Why's London/UK so soulless

I swear it's more vitriolic and messy and boring than Toronto

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  1. 8 months ago

    London isn’t really a city anon, just an amalgamation of small, mostly irrelevant, dilapidated yet expensive neighbourhoods/towns, joined together by a metro system. It’s basically a glorified state with a couple of major central areas.

    London is apparently the worlds only +AA city along with NYC, but is probably one of the last capital cities I’d go to if I wanted an actual big city experience.

    On the whole, I genuinely find London to be one of the most disappointing, soul draining places in the world, that’s coming from someone who lived in a wealthy part of it for years.

    • 8 months ago

      >London isn’t really a city anon, just an amalgamation of small, mostly irrelevant, dilapidated yet expensive neighbourhoods/towns, joined together by a metro system.
      very interesting, thanks for explaining it. no wonder it's not on the world's top 20 business/innovating/whatever it was world city list, i was surprised when it wasn't there

      • 8 months ago

        In fairness, London typically does actually rank really high on those lists, I’ve never seen one where London doesn’t rank in at least the top 5. Could you share the list?

        As I said, I really don’t like the lifestyle in London, in fact, I actually despise the people and day-to-day culture there to the point where I vowed to never step foot back in the place.

        THAT BEING SAID, it’s actually a good place for business and innovation as far as I’m aware.

        • 8 months ago

          It's a historic financial capital and one in an English speaking country so it will always have relevance that places like Madrid won't as long as English is the international language of business and technology.
          I personally don't like the UK much either though. Most of England is even more soulless than London too, like London, but notably poorer and more insular, except for pockets that are kind of nice like the southwest and East Anglia.

        • 8 months ago

          >As I said, I really don’t like the lifestyle in London, in fact, I actually despise the people and day-to-day culture there to the point where I vowed to never step foot back in the place.
          what did you do while there i mean in the sense about what type of person were you dealing with?
          it isn't a place for me either.

          • 8 months ago

            >what type of person were you dealing with?

            Whenever I’m asked this question I find it hard to put my finger on exactly what I don’t like.

            People in London generally are soulless, materialistic, and status driven, oftentimes with massive chips on their shoulders and easy to piss off. If you’re in any relevant part of London, there isn’t really any middle class there anymore and it’s extremely rare to see normal families or old people, instead you just get never-ending waves of 20-30 something year old weirdos working in finance or tech.

            Some of the arrogance in London is off the charts. It’s a place where if you don’t look the part, chances are you’ll be looked down on. Everyone is trying to be seen and trying to make a name for themselves somehow or another. It’s an insanely vapid place full of some of the worst kinds of people known to man. It makes even going for coffee and a breakfast in a posh part of London almost unbearable for me.

            The other thing is, London is generally a boring place to live. People think it’s some mega 24 hour city when it’s really not, everything shuts super fricking early aside from nightclubs.

            As a Brit who migrated a long time ago, I generally don’t like British people, but I especially can’t stand Londoners.

            • 8 months ago

              i wouldn't disagree with any of that. it seems a very cliquey place where people come across very defensive about themselves and their cliques. not welcoming. the women are so self-focussed on their own banal existence that being around them is a chore.
              i would say, based on nothing, that there is a level of defence put up because the whole place runs on ignoring the fact that it is terrible and they are are a street away from poverty and a bad timing away from violence. their segregation is perhaps needed to let them live in the fantasy that they are in a safe place.

            • 8 months ago

              oh look it's that anon who got bullied in a bar and now talks shit about everyone in the uk every fricking time london gets mentioned on here and thinks they're so fricking unique for moving to spain because no british person has ever done that before

              • 8 months ago

                I just like to stress how shit London is, if you’re offended by that sorry lol.

              • 8 months ago

                >t. butthole londoner

            • 8 months ago

              >People think it’s some mega 24 hour city when it’s really not
              I live just outside London now and I still find this baffling. Best you can hope for outside of a club is becoming a regular so that you can get in on lockins at pubs.

            • 8 months ago

              >If you’re in any relevant part of London, there isn’t really any middle class there anymore and it’s extremely rare to see normal families or old people, instead you just get never-ending waves of 20-30 something year old weirdos working in finance or tech.
              Almost as if it's a capital city and one of the biggest financial centres in the world instead of Toronto which is primarily just a destination for Asian students. Toronto isn't a 24hr city either.

            • 8 months ago

              you just described New York and every big cosmo city in five eyes/West

            • 8 months ago

              i always felt like london was several parallel societies living on top of each other, so no matter who you are you are an outsider. sure there are people that have overlaps of who they interact with

              blacks, muslims, indians, chinese, europeans, working class whites, crackhead whites, gentrifying whites. all living in the same neighborhood and naturally they will mostly hang out with their own kind aside from going to someone's shop and have further subgroups beyond that for their nationality etc.
              then there will be orthodox israelites, and gypsies and weird river boat people.

              i wouldn't disagree with any of that. it seems a very cliquey place where people come across very defensive about themselves and their cliques. not welcoming. the women are so self-focussed on their own banal existence that being around them is a chore.
              i would say, based on nothing, that there is a level of defence put up because the whole place runs on ignoring the fact that it is terrible and they are are a street away from poverty and a bad timing away from violence. their segregation is perhaps needed to let them live in the fantasy that they are in a safe place.

              other thing about London is that if you don't go to uni here it's basically impossible to meet zoomers/young people - every fricking meetup event/night out I go to is late 20s through to mid 30s people, nobody my age at all. And the zoomers that ARE here are massive Tarquins that I cannot relate to at all
              Its so bad that I've unironically had to resort to cold approaching to get dates because meeting people in their early 20s organically is simply not an option for whatever reason
              Is every big city in the world like this? I was gonna frick off to Buenos Aires or someplace in Asia (Tokyo, Bangkok, frick knows where brah) but I'm worried that I'll run into the same problems there that I'm experiencing in London

              • 8 months ago

                Just go to the London furry meetups and you'll meet plenty of zoomers :^)

              • 8 months ago

                no, I want to have friends that don't smell like literal shit thank you very much

              • 8 months ago

                that said I might go comicon to chat up egirls idk yet

              • 8 months ago

                why do you live in london? does that reason not give you access to a social circle (obviously if your circle is not exciting you are looking for ways to branch out)

                also london must be full of women just graduated from uni elsewhere then move there for work. its the only place in the uk where there are more women than men

              • 8 months ago

                >why do you live in london?
                born here lad, parents are from here
                Grew up here, went to uni and commuted from home because I was a lazy risk averse frick that wanted to take the option of least resistance
                >does that reason not give you access to a social circle (obviously if your circle is not exciting you are looking for ways to branch out)
                this is gonna sound like utter bollocks but there's honestly not much going on here that relates to my interests, I've spent months scouring instagram to find out about all the music venues/hobby groups/etc and most of it genuinely doesn't interest me, or the people involved in those scenes are stuck up Tarquins. There are a few exceptions and I've made a couple of good friends but there's nothing going on that enables me to have the large social circle I desire or warrants touching grass several times a week

                >london must be full of women just graduated from uni elsewhere then move there for work
                yeah and they're all boring as frick. Career women in their mid 20s with 10+ previous partners that have seen and done it all before and don't have time to date me regularly because of work and pre-existing social commitments

                genuinely might suicide in minecraft if everywhere in the world is like this kek

                the London War Museum is quite good

                yeah this is true, museums and galleries in general here are pretty based

              • 8 months ago

                You should go to Tokyo. After living in London most of my life, Tokyo but it to shame in terms of things to do and the feeling of city life

              • 8 months ago

                I'm learning Japanese right now so that I can do just that, I've been obsessed with Japanese media/underground culture for years and even though I know that the reality won't live up to my expectations my urge to move out there is too great to ignore
                One question though: did you regularly see 18-25 year olds whilst you were out and about at events/on nights out/etc? That's probably my main beef with London, everyone here is a fricking millenial lol

        • 8 months ago

          oh shit i'm moronic it was super high on my list

    • 8 months ago

      >just an amalgamation of small, mostly irrelevant, dilapidated yet expensive neighbourhoods/towns, joined together by a metro system

      Thats the definition of a city you fricktard fricking moron homosexual

      • 8 months ago

        You literally have no idea what you’re talking about.

    • 8 months ago

      this, it's a shithole masking itself as some luxurious european city

  2. 8 months ago

    Nothing but immigrants and bankers.
    British population got pushed out long ago, no one has anything in common with one another so no soul to be found

  3. 8 months ago

    10 quid pints.

  4. 8 months ago

    it is expensive to relax

  5. 8 months ago

    i always felt like london was several parallel societies living on top of each other, so no matter who you are you are an outsider. sure there are people that have overlaps of who they interact with

    blacks, muslims, indians, chinese, europeans, working class whites, crackhead whites, gentrifying whites. all living in the same neighborhood and naturally they will mostly hang out with their own kind aside from going to someone's shop and have further subgroups beyond that for their nationality etc.
    then there will be orthodox israelites, and gypsies and weird river boat people.

    • 8 months ago

      >weird river boat people
      UKanons explain. I went somewhere in the UK a long time ago and there was a protest going on about saving the "river people's" way of life or some shit. I couldn't get an answer that I understood over what the problem was.

      • 8 months ago

        much of uk was connected by river/canal system for transporting resources, the most popular were narrow boats

        what is the legality what is the fee for mooring at a spot in the river and making it your home? could you just buy a boat from some poor country town and then set up in central london i duno the rules.

        a subset of boomer retiree that likes to explore the country and has nostalgia for the old days
        >great canal journeys

        then there are people who dont seem far off american rednecks living out of their river boat setting up makeshift living space on the land where they have moored
        >‘Slum city’ on the Thames? – BBC London News

        • 8 months ago

          >what is the legality what is the fee for mooring at a spot in the river and making it your home? could you just buy a boat from some poor country town and then set up in central london i duno the rules.
          You can buy a boat and live on the canals for no further expense besides your fuel, food, etc., but you must move the boat every two weeks, and it is enforced. If you want to stay in one place you have to pay about £10k/y but it includes utilities I think.

          I know someone who lives on the canals. It's a bit like vanlife, but legal. AFAICT it attracts the same crowd - ranging from scum to middle class (the person I know).

  6. 8 months ago

    Is it really that bad? I'd imagine there must be something magical about it. I feel like everyone complains about the city they live in, but I'm sure London is far more interesting than any city here in the US. Is it really soulless? You haven't seen soulless until you've been in our cities. It kinda pisses me off when Europeans complain about their cities because you have no idea how jealous I am that you get to live in cities built for people that have thousands of years of history.

    • 8 months ago

      It's definitely not as soulless as cities in Texas, or even Canada, I'll give you that. There definitely is the feeling like this was the seat of a once enormous and grandiose empire and even the tourist traps like the Tower of London are really pretty cool. It definitely does feel very "international" now and I have posted before about my general dislike for the UK though London is worth visiting at least once in your life, imo. It's a place that has impacted everyone on the planet in some way.

    • 8 months ago

      London has always been kind of a dump. I was born in Bristol only 3 hours a way, honestly when you're out of the southeast, the UK gets so much more bearable. So much nicer, laid-back, friendlier and chilled out. I can't even stand going to the airport in London. If they ever build a HSR instead of trying to money launder, they're would be no reason to live there at all since if you ever want to see anything there you could there in an hour or two.

    • 8 months ago

      London has become soulless in the last decade or so.

      American cities are like hell-tier soulless. London (aside from its history and museums) is just ordinary soulless.

      • 8 months ago

        >in the last decade or so
        Nah its always been soulless, but at least historical buildings are upkept and not increasingly bulldozed for shitty glass condos like what's happening in Toronto and a lot of North America.
        As someone who also wants to leave Canada, like OP, the only place I'd consider moving to in the UK is somewhere in Scotland or Northern Ireland although that's well below going to say Italy or Spain.

    • 8 months ago

      >but I'm sure London is far more interesting than any city here in the US. Is it really soulless?
      for those of who visited it years ago, every major destination has gotten dramatically more expensive, more crowded, and more diverse
      if you've never visited europe, the fancy parts of town would be interesting sure. but its not very relaxing.

      there are still too many people that love london

    • 8 months ago

      Euros have no idea how truly soulless american cities are. There is history to be found in London, can't say the same for a place like New York or Los Angeles. No old parts to escape to, cars everywhere, etc

  7. 8 months ago

    That's funny, I thought London was Toronto with a better more exciting night life.

  8. 8 months ago

    My name Abdrool Pakistani take over Brit bicthes we strong find white gilr sex meridge please

  9. 8 months ago

    Yeah, it’s become very soulless in the last decade and the scary part is foreigners aren’t the (sole) reason for it. The city just gave up on everything that isn’t related to money. Paris is still extremely sovlful despite being like half nonwhite at this point.

  10. 8 months ago

    How does London compare to NYC?

    • 8 months ago

      London is a better city if you're wealthy, NYC is a better city if you're not.

      London has better looking women, NYC has better quality women.

      London is better at being a city (shopping, going out, cultural events, meeting strangers, etc) than NYC. NYC is more affordable ironically and less built up outside of Manhattan.

      NYC is past is prime, too many schizos/homeless/migrants post COVID. London is cleaner, safer, nicer, just too expensive and status/money driven and Londoners are insufferable while New Yorkers still act like people.

      • 8 months ago

        >London is a better city if you're wealthy, NYC is a better city if you're not
        It's hard to have a decent standard of living in London if you aren't wealthy, but I still think NYC is better if you have money.
        Anyways it's important to sort out exactly how wealthy you are. Are you a billionaire trust fund kid? Or a mere 1-2 mil a year plebian? The latter goes MUCH further in NYC than in London.

  11. 8 months ago

    Why is every english speaking women in the five eyes a deranged c**t? Hearing an anglo accent no matter the dialect is the mark of the fricking devil

  12. 8 months ago

    I assume the historic sites are still worth a visit. I definitely want to see the British Museum, Westminster Abbey, etc.

    • 8 months ago

      the London War Museum is quite good

  13. 8 months ago

    I thought London was a more soulful and cool version of my home city of Melbourne lol. Just goes to show how different perspectives can be depending on where you're from.

  14. 8 months ago

    London does suck a bunch of dicks, but it's because London is no longer British.

  15. 8 months ago

    london anime opening

  16. 8 months ago

    UKanons, am I allowed to go to the UK?

    • 8 months ago

      post feet

  17. 8 months ago

    Prostitution being legal is the only reason I still live in the UK tbh

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