Flight fear

I want to go to Japan, i can afford it and i have plans but im afraid of the flight.. How to deal with sere flight anxiety?? How to cope?

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  1. 1 year ago

    op here- severe* oops

  2. 1 year ago

    I have flown countless times and never had a problem. Millions fly every year without problem.
    You're more likely to die in a car than on a plane.
    There's no guarantees in anything in life, but a plane is about as safe as it gets to be honest.
    Worst case, ask your doctor for something to soothe your nerves.

    • 1 year ago

      Thanks. I just comprehend the "its safer" when someone talks from experience and i dont just read random facts.
      What about the time on board, how do u spend your time?

      • 1 year ago

        >time on board

        Most, if not all, long haul international flights have in-flight entertainment options available. If you'd rather time pass the quickest, take some benadryl after boarding and pass the frick out.

      • 1 year ago

        Watch a couple of movies or tv shows, most airlines provide this. You could download a podcast or ebook. I've brought puzzle books before - crosswords, sudoku, that shit. You could bring a video game console like a DS or something if you like that. You can sleep too.

      • 1 year ago

        I read at take off and landing, watch one movie before/during meal time, then right after meal, I swallow a sleeping tablet, fall asleep, wake up right before next meal, watch another movie, start reading again before landing.
        Before the hoax pandemic I used to go to East Asia (mainly China and Japan) every 3 months and it’s always been the same.
        Going back there in April.

        • 1 year ago

          Have you gone since the pandemic? I used to travel somewhat frequently, but having not been on a flight since 2019, I am feeling nervous.

          • 1 year ago

            I have been elsewhere between 2019 and now, mainly Europe. Never stopped traveling, even during lockdown. It was actually better during the lockdowns because flights were empty and extremely cheap. Dual citizenship also helps.

            Some recommendations for Japan? I already have a big list but i might be missing out sth cool. I want to go around tokyo kyoto and osaka (the usual).

            IMO Tokyo-Osaka-Kyoto are always good for first timers. You can also do a daytrip to Nara. In my case I love the countryside so everytime I go to Japan I just pick some random small town or village and stay for 2 days. Last time I was in Japan I went to Yamanouchi, not far from the onsen monkeys.

        • 1 year ago

          Some recommendations for Japan? I already have a big list but i might be missing out sth cool. I want to go around tokyo kyoto and osaka (the usual).

      • 1 year ago

        planes aren't safer than cars. safer than motorcycles, though

      • 1 year ago

        Get some good noise cancelling headphones. I recommend sony’s on ear headphone.
        Then you don‘t hear the plane noises. It‘s like sitting in a room.

        Play games, read something, use the onboard entertainment, take a tablet with you, if necessary.

        • 1 year ago

          On this point, if possible get a seat in front of the wings so you don't have as much engine noise.

      • 1 year ago

        It's very safe to fly, but you'll likely still feel an irrational feat, at least I do. Just grip the seat, close your eyes and try to sleep, or start to watch a random movie on the screen to take your mind off the fear

    • 1 year ago

      >You're more likely to die in a car than on a plane.
      This statement is incorrect, it's annoying seeing how much it is incorrectly peddled. It assumes that you spend far more time in a car than in a plane (correct for *most* people), and is calculated over miles traveled, but not time spent. Danger in a plane per time spent in an aircraft is higher than that spent in a car. This is somewhat offset, however, by injuries sustained in flight typically being lethal.

      • 1 year ago

        >Danger in a plane per time spent in an aircraft is higher than that spent in a car.
        Why does time matter? Miles are what matter because that's what you're doing, traveling. It's safer to fly from Paris to Budapest than it is to drive from Paris to Budapest.

        • 1 year ago

          Because in every other facet of life, danger is calculated as a function of time/proximity to danger. Airlines and morons push the distance analogy as some weird cope. Planes are safe, but they are more dangerous than vehicles. Simple as

          • 1 year ago

            >Because in every other facet of life, danger is calculated as a function of time/proximity to danger.
            Okay but if you're driving long distances you're spending significantly longer time in danger. A 4 hour flight is like a 30 hour drive. So while the 30 hour drive might be safer per minute, it's still safer to just take the plane.

            • 1 year ago

              And? You see how see how moronic your cope is, right?
              >hey anon do you want to ride the mechanical bull?
              >idk seems dangerous
              >no it's not dangerous, because if you only ride it once, amortized over your entire life, it's nothing
              >oh okay I see
              This is how fricking stupid you are.

              • 1 year ago

                I don't even understand your analogy. There are multiple methods of travel. There's only one way to ride mechanical bull. Also mechanical bulls are safe and if you're too pussy to ride one because they're "dangerous" then I'm not going to take your advice on anything.

                Again, you're not flying for fun, you're flying to get somewhere. If it's longer than a 5 hour drive, flying is going to be safer. So you saying "Ummm actually it's safer to drive" makes you sound like a fricking moron because it's not safer to drive that distance.

              • 1 year ago

                Where did I say it was safer to drive over an equal distance? You must be on your 8th mRNA shot to not comprehend this.

              • 1 year ago

                You didn't. You just made a blanket statement about how plane travel is not safer than car travel and I'm trying to point out that distance traveled is way more relevant than how much time you spend in a vehicle.

              • 1 year ago

                Read moron.

                >You're more likely to die in a car than on a plane.
                This statement is incorrect, it's annoying seeing how much it is incorrectly peddled. It assumes that you spend far more time in a car than in a plane (correct for *most* people), and is calculated over miles traveled, but not time spent. Danger in a plane per time spent in an aircraft is higher than that spent in a car. This is somewhat offset, however, by injuries sustained in flight typically being lethal.

              • 1 year ago

                I did. Now explain to me why "time in vehicle" is relevant info at all when it comes to safety and travel.

              • 1 year ago

                Figure it out, vaxxie

      • 1 year ago

        Not really. Pilots are professionals with a shit load of measures and procedures to prevent idiotic behaviour - of course, check airline safety ratings before flying with dumbfrick air.
        Car drivers can be any idiot, they don't even necessarily have a license as they run up your ass in their SUV.
        Sure, if you're a very seasoned driver and you're driving in perfect conditions with no other vehicles around, your chance of an accident is very low - but as soon as other drivers are involved the chance of an accident goes right up.

  3. 1 year ago

    Sounds good. Worst case i just overdose on sleeping pills. Why the bendryl tho?
    What about the jet lag? Can you avoid it somehow?

    • 1 year ago

      I suggested Benadryl due to the fact that it knocks most people right the frick out.

    • 1 year ago

      This'll will make you feel like youre waking from deep cryo-sleep but what I do is pop 4 severe night time NyQuil caps. Swear it won't kill you if your healthy and it'll be like you teleported to you're destination.

  4. 1 year ago

    Have you ever gotten in a car?
    Yes? Ok, you have already accepted more risk than flying. You're more likely to die sitting in a car for 8 hours compared to a plane

    • 1 year ago

      It doesn't matter, that shit does not help you conquer your fear and I'm tired of everyone parroting this shit. The fear of flying is not something rational and appealing to logic and fact does not just magically make it go away. It's not even just the fear of being high in the air, it's the complete lack of control over your fate that makes flying terrifying. Cars might be more dangerous, but at least you're the one behind the wheel. I would also venture to guess that most of us have been in a minor car crash; but a minor plane crash is comparatively rarer. Even if you think, "Oh, this is way safer than xyz," there's always that nagging feeling in the back of your mind saying, "But what if this is the exception, what if the pilot makes a mistake, what if something goes wrong." You can't conquer a fear of the dark by saying, "There's nothing out in the dark, you're way safer out in the dark than in a Walmart" or something, it's not anything rational or logical, it's a primal fear. The only way to conquer is to actually fly and make the unfamiliar familiar. Something I also do is actually research the history of flight and the engineering that goes into a plane. I think, "Wow, what an amazing piece of human ingenuity," instead of "This is a fricking metal death trap."

      • 1 year ago

        Also with cars as u are on the ground in the back of ur mind u have "i can open the door and jump' or some other unlogical cope. U have some control, while the plane is just enclosed container with no exit.
        Planes are indead wholesome tho, but when im on the ground.

      • 1 year ago

        Also with cars as u are on the ground in the back of ur mind u have "i can open the door and jump' or some other unlogical cope. U have some control, while the plane is just enclosed container with no exit.
        Planes are indead wholesome tho, but when im on the ground.

        I don't just mean injured in a car, I mean you are more likely to DIE in a car accident compared to dying in a plane accident.

        There is plenty outside of your control in a car. You could be a passenger. You could be driving next to a drunk, you cannot control the people around you. You don't know if the servicing was done correctly or if you're brakes are just about to break.

        Planes are serviced to extremely high standards. There are many fail safes with respect to backup control systems, extra fuel, flight authorities.

        Also a plane is largely controlled by computers now, there is little room for human error.

        Rationality is all that matters, if you have irrational fears then overcome them.

  5. 1 year ago

    dont come i kill you

  6. 1 year ago

    homosexuals like you should just stay in the basement.
    >oh no I get anxiety (made up bullshit) in public!
    The flight crashing and killing everyone on board should be the least of your worries.

    • 1 year ago

      What anxiety, what public lol
      Fear of flying is legit and has nothing to do with anxiety in public or whatever shit what?
      Who said japan will cure me, the country has nothing to do with my flight problem
      Why so bitter, no money for traveling or what?

      • 1 year ago

        >Fear of flying is legit
        Let me guess, you're a 16 year old trans on a wienertail of drugs who has a list of other made up "disorders" on their SNS profiles, too?

    • 1 year ago

      stay mad moron. Japan fixed the one problem I had in my life.....living in Canada

    • 1 year ago

      There's no need to be nasty to the guy anon. At least he's making some effort, he just wants some assurance that's all.

  7. 1 year ago

    Some weekend in the near future book a short flight to get accustomed to the airport, landing and takeoff, and all of that. Flying can be scary. Takeoff you go very fast and all of a sudden you're not on the ground anymore. Landing is almost always somewhat rough and you're going to get knocked around a bunch. There's also turbulence which can also feel very scary.

    You just gotta accept that your life is in the hands of the people that maintain the aircraft and the competency of the people flying it. There's nothing you can do about it really. Once you're in the air you either land safely or you die.

    The worst part about flying to Asia is how long it takes to get there. Japan takes 12 hours from the US, not sure how long it takes from Europe. Those 12 hours are FRICKING BRUTAL. You're cramped in a tiny ass seat surrounded by other cramped people. You're in this dry ass capsule so you need to stay hydrated and the bathrooms are disgusting and for me it's very difficult to sleep on the plane. I just watch movies until the plane lands. It sucks. I hate it so much.

    • 1 year ago

      Yep thats what i imagine. Hm from here its 11-14 weird.
      Yeah if u want to go there thats all u can do.
      Many people suggest me to take a short flight but for some reason i like the thought of throwing myslef on a 11h flight first, hoping it will beat my ass and make me realize its not that bad.

      • 1 year ago

        If you can get a direct flight from your local airport to Japan then yes, I think a good strat is just go straight into the flight. If you have to do connecting flights I'd really recommend just taking a short trip somewhere so you become familiar with airport procedures and don't miss your flight because you accidentally walked out to baggage claim and had to go through security again.

  8. 1 year ago


  9. 1 year ago

    just fly/get used to flights, flights get dangerously boring when used to, also imo landing is the most chillest part (you also get to mentally judge the pilots skills) this is coming from someone with an active fear of heights above 3 ladder steps

    It's actually fascinating how fatal cases have dropped like a rock (at mind-boggling flight volumes), I kinda wished private cars would get 1/10th of the treatement planes get in terms of safety.

    I'm arriving during the morning, so I hope window Mt Fuji might relief the pain a bit. Also I'll definetly try to sleep, otherwise I guess it's time to read a book and view downloaded netflix. Filling about 12 hours is bonkers, only home flight is going to be worse.

  10. 1 year ago

    I have the same problem and have found a way to cope with it. Believe me, I tried everything. Xanax, sleeping pills, alcohol, weed, everything, nothing really did it, and actually weed and alcohol just amplified my paranoia. No matter how strong the sleeping pills, I couldn't fall asleep. I know this will sound stupid and people will probably shit on me, but meditation is what helped me. It's not like some hippie dippy shit. The part that scares me the most is takeoff. So what I do is start counting in my head when takeoff starts and don't stop until we're in the air and stabilized. I empty my mind of everything else except for the count and don't allow myself to focus on the strange sounds the sensation of the ground falling out from under me. I do the same thing whenever there's turbulence - just count until it's over. This might not work for you, but there are lots of ways to meditate. I know it might sound stupid but it really has helped me tremendously. I still hate flying but I don't let it stop me anymore.

    • 1 year ago

      Sounds great, ive tried something similar but my focus level is too low and my attention is glued to the scary shit lol

  11. 1 year ago

    I went with my friends in Japan in 2018 with my friends for the first time, was supposed to go in 2016 but freaked out, but most likely because our stay was badly programmed and I never traveled before.

    Long flights are very secure and most stable, don't be scared of flying higher than most planes. They have a lot of way to avoid problems.

    Just walk a bit in the corridor sometimes because the flight may last 10 hours, also they will give multiple meals so you won't starve. Low costs flights may not do this but I never wanted to take one.

    • 1 year ago

      If i could fly with someone else would be nice ;/ but on your own is a different beast

  12. 1 year ago

    Planes nowadays should be fine, unless its some 3rd world country or cheap china.
    I searched for plane crashes and real bad shit hasnt happened in a long while. 2017 was a year without any airline plane crashes.

  13. 1 year ago

    Don't go to Japan, or I will murder you.

    • 1 year ago

      Another one, there is a queue my friend. Why the murder intentions?

  14. 1 year ago

    Clonazepam and zolpidem

  15. 1 year ago

    Look at airlines on air safety ratings.
    Pick a 7 star carrier, you'll have the confidence that you'll be fine.

    • 1 year ago

      That just means that they are due a major accident. The loaded chamber creeps closer with every flight. Better to pick a carrier that just had an accident since lightning shouldn't strike the same place twice, it'll be years before they have another

      • 1 year ago



        I want to go to Japan, i can afford it and i have plans but im afraid of the flight.. How to deal with sere flight anxiety?? How to cope?

        Take a ship if you don't want to fly

        • 1 year ago

          It will take weeks with a ship, otherwise i would lol

      • 1 year ago

        That honestly makes sense. I wouldnt get on some cheapass shit, but in some sense its true if one fell whats the chance another one does lmao. Never heard of 2 airline companies loosing 2 planes in a row. Tho im pretty sure my anxiety of the knowledge that it happened wont allow me.

      • 1 year ago

        Why are they due a major accident? Is there some magic counter ticking down to a major accident for every airline that we don't know about?

        • 1 year ago

          On a long enough timespan every airline will experience a fatal crash sooner or later. It might take years, decades or centuries, but it will happen. That means that for every single flight that goes by without a hitch, the probability that the next flight will suffer an accident increases.

      • 1 year ago

        That honestly makes sense. I wouldnt get on some cheapass shit, but in some sense its true if one fell whats the chance another one does lmao. Never heard of 2 airline companies loosing 2 planes in a row. Tho im pretty sure my anxiety of the knowledge that it happened wont allow me.

        Black folk don't know about Malaysia Airlines in 2014

        • 1 year ago

          Yea today i talked about that with a friend lol. Uuuh i guess it happens lmao

  16. 1 year ago

    Fly Qantas. They have never had an air crash

    • 1 year ago

      >Fly Qantas. They have never had an air crash
      Qantas had four fatal crashes between 1946 and 1951. They have not had a fatal crash in the jet era. In 1999 QF1 (747-400) overran the runway in bad weather at BKK, effectively damaging the aircraft beyond serviceability. There were no serious injuries or facilities in that incident but Qantas wrote the hull off and I believe the Captain was fired. In 2010 QF32 (A380) suffered an uncontained engine failure, shrapnel from the engine damaged the port fuel tank causing a fuel leak, it also caused damage to the hydraulic systems and control surfaces of the port wing. They made an emergency landing in Singapore, there were no injuries or fatalities but this had the potential to become a major incident.

      • 1 year ago

        Pretty sure there were some which rly didnt have any. Im from eu, the regulations are crazy and the main airlines are fine i think. Idk like finnair or sth

  17. 1 year ago

    Just get blackout drunk before takeoff

  18. 1 year ago

    I feel your pain op, ive been to 70 countries, been on probably 500 flights and everyone of them has terrified me, I hate flying with a passion but I see it as a barrier to entry, sometimes you just have to do something you hate to get something you want, think of it as a ying to the Yang that is travel.
    Despite contrary recommendations ive never gotten black out drunk or drugged up for a flight, I thought it would be even worse, you just have to white knuckle it. You'll literally be fine, just man up

    • 1 year ago

      I like that. It really is like a barrier..
      Things cant be just good right, gotta experience some shit before u can enjoy
      50 cpumtries woah.. Thats crazy

  19. 1 year ago

    valium and booze.

  20. 1 year ago

    My flight leaves next week and I’m scared. Mostly of getting covid at one of the airports or on the plane. Not because of the disease itself, but because it would ruin my whole trip (it sucks to have covid). It’s also such a long goddamned flight…

    • 1 year ago

      Covid doesn't affect you unless you are old or obese. You aren't a fatty are you?

    • 1 year ago

      vaxed, healthy, had covid, first two days of showing symptoms were bad, then one medium, rest four were light/none
      I probably would have lied a full week in a bed if I were an unvaxed schizo

  21. 1 year ago

    The worst thing that can happen to you is you die. What's the point in living if you can't feel alive. When you're plane goes turbulence and feels unstable you should enjoy the adrenaline.

  22. 1 year ago

    get stinking drunk like the rest of us.

  23. 1 year ago

    Just pack a parachute into your carry on

    • 1 year ago


  24. 1 year ago

    You're more likely to die in a car than in a plane, assuming you drove a plane instead of a car.
    Don't sweat it.
    Or go to a psychiatrist and get some xanax or something

  25. 1 year ago

    >How to cope?
    Go by boat. beware that they may hate you because that's how the coof originally got to Japan, as per the public retelling of the sagas

    • 1 year ago

      Would go by boat if i could but it will take weeks oof

  26. 1 year ago

    drugs. xanax is shit, it doesn't last long enough, get some klonopin. 2mg kpins you'll be happy as frick looking out the window wondering if u wanna become a pilot, and if you hit the mega lottery and the plane does crash you'll be the only one enjoying the ride down. keep extra in your pocket and if it wears off mid flight just take some more

  27. 1 year ago

    You druggies, most peoples solution B)

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