You know, I'd accept this new visa shit, if you weren't letting migrants from Africa in, without background checks.

You know, I'd accept this new visa shit, if you weren't letting migrants from Africa in, without background checks. Go frick yourself Europe. I'll be vacationing in Asia.

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  1. 11 months ago

    Good riddance then

  2. 11 months ago

    Thank you<3

  3. 11 months ago

    you just have to pretend that you are a gay 14 year old boy in danger of being murdered at home and then you can do the same without visa.

    • 11 months ago

      Yes, it's no different to the Mexicans and South Americans entering the US. They abuse human rights laws and conceal their real identity, because they've been told what answers are most likely to get them the golden ticket.

    • 11 months ago

      Africans say that to get to usa too. Some guy with a wife and kids said he was gay and escaping persecution, comes to the usa and goes to bars trying to hook up with women. They are fricking creeps and losers. Let them rot in their country.

  4. 11 months ago

    Nobody from Asia wants to see your bleached face homosexual

  5. 11 months ago

    >a bloo bloo bloo how dare you follow the principle of reciprocity
    Stay out, mutt.

  6. 11 months ago

    US charges the same and makes it even more inconvenient to get in, and then when you arrive everything is inconvenient as frick to get to because trains are communism or some shit, you have to avoid the bullets and homeless drugged up Black folk on the streets, and you will get guilt tripped and given implied threats into paying everyone's salaries with tips.

    But I don't need to make a thread to say I'm never going back to that dump

    and brexit means brexit

    • 11 months ago

      >and then when you arrive everything is inconvenient as frick to get to because trains are communism or some
      because renting a car and driving directly where you want to go is so inconvenient compared to figuring out whatever local train payment system that takes you somewhere near you want to go, where you then have to take a bus or taxi to actually reach your destination
      >you have to avoid the bullets and homeless drugged up Black folk on the streets
      If you remove the 3 most dangerous cities, the US drops to the lowest violent crime in the world. Just don't go to shithole cities.
      >you will get guilt tripped and given implied threats into paying everyone's salaries with tips
      True, tipping is moronic

      • 11 months ago

        >because renting a car and driving directly where you want to go is so inconvenient compared to figuring out whatever local train payment system that takes you somewhere near you want to go, where you then have to take a bus or taxi to actually reach your destination
        This is what mutts actually believe

      • 10 months ago

        LOL, not even close. Black folk don't just live in three cities in America. And even though Hispanics and Whites commit crime at far lower rates than blacks, crime is still a significant problem in many places, especially among poorgays in low-cost temporary accomodations.
        Renting a car is bullshit, but in America, if you don't drive, you will be extremely limited in your travel ability.

  7. 11 months ago

    >hmm should i give them feedback directly?
    >i'll complain on an anime forum about it where they'll never see it

    • 11 months ago

      Him not going is giving them feed back.

  8. 11 months ago

    It's the same shit Europoors have to go through when visiting the US+Vaccine record(yes vaxx requirements still in place for US entry). I just hope the information required isn't moronic. It technically isn't a Visa.

    Besides it will be active in 2024.

    • 11 months ago

      >It technically isn't a Visa.
      What sort of israeli word games are they using to claim that?

      • 11 months ago

        ESTA is automated and is accorded by default to any visa free country travelers unless they tick a a box such as 'I have been a terrorist' or some shit.
        A visa is obviously much different. You have to give documents, make an appointment etc... They also don't give it by default, you have to make your case.
        Europeans have been putting up with this shit going into the US for more than a decade so it isn't good look for Americans to complain now that the EU is finally introducing the exact same thing. If Americans weren't such tight asses that thing would not exist anywhere.

        • 11 months ago

          I just like how you ignore the main point of OP being upset: are you doing background checks on African migrants as well. I'm all for a place trying to solve a problem of riffraff coming in to their home, but are you really going to check if a person from the richest country in the world has previous immigration violations, but not some poor African looking to suckle off your welfare system? This is a perfectly rational response to this new visa.

          • 11 months ago

            Of course they check them, it's just that you cannot easily block them from coming and once they're here they're hard to remove, just like the "Mexicans" in the US from all over Central and South America.

            • 11 months ago

              So, why shouldn't I just go to Morocco, get a kayak, and make my way on over to Spain? I want equality. I will not be discriminated against, for being a good citizen.

              • 11 months ago

                >So, why shouldn't I just go to Morocco, get a kayak, and make my way on over to Spain?
                Do it then instead of opening your big mouth, coward. Only about a third of migrants are drawing, so you have good odds.

              • 11 months ago

                Go ahead and try, but be prepared to return the same way because the EU has exit controls, unlike the US.
                You're not unlike the foreigners who had to pass through Mexico to enter the US under the Brandon vaccine mandate.

                What is the deal with you homosexuals missing the main point of statements? Cīvis Rōmānus sum.

              • 11 months ago

                What's the deal with you brainlet not understanding that none of your whining matter. When you're coming to Europe you're a guest, you'll be subjected to whatever rules are in place and you will shut your fricking mouth.
                If we decide that Africans are better treated than Americans then so be it. Maybe that's what you deserve.

              • 11 months ago

                Then you lose all rights, to say that you are a puppet state of America.

              • 11 months ago

                Go ahead and try, but be prepared to return the same way because the EU has exit controls, unlike the US.
                You're not unlike the foreigners who had to pass through Mexico to enter the US under the Brandon vaccine mandate.

            • 11 months ago

              >it's just that you cannot easily block them from coming and once they're here they're hard to remove
              it is easy to do both, you just need the rulers willing to stop them
              >just like the "Mexicans" in the US from all over Central and South America.
              the US has enough resources to easily stop thousands of people from illegally entering every week, but again, the rulers aren't willing to stop them.
              look how much they have given to ukraine vs the border wall, if they wanted to stop them they could.

          • 11 months ago

            >I just like how you ignore the main point of OP being upset: are you doing background checks on African migrants as well
            In exactly the same way you're doing with south Americans crossing the border. Of course there are background checks, unless they come on boats or cross a border illegally, just like in the US.
            Stop being stupid.

        • 11 months ago

          >A visa is obviously much different. You have to give documents, make an appointment etc... They also don't give it by default, you have to make your case.
          No, visas on arrival (not visa waiver) are common in many places if you don't have a 3rd world passport, and are less hassle than this bullshit because you don't have to do them beforehand

          • 11 months ago

            On the other hand visa on arrival schemes are prone to both individual and systematic corruption, whereas visa waivers and visa free schemes are not.

          • 11 months ago

            >No, visas on arrival (not visa waiver) are common in many places if you don't have a 3rd world passport, and are less hassle than this bullshit because you don't have to do them beforehand
            Visa on arrival are actually a hassle because of the usually large queue you have to wait to get them. it's better to do it before hand on the internet.
            Of course it's not much different than this electronic authorization on principle, but if you didn't want to get subjected to this coming to Europe you shouldn't have impose it on Europeans. I'm all for making it even less convenient for Americans tourists, to match what we have to get through at your shitty border, with your buttholes border guards.
            We should inspect the phones of Americans entering Europe and be buttholes with them.

            • 11 months ago

              >Visa on arrival are actually a hassle because of the usually large queue you have to wait to get them
              Oh, will there not be immigration lines with this and it's fully automated once I get off the plane?

              >your buttholes border guards
              No argument here, there just as bad to Americans if it makes you feel any better

              • 11 months ago

                >will there not be immigration lines with this
                Not as much as with a visa on arrival since you're not even getting on the plane without a confirmation of the visa waiver.
                This BTW is the standard operating procedure, for example when travelling to the US, Australia and New Zealand or any country that requires a visa in advance.
                >it's fully automated once I get off the plane?
                They plan to automate things later on.

        • 11 months ago

          That's the thing though, it's tame. You are basically guarantied to get it once you pay $7, unless you're obviously a terrorist of course. I'm not even sure what a traveler would need to fill out besides your name, passport, phone number, and email address. It's not like they're asking for bank records to prove that you have reason to return home. I do agree it's bullshit that Euro's have to go through a similar vetting process going into the US.

          But I get what OP means, Visa-free travel has an added road bump whilst Nafris/MENA refugees get a free pas whilst committing crime. I could argue the same for US with the fricking Mexicans at the southern border. At this rate, youEuros need to just illegally cross the border.

  9. 11 months ago

    You can't afford 7 euro, loser? It lasts for 3 years, you cheap frick.

    • 11 months ago

      Doesn't even need a tip!

  10. 11 months ago

    >Amerifats crying when they're subjected to the exact same bullshit they put others through
    Suck on it, homosexuals. This should have been a thing ages ago.

    • 10 months ago

      IKR? I had to get a stupid fricking 'visa' just to fly through LAX and got the grilling of my life by border patrol - homie im not even staying here, my plane if leaving in an hour and I have to get to my gate. Fricking shit.

  11. 11 months ago

    Please explain what happened. As a euro-US dual citizen, I feel responsible for the harmony between the continents.

    • 11 months ago

      EU gave a lot countries Visa free travel. IE Arrive, get stamped and enjoy. Now, ETIAS is not really a Visa, but more of a pseudo-visa. You pay $7 and submit information like passport, name, nationality and what not before you travel to any Schengen Country. I don't think they can deny you if your come from form countries that were Visa-Free to enter.

      I think OP is mad that this system is in place to "inconvenience" legal abiding travelers, yet allow hordes of Africans to enter without the same standard. But like I said above, I don't think it works like a Visa and you'd only encounter trouble if your information does not match your passport when you arrive.

      Correct me if I am wrong because I would hate to be denied just because I put "unemployed" in the information form, like I'm not trying to sneak in to stay permanently. It would also be a minor inconvenience to have a concrete departure date either as I play it by ear before the 90 days are up.

      • 11 months ago

        >I don't think they can deny you if your come from form countries that were Visa-Free to enter.
        Of course they can deny you, border officials of any country can deny you for any arbitrary reason.
        Electronic visa waivers such as ETA, ESTA, ETIAS and however they are called have the benefit that they can now deny you without having to send you back because you cannot board a plane without the airline checking for a valid visa (waiver).

        >ETIAS is not really a Visa, but more of a pseudo-visa
        If you have to do anything more than bringing your passport to the border control it's a visa, no matter what semantics the semites propagate.

  12. 11 months ago

    So it's $8 to electronically verify your information for 3 years. Literally nothing to cry about unless you're poor and moronic oh shit look which board we're on oops

    • 11 months ago

      It's not about the money, it's about the entitlement of some new world mongrels who can't stand being told they will be held to the same standard that the one they apply themselves to incoming visitors when they visit the land of 1/32th of their 7th generation ancestors; heritage which they consider give them a blood right to bless Europeans with their imposing presence.

    • 11 months ago

      It's definitely something to complain about when you compare it to the current situation of $0 for not having to "verify your information" for however many years you want.
      Still nice to see burgers getting a taste of their own medicine.

      • 11 months ago

        How many Americans overstay in Europe? I've known, not just Latin Americans overstaying in America, but plenty of Europeans, because young Euros want to make more money, and your economic ideology, is garbage.

        • 11 months ago

          ETIAS has nothing to do with overstaying but simply making sure that Americans, Canadians, Koreans, Australians and the like get the same treatment as Europeans going there.
          If you want it to be gone write to your representative to take a break from sucking kosher sausages and reset the VWP to pre-2008 standards.

          • 11 months ago

            So it's not about keeping criminals out. It's about your panties being in a wad. But I already knew that. Because Americans get their passports taken away if they're a felon.

            • 11 months ago

              >Because Americans get their passports taken away if they're a felon.
              That's not true. I know for a fact that American felons can visit Schengen without being asked anything while they can't go to Canada, Australia etc...
              Meanwhile if as an European you admit at the US border to have tried weed sometime in the past they put you in a cell with Tyrone.
              Personally I think ETIAS is not going far enough. We should trample on the rights of American tourists at the Schengen border.

              • 11 months ago

                Damn, this guy knows everything about America. I'm pretty sure this is going to hurt you, more than it's gonna hurt us. I'll just take my happy ass to Vietnam for 90 days, where people respect visitors. And the food is better.

              • 11 months ago

                Nobody want your ass in Europe, moron. Please go to Vietnam, and got there every year.

              • 11 months ago

                Moron? I'm not the one that knows everything about a place filled with people that I hate.

              • 11 months ago

                >I'm pretty sure this is going to hurt you,
                Not really, 2020 to 2022 showed how docile the average traveler is.
                They'll pay their 8 eurobucks as quickly as they lined up to get their vaccine cards.

              • 11 months ago

                Well coming back to America as an American ain’t so great either. I have to be confronted with the fact American blacks still exist

            • 11 months ago

              >So it's not about keeping criminals out. It's about your panties being in a wad.
              Congratulations, you now know the reason for almost all moronic visa policies around the world.
              Now wait until you find out about airport security.

  13. 11 months ago

    Well done! Ameritards have been making Europeans apply for ESTA to go to America for years and now you're being asked to do the same.

    Get bent

  14. 11 months ago

    >let's continue adding friction via legislation to people who follow laws and generally adhere to our morals and codes of conduct
    >simultaneously let's do nothing to enforce these laws on people who DON'T care about our morals and codes of conduct
    >hmm, it appears everything is getting worse
    >better try it again, but this time double down on both positions
    repeat until death

    • 10 months ago

      honestly this is mostly contention between the US and the EU.

      >Have ESTA in place for travelers from law abiding and safe countries
      >On the other hand, have excessive unregulated illegal migration from the south of the US border

      >Have ETIAS in place for travelers from law abiding and safe countries
      >On the other hand, have excessive unregulated illegal migration from Africa and the Middle East

      Regardless; said programs are ultimately useless if they don't curb the illegal migration. For every traveler stopped at the border because the information they put in ETIAS/ESTA did not match their passport because of a spelling error, 5,000 illegal migrants come in as rapist, criminals, terrorist and freeloaders.

      These programs only inconvenience law abiding travelers where they will detain and interrogate you like a terrorist because you misspelled something or you mixed up your date as DD/MM/YYYY vs MM/DD/YYYY depending on which way you are going. Also, it's a revenge policy for when Trump decided to up the Tariffs on Euro goods. It's all political.

      • 10 months ago

        don't think my post conveyed my thoughts completely but it seems you laid it all out nicely
        everything is fake and gay. god I wish conspiracies were real more often, this whole "everyone is incompetent and petty" thing is so fricking gay it's unbelievable

  15. 10 months ago

    Please rethink your decision. Come to Italy and frick our women

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