Why does?

Why does SighSee hate Digital Nomads so much? It's a pretty good life. Sure, I have to show up to meetings, but I get to always stay in a perfect beach town between 70-80F. It's just a comfy, low stress life. Anyway, going to cut up some tuna.

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  1. 10 months ago

    I work remotely, the term "digital nomad" is cringe, that's all.

    • 10 months ago

      it's more descriptive. are you really going to tell a girl:
      >"Yeah I work remotely"
      >"Oh cool, do you have permanent residence?"
      >"No, I move to a new location every 3 months"
      >"So... you're a digital nomad?"
      >"No, I work remotely"
      seems like you're just a contrarian

      • 10 months ago

        Most digital nomads have a permanent residence at their parents', they're just very reluctant to admit it.
        Not that there's anything wrong with that.

        • 10 months ago

          Don't really see what the issue is.

          I hate the term "digital nomad," but that's what I did for the past three or four years. I was working remotely, earned decent money, and stayed in four or five different countries. IIRC, I'd actually just finished university before the pandemic, so I just kept my parents' place as my permanent address. What else are you going to do if you're young and don't already own your own property--lease an apartment just to list on your ID?

          • 10 months ago

            >What else are you going to do if you're young and don't already own your own property--lease an apartment just to list on your ID?
            There's a few mail handling companies in tax free states that will work for using as the address on your ID

        • 10 months ago

          And most 'selfmade' men receive handouts from their parents. There are posers everywhere. The real deals are pretty great though.

      • 10 months ago

        no him but self identifying as a nomad sounds really pretentious. and digital nomad is even more so. its lame term almost definitely created by the people who think they should use it themselves.

        • 10 months ago

          thats like any label someone gives themselves. anyone that legit calls themselves an "innovator" that hasn't invented a technology should be punched in the face repeatedly and have their bank account emptied.

          it's obvious to spot these preening homosexuals wherever they walk.

          I fully support innovation. digital nomadism is cool too.

          but obviously the worst scum always flocks to anything even moderately cool

      • 10 months ago

        She's the one being a contrarian though. He said he works remotely, she keeps saying digital nomad. The c**t.

    • 10 months ago

      Only women and basedboys can use that term and get away with it

  2. 10 months ago

    Just because its cringe homosexuals who just add extra normie tourists to shit places up. If you needed to wait for the world to change and give you a wfh job, then you clearly weren't that interested in the first place.

    • 10 months ago

      how can people seriously be this fricking dumb and have an internet connection?

  3. 10 months ago

    >no rebuttal

  4. 10 months ago

    I view them as 'distributed peasants'.

    They own, literally, nothing.

  5. 10 months ago

    I only don't like passport bros. Because they're insecure men screaming for more men to get their passports. Passport bros will end being a passport bro because they will inflate the price of everything.

    In the Dominican Republic I watched 40 dollar nice hotels go to 120 dollars. And now everyone is nagging me for tips.

    • 10 months ago

      Where in the DR has gotten that bad?

    • 10 months ago

      I am genuinely scared these joggers are going to expose more and more normies to this trend. However black Americans are all broke and this is probably a trend for them. They will oversaturate the normie spots in Latin America like Colombia and DR though.

      • 10 months ago

        I'm in Colombia right now and seen alot of jogger passport bros down here already

        fricking shit. Colombians don't even like the blacks in their own country. lol

    • 10 months ago

      I am genuinely scared these joggers are going to expose more and more normies to this trend. However black Americans are all broke and this is probably a trend for them. They will oversaturate the normie spots in Latin America like Colombia and DR though.

      Can someone elaborate on the DR situation? Are they getting burned out and overtouristed from US coomers?
      I had intentions to head over there for a while next year.

      No one from the west who lives overseas permanently calls themselves a DN. It's all larping poofs pathetically trying to sell themselves as some sort of influencer.
      Seen it in Asia, seen it in Europe. Show me a single one who parades themselves online who is legit.
      Real people who work remotely don't give a shit and certainly don't blast it in everyones faces.
      Once you can earn a half decent amount you find a base in a region and travel around occasionally. DN's and the entire life is a fricking larp. Living only a tourist visa is fricking horrible.


    • 10 months ago

      You don't simply view that as the impersonal flow of supply and demand? Why do people have a moral obligation to keep staying where it's expensive? Why do they have an obligation to restrict their capital flow to places that are cheaper?

  6. 10 months ago

    I hate them simply because they can live a life I know I’ll never be able to.

    Being able to travel perpetually while getting a western salary is aristocrat tier. You could stop in every country of interest and creampie qts then move on. I literally just go to work and come home. I have no happiness in my life at all. In America I just endure my existence with literature and daydreaming about returning to Thailand. I’ve gotten used to it psychologically, but if I was a digital nomad every day would be a new beginning filled with excitement, anticipation, and euphoria that never has to end. Instead, I get to suffer mildly without end (until my next trip whose duration is constrained by my ability to save).

    The worst part is that these “aristocrats” aren’t regal, magnificent men of splendor. They’re meek, pencil necked, dork homosexuals and if they’re not physically frail, they’re mentally deficient.

    I know dudes making 250k a year in Thailand and they just go to Starbucks, upgrade the appliances in their apartments, and pay for girls attention. They don’t even party. Meanwhile with 250k I could mimic Dan bilzerian easily.

    Instead of the meek inheriting the earth, it’s dork homosexuals

    • 10 months ago

      Not everyone is a low IQ extroverted gay in need of constant external validation

    • 10 months ago

      That's called resentment.
      You envy their lifestyle.

    • 10 months ago

      Why not learn2code and live your dream instead of being an angry crying beta male. Like what? Lol. Sounds like this is your fault only

      • 10 months ago

        I know you're joking, but to any wide-eyed zoomer who still believes in the code dream: it's a dead one. 2021 was a freak year for tech and we're still seeing tons of fat being trimmed from all the overhiring that went on during lockdowns.
        A combination of a shitty economy and everyone and their mother trying to get into tech because they think it'll pay you 200k to do 1 hour of work a day has lead to significantly tougher hiring, especially at the entry level.
        Forget about self-teaching or bootcamps either. It's degree or bust.

    • 10 months ago

      I kinda understand the angle youre trying to convey.

      Theyve got oodles of money and seemingly lots free time yet they do mundane shit they can do in the States.

      Its like squandering an opportunity.

      It sucks being time poor and constantly chasing your ass 10-14 hours a day, but holy frick its such a motivator for change.

      • 10 months ago

        Most of these American whites who live outside of America do so specifically to avoid American blacks. That's the part you're missing. He ain't in Thailand to party, do drugs, and live the Dan Sleezerian life style. He's in Thailand to live far away from American blacks. Same reason I'm 5,000 miles from America on the borders of Russia.

        • 10 months ago

          I’m really sorry to tell you this dude but if you’re afraid of American blacks you reaffirm my perception that digital nomads are all dork homosexuals.

          I live in an area upper middle class white people would feel unsafe, in a “mixed income” apartment with section 8 apes on the ground floor. I’m not scared of them and avoiding them would NEVER be the primary driver to digital nomad. It’s to coom easily and plentifully for cheap.
          >why do you live there
          1k rent for a 1br apt

          Fricking little dork b***hes…

          • 10 months ago

            >don't like blacks
            >must be a dork homosexual
            Hmm, if only there were perhaps some other reason not to like American blacks?

          • 10 months ago

            Shut up, you insufferable homosexual. You are incredibly sheltered or extremely moronic if it isn't obvious how much worse life is around poor people, especially poor black Americans. I'm not even racist, it's not all their fault that they live in a society that they have no stake in, whose values or culture or traditions that they don't give a frick about, and why the frick should they. I certainly wouldn't give a frick about the Chinese empire if the Chinese dragged my great grandfather out of Ireland. But they are absolutely miserable to be around and anyone who lives near them knows this. You're either lying or you're in fierce denial. You also sound brown or at least non-white yourself, don't be surprised that we can tell through the screen, your demeanor sucks.

          • 10 months ago

            >Seething dorkposter turns out to be a white Black personlover who lives in the ghetto
            >all his seethe turns out to be rage at anyone over 90 iq for having the options in life to live nowhere near laqueisha and her screaming niglets
            Always thought there was something weird about your brand of tiny dick energy, that explains a lot.

            Picrel is literally you isn't it

    • 10 months ago

      >every day would be a new beginning filled with excitement, anticipation, and euphoria that never has to end
      please google 'hedonic treadmill' when you have time

  7. 10 months ago

    I did this for 3 years it was the worst period of my life. The loneliness, the fact you're never at home, having to deal with strangers constantly... I felt so liberated when I finally came back to my home country to settle into a comfy, low profile life. I can still travel up to a month at a time but always happy to come home.

    • 10 months ago

      Dude what about the ability to coom and arbitrage your western salary? Wtf is wrong with you…
      Ok? Who gives a shit…

      • 10 months ago

        Having fun vacations once in a while is enough. Making your whole life about cooming in 3rd world countries is actually making it empty. I will never go back

      • 10 months ago

        > t. picrel

    • 10 months ago

      Sounds like you hate long-term travel in general.

      • 10 months ago

        I'm not a fan of long trips either. I prefer work trips in Europe. I use different payment options like stripe, Gemini, and Tap app there. It's better for opportunities than regular exchanges.

    • 10 months ago

      can't relate, I left the USA in 2016 and never went back and have no desire to do so

      it doesn't matter how shitty the place I am staying in is or how weird or fricked up the location is, it's almost always better than the USA in the fundamental ways that matter (personal freedom, availability of pussy, general level of police state bullshit)

      Americans are some of the worst people in the world, just to deal with and try to be friends with. Everyone is a striver, a drug addict, or has absolutely insane, moronic political/ideological views they won't shut up about.

      The great thing about being a foreigner is that people don't try to rally you to their cause, they are just a bit curious and take you as you come.

      Having fun vacations once in a while is enough. Making your whole life about cooming in 3rd world countries is actually making it empty. I will never go back

      >Making your whole life about cooming in 3rd world countries is actually making it empty.

      I agree somewhat, but if I don't have the ability to call over a skinny brown 18 year old and cum as deep as possible in her pussy when I am feeling horny, then I suffer a sort of existential anxiety and dread. I simply need brown teenage pussy in my life, and getting it in the USA is prohibitively expensive or socially dangerous.

  8. 10 months ago

    Because "digital nomad" is the go-to modern alibi of the trust fund baby.

  9. 10 months ago

    >Why does SighSee hate Digital Nomads so much?
    because Im jealous jackass.

  10. 10 months ago

    No one from the west who lives overseas permanently calls themselves a DN. It's all larping poofs pathetically trying to sell themselves as some sort of influencer.
    Seen it in Asia, seen it in Europe. Show me a single one who parades themselves online who is legit.
    Real people who work remotely don't give a shit and certainly don't blast it in everyones faces.
    Once you can earn a half decent amount you find a base in a region and travel around occasionally. DN's and the entire life is a fricking larp. Living only a tourist visa is fricking horrible.

    • 10 months ago

      > only on a tourist visa
      Seriously they are selling you snake oil

  11. 10 months ago

    I miss the days of being a digital nomad before it was called 'digital nomad'. Use to be a really comfy and cheap lifestyle, but instagram thots, wfh'ers and wanterpreneurs ruined it by inflating the cost of everything.

  12. 10 months ago

    >why does a board that’s full of NEETs and poorgays hate people that have good jobs and a fun lifestyle


    • 10 months ago

      Stop projecting yourself onto everyone else. A lot of us are well traveled on this board, including me.
      Being poor and living in your parent's basement is not a requirement to be a regular here. Being quasi-autistic is maybe one.

  13. 10 months ago

    Is there a solid comprehensive guide on how to successfully travel while working remote? I have a remote job, but instead of leveraging it to use the world I chose to rent an apartment in a major US city for $2k/month and I feel cucked for that. On one hand, I like going to the gym regularly and I have a cat, but I don't see a better time in my life to just frick off alone and travel. I just have many questions on how to do it.
    >How long can I work outside the US?
    >Can I hide my true location from my employer?
    >What are the tax implications of working outside the US that long?
    >Do I just work abroad 4 weeks, return home, rinse and repeat?
    >What should I pack?
    I've given up on having steady friends, or a girlfriend anytime soon, so I might as well use this time to make myself interesting.

    • 10 months ago

      I always wonder myself also I work in IT in the US but I hear guys say they're DM in IT but they never provide a concrete example of how they did it or what they do. Which makes me believe a lot of DM are just larpers.
      On the tax implications we had an employee that got fired in 2021 because she was WFH unknown to her manager in another state (which has state income tax) and our office is based in a state without state income tax. Anon doing this under the radar in SEA with a 12 hour time difference would mean working at nights into the early morning which leaves no time for cooming. The best bet would be with an international company based in Asia but job opportunities there with a western salary are far and few between.

      • 10 months ago

        I live in Florida (no state tax) and WFH. Taxes are based on your state of residence, the address you put on your W-2. If her manager didn't know she was WFH in another state I can see her getting fired over it.

        True nomads are freelancers/hustlers/self-employed. Wagecucks like you and I have to go through the process of asking, ass kissing, proposal, etc to WFH for an extended period overseas.

        I know a moron who put a Florida address and fricked off to Paraguay without informing his company. According to him, he had it all set up with VPN, keeping regular work hours, stock background on his video calls, it's all under control right?

        He lived like a king down there for about 3 months before his employer inevitably found out and told him come back to the office (not even WFH anymore). The office is in PA and now he has to move there kek

        • 10 months ago

          And this is why I think these DM are just larpers or at most doing very low level free lancing on Fiverr. It would be an absolute dream if I can earn my US salary while living/working in SEA.

          only the most braindead of normies don't know how to set up a killswitch vpn at their parents' house to route all traffic through
          the minimum effort opsec is enough

          She got exposed because we use Duo which authenticates on your phone when signing in and our logs gave away her exact location (down to the city).

          • 10 months ago

            duo uses IP address for geolocation.it doesn't use your gps or local wifi networks to track you. you can just run the exact same vpn on your phone if you aren't a braindead normie.
            alternatively, duo itself is incrdibly easy to bypass. there are about a dozen open source projects that let you spoof your way past using the actual duomobile client.
            just have the bare minimum opsec and there is no way to get caught.

          • 10 months ago

            I was actually doing it, travelling around the world for around a year making six figures.
            But I worked in crypto and that’s a pretty feast or famine industry in terms of job opportunities, you have be legit good at the shit you do or get really lucky(read: connections) and even then there’s a ton of shady actors.

      • 10 months ago

        only the most braindead of normies don't know how to set up a killswitch vpn at their parents' house to route all traffic through
        the minimum effort opsec is enough

  14. 10 months ago

    I don't them but the threads on this board represent the vast majority of them. People with low skill who flee the US to try and sleep with women in SEA.

  15. 10 months ago

    Do you hate putting on sunscreen every day or whatever?

  16. 10 months ago
    Sex Pervert

    The world is my orifice.

  17. 10 months ago

    >Why does SighSee hate Digital Nomads so much?

    because they are tredny homosexuals the shit up good places.

  18. 10 months ago

    >perfect beach town
    exactly. you digital nomads are a bunch of oblivious dorks who can't see that your "perfect" Third World beach town is full of poverty, pollution, degradation, and social problems. Your oversized paychecks that enable you to "live like a king" amidst poverty only worsen the situation. You don't actually earn the money you make, unlike those of us working people who put in physical effort for our living. I respect working people no matter how little money they make, but have nothing but contempt for dork homosexuals. You have nothing to offer to the communities you insert yourself into, besides an excess of foreign money that usually ends up in the hands that already have too much.

  19. 10 months ago

    Well they show up somewhere pay twice to normal rate for rent and food and amenities, which then shits up the market for the rest of us and locals too.

  20. 10 months ago

    I don't hate them. Definitely understand the wanderlust. They're just a bit cringe is all.

  21. 10 months ago

    My skillset is allowing me to work remote or be a digital nomad. I want to leave next year March. But I'm really not sure where to go or how to fit this lifestyle. Would it be safe to simply book a long term rental somewhere in SEA? How do I plan and organize all this?

    • 10 months ago

      What is your skill set exactly are you a FT employee or a contractor?

      Why not learn2code and live your dream instead of being an angry crying beta male. Like what? Lol. Sounds like this is your fault only

      I know you're joking, but to any wide-eyed zoomer who still believes in the code dream: it's a dead one. 2021 was a freak year for tech and we're still seeing tons of fat being trimmed from all the overhiring that went on during lockdowns.
      A combination of a shitty economy and everyone and their mother trying to get into tech because they think it'll pay you 200k to do 1 hour of work a day has lead to significantly tougher hiring, especially at the entry level.
      Forget about self-teaching or bootcamps either. It's degree or bust.

      I believe most of these "digital nomads" in SEA are just doing some freelancing/hustling for rent money on Fiverr but larping as full time work because I doubt they're working 40hrs pulling 6 figures as a salaried western employee in tandem with a US office because of the time difference of 12 hrs.
      I have a masters in cyber sec, certifications, 15 year experience and when I raise the question of how these supposed nomads got started to gain some guidance I cannot get a straight answer.

      • 10 months ago

        I'm working an engineering job with 12hr time difference. 250k/year
        People do think it's a LARP but whatever. People do it

      • 10 months ago

        I actually do have 15 years in cyber security and a lot of credentials and as a non-U.S. resident I can't get a job with a U.S. based company at all. In theory I could move back to the USA, get a remote job, then move overseas without telling them, receive my salary in dollars to my U.S. account, and transfer money around various ways to actually live overseas but it's quite a hassle and if they find out they might fire you.

        My sister in law said they had a fully remote employee move from Texas to Hawaii and they told her not to and she just did it anyway. They fired her. Businesses are only tax incorporated in certain jurisdictions and can't have full time employees on the books that don't live in those areas.

  22. 10 months ago

    People have never liked rootless cosmopolitans. You're a tourist, you have no stake in the game, you don't give a shit about the community, the people, the environment, nothing. You're not to be trusted. You commit a crime and disappear.

    Anyway, I work from home, my home which I paid cash for and have no mortgage on and my property tax is super low because I live in Europe. With my wife and kids. Going to work from some 3rd world brown shit hole isn't that appealing.
    >muh tuna
    Lewl, go frick yourself moron hipster.

  23. 10 months ago

    Also most of these people live frugally which means the community gets 0 benefit from them whereas normal tourists are spending lavishly at least.

  24. 10 months ago

    I cannot cope with the idea of living a rootless life where I quite literally own nothing but whatever I could shove into a backpack. No matter how hyped up I am about a destination, by the two-month mark I inevitably start missing my home, eating meals/spending time with my parents/siblings, and being able to spend a week doing absolutely nothing if I wanted.

    Your own life experiences/values obviously play a huge part. I've never met a "my entire goal of life is to never settle and always travel"-type guy that has a healthy relationship with his family to keep them rooted, or isn't trying to outrun some kinda of trauma. (Alternatively, they're just trust-fund babies LARPing about being a freelancer or "studying abroad" when everything comes from daddy's bank)

    My dream scenario isn't "digital nomading", it's working a well-paying job where I have the option to simply frick off for a month or two at least once a year in-between wagecucking. My current job pays near six figs but gives me a paltry 18 days off.

    • 10 months ago

      >working a well-paying job where I have the option to simply frick off for a month or two at least once a year in-between wagecucking. My current job pays near six figs but gives me a paltry 18 days off
      Basically any job in Europe has this. Literally any job, even cashier at the super market.

      • 10 months ago

        Cool, but how much money do you Europoors working cashier jobs have left over to enjoy your month off?

        • 10 months ago

          Probably €1200,- not including saving up.
          Average cashier makes maybe €2500,-
          Probably pay a €1000 in rental. They get a discount on groceries so like €300.

    • 10 months ago

      >eating meals with my parents and siblings
      You have to be 18 to post here, anon.
      >never met a nomad with a strong family life
      It's true, you can't miss home if you don't have a home to go back to. But when all your relationships in a foreign country are strictly transactional, travel life can feel hollow AF.
      >dream scenario...working a well-paying job
      Some people view travel as a consumption experience - they leave their life behind to take a vacation and splurge on luxuries that they don't go for back home. I recently took my first vacation trip after years of nomad-style travel, mostly as a brokegay. It was hella fun.
      For "global nomads" and their kind, living in foreign places is a lifestyle. They may go "home" to work and save some money, but life in their home country is unappealing, and they get out as soon as they can. Maybe they like tropical weather, easy girls, a lazy pace of life, not having to lift a finger to cook meals or clean house.

    • 10 months ago

      My family is shit (morbidly obese pseudochristian-cult weirdos) and my 'friends' in the usa became meth addicted psychopaths after highschool. I joined the military to get away from all of them, and had no real roots after finishing my enlistment anyways due to being stationed overseas and deploying often.

      I made friends while I was in, and we went and did private military contracting together, which further distanced us from the normie lifestyle in the USA.

      Basically since age 19 I barely owned anything and lived out of a bag anyways, fighting and living in various shitholes. It was a natural progression to become a 'digital nomad'.

      I did actually try to go back to the USA and 'settle down a bit', but it was excruciating and I hated almost every second of it. Americans are insane, dangerous, yet simultaneously boring weirdos.

  25. 10 months ago

    I am sorry for SighSee, in SighSee we also have these undesirables (homestead meme, vanlife meme).

    Social media has ruined a generation and I greatly fear for our future.

  26. 10 months ago

    I didn't pack light enough, nomad bros.

  27. 10 months ago

    Digital Nomads, especially the new ones are low iq joggers and drop shippers that will get flushed out. Peace can return and turd worlders can reset their expectations.

  28. 10 months ago

    But I don't want to work. I just want to retire. I just want to find a cheap country that's not a crime infested shithole, and just live the NEET life. I only need like 25K a year to live as I already do. I'm halfway through the needed capital to do so.
    Give me some countries ideas, even better if low tax on capital income. I thought of Portugal, not the cheapest, but comf and still cheap compared to G7 countries.

    • 10 months ago

      >Tugal meme
      You didn't do any reserach on this, get real

      • 10 months ago

        My boomer father moved there 6 years ago already, to benefit from the quite tasty fiscal measures they put in place to appeal to retired richgays. And he's quite a richgay. Though they're putting an end to these measures, it's not as interesting for newcomers.
        It's quite comf over there, really, I could see myself living there. Not as cheap as I'd want to on everyday products, but god damn those tasty low housing prices. Restaurants are cheap, though to be honest I barely go in restaurants in the first place. Good T°C all year around on the coast, never too cold, rarely too hot.

    • 10 months ago

      >NEET life
      >25k USD a year


      For the rest of us who aren't clueless morons, how about say Bulgaria or nearby Balkan c**ts?

      >inb4 muh ethnic cleansing shithole

      I get Serbia is out of the question as an American, what about Croatia, Slovenia, maybe Bosnia?

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