What do we think about Bourdain here? Hes what got me into traveling.

What do we think about Bourdain here?

He’s what got me into traveling. When I was 14 or so I randomly caught an episode of No Reservations and I was hooked … I’d never thought of travel in the way he presented it. I was so used to traveling with my parents - doing the touristy stuff and seeing this guy, who at the time I thought was the epitome of cool, sit on a 1 ft tall stool in some back alley in Saigon eating noodles among common folk .. it just struck me in a very profound way.

As an adult, I kind of see him as trying too hard to be “cool” but still think there’s a lot of value in what he said and he was a pretty good writer.

What about you?

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  1. 7 months ago

    Literally who?

  2. 7 months ago

    He's all right, comes across as quite pretentious edge lord when he talks about working in a restaurant as if he's some sort of elite mercenary team. Also, he was anti white so frick him. But his travel stuff was cool sometimes.

  3. 7 months ago

    Chefs love to pretend they're engaging in an extremely significant and noble undertaking by working in a restaurant when they can't be fricked to do more than cut open some pre measured bags and heat their contents in a skillet. They're typically very pretentious. I might break a chefs spine someday in a strictly self defense situation.

    • 7 months ago

      just call them cooks to their face
      this enrages them more than anything
      also there should be some meme about cooks
      >OMG I think I'm gonna cooooooooook

  4. 7 months ago


  5. 7 months ago

    He was a wealthy israelite who got his book published by his mother, relentlessly cheated on his wives with hookers, hated white people, and ropes himself after a woman left him. A woman who he fired his long time staff for and paid off a teenager she had sex with.

  6. 7 months ago

    personally for the time and place the things he filmed himself doing seemed amazing and fantastic and now it is eclipsed by any random douchebag on a youtue channel. That aside his spirit of getting out of your comfort zone always comes through.

    • 7 months ago

      He literally went around with an expensive film crew and ate food. Wow. Amazing. He spoke to nearly no one. He is an idiot making reddit level commentary on shit he sees but cannot bother to examine, and criticized people with better insights

      He killed himself which is exactly what he deserved

      • 7 months ago

        yea he should’ve fricked some ladyboys in Thailand then he’d be a Real Traveler
        meanwhile Rick Steves - the most typical boomer tourist is lauded here. I love Rick Steves but the hypocrisy is astounding here. It’s just because bourdain was a israelite that’s all

        • 7 months ago

          rick steves shows interesting architecture, explains the reasons historically the buildings and art exist the way they do, gives a good snapshot of every quarter of the city

          anthony bourdain eats food, complains about white people, says incorrect things about the history, comments 'wow, it's just really like, a commentary about how BAD white people are" in a country with no white people, and commits suicide. none of this is interesting. but I understand why someone as pathetic as you would sympathize

          • 7 months ago

            i don’t think he mentioned “white people bad” more than 4 or 5 times and only when talking about countries that were decimated by colonialism

            I do admit his metoo era was corny and gay though, but he was clearly drug addled, depressed, and blinded by pussy

            I don’t think you’ve ever actually read or watched bourdain and are instead just parroting what others have said before you.

            • 7 months ago

              you gays need to come to terms. you dont like travel. you are obese and you jack off to watching other people eat food, and you blindly trust their bluster when they brag about how sophisticated their taste is

              he barely does any travel in his show, and the dude is less literate than a high schooler

              • 7 months ago

                post fit pic rn

              • 7 months ago

                post fit pic rn

                i knew you had no drip

              • 7 months ago

                Post yourself you fricking homosexual

            • 7 months ago

              There is no country on earth that was "decimated by colonialism"

              • 7 months ago

                legit, there is somewhat of a case to be made in the case of laos, which was not even a participant i n the vietnam war, but which had more bombs dropped on it than all theaters of ww2.

                that said, that homosexual was probably not talking about that. he was probably complaining about the british forcing indians to stop burning young women alive or cut their clits off, or stone them to death for reading a book or something.

              • 7 months ago

                Lol rightoid detected

                Haiti would like a word

              • 7 months ago

                >Ruled by France
                >Black folk revolt
                >country goes to shit
                >"how could the white man do this to us"

          • 7 months ago

            He literally went around with an expensive film crew and ate food. Wow. Amazing. He spoke to nearly no one. He is an idiot making reddit level commentary on shit he sees but cannot bother to examine, and criticized people with better insights

            He killed himself which is exactly what he deserved

            Watch any random food travel show on youtube and you will see how he was nothing special.

        • 7 months ago

          Rick is the complete opposite of boomer travel. His whole schtick is to encourage boomers to stop boomer travelling and to try going without the tours and tour guides.

          • 7 months ago

            He explicitly encourages hiring tour guides all the time. He literally owns a tour company. His schtick isn’t about getting boomers to stop boomer traveling, it’s about getting boomers (and Gen X) to travel in the first place. The end goal of his philosophy is the hope that they’ll eventually take the training wheels off, sure, but he’s very much in favor of tours. His content is really comfy even if you’re not a boomer though, I like him.

  7. 7 months ago
  8. 7 months ago

    Imperfect, abrasive, and sometimes a little smug, but I always appreciated the sincerity that he approached things with and the general message of forcing yourself out of your comfort zone. I grew up in a small, poor town where people really just don't travel (or even try new things in general, for the most part). His shows were really influential in pushing me to explore from a young age. I don't really care if it's cringe, it's a fact that, if not for Bourdain, I wouldn't be as adventurous and curious about the world and the people in it as I am.

    He's controversial on SighSee though, in my experience. Some people really hate him here. I get why, but on the balance, he was a good one as far as I'm concerned.

  9. 7 months ago

    do you think bourdain caught hiv? doing heroin in nyc

  10. 7 months ago

    Shitty generic NYC self-important personality but No Reservations was good

  11. 7 months ago

    I used to work in Big Bend National Park while he was staying in the area and filming an episode of his show "Parts Unknown". Never met him or watched the show, as I don't give a shit about celebs in general. But my friends who worked in the restaurant and interacted with him were kinda star-struck, said he was a really great guy.

  12. 7 months ago

    I found him surprisingly uncharismatic and unpleasant as the host of a travel show, which came as a surprise to me, as he offered a few quotes and pieces of writing over the course of his career that I liked. But he went to some excellent places with a crew that got some nice footage, so I hope he enjoyed at least some of it despite his demons.

  13. 7 months ago

    >sit on a 1 ft tall stool in some back alley in Saigon eating noodles among common folk
    Sounds kinda comfy tbh

  14. 7 months ago

    Didn't he kill himself over some broad? Kinda ruins everything else, if he's ever said/done anything interesting. Fricking women, man - there's no shortage of them.

  15. 7 months ago

    I have a very strong feeling that he was a pedophile and had his way with defenseless children in many of the countries he visited

    • 7 months ago

      Had that feeling too

  16. 7 months ago

    He insists upon himself.

  17. 7 months ago

    Frick you guys he was cool and got me into travelling when I was young with no reservations. I did catch parts unseen or whatever in a hotel room and it was just a bunch of left wing propaganda bullshit but no reservations was dope

  18. 7 months ago

    Literally got cucked to death and was a pretentious asshat but his shows were quite entertaining and comfy at times. So he's like 50/50 imho

  19. 7 months ago

    He has good taste in music, at least. This was his favorite song

  20. 7 months ago

    I only watched where he went to the cambodia thai border and stopped short before going to the casino hmmmm because he said they said they couldn't film there hmmmm was rathed anticlimatic and he just ate in a restaurant like a good cuck going goo-goo gagaga over some spicy moo goo gai pan but I wanted to see the real spicy material.

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