What's the most 24 hour city you've been in?

I've walked the streets of Japan at 4am, eaten street food with the market stall people at 5am, wandered in downtown London at 4am.

I am a night person and have always been a night person and I am wondering what is the most alive city you've been at night.

Many people will think of New York but I found that a bit disappointing at night time compared to Asia.

Most cities and places do seem to shutdown, I feel like 4am is where the night life mostly ends, but it's too early for the CEO joggers in the morning and people heading to work early.

Basically of the places I've been only Hong Kong felt Alive at about 3am, nowhere else has been as vibrant, but Japan and Asia is well infront of the West as a whole. The worst cities at night time are my own Australian one's.

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  1. 10 months ago

    how old are you?

  2. 10 months ago

    Chongqing 100%.

    • 10 months ago

      First interesting answer, why? Better than Shanghai and Hong Kong?

      • 10 months ago

        The problem with CQ is that practically no one speaks English and the firewall so it's going to be incredibly frustrating for normies. I unironically reccomend taking a tour there.

    • 10 months ago

      Anywhere aside from china, please.

  3. 10 months ago

    Try going to Niger, I have no doubt you'll see some vibrancy.

  4. 10 months ago

    Europe is pretty poor at this. The only cities that seem somewhat alive at night are the largest like London, but it's mostly drunk people and druggies.

    • 10 months ago

      Barcelona is alive all night.

      • 10 months ago

        Second BCN.

        The only true 24 hour city I've been in is Hong Kong.
        Amsterdam and New York City come close.
        It was surprising how dead London and Boston could get at night.

        >It was surprising how dead London and Boston could get at night.

        London is infamously terrible at night. It’s strange because people have this weird idea that it’s this huge global megacity constantly bustling at all times, when in reality it really isn’t. In many parts of very central London, even getting a bottle of water is difficult after like 1 am.

      • 10 months ago

        I visited and I recall that the were no bars open after a certain time in the night (2AM?). You had to either buy cans of beer off Pajeets in the street or wait in line to enter one of the two open clubs, which required paying an entrance fee.

  5. 10 months ago

    Las Vegas

    • 10 months ago

      That's true. I live here and the only redeeming quality of this hellhole is many, many places are open 24 hours.

      • 10 months ago

        Are you sure you live there? Many places aren't 24 hours anymore since COVID.

  6. 10 months ago

    it sounds like you andwered your own question op go back to chiner. although its dubious where you have actually been in nyc which is way more open back up and hopping lately.

  7. 10 months ago

    I was really disappointed that New York in fact, did sleep.

    • 10 months ago

      This, I expected non-stop action but it kinda died by 11pm

  8. 10 months ago

    ho chi minh city

    • 10 months ago

      The music is still going in District 1 at 4am, but their ain't many people left...It is good though

    • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        Also, Taksim Square in Istanbul

  9. 10 months ago

    Are you willing to consider cities that aren't in your safe bubble or do you have a sense of adventure

    • 10 months ago

      Not OP but id like some more wild cities. I'm bored by first world shit and want cheap prices to make my money last as long as possible. Was considering India in January

      • 10 months ago

        Lagos, nigeria

        • 10 months ago

          >Black personIA
          no, thank you

          • 10 months ago

            I wasn't joking, nigeria is great

            • 10 months ago

              ill look into it. you've gone?

            • 10 months ago

              Instead of trying to cram a highway onto the waterfront, Lagos built their "Third Mainland Bridge" a few hundred yards out in the bay... pretty fricking epic, haven't seen that in any other city.
              How is Nigeria for a solo white dude? Will people assume you are with the oil companies and therefore loaded with money? Overly blatant hustling always ruins the vibe, and Nigerians are known for being hustlers.

              • 10 months ago

                >doesn't know about Marina or the ring road around the Island

  10. 10 months ago

    Easy mode: convenience stores are still open past 2:00 AM
    Medium mode: bars are open past 2:00 AM
    Hard mode: fast food & casual dining are still open past 2:00 AM
    Extra Hard mode: higher-quality restaurants are still open past 2:00 AM
    DANTE MUST DIE mode: public transportation is operational past 2:00 AM

    • 10 months ago

      Bangkok is all of these I think. I got totally fricked in Tokyo because I was at a club and didnt realize the trains stop running at 1 AM or something and walked for 4 hours and it started pouring rain in the middle of nowhere. I dont know why I didnt just get an uber, probably too cheap.

      • 10 months ago

        >Bangkok is all of these I think
        after 3am nothing is going on except in a few night clubs

      • 10 months ago

        > I dont know why I didnt just get an uber, probably too cheap.
        Are you LARPing, moron? Who the frick in Tokyo, in a nightlife district no less, gets an Uber when there are shitloads of taxis everywhere and no one uses Uber, save UberEats?

        • 10 months ago

          I was honestly wondering that as I was typing this. It was right before COVID. I think I was just too cheap and figured it'd cost a lot through the city. In retrospect, I should've just paid because it fricked my leg up for the next week.

        • 10 months ago

          Come on, many people have a natural distrust of taxi drivers, so trying to avoid using a taxi while drunk is second nature to them.

    • 9 months ago

      >DANTE MUST DIE mode: public transportation is operational past 2:00 AM
      Here 24/7 with full operation on weekends (10 Minutes tact). Nightbus System on weekdays is from 0:30 am til ca. 5am each 30 Minutes. Gas stations offer food and drinks around the clock but after 2am most bars are closed. Many attractions in summer but November til March it's cold and depressing. Hamburg/Germany.

  11. 10 months ago

    most asian megacities tick most of the boxes. kuala lumpur for example. you can always find a corner mamak down some side street that even at 4am has a load of crappy little motorbikes parked outside and a bunch of people eating fried rice or whatever

  12. 10 months ago

    I crawled out of the London Underground at like 9am once and took the tube around still high on random pills while people were going to work staring at me like the American goblin I was.

    Lived in Chicago whole life 5 AM bars

    NYC/ Vegas

    • 10 months ago

      I've partied all night in Seoul and took the morning train home and there were only old people going to hike.

  13. 10 months ago

    Buenos Aires

    Not sure if they're actually 24 hour, but you'll see families walking around and going to dinner past midnight

    • 10 months ago

      >Buenos Aires
      A beautiful place but by midnight things are shutting down.

  14. 10 months ago

    Dubai. Normal people just up and about doing normal things, out with their kids at 2am.
    I assume it is like this because it is so hot during the day that going outside is a literal death sentence. Lots of people adjust their schedules to get up in the mid afternoon and then go to bed at like 8am just when its getting hot again. IIRC their subway system runs 24/7 also, as it should. It lets all the african hookers get around for cheap (bless them).

    • 10 months ago

      Is there anything to do in Dubai that isn't aids? I remember changing my location on tinder to Dubai and Saudi and its only African hookers lol

  15. 10 months ago

    >be me
    >live in nj
    > go out to nyc from time to time
    >everybody is a fricking pretentious butthole
    >girls are all either amerifats or trustfund arthoes who are chad only
    >all the bars have 20$ drinks, and waiters that call you out if you dont tip them for pouring you a drink that takes 30 seconds to make
    >blacks everywhere
    >dirty af
    >all the dudes are 6' + and are all the same npc milquetoast trustfund sons or nyu prep douchebags
    Never going out here again. I want to cope and say other places may be better but honestly social media has probably spread this disease everywhere. rope is the only option

    • 9 months ago

      >be me
      >nyc born and raised
      >smash pussy way out of my league on the regular
      i don't know bro you're either autistic as shit or talking to weird BPD prostitutes

  16. 10 months ago

    Turks, East Asians and Latins like to stay up

    That’s about it

  17. 10 months ago

    I think New York fits the bill for me; it’s almost the only city in the US where you can be out at any time of night and be around many other people who are also up and around. I don’t appreciate it the way I did when I was living there as a young man—I go to bed. But back when I didn’t I was never alone. It’s not true everywhere in the city; plenty of parts of Brooklyn and most of Queens are closed in the wee hours; I assume the same is true of the other outer boroughs, but I’ve never been to the Bronx or Staten Island after about dinnertime. But Manhattan still doesn’t sleep the way most cities do.

    The only other city in America that is as busy or busier 24 hours a day is Las Vegas, but all-night Las Vegas is less a city than a surrealist theme park IMO. There are nightlife areas and after-hours clubs elsewhere, of course (Chicago is particularly good for this in my brief experience), but there’s always a lot of darkness surrounding these small lively late pockets, with few ordinary people out doing ordinary things.

    I agree with posters above that a lot of very large Asian cities often take it to the next level (although I disagree with the poster above who thinks of Kuala Lumpur in this category; it’s got fewer than two million people, so it’s barely even a major city, to say nothing of a megacity on the Tokyo, Chinese, or even Bangkok scales, and I’ve always found the place a bit sleepy even during the day).

  18. 10 months ago

    I would say practically any Chinese city is a 24 hour city. The reason for this is cause Chinese cities are densely built as frick and walkable. Nowhere can compare to how dense they are so it's much easier to start a business there at 3am and expect people to come.

    Best 24hr cities (that I've been to):
    >1. Any Chinese city (don't know about HK and Taiwan)
    >2. Most Korean cities (apparently used to be better before COVID as Koreans are now used to sleeping a bit earlier from the pandemic)

    Mid range 24hr cities:
    >Bangkok (some markets and districts but not a lot)

    Practically dead:
    >Hanoi (apparently other viet cities are better but in Hanoi like fricking everything closes at 10pm)
    >Mexico City

    Literally fricking dead and boring as frick at night cities:
    >most Russian cities (yes even Moscow, I was surprised too)
    >Most American cities (can't speak for NYC)
    >Any dog shit boring Canadian city (literally the absolute worst for night time activities)

    Someone tell me what africa, Japan, MENA and India are like.

    • 10 months ago

      >Practically dead:
      When I lived there 10 years ago there was an 11pm curfew where businesses had to clear everything off the street and bars had to "close" but just turned into speakeasys

    • 10 months ago

      Russian cities aren't very alive at night during the weekdays but where I lived (not Moscow or Peter fwiw) the nightlife was pretty crazy and practically every bar was open 24/7 from Friday to Sunday. I was so spoiled by that I didn't go out much once I returned to America since I don't like closing time looming over my head.

    • 10 months ago

      >Literally fricking dead and boring as frick at night cities:
      >Any dog shit boring Canadian city (literally the absolute worst for night time activities)
      You've obviously not been to Australia. Australian cities are dead and boring at night. Sydney is Australia's biggest city, the only things open past 9pm are petrol station convenience stores and McDonalds drive throughs.

      • 10 months ago

        This, Melbourne just as bad. There was a 24 hour restaurant called Stalactites for the longest time but even that faded. You can't server liquor after 1am at most places, yet they run the trains all night empty lol. Australia is a fricking basketcase, but it's all Anglo countries, I remember walking around Big Ben in London at 9pm and it was straight dead, they culturally seem to finish early the bongs, maybe because it's so cold, the Asians with their steeped history of night markets and longer working hours seem more inclined to night time stuff. Also, people like the Vietnamese literally go to bed for like 4-5 hours in the middle of the day so that helps create night time entertainment.

      • 10 months ago

        >the only things open past 9pm are petrol station convenience stores and McDonalds drive throughs.
        I work nightshift in Canada, even those things are never open past midnight

        Its actually started to become a huge problem because work also expects constant 6 days a week overtime which makes getting basic errands like groceries and doctors appointments impossible when your only free time during the week is from 10pm saturday to 6 am sunday. The only things you can get at that hour will be strippers or booze

    • 10 months ago

      >Best 24hr cities (that I've been to):
      >1. Any Chinese city (don't know about HK and Taiwan)
      You serious? I've been to Shanghai many times before Covid and after 10pm it was dead. No lights, no people, no subway, no nothing. I once took a piss in the middle of Nanjing Road, as there was literally no one around. It was before 11pm.

      Other (smaller) chinese cities are even worse. Putting any of them above NYC or Bangkok is laughable.

  19. 10 months ago

    The only true 24 hour city I've been in is Hong Kong.
    Amsterdam and New York City come close.
    It was surprising how dead London and Boston could get at night.

    • 10 months ago

      >The only true 24 hour city I've been in is Hong Kong.
      Is this still the case? What's there to do in HK at 4AM?

      • 10 months ago

        >What's there to do in HK at 4AM?

        • 10 months ago

          To be fair, I haven't been since 2018. There was lots to do in the middle of the night then. I have no idea if that's true post 2019 and post COVID.

  20. 10 months ago

    Seoul. It really sucked with the covid curfew shit

    • 10 months ago

      >It really sucked with the covid curfew shit
      Would you say that it...sucked the Seoul out of the city?

      • 10 months ago

        I mean kinda. Koreans are party crazy and a lot of them for spooked by the pandemic. Those who wanted to party would go all day instead, because everything closed at 9 or 10. All food had to be takeout after this time, and less people out drinking. No visitors allowed so no rotation of new people in party areas either. Less working people but nothing to do. Needing to check in every place you go, and getting text alerts for any place that tested positive that you could have gone. It did kill the vibe a bit.

  21. 10 months ago

    >wandered in downtown London at 4am
    London, UK?
    It's dead as frick here after 11pm when all the bars and pubs shut

  22. 10 months ago

    So major Japanese cities have vibrant nightlife across the board, right?

  23. 10 months ago

    Gotta be Tokyo for me. I thought ahit being open at 3am in Dublin was wild, but tokyo they expect you to miss the last train and your going to continue drinking and eating till the first train at 5am. It's fantastic. The walk of shame back to the train station seeing all the casualties sleeping in bushes and shit is hilarious.

  24. 10 months ago

    For me 1st would be hong kong, some shops are literally only open at night and people flood the street

    Second would be bangkok, restaurants and spots open until 4am

    Third would be bucharest, you have 24 hour shops and kebab shops everywhere

    5th istanbul, you'll find anything until 3AM

    The worst for me was Qatar, that shithole goes down at 9PM

    • 10 months ago

      Hong Kong? At 3-6AM?
      Can't say there are a lot of places that are open that are out of the ordinary.

      Outside of bars, and restaurants that might serve people leaving bars (kebab), Wan Chai is closed down.

      Same thing for Hong Kong Island and LKF.

      There are some restaurants that serve dim sum in the morning (Western/Kennedy Town). Don Quixote had their hours change for Central during the height of the pandemic.

      Now, if there's a business that's open at 6PM, there's a great chance it'll be open at 8PM, and a good chance it's open at 10PM if they're located in Mongkok.

      At 3AM on the street, you'll be seeing people assembling newspaper for the new day on Hong Kong Island, and you'll see packs of student-aged kids bombing down Nathan Road on bikes.

  25. 10 months ago

    Shanghai and Seoul.

  26. 10 months ago

    >I've walked the streets of Japan at 4am, eaten street food with the market stall people at 5am, wandered in downtown London at 4am
    was this supposed to tell us you're hard or something, I lold

  27. 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      I actually like this more, cities that turn dead after a certain time

  28. 10 months ago

    Helsinki, Finland has lots of supermarkets, even hypermarkets, nightclubs and bars open every day till 5am and 24/7 mcdonalds drive throughs.

    You could definitely live night life there but the thing is while it's possible nobody does it so you will end up walking into totally empty clubs and if you're lucky to find any people they're most likely social welfare leeches and tourists.
    The nighlife sucks, drugs are mediocre at best and the people come off as boring, cold and aitistic.

    The city's pretty dead around the clock anyways, it's not exactly a bustling city.

    Tallinn, Estonia is a better version of this but while Tallinn has lots of places open around the clock and the people are nice, they hate tourists.
    Still it's a small city so you won't find many people outside

    • 10 months ago

      Supermarkets do not sell alcohol after 9pm.

      • 10 months ago

        You can buy alcohol on facebook and snapchat around the clock from estonians

  29. 10 months ago

    People will walk around some residential neighborhood with senior living facilities in Queens at 4 am and when it’s quiet go “the city that never sleeps huh?”

  30. 10 months ago

    Where in HK do you go at 4am that's bustling? Serious question, I'm going to stay in Causeway and I'm a night person too. Problem is that there is really no transport besides taxis late night.

  31. 9 months ago

    Miami, New York, Los Ángeles, Abu Dhabi, Sydney, Canberra and Melbourne.

    >t. Peruvian

  32. 9 months ago

    Los Angeles

  33. 9 months ago

    My most memorable experience was in London. I woke up around 2 am, took a leisurely stroll around, and enjoyed a delicious meal at Duck & Waffle in Bishopsgate. I even had the convenience of using my multi-currency Tap card to treat some newfound friends I met there. We spent the entire night together until 5 am when I finally returned to my hotel.

  34. 9 months ago

    If you ask me particularly, then one of these Maltese cities/towns.
    There's not much difference, it feels like one big city. For example, there is Sliema and Valetta, de jure two different towns, but it feels like one city. As they say, life doesn't stop there. Daytime for tourism and swimming, nighttime for partying. However though, this isn't really 24/7 since the city isn't really a city. It's more of a town on the beach. There ain't much of 24/7 stores or restaurants, except for stuff like mcdonalds or night clubs.

    If you ask in general, I think any large city.
    Example: I've been to Beijing, I consider this city as "24 hours": stores are open 24/7, some clubs, some restaurants.

    Moscow maybe? I lived here for the last 7 years. But it's a tricky one. On one hand, there's not much of a nightlife Yeah, there are clubs and shit in the downtown, and there are hundreds of 24/7 stores all around the city. But after living here for a long time I objectively understand that this "nightlife" is just a few streets and that's all. Generally this city doesn't really feel like it "never sleeps", as in the song. It does sleep.
    Some Russians, who moved from small towns to Moscow, like me, say that Moscow is just a large "countryside town". Meaning that, it's the same small town we all came from, but bigger. And I kinda agree.
    Oh, and Metro doesn't work during nights which is fricking bullshit. I think if it wasn't for the metro, I think I'd surely consider this city as 24/7. But right now I hesitate. For a yokel from the countryside, for those who were like me 7 years ago, then maybe this city will be 100% something as 24/7.

    • 9 months ago

      >Metro doesn't work during nights which is fricking bullshit
      This is the thing that baffles me the most. London, Moscow, Tokyo, etc. They all refuse to keep the trains running at night. How much more expensive can it be, just do Friday till Sunday morning, that's only two nights per week. I just don't get it, we're not talking about some provincial backwater here.

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