Americans need one. Simply not possible to get anywhere without one in the vast majority of the country. Regardless, travelling at 14-17 is a straight up non starter for anyone that I've ever known.

                If you're sitting there at 22 feeling like you wasted time when you should have been travelling at 14(???) and having children at 18, I don't know what the frick to tell you. Maybe you should live in the present day instead of medieval times.

              • 11 months ago

                Unless you have a job that requires you to drive or you have a family, you should move to a city where you don't need a car for many, many reasons, mostly financial/sanity


                Anyways, yeah I don't understand how these frickers were supposedly solo traveling that young. I can't really see how you can afford that before about 22, unless you skip college. Even then, you'd be hard pressed to afford it when you're just starting out on your own. I mean, most people's first vehicle purchase would eat up 95% of all the money they made at mcwagies during school. You'd really have to have lots of help.

                Just seems like another one of those LULZ incel demoralization things.

                A Europe trip for 2 months could cost $2k if you spend your money well, never underestimate the power of a poor college student

              • 11 months ago

                >Not everyone needs a fricking car
                Frick off urbanite, you have no idea what you’re talking about

              • 10 months ago

                I'm a Swede, here we get a pretty generous loan from the government when we study (assuming you live at home and don't spend the money on crap), and I spent a year as a conscript when I was 19, so I had money enough for one or two sex-trips to Thailand when I was ~20.

            • 11 months ago

              Pretty common in the UK
              Best time of your life to travel prime age for hostal life style where you'll get away with anything, be the life of the party, free good beers, women are easy at this stage
              You've grown and getting up there this is the last of the summers wine, whilst you can still have fun you just are in the same shape you were before, the law also will be harsher on you than before during a night out drinking on the streets with your lads.
              Really pushing it here outside of holiday during university and post celebration, you really shouldn't be traveling other than maybe to see mum and go to Oktoberfest. SEA and hostels age limits for fun are starting to really run up
              Outside honeymoon you should really stop traveling during this time. Yearly holiday down to a cheap country such as Italy or Spain is still fine Turkey for some cheap cigs and stuff as well, but outside that really shouldn't be traveling outside a 200km radius

              Once you have your own kids off you can go travel again. I can't believe you all don't know this, I'm 19 starting uni this fall and know my time is running thin. I'm just glad I got all of it out while I did. I feel sorry for you oldgays who pissed away your youth

              • 11 months ago

                >I'm 19
                opinion disregarded

              • 11 months ago

                Are you 15 or 16?

              • 11 months ago

                What the frick did people just travel solo at 16 from their mcgoyslop job, or are you just hanging around the trustfund kids who had parents that trusted them or didn't care?
                Some of us went to miserable, depressing local colleges in our early 20s, anon. Those of us who are lucky will get a job with money, and free time, and hopefully it won't stress and age us up too much. Those of us who do that want to be able to enjoy the fruits of our labor.


                Anyways, yeah I don't understand how these frickers were supposedly solo traveling that young. I can't really see how you can afford that before about 22, unless you skip college. Even then, you'd be hard pressed to afford it when you're just starting out on your own. I mean, most people's first vehicle purchase would eat up 95% of all the money they made at mcwagies during school. You'd really have to have lots of help.

                Just seems like another one of those LULZ incel demoralization things.

                >I've heard best travel age is 14-17
                >build a family in your 20s
                >having kids at 22
                Where the hell do you live where you get advice like this? Do you live in a small town or rural area?

                I've heard best travel is age 14-17, where you only have the last of holiday around 18-20 before real bad laws kick in for your antics, then 20-30 is building a family so travel outside of a short holiday to spain or portugal is frowned on, after that you best be travling for business.

                I don't have others to travel with and whilst I enjoy it I don't want to look like some divorced dad or loner loser who can't have fun. All my mates are with kids on the way at my age (22) and always seem so happy, whilst I waste away here alone at the pub with a stella and no friends. Not worth it. Why don't they teach you in school these things?

                >20-30 is building a family so travel outside of a short holiday to spain or portugal is frowned on
                This, ultimately. You’re either going to get into a fight, or get arrested on trumped up charges once people see that you’re traveling alone as a male. After about age 20 they do not want you doing this. You need to wageslave to get cuckbux to pay beckie the onlyprostitutes thot. You need to donate to BLM reparations. You have all these bills to pay, such as giving waitresses their tip tribute.

                As a solo traveler who has ignored these social rules, I have been viciously attacked by crowds of germans once they found out I was alone. I have been interrogated by hotels and asked to stay in my room and leave early. I have been warned/threatened by border guards upon returning to the USA for “staying outside of the country for longer than Two Weeks”. I have been heckled and mocked and ahoulder-checked by random women on the sidewalk for dare leaving the hotel on a weekend night.

                Social rules are like legal rules, except they charge you with fake crimes to punish you for breaking the real social rules.

              • 11 months ago

                I'm dual posting like a homosexual but whatever if not a larp just get global entry and wear a nice fitted button up and leather shoes when you travel instead of your graphic t-shirt and cargo shorts. Also nice traditional suitcases look a lot better than your oversized begpacker backpack. Always avoid jeet border guards and fat lesbian Karens. Always look for Lashonda who will go "he cute" and let you through or the chill Mexican guy.

              • 11 months ago

                Clearly the AI posting needs to be tuned and adjusted . This is so nonsensical it can’t function as bait and can’t be legitimate either . Absolute garbage tier positing evidence of the problem with SighSee passes allowing users to post without captchas

              • 10 months ago

                This is all true, however in current year there is a trick they don't want you to know.
                When getting bothered and heckled you just come out as transage, the moment I told them that inside I am a 15 year old teenage girl born into the wrong body, they immediately apologised and comped my stay. As I was living my girlhood that I missed out on, I could have all the lesbian sex I wanted as a 40 year old man.

              • 11 months ago

                >be the life of the party, free good beers, women are easy at this stage
                Yeah mang all those 14 year olds partying in goa and cancun, travelling the world and shit

              • 11 months ago

                The culturally prescribed "age to do xyz" is moronic. The only thing that you need to do by a certain age is have kids so they don't get fricked by genetic defects.
                People who live their life thinking they can't do fun things when they're older will either become a generalizable and forgettable normie, or obsess over what they missed and become mentally ill and highly distressed. Just live your life how you see fit, don't let other people define you.

              • 10 months ago

                commendable bait

          • 11 months ago

            >labeled as a sexpest
            You'd have to be awfully creepy/predatory for Third World parents to hide their daughters when you come by. If anything, they are perplexed when I don't flirt with the pretty senoritas like a normal single guy would. But that's because my social energy and libido is usually at rock bottom in the wintertime.

            I mean, when I’m around they both get uoset that I don’t flirt with their women, but they also get upset when I DO flirt with their women. They are just uncomfortable with my prescence and would like it if bad weird loner go away.

          • 10 months ago

            >You'll just be labeled as a sexpest.
            You should definitely determine your path in life on what other people think of you. Good call sage anon. Maybe just do a poll of random strangers of what you should do with your life. Or daily poll on reddit

  8. 11 months ago

    The elephant in the room is that you can ask ways make money later but your youth and vitality have a shelf life. Im 32 and have 85% of the energy I had at 20 and if I don’t stretch my entire body including my feet I get sore for no reason.

    I wasted my 20s partying and cooming and then SEAmaxxing in my late 20s. Im a loser security guard in America but I don’t care because I can rest on the laurels of an entire decade of partying and having sex and there’s still more to coom (not in America). Im able to age gracefully.

    Meanwhile dork homosexuals actually wasted their youth being a little nerd b***h and studying hard, yet they had no pussy or crazy memories. No amount of money can recreate being in your 20s with a lush, full head of hair and a smooth tiktok boyish face.

    You’ll be a low energy dork being used as a bottle service paypig b***h while the wily and energetic 20 something Thai girl you’re with brings all her friends over to guzzle down liquor on your dime and then “have to go, my friend sick” so she can get creampied by chad

    • 10 months ago

      This is true, regardless of the people that try to deny reality and always pop up in these threads saying "I'm just as spry and energetic now in my 30's as when I was 18!!!". No you aren't. I also spent a lot of my early 20's as a sex-tourist, and the feelings (both sexual and emotional) that you experience as an inexperienced young 20-year old when having sex with women in foreign countries early on in your sexual career are so much stronger than what you experience as a jaded and aging 30-something.

      • 10 months ago

        Based agreeing individual. I'm ready for my sad Chris moltisanti era


    • 10 months ago

      What do you do for a living now?

    • 10 months ago

      Wow. I wish I never got an education so i can DN in Thailand rn making 6 figures per year. I should have been a mall cop like you

      • 10 months ago

        Sorry dorker, wasn't in the cards for me. I will endure and survive all the same

    • 10 months ago

      >there’s still more to coom (not in America)
      >cant make it in 'murica
      please explain

    • 10 months ago

      TTT chad is right.

  9. 11 months ago


  10. 11 months ago

    I regret not traveling in my 20s, people treat you better when you have a young face and are somewhat attractive, especially compared to your 30s. I had my job situation figured out, saved decent money, no debt, and I just took time off work to sit at home and work or play games.
    I save a fair amount as a result but in hindsight I wish I had spent a few thousand every other year to go somewhere. It's really not that much in the grand scheme of things and it would have been worth it for the experience.

  11. 11 months ago

    if every decision is wrong then what does it matter anon

  12. 11 months ago

    You’ll regret what you don’t do more often than you’ll regret what you do

    • 11 months ago

      >I regret not building a career and achieving financial stability
      what now

  13. 11 months ago

    If covid hasnt taught you anything then let me spell it out "tomorrow isnt guarenteed." The countries I wanted to visit as a kid are now gone. They're never coming back. The Notre Dame burned down. Demographics have been replaced. There's no culture left. Ukraine is a wasteland. Airplanes, once the safest way to travel, are slowly becoming the least safe.

    When you finally decide to travel, the whole world might lock down again, for longer than three years. Less than four months ago, Canadians were forbidden from leaving the country. The people giving you advice to go later may one day the very same body blocking you from getting on an airplane in a few years, or months.

    • 11 months ago

      Notice how womena re starting to attack solo-male travelers in airplanes now. They are just now starting to ramp up “sexpat” hysteria, so expect restrictions to be places on solo white men exiting the country in the near future.

      I already spoke to a border guard who told me they were training them to start clamping down on young white males leaving. Aka come up with any reason to detain them or stop them from leaving.

      • 11 months ago

        This reeks of a chang/rajesh not wanting white men to frick his women demoralization larp but if true you can just say you're going to Thailand for your troony hormone treatments or something, there is always a way. Also, they would need to end this for the same reason that they needed to end the Covid lockdowns: if a dog is cornered too long it will bite.

      • 10 months ago

        I'm not worried about economy Karens or whatever. Climate change lockdowns are coming. If WW3 doesnt come first, that is. The US is already tapping into the army reserves and panicking at the lack of new recruits. No one had any sympathy for the drafted Russians or Ukranian men being dragged into the meat grinder. Not even pretending to be a troony could save those poor teenage boys from the globohomosexual meat grinder.

        I'm planning a big trip next year, and I was wondering if I should stop in Corsica or not. I figured I can always see it next time I'm in the Med, but then I realized there might not be a next time. Who knows what will happen in 10 years. It might become Bagdad Island, or the next Cyprus. Another place I can never visit, because even if I went there, it wouldnt be what it once was. Last time I was in Okinawa I skipped going to some temple. It'll be there next time I visit. Well it fricking burned down the next year. Oops. Shouldn't have waited. That's the whole world right now.

        Frick globohomosexual Soros shills. Frick the draft. Frick carbon footprint lockdowns. Frick the economy. There's no future for us. Everyone's getting their last hurrah before it's too late.

        • 10 months ago

          You sound like a moron. I work at an airport and it’s packed to the fricking brim everyday man. Travel is a major industry and supports the gdp. The israelites need america to keep churning so what u said is a load of baloney

          • 10 months ago

            >I work at an airport and it’s packed to the fricking brim everyday man.
            yeah? and what did the airport look like in 2020-2022?

    • 10 months ago

      Unironically great post. I wanted to visit Ukraine so bad, looked like an interesting country. Now it's all over sadly.
      Don't wait to do things if you can OP

  14. 11 months ago

    You cannot seriously build a life for yourself travelling, especially being one of these digital nomad types. You will always be an outsider and any relationships you do form will be transient and meaningless. Maybe you’ll have “fun” drinking till 4 am with strangers but the second you go back your life will be just as much of a wreckage as it was when you left.

    • 10 months ago

      this but you also won't build a life for yourself living the US and making "friends" with the people who work at some fricking office

  15. 11 months ago

    My grandparents are in their 80s and they still travel to this day.

    If you eat healthy and exercise a lot, youll be able to keep up for a long time

  16. 11 months ago

    No matter what age you are, travelling alone or with no real reason to is always extremely depressing. If you aren't travelling with some purpose (most people travel for work or school) or with friends then you're going to have a bad time.

    • 11 months ago

      don't fall for this bait, kings

      • 11 months ago

        Too late. Just cancelled my Airbnb in Portland, Maine.

    • 11 months ago

      I've had a great time travelling alone and a horrible time travelling with friends. And by friends I mean life-long relationships with people that I really enjoy spending time with. That said, I do like to spend time alone and do pretty much everything on my own in my daily life. So it really just depends on your personality.

    • 11 months ago

      >travelling with some purpose
      Travelling for the sake of it is embarrassing. Imagine the conversation when you try and justify why you're in the country to some locals.

  17. 11 months ago

    Second flood when

  18. 10 months ago

    I’m almost 30 and I’m most definitely the latter. Would have much rathered spent time on building a nice foundation before rewarding myself.

    Nobody likes to come back to the “real world” and see jackshit waiting.

    • 10 months ago

      If you don’t have a family there’s nothing to “build” you live the exact same life at 50k as 250k. You’re an isolated loser who goes to work and comes home to an empty apartment. Considering that’s my future, there’s no reason to stay at one job, stay in one city, or toot myself anywhere. Any single man that says otherwise is suffering from “tired out homosexual syndrome”

    • 10 months ago

      Traveling fulltime when you're past the age of 25 is not a good idea since that's the time when you should really be building capital, growing in your career and getting into a serious long-term relationship. Travelling 4-8 weeks a year (depending on how much time off you can get) is totally fine as long as you don't splurge too much.

      I do wish I had done a gap year in Australia and New Zealand when I dropped out of university for 3 years when I was in my early 20s, I'm in my late 20s now and would still love to go there, but would have to give up some really good career prospects and delay buying a house until probably my late 30s if I really wanted to get a good impression of both countries and some of the surrounding islands, even taking a full 8 weeks off wouldn't do it justice.

      • 10 months ago

        God you fricking Normie

      • 10 months ago

        >wagecuck normal gay

  19. 10 months ago

    I spent 3 months in Colombia just to live alone since I couldn’t afford to do it where I live. It was great. I had parents to come back home to, though, so it depends on your financial situation.

  20. 10 months ago

    Every choice you make has consequences. Unless you are rich already, then yes, if you spend your 20's travelling instead of building a career then you will have less economic strength in your 30's compared to someone that spent their 20's saving money and building a career. But if you spend your 20's building a career and saving up you will of course miss out on possibly valuable life experiences and enjoyable moments that are probably more enjoyable when you are a 20-something rather than a 30/40+ something. As a regular non-rich dude, you can't have it all.

    • 10 months ago

      This is one of the few comments that I agree with. I'm still in my 20s and have been cutting off my expenses, travels, or even going out with friends to save up. I'm kinda busy with my three businesses and have funds saved up in my Tap app and Credit Agricole account. I think when I reach my mid-30s, I may start traveling more.

  21. 10 months ago

    Traveling together is only fun in parts, I don't want someone else deciding where I'm gonna go when I've flown halfway across the world.

  22. 10 months ago

    I basically wasted my entire life being a depressed shut in loser but got lucky in crypto thankfully. The way I see it, my life is already over being in my 30s so I might as well do anything I can think of because I'm playing on borrowed time. Everyone everything says about being older while travelling and being alone while travelling is true to some extent, and I have had moments of exceeding depression, but I'm not at liberty to pick and choose at this point. I hope if I die on this perpetual journey to nowhere it will at least be a cool death, and if it doesn't come super suddenly and I have a few moments before the end I could at least be happy I redeemed myself to some extent instead of rotting away in my room. Nothing to lose

    • 10 months ago

      Frick you, how much did you make?

  23. 10 months ago

    Maui just burned down. Imagine if someone could have gone to Maui ten years ago but thought, nah, I'll wait until I'm older. And now it's ashes.

    • 10 months ago

      It was “just” Lahaina. The rest of the island is more or less ok. It is fricked though. Over 100 confirmed dead so far and 1000 still unaccounted for. The entire town is burned to the ground along with all the historic sites. I’d only been to Lahaina once, sadly.

      >just got back from Maui 2 hours ago.

  24. 10 months ago

    >desperately want to travel
    >was too poor
    >now have money
    >now terrified of flying
    i need to stop being a fricking pussy about this shit, i grew up with a relative that had a small 4 seater plane and got to pilot it at the age of 13, now at 28 i fear getting on a plane; it's probably a fear of being on one with strangers though

    • 10 months ago

      Get some benzodiazepines and just do it, homosexual.

      • 10 months ago

        yeah i'm planning something for october, last time i went somewhere was 2019, i remember being a homosexual about flying then too, body froze up and each step getting onto the plane felt heavy as frick, but then once up in the air it was fine, basically just that initial fear of taking the first step i guess

        i was thinking of doing a few shorter flights on some short stays to reduce some of the fear, 2 hour flights and making the most of a few days in different places, i'll probably have a few drinks before getting on the plane too just to reduce some anxiety

        not sure where this fear came from though, growing up i was fine flying both in the private plane we had and on commerical jets; maybe some of it came with age and a fear of heights

    • 10 months ago

      if you actually knew about aviation you would know that it is safer than driving. That 4 seater you flew in when you were 13 was probably as safe as driving with a woman. Commercial airlines are many times safer than driving by every metric.

      • 10 months ago

        i know it's safe, which is why the fear seems rather irrational, like i said in another post: i think the fear might be more related to being around a group of strangers i don't know and trust, and maybe a bit of a height fear, once i'm on the plane and its in the air a lot of the fear goes away; so it isn't really a fear of the plane, but more those who are on it with me

        • 10 months ago

          I know this may sound odd, but I had a friend like this who was just afraid of the people in the plane too, what helped him was when he would get on he would shot his shot with the first female flight attendant he saw.
          Didn't matter if it worked or not, he would just megarizz the first flight attendant and that would kinda reset his brain. I know it sounds wierd but try it.

          • 10 months ago

            this actually works with me to. I get really anxious when flying but I grab a air stewardesses titty and honk it then I feel all fricking better again.

      • 10 months ago

        forgot to add: i actually feel a similar feeling in regards to driving, knowing how stupid people can be and how easy it can be for them to wipe you from the face of the earth with their stupidity is pretty terrifying

        • 10 months ago

          look up millimorts for the different activities you do daily and realize that the risk you perceive is much lower than the actual risk.

  25. 10 months ago


    just an FYI, some druggies have the same experience with hallucinogens. Just because she felt megabrained doesn't mean she was. What was probably happening IRL was her brain was frying from low oxygenation. Sucks to suck.

  26. 10 months ago


    Thanks for this anon. Interesting. Will read more tonight. Don't forget that approximately 40% of NDEs are negative. Some of them too awful to contemplate.
    From your green text, sounds like simulation theory and the AI sending itself to earth to understand the universe.

  27. 10 months ago

    I spent my early 20s rotting in my bedroom as a NEET wastoid with no friends, no job, nothing.
    Now I'm traveling and I don't regret it.
    Nothing to lose, everything to gain. Can't imagine letting the crabs keep me in their bucket with threats about how I won't have friends or a family - I had neither to begin with.

  28. 10 months ago

    What the frick is an agecel lol? Why are people so scared of aging

  29. 10 months ago

    You can do both.

  30. 10 months ago

    I would go on a vacation every year from ages 6-18 with my parents. Never met any kids or anyone. Haven’t traveled to a single place since then and I’m 31 now. I’ve never had any friends or relationship for people to travel with. I barely leave my house as is because of my shame of what a worthless pathetic loser I am. I feel like I should try to travel but the thought of being alone in a foreign country terrifies me and I really wouldn’t even know where to go or what to do. Hell I probably wouldn’t even leave the hotel.

    Seeing people ITT who went from neet to being travelers, congratulations to you for overcoming that.

    • 10 months ago

      You can do it, anon. I went from being scared to leave my apartment to traveling solo in Asia and it was absolutely great. Choose a destination carefully, make a list of things you want to see or do, be open to meeting people, get into a chill adventurous mindset and it will be great. You only get one life.

      • 10 months ago

        I have no desire of anywhere to go, have nothing I want to see, and I could never get into a “chill and adventurous” mindset. Also I don’t understand how people could just completely change their personality when traveling.

        >the thought of being alone in a foreign country terrifies me
        What exactly is terrifying? Isn't it scarier to stay in your apartment your whole life until you die alone and rot and bloat and nobody knows until your body gases cause you to explode and the neighbours complain and finally they send someone round and find these anonymous putrid entrails and a cum sock?

        No that thought isn’t scary because I know I’ll either be doing that or hopefully committing suicide to prevent that from happening. The thought of being alone in a foreign country terrifies me.

        • 10 months ago

          It sounds like you're already dead inside, anon. There's tooling to change one's personality and it's called drugs. Psychedelics can imbue your day with a sense of childlike wonder. Dissociatives can defragment your mind and rid it of depressive thoughts. Benzodiazepines allow you to reach levels of idgaf that you haven't experienced before. Some of these substances can shift your perspective, others can be used as training wheels to make accomplishing things that you currently find terrifying a tad bit easier. Accept that you're alone, stop waiting for someone to grab you by the hand and save you, and just take a chance. This life is all you get and you're wasting it by living in fear.

        • 10 months ago

          Google the word, apathy. Instead of drugs like the other anon recommended like a dumbass, go to therapy. It helps.

          • 10 months ago

            >like the other anon recommended like a dumbass
            You can fix your own problems instead of spending your money to talk to some Stacy with a degree, you cuck.

    • 10 months ago

      >the thought of being alone in a foreign country terrifies me
      What exactly is terrifying? Isn't it scarier to stay in your apartment your whole life until you die alone and rot and bloat and nobody knows until your body gases cause you to explode and the neighbours complain and finally they send someone round and find these anonymous putrid entrails and a cum sock?

  31. 10 months ago

    The singularity is coming bros. WAGMI

  32. 10 months ago

    Travel is just hedonistic escapism for 98% of millennials.

    • 10 months ago

      don’t care I have no life in America. I live in an apartment with no furniture except a deck chair and a twin mattress on the floor. I can’t get sex in America unless I fricked a hooker and I’m not paying 300 dollars for a single act of sex while also risking legal trouble.

      All I do is work and count down the days when I’m not working. I save shitloads of money because I’m a single guy with no debt, but I have absolutely no idea how some homosexual with a wife, kids, and whose job requires a car driven commute is making it.

  33. 10 months ago

    You'll be happy either way everyone justifies/copes that they make the right decision

  34. 10 months ago

    Go travel if your on SighSee your social life can’t be that crazy anyways.

    When I travel I’ll be gone between 4 months to a year and every time I return it’s almost if time stood still nothing changed the people didn’t change they are still doing the same shit they were doing when I left.

  35. 10 months ago

    The chatbot is freaking out.

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