What's the best and worst Arab or Muslim countries you have visited.

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  1. 9 months ago

    Been around the MENA region
    Best: its between Egypt and Iraq
    Good: Jordan,
    Neutral: Bahrain, UAE, Qatar
    Worst: Saudi, Djibouti

    • 9 months ago

      How about Oman? Bahrain?

      • 9 months ago

        Never been to Oman. Not sure.
        Bahrain was nice. Super super hot qhen i was there. You feel the heat overwhelm you and naturally look for a shady place to stand and then realise youre already standing in the shade.

        What was good there? only heard negative experiences
        Isnt it super liberal these days?

        Yeah. I suppose it depends. I was involved in an outreach. The people are lovely and the food is amazing. The culture felt abit "overfamiliar". As in they will openly approach you with scams and my white friends were always filmed. And not discretely. They would have phonecams shoved into their faces. But outside the tourist traps i found some lovely communities.

        Foe saudi i thought theyd be liberal because of F1. We even visited Jeddah. Unfortunately any negative steteotype i have about Muslims in general were confirmed in Saudi. How they treat foreigners and women. I think Saudi made me racist.

    • 9 months ago

      What was good there? only heard negative experiences
      Isnt it super liberal these days?

      • 9 months ago

        >Isnt it super liberal these days
        It's more liberal than it was but it's still shit.

    • 8 months ago

      what made iraq so good?

    • 8 months ago

      Everyone and I mean everyone I know who has been to Egypt says nothing but terrible things about it. It's essentially the Paris of the middle East. One digital nomad I know cut his trip short (was suppose to stay for a couple months) because of how terrible it is.

  2. 9 months ago

    best israel, worst Egypt

    • 9 months ago

      dont kid yourself. israel is basically the same as any arab country. ask them yourself, they will tell you they are culturally more similar to arabs than to the slavic countries that they came from.

      israel is the child organ trafficking capital of the world. google it.

      • 9 months ago

        none of what you just said changes which trip he preferred

  3. 9 months ago

    They’re all horrible.

    Why you’d actively spend time and money to go to a place infested with the Muzzdog disease is beyond me

    • 9 months ago

      Don't worry anon, the muzzdogs will come to your country so you don't have to travel to enjoy the Yemen experience

  4. 9 months ago

    Probably Syria pre war, it was a mix of dirrent cultures, but most were islam and very easy/nice to be around. No shitty behaviour and ripping of turist on every step.
    Egypt by far, tunesia 2nd probably. Obnoxious people that use force to get you into their shop when ypu going around the suk, the prices are ridiculus, all the present corruption, its mad.
    Egypt monumentwise, syria close 2nd, jordan is also nice
    Marocco, beside a few kasbahs and moors leftovers theres nothing particular intresting there, desert is as badly thrased as in other muslim sub saharans countries.

    • 9 months ago

      > badly thrased as in other muslim sub saharans countries.

    • 9 months ago

      I loved pre-war Syria. I was 8 the last time I went there and my mom would send me on all sorts of errands alone without any worry of anything happening to me. You could also freely waltz into historical sites like roman theaters. It was a delight visiting overall.
      Obviously that was too convenient so da joos had to prove the world again why they were kicked out everywhere.

      • 9 months ago

        I was there like 6months before the war have started, i didnt and wont understand hate for assad, he wasnt perfect but he was a fricking dentist. He continued to try and manage country with 3 major religions and countless other minorities and did a good job with it. West paints him as a devil but syria was most cultured and tolerant arab country that ive been to.
        West want to destabilze countries that surrund israel, witness whats happening with lebanon. Im fricking mad that those countries get torn apart by civil unrest because of the west countries foregin politics.

        Bluepill me on Nepal and Ethiopia

        Nepal is 3rd world country with the nicest population ever. You got temples and palaces that are world heritage tier and nature that will blow you away (jungle, hills, valleys and mountains). Its not turisty when you dont pick most popular spots so you can feel like explorer. It can be still dangerous at some places (wildcats, thugs, scammers) but anyone with a right mind should work around that + hey its indiana jones expirience. Also there is minimal colonial infrastructure, no trains, roads are bad, you need 4x4 and good shoes to get to many smaller villages. And again, most people are really fricking nice, they dont have much but they happily share it with you (dont quote me on that when youre in near vicinity of most popular apots tho).
        Its tought, but people will be welcoming anyway. You got also world heritage montuments, but place feels even wilder at times than nepal (ammenities, accomodations is just worse and food will give you wilder gut bacteria). It can be dangerous, there are frequent unrests, but again, indiana jones expirience is what were talking about. Contrary to nepal theres some leftover infrastructure, but its state is very bad, it gives this country a special feel tho.
        Egypt in comparison is beaten, turist are exploited on every step, I imagine if indiana jones went there he would simply do a 180 and go back to fricking doc shneider in venice.

        • 8 months ago

          >I was there like 6months before the war have started, i didnt and wont understand hate for assad, he wasnt perfect but he was a fricking dentist. He continued to try and manage country with 3 major religions and countless other minorities and did a good job with it. West paints him as a devil but syria was most cultured and tolerant arab country that ive been to.
          Water is wet, they want to get rid of him because he doesn't kowtow to GAE and Zion agenda, simple as. couldn't mossad the assad though, glad he has stayed in power and is now kurrying favor with Russia and China.

  5. 9 months ago

    Iran, safest country in the middle east, great people / food / history
    Saudin Arabia, it's a fricking desert and the food is like chicken and rice with a bit of extra rice

  6. 9 months ago

    Egypt is a huge trv filter. Can be one of the best locations in the world if you're not a huge gay.
    > true Indiana Jones style feeling
    > cheap as frick
    > s-tier history
    > actually ezpz to get laid if you have a local connect / hit up expat circles
    > can basically do whatever the frick you like
    > dedicated police force who actually protect tourists (military owns tourism)
    > pharmacies are goldmines

    Just need to learn a little Arabic, cancel out the noise and step outside the resort.

    • 9 months ago

      why would someone want to hit some used up cavernous, bushy as a camel's chin, puss though?

    • 9 months ago

      Egypt have changed to shit, police wants to exort you for cash, if you dont pay them/dont have money for multiple bribes you must go around just so you can pass those military/polive lookouts. There are special laws to confiscate camera/drone equipment, you have to pay premium to get them back. Every turist have X mark, egyptians think very bad of turists (like atritude beside young and educated people is: you need to be shaven off money if you go here). The amount of scams both in buisness and just traveling is out of the roof.
      Egypt was unique and good expirience in 2000s, nile 5 day boat ride was amazing, but since then its only got worse.
      If you compare suks, theres no worse place to buy stuff when it comes to sellers attitude, it dosent have to do that everything is 5x the normal price and you have to waste 20 minutes to have normal bargin. They force onto you, for guys its not a problrm but the amount of pooskins grabbing female turist and trying to force them to go to their shops is astonishing. Museum workers try to get your money too, they try to scam you every chance their get.
      The resorts were and always will be -1,5star than what they should be, all in all, they are offering shit services because they know that people will still come for the history/monuments.
      For real indiana jones tm expirience i recommend nepal or etiopia.

      • 9 months ago

        Bluepill me on Nepal and Ethiopia

    • 9 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      >hit up expat circles
      why the frick would i travel to another country to frick other americans? give me the cleopatra puss

    • 8 months ago

      t. Egyptian cop who wants more westerners to extort for cash

  7. 9 months ago

    The only Arab countries I’ve visited have been UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Sudan (and whether or not Sudanese are legitimate Arabs is the subject of some quiet debate, but they speak Arabic and identify as such). Of these, Sudan was the best, in that it was the most interesting, although it is also (perhaps obviously) the most chaotic and dangerous of the three. Dubai and Abu Dhabi are at best mediocre in my experience, and KSA just sucks—arrogant, unfriendly, in bad taste. And ideologically I don’t respect contemporary Wahhabism, nor absolute monarchy for that matter.

    Non-Arab Muslim countries I’ve spent time in include Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey, and Pakistan. Pakistan might have been my favorite if they weren’t so batshit about blasphemy—I was working on a scholarship program sending women to university, and the sponsor wanted to give his girls copies of his autobiography. But because there’s a passing reference in the book to his abandoning Hinduism and becoming an atheist, a minister said it was blasphemous. We eventually had to kill the whole program, cheating a bunch of women out of money for college. I love Turkey apart from the politics; although I’m not a Kurdistan nationalist, I think Turkey’s treatment of its Kurdish minority (and of Kurds in Syria) is indefensible. I love Malaysia, but only for the food and the nature on Borneo. And I like Indonesia but find Jakarta a shithole.

    • 9 months ago

      if you love the kurds then bomb the capital and force them to stop being a bunch of psychopathic genocidal maniacs. there's no neutral position when it comes to this issue.

      they cannot be 'good people' and committing genocide enthusiastically at the same time. stop being a homosexual

    • 8 months ago

      >I love Turkey apart from the politics; although I’m not a Kurdistan nationalist, I think Turkey’s treatment of its Kurdish minority (and of Kurds in Syria) is indefensible.
      Turks are savage subhuman brutes masquerading as muh secular c**t. On reddit they act all innocent but on the deep bowls of the internet they show their true colors

  8. 9 months ago

    Indonesia is a hellhole

  9. 9 months ago

    Best, Israel.
    Worst, Somalia

  10. 9 months ago

    best was iran, people generally were very kind and awesome. I was looking for a restaurant, I finally found a guy who spoke english he invited me to his home and they made me a lunch to a total stranger lol, also they didnt accept any money

    worst is egypt, I went fricking twice and I always had diarrhea even with the fact that I was really cautious what to eat . Frick that coutnry

  11. 9 months ago

    Best Iran (people, safety, history, thrill) and Turkey (food, nature, history) worst Kuwait. UAE also soulless.

    • 9 months ago

      Frick Kuwait

  12. 9 months ago

    Every Muslim shithole is awful. Dubai can be fun but only because it has people from everywhere (who aren't muzzie trash).

    I want another war in the middle east so I can put bullets through dunecoons.

  13. 9 months ago

    Best Lebanon
    Worst Saudi

  14. 9 months ago

    Oman or Morocco are my top. Oman because it's a first-world country but still has a lot of soul and natural beauty. Renting a car there was probably my best vacation ever. Morocco is great because it has so much natural beauty, and you can get into the Berber populated regions and away from the fricking Arabs.

    • 9 months ago

      Why would you go to an arab country if you hate arabs though. Just go somewhere else.

  15. 9 months ago

    best and the worst: Pakistan

    • 8 months ago

      what was the best and worst about it?

      • 8 months ago

        Best: Gilgit and Hunza Valley. Mind numbingly beautiful landscapes valleys mountains lakes. Rivals the likes of Argentina/New Zealand/Iceland/Switzerland/Norway/American Midwest. In fact its so gorgeous that its becoming increasingly common for Nordic hikers to explore it. If a Nord leaves their own beautiful lands to come experience yours, you know you've got something undeniably special. Its so beautiful India's been fighting to take it back along with Kashmir.

        Worst: The rest of the country lmao

        Honorable mention: Guns are very easy and cheap to come by

  16. 8 months ago

    I have a degree in Arabic and have travelled around the Middle East quite a bit. That said, I'm far removed from the present-day realities of most of these countries as I've settled down in the USA.

    Pre-war Syria. The Syrians I met were just awesome, salt-of-the-earth kind of people. Everywhere was super safe. No one tried to scam/gouge me. Plenty to see/do, especially if you're into history (I was). Damascus was so safe and well-regarded in my time as a student, that it was one of the two cities (the other being Cairo) we could go to for our year abroad. I would drink Almaza openly with Syrian Muslims, Christians, and Druze in the Old Town and walk back to my apartment under the covered, central souq.
    Iran, Turkey, Jordan
    Libya, Saudi Arabia. I visited Libya during the Gaddafi era and it was great. The people were proud. Benghazi, Misrata, and Tripoli were so clean you'd never know you were in Africa. The only problem was there was absolutely nothing to do besides lounge at the beach. I visited KSA before they issued tourist visas thanks to some special research/academic visa they gave me. Jeddah was nice, Riyadh was crap, and I didn't have time to see anything else.
    Lebanon, UAE, Bahrain

    I want to visit Oman, Yemen, and Iraq some day. Do not care about North Africa or Qatar. Of the places I have already visited, I would return to Syria and Iran in a heartbeat.

    • 8 months ago

      Why are Egypt and Lebannon bad? I thought Lebannon would be ok. Y did you ever go to Algeria or Tunisia?

      • 8 months ago

        Lebanon isnt like egypt. Few others anons and myself wrote how bad things are in egypt. While you still can meet nice young people the scam level that everyone that almost every citizen practition have no comparison. I dont know who might enjoy egypt atm beside some fat bastards that only go there and stay at medicore resorts without seting a foot outside.
        Lebanon is a failed state with nice people that dont scam you in 99% of the cases. They gov and elites fricked up, their neighbours (isreal and syria) used their power to frick them up even more. They tried to (and still do) become tolerant but muslims and christians had a turf war. Everyone hates israel to the point of not naming them when they talk about them.
        People dont have jobs, money (banks disagree to exchange/give people their stored money in any other currency than lebanese lira (which is worth nothing). Elites play with the lira price to get more money while 99% of the country is close tp starving/poverty life.
        For me lebanon was syria before war tier, but like syria it nosedive (like syria) with quality of life, safty and overal standard of living.
        Still its wprth the visit and overall better (when it comes to people) than egypt.

        • 8 months ago

          I'm just worried about power outages. I can't stay in a country that doesn't have reliable power nor internet due to my nomad job. I'm currently talking with a very cute girl from egypt that I would like to coom in. We talk quite a lot but I'm worried about going to the country and everyone hating me. I also dont know what the dating culture is like. If people see me and her together they might make nasty comments about her.

  17. 8 months ago

    Best to worst:
    >Filthy shithole Egypt

    • 8 months ago

      Oh, I forgot Tunisia. Come just before Filthy shithole Egypt

      • 8 months ago

        Best to worst:
        >Filthy shithole Egypt

        Why is Egypt so bad?

        • 8 months ago

          >Why is Egypt so bad?
          Everyone aggressively overcharging and trying to scam you from laundry to convenience stores, it doesn't matter where you'll go they'll try to 3 or 5 x the price.
          Story time example:
          >be me
          >In Cairo
          >Looking for a laundry place that won't scam me
          >go down back streets. See frail old man in old traditional laundry house
          >ask the price. Confirm 3 times it's per kilo, do not need to iron
          >use Google translate and the audio
          >confirm this price is the final total, yes?
          >come back mfw I see 10 x the price
          >refuse to pay the sneaky old crypto israelite
          >absolutely now way. Theiving c**t
          >softly spoken, fluent English Egyptian passerby asks how he can help
          >He rxplains he has lived in Glasgow his whole life and empathise with me. There are indeed many scammers
          >I explain the situation
          >He talks to old man
          >English speaking passerby insists this is quite the normal price. He pays thus too
          >can't believe that anyone actually pays this price
          >eventually relent. Pay old man
          >softly spoken Egyptian walks with me 10 minutes telling me about how much more honest people are in the UK
          >find out later I paid ten times the Egyptian price
          Burn it to the fricking ground
          You cannot make any connections. They are all rats around a fresh roasted chicken

  18. 8 months ago

    If you're rich, nothing beats the Maldives

  19. 8 months ago

    Bros, I went to Afghanistan and all I got was this lousy unmarked grave.

    • 8 months ago

      He's dead isn't he. It's been almost a year.

      • 8 months ago

        His twitter is active again but it's apparently being run by someone else and they won't post proof of life. The best they can do is post other accounts claiming they've seen proof of life.

        • 8 months ago

          nice to see he was able to cash in on that controversial Converse/Taliban tie-up
          what a load of bollocks

          • 8 months ago

            Miles' business acumen is admired all over the world.

            • 8 months ago

              he's just been hiding in his bedroom the whole time hasn't he

              • 8 months ago

                The guy running his twitter is having a meltdown because Miles' patreon got banned. He claims you had to subscribe to the patreon to get proof of life.

  20. 8 months ago

    Only Arab country I've been to is Tunisia. It's shit.

  21. 8 months ago

    I just want an Arab girl with green eyes, literal goddesses

    • 8 months ago

      they have too many simps
      unless you can give her a $100k mahr and the instagram luxury lifestyle she wont frick you

  22. 8 months ago

    Sweden is the best onepuag

  23. 8 months ago

    Pick one

    • 8 months ago

      Morocco, then Morocco again, then finally Morocco

  24. 8 months ago

    Syria no questions asked. The people, culture, history, different ethnicities respecting each other and living peacefuly. Shame what the joos, neocons, and GAE did to that country

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