Worst Tourists

Genuinely which countries have the worst tourists?

>Those we can't name but you know who I mean or the thread will get axed

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  1. 11 months ago

    Not sure about the worst tourists, but the worst OPs post 13 kilobyte images.

    • 11 months ago

      I'm pretty sure those 13kb depict one of the dutch girls who died in the jungle in Panama

      • 10 months ago

        It wasn't in a jungle somehow she and her friend got lost while hiking, no one knows what happen to them but they found their remains all torn apart, it was such a bizarre case because the trail in question is pretty common tourist destination.

  2. 11 months ago

    Americans if they figured out you can travel outside of just going to disneyworld and consuming

    • 11 months ago

      have a nice day.

      • 11 months ago

        lol shills btfo

      • 11 months ago

        lol shills btfo

        Just report @2515323 and move on.
        The resident janny isn't worth much but if enough people report a spammer, he'll jump into action.

        • 11 months ago

          The janitor is a useless frick who only deletes posts that complain about him directly.

      • 11 months ago

        rent free

    • 11 months ago

      I remember when this image was spammed nonstop in other boards. Europeans and asians mistake a truck stop for a city, it's crazy. Like I never thought about how impoverished others are, how big the gap is until that.

      • 10 months ago

        Yeah it’s obviously a rest/truck stop on a major highway. We have the same dotted along Melb - Syd.

    • 11 months ago

      Americans haven't been annoying tourists since the mid 90s. At worst they are talk too much or are loud, never annoying or obnoxious.

      Chinese and Indian. One is a walking noise pollution, while the other is a pollution in itself

      An Indian was the last person to annoy me while traveling so I'm going to go with them,
      >On a boat traveling down Dong Nai river
      >Want to go on the boat verandah to chill and drink my warm beer
      >Pajeet is standing near the exit door because toilets doors are close to there
      >Ask him if I can get through to go outside
      >He loses his shit screaming "I WAS FIRST I WAS FIRST"
      >Let him know I just want to get passed him to walk outside
      >Push last him and open the door and don't look back

      How fricked is India where you have to be so aggressive over something so small?

      • 10 months ago

        >Americans haven't been annoying tourists since the mid 90s. At worst they are talk too much or are loud, never annoying or obnoxious.
        The nasal voice/accent of american women is insufferable. Hearing english is already enough of a pain.
        And they have also this over confidence I can't stand them, they try to appear even more confident than their men.
        Arrogant pieces of shit.

        t. Frenchman

        • 10 months ago

          why are the french so mean to us? we've helped them every time germany started bullying them

          • 10 months ago

            You systematically took the last minute benefits of the victory of a war waged by others.
            But I'm not surprised it's your perfidious anglo blood.

            • 10 months ago

              >You systematically took the last minute benefits of the victory of a war waged by others
              America’s position in the world is the fault of the sore losers who begged for its help.

            • 10 months ago

              you guys make really good food. ill give you that

        • 10 months ago

          Imagine complaining about Americans having nasal voice while French have the most nasal accent and language in the world.
          But it’s quite true that women in general are c**ts anyway.

          t. Been living in France for 15 years

          • 10 months ago

            >But it’s quite true that women in general are c**ts anyway.
            Oh, explain please. I know french men abroad are pompous idiots, Paris this, Paris that, French this, French that. They talk in such a way that it makes you wonder why they are on holiday outside of France if France is the best according to them.

        • 10 months ago

          I could already tell you were French by the way you talk about people, snail-eater.

      • 10 months ago

        I'm in india right now. I'm not a /misc/ poster or anything, I normally like the locals where I go and am forgiving of the fact there are some buttholes everywhere, but indians are something else. I genuinely think there must be some measurable brain damage in them. I'm not saying they behave like animals, animals are actually quite civillized and nice most the time. Most indians seem to genuinely completely lack empathy or any consideration of other people, they are sadistic, rude, people. Lots of them own maids/babysitters despite being very poor, they get immigants or disabled people just to lounge around the house, the point seems to be to have an underling they can berrate and control. Its genuinely bizzarre, a whole country of extreme psycopaths. I guess its sort of similair to ancient sparta or something. I hate these people and I havee genuinely had a miserable time much of my time here becuase of the 'people'

        • 10 months ago

          Once you realize than India and most of their people still operate in a caste system it all makes sense. God forbid you encounter a high caste Indian traveling abroad as they will act like they would in India to everybody else.
          Example below, this Pajeet probably could command and bully cops because he was able to in India; and do you really think the CEO of United reserved a business class seat for this Pajeet?

          • 10 months ago

            I’ve noticed this too. I’ve always had good interactions with Indians but I’m also a clean cut white guy and not fulfilling some sort of service role. The people I always see being mistreated by Indians are people in submissive situations to them. They treat people doing their job as their servants, and they treat their servants like shit. The more native Indian they are, the more rude and intolerable they are. It’s definitely a thing perpetuated by their caste culture

            • 10 months ago

              On a side note. Higher caste Indian rarely need to go abroad because they basically live like kings there. They don't ever shake off the mentality of being in a high caste either, because why would they. The Indians that belong in the middle caste or lower that are able to emigrate out of Indian tend to be more humble, not always, as they aren't pressed to conform to the caste system.
              A high caste Indian male that gets declined by some average white woman is a sight to behold though, the entitlement is unreal that it would make an incel look like a Chad by comparison.

    • 10 months ago

      I love mocking burgers as a pastime but this is the dictionary definition of rent free.
      Americans are actually pretty cool overseas, I've seen so many Euro's lecture yanks in their 20's about why the Gulf wars were bad and it's fricking insufferable.
      Americans actually behave themselves overseas unless it's somewhere like thailand then they seem to go full moron.
      Unironically it's the northern euros and russians who behave fricking bad all over Asia.

    • 10 months ago


      I love mocking burgers as a pastime but this is the dictionary definition of rent free.
      Americans are actually pretty cool overseas, I've seen so many Euro's lecture yanks in their 20's about why the Gulf wars were bad and it's fricking insufferable.
      Americans actually behave themselves overseas unless it's somewhere like thailand then they seem to go full moron.
      Unironically it's the northern euros and russians who behave fricking bad all over Asia.

      Obviously burger larping kek

      • 10 months ago

        I'm aussie you dick muncher

    • 10 months ago

      I don't understand why this pic gets meme'd on, I genuinely find this comfy

      • 10 months ago

        It's in Pennsylvania near me. It's a truck stop in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by beautiful forests for miles.

        • 10 months ago

          It’s near the Appalachian Trail right?

          • 10 months ago


        • 10 months ago


          Americans if they figured out you can travel outside of just going to disneyworld and consuming

          >Vapid consumers find chain restaurants comfy
          I'm sure you do

          • 10 months ago

            ok but corpo Japan is aesthetic right?

  3. 11 months ago

    British (it instantly ruins my day when I overheard another Brit when I am abroad)

    • 11 months ago

      I don't know what it is about british that irk me so much.
      They are the "kings" of banter but are so pussy whipped and soft that the second you do any banter back at them they get offended to hell.
      You want to talk about beer to them? Pfft mutts only drink budlight but somehow don't know most all bars over dive bars have imports
      Tell them you also get the same amount of time off as them, they are flabbergasted there is no way burgers can have more than 2 weeks off they can't use and never take
      Know things about where they are from? Well that's just wrong here's how it really is, only they need to be the one speaking about it even if they repeat the same thing
      Don't watch sports? Impossible all americans do is watch football(which they have to correct you on the term)

      I don't know why so many also need to tell me how to "fix" america and if we just did X it will fix it all, yet they can't fathom that one of our states is bigger than their countries.

      • 11 months ago

        >Tell them you also get the same amount of time off as them, they are flabbergasted there is no way burgers can have more than 2 weeks off they can't use and never take
        No you don't.

        • 11 months ago

          I work in tech in the US and get 4weeks per year + 12 company holidays, this is pretty par for the course most my friends in their professions also get this after a year or two with a company.

          Why does the fact that the american "no vacation ever!" is old and wrong, cause fuss with euros?

          • 11 months ago

            It's not old or wrong. You only get that kind of vacation time in high end tech jobs or the public sector.

            • 11 months ago

              You're either shit at negotiations during the interview process or shocked that paid vacation usually comes from a paid profession

          • 11 months ago

            I'm sincerely happy for you that you managed to find a position with that much paid vacation, but let's be real- it's extremely rare.

            • 11 months ago

              Acshually, several weeks of paid vacation per year is pretty common with tech jobs once you become established with a company.

            • 11 months ago

              Sucks your stuck in a job with limited time off why not change if it's that important. Outside the service industry and low entry level stuff, I don't know anyone who doesn't get at least 3weeks off + company holidays. Most companies my friends work at all swapped to PTO where it's just 4 weeks use it however.

              I can't recall the last interview I've done where I touched on time off and verified that I get more time off the longer I stay.

        • 11 months ago

          Most jobs in the US that are low skill data entry, customer service, low effort generally have 2 weeks vacation to start with a week or two added after a year.

          The only real common thing among Americans is that most don't want to waste taking +8hr flight to Europe or Japan for vacation. Not only is there a stigma that it's super expensive, but you're going to waste 2 days out of your vacation simply to travel to another country outside north America. The other being that MOST Americans and American companies don't allow you to up and do +2 weeks off in single time.

          Most Americans will do something called "weekenders" meaning they take off Thursday->Tuesday butted up against a holiday. You only have to use 1-2 days off but still get a 5 or so days off with minimal effort and coupled with just packing up the family car and rolling out is pretty easy. Driving 6 hours can drastically change your entire surroundings. I live in Virginia, a 6-8 hour drive means I can go to a beach down in NC, winter I can go enjoy the snow in the mountains, or go to some big events around DC/PH/NYC. I also can make stops along the way to pull over and see something cool. This seems far more appealing for people to do than load up a plane and spend 6-8 hours simply in a plane across the Atlantic.

          I've had to explain this so many times to euros that simply can't wrap their heads around it, that I gave up. It's a cultural difference that I don't know why is such a big rise to people.

          • 11 months ago

            Most people that live in Western Europe are going the equivalent distance of driving to another state. It is different when you can reach a ton of different countries with a <2 hour flight. Europeans often never leave the small area they are born in as well, so the idea that Euros are more travelled is hilarious. Regional rivalries live south vs north England are funny when you can drive through both in <5 hours
            Someone going from Paris to Warsaw is way less distance than LA to NYC

            • 10 months ago

              so fricking what, the point is that you experience a big difference in culture if you travel from France to Poland whereas if you travel anywhere in the US you still meet the same plastic mutts and see the same plastic buildings

              • 10 months ago

                Oh wow, you can go from [densely populated section of the European Plain] to [densely populated section of the European Plain]. How exciting!

              • 10 months ago

                plastic mutt moron

      • 10 months ago

        >They are the "kings" of banter but are so pussy whipped and soft that the second you do any banter back at them they get offended to hell.
        Unless I'm missing something here, I don't think you're using "pussy whipped" director correctly, fren.

        • 10 months ago

          I just outed myself as a phonegay. Brb kms.

      • 10 months ago

        You're describing europeans more generally. In fact englishers are not as bad generally as other yuros because we get alot of it to from europeans, the average brit couldnt point to netherlands on a map, but they can name all our recent primeministers and criticise all their policies. Yuros are just obsessed with anglos. A couple of the things you mention sound reasonable as well. I'm not referring to a sport you play with your hands and a pointy thing 'football' and the game you play with four foot and a ball something else.

        • 10 months ago

          That's ironic because you're literally obsessed with the French. Anyone who reads British press knows this.

  4. 11 months ago

    >brits and aussies who are more stereotypically american than americans
    >South Americans who have just enough to travel so they think they own literally every single atom around them when they are a poorgay
    >Scandinavias who want to hang out or do something in the hostel, once you go to the thing they stand in the corner looking bored and don't talk
    >Dutch who regardless what you know, do, or talk about you're just wrong they know because they are dutch
    >Germans who make every conversation somehow pervy or just plain weird also walk around naked in the hostel like no biggie
    >French people who won't speak english for any reason, French women existing should be a crime against humanity
    >American who is in the military acting like they are the gift to the bar or area they are in because MURRICA FRICK YEAH
    >Italians who either seem like they want to do shady shit or start some fight but are the biggest pussies out there
    >Post soviet state people who are always cheap as shit and raiding the "free" bin
    >Isrealis, you'll know why if you met one
    >Indians and Turks who won't stop smoking, being loud, smell like shit, cook shit in the hostel
    >Japanese person who clearly needs help but won't ask for it
    >chinese family where the mom/dad are clearly fighting and let their kids to frick all
    >South korean women who will turncoat on you to go suck some smelly shitty amerimutt who's not even that good looking at the bar to go slobber over his wiener for a green card after you spend 400£ on a evening out
    >Mexicans who really really need to explain how they are from mexico and it's really not that bad(it is)
    >Euro's who you mistake them for being from X country but they are from Y and it's similar to spitting in their face even after you correct yourself
    >tourist visiting the country to "take in the culture" is just broke stealing in the hostel

    • 11 months ago

      korean women who will turncoat on you to go suck some smelly shitty amerimutt who's not even that good looking at the bar to go slobber over his wiener for a green card after you spend 400£ on a evening out
      ...pretty specific bro
      you got something you want to tell us?

    • 11 months ago

      , you'll know why if you met one
      Yep, even worse when they are in a group.

    • 11 months ago

      honestly, this is spot one. I would like a break down of each now as a greentext to go more in-depth.

      • 11 months ago

        What the hell is there to break down if it's spot on?

    • 11 months ago

      I have met every single one of them. As a Scandinavian myself, this is why I avoid other Scandis like the fricking plague abroad

      • 11 months ago

        >Make friends with some dude from norway at a bar
        >turns out both staying basically at the same hostel doing some same-ish stuff
        >hey many wanna hang out probably can split a cab/uber
        >seems pretty hyped about it as we shoot the shit online
        >go to the event
        >dude buys a beer and stands in the corner the entire time
        >wanna do anything else man? shits looking fun over there
        >"ehh I don't know maybe I am having beer"
        >okay I'll go see what's going on over there
        >come back an hour later dude is still drinking but only on his second beer
        >ask him if he's having fun
        >Oh yeah man it's great We'd never have anything like this near Bergen!
        >turns out he was having fun and that was his entire vacation plan
        I don't understand

        • 11 months ago

          scandi males seem to just like chillin at the bar drinking a lot.. probably the most drunk i've ever been was with scandis ringing the bell at phuket scandinavian bar. it's the women you need to look out for who go off and party. they are notorious for getting really drunk and dancing on tables and shit in the swiss / austrian alps. can be a good time to be a ski instructor apparently (during swedish holidays)

        • 10 months ago

          Exactly. This is why I hate my fellow countrymen when abroad

        • 10 months ago

          Kek, I went to Blå club in Oslo, there was a release party for some IDM album. Read a lot online how wild it was and the likes, how a dude got stabbed and whatever.

          It turned out to be the chillest night I had. Everybody with a can of beer listening to the music in their corner.
          I went out to get some fresh air and some drunk dude started talking to me and it was funny and entertaining. Dude was completely wasted but still holding together.

          • 10 months ago

            >I went out to get some fresh air and some drunk dude started talking to me and it was funny and entertaining. Dude was completely wasted but still holding together.
            What a riveting story, anon. Kek indeed.

    • 11 months ago

      >French women existing should be a crime against humanity
      I agree. Our women are fricking shit, unless you're an architect that doesn't mind kissing an ashtray.

      • 11 months ago

        are frenchies really fat now? thats...pretty disappointing. i thought you guys were all skinny bean poles

    • 11 months ago

      korean women who will turncoat on you to go suck some smelly shitty amerimutt who's not even that good looking at the bar to go slobber over his wiener for a green card after you spend 400£ on a evening out
      That's why you don't spend money on South Korean women. You frick their brains out till they can barely walk first... then they can go do whatever the shit they want

    • 11 months ago

      >South korean women who will turncoat on you to go suck some smelly shitty amerimutt who's not even that good looking at the bar to go slobber over his wiener for a green card after you spend 400£ on a evening out
      lol way too specific to be made up

    • 10 months ago

      >South korean women who will turncoat on you to go suck some smelly shitty amerimutt who's not even that good looking at the bar to go slobber over his wiener for a green card after you spend 400£ on a evening out
      if you spent 400 bongbux on a date with a rando like you're paying for a prostitute then you deserve to get btfo hahaha

    • 10 months ago

      how do I know anyone is dutch?
      >when the first thing they want to do is drugs

    • 10 months ago

      The Dutch are like that because they are always right. Everytime someone seethes about it, they just get proven right again.

    • 10 months ago

      korean women who will turncoat on you to go suck some smelly shitty amerimutt who's not even that good looking at the bar to go slobber over his wiener for a green card after you spend 400£ on a evening out
      you got cucked kek GOD BLESS AMERICA

  5. 11 months ago

    >german older couples
    >french men
    >aussie, british and israeli youth groups
    >chinese retiree/old people groups
    >american women (unmarried, travelling alone or in groups)
    >latin americans when they are in a crowd and keep waving their country flags

    • 11 months ago

      retiree/old people groups
      seriously tour buses full of these fricks leave their used toilet paper all over the outback australia.

    • 10 months ago

      women (unmarried, travelling alone or in groups)

      > o no, please dont send us young bawds

  6. 11 months ago

    Australians, they're the worst because they're always cool af and I'm jealous

    • 11 months ago

      I'm australian and not cool at all.

      • 11 months ago

        Exactly the type of thing a cool Australian would say

    • 10 months ago

      Australian here. I'm not cool. Everyone can tell I'm Australian though because I wear a t-shirt with the Australian flag on it every time I travel overseas.

      • 10 months ago

        >self effacing humor
        >cool shirt
        >fun accent
        Yep, another cool Aussie

  7. 11 months ago

    Those fricking Chinese people who have never heard of the concept of personal space. GET OFF OF ME YOU FRICKING YELLOW ZIPPERHEAD homosexual.

  8. 11 months ago

    Chinese and Indian. One is a walking noise pollution, while the other is a pollution in itself

  9. 11 months ago

    Gypsies. They are travelers by definition, and nobody likes or wants them. Even the most socially progressive of European leftists will hate them.

    • 10 months ago

      But why?

  10. 11 months ago

    Poor, low value males are the worst.

    SighSee on suicide watch

  11. 11 months ago

    Germans and spanish. Very violent and will try to fight you and ruin your holiday. They are the sniveling types who will lose the fight they picked with you and then go crying to the cops after.

    Germans can be kind of based though, on numerous occassions they are the only people who have called me a “shit race” dirextly to my face. And I mean this has happened like 5 times. I have to hand it to them, that’s pretty based. They’re also very willing to fight me even though I am much larger and stronger/faster than they are (I’m an ex-pro athlete who has kept the physique). Even the women!

    So like, yeah, Germans are easily the worst tourists, but in a very based way.

    • 11 months ago

      >they are the only people who have called me a “shit race” dirextly to my face.
      >I have to hand it to them, that’s pretty based.
      How much of a race cuck do you have to be to let a germanoid chimpanze call you a shit race???

    • 10 months ago

      Yet ironically they cuck politicallt in evert possible way.

  12. 11 months ago

    chinese are the worst and it's not even close

  13. 11 months ago

    French and Germans are annoying c**ts. Add Italians and Dutch to that too. Really pretentious people.

    Brits are dickheads wherever they go.

    Chinks are like a swarm but tolerable and have societal manners which brings them up in my book.

    Americans are loud mouthed and self entitled, but can be ok when they talk to you.

    Indians are loud, ill mannered, lack any form of mannerisms and just stink.

    • 10 months ago

      >have societal manners
      What bizarro-world are you from

  14. 11 months ago

    complain a lot, b***h about smallest issues, it's even worse for hotel staff, ww2 generation tends to be more chill but they are gettin way too old
    loud, can't be arsed to not talk loud everywhere, midwestern ppl tend to have more manners though
    just terrible
    only those with that terrible bbc accent
    >upper class sub saharan africans
    entitelment is through the roof since they are used to behave like that at home
    I guess you become like that when you have to live with moroccans and algerians

  15. 11 months ago

    If I hear American (which you will 1km away...) accent it will be shit like
    >OMG Janet come see this this is the most awesome X ever Oh my gosh. Oh hey there Local is this trek hard we hike all the time in America
    Then you see them fricked on the smallest trail

    Dutch and Israeli sound the same with their horrible accents and guttural langauge and snobby attitudes

    Brits are stupid but polite usually

    Chinese should just be left alone and ignored they are lemmings just don't get in their way

    French are in their own world. Snobs

    Aussies are alright

    Spanish are very fussy and hog the pavements.

  16. 11 months ago

    Any European when American politics comes up in the conversation.

  17. 11 months ago

    people hate on americans but the white american tourists I meet in hostels tend to be pretty cool, especially the girls
    It's the older americans that I think give the country a bad rep.

    The worst tourists are of course brown people, closely followed by gulf arabs with their 4 wives in tow. POC aside in my experience British tourists are the worst, obsessed with sex tourism and close enough to Europe to visit frequently

    • 11 months ago

      >white American girls
      Literally the type I avoid the most. I think they tend to avoid me too, just never get along with them.
      Although I’m an Americanized dark Latino dude.

      • 11 months ago

        To be fair american girls hate latino men more than any other group, have had success with every other group except them they hate me lol

    • 11 months ago

      >close enough to Europe to visit frequently
      You are European yourself, Nigel.

  18. 11 months ago

    Chinese- rude, disgusting
    Russians- rude, disgusting
    French- buttholes
    Germans are nice but so fricking oblivious and moronic about "real world" things that they put themselves in danger

    Americans are unironically pretty good tourists

    • 11 months ago

      >Americans are unironically pretty good tourists
      We have problems but I've never met anyone under 40 who is aware the "bad american tourist stereotype" and tries their hardest to work against it or be on their better behavior. I still hold the mindset that if you think American tourists are the worst, you've barely scraped the surface of traveling.

    • 10 months ago

      >Germans are nice but so fricking oblivious and moronic about "real world" things that they put themselves in danger
      That also goes for the Dutch. Those girls who disappeared in Panama, babby's first Latin American country, were Dutch, and even searching "Dutch tourist" can turn up some interesting results.

    • 10 months ago

      I remember on my first trip to Thailand I witnessed an entire German family piling into a Bangkok municipal bus with all their luggage in tow. Middle of the day, rush hour crowds and here they are squeezing their rolling suitcases into this creaky, fricking crowded, non-air conditioned bus for God knows whatever reason. How oblivious or fricking cheap do you have to be to subject your family to conditions like that? It's not like a chartered car or grab is even expensive...

    • 10 months ago

      >oblivious and moronic about "real world" things that they put themselves in danger
      Your uncivilised savagery is not "the real world", thirdie. Get your country in order as we did.

    • 10 months ago

      >Germans are nice but so fricking oblivious and moronic about "real world" things that they put themselves in danger
      I've heard so many stories of idiot German tourists visiting American national parks and having to be rescued because they wandered off into the wilderness with nothing but a 500ml bottle of water. Or because they thought it would be fun to take a selfie with a grizzly bear. This isn't the alps where every mountain has a restaurant on top.
      >"The Death Valley Germans (as dubbed by the media) were a family of four tourists from Germany who went missing in Death Valley National Park, on the California–Nevada border, in the United States, on 23 July 1996. Despite an intense search and rescue operation, no trace of the family was discovered and the search was called off." Their bodies weren't discovered until 2009.

      • 10 months ago

        >Germans are nice but so fricking oblivious and moronic about "real world" things
        Yeah we can clearly see it with their energy policy

      • 10 months ago

        This is common at Death Valley. While most American tourists avoid the area during the hottest months Germans just have to go see what 130 degree heat is really like. You absolutely cannot survive those temperatures. Even with water and shade.

        • 10 months ago

          >verdammt es ist hot today is it not, nein?

          pic related. It’s the average german physique

          • 10 months ago

            > The average Greek getting political with a German tourist after his fourth shot of ouzo

          • 10 months ago

            >Average drunk British tourist when told by the Spanish barman that he’s cut off from any more beer

  19. 11 months ago

    Americans and it's not even close. You guys have no idea how bad you are because Americans have zero self reflection or awareness and just blame others or redirect every time they're criticized for something.

    >Every bit as bad as the British
    >Every bit as obnoxious as the French
    >Every bit as autistic as the Aussies
    >Accent worse than the Israelis
    >Entitlement like no other
    >Degeneracy worse than Saudis
    >At least one will carve up a monument/spray paint/spit gum/destroy an artifact and go "ooopsie hahahaha"
    >Can't drink so gets into drunk fights after one beer
    >Americans always stand in doorways, block people to take series, worse special awareness than the Chinese
    >Gloats how awful they are and copes by pretending not to care or shits on others

    The actual worst people on the planet, stay in your containment zone.

    • 11 months ago

      Yeah no

    • 11 months ago

      >>At least one will carve up a monument/spray paint/spit gum/destroy an artifact and go "ooopsie hahahaha"
      The 3 people caught vandalizing the colosseum in the past month have all been continental European (Bulgarian, Swiss, German)

    • 10 months ago

      This. Anyone who doesn't automatically respond "Americans" is an American or hasn't met an American in the wild. I used to work as a waiter in Sweden and they were literally worse than nigs (excluding American nigs of course because they're Americans, just exaggerated versions), both in volume and obnoxious behavior.

      Your typical American family walking into a restaurant:
      >So morbidly obese they're bumping into other guests as they move around the tables like a herd of elephants.
      >They smell like sweaty feet and death. Many ethnicities have their own smell, Italians almost always smell like garlic, but Americans smell like feet and like they're rotting. Never encountered it before.
      >Volume turned up to 15, like they want every single person in the restaurant to listen in on their conversation and give them attention.
      >Almost always pick items from the menu they're familiar with, like french fries and burgers. And they will usually hate it because it's not loaded with sugar and chemicals and will openly comment on it at volume 15.
      >The faces of mutt meme is real. Even those that look white:ish are just uncanny and weird, like wild street dogs rather than Golden Retrievers.
      >Completely oblivious to the people around them. Bongs can be bad because they have a "Frick you I'm abroad and I can do what I want" attitude, but what makes Americans worse is that it's not even a conscious decision, it's just who they are.
      >Everything they say is stupid but it doesn't even matter because they're unable to let someone finish a train of thought or even finish a sentence. The modality of their communication seems to be to lob something random into the mix at max volume and hope someone gives them a split second of attention. When you take their order you literally have to speak to them like children and tell, "Can we let her finish her order first and then we take yours? But yes, we do serve fries."

      They're just repulsive. Everyone I worked with HATED them.

      • 10 months ago

        Definitely southern or east coasters

        • 10 months ago

          For the sake of fairness, one exception to the rule though. Don't know the state or whatever but Americans with a deep "redneck" southern accent are cool. Very quiet. Very polite. Very friendly. Not actually moronic or autistic. Willing to try different foods. Let each other finish their sentences. Doesn't act like they own the place.

          Southern bros are ok. Guessing you guys get a bad rap because you're living with and are being judged by actual sub-humans.

          >Definitely southern

        • 10 months ago

          West coasters are your worst by far.

        • 10 months ago

          tbh you guys are proud of it, see tv shows like "the bear", every conversation is people yelling at each other trying to sound cool or draw attention to themselves and their needs or wit. This is an accurate depiction of American and israeli families I have met.
          Of course not all of you are like that and I have met some fine ones, you all seem quite welcoming in your homeland.

      • 10 months ago

        For the sake of fairness, one exception to the rule though. Don't know the state or whatever but Americans with a deep "redneck" southern accent are cool. Very quiet. Very polite. Very friendly. Not actually moronic or autistic. Willing to try different foods. Let each other finish their sentences. Doesn't act like they own the place.

        Southern bros are ok. Guessing you guys get a bad rap because you're living with and are being judged by actual sub-humans.

      • 10 months ago

        I can't help but chuckle every time I see pure, unfiltered euroseethe like this, especially when there is such an obviously deliberate attempt to tick every single box

      • 10 months ago

        >A waiter in Sweden
        >Oh no! All those horrible fat Americans!
        >Is so fricking stupid he doesn’t realize that no fatass burger families travel to Sweden of all places.

        • 10 months ago

          Because the plane wouldn't take off?

        • 10 months ago


          Because the plane wouldn't take off?

          No, because uncultured fatass moron Americans aren't interested in traveling to anywhere in Europe. The idea of interacting with someone that doesn't speak english is terrifying and they think it costs a million dollars to go across the atlantic. They choose instead to go to Disney world or Myrtle Beach or somewhere in Florida where they can drink and stuff their face in comfort.

          T. Burger

          • 10 months ago

            Honestly this is true. The Americans I see abroad are always young and fit and adventure seeking people (excluding the old obvious sexpats). Whenever I hear stories of trips in my family or at work it’s always trips to like Colorado or Florida, or the real adventurous folk might go to Mexico or somewhere in the Caribbean. Americans are so self consumed. It’s not even a money thing. It’s a lack of desire to experience different cultures.

            • 10 months ago

              Don't forget that America is a massive country, there's already a lifetime's worth of things to do without even leaving.

            • 10 months ago

              If you have kids, you're looking at dropping like $4k just on plane tickets if you want to go to Europe. If you're young and/or solo traveling it's a lot easier to jump through hoops to bring the cost of airfare down. Lodging also gets much more expensive once start having to stay exclusively at non-fleabag hotels and pay for more than just yourself. Road tripping to Colorado or taking a 2-3 hour flight to the beach in Florida instead of taking trains across Europe starts to make a lot more sense when you consider the greater cost and logistics of traveling as a family instead of as a young person without children.

      • 10 months ago

        I've lived in Italy and people don't smell like garlic. It's an American meme they use it everywhere when IRL they don't use garlic much and in general don't seem to like using any spice or herb in excess (except rosemary in some dishes where there's too much for my liking).

        • 10 months ago

          As for worst is Bongs who get too drunk. Individually Brits are OK, it's when you get a group all the lame "banter" and insistence on getting pissed (can't hold alcohol and will get drunk way too quick) gets irritating fast.
          French can be alright but they have tendency to find other French people ASAP and it can quickly become a closed group.
          Italians have the opposite tendency from what I've experienced as they tend to stick with themselves. Generally cool people and hot girls.
          I like Spanish mostly because the women tend to be very nice and easy.
          Indians can be friendly but there's something really annoying about most of the Indians I've met, especially if it is a group.
          Young Americans are mostly OK just a little bit stupid and naive. Underwhelming women. Most Euro women are slim when you meet uni aged chicks but there's liken a 50% chance American girl will be chubby or downright fat.
          Australians are generally very cool people but some of the biggest obnoxious morons have been Australians.
          Canadians can be annoying with their chip on the shoulder since many think that they're Americans except cooler.

          I always avoid talking politics or anything like that as it always leads to same boring shit. Idk how you frickers have met so many shitty people. I worked in several hostels and almost always had a blast meeting new people. Maybe it's because you're much more unpleasant than you imagine and attract these things just like shit attracts flies. The worst type of person I've met has always been a whingy, negative c**ts.

          • 10 months ago

            >some of the biggest obnoxious morons have been Australians
            Hold still while I glass you c**t
            That said, pretty damn accurate assessment.

            • 10 months ago

              it’s the most accurate depiction of an australian I’ve ever seen

    • 10 months ago


      This. Anyone who doesn't automatically respond "Americans" is an American or hasn't met an American in the wild. I used to work as a waiter in Sweden and they were literally worse than nigs (excluding American nigs of course because they're Americans, just exaggerated versions), both in volume and obnoxious behavior.

      Your typical American family walking into a restaurant:
      >So morbidly obese they're bumping into other guests as they move around the tables like a herd of elephants.
      >They smell like sweaty feet and death. Many ethnicities have their own smell, Italians almost always smell like garlic, but Americans smell like feet and like they're rotting. Never encountered it before.
      >Volume turned up to 15, like they want every single person in the restaurant to listen in on their conversation and give them attention.
      >Almost always pick items from the menu they're familiar with, like french fries and burgers. And they will usually hate it because it's not loaded with sugar and chemicals and will openly comment on it at volume 15.
      >The faces of mutt meme is real. Even those that look white:ish are just uncanny and weird, like wild street dogs rather than Golden Retrievers.
      >Completely oblivious to the people around them. Bongs can be bad because they have a "Frick you I'm abroad and I can do what I want" attitude, but what makes Americans worse is that it's not even a conscious decision, it's just who they are.
      >Everything they say is stupid but it doesn't even matter because they're unable to let someone finish a train of thought or even finish a sentence. The modality of their communication seems to be to lob something random into the mix at max volume and hope someone gives them a split second of attention. When you take their order you literally have to speak to them like children and tell, "Can we let her finish her order first and then we take yours? But yes, we do serve fries."

      They're just repulsive. Everyone I worked with HATED them.

      Why do Europoors say shit like this then cream their pants over their citiies being overun by third world terrorist and rapist?

      • 10 months ago

        One thing I've figured out about Europeans is they tend to make sense of the world through classes and hierarchies much more than Americans do. When it comes to nationalities, they place Europeans above everone else with Northwest Europeans at the pinnacle, so in their minds Americans are just by default beneath them. The construct a whole dogma to affirm themselves, but it really just boils down to "I am European, therefore the best," and basically nothing else.

        • 10 months ago

          I think everybody places Europeans on top, whether they admit or not, or even realize it or not. It comes from the fact that Europe created the modern world and was still ruling virtually the whole planet a hundred years ago.

          • 10 months ago

            >hundred years ago
            Ie, not anymore

      • 10 months ago

        all you need to form your opinion is clickbait headlines right

        • 10 months ago

          everyone should just deny reality like you right

          • 10 months ago

            i think it should be harder to convince someone than clickbait headlines and obvious fearbait but to each their own

            • 10 months ago

              >articles about terrorist attacks are just clickbait
              >they barely happened it's not that bad
              You are so ridiculously indoctrinated it's disheartening

              • 10 months ago

                Stop falling for the troll bait. Don't respond and move on.

        • 10 months ago

          i think it should be harder to convince someone than clickbait headlines and obvious fearbait but to each their own

          euros will really insist the US is some parody of what they saw from news headlines and tv and then get offended and act like you're a terrible person if you ever air out their dirty laundry

      • 10 months ago

        jesus whats the horrorshow in the upper right? couldnt imagine responding to something like that. grim

        • 10 months ago

          I think that's the ariana grande suicide bombing in manchester

          • 10 months ago

            oh man yeah, i forgot that happened. its crazy people dont really take eu terror attacks seriously here in the us. i guess cuz we have mass shootings quarterly.

      • 10 months ago

        >Guuuhhhhh whataboutyyyooouuuuuu
        Fricking Americans every time, not an ounce of self reflection. Can't bant, can't take criticism. Just the same whiney little baby sub bottom b***h response every time "whataboutuuuuu"

  20. 11 months ago

    Russians are poor, stinky, and rude

  21. 11 months ago

    I don't think much in terms of nationality and more in terms of age. The worst tourists are the ones who are under 20 or over 50. Both groups tend to cry about how the place they're visiting is too different from home.

  22. 11 months ago

    Chinese took number one spot from the Americans. Americans are still firmly number two.

    • 11 months ago

      >Americans are still firmly number two.
      usually it's the chinese that do that
      >Outside the Louvre in Paris, there’s a sign in Mandarin which tells visitors not to defecate in the surrounding grounds. This sign is only written in Mandarin Chinese.

  23. 11 months ago
  24. 11 months ago

    British, Russian and Israeli
    Germans aren’t bad tourists at all

  25. 11 months ago

    You've never experienced tourist hell until you've dealt with black people from the south in the US. You think some pushy, rude Chinese people are bad? Try dealing with a a group of 30 morbidly obese black people, half of whom are ex felons, as they start a riot on a cruise ship because someone asked them to please turn the music down. They have zero self control and will resort to violence if they feel even slightly disrespected in any way. Fly Spirit Airlines out of Atlanta sometime if you really want to experience black culture.

    • 10 months ago

      I'll never understand why people start fights over the smallest shit. That and not thinking about anyone around them and doing stupid and obnoxious shit. Sociopaths.

  26. 11 months ago

    >Brits - hands down the worst I met
    >Israelis - annoying asf too, but mostly annoying to people who can't avoid them; bartenders and people in shops.
    >Americans - hit or miss. Some are cool, other are in Brit-tier.
    Canadians - Amerimutt-tier but don't want to admit it, and claim brits are top tier.
    >Scandinavians - can't hold their liqor.
    >Dutch - Don't even like them inside their country

    I don't stay in hostels, so I don't meet a lot of shit tier tourists like italians, indians and turks.

  27. 11 months ago

    US blacks and Nigerians

    • 11 months ago

      I spent one day at Miami Beach during "spring break" 2021, which was basically a street takeover of South Beach by thousands of Black folk - the crowd was over 90% black, with assorted onlookers and hangers-on. I've never seen a crowd of tourists behaving with such uncouth behavior, barely concealed aggression, and flagrant disregard for basic norms of respectable behavior. It was worse than a zoo.

    • 11 months ago

      We frick all the Japanese pussy you don't and never will, Davido...

      • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        Go back to /gif/ moron

  28. 11 months ago

    Probably the nationality where there's been several cases of them getting blanketbanned from hostels in South America and Southeast Asia (Israelis)

  29. 11 months ago

    I used to work in luxury goods.
    All brown people without exception. Snobby but as dumb as a bag of bricks and with monkey manners. Despite being awful rich, try to haggle to the point that they want to pay for how much the goods were made, if not less. Treat their maids like shit. Yeah if you buy in a bulk we are more than happy to give 10% discount, sometimes a bit more, but no, they haggle down to 80%~90%.
    Always feel uppity when you say you’re not entirely sure about something of their culture.

    Chinks. Better than brown people but as horrifying to deal with in business. Gullible with some brands/goods (happy to pay 20k for a stupid handbag) but extremely paranoid about other types of goods and services (try to haggle or want “proof” all the time, even for food). Lack of cultural curiosity, never willing to try local food, they have to eat chinese or they will get sick, they believe (it’s called “shui tu”). 80% are dirty, rude, not in a “frick you c**t” way but in a “I don’t give a frick” way.
    100% of them on their phones 24/7. Even when they eat outside they have to livestream it. They cannot make decision on their own. For every single purchase they have to facetime it or livestream it, or take pictures. Always taking pictures of everything before buying something, not only for gifts but also for themselves. The ultimate dumb fricking consooming morons.
    They have one thing in common : Huge lack of spatial awareness. They can easily clog up a small narrow street and they don’t give a frick. Or randomly stop at some exit/front of stairs/front of elevator.
    They also have another thing in common, which is physical laziness.
    Have to walk for more than 5 minutes? Taxi, uber, transport.
    Only one floor to catch up? Nope, let’s wait for 10 minutes for the elevator instead of taking the stairs fo just 30 seconds and let’s clog it up instead of letting in people who truly need it.
    No wonder we don’t see them on any hiking trail.

    • 11 months ago

      >Yeah if you buy in a bulk we are more than happy to give 10% discount, sometimes a bit more, but no, they haggle down to 80%~90%
      I didn't know you could get discount at a luxury goods shop if you buy in bulk. But by that you mean just spending a ton of money? Also why can't you retort with how they aren't fake and only you can haggle that much with fakes. 100% you're talking about Indians too, Indians have the gall to haggle anything outside of India. God forbid you deal with an Indian man that belong in a "higher caste", as they think that shit works outside of India and will treat you as such.

      Are Chinese still act like a horde or are they still restricted because of the pandemic bullshit.

      • 11 months ago

        Chinks don’t haggle much in official famous brand stores sponsored by their current famous influencer (unless they buy in a bulk, but depends on what brand) but when you’re a small secretive brand, they will try to haggle the frick out of you.
        I guess this happens when your country is a low-trust society and every single soul tries to outisraelite and backstab you.

        And no, there are no tour groups of chinks because schengen visa is very hard and slow to get at the current moment, and only wealthy chinks (and many influencers) are in Europe, currently.

        • 11 months ago

          >there are no tour groups of chinks
          One of the best things to come out of covid. I haven't seen them around anymore. Imagine a whole bus of them descends on some unsuspecting small business in bumfrick America where they all try to haggle by finding things wrong with the merchandise or they arrive at some small restaurant and try to haggle despite America having a ton of cheap food and free refills while their overwhelmed tour guide tries to keep them in line.

      • 11 months ago

        access to luxury goods is different depending on your socioeconomic class, and no, I'm not a socialist or a homosexual who cares about classes, I just know what its like to buy luxury.
        If you're lower class, middle class, or in other terms grew up with parents making less than $300k annually, you think of luxury items as exclusives which are a privilege to buy. On the flip side, if you have FU money, luxury items are just consumer items. You can negotiate all you want, lowball them, bust the salesman's balls, etc. They are just marked up consumer items, and both sides of the table know how much its really worth, so engaging in the purchase is more or less a social rite with no greater meaning.
        Back before 2017, when blacks and rappers started buying luxury items en masse, you could get a rolex for 70% off MSRP just by walking in and giving off the right vibe, and busting the store managers balls a bit.

      • 11 months ago

        Say what you will about Indians, but when they get angry, they get very creative with their profanity and insults.


        • 11 months ago

          wtf is going on with these sirs? they literally watch this b***h full on slap this dude in the mouth and then jump the guy when he responds?

  30. 11 months ago

    Americans are the worst. It doesn't matter if they happen to be well behaved. They are still American, so authomatically garbage

  31. 11 months ago

    Dude not cool, this girl died.

    • 11 months ago

      >op killed this girl by posting a pic of her
      holy shit, are you death note?

  32. 10 months ago

    I cannot stand the Germans at all. Everytime I hear their stupid fricking language I want to punch them in the mouth. They act like they won the war and the whole world belongs to them.

    They also suck as tourists.

    • 10 months ago

      >They act like they won the war
      They really do be like that

  33. 10 months ago


    Yeah, I don't care. I've heard it all a million times, so has everyone else. You're not impressing anyone or saying remotely anything interesting, just so you're aware.

  34. 10 months ago

    Irish-Americans have got to be the worst. Just plain Americans can be fairly shitty for reasons that have already been explained, but Irish-Americans are a whole separate class of annoying. They can't shut the frick up about how they're "finally home" to "get in touch with their roots" or whatever inane coping mechanism they've come up with. They don't even do anything differently from other Americans, they have a pint of "real' Guinness, they eat some shitty stew from a pub, and kiss the Blarney Stone. If that's all it takes, then I guess I'm Irish, too.

  35. 10 months ago

    Worst tourist are mainland Chinese. Disgusting in public. Spit indoors. Women are trashy. Zero class. Wear frickin shower slides everywhere and smell like paco rabane and cigarettes.
    Indians are bad too. Smell bad frick them.
    I hate frickin Australians out of principle. Bunch of entitled kangaroo eating fricks think they know everything despite coming from Arkansas with a beach. Tell them they're no better than aborigiBlack folk they get wildly offended.
    Brits can also frick off because they're homos.
    The French are okay actually idk...but I speak French.
    Germans/Austrians/swiss have always been cool in my travels.
    I've had interactions with cool Canadians, Canadians abroad and travelling seem to want a break and I don't blame them.
    I like the Japanese tourists. I try and help them out as best as I can. USA Japan friendship number one.

    • 10 months ago

      >Canadians abroad and travelling seem to want a break and I don't blame them.

      • 10 months ago

        Canadian that travels abroad often
        Canadians in Canada - awful
        Canadians abroad - Chill people

  36. 10 months ago

    In my experience, it has been the israelis. Very arrogant and rude, can be racist towards the local population. If you are not a j3w they dont see you as human.

    Close second are the dutch. Very arrogant no it alls. Very autistic behaviour. Even when they try "joke" with you they take it too far, and if you give it back they get sooky

    Brazilians: new type of annoying tourists. They have enough money to travel and think they are high rollers. If you go surfing they cut you off or steal the spots, and if you say something they want to fight you. All surfers hate brazilians. If you have a girlfriend they dont care and will try steal her from you. A real low iq arrogant shallow people.

    American blacks: saw them in colombia. They turned the country into a brothel. Like brazilians eg they got a bit of money and a passport and think they are millionares.
    They leave the usa because the women are bad, but go to colombia and turn the women into american women by cheating on them or spoiling them with money and gifts

    • 10 months ago

      >no it alls

    • 10 months ago

      yes to Israelis and Dutch. I truly agree they are similar people

  37. 10 months ago

    The worst are Americans, they are stupid, fat, ugly, uncultured, loud and they often think they are better than others, while in fact, they are just the worst of the worst, like real scum of the earth.

    Brits are almost as bad, they are like a watered-down version of amerimutts. At least they know something about things that are not McDonald's or George Washington.

    Also, tourists from poor countries (Russia, India, etc) are often pretty bad, because they are in the top 1% richest in their home country, and because of that they often are really arrogant and loud.

    Honorable mentions go to the Chinese, Aussies, and Germans.

    If you are any of those people I mentioned before, you should just stay where you live or just visit some shitty all-inclusive resorts so you don't ruin real places for normal people.

    • 10 months ago


  38. 10 months ago

    Europeans in general. Everyone gets a little nationalist when you’re on vacation abroad. These c**ts do it in the most childish snobbish way. I have come across 8 Frenchmen in my life and all have been c**ty jackasses. Germans are similar in a more cold way. I hate Europeans for this reason. Never met one where I thought, “what a cool dude”

    • 10 months ago

      I will never forget explaining that I was from Southeastern Virginia to European and then him being offended I wasn't blow away by a 300 year old church. They really know extremely little about everywhere outside of their little neighborhood and have terrible manners despite all of the shit they talk.

    • 10 months ago

      I dunno, the last german I met was the stereotypical beer drinker. An absolute unit who wanted to drink and party and wanted to go in on a 3l beer tower with me while fricking bar hopping in Cebu. He had a really sweet "Bro you're handsome go frick some chicks" while he was hammered but I had sobered up immediately as I got to the last club.

  39. 10 months ago

    A weird thing I noticed with Brazilians is how they like to pretend that western Europe is a shithole worse than favelas and when you challenge them with facts about the absolute state of Brazil they take offense, as if you were in the wrong for popping their deluded bubble of cope. I had this kind of conversation at least two times. Once in Vietnam, once in the US.

    • 10 months ago

      For a few years now brazilian artists and politicians are exploiting the favelas by trying to set on a culture that's either cool or even honorable to be a 'favelado', people here are now proud to be poor or even criminals lol, you can thank Anitta for that.

      5% of us though will slander the country to death.

  40. 10 months ago

    Generally people from US are the worst first world tourists. So fricking obnoxious.

    But they don’t compare to Russians, which are generally the worst trash of humanity. And we have too many of them here in scandinavia.

    • 10 months ago

      It's true that Americans are bad because they're ignorant and uneducated while Russians are just bad people in essence.

  41. 10 months ago


  42. 10 months ago


  43. 10 months ago

    Chinese. They're fat, loud, and stupid.

  44. 10 months ago

    I assume that the reason so few people are mentioning the Chinese is that it is so obvious as an answer that it is implicitly assumed that we're actually talking about the second worst?

    Obviously the Chinese. They're in a league of their own.

  45. 10 months ago

    Why do euros just stand in arbitrary places constantly blocking the flow of traffic but if you signal to get buy they just stare at you like WTF?

    Don't just fricking stop randomly in the streets or sidewalks or walkways and then wonder why people MIGHT want to get by.

  46. 10 months ago

    I dunno where exactly they were from but fricking Black folk man.
    >walking about Mexico City waiting for my bus
    >hear some yelling in Spanish in my general direction, I know they’re saying “fricking ugly Black folk” and “frick off back to Africa”
    >spot a pack of sheboons all high and mighty and shit, definitely not American from what I can tell
    >what’s the big fuss I wonder as I walk behind them
    >shortly after my curiosity was answered when I see them throw their trash right in front of some janitor and bumping and shoving every one in their way
    >walk faster because whatever they’re asking for I don’t want to have anything to do with it
    >reach stop light a bit before them
    >not only did they purposely shove me to get infront of me they ran the red light (prompting a driver to yell “dumbasses” at them as well)
    >figure it’s time I went back to my bus hoping they got a taste of that world famous Mexican facial rearrangement

    I regret not grabbing their trash and throwing it back at them so bad bros, I bet they were being a pain in the ass to everyone since they got there. I also know for a fact had they escalated the situation further after I smacked them down, they would have made Montgomery look like a fricking joke.

    Frick those b***hes

  47. 10 months ago

    Europeans during the summer traveling.

    I don't fricking understand how they are so brain-broken to the fact that different climates exist in the world.
    >inb4 "Anon you need to understand Europe is normally cool"
    I don't give a frick how do you plan a trip to a hot place in the world, dress like a mouth breathing moron, and seem to do nothing but complain 24/7. Like every single one of you I run into this summer seems to dress completely wrong like in darker colors, don't carry around a water bottle due to not acclimated for the weather, stand around panting on the street looking for some place to cool off too stupid to walk into a building for 5 minutes just to window shop and cool down.

    Frick is wrong with these people no Hanz drinking cold beer will not make you feel better if you're dehydrated and tired.

  48. 10 months ago


  49. 10 months ago

    White female anime fans in Japan are the fricking worst. At least the male weabos can be funny, the women are just annoying.

    • 10 months ago

      sounds like you got a story to tell. Greentext that shit mang. I will admit I do hate the Japantubers now, "Hey look at this...in Japan", content like that has been done and dusted yet they persist.

    • 10 months ago

      Whenever I see a white woman who's obviously some weeb c**t, I go out of my way to wingman for a Japanese guy so he can pump and dump her.
      I have interpreted/translated for about a half dozen Takeshis who have successfully creampied obnoxious white women in Japan.

      • 10 months ago

        >assisting in the creation of mixed Japanese offspring with paternal abandonment issues
        Are you trying to create more Stand users? Because this is how you get more Stand users!

  50. 10 months ago

    British, American, Russian and Chinese are the worst

  51. 10 months ago

    Is joke? European tourists are polite.
    Worst tourists are in order: Indian, Russian, American
    Indians are very rude, cut in line often
    Russians wear not enough clothes for their body type, also a little rude
    Americans are loud & rude, but follow the rules while b***hing

    • 10 months ago

      You forgot chinese zerg hordes.

  52. 10 months ago

    women, especially of the western variety although other kinds are almost as bad

    • 10 months ago

      >the incel "i hate women" post
      as there it is; another skill issue case

  53. 10 months ago

    Its weird to me that people have anything to say about the French. Usually French tourists are in closed groups, rarely interacts or are sometimes akin to ghosts.

    • 10 months ago

      >Usually French tourists are in closed groups, rarely interacts or are sometimes akin to ghosts.
      they are still snooty about it though

    • 10 months ago

      They usually are closed off until they aren't meaning 1/2 a beer or they get annoyed, which is daily.
      It's a french episode of
      >Gotta flex their country and their experiences and their takes on the world because no one else has EVER traveled
      >Woman literally blows up about politics 1 attosecond if you mention ANYTHING about America
      >French refuses to speak English despite clearly knowing it
      >Lost french instead of using google maps or asking for help simply just stare aimlessly in a busy walkway expecting someone to rescue them
      >Absolutely the worst take on world politics and how they "think things work" that makes pol look 100% sane
      >French couple attempts to create something called "Food" in the hostel shared room making absolute stink bomb in the process

      Unless you suck them off harder than what a weeb sucks off japan for good boy points does, you'll be annoyed

      • 10 months ago

        >French refuses to speak English despite clearly knowing it

        Frick I hate that. I try to speak the language of whatever country I’m visiting and whenever I’ve been in France they can clearly tell I’m struggling and they obviously know English but they’d rather stand there and watch me suffer. No wonder everyone hates them.

      • 10 months ago

        refuses to speak English
        Lot of them, but the boys at 14 and 12 travelled by train to La Rochelle with switchover in Paris. Ask a French "do you speak German?". He starts to lough, guided the boys to the counter makes the ticket purchase and goes with them to the right train.

  54. 10 months ago

    the english seem the worst in europe

  55. 10 months ago

    Chinese are fricking awful. Awful exchange students and awful tourists. I've never had a good interaction in my home country or abroad. They're constantly comparing everything to China and turning it into a pissing match where China is #1. They also don't try to play along with the local culture, just do the basic touristy shit and then talk loud and obnoxiously about China all day.

    • 10 months ago

      > Chinese
      I guided a north-chinese delegation through my hometown. Never saw a group of people so polite, calm and devoted to be good guests. Felt like a rude Viking inside. But they were not tourists.

  56. 10 months ago

    I remember staying at a hostel in Montreal and it was a bunch of cool Irish chads and a few meek Koreans. We ended up going to an Irish pub with the Irish guys and met some French-Canadian girl we all knew. It was a good time until some dumbass Quebe walked in calling the Irishmen names and talking about how shitty their teams were. I don't think I'd ever seen an entire bar descend on one person so fricking fast. That frickin Frenchie got destroyed and left out in the gutter. Amazing to see.

  57. 10 months ago

    >Americans are the worst
    Only literal children or people who only go to the most meme'd places on earth where you'll be running into IG morons, tour groups, and other shit that will make you question your sanity first is where you find 99.999% of them.

    Americans are really reserved on where they travel because they think something like flying to London for a week requires 10,000 dollars because they went on a booking site for only brand name hotels they recognize from America and are .01km from city centre. Yes if you're going to Big Ben, Eiffel Tower, Leaning Tower, and very well known crowded places you'll run into the trash but nearly EVERYONE going to those places if actual fricking trash.

    The Americans you meet in random places like Scandinavia(minus Stockholm), outside Tokyo or Osaka, and other slightly off the beaten path by a few KM are generally really self conscious of the stereotype and try to make good on it. That can't be said for random ass Hanz the German w/ friends popping up in random town to get piss drunk and larp as a local for whatever reason, same with group of bongs.

    tl;dr the Bad American tourists are really hard to find if you're not already in a tourist hotspot

    • 10 months ago

      I think that’s pretty much it. It’s not the individuals from all these countries that are bad, it’s when they congregate into larger groups that they ape out and become unbearable.

      >it’s an alien culture here so let’s all get loud and obnoxious so it makes us feel like we’re back at home

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