What do you do for work?

What do you do for work? What jobs are there that both pay you enough and give you enough flexibility and time off to travel?

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  1. 12 months ago

    Mechanical engineer making $180k, fully remote digital laptop hobo. College is a israeli scam amirite fellow schizos?

    • 12 months ago

      Which industry do you work in that allows you to work remotely and pays you this much? I'm also a mechanical engineer but I work in infrastructure as a pseudo-civil engineer in a kind-of-third world country. I want to pivot to machine design but I heard that shit is hard to enter with terrible compensation compared to other fields of mechE.

      • 12 months ago

        engineers doing actual design work in the US are required to be licensed in most cases. this is unlike most of even the developed world where all you need is the degree. this gatekeeps a shit ton of engineers in the US and inflates the salaries and bargaining power of those that do.

    • 11 months ago

      Boring job

      • 11 months ago

        who in their right mind would ever have fun at a job? you're literally getting paid to be someone's slave and giving away your own free time
        of fricking course all jobs are boring, what a dumb comment

        • 11 months ago

          idk, I like my job. I work in cybersecurity and the shit I do during my free time is 70% the shit I get paid to do at work.

        • 11 months ago

          >who in their right mind would ever have fun at a job?
          Be youngish and fit and teach part-time at an all-girls school. I enjoy going to work and sex with my gfs is always great.

        • 11 months ago

          idk i work out, cut down big trees, and light shit on fire on the clock, it's pretty fun senpai

        • 11 months ago

          Who in their right mind would choose to be miserable doing what they do, when they could choose to enjoy doing what they do? I've done both - same job, same house, same town, different years. When I choose to enjoy what I do versus hating it, I have more energy, do a better job, spread good vibes to everyone I meet, enjoy my evenings on the town, and earn a lot more money for my winter travels. Having five months of freedom every year definitely helps me appreciate having a productive and structured life.

  2. 12 months ago

    Im a psychologist. I built up a client base and rep in a rural town then moved to doing telehealth only so I can travel. I do an average of 10 sessions a week and make 10~k a month before tax. I go back home every 3-6 months to do training to maintain my registration. Sometimes if I make acquaintances at universities I visit, I get networked with people working in community health and development/promotion and I get the occasional chance to do some consulting contracts which is nice for experience considering I want to work for WHO at some stage. I'm hoping I'll find a wife at some stage during my travels but so far no luck, I'm becoming more convinced my best hope is a nice girl in academics but I'm not in a rush, I'll just keep enjoying the nomadic life until life throws an opportunity my way.

    • 12 months ago

      Question time.
      Do you psycho analyze women when you go on dates?
      What are the main reasons you haven't been interested in furthering relationships with women you meet whilst traveling?
      Do people treat you differently once they learn you're a psychologist?
      Have you ever gaslit a client?

      • 12 months ago

        >Do you psycho analyze women when you go on dates?
        Haha, no I don't really psychoanalyze anyone outside of the office. People think us psychs are always watching and quietly assessing, but what people dont really underatand is that it is exhausting and requires your brain to be switched on when you have your psychologist hat on. Best way I can describe it, is it's like working hospitality - you switch on your service persona at work and do the things expected of good service (smile, small talk, laugh at customer jokes ect), but when you knock off you want to switch your brain off and have a beer. I might notice small things other people don't if they don't know to look (anxiety signs, potential signs of maladaptive behaviours in stories) but I can't really confirm those things unless I make a point of further questioning. At the end of the day I just treat people like people and it's safe to say if I'm not being paid, I'm not looking at anyone through a clinical lense.

        >What are the main reasons you haven't been interested in furthering relationships with women you meet whilst traveling?
        Good question..I've always been a bit of a black sheep, so figured if I travel I might find "my people" so to speak. I have been in love once, and it is a very distinctive feeling, but also the build up of the relationship to that love is a unique chemistry and feeling. So far I just haven't found anyone where I felt we were genuinely on "the same level", sometimes they are too nice for me and I know they won't like my humor, sometimes they have values unaligned with my own which I sense don't work out longterm. Essentially I want a partner who challenges me, has high emotional intelligence, is genuinely kind, has a sense of optimism and doesn't mind a bit of dark humor. Just hard to find someone who has the majority of those things, or at least it's hard for me.


      • 12 months ago

        >Do you psycho analyze women when you go on dates?
        Haha, no I don't really psychoanalyze anyone outside of the office. People think us psychs are always watching and quietly assessing, but what people dont really underatand is that it is exhausting and requires your brain to be switched on when you have your psychologist hat on. Best way I can describe it, is it's like working hospitality - you switch on your service persona at work and do the things expected of good service (smile, small talk, laugh at customer jokes ect), but when you knock off you want to switch your brain off and have a beer. I might notice small things other people don't if they don't know to look (anxiety signs, potential signs of maladaptive behaviours in stories) but I can't really confirm those things unless I make a point of further questioning. At the end of the day I just treat people like people and it's safe to say if I'm not being paid, I'm not looking at anyone through a clinical lense.

        >What are the main reasons you haven't been interested in furthering relationships with women you meet whilst traveling?
        Good question..I've always been a bit of a black sheep, so figured if I travel I might find "my people" so to speak. I have been in love once, and it is a very distinctive feeling, but also the build up of the relationship to that love is a unique chemistry and feeling. So far I just haven't found anyone where I felt we were genuinely on "the same level", sometimes they are too nice for me and I know they won't like my humor, sometimes they have values unaligned with my own which I sense don't work out longterm. Essentially I want a partner who challenges me, has high emotional intelligence, is genuinely kind, has a sense of optimism and doesn't mind a bit of dark humor. Just hard to find someone who has the majority of those things, or at least it's hard for me.


        >Do people treat you differently once they learn you're a psychologist?
        Haha, yes many people absolutely do. Lot's of people seem to think psychologist means mind reader, and they become visibly uncomfortable thinking I am seeing all their hidden secrets, or psychoanalyzing them. Some people ask for life advice which is not really the point of therapy. The questions I don't mind answering are when someone says they know someone woth mental illness but struggle to understand what that means, or struggle to understand their behaviours - I like educating people on mental health where applicable. If I want to keep a low profile I might tell people "I work in health" or "I do mental health case management" which normally has people not ask too many followup questions.

        >Have you ever gaslit a client?
        The closest I ever came to doing something that kind of falls under the definition was when working with a treatment resistant schizophrenic - he was talking to his auditory hallucinations and I asked him questions about who he was talking to and what they were saying. The therapeutic reason for that was to evoke him to reveal more information about himself I could cross reference with his scattered history in his file so I could try and determine how much of what he said about himself was based in reality.


    • 11 months ago

      >during my travels


  3. 12 months ago

    Software engineer 23 started at £95k when I was 21 now make over 125k and work remotely full time mostly in SEA and around Europe where I know I can get good wifi

    • 11 months ago

      Which company is knowingly allowing a British citizen to be a digital nomad?

      You realise in order to maintain tax residency in the UK you need to be in the country for more than 6 months of the tax year?

      So unless you're only traveling for 6 months of the year and keeping it hush from HR, I'm gonna say this is a larp.

      t. an actual UK engineer who's looked into this extensively

      • 11 months ago

        Frick haha you got me

    • 11 months ago

      £95k is like senior software engineer salary in London, you'd be extremely lucky to make that money with 5 years of experience. Making that in your first job sounds like total bullshit. Software in the UK generally pays like shit unless you are very experienced, I remember when I started out salaries were like £25k on average for an entry level position.

      • 11 months ago

        Yeah, £95k is for a super experienced guy, the kind of person who codes in Haskell for fun and understands what it's for. A man like that could easily be making four times the money in California.

  4. 12 months ago

    Freelance healthcate consulting. Work about 15 hours a week, mostly via email and Zoom. I bill $250/hr and write off all expenses. Can travel almost unlimited.

  5. 12 months ago

    I'm just a part time night stocker at my local grocery, get paid like $20/hr. I usually save up a few grand and send in a request of my days off to my boss which he approves almost all the time

    • 12 months ago

      Do you have any savings? What happens if your car breaks down? What about a 401K and retirement? We all like to travel but it's not wise to work for 6 months, blow all your money on a trip, and then start again from scratch each time. You will never progress in life. Instead of spending you wages on travel, invest that money in learning a skill so you can earn $40 an hour.

      • 12 months ago

        Weird, don't think he asked for advice.

      • 12 months ago

        > life won’t be worth living if you don’t spend it constantly on guard against bad things
        Sounds like a recipe to never live actually

  6. 12 months ago

    Work at a P&C reinsurer

    One month a year is bad in the office but the rest of the time they don’t really care where I am

    Thinking of getting into software. I can already code (I am a huge nerd and worked through some CS textbooks, ask me about bison) but I’d have to start at the bottom again. Plus I don’t really know web stuff which seems to be 90% of programming these days

  7. 12 months ago

    I work in property management. we turn residential family homes into short term and month to month vacation homes. lot of our homes are on airbnb. 60k

    I evict nigs and break up parties too

    • 12 months ago

      You make 60k a year and get enough time off to travel?

      • 12 months ago

        My rent is low, I don't have massive car payments, I don't drink or do drugs, I don't buy expensive dumb things, and yes I can leave for a week or two if I want but probably not as often as you tech guys who work from your laptop.

    • 12 months ago

      >we turn residential family homes into short term and month to month vacation homes.
      "I'm the person ruining not only travel but also your hometown!"
      get fricked

    • 11 months ago


  8. 12 months ago

    I work as a consultant in two unrelated fields, one of which pays fairly well, both of which could theoretically be done completely remotely. But it’s all contract-based and self-directed, so I’m busy for a few weeks or months at a time and then free. But I don’t take many long trips—I take many short ones throughout the year, to countries I can reach within <4hrs by air. Long holiday weekends, a week, etc. This is partially because I like it more than living out of a backpack, and also to accommodate my wife, who has a normal/less-flexible job, albeit one with a lot of PTO. I usually take a full four or five weeks off in the summer, because I live in Europe and that’s what most people do, but I probably only actually travel for two of them. We only do “big” trips (longer than two weeks, or farther from home) every couple of years.

  9. 12 months ago


  10. 12 months ago

    Office worker
    Not American
    simple as

  11. 12 months ago

    I work shit jobs for 1-2 years (as much overtime as I can), and then just quit and go travel for 6 months.

    For example, right now I’m a security guard and make 4k after taxes a month if I work 60 hours a week. I get paid to sit around so it’s not bad. I live like a pauper and save 2250 a month after living expenses. I put some money away for retirement, keep a 6 month cushion for when I come back and need to find a job, and then the rest goes to Thai hookers

    • 12 months ago

      TTTCHAD, I thought you were going to learn2code? Did that fail? What's your long term plan?

      • 12 months ago

        Are you kidding? I’m too lazy and low IQ to learn to code. I’m not even gonna try. The way I see it is, if I REALLY wanted to, I would have already. The pleasure I get from being lazy outweighs any other impulse. I simply do not have the will to do it. I get enough catharsis screaming at remote workers on here while I bide my time. Is it sub-optimal? Of course, but I just enjoy sitting on my ass too much
        >long term plan
        Don’t know don’t care

        I envy you man. Sounds like a pretty good plan for any unskilled single guy to be honest. I'd love one of those easy security jobs but never see them advertised here.

        Just get your guard card and then go on indeed. That’s how I found mine

        • 12 months ago

          You could get certified for IT in 6 months, get a help desk job with the possibility of going remote after a year or two of working. That seems like a better plan than slaving away at the night shift

          • 12 months ago

            How much would the pay be ?

            • 12 months ago

              Realistically ~$50k, but you’ll hit 6 figs in less than 4 years if you aren’t a lazy homosexual. Nobody just falls into a sweet %100 remote gig without paying dues somewhere.

          • 12 months ago

            Another lazy night shifter on penalties, how do we even begin in IT, isn't Chaptgpt replacing it all? I just want to live outside Canada

            • 12 months ago

              Get the CompTIA trifecta certifications, apply for help desk. Or get a degree, WGU online degree can be done in two years, if you work at Amazon warehouse for 90 days they'll pay a decent amount of the tuition

      • 12 months ago

        this isn't 2010 anymore, coding is saturated with pajeets and the easy tasks have been automated with AI or tools like Wix and Squarespace.
        and to be honest hours a day spent on the computer isn't really the most fulfilling career choice for most young men i don't think

    • 12 months ago

      I envy you man. Sounds like a pretty good plan for any unskilled single guy to be honest. I'd love one of those easy security jobs but never see them advertised here.

      • 12 months ago

        Not him, but I wouldn't say it's easy. They often involve working overnight, which is basically being paid to put miles on your body and age you prematurely.

  12. 12 months ago

    you're literally required to get a month paid off work per year

    • 12 months ago

      Not burgers lol. This shocked me when I found it out. Low level wagies e.g. fast food usually get ZERO paid leave but corporate jobs give a standard 10 or 12 paid days off a year, many of which will be wasted with no reimbursement. Of course it's possible to get jobs with more, but America is insanely behind the rest of the developed world in labour laws.

      • 12 months ago

        Not to mention that it’s becoming increasingly common for paid time off to also be used as sick time. So if you have to call out, which you inevitably will, they will use your PTO and you will have even less vacation days. Most people end up with one 7 day vacation per year and that’s it in Weimerica. On top of that, even if you’re okay with taking time off unpaid so you can travel more than your allotted one week per year, you still have to request the time off from your employer only for them to deny it 90% of the time. There’s exceptions, but that’s the standard.

      • 11 months ago

        Insanely behind the developed world yet we all make 40% more than the developed world and pay less tax. Weird isn't it?

        • 11 months ago

          > and pay less tax

          Yeah, at the expense of literally every other basic amenity that everywhere else considers standard. Like, with how much your healthcare costs, you'd think it was at least of good quality, but it isn't even that. Not for your average joe, at least. You're all so indoctrinated with this idea of freedom and being at the top while you're regularly fricked in the ass by your own government. America is a literal third world shithole in comparison to every other developed western country for anyone that isn't rich and you all keep it that way out of some idiotic sense that you'll make it big.

          • 11 months ago

            >Like, with how much your healthcare costs, you'd think it was at least of good quality, but it isn't even that. Not for your average joe, at least.
            Eurocuck cope. America has the world's finest medical institutions, rich people from all over the world fly to get treatment in American hospitals. I grew up poor and Medicare covered access to top-notch medical care. If you're lower middle class and up, you do get fricked though. They do have access to quality medical care thoughever, even if they do pay out the ass.

            The poorest ghettos typically have hospitals set up by the government that provide top-notch care for a nominal fee.

  13. 12 months ago

    I do software bullshit. Crypto and basic 1099 shit where they don't care that much where youre at. I just left a startup that was sinking to relaxmax and skill up on some newer popular stacks.

    Dont let AI doomers get you, of you have technical talent and any self motivation you can make it. Until we reach the point where humans are not in the loop, there will be software people, it actually gets even more valuable with AI tooling the same way higher level languages boosted software a few decades ago. Once, and really its a huge if not certain, we pass the point where only 0.001% of people are running the AI, we have much bigger problems to figure out than unemployment doomerism

    • 11 months ago

      Are you upskilling yourself on AI related things? For example are you able to create your own Keras models with barely any help outside of documentation and does they work fine?

  14. 12 months ago

    What is weebprogramming? And is it useful to know? Is it hard to learn?

  15. 12 months ago

    I work as a security engineer. My company has an "unlimited" PTO policy but you get the stinkeye if you take more than 3-4 weeks off. I still take about 6 weeks off, and that's before any holidays lol

  16. 12 months ago

    Make about $250 per day tax free as a consultant in the international development field plus 2-3 fully paid trips per to project sites in Africa and Central Asia. Fully remote and timezone independent

    • 12 months ago

      That sounds so based. How did you get started?

      • 12 months ago

        Its pretty easy to work for not-for-profits if you have niche skills that pay higher in the private sector. Data sci, finance, marketing, etc.

        The pay is way worse but if you work for an international org they dgaf about taxes since they're almost all based in Switzerland and the employees are spead over the globe so you aren't expected to be in any specific country or timezone while working remote.

        • 12 months ago

          What are your qualifications?

          • 12 months ago

            My own background is in data science and quantitative research. I worked 4 years at a fortune 500 before switching to a major NGO that works in poor countries across Africa and Asia. I mostly do consulting on data pipeline/automation type stuff. Basically the same work anyone with a data related job does at any company only I get paid to fly in to remote countries a few times a year and the rest of the time I'm working 20hrs a week but billing 40 chilling wherever the weather is good

  17. 12 months ago

    Damn what can a brotha hope to achieve in this fricked up world, white folk seem to be flying high

  18. 12 months ago

    I'm a Server at Chili's. I don't know what to do as a career that can allow me to be a hermit as much as I can with this job. still trying to figure it out.

    • 12 months ago

      You need to get into bartending. You can travel and work anywhere. I knew a chick who used to stay the entire winter in Lake Tahoe snowboarding, then next year she's be in Telluride, then a summer at the beach somewhere. She worked hard, but made good money.

      Are there any other nurses here? I graduated last year and once I get another year or two of experience, I want to start doing travel nursing or switch to per diem so I can make more money and be able to take time off to travel.

      If you're looking into doing per diem for nursing, you absolutely have to move to California. You can pull $150K a year working three 12 hours shifts a week out here. My gf made 187K at UCSF working 3 shifts a week.

  19. 12 months ago

    I don't work. I've been living off thin air and wrecking my tiny savings eevry month for a year. I am faced with warehouse slavery and have no other options. I could run off travelling for a year and spend all my money but then I'd have to return home, move back home with my mother and get a shit job anyway. I don't sleep at night. I can't stomach this world much longer. God knows what I'll do. And I'm late 30s too lol

    • 12 months ago

      >God knows what I'll do
      Please no

    • 12 months ago

      Well your not supposed to not be able to sleep at night... your mind knows you have no job and no prospects. its time to spur ur ass in gear. the last thing you should be doing is being on a travel board fantasizing about escaping your shitty life and try to find a job and make money.

      • 12 months ago

        You’re a dumbass dude. Save up 6mo-1 year living expenses and then never use it except as a cushion for when you come back to working

        I know, its over.

    • 12 months ago

      You’re a dumbass dude. Save up 6mo-1 year living expenses and then never use it except as a cushion for when you come back to working

    • 12 months ago

      Just do what you want with your life, dude. Decide what you want to do and just go after it. It’s not easy, but it is simple.

  20. 12 months ago

    Are there any other nurses here? I graduated last year and once I get another year or two of experience, I want to start doing travel nursing or switch to per diem so I can make more money and be able to take time off to travel.

    • 11 months ago

      2 year ICU nurse checking in, would also like to know. Would like to get away from bedside

  21. 12 months ago

    Repairing gardening machines.

    Not really prestigious job, but for some reason they pay me like 60% more than average salary in my country, so no complaints here.

  22. 12 months ago

    I'm an American teacher. I get two months off a year, three months overall if I add up all the breaks. Enough time to travel for a month and still waste time for weeks at home. Granted I only make like $50k before taxes, but I don't have kids or expensive hobbies so I still have a decent savings.

    • 12 months ago

      Always thought being a teacher would be a good way to have a career and a pension (a rarity in the US these days for all the Euroanons). I also think that the pay is fair, and fricking hate the teachers who b***h about not making 100k... It is horse shit that you guys have to pay for school supplies though.

  23. 12 months ago

    I was a teacher but now I’m a college administrator. I get paid very little and when I have to work I despise it, but fortunately I get a totally absurd amount of free time and flexibility.

  24. 12 months ago

    I work in sales. If you're good at it you can get tons of time off when you want and pay for it easily. It can be a grind getting there though.

    • 12 months ago

      How do you get started in sales? I know it's probably a grind, but I spend all day on Tinder anyway, which is basically sales.

  25. 12 months ago

    I pretend to be a black trans woman author and write race based books to build up nonwhites and disparage white folks. It's super easy to crank out books for Amazon using AI now.

  26. 12 months ago

    Private security contracting. 6 months on 6 months off.

    100k-ish for 6 months, and zero cost of living. I'm also a gunsmith and know how to run an armory, so I can basically pick who I want to work for, since qualified experienced armorers who are willing to deploy are so rare.

  27. 12 months ago

    Project manager designing workflows and budgeting workforce/finances/ timelines for the various phases/ modules. Anywhere from 100,000 up to 200k depending on the size of the project and bonuses/incentives.

    • 12 months ago

      do you ever get made fun of for not having any actual skills

      • 12 months ago

        Actual good PMs are probably going to be making out big time if the AI thing bears any fruit. I've worked with a couple that are worth their salt, and having an AI prototype out their stuff will give them a 10x.

      • 12 months ago

        Kek. Project managers are glorified "ideas guys". In real jobs, the team leader has a role and title that isn't as vague as "manager", they actually contribute to the goal being worked towards.

  28. 12 months ago

    I'm an astronaut making $226k per year.

    • 12 months ago

      My dad works at Nintendo and makes $300k per year

    • 11 months ago

      My dad works at Nintendo and makes $300k per year

      Both my dads work at Nintendo making 300K a year

      • 11 months ago

        Mommy must be a real life Princess Peach to have 2 Mario Bro's raw dogging that Goomba

  29. 12 months ago

    Sr. Operations Manager in tech. TC is around $190k and I have unlimited PTO.

  30. 12 months ago

    i am a jobless NEET and aspiring traveloor

    • 12 months ago

      If you're American join the Air National Guard in a field with a big signing bonus and a lot of seasoning days. Then collect that bonus, plus your wages and BAH ('move' to a high CoL city before basic), then get that sweet per diem while living in a hotel for seasoning days all the while just store your shit at your parents. You'll come out with around 30-40k relatively quickly and you won't be such a pathetic loser. Then just travel in between drill weekends. That's what I did/do, then volunteer for all the deployments and TDY's and you'll never fall below 5 figures in your bank account.

      My buddy went into a cyber job in the ANG, got out after six years, and with his top secret and the training he got he could walk into a six figure job if he wanted to leave our small town but instead he settles for 60k.

      t. Been doing that for 8 years now and still haven't died for ~~*israel*~~

      • 12 months ago

        I would do this but Im prescribed Adderall for ADHD. RIP

        Inb4 ADHD is fake kys

  31. 12 months ago

    I used to make suits. I did it for about a year which is the longest I’ve ever worked a job. I just quit a couple weeks ago and have a one way to Cambodia. I have 6K saved and I want to travel forever essentially. Just be free as the wind and go where I please as I please even if that’s back home. I’m 22 but honestly don’t know if I’m already failing for my age. I see shit like “23, software CEO fully remote making 230K and I work 2 hours a week” and I think “frick am I moronic?”. Who knows maybe it’s larp, I’m just not a STEM/schooling guy. My current plan is building a lifestyle brand as I travel and just blog and make YouTube videos and shit and build up my “brand” as I go. Long as it starts pulling in 1K a month I can live literally anywhere save for Singapore, NYC, and other shit like that. Anyways thanks for listening to my blogpost, any advice is greatly appreciated.

    • 12 months ago

      At your age taking risks to achieve your dreams is okay because you still have very little to lose should you fail. If you haven’t achieved your goals after 5 years and you’re still working odd jobs for scraps then it’s time to face reality and get an education and a real job so you dont end up being a broke loser for the remaining 50 years of your life

    • 12 months ago

      those anons claiming to be working remote making 230K are exaggerating, hell I dont even believe the ones making 150K. If its true, I hope they sit hunched over in front of their shit macbooks all day that they never see the sun go up and down. I hope when they lie down on their self break they pause and reflect where their close friends and acquaintances have gone, and then when they look at their gigantic crypto account filled with memecoins and stonks they can never use they will tell themselves "hey I made it and this is all worth it"

      Frick out of here with that nonsense.

      • 12 months ago

        It’s Friday, almost lunchtime. I woke up at 9:30 and flicked on a Teams meeting on my phone while I made coffee and showered. I sat on my back porch and drank my coffee, penned a few notes for the projects I was working on. Didn’t even open my laptop till about an hour ago when I had to review and approve some documents. I have one more meeting in about an hour but I think I’m going to take that at the Mexican joint down the street while I sip a margarita and eat tacos. Enjoy the rest of your workday, I’m going to enjoy mine.

        • 12 months ago

          Decided to get a corona instead, it’s warm out today. I don’t really need to do anything for this meeting so I’m just going to chill on mute. Will probably go home and take a nap after this. How’s the rest of you guys’ workday going?

      • 12 months ago

        Seething wagie

      • 12 months ago

        learn how to be happy for others. Life's better when you do

    • 12 months ago

      Take the risk while you're young anon, but try to come up with a real back up plan. Youtube is over saturated and you'd honestly stand a better chance winning the lottery.

    • 12 months ago

      The people who are working for a lot of money in their 20s will almost always end up peaking in their 20s. They’ll have high incomes for most of their lives, but that’s all they’ll have.

      • 12 months ago

        Weapons grade copium. Those people end up finding positions in their 30’s/40’s etc where they do frick all but dole out experience and “sign off” on shit. Lol you have zero fricking clues how white collars work.

        Get stuffed pleb.

        • 12 months ago

          I'm getting sick of how much techies on here look down on wagies. Like yeah, that guy is dumb, but on SighSee techies seem to loathe wagies in general. Without wagies, you'd have no one to sell to and no high salary, and not goods or services.

          • 12 months ago

            Nah it’s attitudes like this guy that make me laugh. They’re all filled with the same self loathing and just can’t admit it.

            Shut the frick up yuppie and drink your corona. Nobody gives a shit about your “experience” you can esign my scrotum with your iPhone 15.

            • 12 months ago

              it's pretty obvious he's fricking around, moron

        • 12 months ago

          Shut the frick up yuppie and drink your corona. Nobody gives a shit about your “experience” you can esign my scrotum with your iPhone 15.

        • 12 months ago

          The fact that you unironically thought this somehow refuted the point proves just valid it was. Nobody gives a frick if you sign on off on stuff, get a better job, make more money. Their life is basically over. If you wrote the biography it would read “anon got a good job in his 20s and then jobs that just paid more money until he died”. That’s it. What a life, right? This is the point that was being made. These people hustled as if college and a particular office job was the end goal in life and subsequently, they never lived a life. It’s not even like they achieved freedom or self-sufficiency or anything that money is actually good for, just more money for no real reason. If you thought pointing out their job got easier or higher paying refuted this obviously true statement, you might be one of these people.

          • 12 months ago

            The point is those folks are basically retired by their 40s while wagies will break their backs until their 70s. The reason people choose to hustle early in their career is so they can spend the rest of their life actually living it.

            • 12 months ago

              To top it off, you could easily get one of those jobs while still traveling in your twenties. You could even take a gap year and go full around the globe backpacker mode

              • 12 months ago

                No, you couldn’t. A year off would sink anyone in IB, consulting, law, medicine etc. You could still travel plenty though.

              • 12 months ago

                I'm a SA at a big 4 with a gap year on my resume, I'm not sure where you're getting this impression.

              • 12 months ago

                Top kek little man

              • 12 months ago

                Did you actually want to have a dialog or are you going to larp as a SM

              • 12 months ago

                I made Manager at BCG and left to Amazon. Make of it what you will.

              • 12 months ago

                Literally could not have rolled my eyes harder. Post your TC I want to see how far you're willing to go with the larp.

              • 12 months ago

                Not at Amazon anymore, just a director at at a mid level construction company. $240k base plus bonus. No RSUs or equity.

              • 12 months ago

                Not him, but if your career path really is as you describe, that's a pathetic compensation package. Code monkeys make that with less than five years of experience, without having to sell their souls to either MBB or Amazon. I hope you've finally achieved work-life balance, if what you say is true.

              • 12 months ago

                It’s substantially less than I used to make but I don’t need it anymore. Now I work 25 hours a week remote and have unlimited PTO that I can actually use.

                Shit, I've met kids straight out of top CS programs who have made $240k right out of college... and you're bragging about it? lol, lmao even

                If wanted to brag I’d have posted my L7 TC from Amazon. He asked what I make and that’s what I make. Thankfully I’ve made enough that it doesn’t really matter now.

              • 12 months ago


              • 12 months ago

                The post he was referring to was some kind of tech worker I think

      • 11 months ago

        Yep, I know someone like this though a friend of a friend.
        C-suite, brags that he sank about 50k at the local strip club over the last 10+ years, goes through cars like underwear, lives with housemates so he can brag about living in a waterfront property, flexes his watch collection (not really a collection if it's 'catch and release' so he can buy another watch). basically imagine your basic vapid instagram influencer, but without the broccoli haircut.

        met and worked with a few others like him, and they're all the most boring people you have ever met.

  32. 12 months ago

    I save $2.2k/month as a software engineer, which is more than enough for a nice trip each year, and chunky ETF purchases.

    How do you do this too? Have a STEM degree, create a portfolio (make people websites for free), and apply (a lot). Also, minimize your expenses. That means ZERO subscription service besides heating, water, phone bill, internet bill, electricity, etc. No Amazon Prime, Spotify, or Netflix. Buy good clothes 1 a year. My 3 pairs of $150 pants are all that I've worn for the past 3.5 years.

    I guess you have to be somewhat intellectually gifted for all this to workout.

    • 12 months ago

      You'd be surprised how many people are bad with money. Regardless of income, its just hard for others to track and keep their money. See Caleb Hammer on youtube

      • 12 months ago

        I've seen examples of it in person.

        Lots of silly advisors at the bank trying to get me to sign up for their trading apps with too much fees when Questrade exists; lots of tech illiterates at work who don't know about hash collisions or sql injection; lots of goobers at the cell phone store that don't know how to activate a phone; lots of women who fake being interested in you, disappearing right after saying their excited to meet you via text (no reason to lie over text cus there is 0 danger like in person)

        I've begun seeing all this when reaching 25, and subsequently have involuntarily withdrawn from most of society, save for a the gym, grocery store, and walks in my neighborhood. I'd probably be a very different person if I didn't experience said scenarios above, but here we are.

        • 11 months ago

          So many people are just cruising through life or hustling through it without much thought. They just grab it and try to mold it into whatever they want - it's so fricking annoying when they try to figuratively grab you and you're thinking "do you honestly think I'm that fricking moronic?"

          I wanna leave society too but I also want a wife and kids. But, I trust no woman. So, frick me, I guess.

    • 12 months ago

      Kek, is this a shitpost? A degree and making 2.2k a month and living like a pauper? I made 3k a month working at maccas fulltime my first year out of highschool. My first job out of uni in applied science I made 6.6k a month. You can't be serious.

      • 12 months ago

        He said 2.2k leftover after expenses, not 2.2k income

      • 12 months ago

        Attain high school reading comprehension in your L1 before talking shit.
        If you're ESL, just promptly kys

  33. 12 months ago

    I got my bachelor's in foreign languages and am now looking to get into the hospitality and tourism industry

  34. 12 months ago

    Construction worker 96 hours per week I got $350 every 10 days

  35. 12 months ago

    Low IQ and pretty lazy here. Is it better to continue my tradie job (surveyor) and join a union and make good money in my 20s or try to get a cert or something and get a tech job remote

    • 12 months ago

      Do you like surveying? I was considering doing it but I'm having the same dilemma, it's not remote

      • 12 months ago

        Its a pretty chill profession. There are potential avenues to go remote if you want to be a drafter, most of my office is remote and some work in different states. I am definitely underpaid though but I also have a pretty chill work life balance

        • 12 months ago

          How'd you get into it? Did you do school?

          • 12 months ago

            No the barrier of entry is pretty low. I had a degree in urban planning and I got hired by an engineering company. Email local companies around you and you can work for mom and pop title companies. Or you can get apprenticeship at union which I recommend, if your state has a strong one

            • 12 months ago

              Do you like working outside? I would just do IT but can't stand the thought of sitting behind a computer all day every day

  36. 12 months ago

    I'm a researcher. My field pays very well, I have a ton of vacation time and just general flexibility with working hours/days. Not only that, traveling is literally part of my job as there are conferences and project meetings to attend.

    Literally all you have to do to get this lifestyle is commit to a PhD in the hard sciences.

    • 12 months ago

      Based scientist.

      >Literally all you have to do to get this lifestyle is commit to a PhD in the hard sciences.
      Ha, you say that like it's easy. Hundreds of thousands of dollars of tuition if you're a burger... plus all that time you're living off a pittance, always busy, working and studying in stressful conditions.

      • 12 months ago

        PhD programs usually don't charge tuition (good ones, at least)

        • 12 months ago

          Plus once you get a bachelors you can usually teach even if its just ESL and once you get a masters you can teach more advanced college courses which pays a better than just being a lab assistant or whatever. Some companies pay for you to get a bachelors (Starbucks is one) and some tech companies pay for you to get advanced degrees.

    • 11 months ago

      Considering a PhD in my early 30s. Don’t know what I’d do though since my undergraduate was economics and all of my work experience is admin here at the university. Any advice?

      • 11 months ago

        Someone answer this because it’s also my life.

        • 11 months ago

          You’re also considering a PhD in your 30s? What’s your story?

          • 11 months ago

            Someone answer this because it’s also my life.

            Considering a PhD in my early 30s. Don’t know what I’d do though since my undergraduate was economics and all of my work experience is admin here at the university. Any advice?

            Head over to the science career general on SighSee. They have a good sticky that answers most of your questions.

            • 11 months ago

              I checked it out but I’m not considering a STEM degree.

    • 11 months ago

      Cool researcher,
      Can I use you as a personal datamine for a bit? Where do you live, how much do you make and what is your field.
      I'm a bioinformatician myself but mostly limit myself to algo stuff and get scraps in the Netherlands.

      • 11 months ago

        Reskill and remarket yourself as a financial/banking or consumer insights data specialist. Had two former biosciences data workers hired at my (F500 Telecom) firm and both 3x their salary

  37. 12 months ago

    I work seven months a year as an assistant greenskeeper at a small-town golf course in the USA, making $21/hr. $500/month for an on-site apartment that I rent from my employer. Food, laundry, beer and marijuana are my only real expenses - I save scads of money every month. When the winter cold arrives in November, I head out to a warmer climate to pass the winter in lazy leisure, before returning in April. This year my travel budget will be around $2500/month for five months of travel.

    • 12 months ago

      That's based though I think you'll wear out on doing this eventually?

      Where do you go in the winter?

      • 11 months ago

        Springtime is hard work in a harsh mountain climate, but it gets me back in shape after a winter of strolling around cities and indulging in delicious food.
        Uruguay is on my short list due to its European population, legal weed, and beach/summer vibes. Chile would be another great destination, with its spectacular natural beauty and thousands of miles of coastline to explore. Argentina (#3) looks to be the most affordable for food, and there is plenty of country to cover if I feel the urge to go exploring.

    • 11 months ago

      If you had a business that used giant drones to spray pesticides for golf courses, how would you do it? Pic related

  38. 12 months ago

    Shit, I've met kids straight out of top CS programs who have made $240k right out of college... and you're bragging about it? lol, lmao even

  39. 12 months ago

    i make video games, got 3 games on steam and a4th on the way. I can be anywhere to make them, so i just travel and shit

  40. 12 months ago

    Currently I work on tugboats in the Gulf of Mexico on a 28 day on and off schedule. The work is simple and easy, stress free, but yet the pay is still nice. Currently my day rate is $415. They also pay for my travel expenses to and from the ship. The food is free. I don't pay rent. Everything I make goes to traveling on my month off.

    It actually ends up being cheaper for me to travel than to live in the US. If I had an apartment, I would be forced to pay the rent even when I'm out on the water for a month. We all know how expensive rent is in America. I'm looking at $2000 over the course of 2 months at the very least. Whereas in South East Asia a beautiful condo cost me $500 for my month off.

    Eventually when I upgrade my license to a mate, my day rate will be in the $600 range. At that point I'll hang up the tugboats and go work on larger vessels on a per contracts basis. This way I would only need to work a 3 month contract and be done for the year. I don't need more money than that.

    • 12 months ago

      >in South East Asia a beautiful condo cost me $500 for my month off.
      yea but don't the flights from houston kr wherever run that up quite a bit?

      • 11 months ago

        Pay $2,000 to say in Houston vs. pay $2,500 to see the rest of the world. I think his point too is that he would be stuck on a lease in Houston - short-term stays there wouldn’t be “pay $2,000 for one month.” That would be the cost per month of leasing for a year.

    • 11 months ago

      How did you get that job?

      • 11 months ago

        >How did you get that job?
        I attended a year long apprenticeship through my union. If you do a google search, it's called the siu unlicensed apprentice program. It's free to attend, they house and feed you, and take just about anyone because zoomers are not interested in pursuing this career. You come out of it with an upgraded license and a higher seniority level in the union.

        • 11 months ago

          Different guy

          I do kinda the same thing, except I work on fishing boats in Alaska. It's fricking backbreaking work though. I have an AB unlimited, but I'm not a part of SIU. How do I join the union....or do I need to since I already have a license? How old are you btw?

  41. 12 months ago

    I'm a nurse, I work three days a week making 40/hr. During my CPR class I spoke to a traveling hospice nurse that was making close to 2k a week. She also told me that she only works 6 months out of the year and spends the rest of her time traveling. Something I need to look into.

  42. 11 months ago

    substance abuse counselor. 50k a year or so. can't work remote until I get certified in 6/7 months, at which point I'll quit and look for remote work.

    • 11 months ago

      Why do you stop people from having a good time

      • 11 months ago

        the funny thing is, I'm a recovering junkie. only got clean after my gf OD'd and died in bed next to me.
        now I help 45 year old alcoholics whose habits aren't even destructive, their wives just made them go because they called them fat while drunk or something
        occasionally we'll get a meth head or a junkie in there that I can help but aside from that...

  43. 11 months ago

    I just quit

  44. 11 months ago

    I work for google. I have to be oncall which is stressful but I get that time back about 1:1 so I end up with ~10 weeks off and I have money to travel.

  45. 11 months ago

    I quit working (Aldi store manager, was making around £60k, which is pretty damn comfy in Scotland) like 5 years ago after my mum died. She was pretty wealthy and between my own savings and inheriting her wealth/assets as an only child, I have no need to ever work again. Don't miss it even a little bit.

    • 11 months ago

      What do you get up to with all your free time now?


      What do you do for work? What jobs are there that both pay you enough and give you enough flexibility and time off to travel?

      I'm a 26yo software engineer, making just over $56k (the USD equivalent, which is decent for where I live). Work consists mostly of writing SQL, sifting through a massive database looking for stuff, and a writing some Python scripts. This summarizes most of the work I've done during my 5 years of experience.

      I've been lucky enough that work's taken me across North America, and even to Asia for 3 weeks once. I never sought positions that involved travel, it just happens with every job I get.

      I currently get 4 weeks of vacation each year, and because my expenses are relatively low, I am able to take full advantage of that time. I can visit family for a week, and do my own stuff for 3 weeks.

      I'm kinda coasting with my career and life right now because it's quite comfy. I have my own clean and organized apartment; I have a nice computer and the internet; I have a reliable car; lots of hobbies; and a sexy woman that likes me. Idk what else a person needs.

      • 11 months ago

        How can I get a job similar to that, and how long did it take you? Should I take some python courses? Or bootcamp?

        • 11 months ago

          Honestly, I don't know. In a way, I just got lucky landing my current job. My manager liked a specific buzzword on my resume, and I highly suspect that's why I was invited for an interview with my company. My skills weren't given to me with luck though, I worked hard to acquire them.

          >BSc Physics, Minor in CS
          >4 months experience programming in academia
          >1.5 yoe at first job
          >500+ applications,14 interviews, over 8 months of unemployment after 1st job
          >3 portfolio websites hosted and accessible, a dozen more projects on GitHub with video examples of what they do

          All this and I still struggle to get interviews. Good luck!

  46. 11 months ago

    Retired Military, 12 years

    4k a month tax free, plus a shitton of other bennies

    Will never recommend joining to anyone lol

    • 11 months ago

      You collect the best welfare the country has to offer, yet you don't suggest other people do the same? It's a literal gold mine being in the military and faking a 'muh disability' rating

      • 11 months ago

        12 x 365 hellish days of hatred, go nuts

        • 11 months ago

          Marines or Army?

      • 11 months ago

        NTA but i was in for 12 years as well. not "retired" but i do get some gibs (%40 VA rating).

        and its not "fake", the word disability here is a misnomer designed to shame people into not applying for it. the deal you strike with the US government is that you lend your body to them during for a certain amount of time. Should they not return you to civilian life in the exact same condition they received you, they owe. if somebody borrowed your car and put a scratch in it, i'd expect you'd want them to pay for it regardless of whether or not if effects the car's functionality. same thing.

        I had actually had a blast in the military. got to travel the world, learn a trade, chase foreign pussy, drink with bros. never saw combat, never even saw a warzone. it was like an adventure club for boys. yes i was a POG. i have some minor hearing loss from being around loud ass machinery and some joint problems from working extended periods of time, but i figure i woulda got that working in civilian trade scenario anyways and gotten nothing. still in better shape than most dudes my age.

        • 11 months ago

          A lot of people don’t even deploy OCONUS so I don’t know how you figure it’s an adventure club

          • 11 months ago

            could you imagine being the military and having served your whole contract CONUS. holy frick what a nightmare, shoutout to all the sad motherfrickers out there.

          • 11 months ago

            This. Or the Guardsmen who never deploys so never even really learns his most basic skills at his job.

          • 11 months ago

            thats a choice. i knew dudes stationed in japan who could've been living the dream of every weeb here but chose to sit in their barracks room smashing natty lites from the base PX instead. all the while complaining about how shitty japan was. the military is what you make of it.

        • 11 months ago

          I know FINANCE troops with 100% disability ratings because they were fat and hurt their knees doing a fit test, gtfo of here thinking the military aren't padding and lying about every little thing to collect gibs for the rest of their life. Or my new favorite "I was in Iraq for ta wo month 'deployment' on a fighter rotation, give me the burn pit GOLD MINE"

          • 11 months ago

            It's pathetically easy to get rated 100%, hate it. I personally two people I served with that got 100% for PTSD/anxiety/sleep apnea. Total bullshit. One of them had a "panic attack" during a fricking FTX...we were in Texas putting up tents...

            • 11 months ago

              Many such cases, then they'll spend the rest of their lives harping on video in their truck about any sort of civilian welfare they can

          • 11 months ago

            I went in with the mindset of "I will not lie not pad my shit, but I will claim every single little thing, from the littlest thing like stubbing my toe, to the most serious issue I had."

            It paid off for me. I did my research, I did extensive lookups into disability codes, into secondary claims by way of primary, everything.

            I thought to myself "This will be tax free money for the rest of my life that no one can ever take away from me. I will do whatever grueling work I need to do so I made sure I covered everything"

            It's pathetically easy to get rated 100%, hate it. I personally two people I served with that got 100% for PTSD/anxiety/sleep apnea. Total bullshit. One of them had a "panic attack" during a fricking FTX...we were in Texas putting up tents...

            Well, I can tell you that just because something is easy doesn't mean it's achievable. Yes, it's easy once you submit all the proper paperwork, and it's easy because they pay gibs for a lot of dumb shit. What is not easy is doing proper diligence, which almost no one does.

            I know people who are in much worse shape than me from shit that happened in service, yet they are waiting tables and dealing with shitty restaurant managers, while I'm sitting at home saving shit, taking advantage of every single disability gib and civilian gib for disabled vets.

            Many such cases, then they'll spend the rest of their lives harping on video in their truck about any sort of civilian welfare they can

            This me. I have tabs upon tabs and spreadsheets of all the possible welfare gibs I can receive, and how to apply to them all. It's all I've been doing for the past couple of months.

            • 11 months ago

              Nah dude, you're not lying to a civilian. I know the whole VA process because I've been through it myself. If you didn't play up any issues for VA rating brownie points, then good for you. I just know the system is too easy to game, because I've seen it done.

              Also unironically thought about reporting the basic fraud but I have no proof. That's a story for another time (or never) though.

              • 11 months ago

                I've heard the stories too, and I'm sure they're all true. The reason I mention that point when it comes up in conversation is so that people realize that you can actually get insane gibs without making shit up

                I've been in for ten years, am still in, AND am currently deployed to the AOR so stop with your homosexual vet bro shit.

                Black people get 10% disability if shaving irritates there skin. They will literally get a shaving waiver, then not have to shave again, then get out, and then will collect a couple hundred bucks a month. How in the frick is that not "milking the system"?

                Oh, also you never fricking deployed and you were in for twelve years? What sort of pussy fricking excuses did you give your chain of command to get out of deploying?

                >the reality is people are lazy and they don't try
                Or they're lazy and want huge gibs like yourself? Nobody is impressed with your ability to trot into the VA with a stack of records from being seen on base clinics and is actually reading your story and thinking "golly gee, this guy worked hard at getting his disability!"

                At the end of the day though, congrats on being a welfare queen. I won't lie and say I wish I would have been seen for more shit on my deployments, I work one of the more physically demanding jobs there is, but tbh I hurt myself in the gym more than I do in the field. Maybe next time I'll go in and say "my wotator cuff hurts" and see if I can't get a fat stack of ~~*disability*~~

                There's two types of people who enlist and recommend others to do the same. The first are just morons who don't know any better. The second are the sort of foreverboots who stand at attention while waiting in line to get a haircut. You already know you belong to this one, which might be worse than the first one.

                Damn, black people get 10% for shaving. Well, good for them I suppose, I'm sure the extra 160$ a month will go all towards bettering themselves. Really milking the system there I suppose.

                Yes, I didn't deploy in 12 years. Turns out certain rates which require an ASVAB score of over 50 are rates that don't require deployment. You wouldn't know this, but it's true.

                I was a desk jockey with a TS. Never had to give any pussy excuses to get out of a deployment, because there wasn't one to get out of.

                I'm not trying to impress anybody with my uncanny ability to read spreadsheets and write things down, although I get why that must sound impressive to you.

                At one point I was a moron like yourself, but then learned all the shit about claims from other people - and now I mention how I did it to others so they do the same. Whenever I hear about a fricked up vet that is struggling, yet they don't do any work towards submitting claims or getting any gibs - out of ignorance or laziness, I legit get upset and help them get a cut of the pie - because other people getting theirs isn't going to take away from mine.

                Right now you're too stupid to realize it, but when the time comes to get out and start making claims, you're going to be singing a different tune. Come back to the forum and ask for help, if the line is slow at the unemployment office I'll help you fill out your forms. No hard feelings.

                You're welcome for my service.

              • 11 months ago

                Don't take it personal. This board is crawling with frustrated macho men, who feel a need to come here and explain why they're better than you. They don't realize how panicked they sound, and how it's obvious to anyone with a brain that they're really venting their own frustration towards themselves, their own lives.

              • 11 months ago

                Water off my back. I will get 100% gibs until I die. I can go pretty much anywhere in the world and live there without ever having to go to work or worry about healthcare costs, tax free. I won the game and I'm in my mid 30s. No seething anons jelly of my gibs is ever going to rustle my jimmies.

                desk jockey with a TS and you're getting 100% lol, lmao even. Good for you anon, I wish I could get 100% disability for being fat.

                Funnily enough there is a line item for service-connected obesity. Don't worry anon, you might just be able to get something out of being a fatass lol.

              • 11 months ago

                I don't need to explain why I'm better than you, I just know I'm better than you.

              • 11 months ago

                If you say so. While you seethe, I'll be balls deep in a 21 year old Russian college student. Take care little buddy.

              • 11 months ago

                Enjoy those sloppy seconds, homie. You don't have shit on me.

              • 11 months ago

                >who feel a need to come here and explain why they're better than you.

                In reality most of them are not they basically travel off loyalty points so...

              • 11 months ago

                It's quite surprising that lots of people don't know how easy travelling is in 2023, and then we have people feeling they are better off than others because they can travel.

              • 11 months ago

                A friend of mine just went to Colombia for early summer trip with the flight ticket solely paid for with loyalty points from all his credit cards which he was able to do with CryptMi.

              • 11 months ago

                No one is going to buy your shitty app. Also:
                >Going to Colombia in the summer

              • 11 months ago

                Some cities are high enough in the mountains to have a pleasant climate, even in the summer months.

              • 11 months ago

                Colombia has a tropical climate; it does not have summers or winters, only rainy and dry seasons.

              • 11 months ago

                It's quite surprising that lots of people don't know how easy travelling is in 2023, and then we have people feeling they are better off than others because they can travel.

                I have a fidelity card that gets 2% cash back straight into my investment accounts. Are credit cards with flight points really a better deal? Legit question.

              • 11 months ago

                desk jockey with a TS and you're getting 100% lol, lmao even. Good for you anon, I wish I could get 100% disability for being fat.

      • 11 months ago

        I take it you never served then, which is fine, because again I don't recommend it to anyone ever. The military is what you make of it, so people say sometimes - but the reality is there are cases that you get served with a steaming pile of shit and there's nothing you could make with that except just shit.

        If you think you can just be in the military and fake the muh disability, then I suggest you join and find out. You might be that one dude we all hear from that's milking the system, and if you are then I'd be happy for you. For every one of that dude there's 10 thousand that aren't, and get fricked beyond belief. Chances are you'll be one of those.

        There's a reason vets have the highest rates of homelessness and suicide, think about it, if it were that easy, everyone would do it.

        >Retired Military, 12 years
        impossible. You must be disabled or something.

        Yes, at 12 years I got medically separated with a 100% disability rating. Although, if you saw me walking down the street you wouldn't think there's anything wrong with me.

        NTA but i was in for 12 years as well. not "retired" but i do get some gibs (%40 VA rating).

        and its not "fake", the word disability here is a misnomer designed to shame people into not applying for it. the deal you strike with the US government is that you lend your body to them during for a certain amount of time. Should they not return you to civilian life in the exact same condition they received you, they owe. if somebody borrowed your car and put a scratch in it, i'd expect you'd want them to pay for it regardless of whether or not if effects the car's functionality. same thing.

        I had actually had a blast in the military. got to travel the world, learn a trade, chase foreign pussy, drink with bros. never saw combat, never even saw a warzone. it was like an adventure club for boys. yes i was a POG. i have some minor hearing loss from being around loud ass machinery and some joint problems from working extended periods of time, but i figure i woulda got that working in civilian trade scenario anyways and gotten nothing. still in better shape than most dudes my age.

        You're right on the money. I used to be one of those that thought "Disability isn't for me - I have both legs still". I thought you'd have to be Captain Dan looking mf to get disability, especially something like a 100% gib I got. Turns out, that's not the case.

        I went through all my records of all my visits in 12 years, from the smallest thing to the most serious ones. Literally weeks, probably months of work. I submitted for everything and anything I was seen, some things got me a %, some didn't.

        At the end of the day, everything added up, including the VA math, chalked up to be 100%.

        The reality is people are lazy and they don't try. If they did, they'd be surprised with the amount of gibs they get. Chances are you could be doing much better than 40%, yet you sit here content with what you got.

        A lot of people don’t even deploy OCONUS so I don’t know how you figure it’s an adventure club

        could you imagine being the military and having served your whole contract CONUS. holy frick what a nightmare, shoutout to all the sad motherfrickers out there.

        I never deployed.

        • 11 months ago

          I've been in for ten years, am still in, AND am currently deployed to the AOR so stop with your homosexual vet bro shit.

          Black people get 10% disability if shaving irritates there skin. They will literally get a shaving waiver, then not have to shave again, then get out, and then will collect a couple hundred bucks a month. How in the frick is that not "milking the system"?

          Oh, also you never fricking deployed and you were in for twelve years? What sort of pussy fricking excuses did you give your chain of command to get out of deploying?

          >the reality is people are lazy and they don't try
          Or they're lazy and want huge gibs like yourself? Nobody is impressed with your ability to trot into the VA with a stack of records from being seen on base clinics and is actually reading your story and thinking "golly gee, this guy worked hard at getting his disability!"

          At the end of the day though, congrats on being a welfare queen. I won't lie and say I wish I would have been seen for more shit on my deployments, I work one of the more physically demanding jobs there is, but tbh I hurt myself in the gym more than I do in the field. Maybe next time I'll go in and say "my wotator cuff hurts" and see if I can't get a fat stack of ~~*disability*~~

          • 11 months ago

            Most people don’t deploy dude, especially POGs. Plenty of guys just sit on some base in the Midwest flying a desk or spinning a wrench.

    • 11 months ago

      >Retired Military, 12 years
      impossible. You must be disabled or something.

  47. 11 months ago

    law clerk. workaholic so i don't travel but i live vicariously through you all

  48. 11 months ago

    i am an entry level GIS analyst and make $60k. it's definitely a lot more than my shit job before but it's still not enough to travel.

  49. 11 months ago

    Why are you guys memeing that you need to be a millionaire to travel?
    I earn just 40k and I'm going to Japan for a month this summer. Sure, it's expensive, but not impossibly so.

    • 11 months ago

      If you know your way around, travelling doesn't always have to cost a fortune.

      • 11 months ago

        How do you lots hack travelling without spending much? Flight tickets alone cost a fortune.

        • 11 months ago

          Haven't heard of Miles? I literally catered for the flight ticket on my last vacation from Miles i accumulated from using several of my credit cards. I was able to put them together with CryptMi.

        • 11 months ago

          Learn to churn points

  50. 11 months ago

    wagies giga cope because they have only a meager two weeks to travel while the remote work aristocracy dabs on them by going wherever the frick we want.

    • 11 months ago

      I work remote and have 2.5 months paid vacation. Travel has lost its luster.

  51. 11 months ago

    I am a cop in a first world country. The city I police is high crime rates. The police force itself is notoriously shit and has massive problems with recruitment. The work is pretty stressful and unpleasant much of the time.

    Luckily for a SighSeeller like me, this is nearly the perfect job:

    >No qualifications needed to join, which is helpful because I am a lazy moron
    >Staff shortages means there is always paid overtime available. I could work seven days a week if I chose to
    >I can take the overtime as pay or as extra leave
    >They compensate for the general problems by giving us a generous annual leave allowance

    IE: I can work as much as required to to fund the holidays and generate the time-off. We don't solve any crimes and I have to see a lot of dead bodies and insane naked people, but it suits me.

    • 11 months ago

      Ever consider working as a security contractor overseas? There's the static armed guard stuff most people think of but also cooler (and better paying shit too). Like I saw a position as a supervisor in the Philippines recently, and stuff in Thailand.

    • 11 months ago

      How much holiday time do you get per year?

  52. 11 months ago

    CEO/ Chairman of being unemployed NEET

  53. 11 months ago

    I'm on government benefits, I get 1200 per month which is enough to be a wandering hobo.

  54. 11 months ago

    code monkey from the third world, save 3k a month because cost of living is nil

  55. 11 months ago

    Medical technician.
    work for some people in Toronto that I've never actually seen before.
    All of my coworkers are foreigners that don't even have their visas yet, I'm the only white guy.
    I take time off when I want it, the training is incredibly time consuming and the company is hemorrhaging employees due to the shitty working conditions so I have no worries of being fired and most of my coworkers are strapped for cash and will gladly take up any shifts they can take.
    I took a month off around Christmas just because I was the only one who celebrated the holiday and everything went on like normal.

  56. 11 months ago

    Got a job offer in South Sudan.

    QRD on the coomin?

  57. 11 months ago

    I'm a remote engineer. I van life and am basically traveling 24/7

    • 11 months ago

      What do you do for internet connectivity? Starlink or some kind of mobile hotspot?

      • 11 months ago

        Both. Only use Starlink when I'm out far away from cities/civilization, otherwise when I can I just use Verizons mobile hotspot

        • 11 months ago

          Nice dude

  58. 11 months ago

    I have a bachelor's in physics. What do I do now?

  59. 11 months ago

    work at sea. its often like 3-5 weeks on and equal weeks off. oil platform workers have 2 weeks on and 4 weeks off in my country. its not uncommon for people working jobs like this to live in places like thailand only coming home to work. but wage can vary from countries, in my country people working at sea generally make more than on land without high eductation in a valuable field but from what i can tell in most countries they make shit and stay on sea most of the year.
    should look up the opportunity in your country.

  60. 11 months ago

    I’m a teacher who earns 60k. Every summer I get paid 2 months of holiday which let’s me travel where I want. Life is good

  61. 11 months ago

    I spent my 20s and most of my 30s in a white collar job earning low 6 figures. I made maybe 3 bad decisions in a short period of time, each of them compounding the others. I lost everything I owned and put my family in danger. With my last bit of money, I flew to Asia and started teaching. After doing it under the table for a few months, I took a teaching job in Korea and slaved away while saving money. Two years later, I moved to a different country. Over the last 10+ years, I've lived and worked as a teacher around the world but mostly Asia. I've bought two houses in North America that I rent out and earn a small profit from, but they are primarily my retirement plan. I still teach but mostly just for the visas and I do some other work on the side. I've got kids now that I support and a couple of amazing women. Overall I'm quite happy with life, much more than in my previous life.

    • 11 months ago

      Damn cool story, what the hell were the bad choices that led to the initial downfall?

    • 11 months ago

      Did you get divorced?

  62. 11 months ago

    I turn bong water from clear to brown

    • 11 months ago


  63. 11 months ago

    Question for devs working for consultant companies - you ever got role to relocate and what was your position when you got it?
    I would like to move from my shithole, totally change my life until there is still left in me, and i currently work in consultant companies that makes relocation if needed. I can move that way to Vietnam for example for cooming and cheap life.
    But i guess relocation offers are mostly for senior devs right? Do you need to have some rare skillset so company will help you relocate for projects? I am only mid dev at the moment, can you rellocate as mid dev too?
    Pic unrelated

  64. 11 months ago

    I have a job that allows me to travel and work, but the former is marred by the latter. I don't like going to a destination with the intent on enjoying myself only to spend half the day making calls or in stand-up meetings where the CEO fellates himself while we all play Tetris in the background

    • 11 months ago

      >I don't like going to a destination with the intent on enjoying myself only to spend half the day making calls or in stand-up meetings where the CEO fellates himself while we all play Tetris in the background
      I know what you mean. My company has weekly all-hands meetings where each team jerks itself off every Friday at 5. I tried playing hooky when I was in Europe but they called me out on it. I seriously have better things to do than to hear how our products are doing or to congratulate Jan from accounting on her ugly baby.

      I hate having to give up my Friday nights for the dog and pony show. Sadly, the company was founded by alumni of a certain company known for its toxic work culture and slavish devotion to the corporate kool aid. They're the kind of people who post on LinkedIn about having monthly check-ins with their manager to see how they're doing. I really need a new job, sadly fully remote gigs are hard to come by these days thanks to the tech layoffs. Everyone and their mother wants the SighSee lifestyle these days.

    • 11 months ago

      >I don't like going to a destination with the intent on enjoying myself only to spend half the day making calls or in stand-up meetings where the CEO fellates himself while we all play Tetris in the background
      I know what you mean. My company has weekly all-hands meetings where each team jerks itself off every Friday at 5. I tried playing hooky when I was in Europe but they called me out on it. I seriously have better things to do than to hear how our products are doing or to congratulate Jan from accounting on her ugly baby.

      I hate having to give up my Friday nights for the dog and pony show. Sadly, the company was founded by alumni of a certain company known for its toxic work culture and slavish devotion to the corporate kool aid. They're the kind of people who post on LinkedIn about having monthly check-ins with their manager to see how they're doing. I really need a new job, sadly fully remote gigs are hard to come by these days thanks to the tech layoffs. Everyone and their mother wants the SighSee lifestyle these days.

      i think a lot of people truly hate their jobs. i find my work interesting (IT) so i really dont mind working a few hours in the morning, going out for a bit, send an email here and there. call me weak, but work does give me the discipline to pursue my other hobbies like music, fitness ect. i knew a retired marine once and he told me that the less time you have to do something, the more efficient you are at it. in short, ive never been against work. i just hate being chained to a desk ALL day every day.

      • 11 months ago

        We live in green pastures, fertilized by our innately positive minds. We are the lucky ones.

  65. 11 months ago

    No actually not a monthly check-in, a WEEKLY check-in. I actually saw a post like this on LinkedIn from one of my colleagues.

    A monthly check-in is reasonable, even a good idea, to make sure you're meeting expectations. But once a week? And bragging about it on LinkedIn too, with you and your manager jerking each other off for all to see? That rubs me the wrong way. No wonder this company has such a high turnover.

    • 11 months ago

      I have a check in twice a week with my manager. It's one of the reasons I'm looking for another role.

  66. 11 months ago

    $250k/year remote software engineer
    top 10 university bachelors in CS
    Also made $800k in crypto last bull run
    yes I left the West and love asian pussy

    • 11 months ago

      Big if true

  67. 11 months ago

    Buyer making 50k, not remote. I get 120 hours a year. Annually, I usually take a few days here and there, then 2 weeks at once to coom in SEA. It's not optimal, but it keeps me sane.

  68. 11 months ago

    i'm too moronic to do computershit. ive always liked to write. is it really difficult to become an author?

  69. 11 months ago

    Teach English. Flexibility on where and when you work and lots of vacation days. Can have a really good career if you get qualified as well.

  70. 11 months ago

    Public servant

    • 11 months ago

      Are SighSee jannies considered public servants?

      Hey jannies, clean up this thread

  71. 11 months ago

    I work for the airlines, its free travel, i just booked a major trip for next january for japan ( its my birthday) it has its perks, pay raise on a yearly basis.

  72. 11 months ago

    Got lucky with crypto but I don't travel much because I hate travelling alone and I lost all my friends and don't know how to make new ones. Sucks that the people who really love it are strapped for cash and losers like me have money but can't even make use of it.

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