When is too old to stay at hostels?

I'm 29, soon 30 about to backpack in South East Asia for 6 months. Will I be too old to stay at hostels and join backpacking communites, party life, full moon parties and so on?

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  1. 9 months ago

    dont think there is a limit to private room age

  2. 9 months ago


    >My only gripe is that you should have enough money to not have to subject yourself to hostels at 29.
    Well hostels are cheaper in the long run, but mostly I wanna do it to meet people and not be alone

    >If you have a full head of hair and look relatively young when you’re clean shaven then the world is your oyster.
    People think I'm 26-27-ish. Feel bad about lying tho

    • 9 months ago

      How would one tell the difference between 27 and 29 y.o.?

      those chicks are both ugly

      are you using this thread to try and provoke incels or something?

      in any case, plenty of older people stay in hostels. I've met 40 to 50 year olds in hostels. they were mostly cool. who cares.

      Such threads are definitely an incel thing, as well as the general belief that people are "old" at a very early age (typically around 30).
      In my country, hostels are mostly a thing for the blue collar workers in their 40s and 50s anyway.

      • 8 months ago

        >Such threads are definitely an incel thing, as well as the general belief that people are "old" at a very early age (typically around 30).
        I always laugh at those threads that say you're too old to be at a hostel unless you're 15-19. Meanwhile, Amerigays aren't even allowed to drink until 21.

        >it IS weird

        How is it weird? In the adult work, you can do whatever the frick you want (even committing crime... if you can get away with it)

        The idea of "weirdness" is for teens because it implies that you have to follow some unspoken, imaginary social norm that isn't set in stone.

        You also stop giving a shit about the opinions of 19 year olds when you're about 25 and realize they don't have shit. They're literally scrounging to come up with poorgay shit like a hostel.
        I'm 40 btw but look and feel the exact same as I did at 23. I constantly get mistaken for 28-29. I prefer hotels but I think a hostel trip might be fun. Is it really that easy to get laid?

        • 8 months ago

          >I constantly get mistaken for 28-29
          people with social skills always say a younger age. it's an insult if you ask someone if they are over 40. be realistic dude.

          • 7 months ago

            in his defense people are terrible at guessing age. As long as you're not an alcoholic who's never used sunscreen, and don't have terrible genetics, it's rather not impossible to be mistaken for younger (as your peers usually do not age gracefully). But yeah in most cases when I am asked aobut peoples ages I generously guess lower than it looks.

    • 9 months ago

      >People think I'm 26-27-ish. Feel bad about lying tho
      How the frick is this even a thread you worthless queer. If girls don't care that you're "27" why the frick would they care if you're actually 29? What unironic difference does it fricking make?

      As long as you're not literally a 60 year old man trying to frick college girls (and even then, some of them are into that, if he has money/daddybod) there is literally nothing about being 29 or 27 or whatever that should make a fricking iota of difference.

      I hate this modern gay redditized society where you have fricking 25 year olds crying about how 29 is old. Like, b***h, you are less than 4 years from being 'old'.

  3. 9 months ago


    some guys go bald at 19
    why do you hate bald guys so much? did one steal your girl?

    • 8 months ago

      >why do you hate bald guys so much?
      I truly have no idea to be quite honest, just an unfortunate thing to happen to some guys.
      t. have hair

  4. 9 months ago



    We need laws to ban bald men from private entertainment venues. Get a hair transplant or stay inside

    • 9 months ago

      > Get a hair transplant or stay inside

      Based, I’m getting a hair transplant in March next year and not traveling until it has significant growth

      • 9 months ago

        Absolutely based. I got 1k grafts 4 months ago. Been taking a fin/minox combo pill daily with no sides. I took off work on Thursday to do the procedure and was back at work on Monday. Recovery from looking ghoulish too normal about two weeks

        Pic related. Frick bald homosexuals. Hair is life

        • 9 months ago

          I want to scrape it off

          • 9 months ago

            it just scabs up like a normal cut and you gently message them off in the shower

        • 8 months ago

          loser. I can instantly tell who had hair implants, the patterns is unnatural. YWNBH

          • 8 months ago

            no u cant

          • 8 months ago

            Lol stfu

            • 8 months ago



              no u cant

              cope, Streisand effect, YWNBH

              • 8 months ago

                These morons never once in their lives took finnasteride or minox you dumbass. They just got the hair transplant and then did nothing, so the DHT continues to kill the follicles in the area it chose to attack.

                Finnasteride and minox stop this from happening. Eat shit and die lmao

                I’m 30, I haven’t done it myself in years, but my friend the same age stayed in a hostel for two weeks while he was living in a city for month and I was visiting the city for an event earlier this year (I stayed in a hotel). I hung out with him a couple of times when I was there. He was having a great time in the hostel. He definitely made the most of it and didn’t mind staying with strangers in an arrangement like that for so long. It’s not for me, but after hanging out with his group I could definitely see the appeal even though we’re both 30

                Now onto the bad part. My buddy hides it pretty well if this does affect him, but his crew was likely the “outcast” clique of the hostel. The girls weren’t good looking and a lot of the minority guys fell into this crew since the other crews wouldn’t hang out with them. One of the nights the Indian guy told me he really didn’t like being America and didn’t feel like he belonged even though the group hung out with him. I don’t know if he was just looking for hotter girls and was getting rejected or maybe the crew was treating him like crap when I wasn’t there

                The point is, if you’re just looking to have a fun time and meet new people, hostels can be super fun. If you’re a shy guy or especially if you’re a shy coomer looking for hot girls, you’re going to have a bad time. It’s cliche, but life is what you make of it. And the same goes for hostels

                Yea I’ve internalized to myself mentally that I’m a creepy loser even though I’m a 6-7/10 and used to get pussy easily when I was younger. Instead of upping my game I just started fricking hookers at 26 and now I’m completely warped after 170 hookers, so I’ll just ignore women unless they throw themselves at me because I can’t justify “gaming women” anymore

              • 8 months ago

                >y-you can pass as long as you take the hormones I swear!!!

        • 7 months ago

          Your hair is very diffusely thin you probably need closer to 5k grafts

          • 7 months ago

            >muh diffuse
            Diffuse my jizz

  5. 9 months ago

    Just be high energy and friendly, ppl will accept you. I stayed at a hostel 2 months ago and there was an old balding Chinese guy but he was very energetic with lots of stories to tell.
    If you're a boring person, noticeably older, who keeps to himself, then don't after 30

    • 9 months ago

      What if you're a If you're a boring person, who keeps to himself in your mid-20s? What difference does it make

      • 9 months ago

        Nothing. It's just that SighSee is full of agoomers who have this weird lookist mindset that women can stare into your mind and see you're 30, instead of 'around 29' like you said, and they'll ostracize you for it, when in real life anyone who isn't ugly gets randomly hit on by highschool girls all the time.

        • 8 months ago

          >gets randomly hit on by highschool girls all the time.
          Where the frick are you hanging out that you even speak to highschool girls all the time?

    • 9 months ago

      Imagine being such a pathetic loser that you have to desperately jester maxx and exhaust yourself with “high energy” antics for people to overlook the fact that you’re an aging bald homosexual loser b***h

      LOL. Chads can just show up and broodmax and get their wiener swallowed

      • 9 months ago

        Imagine being such a pathetic loser that you don't even try to have a fun experience and connect with others because there are younger, more attractive men around.

      • 8 months ago

        It’s true. I just chill and don’t talk to anyone except maybe the bartender, later some dumb British chick is like “what’s wrong why don’t you talk to anyone? “ she swallowed bad that night

      • 7 months ago

        stop drinking tap water

    • 8 months ago

      Who the frick wants a high energy Chinese mistrel around?

      • 8 months ago

        Plenty of people, anon. This is the real world, not SighSee

  6. 9 months ago

    Around 28 years old you should have enough money not to share your space with 18 ~ 22 year olds.

    • 9 months ago

      >Around 28 years old you should have enough money not to share your space with 18 ~ 22 year olds
      This. It just gets a bit embarrassing when you're in you're 30s and haven't achieved enough professional success to avoid $3 dorms. Personally, I would just travel less if my options were 3 months hostel travel or 6 weeks hotel.
      You really don't want people thinking
      >I hope I'm not like that when I'm his age

      • 9 months ago

        There's plenty of space between 8 person dorm for $4 and soulless goyim inn for $100. Get a private room then hang out in the bar area and it's easy to socialize.

      • 9 months ago

        I know this is SighSee but in real life society is not full of 30 year olds who make 500k a year as a VP at google, regardless of how many tards on this website claim as such. 22yos shouldn't even be backpacking they should be finishing college, they're the odd ones out.

    • 9 months ago

      This. I made the mistake of staying in a hostel this summer in Dublin. Staying with teenagers sucks, needless to say. Even if your bunkmates are older, tiptoeing around each other gets old. Sure the hotel was like double, but at least you don't have to share literally everything.

    • 8 months ago

      >Around 28 years old you should have enough money not to share your space with 18 ~ 22 year olds

      Nope. I'm mid 30s and you won't stop me from buying beer for teenage zoomers at the hostel, where later into the night I creampie their tight little zoomie pussies and have cum dripping out of their tight c**ts.

      They'll remember that SighSee boomer they meet during their hostel stay who fricked them for hours upon hours inside the dirty hostel washroom.

      • 8 months ago

        >fricked them for hours upon hours
        Old men confirmed he cant cum

    • 8 months ago

      >thinking it's about money
      If you have a billion dollars you shouldn't share space with the peasant's at the hotel bar

    • 8 months ago

      >dude just spent $150 for a weekend instead of $45

      • 8 months ago

        literally yes... if you are in your 30s and you don't have a child or some kind of family dependent, and that kind of money is holding you back, you should do a little work on your own life rather than weekend at hostels abroad.

    • 7 months ago

      I'm a researcher, I get paid frick all

  7. 9 months ago

    how big do you think her shits are?

  8. 9 months ago


    not going bald is a sign of low testosterone anon. I can smell your oestrogen through the screen.

    • 9 months ago

      Nice cope. No, you have be high T and have nice hair at the same time if you don't have shit genes.

      • 9 months ago

        >have nice hair
        very feminine response anon. what's your bra size?

      • 9 months ago

        Most white guys start noticeably balding around 22. Tell me you’re a deathnic without telling me

    • 9 months ago

      >"thank God I'm balding, I was worried I was a low-T homosexual!"

  9. 9 months ago

    those chicks are both ugly

    are you using this thread to try and provoke incels or something?

    in any case, plenty of older people stay in hostels. I've met 40 to 50 year olds in hostels. they were mostly cool. who cares.

  10. 9 months ago

    Whenever you can afford normal hotels, instead of fricked up dormitories with young morons who noise too much when people are trying to sleep.

    • 8 months ago

      I don't mind paying a higher price as long as I can sleep in a private room where I can truly enjoy some solitude. When I travel and run low on cash, it's not a problem because my Tap card is accepted globally, and I can easily opt local currencies.

  11. 9 months ago

    Jeez I wish I could've been there when this picture was taken. Not in the moments leading up to it, no. I would be somewhere else, stroking myself to the one on the left's ass. I'd beat off faster and faster as I imagined in my mind's eye her perfect butthole. Right when I was about ready to finally blast, I'd teleport in to the room at the moment of the flash. I'd fire off my liquid mortar rounds, covering the mere feet between my meatus and my muse's ass cheeks. Nothing would be sweeter than hearing the triumphant flmphh of my jizzum kissing her clothed rectum.

  12. 9 months ago

    jeez I love big asses and nice legs like that so much...why am I like this, why does this trigger my brain like this? I see a picture of some shapely cheeks in leggings and I just can't think about anything else for the next several minutes, I get so incredibly horny. It's overwhelming at times. It gets so much worse when I'm on a dry spell, which I've been on for the last couple months.

    I wish I could just forget about sex and women for a while. I think I would be happier tbh. Such is life.

  13. 9 months ago

    I just turned 30 OP. I love partying and getting laid, most of my friends have basically stopped but I still party like I'm in my 20's.

    Suff#7553 is my discord if you ever want a travel buddy.

  14. 9 months ago

    This is the closest thing to a hostel thread up so I just wanna ask if there's any tips on finding hostels with good likelihood of meeting people? Particularly fellow solo travelers since couples and shit give me the hives?
    I have had a great time hanging out with people in hostels in the past but I just feel it's extremely inconsistent. Last 3 trips I did were all lonely as frick because places were either empty, there were no fellow solo travelers open to talk about stuff, and/or the few available people where the 2 types I hate with passion (1. The "pachamamic shaman" types who just dude weed lmao all day every day 2. The real traveler™ who has been backpacking for 6+ months and has no life outside of traveling and also has somehow done everything you plan to do already so no chance of doing stuff together or anything)
    I have tried paying a bit more to go to the most mainstream instagrammable places booking has to offer but somehow manage to not meet anyone interesting, or somehow arrive when the interesting people are already making their way out so I don't get to bond beyond some small talk.
    Today it literally happened that I met some interesting people hiking but they were going the opposite direction so we just got to talk a bit and that was that. I can't help but imagine how cool it would have been to just join them had we shared the same destination.

    • 8 months ago

      you sound like a boring normalgay, go back

  15. 9 months ago

    30 is the new 20, anon-kun senpai. enjoy it whilst it lasts. you think you're old but there are many who would give up their left nut to turn the clock back by just 5 years.

    t. 35 soon to be 36 yr old who looks 25 due to asiatic genes

    • 9 months ago

      *grabs megaphone and puts it to mouth”

      Hell, 40 is the new 30 if you have a relatively full head of hair

      • 9 months ago

        I see plenty of bald men on my travels with attractive women at their side. Are people who post this shit just bitter that women in the 18-22 range are no longer interested?

        • 9 months ago

          Most likely yes, those are incels that look 50 y.o. in their early 30s.

        • 9 months ago

          baldness is in some ways attractive, if you embrace it and show you don't give a frick. insecure baldies who do hair replacement or use the balding clippers only show insecurity.

        • 8 months ago

          >Are people who post this shit just bitter that women in the 18-22 range are no longer interested?
          18 year olds don't care about age as long as you look young

      • 7 months ago

        Andrew Tate is bald and pulls hot chicks left and right

        • 7 months ago

          he just shaves that way, he had hair implants( and you can clearly tell). his brother too

  16. 9 months ago

    hostels suck, get a hotel room.

    It's no longer fun sleeping in a huge room with a bunch of other loud degenerate Europeans

  17. 9 months ago

    I stopped sleeping in hostels once I graduated from university college and started earning enough to sleep in hotels, unless you're going to Barcelona or some other overpriced tourist trap, you should be able to find decent hotels to sleep in for 30-50 euros per night (I was able to do so in Japan and Mexico).

    • 9 months ago

      But do you still meet people?

  18. 9 months ago

    If you're 29, those women are underage for you

  19. 9 months ago

    I swear some of you homosexuals are judgier than teenyboppers. No one is giving you homosexuals as much thought as you seem to think they do. You can go in hostels well into your 30s, regardless of your hair. Why you’d want to when presumably you could afford better remains a mystery to me, but that’s another matter.

    • 9 months ago

      People on this board need mental help. Myself included

    • 9 months ago

      It's because they're literally underage.
      Young people aren't interested in getting out of their comfort zone, and mostly prefer tourist traps. Confident travelers tend to be older.

    • 9 months ago

      Hostels are for socializing, that's why. The nicest hotel room isn't gonna make you less suicidal about your perpetual loneliness. Don't tell me you thought school was about studying too

      • 9 months ago

        KWAB, as if hostels are the only way to socialize while traveling. Do you need training wheels for everything else in life as well? I’ll enjoy my comfy and quiet AirBnBs and hotel rooms and you can stay in your rank hostel, homosexual.

        • 9 months ago

          Please expand on this. 37, looking to socialize without going to hostels. Any advice on how?

        • 9 months ago

          >hotel rooms
          Yes, you are in a room by yourself. That's it. Versus any decent hostel has kickass hangout areas, plus a fully furnished kitchen. I stayed at many hostels in Colombia in 2020/2021 where I was the only hostel guest. It kicked ass, I paid the bunk rate to have the whole damn place to myself. Hammocks, rooftop terraces, you name it. Most hotels don't have any common space, apart from a few chairs in reception.

        • 9 months ago

          You can go to bars, clubs, meet girls on dating apps. What I used to do was go on language learning apps in the months before a trip to talk to girls so I’d have someone there already to show me around. This doesn’t always work, in fact it fails more often than not but it’s worth trying, one time I actually had three girls in São Paulo wanting to show me around that I met through a language app called HelloTalk. Other than that you can strike up conversation just about anywhere if you notice other people are also tourists or if you speak the local language. Of course all the aforementioned requires you to be non-autistic.

          • 9 months ago

            Was meant for

            Please expand on this. 37, looking to socialize without going to hostels. Any advice on how?

    • 9 months ago

      Zoomers are having a collective breakdown just now realizing time exists and they won't be twinks for all eternity

      • 8 months ago

        I think its because many zoomers never really had a full youth or at least a fulfilling one. Although millennials were bad zoomers were probably born in the worst generation since the 1950s so none of the things they got to do during their youth were actually the things they wanted to do and now they're aging before their lifes even started.

        • 8 months ago

          >zoomers were probably born in the worst generation since the 1950s

          zoomers spent their youths terminally online. playing video games online instead of playing outside with their friends. their youth got robbed by COVID lockdown, shitty economy, SJW culture etc.

          The zoomie never had a carefree childhood 🙁

          • 8 months ago

            '97er here. So I guess that makes me a really young millennial or an old ass zoomer. I think the core issue of our generation is that we were the first raised under the yolk of totalitarian safetyism. Raised by administrators, bureaucrats, and over protective neurotic boomer/gen x parents. Consequently, the average zoomie experiences a type of 'mid life crisis' by late teens/20s. Robbed of the the ability to make any meaningful choices, or partake in any sort of exploration, is it any wonder why zoomies are riddled withy anxiety and depression disorders? We were raised on a tight leash.

            • 8 months ago

              Good take anon. This is why I go on 4chins ... to get good insights like this.

        • 8 months ago

          >I think its because many zoomers never really had a full youth or at least a fulfilling one. Although millennials were bad zoomers were probably born in the worst generation since the 1950s so none of the things they got to do during their youth were actually the things they wanted to do and now they're aging before their lifes even started.
          damn this makes a lot of sense as a late millennial 94'

          thats why i can't move on

  20. 9 months ago


    This guy is on fin.

    • 9 months ago

      you can always tell from how emotional they get in their posts

  21. 9 months ago

    Knew a guy in his 40s that would take a really cool vacation every 3 months and he would routinely stay in hostels.

    He also said he coomed in early twenties pussy too.

    I'd imagine the access was why he stayed there.

  22. 9 months ago

    Don’t listen to the PSL gays itt, if you’re relatively neurotypical or at least can act it no one really gives a frick what you’re age is

  23. 9 months ago

    I'm 25 and I'd think you're a fricking loser, but enjoy your life OP. Doesn't really matter what anyone thinks.

  24. 9 months ago

    OP here

    What would be best way as a 30yo to meet younger girls?

    Everyone talks about hostels but do you actually *meet* them or get to party, travel, have sex with them?

    • 9 months ago

      The usual mechanic involves starting some small talk at the shared dorm/common areas/while eating breakfast if it's included with the stay/during some sort of tour/bar crawl/activity organized by the hostel and taking it from there.

    • 9 months ago

      Up to you if you want to pursue foreign (usually White) girls in a hostel. You often encounter the same challenges you encounter in your home country. I've experienced outright hostility from Eurobawds in hostels (for playing music in the shower at 8 AM, how dare I do so when she was out til 3 AM getting shitfaced!). But I've also met a couple girls who were clearly enamored with me. Trying to flex your age and travel experience is almost guaranteed to fail. But simply being the "mysterious oldgay traveler" often intrigues the chick who doesn't quite fit in with her 18-21 peers. Whether or not you will be able to pursue the opening depends on your social skills, knowing when to be casually friendly and when to move in closer and lay on the charm. Of course, the fact that people are constantly coming and going at a hostel means that obsessing over one chick is futile. The best you can hope for, usually, is a one-night stand. Traveling with a chick is basically being a beta orbiter, following her like a puppy.

      • 8 months ago

        > (for playing music in the shower at 8 AM, how dare I do so when she was out til 3 AM getting shitfaced!)

        If you're blasting music in the shower at 8am while i'm sleeping and hungover i would shove that fricking phone up your ass till your rectum starts singing Maneater. When you're in a hostel, you do your thing and try not to bother people.


        I'm 29, soon 30 about to backpack in South East Asia for 6 months. Will I be too old to stay at hostels and join backpacking communites, party life, full moon parties and so on?

        Yes, if you act your age and don't try to fit in as the "hip" guy. look for people around 25, and go for groups that have a male in them and feign relative indifference if a girl is around, or they will know that you're just a coomer.
        Being older allows you to be more in control of your actions even if you're drunk, you can teach em some drinking games, basically entertain the group. Please don't be the 30 year old drunkard deadweight, kids won't give a frick about you, and your fellow old man will have to then pick your puking ass and bring it to the hostel.

        It once happened to me when I was in fricking Japan, 39 year old taiwanese woman that was literally bat shit crazy but super hot (giant breasts, incredible ass, basically a pornstar). She just wanted to go wild because she was tired of her husband, so I just offered to take her to a Jazz bar as a date. She got jealous of the singer and started crying about how she hit the wall and shit while getting fricked on martinis. I had to singlehandedly bring her to the hotel as she was puking her guts all the way. We basically reeked of puke. Next time this shit happens, i will leave you to die on the fricking curb.

        Also we fricked a few days after that. Craziest sex i've ever had.

        • 8 months ago

          >taiwanese woman
          >giant breasts, incredible ass

  25. 9 months ago

    Around 30/35 depending on how well you age
    After 25 you should lie about your age so you don't look like an old weirdo

  26. 9 months ago

    6 months? Why do you want to live out of a bag for that long?

  27. 9 months ago


  28. 9 months ago


    This. Don't be ugly. You can lie about your age if you're bothered.

  29. 8 months ago

    I guess the subtext here is, "At what age is staying in a hostel too pedophile-creepy?"

    I'd say it tops out around 23. Beyond that and you just look like an aging loser trying to hook up with teens.

    • 7 months ago

      If it’s legal what’s the issue?

  30. 8 months ago

    It's more like, why would you want to stay in hostels at 30 with a bunch of 20 year olds, they have very little in common with you in terms of life experience and there's nothing to talk about, it's mostly just partying and sex. If you're looking for a lay with 18 year olds just pay for it, not like the girls in hostels are much better than escorts with how promiscuous they are during vacation. Also if you missed out on youth you won't be able to get it back by going to these places as an older person because I'm sure that's what many have in mind

    • 8 months ago

      >It's more like, why would you want to stay in hostels at 30 with a bunch of 20 year olds, they have very little in common with you in terms of life experience and there's nothing to talk about,
      they're hotter than women past 25
      > If you're looking for a lay with 18 year olds just pay for it, not like the girls in hostels are much better than escorts with how promiscuous they are during vacation
      hookers are diseased and sleep with dozens of men per day. you want to be the forth guy she slept with that day? most also aren't as hot as an 18 year old

    • 8 months ago

      >It's more like, why would you want to stay in hostels at 30 with a bunch of 20 year olds, they have very little in common with you in terms of life experience and there's nothing to talk about

      Just wait until you get to your 30s anon, there isn't much to talk about with other 30s either. Most 30 years old normies talk about stupid shit like mortgage, their kids or their stupid little career.

      As a 30+ years old boomer, I would rather hang out with 20 years old and talk about food and college, then creampie their tight little zoomer pussies.

      t. mid 30s boomer with a 22 years old zoomie girlfriend

      • 8 months ago

        I am in my 30s. 20 year olds are typically vacant in the mental department because of inexperience. I also don't understand dating someone much younger than you either, the most beautiful 18 year olds are unattractive to me if they're dumb as rocks and I can barely get hard. Coomers don't seem to care but I feel like there's more to life than fricking

        • 8 months ago

          People have different preferences. Age doesn’t mean women will be any more smarter than younger hotter women. Dating younger males sense, why would I settle down with a women if I didn’t date her during her prime (18-19)

        • 8 months ago

          >I am in my 30s. 20 year olds are typically vacant in the mental department because of inexperience.

          30 years old roasties aren't any better, anon. What are you going to talk about? Your gay little career? That time where she went to a basic b***h, instagram-able vacation and got fricked by the local chads?

          You won't be talking about philosophy or metaphysics with a 30 years old roastie either. They're dumb as shit as a 20 years old, but perhaps with more wieners and stale sperm in her c**t.

          >I also don't understand dating someone much younger than you either, the most beautiful 18 year olds are unattractive to me if they're dumb as rocks and I can barely get hard.

          I have dated 18 years old, 25 years old, and 30 years old (as someone in my 30s) and THERE IS NO FRICKING DIFFERENCE.

          The small difference is that the 18 years old is a bit immature and needy, THAT'S ABOUT IT.

          So tell me, as a 30 years old man, and you're talking to 30 years old roastie, what do you talk about that you mentally connect with?

          • 8 months ago

            Being around someone significantly younger than yourself in a relationship can be mentally painful with the amount of dumb shit that comes out of their mouths, but if the pussy is tight enough then..that's your choice.

            • 8 months ago

              >Being around someone significantly younger than yourself in a relationship can be mentally painful with the amount of dumb shit that comes out of their mouths

              Same thing could be said for 30s women. 30s women are entitled loose c**ts. 🙂

              30s women want to be wined and dined.

              20s women you can bring them to Mcdonalds or a college student bar.

              The best is stretching a tight 19 years old pussy and cumming inside.

        • 8 months ago

          >I am in my 30s. 20 year olds are typically vacant in the mental department because of inexperience. I also don't understand dating someone much younger than you either, the most beautiful 18 year olds are unattractive to me if they're dumb as rocks and I can barely get hard.

          Let me guess: you want to talk to the 30+ years old woman about your gay little career, TV shows and music that you "grew up with", and unique vacation spots that you visited like Pattaya or that time you fed bananas to monkeys in poojeet India.

          Good for you anon. MORE TEENAGERS FOR ME TO CREAMPIE. Relentless creampies in their tight little pussies. Doggy style and slap their butts.

          • 8 months ago

            My current gf talks about her career and family all the time. Im starting to get sick of it. Im about to be 29 and just dont think this kind of life, the married with 2 kids and pets thing is for me....ive met interesting 20 year olds, boring 40 year olds....idc i just want to frick more girls man

            • 8 months ago

              >My current gf talks about her career and family all the time.

              Great. You're emotional relief for your girlfriend. It's self aggrandizing for someone to constantly talk about THEIR CAREER, THEIR FAMILY.

              Let's flip this around. Have you ever met a guy who ONLY talks about his career? You would peg him as a bored homosexual who just drones on and on about his boring job because he LACKS interests outside his work.

            • 8 months ago

              This is why I do not understand getting married at all. Whenever I was in a relationship I just wished I was single and could frick any girl I wanted.

              Family homosexuals are the premier betas of our time. Can you imagine being a father of 2+ daughters? You’re just raising future frickmeat for chads

              • 8 months ago


            • 7 months ago


          • 8 months ago

            >Doggy style and slap thier butts

            Yo man please give me good icebreakers or good lines and ways to ease into flirting with them hoes
            " Where are you traveling too?"
            "What was your favorite thing here"

            But then what kinda lines arent too cheezy to start flirting with?
            " I want to touch you "
            "Gee your cute"
            lol help bro

            • 8 months ago

              >"Where are you traveling too?"
              >"What was your favorite thing here"

              Exactly that. Just get to know them, no need to flirt right away. Invite them to a bar "with cool live music", buy them drinks. Then hold hands and go for the kiss on the cheeks first, then lips. Get back to the hostel, them they'll be wet and ready to frick.

              Bookmark this free "get pussy" book:


              • 8 months ago

                thanks dad. Im bout to be getting pussy

              • 8 months ago

                do i have to pay for the full book or am i too moronic to get the next page open?

              • 8 months ago

                holy frick what type of brownoid weirdo wrote this garbage?
                this is the worst schlock I have had the displeasure of laying my eyes on in some time

              • 8 months ago

                book is gay and cringe. yo g ur gay like andrew tate.

  31. 8 months ago

    young thots love older guys (especially the ones who have daddy issues), it's mostly young dudes and old roasties who're seething about it because they're left out, go for it OP

  32. 8 months ago

    >I'm 29, soon 30 about to backpack in South East Asia for 6 months. Will I be too old to stay at hostels and join backpacking communites, party life, full moon parties and so on?

    Fun fact, there isn't much of a difference between a 30 years old and 20 years old. The 20 years old is in college, the 30 years old has 8 years of wagie experience and perhaps a few other mundane adult experiences under his belt.

    A 30 years old looks like a slightly aged 20 years old.

    But most importantly, who gives a shit. Go creampie the 20 years old stupid zoomie pussies in Thailand.

    • 8 months ago

      The only people who actually have a difference between 20 and 30 are world class performers which everyone of SighSee erps as but few are. The fact of the matter is half the public is in a low skill job where nothing changes for their whole life, another 40% are in dead end "careers" that have the illusion of upward trajectory, and the remaining 10% (I'm being generous) actually has some skills and contributes something to humanity. But even then theres barely any difference other than them getting out of the beginner phase.

      • 8 months ago

        >The fact of the matter is half the public is in a low skill job where nothing changes for their whole life

        this hits hard.

        t. 55 years old career waitress

        • 8 months ago

          Post feet so I can save you

  33. 8 months ago

    Looks like I've inadvertently triggered the resident coombrains

    I'm so sorry, it's terminal

    • 8 months ago

      Sorry to come off as harsh anon but can you PLEASE tell me what sort of topics you talk to about women their 30s that help you mentally connect with them?

  34. 8 months ago

    No, you’ll be at or under the average age of people staying in hostels in South America

  35. 8 months ago

    Anyone saying 30 is too old to stay in a hostel is just memeing
    You won’t stand out at all. Even in places that have age caps for dorms, the cap is generally 35 at the lowest

  36. 8 months ago

    Never too old to stay at hostels; it's cheap accommodation.
    Associating with fellow backpackers in the hostel, eg. going to their drinking events, on the other hand; probably by 40yrs, if you can maintain your youthful looks.
    Otherwise just be like that Japanese guy I saw roaming around the hallways in a nightgown that one time.

  37. 8 months ago

    anon every summer most hostels turn into retirement homes
    i run one and we regularly get groups of 60-80yo hikers come through and drink too much
    shits hilarious

    • 8 months ago

      >i run one and we regularly get groups of 60-80yo hikers come through and drink too much
      >shits hilarious

      Do they frick each other in the dorm room?

      • 8 months ago

        >Do they frick each other in the dorm room?
        One can only dream.

  38. 8 months ago

    If you're not a creep I'd say it's not too weird staying in a hostel at any age.
    Judging by the weird creepy picture you included and the fact that you're on this website I'd say stay away from hostels.
    People will think you're a creep and ask to be in a different dorm from you.

  39. 8 months ago

    >Bro your life just stops at 30
    Okay what the frick do you people think adults do? You say this on every board do you think they just go to work than go home every day for the rest of their lives then retire and do nothing?

  40. 8 months ago

    >another is X too old to stay at hostels thread
    Why do you think you need permission? It's your life. Do whatever the frick you want to do.

    • 8 months ago

      just to add to this, it's really funny how most channers go to great lengths to distance themselves from the 'normies' identifying as dissenters and whatnot; but it's so abundantly clear the vast majority of posters here never managed to outgrow their petty teenage anxieties that crave peer approval.

      • 8 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        I think it is a sort of inferiority complex, you assume that other people are more social, understand things, more connected, etc. than you. I had a coworker say that at least I went out and did stuff as compared to most people she knows who just vegetate and play video games, and it was surprising because I don't think of myself as having a super lively social life. You get used to thinking that other people know what they're doing and you don't since you've been on the outside, when in fact they're just as moronic as you

  41. 8 months ago

    If you're over 23, its over for you
    t. Zoomer

  42. 8 months ago

    Whenever you feel too old, I went there when I was 32, I didn’t stay in hostels, it was cheap enough to get my own room, also Thailand is not like other backpacking places, it’s babies first trip abroad so it attracts a lot of idiots that would never go to the other places I’ve been. I wouldn’t stay in a hostel in Bangkok, for the same price you can get a single room.

  43. 8 months ago

    >be 33
    >stay in shape and full head of hair
    >am sociable
    >still stay in hostels
    >always have fun really
    >do the pub crawls with people
    >make small talk to others when appropriate
    >still not hard to get that girl who wants attention
    >no one even questions how old I am

  44. 8 months ago

    this board is so fricking pathetic, its either losers trying to make up for lost time in their 20s or losers with Peter Pan syndrome

    seriously SighSee you've fallen off hard

    • 8 months ago

      Lol suck my wiener you frickin loser there’s nothing cool or enjoyable about growing up. why are you even commenting. You’re probably jealous. You’ll never frick 220 girls in your life but I have. Imagine being such a moral homosexual

      I’m never getting married or having kids I’m just gonna keep getting hair transplants and frick hookers LMAO

  45. 8 months ago

    Its not fricking fair bros. I missed out on everything.

  46. 8 months ago

    At this point, I really have to wonder how many of you autists have ever actually left your home country. Unless you're a creep, nobody is going to care how old you are. The most important thing is that you simply match the so-called "energy" of the hostel.

    If you're a quiet, shy person--of any age--then you're probably not going to have a great time in a party hostel that's most popular among 18-25-year-olds. Similarly, if you're out to have a wild time, a boutique hostel that caters to remote workers might come off a bit boring.

    I've done plenty of traveling, and there's nothing unusual about meeting people in their 30s in hostels. I'd say folks in their 40s and above are definitely outliers, but nobody goes around saying they're weird, either. It just depends on the person. A 40-year-old with a good sense of humor, who isn't actively pretending to be 20 years younger, is going to make friends just as easily as anyone else.

    IIRC, I once met a 40-something-year-old Australian man in a hostel in Tbilisi. He was a former engineer and recently divorced. He was reasonably well-off and had quit his job to hitchhike from Australia to Portugal. He'd hopped boats throughout Indonesia, and crossed parts of Afghanistan when there was still a very active insurgency. Dude had a good sense of humor, and he had a couple younger women constantly trying to cozy up to him.

    tl;dr is that anybody who says it's "weird" to be 25-35 in a hostel is a sheltered fricking nitwit. Nobody cares, and anybody who says otherwise has never left their basement.

    • 8 months ago

      it IS weird, but you shouldn't care what others think. you lashing out about this just reeks of insecurity.

      • 8 months ago

        >it IS weird

        How is it weird? In the adult work, you can do whatever the frick you want (even committing crime... if you can get away with it)

        The idea of "weirdness" is for teens because it implies that you have to follow some unspoken, imaginary social norm that isn't set in stone.

        • 8 months ago

          doesn't matter why I think it's weird dude, that's the whole point of my post. just own it, embrace it, live your life and recapture those glory days.

      • 8 months ago

        >completely civilized post
        >lashing out
        Y'all were better at trolling in 2008.

    • 8 months ago

      >who isn't actively pretending to be 20 years younger
      But what does this mean in a practical sense?
      Like I'm getting older but I just can't bring myself to have conversations about remodeling bathrooms and taxes and khakis and all that other literally who cares shit

  47. 8 months ago

    "Women enjoy sex as much as men.

    And just like men, they dislike bad sex.

    When you’re fricking a woman, you need to frick her good.

    You need to stretch her tight little pussy. Pound her pussy in different positions. Let her feel your wiener deep inside her womb.

    Frick her tight, creamy pussy for hours until she orgasms.

    And finally, shoot your huge load inside her tight c**t and implant your DNA. Allow your sperm to do somersaults around her uterus.


    If you want to last longer in bed, jerk off more.

    Think of it as training your dick. Then your wiener will get hard for hours, as you pound her tight creamy pussy.

    Think of masturbation as a form of training. You can train your penis to become a strong soldier through millions of strokes.

    I do recommend that you jerk off every day. "

    • 8 months ago

      poojeet hands wrote the book. poojeet grifers are everywhere. there is a poojeet grifter named "hamza" that is the poojeet version of andrew tate

      • 8 months ago

        That guy is unintentionally hilarious. With his pajeet looks he thinks he's in a position to give advice. Lol.

  48. 8 months ago


    checked and kek

    '97er here. So I guess that makes me a really young millennial or an old ass zoomer. I think the core issue of our generation is that we were the first raised under the yolk of totalitarian safetyism. Raised by administrators, bureaucrats, and over protective neurotic boomer/gen x parents. Consequently, the average zoomie experiences a type of 'mid life crisis' by late teens/20s. Robbed of the the ability to make any meaningful choices, or partake in any sort of exploration, is it any wonder why zoomies are riddled withy anxiety and depression disorders? We were raised on a tight leash.

    indeed. all white zoomers should rush a frat and then live in their frat house that'll grow them some balls

    • 8 months ago

      White zoomers are hopeless. They have no culture of their own so they copy nig culture. Or they're into gay shit like the revival of looking like a neo hipster.

      • 8 months ago

        Literally just wear Ralph Lauren polos with 511 Levi’s and black or white air forces. Boom, you have swagged out whiteboi fashion with a little edge

  49. 8 months ago

    As long as you're not in a hostel to hit on young girls, it's fine. I go to the cheapest hostels possible and there are often old local men who don't bother anyone. Who cares? Just be a polite person no one cares if you think you're old.

    Although, if you do overtly old person things it can be weird, like if you spread out too much, have a like 20 prescriptions, use a cpap, have a beer belly. Even then it's fine if you're a good person.

  50. 8 months ago

    Personally i get registered as underage while actually being 27. When you know everyone things you a kid you dont even have to be concerned. The only reason i wouldn't use hostels is cause its uncomfortable. Need my own room with space instead of getting stuffed with people in a hen pen.

  51. 8 months ago

    real answer: 40

  52. 8 months ago

    It makes me angry when I see older guys getting with younger girls

  53. 8 months ago

    I’m 30, I haven’t done it myself in years, but my friend the same age stayed in a hostel for two weeks while he was living in a city for month and I was visiting the city for an event earlier this year (I stayed in a hotel). I hung out with him a couple of times when I was there. He was having a great time in the hostel. He definitely made the most of it and didn’t mind staying with strangers in an arrangement like that for so long. It’s not for me, but after hanging out with his group I could definitely see the appeal even though we’re both 30

    Now onto the bad part. My buddy hides it pretty well if this does affect him, but his crew was likely the “outcast” clique of the hostel. The girls weren’t good looking and a lot of the minority guys fell into this crew since the other crews wouldn’t hang out with them. One of the nights the Indian guy told me he really didn’t like being America and didn’t feel like he belonged even though the group hung out with him. I don’t know if he was just looking for hotter girls and was getting rejected or maybe the crew was treating him like crap when I wasn’t there

    The point is, if you’re just looking to have a fun time and meet new people, hostels can be super fun. If you’re a shy guy or especially if you’re a shy coomer looking for hot girls, you’re going to have a bad time. It’s cliche, but life is what you make of it. And the same goes for hostels

  54. 8 months ago

    >be me in 2018
    >23 yo
    >loved hostel life but was looking down on people in late 20s and 30s and was thinking they were extremely pathetic
    >be me now
    >29 yo loser
    >yeah hostel is still cool

  55. 8 months ago

    As soon as youre out of college and have a job you're too old for hostels. Hostels are for poors who cant afford a hotel or a cheap airbnb. I will never understand anyone with disposable income staying at a hostel when an airbnb gives you privacy and comfort for a slightly higher rate.
    >b-b-but i can socialize easier if I'm at a hostel!
    Quit being an autistic homosexual and talk to people while abroad and the benefits of a hostel disappear immediately.

  56. 8 months ago

    Went backpacking in SEA/Japan/Korea for 6 months last year at the age of 28 with the missus. Most of the hostels we stayed at, we were the oldest people there. If you're doing it for the cheap accommodation, sure it's fine. If you're doing it to meet people and party, you better look a lot younger than your age cos some balding 30 year old trying to get young pussy is just going to come across as a creep. Quite frankly, why the frick would you want to hang around people fresh out of college anyway? Went on a couple of hostel nights out during my trip and was surprised at how little I have in common with the average 18-21 year old backpacker.

    • 8 months ago

      I love how the critical determinant is if you’re balding. This is why I got a hair transplant. I feel pity for bald dudes with youngish faces. Truly a tragedy

    • 8 months ago

      what is the point of posting this bait on this board?
      The average age of hostel goers in SEA is probably like 27/28. In South America its past 30.
      There are 18-21 year olds, but I don't know where you're staying that their the average. Hostels in Europe probably skew a bit younger, but there's still plenty of people past 30.

    • 7 months ago

      >Quite frankly, why the frick would you want to hang around people fresh out of college anyway?
      Because they’re hotter than 28+ year old women.

  57. 8 months ago

    From the sound of it I would be fine. I'm 32 and people seem to assume I am in my early-mid 20s.

  58. 8 months ago

    I went to a party hostel in Peru at 25 and I think I was the youngest one there

  59. 8 months ago

    There is no age limit on a hostel so just do whatever you want. People in the real world don't think like the autists on here that have probably never even stayed in a hostel. In the real world it's a mixed bag depending on where you are in the world and what type of hostel you stay at. There are chill hostels where you'll find people of all ages and there are party hostels in cities where you'll find younger people but no-one really cares.

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah, I was in a hostel in Girona recently, and there was a woman in her late 50s, possibly 60s.
      If you wanna travel and you're happy with hostels, it'll let you do more for less.

  60. 8 months ago

    When people ask about "age" it indicates they don't understand what being a creeper means.

  61. 8 months ago

    do whatever you want

  62. 8 months ago

    I stayed in hostels with my parents since I was 13. Great and cheap way to travel. I always remember a huge diversity of people and ages so it was always normal to me. My guess is that amerimutts have this mentality. No one else cares. I'm 30 now and go to hostels (always private room) and it's a great place to meet zoomy cuties.

  63. 7 months ago

    I've seen some greyhairs in hostel and didn't think too much about it, it's not like poor people don't deserve a trip they can afford. Those I've met didn't try to interact with youngsters or to live the hostel nightlife tho, I guess that would have been weird.

  64. 7 months ago

    People who stay at hostels are cringe. Imagine staying in a hostel in SEA or Eastern Europe, like I just got a minimum wage job for a few months and I didn't have to sleep with morons & druggies! I did this at the age of 17. You pay for what you get for in life, and this is no exception.

    • 7 months ago

      Imagine not staying in the hostel and getting free teen creampies. I'm in my 40s, earn 6 figures, and still stay in the hostel for a chance to creampie euro teens. Buy them a beer and frick them in their tight teen pussies.

  65. 7 months ago

    If you're over the age of 25 and still staying in hostels, you've failed at life.
    Grow up and get a hotel room or an Airbnb like an adult.

  66. 7 months ago

    Used bra and panties with visible stains inside the shower room in the hostel I'm staying at. There are only three girls in here, and I'm trying to see if I can figure out who owns them based on their breast size. Yes of course I had to take a whiff.

  67. 7 months ago

    You're too old when you no longer want to stay in a hostel.

  68. 7 months ago

    When I was in thailand I saw people aged from 18-40 in hostels. Most common age was probably around 25, but I actively avoided any party hostels. I cant imagine anyone caring about your age in those hostels. You specifically mention party life so it might effect you a little bit, but probably only with the really young 18-20 year old travelers.

    After a week I fricking hated hostels though and ended up paying like 10 dollars a day to just get a private room.

    • 7 months ago

      >You specifically mention party life so it might effect you a little bit, but probably only with the really young 18-20 year old travelers.
      How would that effect you?

      • 7 months ago

        People that young, especially at party hostels, might not want to hang out with 30+ yr old people.

  69. 7 months ago

    Completely dependent on your personality.
    I’ve met people in their 40s and 50s that stay in hostels and they were well received and liked by the younger guests because they were friendly and easy going.

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