Travelling in the 21st century is now a meme

There is no sense of adventure, danger or spontaniety anymore. The path is well beaten everywhere you go, you've more than likely looked up your destination prior to arrival on Google so imagination no longer needed, your smartphone guides you to your hostel where all the other travellers are staring at their smartphones & don't have the time to engage with eachother. You try out the local "cuisine" even though there's 10 of those restaurants in your neighbourhood at home.
Oh sorry, you're a are there to colonise oriental women like your forefathers did. Newsflash bro, those goblins are already overrunning your cities back home, you didn't have to fly half way across the world to find yellow poonanny.
At best you cheat the game with the cost of living in Asia/SA if you are coming from a Western country but the trade off is missing out at home and that comes with a price which can't be measured financially. Travelling is done. Those trying to find themselves by travelling will never find it anywhere on the globe.

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  1. 11 months ago

    I don't need to pretend I'm Rambo or Indiana Jones to enjoy nature.
    Being able to observe plants, wildlife and their intricate relationships is more than enough.
    If you go out in nature to reach a destination you're already doing it wrong. It's not about the vista, it's about all the life surrounding you.

    • 11 months ago

      >based Druid poster

      • 11 months ago

        No, he's just a tryhard voyager who takes photos of everything & thinks he's above the rest of us for not straying too far the bars & brothels in 3rd world slums

  2. 11 months ago

    Your fundamental problem is that you're ignorant.
    You don't know which ones of the plants and animals you see are endemic to your region and which ones are widespread across the world, you don't know how each species is related, you don't know what epiphytism is or how to identify the song of the birds around you, so you go outside in nature, stare at your buddy's ass and get bored.
    You're like someone who thinks books are boring because you can't read. Books aren't the problem, you are.

    • 11 months ago

      >You don't know which ones of the plants and animals you see are endemic to your region and which ones are widespread across the world, you don't know how each species is related, you don't know what epiphytism is or how to identify the song of the birds around you
      That sounds extremely boring and I have no desire to do those things

      • 11 months ago

        Then what kind of excitement do you expect to find wandering in the woods?

        • 11 months ago

          I want to stare at my buddy's ass

  3. 11 months ago

    stop comparing the shit you do to the shit other people have done
    everything is new and novel to you individually
    your personal experience is all that really matters
    somebody having seen the same vista before doesn't mean its somehow worse

    • 11 months ago

      It's not about that. It's about foreign cultures becoming more westernized from the internet, social media, smartphones, television, movies, and other influences. International travel hasn't been the same since the 2010 at the very latest.

      • 11 months ago

        Bob, you vastly overestimate the importance of western pop culture in foreign societies, and its effect on day-to-day life as perceived by a traveler. That being said, it does appear that Anglo/Western influence is far stronger in SE Asia than it is in Latin America. I did some Google Street viewing in Southeast Asia, and was surprised to see English signage everywhere.

      • 11 months ago

        Spoken like someone who hasn't been out of the country in decades
        Do you even have a passport, anon? You just sound like a depressed loser for whom nothing will ever be good enough.

        • 11 months ago

          Spoken like someone who never got to travel before 2010 and experience the glory days of international travel

          • 11 months ago

            The only thing that changed between traveling before 2010s and now is that now things are more accessible thanks to internet + instant translation.
            >ubloohublooh that makes things boring
            Were you even old enough to travel in 2010s? It sucked ass compared to now.
            >waaaah, so many people
            Do you own research and find spots that are not as popular and don't be such a whiny homosexual lol

            • 11 months ago

              Why do criminal colonists always revert to making baby sounds at their opponents lol. it's so fricking pathetic

              • 11 months ago

                Stay mad, ricecel


                >Were you even old enough to travel in 2010s?
                Weird, I'm pretty sure I said before 2010. Traveling to Asia and South America was amazing before then and has gotten worse every time I return.

                KYS, hipster homosexual lol

                I want to stare at my buddy's ass

                >implying anyone will want to go inna woods with anon

              • 11 months ago

                look mom, I'm a kangaroo fricker now!

              • 11 months ago

                Go here


                and you will find a lot of people saying the same thing about Japan. It's not just Japan either. It's happening all over the world. You just don't know anything because you're a loser internet tough guy with no life.

            • 11 months ago

              >Were you even old enough to travel in 2010s?
              Weird, I'm pretty sure I said before 2010. Traveling to Asia and South America was amazing before then and has gotten worse every time I return.

              • 11 months ago

                Kys namegay no one cares

              • 11 months ago

                >I'm not interested in having an intelligent discussion so let me post a juvenile remark in an attempt to shut it down

              • 11 months ago

                Also I'm a homosexual and I tongue trans anus

              • 11 months ago

                which has precisely nothing to do with this discussion even if it were true

              • 11 months ago

                Also I have a small penis and my dad fricks my ass every night.

              • 11 months ago

                Too much information, other Dylan

              • 11 months ago

                Also I dress up like a girl and my penis is broken.

  4. 11 months ago

    >no sense of adventure, danger or spontaneity
    False! But it is very difficult to get to adventurous or dangerous places without your own motorized transportation.
    >the path is well beaten everywhere you go
    False. Goddammit, if you want adventure off the beaten path, stop going where other people recommend that you go! It's amazing how many people will do this, then complain that there are other tourists there. No shit Sherlock, how do you think it was recommended to you?
    >ten restaurants of every world nationality in your neighborhood
    Where do you live, New York fricking City? I have yet to see a volvan de jaiba sold from a cloth-covered basket anywhere I have traveled in America, or even anywhere outside of the city of Veracruz in Mexico...and that's just one example of an amazingly delicious and affordable street food unique to a destination.
    >look up your destination on Google
    Yes, but Google Maps, not Google Search. People don't know how to use a fricking map to find adventure. They want to be spoonfed everything from a travel blog.
    >other travelers staring at their smartphones at the hostel
    Yes it is common in hostels to spend some time online every day.
    >don't have time to engage with each other
    False. Unless they are remote working, travellers have all the time in the world. They are just chilling and waiting for a socially dominant person to show up, introduce themselves, and suggest fun shit. Then suddenly everyone puts their phone away and goes out together on the town for a night of fun.
    >cooming = colonization
    What malarkey. Colonization is bringing in soldiers and forcing the natives to work at developing their nation for your benefit. Cooming is lonely horny foreigners paying for companionship, no different from lonely horny locals paying for companionship.
    >western countries are full of asians
    Only in certain regions, and they tend to be highly affluent and very uptight.
    >missing out at home
    Whatever that means.

    • 11 months ago

      You do realise "colonized" is an Internet meme for when white men sleep with non-white women. You have taken this whole post too literally by the way.

      • 11 months ago

        no he didnt

        >no sense of adventure, danger or spontaneity
        False! But it is very difficult to get to adventurous or dangerous places without your own motorized transportation.
        >the path is well beaten everywhere you go
        False. Goddammit, if you want adventure off the beaten path, stop going where other people recommend that you go! It's amazing how many people will do this, then complain that there are other tourists there. No shit Sherlock, how do you think it was recommended to you?
        >ten restaurants of every world nationality in your neighborhood
        Where do you live, New York fricking City? I have yet to see a volvan de jaiba sold from a cloth-covered basket anywhere I have traveled in America, or even anywhere outside of the city of Veracruz in Mexico...and that's just one example of an amazingly delicious and affordable street food unique to a destination.
        >look up your destination on Google
        Yes, but Google Maps, not Google Search. People don't know how to use a fricking map to find adventure. They want to be spoonfed everything from a travel blog.
        >other travelers staring at their smartphones at the hostel
        Yes it is common in hostels to spend some time online every day.
        >don't have time to engage with each other
        False. Unless they are remote working, travellers have all the time in the world. They are just chilling and waiting for a socially dominant person to show up, introduce themselves, and suggest fun shit. Then suddenly everyone puts their phone away and goes out together on the town for a night of fun.
        >cooming = colonization
        What malarkey. Colonization is bringing in soldiers and forcing the natives to work at developing their nation for your benefit. Cooming is lonely horny foreigners paying for companionship, no different from lonely horny locals paying for companionship.
        >western countries are full of asians
        Only in certain regions, and they tend to be highly affluent and very uptight.
        >missing out at home
        Whatever that means.

        op btfo quite thoroughly and succinctly

    • 11 months ago

      Based adventure anon speaks the truth. For me and my wife, we go to an island, find a well reviewed place preferably run by locals, not corporations, rent a 4x4 car, and then go exploring for hidden beaches, mountain waterfalls, caves, hikes and trails, ancient and modern ruins...

      Then we come home and try to explain how awesome it was to dumbasses like OP who stays in a mega resort and only goes on tours where someone hand holds you the whole way. Yes OP, you have no adventure because you're a dumbass.

      • 11 months ago

        can you suggest one please? Like what do you look for that says "hmm this looks viable" compared to "this would be terrible"?

  5. 11 months ago

    I stare at views for minutes on end. If I reach the summit or the particular viewpoint I was aiming for, I'll stay there for hours on end sometimes, just staaaaaaring into space, with a literal full on boner. Get on my level terminally online Chuds

  6. 11 months ago

    The process of going up there is better than the view.
    The view is just for insta roasties to compete with each other. Usually they bring stupid shit like coffee makers and hammocks, so they can spend 9 hours posing.

  7. 11 months ago

    If it’s adventure and danger you seek, go to certain parts of Mindanao and run your mouth like the entitled douche bag you sound like, and I guarantee you’ll get everything you’re looking ft

    • 11 months ago

      Woah, you sound like a real tough guy

  8. 11 months ago

    Not true, but you need to know where to go, and the options are shrinking. Iran is a good example, but in 10 years it’ll be a meme country. I was there in 2013 so to be fair maybe it already is. China is the same - no English and plenty of mystique throughout much of it. And theres always Africa

    • 11 months ago

      >Go to iran
      >They put you in prison for no reason

  9. 11 months ago

    There is always the risk of being arrested for some stupid shit and end up in a prison with a language you don't understand.

  10. 11 months ago

    Yes exactly, that’s right, stay home please.

  11. 11 months ago

    If you:

    - Compare yourself to others and what they do on social media to guide your travel choices

    - If you always take the generic path and visit only the generic tourist trap places you see on instagram

    - If you don't bother researching the place you're visiting on a deeper historical and cultural level to understand the ins and outs and just go around the key areas and take the same moronic selfie everyone else takes and then move on to the next area

    Then yeah you'll be miserable and your travel is the average millenial travel meme.

    Get out there, just get lost in a city you've never visited and don't just do what others do, if you go to Rome why stick to tourist areas ? It's a huge city with a lot of history, every corner has something interesting to it either from the ancient era or from any other era all the way to WW2.

    Don't jump to the extreme and fly to a third world shithole just to feel different, you can go to the popular destinations and still achieve a rich travelling experience without following the plebs.

    • 11 months ago

      But you still have a smartphone to help you find your way back to your hostel after getting 'lost' in a big city.
      Woah, so adventurous bro.

      • 11 months ago

        >But you still have a smartphone to help you find your way back to your hostel after getting 'lost' in a big city.
        >Woah, so adventurous bro.
        A.. anon if only you could leave your smartphone at the hotel. Holy frick how are you frickers this god damn stupid. Kek.

  12. 11 months ago

    the thing with adventure at all times in history is an npc like would have lacked the imagination and grit to seek them out anyway. there is still adventure to be had, just not for you, because as mentioned you are dumb npc perma online incel loser.

    • 11 months ago

      I'm so tired of zoomers like you shitting up this site with your cringe posts.
      I don't even disagree with your point, but this is just embarrassing.

  13. 11 months ago

    >Another poorcel cope thread

  14. 11 months ago

    I've been thinking the same thing tbh. The only thing I'd disagree on is the cooming, The betas here have much more luck overseas because the ones there are so poor. That's the only real difference anymore, the level of wealth. Otherwise everywhere these days is basically the same I agree.

  15. 11 months ago

    All of these posts are always cope for blackpill zoomers to LDAR and poorcels

    • 11 months ago

      What is LDAR?

      • 11 months ago

        Lie down and rot

  16. 11 months ago

    I have seen the sun set all over the world and it wasn't any different from where I started.

  17. 11 months ago


    I worked in a national park and we had this black nympho girl who would basically do this at parties until she found a guy who was DTF. Other girls hated her.

    • 11 months ago

      Was she hot? Did you entertain her demands?

      • 11 months ago

        She was shapely without being fat, always smelled like unrefined coconut oil.
        I rarely went down to Panther Junction, the large residential complex down in the desert where most of the employees lived and the wildest parties happened. My dorm was up in the Chisos Mountains, and all residents were guys. Our nightly hangouts on the back porch were usually chill; we'd drink beer, smoke weed and play/make music, with girls sometimes joining us. Picrel is Chisos Basin dorm.

        • 11 months ago

          I worked in a national park and we had this black nympho girl who would basically do this at parties until she found a guy who was DTF. Other girls hated her.

          something i wish i did in my youth instead of being a dumbass urban EMS

          • 11 months ago

            Who says you have to be young to work a dumbshit job and have fun in a national park? Long as you don't have a mature mindset, you will be able to have fun at any age. That being said, 40+ guys pulling young girls didn't happen, though one 30 year old short ass Hispanic dude hooked up with an 18 year old from New York and they would walk around naked in the dorm between all-day frick sessions. Another 30 year old alcoholic loser who worked as a waiter had a 20 year old hippie chick fall for him, but he only wanted her when he was drunk, so that relationship was a fricking mess. We had several sly cougars and horny hamplanets as well - though only the most desperate guys would submit to their arduous desire, the hamplanets that is. Old girls hooking up with young guys was pretty common. Not just one night either, some of these relationships lasted months or even years. One 23 year old 5'4" dude hooked up with a 42 year old single mom one night to escape a horny hamplanet who wouldn't leave him alone...they ended up becoming a unit.

            • 10 months ago

              idk im 31 and fit, not too bad to look at, but i kinda feel like im cracking under the strain of being a respectable person. i really am a good time bum at heart. but i have this career and shit now and i want a kid. idk. if i flame out in spectacular manner i may still consider it. i just want trees and stars and light conversation dammit! i hate all this corpo shit.

  18. 11 months ago

    Which is why mind travelling is the next big thing. For instance, NDEs are real and prove that there is an afterlife. And psychedelics are taking people interesting places too. So other dimensions are real and can be travelled to.

    And NDEs are more real than this world, in every way. For instance, NDErs report expanded intelligence. One NDEr said that the greatest supergenius who ever lived, with the help of the greatest supercomputer of all time, would be immeasurably dwarfed by the intelligence she had access to while in the light, so much so that it would be closer and fairer to compare the intelligence of Einstein to that of an ant. Literally and seriously. And as another NDEr described their cognition during their life review:

    >"I looked up, and saw four translucent screens begin to appear - and form a kind of gigantic, cubed box all around me. It was through this method that I was shown my life review. Without ever having to turn my head, I panoramically saw my past, present, future - and there was even a screen behind me that displayed a tremendous amount of scientific data, numbers, symbols and universal codes. I was in complete amazement because (as all of this was occurring) I realized I understood absolutely everything I was seeing - even in the most microscopic detail! There seemed to be no limit to the thoughts I was able to think or the ideas I was able to absorb. In this space, what we tend to think of as a limited comprehension or single-mindedness here on Earth, becomes truly infinite and limitless here! I kept thinking over and over how true it is what they say: that when we go back home - we all really are of one mind!"

    From here:

    Another way NDEs are more real is how one NDEr said that he saw more than 80 new primary colors in the NDE world, compared to the 3 primary colors we have here.

    From here:

    • 11 months ago

      >One NDEr said that the greatest supergenius who ever lived, with the help of the greatest supercomputer of all time, would be immeasurably dwarfed by the intelligence she had access to while in the light, so much so that it would be closer and fairer to compare the intelligence of Einstein to that of an ant
      If that's the case why hasn't someone used the intelligence they had access to in the light to accomplish things that dwarf Einstein or generate some amazing breakthroughs that change the world? Maybe because it's all in their head and they feel like they get something out of it when its really nothing? Or they can't take any of the intelligence back with them (i.e. it's fricking useless)? Tons of people have had near death experiences, none of them have generated a breakthrough - especially not outside their field of expertise.

    • 11 months ago

      Not reading this /x/ babble, sounds like massive cope

  19. 11 months ago

    >The path is well beaten everywhere you go
    So what, it's new to me

  20. 11 months ago

    If you want a real challenge you have to graduate to mountaineering but I hike for fitness

  21. 11 months ago

    Shut up homosexual, I need to get out of this swamp hellhole known as Florida, and I won’t do that by listening to your bullshit.

  22. 11 months ago

    It's just you. Try to get out of the first world, you fricking moron.
    Go to Bengladesh, Somalia, Belarus, Turkmensitan and so on.

  23. 11 months ago

    join the army or something. maybe the ffl if you want to see dangerous adventure and grueling action

    • 11 months ago

      >the ffl
      What do they even do these days?

      • 11 months ago

        They'll be in Niger soon.

  24. 11 months ago

    go back to SighSee and then kys. the angsty teen schtick is boring.

  25. 11 months ago

    I've seen things no one else in this board has

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