>well... this food is kind of overrated... but its still really good!!!!!
he really is on japans tourism payroll

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  1. 1 year ago

    Are him and his buddies like those Trash Taste guys even integrated with the locals and culture? It seems like regular Japanese people are an under class to them.

    • 1 year ago

      It's called being Brit*sh, somehow they make themselves out to be the mutt stereotype without trying. Even the mutts know how to shut up these days abroad, most are actually okay outside the ones in the military and boomer groups.

      • 1 year ago

        This, I’ve yet to meet a cool not obnoxious Brit abroad. I was led to believe that the Americans are the stereotype and I’ve found it’s way more common in Brits

      • 1 year ago

        Are him and his buddies like those Trash Taste guys even integrated with the locals and culture? It seems like regular Japanese people are an under class to them.

        It's difficult to make Japanese friends in Japan. That's why Chris has to hang out with Ryotaro.

      • 1 year ago

        Europeans and Australians have always been the trash of the white traveling world. Most of you are too fricking poor to travel so you parrot low effort propaganda.

    • 1 year ago

      japanese people dont really like foreigners to begin with so they do it to themselves

    • 1 year ago

      They're in a bubble, like most angloids outside the anglosphere.
      >The Anglo expat is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a sexpat, pest, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But talk to him in Japanese and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out."

    • 1 year ago

      They're in a bubble, like most angloids outside the anglosphere.
      >The Anglo expat is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a sexpat, pest, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But talk to him in Japanese and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out."

      You guys are moronic and have never been abroad and that's pretty much why you're thinking this. Ever tried making friends in a new city ? It's a fricking pain in the ass, but it's usually feasible if you're in some kind of social circles such as your workplace or some group hobby (sports or some kind of gay shit like pottery or improv) or scene.
      People in general barely manage to make friends in these environments but imagine you're doing it in fricking Japan. Even if you spoke Japanese and Chris does, you're still fricked because your average japanese doesn't want to befriend anyone. He's content with with his partner and the friends he made through the course of his studies and that's it. And a foreigner is a hassle he certainly doesn't want to contend with. I mean frick, that's true of a lot of people, not even in Japan or even Asia. People face similar problems in France, Russia, etc.
      And when all is said and done all you have left is other social rejects such as the japanese who never could quite vibe with their own society (reverse weebs like that guy Chris hangs out with) or your fellow expat. It's not an "anglo expat" thing. French people do it, the germans do it,the latinos do the same thing, frick, africans do that shit too.

      Integrating into a fully foreign society as an immigrant is impossible. Nobody can do it. Your kids will have a shot at it if they're willing to since they have a fresh start but you won't. It is a fact of life for every immigrant that you will end up sticking with other immigrants and this is why Chinatown and Little Italy exist.

      >t. expat in taiwan for 10 years

      • 1 year ago

        All true. The more time I spend abroad the more I realize this. It’s why I probably won’t leave my home state either. Even moving out of state as an adult most of the friendships you make are far more shallow than the ones you did growing up in school. It’s just the way life is. People get busy, people start having families, they don’t need or want new friends past a certain age, especially one that’s foreign and doesn’t get your culture at all. It’s the sad reality of living abroad.

        • 1 year ago

          Honestly who makes friends anywhere in the world past a certain age? You're supposed to have a wife and kids too

        • 1 year ago

          Doesn't mean you can't form meaningful relationships with other rolling stones. You don't have a moral imperative to be friends with the local of a given country. It's ok to go to Japan and mingle with likeminded foreigners, and they're not necessarily American either so you still have some novelty to it.
          Also, it doesn't mean that you can't possibly socialize with the locals either. If you really feel like you need to, you can, by speaking the language, or evolving in a local workplace or community.

          It's actually a very formative thing to do and it teaches you a lot about how to deal with people and awkward situations.

          • 1 year ago

            I never said you can’t do any of the things you mentioned so idk why you wrote this. All I said was the reality of living abroad in your mid 20s+ is that you’re not going to be forming deep friendships, especially if you’re nomading.

      • 1 year ago

        nailed it.
        I was actually one of those cringe homosexuals before i came to Japan who hated the idea of hanging with other foreigners and judged people who did that. I thought i would make japanese friends and try limit my interaction with other foreigners and integrate as much as possible.
        Now after 3 years? you couldn't pay me to hang with japanese people who dont speak english or didnt leave japan for a very long time. I speak N2+ Japanese btw, its not a language thing. Its more of a, i dont fricking want to thing.

        I enjoy hanging out with other foreigners. I can relate to them more, they are more friendly, more interested in being friends and having fun. Japanese are so rigid and bug people honestly. Even my mongolian/chinese friends who i cant communicate with any better than Japanese are way more interesting to be with.

        I fully admit i ate my words, and feel no shame about it. absolutely no thank you to japanese people in general as a foreigner.
        Now if i was in China? Poland? i could see it happening a bit more.

        • 1 year ago

          I'm the opposite. I despise hanging out with white exoats as 90% of then are bitter losers. Some are cool but they are a minority.

        • 1 year ago

          I'm living in Japan too and I've gone through a similar process.

          Though I wouldn't write off the Japanese like you seem to have done. It comes down to language ability and meeting the right person. I'm N1, and I can tell you that is not enough, but I know people who are well into fluency and are able to make friends.

          The most important, meaningful connections will always be with your fellow expatriates, but don't succumb to cynicism.

          • 1 year ago

            The most reasonable response to this thread since


            You guys are moronic and have never been abroad and that's pretty much why you're thinking this. Ever tried making friends in a new city ? It's a fricking pain in the ass, but it's usually feasible if you're in some kind of social circles such as your workplace or some group hobby (sports or some kind of gay shit like pottery or improv) or scene.
            People in general barely manage to make friends in these environments but imagine you're doing it in fricking Japan. Even if you spoke Japanese and Chris does, you're still fricked because your average japanese doesn't want to befriend anyone. He's content with with his partner and the friends he made through the course of his studies and that's it. And a foreigner is a hassle he certainly doesn't want to contend with. I mean frick, that's true of a lot of people, not even in Japan or even Asia. People face similar problems in France, Russia, etc.
            And when all is said and done all you have left is other social rejects such as the japanese who never could quite vibe with their own society (reverse weebs like that guy Chris hangs out with) or your fellow expat. It's not an "anglo expat" thing. French people do it, the germans do it,the latinos do the same thing, frick, africans do that shit too.

            Integrating into a fully foreign society as an immigrant is impossible. Nobody can do it. Your kids will have a shot at it if they're willing to since they have a fresh start but you won't. It is a fact of life for every immigrant that you will end up sticking with other immigrants and this is why Chinatown and Little Italy exist.

            >t. expat in taiwan for 10 years

            It's ok to try to reach out to a country you immigrate to because it is the place you're going to live in for a very long time, if not forever, but it's also ok to acknowledge that you won't be like them due to your multicultural identity. And rather than denying that or thinking it's a witness, capitalize on it. By being a westerner you have the same power a chink or a 'jeet has when they're in america, you guys can look out for each other.

      • 1 year ago

        Just wondering why it's always a Brit or an American who cannot perform basic tasks in the local language after living there for more than a decade because "Mayumi/Xiaomei/Angelina/Natasha always takes care of that" whereas the Nepali/Thai/Romanian will speak the local language within a year in addition to their heavy-accented English while working bottom-rung jobs.

        • 1 year ago

          Cant you figure it out? English speakers can bumble through anywhere in the world because everyone accommodates them somehow. thats not the case for Black person and jeet languages. they have no choice. they also dont get the privilege english speakers who are white get when they dont understand local language. whites get a pass while browns get judged

          • 1 year ago

            So you agree that it's just a lack of effort why the guy in the OP and the assembled homosexuals in this thread have no friends besides other social rejects.
            So let's try to aim higher than the bare minimum then, first step: don't feed lazy fricks.

            • 1 year ago

              Not at all. You will understand when you live in Japan long enough. Japanese people are bugs not worth trying to have friends with even if you speak the language. I find it hilarious when I imagine some noob like you thinking you’d actually make any kind of meaningful friendship with the average japanese person like you’d have at home or a country close by

              • 1 year ago

                What happens if you speak Japanese and try and make friends with the locals? Is it a big cultural difference that prevents forming meaningful relationships? Please elaborate. I can speak Thai and find it hard to meet people there that are on the same level to have an open conversation about a topic I would find interesting.

              • 1 year ago

                Its mostly cultural but also what this anon said

                It's not a question of effort, it's a question of incentive. You can speak japanese all you want but it's fricking useless if you can't make japanese friends because the japs are either too introverted, too busy with their work, or content with their family/uni friends/highschool friends and you're not working in a field that requires you to actually evolve within a japanese workplace. If you're teaching english or making youtube videos why would you even bother interacting with japs ?
                Also, it's clear that Chris speaks japanese enough to hold a conversation and eventually master it if he wanted. It just feels like he didn't bother because it's useless.
                Learning Japanese (or mandarin in my case) isn't just an "effort". It's a huge fricking timewaster if you're not doing it for your career (like I have to). You have to attend classes, commit thousands of symbols to memory all the while trying to master oral conversation while you could be doing other stuff.

                They will get offended by shit you do without you even realising, and not be direct about it. They wont be interested in much you have to say when it comes to the average japanese person unless it is just endless “Wat Do u Like About Japan”, and definitely wont wanna hear about anything from where u are unless it conforms to their stereotype. So if german everyone has to wear leather pants and eat sausages and drink beer or they will find you disagreeable and a bit mean for saying its not actually true. You’ll offend them by accident.
                I could go on man but thats the jist of it.

              • 1 year ago

                Oh yes, that's a fair point. Then again it's not "by accident", but a lot of people seem to fail to navigate in a face culture environment.

                To take the german example, since these frickers are so blunt to the point of autism, they will be going around pissing off everyone and that can cost them a friendship without them noticing.

              • 1 year ago

                The thing is Japanese have told me shit like cuisine from my country is bad, just outright say it to me. Like some have said it as one of the first things they even said after meeting me. They are incredibly direct when it comes to mean shit like that(even if i agree with the food example) but absolutely cannot take it at all in reverse about japan or just themselves. Im guessing it’s because these things they say to me are all sanitized safe opinions in Japan they say to each other, but cant rub two braincells together to think maybe not appropriate to someone from that country??
                This is the kind of culture gap thats borderline impossible to cross with most japanese people in japan.

              • 1 year ago

                When i said blunt to the point of autism, i'm talking about the germans.

                Japanese just repeat stereotypes because they're an insular country two continents away and have probably never interacted with germans before, and you're in their turf. Everyone in europe thinks american food is shit but if an american came to germany and started shitting on german food, krauts would be offended too. When in Rome, shut the frick up, or educate them. Don't banter back.

                As a 2nd generation immigrant i have seen eurotrash getting mad at arabs and blacks shitting on european cuisine and calling them racist while telling to their faces that african food is literal dogshit.
                See where i'm getting at ? You only think it's a jap thing because you live with japs. You're an immigrant shitting on their food. The frick kind of reaction did you expect ? A fair one ? The irony ,as is customary, is lost on your german ass.

                As for the chinese and other folks you met, they're cool because they're also in a foreign setting. You'll find dealing with chinese in china to be just as aggravating if you act the way you do.

              • 1 year ago

                Thats nothing to do with it tho mate. It doesn’t take any kind of thought to know its rude and stupid to say certain things to people so directly, but nips are happy to do that as long as its to foreign stuff.
                Like i find some countries cuisine/manners/whatever bad but im never gonna fricking say it to someone i just met from there lol wut.
                Im just saying they are hyper sensitive more than any nationality i’ve seen but have no issue dishing it out

              • 1 year ago

                And no its not only a jap thing, but what is a jap thing is nice, normal respectable people doing it where as europe and other developed countries its just trash people, uneducated trash and racists.

                I have had this experience with Japanese from all backgrounds including very well paid educated ones.

              • 1 year ago

                Thats nothing to do with it tho mate. It doesn’t take any kind of thought to know its rude and stupid to say certain things to people so directly, but nips are happy to do that as long as its to foreign stuff.
                Like i find some countries cuisine/manners/whatever bad but im never gonna fricking say it to someone i just met from there lol wut.
                Im just saying they are hyper sensitive more than any nationality i’ve seen but have no issue dishing it out

                Example from a guy who worked for mizuho:
                Meets me, gets my name, and the first conversation was this verbatim:
                “Oh ur from X country”
                “Yeah i am but live here now”
                “Hey, I heard from my friend food from X country is really bad, is that true?”
                I wish I could say that was the only instance of this but far from it.

                Sounds like you've just discovered what a micro-aggression is. They're not bantering, they're just saying an awkward statement not knowing whether you'd relate or not and you reacted in the worst way imaginable : like an entitled Black person.

              • 1 year ago

                >hi stranger
                >where are you from?
                >oh i hears xyz food is really really bad is it true?

                How is that micro aggression? Its just being a fricking rude moron. I’ve lived in 4 countries and never encountered that even in poor ones i spent time in.
                These japanese people are normal respectable people to no trailer trash. What kind of thought process do you have to say that shit and not think it was offensive. If someone said the exact same thing about japan/japnese to them they’d get extremely defensive and upset.

                Now i get it, my countries cuisine isnt that good, but as said it has happened on various things while i live here that was just the most prominent example i can think of.

                I swear they live in a bubble worse than north korea and its even worse as they are well travelled and free. Even poor countries know more about the outside world than average japanese do. Japanese treat gaikoku stuff like a fricking theme park and fun and games its weird

              • 1 year ago

                Japanese have collective autism, news at 8.
                >I swear they live in a bubble worse than north korea
                Ironically North Koreans are much more interested in foreign countries than Japanese, although they tend to jump back to state-mandated talking points when you're talking about Korea.

              • 1 year ago

                >Microaggression is a term used for commonplace daily verbal, behavioral or environmental slights, whether intentional OR unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative attitudes toward stigmatized or culturally marginalized groups.

                i'd say that a westerner in japan is culturally marginalized, so yeah, that is textbook microagression. This being said, I personally believe that this is a victimhood discourse and that what is called a "microagression" is really just intercultural awkwardness.
                You are dealing with insular people that behave a certain way, and sometimes, reciprocating out of spite is a moronic thing to do, especially when you're dealing with people whose gold standard is, well, themselves. At the end of the day, cuisine or not, the only right thing to do is to ease off the tension or show (without making them lose face) that you would rather not want to talk about it again.

                I was overweight and I have received many remark on my weight. When that happens, I usually just confront the person when they're alone and just tell them that i didn't like the remark and kindly request they do not do it again. This has a success rate of 100%. What doesn't have a success rate of 100% is bantering back even if it's playful. Ironically, that works with brits and irish, but americans are just like nips in that regard.

              • 1 year ago

                Just to put this whole debate back in context, its the reason im not interested in making Japanese friends and prefer foreign friends. All the stuff you described needing to do is just a never fricking ending barrier and its not fun at all.
                This is what most foreigners realise after living here a while and why they only chill with other foreigners

              • 1 year ago

                No. Foreigners only chill with other foreigners because they suck hard on throbbing dongs when it comes to anything but english and (when applicable) their native language. If you can't solve an interpersonal conflict as simple as "you said something i don't like, please don't say it again", you need to go back to germany where people just bottle their feelings up until they take over the country and start gassing israelites.

              • 1 year ago

                >culture doesn’t exist
                Ok mutt

              • 1 year ago

                Culture exists, being offended at the local culture however is fundamentally autistic. When in Tokyo, shit on german cuisine.

                You want to be a proud nationalist, stay in your own fricking country where you won't be offended, and if you are, you are within your right to be.

              • 1 year ago

                Where am i offended at the local culture? Your a mutt who has never even lived abroad. Frick off spaz.

                Im saying the culture gets in the way of forming real meaningful friendship even if you spoke well and got passed the typical barriers any adults have in a city even in the same country as each other to making adult friends. Its not worth it.
                Especially when the culture of Japan makes them get offended when you are a brit who doesnt drink tea all day and tell them, or they think its normal to be down right rude to people when you meet them. Wjether jts genuinely malice or not iant the point, its a cultural gap thats kust not conducted for deep meaningful friendship. I’ll just hang with foreigners. Japan is isolating enough especially being away from family.

              • 1 year ago

                I've lived abroad. 10 years in Taiwan, went to japan and dealt with many japanese and other asian folks before. You're dealing with insulated locals and you're mad.

                Their bluntness about weird shit is part of their culture. Comments like you're fat or x food is shit is not uncommon. Taiwan does that shit too and so does China. That you were living in multiple countries and didnt get that shit baffles me to the highest extent.

                While I have spending the most of this time defending anglos who don't bother with this shit out of sheer inertia, you're just a dumbass that went into a country and didn't like what he saw, but at the end of the day you're a fricking immigrant who's mad that he isn't treated fairly. You're like a turk that just came to germany and expects everyone to treat him like he was german. Which may happen, but it's a privilege and certainly not a given for a non citizen. Let alone in the literal fricking ethnostate that is Japan.

                Also, you're making it sound too extreme for what it really is. Japs aren't offended because you explained them that you're not quite like the fricking movies. What they get offended at is your autistic, confrontational tone, which is a staple with fricking germanoids who expect everyone to get everything right about them.

              • 1 year ago

                Im not German why do you keep banging on about that? Always the same with you japanese nuthuggers

              • 1 year ago

                >ethnostate that is Japan

              • 1 year ago

                NTA but east asians in general have extremely long working hours and are career oriented, so whenever they have some quality time, they rather would spend it with people they know or people they want to frick. Uni and high school was their socialization period. After that, they stick with whatever girlfriend they have until marriage. I've seen it with my own eyes as a double degree holder. I have a couple of these local friends that are your normal average local east asian dude that no foreigner would've otherwise known. That was a very eye opening experience and a lot of expats don't have that chance, and that's why they end up hanging out with their own crowd and very rarely with some local who is actually a reverse weeb.

            • 1 year ago

              It's not a question of effort, it's a question of incentive. You can speak japanese all you want but it's fricking useless if you can't make japanese friends because the japs are either too introverted, too busy with their work, or content with their family/uni friends/highschool friends and you're not working in a field that requires you to actually evolve within a japanese workplace. If you're teaching english or making youtube videos why would you even bother interacting with japs ?
              Also, it's clear that Chris speaks japanese enough to hold a conversation and eventually master it if he wanted. It just feels like he didn't bother because it's useless.
              Learning Japanese (or mandarin in my case) isn't just an "effort". It's a huge fricking timewaster if you're not doing it for your career (like I have to). You have to attend classes, commit thousands of symbols to memory all the while trying to master oral conversation while you could be doing other stuff.

              • 1 year ago

                Doesn't mean you can't form meaningful relationships with other rolling stones. You don't have a moral imperative to be friends with the local of a given country. It's ok to go to Japan and mingle with likeminded foreigners, and they're not necessarily American either so you still have some novelty to it.
                Also, it doesn't mean that you can't possibly socialize with the locals either. If you really feel like you need to, you can, by speaking the language, or evolving in a local workplace or community.

                It's actually a very formative thing to do and it teaches you a lot about how to deal with people and awkward situations.

                >waah I can't make friends in Japan/Switzerland/Russia/Finland
                >Surely it's the fault of the Japanese/Swiss/Russians/Finns and I'm gonna vomit a wall of kvetching about it
                Does your name end with -berg or -stein by any chance?

              • 1 year ago

                Not sure i'm getting you bud. Try to skip the memes and write an articulate response this time. Because you're acting precisely like the kind of person most would recoil at.

                If you're 25 and above you've usually made all the friends you will ever have in your life, unless you had socializing issues you have now fixed (or you've moved far away). Most people at any given city in any given country are in this situation. So how do you get to these people without sounding like a complete c**t ?
                Even if you achieve that through some means, how is it even worth it ? You're basically isolating yourself from all form of meaningful communication because your japanese will probably be shit for a while and you've cut yourself off the expats who speak decent english. So why bother if you're an english teacher or a youtuber ? What is so precious about befriending japanese vs any other people you would have a better time communicating with in a meaningful way ? Also, why not both, like Chris does ?

                The only reason you guys are so militant is because you haven't been there or are antisocial friendless freaks to start with. I give you 3 months of complete isolation besides the butchered bits of japanese and english you will exchange with the locals before I see you watching the footie with the boys at the bar.

              • 1 year ago

                I've lived in multiple countries where I initially didn't speak the local language, including Japan and China and guess what, I never felt the need to seek out expat bars for the purpose of socialising with other foreigners. I did end up going to some because of events, food or the occasional invitation and certainly I did not bother the people there with my language skills if their English was better, there's a time and place for everything.
                I did, however, end up getting to a level in Japanese and Chinese where I don't have to feel ashamed to mention it on my CV.

                I guess putting in effort instead of whining online does help with adapting to a new place, but I guess you're happy with your chosen path because you wouldn't make up things online to make yourself feel better, would you?

                Countries with low English levels like Japan, China, Russia and the like are a paradise if you enjoy learning languages because the average guy will be very happy that they don't have to remember their scraps of English from school.
                There have been months when I have not spoken in my native language for more than maybe two or three times outside of phone calls to friends and family at home (because it's fricking useless outside my home region) and my English was mostly limited to work, practice sessions with friends and the occasional tourist.

                >So how do you get to these people without sounding like a complete c**t?
                By preparing before coming and being aware that for a long time I will sound like the moron I am.
                Just going through a Pimsleur course torrented off the internet will already put you ahead of most new arrivals.
                >Even if you achieve that through some means, how is it even worth it?
                Absolutely, being able to communicate with people who you didn't have a shared language beforehand feels great, even if you end up looking like a clown during the process, in fact it's one of the essentials of travel for me, if I didn't want to be challenged I could just stay at home.

              • 1 year ago

                >I guess putting in effort instead of whining online does help with adapting to a new place, but I guess you're happy with your chosen path because you wouldn't make up things online to make yourself feel better, would you?

                You're clearly not in this situation because you're not a native english speaker. You're like the romanian from the above posts that comes in to work construction in France along with the portuguese and african dudes and you all have to speak a language and it's going to be French because your bosses only speak french.
                When you're in a scenario where none of that is really worth the hassle such as in your average anglosaxon doing TEFL in Asia, chances are the incentives of learning the language diminish greatly. Putting it in your CV doesn't matter as much as the number of hours taught and your hourly rate. The difficulty of japanese and the subsequent payoff (cool, i get to have full conversations with autists) is so ridiculous I seriously doubt you yourself would even bother with it. All of this doesn't mean that you shouldn't or you even won't learn japanese. It just means that you'll take it easy while you're in the country because you don't need it that bad. You will have expat friends during that time so you're not alone, and maybe some locals as time goes by and you get their vibe. Or you fricking don't. I don't get why this is a complaint. This is a fact of life. If i get a well paid job at an MNC in Tokyo right now why the frick should I refuse it so I can train my japanese beforehand ? I could do it later. Or not. When you're out there earning 700k yen a month as an engie you have options that make Japan very worth it EVEN if i'm not speaking the language yet.

              • 1 year ago

                Im N2 and after N3 there was a huge drop off. I could handle all daily shit and government stuff, and at N2 with less strain. Once i realised i dont even want Japanese friends due to all the culture shit and that i could handle all daily stuff it was a huge struggle just to get to N2.

                N1? No thanks. Dont need it

              • 1 year ago

                So you admit that the average TEFL "teacher" in East Asia is worse than whatever they ship over the Mediterranean?
                At least those "refugees" support their families at home with some of the money they extract from the welfare systems.

              • 1 year ago

                You didn't read my post or quoted the wrong one. This isn't just a tefl thing. It's a thing for every foreigner that holds a job where speaking the local language isn't necessary. The thing in common with all these people is that they're human beings doing a perfectly human thing, i.e not putting effort into something that won't really pay off.

              • 1 year ago

                It's okay, nobody will know about your LBH problem back home if you don't blog about it.

              • 1 year ago

                Still didn't read the post, still trying to change the subject. Please do that before your answer.

        • 1 year ago

          Because the Nepali/Thai/Romanians wouldn't get a job if they couldn't speak the language. If you're romanian, chances are you'll be working construction or some shit and you'll end up having to communicate with other immigrants and managers who won't bother learning 5 languages to communicate with you so speaking the local language will eventually be a must.
          Same goes for other asians that will probably end up working service jobs where speaking the bare minimum is necessary.
          Whereas your average developer expatriating himself or immigrating will probably be working in a multinational corpo, so even a non anglo would just need to learn english to get himself hired. The TEFL sector is also one of the major employer of anglosaxon countries and that job just requires you to speak your native language, not evolve within a team of local individuals.

          Whenever there is a scenario where an immigrant isn't professionally forced to speak the local language, no matter who he is, he won't fricking do it. A shit ton of chinatown chinks do not speak the local language because they're housekeepers that do not need to interact with anyone besides their chinese managers, and same goes for cooks. The ones that do may speak a few words but that's it. Making it sound like it's some kind of inherent value within the non white person to compulsively learn english for no useful reason is moronic.

          Besides, Japan and all the other countries don't want to see your ass learning their language. They'd rather keep you at an arm's length so you don't actually immigrate and stay there and just stay as a temporary expatriate. China had the same mindset too.

          • 1 year ago

            >Besides, Japan and all the other countries don't want to see your ass learning their language.
            Literally have people help me all the time with my shitty pronunciation and questions about 漢字 with a smile on their face. I think I am a caricature of a bumbling アメリカン to them; personally would be fine if they restricted foreigners to special districts like during 鎖国, frankly most countries should have foreigner ghettos instead of letting us roam about everywhere.

            • 1 year ago

              I said "日本", not the japanese or the local people of the Asian country you バカ

              • 1 year ago

                Black person you make zero sense. What the frick is the meaningful difference between "Japan" as country and the actual locals you interact with? If you are trying to pretend the national government hates to see foreigners learning 日本語, explain why they offer visas to language learners. If you mean something else, be more explicit.

              • 1 year ago

                It's all according to keikaku (keikaku means plan)

                The meaningful difference is the government and its voting base (i.e people that don't talk to you and would rather see you out), obviously.

                Visas for learning the language is wishful thinking and a meaningless attempt to reinforce their soft power. They also have visa schemes for highly qualified workers, but the people who stay for long are outliers. And that's how they want it.

              • 1 year ago

                Reality detached autism. Most nips don't really give a frick, the nation is still extremely homogeneous, even in international hotspots like 東京 the vast majority of interaction will be with fellow nationals. The government is boomer and schizo and won't adopt a sensible policy because it's a weird consensus decision between lots of established factions. One industry wants such and such, one political group wants something else, a third just wants to take advantage of the situation, etc.

                The reality is, most people have far more important shit to worry about than if a few thousand lucky weebs get to stay and learn 日本語. The most negative reaction you can expect is some dude having a bad day thinking to himself how much he dislikes those fricking foreigners, right before he turns a corner and thinks to himself how tired he is of おばさん and her yappy dog. You are entirely too self centered if you think the nips in aggregate actually give a shit one way or another about you.

              • 1 year ago

                Why did you write kanji for tokyo and japan in an otherwise completely english comment on and English forum speaking to other people in english? Its not even like those words are hard to translate or carry and idiosyncrasies in japanese not in english. I live in japan and speak N2 and i hate seeing you weebs do that shit

              • 1 year ago

                Because ふうくよう

              • 1 year ago

                Nice strawman, you dumbfrick. Japan, as an institution, doesn't want you. They want to use you and then you get the frick out of here. They are content because the ones that come are outliers and the ones who stay even more, because the system works so far.
                The few people who are actually allowed to integrate are either ridiculously important to the country's development (tenured professors like that guy from ghana in Kyoto university), or are so few that it's irrelevant. So no, they DONT want you here in every sense, especially practical. Doesn't mean they will scream it every time you pass by or that they strongly feel it or even agree with it, it's just systemic.

                A lot of countries are like this but Japan is very much one of the worst in this regard along with China.

              • 1 year ago

                Kek this reads like leftie systemic racism ranting
                >there is a nebulous network of system forces acting to take advantage and then discard you
                >well no you wont actually see this in any interactions with any specific person or institution
                >but they are secretly thinking and acting this way
                >no I don't have any evidence, you prove me wrong

              • 1 year ago

                It's not racism but it certainly is systemic and systemic doesn't mean nebulous. If it's harder to get an appartment, harder to get a job unless it's temporary work, stressing over visas if the company doesn't renew your work contract, an immigrant in GENERAL has the deck stacked against him. Let alone in Japan.

                I'm telling you how things are, not what they ought to be, but you're an idiot so you conflate the two. Immigration is hard. Immigration in Japan is not the easiest either, but that does not mean that it's a bad thing, especially for the folks who have an anglosaxon passport and nothing to show for and can teach english, because that means that they may have a nicer life than what they have back home.
                You want to think that you're welcome with open arms because you're a special little snowflake, I think that makes you a fricking SJW moron.

              • 1 year ago

                >Japan explicitly does not want any foreigners at all!
                >not even to learn the language!
                >well okay high performers are fine!
                >well no I can't point to anything specific, it's just like, harder than other places to immigrate to
                You're moronic and applying agency to what is really just a mass of autistic rice and honor culture boomers all vying for their own personal interests. They literally just don't care about foreigners, there are way bigger issues the nation is facing, any decisions one way or another are only made in afterthought

              • 1 year ago

                >well no I can't point to anything specific, it's just like, harder than other places to immigrate to

                This is a fricking thread on SighSee. Nobody gets THAT specific and are just communicating their subjective experience, me having lived in Taiwan, Singapore, and Japan, I'm telling you it's harder in the latter. And even if I somehow did, you would just deny shit and start baseding on "muh peer reviewed studies". And all of that to defend your own version, which is :

                >its just boomers being boomers hurr durr

                This is a dogshit fricking take. Political decisions are never done in a vacuum. Even if they're spontaneous, there's an entire line of thinking that brings them to it. The system is built so that you don't stay. remember that when they throw your ass out at the next pandemic.

              • 1 year ago

                >remember that when they throw your ass out at the next pandemic.

                Meanwhile in reality at the last pandemic they actually extended foreigners tourist visas.

              • 1 year ago


              • 1 year ago

                You've moved the goalpost so many times it's in the parking lot.

              • 1 year ago

                tourists stay temporarily by definition and are only here to consume and get the frick out.

                They only handed out extensions because air companies were cancelling flights willy nilly and didn't want to have to deal with the thousands of visa overstays that would've been inevitable.

                Meanwhile, foreigners were getting fricking fired from their jobs en masse with little to no hope of finding another job because they outlived their usefulness.

              • 1 year ago

                Everyone was getting displaced from their jobs during that time locals included because the job market was contracting due to the lockdowns both domestic and abroad. Suicide rates among Japanese increased significantly mostly due to lost employment:


                The point is foreigners weren't "kicked out" at the last pandemic like you said.

              • 1 year ago

                Foreigners were proportionally far more affected. 35% temp contracts vs 5% for a local. Firing a foreigner is easier, far more convenient and quite honestly a little less sad since the fricker is just a gaijin anyway.
                And you're probably going to screech "as it should be !", which is precisely my point : japan will get rid of your ass whenever they can, whereas even foreign workers in france were heavily protected and received unemployment checks. These are two visions (one being better than the other is an entirely different debate), but the japanese one wants you out.

                When a japanese loses his job, he's got pretty much everyone he can possibly rely on to help. Sure, some end up being financially strangled or mentally fricked and end up killing themselves but that's Japan for you.

                Rather than debating on this premise by using half assed arguments like the one you posted, people should acknowledge this social reality and fight back, rather than just close their eyes and hope everything goes well until the most moronic of things happen and you end up having to rethink your entire life as you pack your crap and leave. The only chance to win against a referee who's against you is to win by knockout, certainly not by hoping for his good faith. Just going around thinking it's just a chaotic world with boomers and nissan playing 4 dimensional chess will bring you nothing but disappointment in your life. Open your eyes and shut the frick up.

              • 1 year ago

                What are you even arguing now? You claimed you lived in Japan but the more you talk the more it sounds like larp. Japan like many Asian countries doesn't have much in the way of government benefits even for Japanese citizens. Comparing them to France or any western country is pointless. Americans got unemployment checks for like 2 years straight during the pandemic, the Japanese got like 1. And no one is arguing that Japanese locals have more privileges than foreigners, as they should, but this idea that the Japanese government is chomping at the bit to frick over foreign workers is purely in your own imagination.

              • 1 year ago

                Jesus christ you are fricking clueless.
                >Specialized work in an english speaking environment is encouraged
                >Temp contract are preferred for foreigners
                >Foreigners are basically kicked out first and are thrown out of the country no matter how ancient they are or how well planned their lives is
                >Majority voter base against immigration

                Of course comparing them to france is far from pointless you idiot. The two of them have completely different immigration paradigms. France wants to keep you and Japan wants you out. Ireland, another example of a country that does not want immigrants, doesn't count your PhD years as countable towards a residency, france and the US do. Japan does because the brain drain is huge enough. You're a fricking idiot if you didnt realize that and you've never stepped a foot in East Asia except maybe for tourism and think you got it all figured out because "boomers" are the end all be all of every sociological explanation. I am done answering to your moronic fricking posts.

              • 1 year ago

                Japan simply has a sensible immigration policy. Specialized skills and high earners are incentivized over low skilled workers. They just don't want a whole bunch of jobless eaters, it's hard enough looking after the locals. But if you make enough money as a foreigner you can practically buy citizenship, look at pewdiepie.
                They're stricter than the west but that's not saying much, the west is absolutely cucked. FOB refugees are given government benefits and housing.

                Bear in mind this all started from you saying Japan doesn't want foreigners learning Japanese to you moving the goalposts all the way to immigration policy. Meanwhile for foreigners there are Japanese language schools all over Japan, Japanese language teachers all over the internet and the world, hundreds of learning books and an official linguistic competency system that is recognized by Japanese companies. There's a whole language learning ecosystem for foreigners.
                >But the government
                People in the government are at worst indifferent to foreigners learning the language, they have much bigger things to worry about.

              • 1 year ago

                You're sort of right but reaching and exaggerating. When I worked in Japan if I got fired I even had access to welfare.

          • 1 year ago

            >Besides, Japan and all the other countries don't want to see your ass learning their language.

            No way you guys are even around Japanese people if this is what you think about them.

            • 1 year ago

              It's the government you moronic twat. That's how they actively keep you out.

              • 1 year ago

                >Government wants to keep foreigners out
                >Imports thousands of immigrants from SEA and India
                >Even takes in refugees from Ukraine

                You guys want Japan to be something it isn't so bad.

              • 1 year ago

                >Imports thousands of immigrants from SEA and India

                On what visas ? Why ? SEAs are recruited in temporary visas for construction jobs, teaching english (in the case of flips) and other shitty stuff the hikkikomoris avoid, and then get the frick out. 'Jeets are techies, i.e specialized cheap labor to compensate for the braindrain.

                >Even takes in refugees from Ukraine
                >two thousands for a population of 125 million people

                How is that relevant ? You don't seem to be thinking clearly.

                This isn't a political thing or gatekeeping on my part by the way. This is simply a reminder that shouldn't take Japan for granted as long as they don't have a PR or a passport and the system is designed to make this a painful process. This is to remind you that if shit hits the fan you'll have to pack your shit and get the frick out like the piles of foreigners that did because of Covid. And also to remind you that really, japs don't like you and would rather your job be done by a japanese, especially in TEFL, and you trying to integrate by learning the language and getting the papers to stay indefinitely complicates things for them. It's an argument for learning Japanese if anything, to be quite honest. I was merely explaining in this post

                Because the Nepali/Thai/Romanians wouldn't get a job if they couldn't speak the language. If you're romanian, chances are you'll be working construction or some shit and you'll end up having to communicate with other immigrants and managers who won't bother learning 5 languages to communicate with you so speaking the local language will eventually be a must.
                Same goes for other asians that will probably end up working service jobs where speaking the bare minimum is necessary.
                Whereas your average developer expatriating himself or immigrating will probably be working in a multinational corpo, so even a non anglo would just need to learn english to get himself hired. The TEFL sector is also one of the major employer of anglosaxon countries and that job just requires you to speak your native language, not evolve within a team of local individuals.

                Whenever there is a scenario where an immigrant isn't professionally forced to speak the local language, no matter who he is, he won't fricking do it. A shit ton of chinatown chinks do not speak the local language because they're housekeepers that do not need to interact with anyone besides their chinese managers, and same goes for cooks. The ones that do may speak a few words but that's it. Making it sound like it's some kind of inherent value within the non white person to compulsively learn english for no useful reason is moronic.

                Besides, Japan and all the other countries don't want to see your ass learning their language. They'd rather keep you at an arm's length so you don't actually immigrate and stay there and just stay as a temporary expatriate. China had the same mindset too.

                how so many foreigners do not bother with the language. There is nothing inherent in the westerner that makes him not do so, it's just that the system is made so that you don't ? Why ? So you get the frick out.

      • 1 year ago

        Honestly who makes friends anywhere in the world past a certain age? You're supposed to have a wife and kids too

        Not sure i'm getting you bud. Try to skip the memes and write an articulate response this time. Because you're acting precisely like the kind of person most would recoil at.

        If you're 25 and above you've usually made all the friends you will ever have in your life, unless you had socializing issues you have now fixed (or you've moved far away). Most people at any given city in any given country are in this situation. So how do you get to these people without sounding like a complete c**t ?
        Even if you achieve that through some means, how is it even worth it ? You're basically isolating yourself from all form of meaningful communication because your japanese will probably be shit for a while and you've cut yourself off the expats who speak decent english. So why bother if you're an english teacher or a youtuber ? What is so precious about befriending japanese vs any other people you would have a better time communicating with in a meaningful way ? Also, why not both, like Chris does ?

        The only reason you guys are so militant is because you haven't been there or are antisocial friendless freaks to start with. I give you 3 months of complete isolation besides the butchered bits of japanese and english you will exchange with the locals before I see you watching the footie with the boys at the bar.

        Exactly. People usually build their social circles in their childhoods, while in high school and university and, sometimes, at their first jobs, specially when they stay at the same job for years.
        If you are 25+ it will obviously very hard to make new friends as people already have their social circles and you don't have shared memories with those people you will be meeting.
        If I text a firend to grab a coffee we could stay talking about stupid things we've been through together for hours. I couldn't do that with someone I work with or do some kind of hobby together. I could get a beer with them; still would be hard and take a long time to build a friendship bond as we all have different memories, we don't share a common history, and are adults with other things to do.
        If you are in a foreign country it will be even harder as due cultural issues and language barriers. That's why it's so common for "expatriates" (immigrants) to meet and befriend each other instead of natives from the places they settled.
        Tbh, I think the easiest way to build some local friendship it's to date someone native and get into her circle. That said, usually, specially if the relationship don't last for a few years, you'll probably lose your friends (not real friends) when you break up.

        • 1 year ago

          Funny how you basically quoted all my posts in this thread.

          And to be honest, being friends with your gf's pals is wishful thinking. asian women hang out with women. You'll just be someone they know, they won't invite you to shit and you won't be involved with them, and that's if you're lucky. The crushing majority of the japanese dating white men seem for some reason to have like, one or two friends at most and actually get offended by the idea that you may have friends (heavens forbid female ones).

          This being said, i'm not saying it's an impossible endeavor but it's just way more convenient to have a few western pals to talk to and confide.

          Expatriation and/or immigration takes a certain toll on the mind and explaining or confessing about stuff to people is something that is better done in your native language. Also, I wouldn't trust a non confrontational asian to be of any help if shit hits the fan in case of emergency, so here's another reason to also interact with the expats.

          Whenever there's a newcomer i always heavily recommend them to find someone from their country to team up with. Now i'm not saying that westerners can't be fricking scum but it's up to you to find someone decent.

          My emergency contact and best friend and godfather to my kids never let me down. He's like a literal brother to me and so am I to him.

          • 1 year ago

            I wonder, would it be easier to make Japanese friends as a foreigner if you're a woman?

      • 1 year ago

        t. sexpat who has been found out by the locals and hence excluded. has to hang out with other sexpats only

        it's fricking easy to make friends with locals and integrate anywhere if you actually put in effort and show some respect. you just have to get off your high horse and act like a normal human being and keep in mind that these locals are regular people who also have to worry about their daily life shit such as their bills and stress from work. dont expect them to stop everything they are doing to be your friend just because you are white or a foreigner

        • 1 year ago

          Except i'm not an anglo and i actually am integrated to the locals, notably because i did a double diploma and a joint PhD there and can hold my own in mandarin. I know talking out of your ass in SighSee is customary, but in SighSee it's better you just curb that behavior before you look like a complete moron. I'm merely explaining to you larpers how it works in reality and why being so prompt to judge white people in Asia will only make you look like a fool if you actually go there.
          Most locals have their lives and would rather continue them without you chiming in and respecting that is why having local friends isn't easy. That's not japanese, it's just human. This is what happens when you go to another city even if it's still in your country. If you want to appeal to people, there must be some kind of common denominator in the first place. Either it's a common activity, like a hobby or a job, or it's cultural, e.g you're both anglo or european or whatever nationality you are. TEFL workers rarely have jobs that allow for socializing and the majority of techies evolve in an international environment with not so many locals. Chinatowns across the glove aren't made of chinese people wanting to get white pussy and failed. A lot of them don't even bother with the local language also. The ones who do only do it by necessity, not out of love.

          Since you're clearly someone who's never been out, befriending a white guy in East Asia is as easy as just looking at the person and be like "hey". Even better if he's from your country. One day i've met an irish dude at a night market and we just shot the shit all night, and we're regularly doing BBQs with each others families. Why ? Because we were the only white fricks in the damn neighborhood. That's how easy it is to make friends there. . Why should you deprive yourself of that out of some weird principle ?

      • 1 year ago

        >People in general barely manage to make friends in these environments
        ""Expat""" here, I met my current group of friends and my girlfriend on a hobby group. The frick are you talking about?

        • 1 year ago

          >Sample of one

          Suck my wiener

          • 1 year ago

            Sample of one? You've never been to any hobby group or something? Literally all hobby groups I've been to have at least one couple, even the male dominated ones. It's pretty much unavoidable after spending time with people you share interests with.
            I'm literally autistic, if I can do it so can you.

            • 1 year ago

              Did this happen in Japan in a fully japanese environment ? If so, kudos to you. I am not saying that this won't happen, and I fully believe that past 5 years in the country, your ass should start to integrate unless you're planning to leave in the next year or so, because your stay is becoming permanent, and from experience, foreigners in a country tend to have families rather quickly (because it's still and always be quite lonely on the average).

              What i'm saying is that you, as a person, may very well be this guy who stayed more than 5 years. Or is someone who went ahead and learned Japanese fluently because he liked it (and not out of need). Or that you had enough incentives to learn Japanese (need it in the workplace). In any case, what you did, you did it in an organic manner more likely than not. You didn't wake up and say to yourself "i have to make japanese friends or i'm a racist, and hobby groups are the way to go". Yet people seem to think that this is how it works and it's crazy.

              • 1 year ago

                >Or that you had enough incentives to learn Japanese
                Yeah, it's called learning the language of the country that would be kind enough to accept me and become my home.
                wtf is wrong with you people

      • 1 year ago

        All true. The more time I spend abroad the more I realize this. It’s why I probably won’t leave my home state either. Even moving out of state as an adult most of the friendships you make are far more shallow than the ones you did growing up in school. It’s just the way life is. People get busy, people start having families, they don’t need or want new friends past a certain age, especially one that’s foreign and doesn’t get your culture at all. It’s the sad reality of living abroad.

        wow you guys are melodramatic losers, holy shot

        • 1 year ago

          What's a loser to you ? My life is going pretty well, I have a loving wife, and my salary is above 500k¥ a month which puts me in a good spot. I have both foreign and local friends. And there are a lot of people doing way better that i currently am. The point i'm trying to make here is that being an immigrant will always drive a gap and always puts you at a social disadvantage. What you do of this fact is your own problem. Some people can't get over it, they're not planning to live in japan long enough for that to be a problem, some do because it helps their career, some acknowledge that there is power in being able to have this foreign community that can be very a great tool if needed. While I met my wife in Japan, she isn't even Japanese. She was from Argentina doing a PhD in applied physics at UTokyo. We met because she used to hang out at the same bar as I did. We were very good friends, and at some point were both single and realized we could be more.

          I can't understand this issue that you anglos (americans included) have with knowing your fricking place. You don't look japanese and don't act like japs even if you're the weebest of weebs, and japanese don't want you to be like that because it's fricking weird. Be who the frick you are while being mindful of the local notions of basic decency is all you need. They EXPECT you to do some social frick up and they're OK with it so long as you're ok with them letting loose around you too.

          Even professionally, they hire a fricking foreigner because they know the guy won't act like a fricking drone. They want that. They know our PR skills are superior because we're a tad ballsier. I explicitly told my boss that i wasn't going to be a yes man when he gave me this traditional talk of "you're not understanding our culture" and I convinced him that it actually was an asset, while you frickers would be having literal panic attacks asking "how dare he speak to a superior like that ?". Nobody likes a weeb.

          • 1 year ago

            lmao homie do you really expect me to read all this shit, by: you?

    • 1 year ago

      Japs are so autistic to be around you actually have to try so hard to be friends with them. They always keep people at a distance. They’re not all like that but it’s majority.

  2. 1 year ago

    If you're trusting an Anglo's opinion on another country then there is very little hope for you. I won't even touch the fact you're listening to a former JET, but damn anon come on.

    Japanese shit is kinda overrated sure, but overrated doesn't equate to bad just that it is rated over what it is. There is a lot to be had here so long as you don't drink the koolaid too hard.

  3. 1 year ago

    people be acting like japan is still in the 1980s even on here. the place is fricked and crumbling.

    • 1 year ago

      This holy shit lmao, where are all the school girls Japan is now filled with all people, all the SOVL has gotten sucked out

      • 1 year ago

        *old people*

      • 1 year ago

        number one way to tell a foreigner doesn't belong in asia.... they don't respect the old people who built Japan from the ground up to the 3rd largest economy in the world...

        • 1 year ago

          Uhhh.. America did that kek.
          They basically jailed most the military politicians, let Japan have 0 export tax to america and set up a new constitution/government and gave them all kinds of modern technology for nothing so they could reverse engineer it and then undercut western companies with 0% export… then their central bank did the most noob thing ever which western countries learned not to do through experience in the hundred years prior which was print money and have ultra low interest rates while trying to devalue their own currency for exports.

          Then it all came crashing down and fricked them Socially, culturally and financially for the next 30 years and counting, still not recovered.

          Imagine spinning it as anything other than what really happened.

  4. 1 year ago

    >he really is on japans tourism payroll
    he isn't anon, Japan is actually just that good.

    as long as you don't have a slave job you probably have a really nice life

    • 1 year ago

      btw Im a Black person in okinawa

  5. 1 year ago

    Example from a guy who worked for mizuho:
    Meets me, gets my name, and the first conversation was this verbatim:
    “Oh ur from X country”
    “Yeah i am but live here now”
    “Hey, I heard from my friend food from X country is really bad, is that true?”
    I wish I could say that was the only instance of this but far from it.

  6. 1 year ago

    Chris is a legend.
    OP is a homosexual.

  7. 1 year ago

    >Itt: boomer weebs seething at the fact that zoomer Japs don't want to be their friend

  8. 1 year ago

    >ITT anglos being mad that they can't act like Muhammad, Ngbumbu or Pedro act like in their countries

    • 1 year ago

      more like ITT moronic mutts who never get holiday LARP acting like they know what the world is and shit up not only the thread but the board they are on.

      This place needs flags so we can instantly disregard american posters, no one here is mad anon we are having a civil conversation. Just because you are losing it doesn't mean anyone here is 'mad' you just don't know how to hold a conversation.

    • 1 year ago

      You mean form machete gangs, sell drugs and rape children?
      You moronic Americans never have a clue what you're talking about. Actually pretending Black folk and pakis behave well in White countries so you can vent your eternal inferiority complex about Anglos.

  9. 1 year ago

    This guy is such a lonely fat moron. Imagine fleeing the West to live in Japan and then gaining weight, what the frick

    • 1 year ago

      you have no idea how much of moron you look like right now anon

    • 1 year ago

      this, how do you stay fat for like 15 years in japan lmao

      • 1 year ago

        convenience store fried chicken
        drinking in public being allowed everywhere
        izakayas being cheap as frick compared to restaurants in the West
        also in general food, snacks, alcohol are all 1/3rd of the price in Japan compared to the West

  10. 1 year ago

    >Go to Japan
    >Only job you can do is teach english or work in an english speaking environment in the tech industry
    >only recruits fluent japanese speakers for other jobs (which is a multi-year investment, no way around it unless you already lived in the country for a while, and besides you'll be probably find more jobs at the ones above because you have zero local experience even if you're fluent and having one offer is always better than having none)
    >You are absolutely, terribly, worryingly alone
    >You may not need friends depending on your character but not talking to anybody won't do good to your mental health in a foreign environment
    >So you ask yourself : should I learn japanese ? Do I need to ? What are my incentives here ?
    >certainly not for TEFL because you'll never really need english, not for tech because MNCs pay better and an international corporate environment will always be saner than the salaryman life so really, you're better off unless you have the balls to pull the black sheep card in Japan through charisma, sense of presentation, and hard work (not for everyone and you will probably fail miserably unless your japanese is on point)
    >Why else should I learn japanese ? Am I going to stay here forever ?
    >Probably not, even if I wanted, and it's a skill that only really is useful there so is there really a point to get to learning it straight away if i'm not even sure i'm staying ?
    >Having friends then ?
    >I can have friends by going at literally any bar with westerns in there who have been through this ordeal and are actually quite welcoming for the most part, compared to japs and autistic weebs
    >Ok, there's this japanese guy that speaks pretty decent english and is a little bit of an outcast and

    Can't you see how irrational you guys sound ?

    • 1 year ago

      I'm not reading all that

      • 1 year ago

        >bumping on SighSee 10 minutes later
        op you fricking moron

    • 1 year ago

      Ive found that in drinking environments Japanese people are quite friendly and willing to actually become friends. I mean you'll be drinking buddies mainly but that's what most of my friends have devolved into anyway besides some I've known since I was a teenager.
      Even when I spoke zero japanese I found myself randomly meeting people at bars and events. A lot of times you're like a novelty to them so they might even buy your food or drinks! No joke. Many times we exchange info and end up hanging out again. Japanese people who are social drinkers are actually quite normal and many speak good English. But basically if you can't talk with strangers while drinking in your own country it won't happen in Japan. And the japanese people who don't drink are extreme autists building models and stuff like that. A lot of girls there don't drink but they seem more willing to go to places where alcohol is served than western women who don't drink.

      • 1 year ago

        I should also add that by "social drinker" I don't mean salarymen that are forced to drink 6 days a week with their bosses.

  11. 1 year ago

    He did a video a year or so ago about 12 reasons not to move to Japan, and he actually did a really good job of covering the negative aspects of Japan in that.

  12. 1 year ago

    The internet always treat Japan as either "uwu based kawaii futuristic utopia" or "bleugh, suicidal backwards hellhole"

  13. 1 year ago


  14. 1 year ago

    British YouTubers in Japan are annoying because they think they're better than everyone else just because they're British. They come to Japan and act like they know everything about the culture, but they're just a bunch of clueless wankers who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground.

    They make videos about how "weird" and "quirky" everything is, but they're just projecting their own cluelessness onto the culture. They try to act all cool and edgy, but they just come across as clueless, entitled douchebags.

    They have no respect for the Japanese people or their culture, and they're always trying to boss people around and tell them what to do. They act like they're entitled to special treatment just because they're British, but they're just a bunch of annoying, entitled brats who need to check their privilege and learn to respect other cultures.

    In short, British YouTubers in Japan are just a bunch of annoying, entitled wankers who need to step off and let the real experts take over. They have no business being there, and they need to learn to shut their mouths and listen for once in their lives.

    • 1 year ago

      Americans are worse.

    • 1 year ago

      Its quite possible you don’t understand the british culture behind the words and things they are doing you know?

      Many Americans get confused by British people because they just assume they understand english but in reality British people use different words in different contexts to mean different to things ti americans way more often.

      So when a British person says “weird” in that context it actually means different and potentially interesting or unusual”. I’ve seen this particular word get confused by Americans often when brits use it.

      Similarly i’ve seen Americans get salty accusing brits of not handling their own banter when they just misinterpreted a brits instant response back to a counter banter with even more banter as “hostile” or “offended”. No lol they just expect to do that back and forth for a while while you thought it was meant to end after one response

    • 1 year ago

      >They make videos about how "weird" and "quirky" everything is, but they're just projecting their own cluelessness onto the culture. They try to act all cool and edgy, but they just come across as clueless, entitled douchebags.

      What the frick are you expecting from documentaries about other countries in general ? Content like this cultivates the differences and highlights it to the viewers. Youtubers tend to be a tad more clickbaity but ultimately, Japan has a lot of wacky shit people love to see.
      Projecting the average viewer's cluelessness of the culture is PRECISELY the point, because people who live in Japan don't need to watch fricking Chris Broad. They're already THERE. Expats vlogs are made for people to live vicariously abroad through them. If you want to actually know shit about Japan, these are just supposed to be gateways into a westerner's life there, not a comprehensive guide. If anything, it's shit like this that make people go "hmm, there must be more to it" and actually educate themselves on the matter.

      Ultimately, you're the bossy, racist, disrespectful fricking autist who thinks he knows better who Japan should endorse as their PR figures and fight their battles when the fricking JNTO literally endorses him by writing a piece on him on their website. This is the most moronic instance of white savior syndrome i've ever seen and you guys should seriously consider committing sudoku for such a dishonorable display

  15. 1 year ago

    I think the place is pretty cool and I'm kind of jealous of the 'tism levels
    Coming here from SEA is quite the jump.

  16. 1 year ago

    I played Yu-Gi-Oh in Japan and found the locals friendly enough

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